Teacher’s Name:

Teacher’s Name: Julie Larsen Building: Underwood High School Grade: 11 Subject/Course English Lit:

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| |Content |Skills |Essential Questions |Assessment |

|August | | | | |

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| |Early American Literature | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Reading |How do the writings of Early American |Analyze Literature |

| | | |authors reflect the historical events | |

| | | |of their time? |Identify ways the author’s experiences |

| | | | |are reflected in their works |

| | | |How are the cultures of American | |

| | | |Indians reflected in their literature?| |

| | | | | |

|September | | | | |

| | | |How do the poets of this time period |State common themes and characteristics|

| | | |use structure and language to express |of Early American Literature |

| | | |emotions and ideas? | |

| | | | |Give examples of the way historical |

| | | |How is persuasive writing important to|events are connected to the literature |

| | | |the Revolutionary Period? | |

| | | | |Identify the use of literary techniques|

| | | |How have language and writing styles | |

| | | |changed? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |How do the writings of the American |Analyze Literature |

| | |Reading |Romantic Period authors reflect the | |

| |American Romanticism and | |historical events of their time? | |

| |Transcendentalism (including Civil War| | | |

| |Era Literature) | | | |

| | | | | |

|October | | | | |

| | | |How are the philosophies of the |Identify ways the author’s experiences |

| | | |Transcendentalists reflected in their |are reflected in their works |

| | | |writings? | |

| | | |How have the Transcendentalists |Define and state common themes and |

| | | |influenced modern society? |characteristics of Transcendental and |

| | | |How do the poets of this time period |American Romantic Period Literature |

| | | |use structure and language to express | |

| | | |emotions and ideas? |Give examples of the way historical |

| | | |How did the Civil War bring about the |events are connected to the literature |

| | | |end of American Romanticism? | |

| | | |How have language and writing styles |Identify the use of literary techniques|

| | | |changed? | |

|November | | | |Analyze Literature |

| | | |How do the writings of the Realism | |

| |Regionalism and Realism |Reading |Period authors reflect the historical |Identify ways the author’s experiences |

| | | |events of their time? |are reflected in their works |

| | | | | |

| | | | |State common themes and characteristics|

| | | |How have language and writing styles |of Regionalism/ Realism Period |

| | | |changed? |Literature |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Give examples of the way historical |

| | | |How do the poets of this time period |events are connected to the literature |

| | | |use structure and language to express | |

| | | |emotions and ideas? |Identify the use of literary techniques|

|December | | | |Analyze Literature |

| |Modern Literature | |How do the writings of the Modern | |

| | |Reading |Period authors reflect the historical |Identify ways the author’s experiences |

| | | |events of their time? |are reflected in their works |

| | | | | |

| | | | |State common themes and characteristics|

| | | |How do the poets of this time period |of Modern Period Literature |

| | | |use structure and language to express | |

| | | |emotions and ideas? |Give examples of the way historical |

| | | | |events are connected to the literature |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Identify the use of literary techniques|


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