Forest Resources for ISTF 2021-02-25 HYPERLINK \l "_TROPICAL_FOREST_VOICES" TROPICAL FOREST VOICES (MEDIA) HYPERLINK \l "_PUBLICATION_LIBRARIES" PUBLICATION LIBRARIES HYPERLINK \l "_SCIENTIFIC_JOURNALS" SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS HYPERLINK \l "_FIELD_MANUALS_&" FIELD MANUALS & HOW-TO HYPERLINK \l "_COURSES_|_TRAINING" COURSES | TRAINING | EDUCATION HYPERLINK \l "_DATA_|_IMAGERY" DATA | IMAGERY | TOOLS HYPERLINK \l "_ORGANIZATIONS_AND_NETWORKS" ORGANIZATIONS AND NETWORKS HYPERLINK \l "_UNITED_NATIONS" UNITED NATIONS HYPERLINK \l "_RESEARCH_INSTITUTES_AND" RESEARCH INSTITUTES AND PROGRAMS HYPERLINK \l "_GOVERNMENT_AGENCIES" GOVERNMENT AGENCIES HYPERLINK \l "_ACADEMIA" ACADEMIA HYPERLINK \l "_FOREST_BUSINESS_AND" FOREST BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY HYPERLINK \l "_DEVELOPMENT:_AGENCIES,_BANKS," DEVELOPMENT: AGENCIES, BANKS, & ORGANIZATIONS HYPERLINK \l "_MEETINGS" MEETINGS | EVENTS HYPERLINK \l "_OPPORTUNITIES" OPPORTUNITIES HYPERLINK \l "_NEWSLETTERS_AND_MAILING" NEWSLETTERS AND MAILING LISTS HYPERLINK \l "_ENVIRONMENTAL,_SCIENCE,_AND_1" ENVIRONMENTAL, SCIENCE, AND GENERAL NEWS HYPERLINK \l "_CORONAVIRUS" CORONAVIRUS HYPERLINK \l "_TROPICAL_FOREST_VOICES_1" TROPICAL FOREST VOICES (MEDIA)Conservation Tribe Apple | Spotify?The Conservation Tribe is a weekly podcast which interviews a range of conservationists and natural world enthusiasts – from scientists, students, creatives, ecopreneurs, innovators and everyone in between! I created this podcast with the mission to EDUCATE, foster COLLABORATION and ultimately INSPIRE ACTION to protect species, ecosystems and biodiversity!Mongabay Newscast | Apple | SpotifyThe Mongabay Newscast delivers news and inspiration from nature’s frontline. It features inspiring guests and deeper analysis of the global environmental issues explored every day by the team, from climate change to biodiversity, animal and wildlife discoveries, ecology and more.FRAN?AIS: WEBINAIRES: Mécanisme pour la restauration des forêts et des paysages FRAN?AIS: VID?OS: Mécanisme pour la restauration des forêts et des paysage FRAN?AIS: ENTRETIENS: Mécanisme pour la restauration des forêts et des paysages : IMAGINES: Irekani - imágenes de la enorme diversidad biológica de México ESPANOL: VIDEOS del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) GAME: Minions of Disruptions?, a collaboratively tackle climate change. IMAGES: Bioversity International IMAGES CIFOR IMAGES: Centre International de Silviculture IMAGES: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) PODCASTS: American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) (USA) : Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Adaptation: Addressing Climate Challenges with Data Science PODCAST SERIES: Big Biology tells the stories of scientists tackling some of the biggest unanswered questions in biology PODCAST: Bioscience Podcasts (AIBS) : BioScience Talks PODCASTS: CIFOR | : CIFOR Forests News PODCAST: Climate 2020 PODCAST: The Climate Briefing – Chatham House PODCAST: Climate Investment Funds : ClimateReady PODCAST: ClimateReady Podcast PODCAST: Displaced PODCAST: The Ezra Klein Show PODCAST: Finding Sustainability Podcast PODCAST: Future Climate for Africa PODCAST: Florence School of Regulation Energy : Genetics unzipped PODCAST: The Green Renaissance: How to Rebuild the Global Economy PODCAST: Healing Our World : In-Depth with WWF’s Carter Roberts : International Food Policy Research Institute IPFRI : International Institute for Environment and Development PODCAST: James Burke’s Web of Knowledge BBC PODCAST: Let’s talk trees. CIFOR : Longform PODCAST: Make Change Happen (International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) PODCAST: Mothers of Invention PODCAST ARCHIVE: Nature podcasts PODCAST: Nature Careers Working Scientist - PODCAST: Net Zero PODCAST: New York Botanical Garden PODCAST AND VIDEO: New York Botanical Garden Read & Watch PODCAST: The Overstory (Sierra Club) PODCAST INDEX: Owltail PODCAST: People, Planet, and Public Finance – The Plant Science Network - On doing plant science research PODCAST: Scholarly Kitchen PODCAST: Science 360 PODCAST: Taproot from Plantae: How scientific publications are created : The Wild with Chris Morgan RADIO ONLINE: National Public Radio (USA) : BBC Nature | VIDEOS: BBC The Natural World VIDEOS: Bioversity International VIDEOS: C2G encourages a broad societal debate on emerging climate-altering technologies | VIDEOS: Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) VIDEOS CIFOR : Documental Bosque de Maricao (Puerto Rico) VIDEOS: Earth Optimism Summit 22-26 April 2020 : Economist Films VIDEOS: Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital (DCEFF) VIDEOS: ESRI - The Science of Where : FAO Land & Water VIDEOS: Finance and Forest and Landscape Restoration VIDEOS: The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism AND OTHER MEDIA: Forestry at Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Communications Toolkit –on various forest themes VIDEOS AND MORE: Global Landscapes Forum Bonn Digital Conference 2020 VIDEO ARCHIVE: Global Landscapes Forum VIDEOS - International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam | VIDEOS: International Food Policy Research Institute IPFRI VIDEOS: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) / IISD Reporting Services - provide daily video reports and/or summary wrap-up videos of MEAs and related events. VIDEOS: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) VIDEOS: International Water Management Institute VIDEOS: And more from the International Union of Conservation for Nature VIDEOS: ISTF-Yale 2020 Conference Videos VIDEOS: Educational Documentaries - Netflix has made educational documentaries (34 in all, some on nature, some on other topics) available through Youtube SERIES: The Hope in Healthy Soil VIDEOS: Public Broadcasting Service USA VIDEOS: PBS Nature VIDEO: Post-Colonialisms Today VIDEOS: Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) VIDEOS: Science Friday Archive VIDEOS: The Scientist : Smithsonian Channel – Includes free environmental films VIDEO SERIES: Soil Health FROM EVENTS: Stockholm Environment Institute VIDEOS:TDF Nature Series – Explore The Diversity of Nature VIDEO: The Wild with Chris Morgan VIDEOS: WRI (World Resources Institute) : World Wildlife Day Film Showcase VIDEO PLATFORMS : Vimeo | YouTube : American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) WEBINARS: Asia Development Bank Events WEBINAR SERIES: Building sustainable African cities?during and after a pandemic WEBINARS: Cambridge Climate Lecture Series : Central Europe-Mediterreanean Climate Change Foundation (CMCC) - Lectures (archive at bottom of the page) WEBINARS: and other information about Citizen Science and the U.S. Forest Service WEBINARS and Events aggregator: Climate Online | YouTube channel WEBINARS: Climate and Development Knowledge Network WEBINARS: Climate Change Service Copernicus Programme WEBINARS: Climate Ledger Initiative WEBINARS: Climate Ledger : Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN) aggregator: SERIES: Collaborating on Innovative and Sustainable Solutions for Integrated Water Management SERIES: Conservation tools - Scroll down for previous webinar recordings WEBINARS: Conservation of Natural Resources Webinar Portal (NRCS) WEBINARS: Earth Charter WEBINARS: Ecological Society of America WEBINARS: IUCN CEM Ecosystem Restoration Thematic Group Webinar Series WEBINAR SERIES: Ecosystem Restoration: Global Initiatives in Science and Practice Webinars Previous webinars: SERIES: Exploring Climate Solutions : FAO Land and Water Division online seminar series WEBINAR SERIES: ForestGEO Seminar Series WEBINARS: Forest Monitoring for West Africa FRANCAIS: WEBINARS: Surveillance des forêts en Afrique de l’Ouest WEBINARS: The Finance for Nature Virtual Global will accelerate momentum on nature-based finance. WEBINAR SERIES: Forest-Climate Working Group Learning Exchange Series (See below for previous webinars) : Forest Carbon and Climate Program - Michigan State University | SERIES: Forest Health and Biotechnology: Possibilities and Considerations INTERVIEWS: The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism : The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism Aggregator: Forestry and Natural Resources Webinar Portal WEBINAR SERIES: GEO Knowledge Hub Webinars WEBINAR SERIES: Global Forests Observations Initiative WEBINAR SERIES:GLF LIVE Global Landscapes Forum : Global Soil Partnership WEBINARS: A Green and Healthy Recovery WEBINARS: Green Climate Fund WEBINARS: Green Growth Knowledge Platform WEBINAR SERIES: Groundwater – Base Rock of Resilience WEBINARS: IDIGBIO Integrated Digitized Biocollections WEBINARS: Innovate 4 Climate WEBINARS: International Food Policy Research Institute | : International Institute for Environment and Development IIED WEBINARS: International Water Association WEBINAR SERIES: IUCN CEM Ecosystem Restoration Thematic Group Webinar Series WEBINARS SERIES: IUCN Panorama WEBINAR SERIES: IUFRO Landscape Ecology WP Webinar Series - Emerging issues in landscape ecology WEBINARS: NASA trainings on Earth Observation WEBINARS: Natural Areas Association video archive WEBINAR SERIES: OECD Green Talks WEBINAR SERIES: OECD-WWF-EDF High-Level Dialogues Series: A Green and Healthy Recovery WEBINAR SERIES: The pulse of the planet. Scroll down for previous webinar recordings WEBINAR SERIES: Serving Society with Space Data : Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center at North Carolina State University (use webinar in the search function) WEBINARS: Southern Regional Extension Forestry (SREF) Forestry and natural resources WEBINARS: From the US Forest Service WEBINARS: Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future WEBINARS: Sustainable Development Solution Network – Happiness and Sustainability around the World -Earth Day 22 April 2020 WEBINARS: Urban Policy Platform : Urban Forest Connections (US Forest Service) WEBINARS: US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Station WEBINARS: Wildlife Habitat Council WEBINARS: Woods Hole on climate WEBINAR SERIES: WWF- A Green and Healthy Recovery : Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem ESPA?OL: YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Magia Salvaje YOUTUBE CHANNEL: American Geophysical Union (AGU) YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Cayman Islands Mangrove Rangers YOUTUBE CHANNEL: CEM ERTG- Ecosystem Restoration Thematic Group (ERTG) of IUCN’s Commission on Ecosystem Management (IUCN CEM)YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Danish Institute for International Studies YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Dresden Nexus Conference – Advancing natural resource management YOUTUBE CHANNEL:EarthPerfect Keynote Addresses CHANNEL: Earthwatch YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Finance for Nature YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations CHANNEL: Green America CHANNEL: Gund Institute for Environment VIDEOS FROM EVENTS: IDDRI - a think tank to facilitate the transition towards sustainable development CHANNEL: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) YOUTUBE CHANNEL: IFPRI YOUTUBE CHANNEL: International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges CHANNEL: ISTF-Yale annual conferences YOUTUBE CHANNEL: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Landscape Finance Lab CHANNEL: Living Earth Collaborative YOUTUBE CHANNEL: New Forests YOUTUBE CHANNEL: OECD Environment YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Oxford Center for Tropical Forests Seminars YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Patagonia - We’re in business to save our home planet. CHANNEL: Smithsonian Education YOUTUBE CHANNEL: The Story of Stuff – Dealing with waste YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Sustainable Forest Management ITTO YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Transnational Institute YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Understanding and confronting global challenges (University of Chicago) CHANNEL: World Resources Institute YOUTUBE CHANNEL: World Wildlife Fund YOUTUBE CHANNEL: WWF Forest and Climate YOUTUBE CHANNEL: WWF Forest and Climate YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Yadvinder Mali -Global scale ecologist YOUTUBE CHANNEL:Yale University YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Yale School of the Environment YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Years of Living Dangerously HYPERLINK \l "_PUBLICATION_LIBRARIES_1" PUBLICATION LIBRARIESHere are places where you can find free publications and other resources on tropical forestry.ESPA?OL: Agronet Biblioteca Digital Colombia : Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Ense?anza (CATIE) ESPA?OL: Ciudad Universitaria - Descarga Libros Gratis en PDF, EPUB y MOBI : Ediciones Digitales - Libros electrónicos de José A. Mari Mut, incluyendo “Maderas de Puerto Rico” : RS Revista - Descargar libros descatalogados y novedades : SIDALC (Alianza de Servicios de Información Agropecuaria) - Facilita el acceso a la información producida en las Américas : Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas en América Latina, el Caribe, Espa?a y Portugal PORTUGU?S: Portal Saberes Florestal Development Bank Publications African Development Bank – Documents Africa LEDS Partnership – Low emissions development strategies in Africa - Resources AgEcon Search - Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics ATIBAT - Leading authority on tropical timber Australia Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) Biodiversity Heritage Library - Inspiring discovery through free access to biodiversity knowledge. biographic - On the nature of California (USA) and beyond, from the California Academy of Sciences - Political processes of bioeconomy between economy and ecology - The preprint server for biology from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cab Direct - Most thorough and extensive source of reference in the applied life sciences CABI Forestry Compendium - Comprehensive, encyclopedic resource for information on forestry CABI Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Ense?anza (CATIE) – resources in Spanish and English Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán Repositorio CGIAR Organizations CIFOR publications | Agroforestry Center resources | International International Water Management Institute (IWMI) CITESEERX - Scientific Literature Digital Library (Pennsylvania State University) Commonwealth Library | Commonwealth iLibrary News CORE - Open access research papers CSIROpedia – Oral history collection CSIRO Development Bank of Latin America (English, Spanish, Portuguese) Knowledge | Publications Digital Archive of Latin American and Caribbean Ephemera (Princeton University Library) , the institutional repository of the Spanish National Research Council Docplayer espa?ol (Indonesia) - Creating community to share documents and knowledge online Connect – Guidance spanning the human-environment nexus Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI) – Tropical Native Species Reforestation Information Clearinghouse Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI) – Resources – Open access publications from the University of California European Union Publications Office (different languages) FAO Forestry Working Papers FLEGT Impact Library - knowledge-sharing platform on European agreements with timber-producing countries FLEGT Independent Market Monitor – publications of the Greater Antilles Carbon and Climate Program Open Resource Library Forest History Society archives Forest History Society – John F. Richards Collection on tropical land use change Forest History Society - Inventory of the Thomas Harvey Gill Papers, 1912 – 1972 (a founder of ISTF) Forest History Society - Inventory of the International Society of Tropical Foresters Records, 1926 – 2013 Warren Doolittle President ISTF (1984--?) Forest Research Institute of Malaysia Publications Forest Research UK - Publications & research , Trees, and Agroforestry – Resources Climate Forum – Working Papers | Publications | Global Climate Strike Global Forest Information Network (GFIS) Global Soil Partnership publications HaithiTrust - A not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items – ICIMOD online digital library related to the Hindu Kush Himalaya IICA-CATIE Sistema de Bibliotecas (Spanish, English, French, Portuguese) Tecnológico de Costa Rica - El Repositorio Development Bank Publications (English, Spanish, Portuguese) International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Library - Objective, independent, high-quality research, including books, reports, and other materials covering sustainable development themes Monetary Fund (IMF) – Publications | Research The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Various languages) - Reports | Documentation | Library | Links Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) - on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people in support of sustainable development Documents | Library | Journal articles |Knowledge assessment Archive International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) - Publications International Tropical Timber Institute (ITTO) - publications Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN): / | International Union of Forest Research Organizations | Issue Lab – Research from social sector organizations around the world Issues in ecology Lesser Used Species (LUS) -European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition - A dedicated platform where research and publications on LUS from sources worldwide are pooled. Long-Term Ecological Network – Publications Migration-learn - Knowledge hub on migration and sustainable development Academies Press (USA) – Science, Engineering, Medicine (free publications) Nature Index - Research articles published in 82 high-quality science journals, openly available Online Books Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) is a search engine and a citation database that come from all publishers that use the Crossref’s Cited-by service and supports the Initiative for Open Citations Oxford Forest Information Service (OFIS) Oxford Forestry Institute Archival Material Oxford Forestry Institute Papers Oxford Forestry Institute Publications Oxford Tropical Forestry Papers Panorama – Solutions for a Healthy Planet – Resources Smithsonian Open Access Southern Region Extension Forestry (USA) SSRN Elsevier - Devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research Stockholm Environment Institute – Publications Survival International publications Development Solutions Network – Resources Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox International Publications Nations United Nations - Library, Archives | | , Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – Data for Sustainable Development Goals | UNESCO ONLINE digital library | Program (UNEP) Document Repository Environment Yearbooks/Global Environmental Outlook Yearbooks Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Library and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Forestry – publications ( various languages) FAO The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism – Publications Land & Water Bulletin - Publications : FAO Mécanisme pour la restauration des forêts et des paysages - Publications UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Capacity building portal Forest Products Annual Market Review Framework Convention on Climate Change – Knowledge Resources Global Environmental Outlook | UN Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Publications on climate change environment/cc/ UN Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Library UN Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development – Resources on economics and policies for biodiversity environment/resources/biodiversity/UN Man and the Biosphere (MAB) UNESCO resources United Nations University Collections – Repository UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Resources, E-library | University of Florida Digital Collections University Repository University Library Search White Rose Research Online -. Shared, open access repository from the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Publications (STRI) | Winrock International - Publications World Bank - Research and Publications Open Knowledge Repository World Resources Institute (WRI) publications World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – Publications School Resources Educational Resources Priority Places Priority Species Specific PublicationsFree audiobooks - Free springer pub books - more science -special for free books for this covid time Free Text books Free Text books , FREE TEXTBOOK: Conservation Biology for All From the UN System Staff College: Sharing knowledge developing leaders Abstracts from presentations at IUFRO2019 (30 Sept – 5 Oct Curitiba, Brazil) - Published as a special issue of Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, Colombo (v. 39, e201902043, Special issue, p. 1-768, 2019).Available at (FREE): Biodiversity of Angola Ebooks: Climate Music Videos, Individual Action on Climate Change, Climate Change Resources for Climate Advocacy and more at free-ebooks/ FREE HANDBOOK: International Principles & Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration, 2nd Edition BOOK (FREE): Stewardship economy: private property without private ownership advocates radical change to the economy, achieved by replacing ownership of the natural world with stewardship. TEXT BOOK: Forests and Food: Addressing Hunger and Nutrition Across Sustainable Landscapes PDF is free at TEXT BOOK: Publication of "Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa" Sept 2019 PDF is free at TEXT BOOK: The Environment in the Age of the Internet PDF is free at TEXT BOOK: What Works in Conservation 2019 PDF is free at HYPERLINK \l "_SCIENTIFIC_JOURNALS_1" SCIENTIFIC JOURNALSAll these journals include at least some articles relevant to the (sub)tropics.Open access journalsActa Amazonica Journal of Wood Science and Forestry Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung Annals of Forest Research Bois et Forêts des Tropiques – published in English, Spanish, and French | Banko Janakari Bosque ência Florestal Climate Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering Earth Earth System Science Data The Ecological Citizen, confronting human supremacy in defence of the Earth - A peer-reviewed ecocentric journal Ecology and Society - A journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability. Ecologies Fire Floresta e Ambiente Museum Bulletin Forest Ecosystems Forest Research Science and Technology Systems iForest International Journal of Forestry Research Journal of Environmental Science Current Research Journal of Forest and Environmental Science Journal of Forest and Livelihood Journal of Forest Science Journal of the Forestry Society of Croatia Journal of Tropical Forest Science Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens iForest -ban Open Access, peer-reviewed online journal from the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) Land Lessons in Conservation Madera y Bosques Nature & Faune | Revue Nature & Faune - FAO journal on African Wildlife (English and French) | The Malaysian Forester Zealand Journal of Forestry Science Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira | Brazilian Journal of Forestry | The Open Forest Science Journal Quebracho Research Journal of Forestry Revista ?rvore Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente Forestal del Perú Forestal Venezolana | (1997 and on online) Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, Forestière Fran?aise Journal of Forest Science Systems Silva Fennica Genetica | Archive: Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry – FAO forestry journal Journals with some open contentAgroforestry Systems Agroforestry Systems Annals of Forest Science AoB PLANTS - Special issue from June 2017 Evolutionary Dynamics of Tree Invasions - All papers published in this special issue are freely available online at Australian Forestry Biotropica Canadian Journal of Forest Research Earth System Governance European Journal of Forest Research Forest Ecology and Management Policy and Economics International Journal of Forest Engineering of Tropical Ecology Journal of Forest Research Journal of Forestry Journal of Forestry Research New Forests Small-scale Forestry Forests Ecology Journal with unknown open content or no open contentCaribbean Naturalist Forest Science The Indian Forester of Forest Planning Montes Nature Climate Change Neotropical Naturalist publishersBioOne Search more than 200 leading titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences Biotaxa – Online library for taxonomic journals Eagle Hill - Scientific journals Ecological Society of America Elsevier Elsevier Agricultural and Biological Sciences Elsevier Open Access journals Frontiers - Open access scientific publishing Herald Scholarly Open Access IOP Science Higher Ed Magnolia Press - Open journal system MDPI Open Access Journals Oxford Academic Journals SAGE journals Science Direct - Search for peer-reviewed journals, articles, book chapters and open access content. Springer academic journals Taylor and Francis Online – Scientific publishing of Chicago Press Wiley HYPERLINK \l "_FIELD_MANUALS_&_1" FIELD MANUALS & HOW-TOHere are some practical resources to help you on your adventures in tropical forest landscapes.?CGIARWorld Agroforestry Center Manuals International, training and self-learning materials on the use and conservation of agricultural and forest biodiversity. FAO Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox The SFM Toolbox collates a large number of tools, case studies and other resources, organised in modules. It has been created to provide forest owners, managers and other stakeholders with easy access to those resources for the implementation of SFM.?Trees for the Future Forest Garden Training Center and Certificate Course The Forest Garden Training Center (FGTC) is where agroforestry practitioners can come to learn The Forest Garden Approach, become a certified trainer and track their impact.Urban Forestry Toolkit (US Forest Service) U.S. Forest Service Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources RNGR’s mission is to supply people who grow forest and conservation seedlings with the very latest technical information (English, Spanish)Yale Environment and Leadership Training Initiative Resources, Tropical Native Species Reforestation Information Clearinghouse (TRIC) Yale’s ELTI Initiative has compiled this resources collection to assist their trainees and alumni and the Tropical Native Species Reforestation Information Clearinghouse (TRIC) which houses reforestation projects and literature produced by ELTI participants and other experts (English, Spanish)Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) In-person trainings Online training resources The Knowledge Tree is a rich source of information about social forestry practices in Southeast Asia. Other learning resources HYPERLINK \l "_COURSES_|_TRAINING_1" COURSES | TRAINING | EDUCATIONHere you find resources for courses, training, and preK-12, university, and graduate level forest education.Online CoursesESPA?OL Cursos en linea en espa?ol en ESPA?OL: UNPROFESOR: FRAN?AIS: Conservation en Afrique - Courses en ligne FRAN?AIS: Cours: Accéder à MOOC Conservation FRAN?AIS: FORMACIONS EN LIGNE: MOOC conservation et aires protégées - Courses on climate change and social change in Africa online courses online courses Learning for Sustainable Development, Haw Hamburg - - Online courses ecology course Introduction to Land Management Florence School of Regulation (FSR) Training Courses elearning Academy | Course catalogue: Future Learn – Online courses Harvard University - Free online courses Academy online courses Code school Biology and Inquiry Skills (IBIS) course Inter-American Development Bank - Courses (English, Spanish, Portuguese) Landscape Academy, A curated set of online and face-to-face learning opportunities on Landscape Approaches. Open Learning Initiative (Carnegie Mellon University) Physalia-courses - Courses and Workshops in Bioinformatics, Genomics and related fields ONLINE COURSES: Protected areas in Africa SER E-Learning Course: Overview of the Practice of Ecological Restoration SOAS University of London - Free online courses in Energy, Climate Policy and Diplomacy Stanford online courses World Academy – Frankfurt School of Finance and Management United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) COURSES: UN SDG:Learn - a gateway to learning solutions of 50+ UN agencies, international organizations, academia, and the private sector. United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) UN Staff College – What would you like to learn? | The University of Sydney MOOCs and Free Online Courses World Bank Open Learning Campus | Course list Training | EducationESPA?OL: Proyecto Ambiental, Escuela de Educacion Ambiental (Argentina) : El mundo enfrenta a pérdidas de biodiversidad sin precedentes y enormes desafíos sociales y económicos. ?Sé parte del cambio! ESPA?OL: NASA - ARSET - Introducción a los Datos de Luces Nocturnas de NASA "Black Marble" FRAN?AIS: Ateliers Virtuels Climate Chance FRAN?AIS: Le monde fait face à des pertes sans précédent de biodiversité et à d'immenses défis sociaux et économiques. Faites partie du changement! Trainings American Institute of Biological Sciences – Resources for teaching and learning biology Asian Development Bank Institute | Elearning American Museum of Natural History – Network of Conservation Educators & Practitioners - Resources for conservation educators and practitioners Association of Women in Science - Activities Botany online - The Internet Hypertextbook Society of America outreach and resources Resource Websites Teaching Botany online - useful information for teaching botany online Biomimicry toolbox Cases for Evolution Education Carbon Removal – Library at Zotero for Ecoliteracy - cultivating education for sustainable living. Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) E-learning Citizen Science Academy (Chicago Botanic Garde) Science Central (USA) birds.citscitoolkitCitizen (USA) Citizen – Integrity in Science, Integrity in Engagement (USA) Climate Chance Virtual Workshops Connected Biology project - Linking genetics and evolution to increase sophistication of student understanding over time. Connect 2 Earth - platform with open source material to empower people to speak up on “why nature matters” Conservation Courses - National Geographic Conservation in the Classroom Training (The Nature Conservancy) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) – e-Learning Platform CourseSource is an open-access journal of peer-reviewed teaching resources for undergraduate?biological sciences. Data Nuggets - Activities that bring real scientific data into the classroom. Digital biological collections in education Digital Learning for Sustainable Development (Haw Hamburg) International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Capacity Development Development Bank of Latin America - Capacitación (espa?ol) Digital Learning for Sustainable Development Library EcoEd (Ecological Society of America) - Online education resource portal Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (North Carolina State University) Ecological Society of America outreach and resources | Digital Education - e?learning on complex political and scientific topics EIT Climate-KIC Learning: towards a climate-resilient society on Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable and Development FEW-View - Do you know where your food, energy, and water come from? An online educational tool that helps U.S. residents and community leaders visualize their supply chains Field Museum of Natural History - Field Guides FIND Outdoors – Promoting educational, recreational and interpretive opportunities about forests and nature in the Southern US. in America .Forest Carbon and Climate Program - Michigan State University Forest Genetics Learning Resources Frankfurt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance. We bridge knowledge and capacity gaps among financial stakeholders to effect positive change and neutralize the climate crisis. Global GIS Education The Globe Program: a worldwide science and education program is a collection of project, research, and evaluation resources designed to support the informal STEM education community in a variety of learning environments. Green Growth Knowledge Green Learning Network International Land Coalition – Fighting for land rights – Learning Hub Landscape Academy - A curated set of online and face-to-face learning opportunities on Landscape Approaches. Leading Groups Online - guide to leading online courses, meetings, trainings, and events ONLINE COURSES: Leaning for Nature - The world is facing unprecedented losses. Be part of the change! LEARNING HUB - Good Practices Through Citizen Science: Enhancing Opportunities by Design Long Term Ecological Research Network - Educator and researcher resources, remote learning resources | - Introduces kids to the fun, important careers available to them in the sciences as they learn math. - Home & family resources to, work, learn, and play at home Earth Science – Applied Sciences - ARSET - Mapping and Monitoring Lakes and Reservoirs with Satellite Observations NASA Earth Science – Applied Sciences - ARSET - Hyperspectral Data for Land and Coastal Systems NASA Earth Science – Applied Sciences - ARSET -- Introduction to NASA’s "Black Marble" Night Lights Data National Center for Science Education – Accurate and effective science education Inquirer – Science journal for preK-12 Lab: Educator Resources for K-12 Curriculum - Virtual Field Trips Nature Research Journals – Career advice National Geographic - Education resources at News Learn. NBC News Learn is the education division of NBC News ‐ distributing the journalism and story telling of NBC News to students in the classroom, at home, and in the community. American Association for Environmental Education Online Educational Resources for Instructors in the Sciences, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) | Pathways - Lessons, Activities, and Videos on Basic Biomedical Science PlantingScience Master Plant Science Team. PlantingScience is a free?online resource to teachers and schools. - Project Learning Tree – Environmental education preK-12 Proforest – Helping people to manage and source natural resources sustainably. PROGRAMMING TOOL: WeDo 2.0 makes coding a reality for elementary students. Using LEGO? bricks, easy-to-use Online Writing Lab – Helps in writing in English QUBES - Math and biology educators who share resources and methods for preparing students to tackle real, complex, biological problems REDD+ Academy – Capacity development for REDD+ STEM LEARNING Reintegrating biology - To fully understand biological systems, as well as realize their full potential, it is essential to integrate research methods and perspectives from the different subdisciplines of biology. Cruz-Watsonville Inquiry-Based Learning in Environmental Sciences SDG Academy The Scholarly Kitchen What’s Hot and Cooking In Scholarly Publishing Science Education - National Institute of General Medical Sciences (USA) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Teaching Resources - National Institute of General Medical Sciences (USA) Starter – Science we can do together Semantic Scholar - Literature search engine Society for the Advancement of Biological Education Research Southern Region Extension Forestry (USA) - eLearn Interactive online learning modules for forest management practices Sustainability Curriculum Consortium Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Knowledge Hub - sdg.Sustainability Improves Student Learning (SISL) Carleton University – Resources for teaching sustainability tools in Plant Biology – American Society of Plant Biologists TedEd Earth School - Quests for students around the world to celebrate, explore and connect with nature. Undergrad ed: Integrating Biology & Inquiry Skills UNESCO Global Education Coalition The U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development -Living within limits: University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) - Instructional Resources are Teachers - Our mission is to inspire teachers by sharing practical classroom ideas Work and life advice for students (how to balance your work/life, how to chose your PhD topic, or your supervisor, etc. ) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Education and Training Zooniverse - People-powered research HYPERLINK \l "_DATA_|_IMAGERY_1" DATA | IMAGERY | TOOLS Here you find links to sources for data, imagery, and toolsESPA?OL: AGRIS - Información de ciencia y tecnología agrícola ESPA?OL: Manual de Biomímesis ESPA?OL: Flora de la Peninsula de Yucatán (CICY) ESPA?OL: GVSIG Asociación - Red de geomática libre ESPA?OL: Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Cobertura y Uso de la Tierra y Ecosistema – FRAN?AIS: AGRIS - Recherchez des informations sur les sciences et techniques agricoles Seguimiento sobre el estado y los cambios de los recursos naturales, agropecuarios y biodiversidad de Costa Rica Development Bank – Knowledge | Data portal AGRIS – Agricultural Science and Technology Information Alliance for Global Water Adaptation Knowledge Platform - a new generation of methodologies to assess and address climate risk and other uncertainties in water resources management. APSIM - Platform for modelling and simulation of agricultural systems Asian Development Bank Data and Statistics | Data library Atlas of macroscopic wood identification - For more details about the new Atlas of Macroscopic Wood Identification: The atlas comes with an identification key, that can be downloaded at BIFA: Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia Atlas - Tool tracks development as-it-happens Building Resilience Index – Develop risk index for a project CGIARCGIAR Big Data – Powering agricultural development and research Bioversity International databases: crowdsourcing climate smart-agriculture, collecting missions, New World Fruits Database, and more International infographics CIFOR datasets CIFOR presentations CIFOR projects database World Agroforestry Center - Resource Center: applications, tools, databases, manuals, models, toolkits, tools Carbon Offset Guide 4 Forests toolbox Action Aggregation Tool (CAAT) - Supports government experts, analysts and policymakers to identify, quantify and aggregate the impact of non-state and subnational actions. Chance - Access to climate data for African actors Climate Ready Hongkong - Low Carbon Living Calculator Development Bank of Latin America (English, Spanish, Portuguese) Data | Research Version 4.0 of the Digital Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA) Explorer Drought Toolbox Earthcam - Encouraging exploration, foster discovery and connect people through innovative live camera technology Earth Wind map Encyclopedia of Life - Global access to knowledge about life on Earth ESA Vegetation Classification Panel - Databases and tools. ESRI - Pioneer problem solving with GIS Explore story maps at ESRI: Ethical Corporation FLEGT Trade Dashboard - data on EU imports of timber, paper and pulp European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) -Advancing global numerical weather predictions through international collaboration. European Space Agency – Opening scientific data to the world Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) - Statistics |, Explore data and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Forestry statistics / Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Yearbook of Forest Products Forest & Landscape Water Ecosystem Services (FL-WES) Tool FGEO - new ForestGEO R package | Search the functions in fgeo here GEONet - Explore data from 30 of ForestGEO's 71 sites Landscape Restoration (FLR) Carbon Storage Calculator Observation System (FOS) - building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass - course teaches the basic concepts of programming using the Python programming language for GIS GitHub Gist Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Global Forest Watch Help Center - Resources to guide you through forest monitoring data, technology and tools Global Forest Watch (GFW) MapBuilder -A tool allowint users to create custom maps and overlay their own data with datasets available through GFW Forest Watch Pro Platform - Securely manage deforestation risk in commodity supply chains Global Invasive Species Database Global Solar Atlas Wind Atlas - Web-based information system for comprehensively characterizing drought events. Digital Database System - A one-stop data portal for the Hindu Kush Himalaya Index Xylariorum 4.1 Global Timber Tracking Network - Portal to international hydrology and water resources iNaturalist – Share your observations Interactive Soil Quality Assessment Information System iSQAPER Inter-American Development Bank - Data (English, Spanish) | Code for Development The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Various languages) – Data | Data Distribution Center International Monetary Fund – Data International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) – Data on the production and the trade of primary wood products Database on funded projects Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation i-Tree Jitsi - More secure, more flexible, and completely free video conferencing Royal Botanical Gardens Seed Information Database — SID Knowledge Tree for decision making for effective, efficient?and equitable social forestry Investment and Finance Toolkit (LIFT) – Three modules to help define, develop and find finance for landscape priorities Lesser used species database (ITTO) Mangrove restoration potential: Mapping tool Open Forests – We empower people to make better forest projects. – Share your landscape story - a free, open-source tool that assigns SDG labels to your input. Our World in Data – All open access and open source Oxford Global Ecosystem Monitoring Network, Center for Tropical Forests Papua Atlas: Tool tracks development as-it-happens Participatory Methods - People working together around the world to generate ideas and action for social change Lab - Revolutionizing Earth observation to drive transformation in the private and public sectors RESTOR – An open data platform of ecological insights for the global restoration movement. Coming 2021 SEEK by iNaturalist – Cell phone app for identifying flora and fauna System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring (SEPAL). Tropical Research Institute Databases Stockholm Environment Institute – Projects and tools System for earth observations, data access, processing & analysis for land monitoring. Telecoupling Toolbox - Geospatial software tools and apps for socioeconomic and environmental analysis Tools for Ecosystem-based Adaption - A new navigator that catalogues ecosystem-based adaptation tools for planning and decision-making for planning and decision-making Towards Data Science The Transnational Guide towards Optimal WAter REgime (GOWARE) Tools Timber Trade Portal (ATBIT) - the one-stop EUTR information platform Challenge 2020: Make Every Tree Count TreeDivNet - the largest worldwide network of biodiversity experiments Tree Functional and Ecological Databases – World Agroforestry Centre United Nations databases United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification – Knowledge Hub (MANY LANGUAGES) United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – Digital Library | United Nations Environmental Programme – Science and Data UN Integrated Water Resource Management Data Portal US Web Soil Survey | SS Web Soil Survey tips National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) Soil Characterization Database herbaria around the world WaPOR, FAO's tool that monitors carbon sequestration by vegetation is now enriched with new data Wikipedia Plants Portal Wood Database - On wood characteristics of different species: World Agroforestry Centre Geoscience Lab, Landscape Portal - Evidence-based solutions for land restoration World Bank – Open Data World Resource Center - Maps and Data World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - Conservation Science Data and Tools Xeno Canto – Sharing bird sounds from around the world RepositoriesUSA: Dataone (NSF-Funded) | Europe: Registry of Research Repositories Australia data repositories WorldBank Nations General Repository World Health Organization - Global Health Observatory data repository dataLong Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network (28 sites) | Data: Rico: Luquillo LTER | Data: International LTER (800 sites) | Data: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) (81 sites) | Data: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) | Data: Biodiversity DataCABI Invasive Species Compendium Global Biological Information Facility (GBIF) (980,000,000 records) | Data: Biological Collection Access Service for Europe (BIOCASE) (390,000,000 records) | Data: , The Global Vegetation Project - Enabling visual and interactive experiences that link vegetation and climate at the global scale. Internet of Trees - Monitor forests. Detect fires Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) (100,000,000 records, NSF-funded) | Data: Collections Data Portal Natureserve - Conservation Tools & Services Atmospheric dataNational Centers for Environmental Information | Data: Corporations for Atmospheric Research | Resources and data: National Center for Atmospheric Research Protection Agency | Air quality data: , climate Oceanic Data NOAA National Centers for Environmental DataOceanographic Data: | Data: | Data by discipline: Corporations for Atmospheric Research | Data: Data Oceans Oceanographic Data Centre Oceanographic Data Center Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Ocean Data Portal - Global data: ResourcesGenbank nucleotide sequence database collaboration of biological (genetic+) databases Global Gateway to (Plant) Genetic Resources Global Genome Biodiversity Network (600,000 records online) U.S. National Plant Germplasm System International | Databases: dataEarth Engine | Data: invasive species mapping service for the United States and Canada. maps: Hub – Create interactive maps North American Land Change Monitoring System (Canada, USA, Mexico) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | | Remote sensing: | US NASA Earth Applied Sciences - Using earth observations to solve our planet's most pressing issues OPEN FORIS AND SEPAL (System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring) | University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) - Communities of practice for GIScience research, education, and policy US Geological Survey (USGS) - Data: | WebGIS - Extensive map coverage for technical applications List of GIS data sources Climate change dataWorld Bank climate change portal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Data: NASA – Climate change - Climate change: - Climate | Protection Agency – Climate change | | RealClimate: | Repository ForestGEO Climate Data Portal National Centers (NSF Funded and other)National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBIOS) | National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) | Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) | Tools: National Center for Supercomputing Applications Data Service | Tree/forest dataUS Forest Service - Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program: | Other data: Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD) Forest Global Earth Observatory (CTFS-ForestGEO) | International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) | Statistics: UN-Food and Agricultural Organization-Forests , Global Forest Watch | Data: | Data: Earth Engine Partners Data Analysis ToolsStatistical analysisR R GUIs , , , Quick R (R help) PSPP (like SPSS) OCTAVE (like Matlab) Jmathlab (Like Matlab) MYSTAT (basic) (basic) Microsiris (basic) STATCAO (basic) (Basic) BUGS (Bayesian) Jags (Bayesian) Jmulti (Time series) Gretl (Econometrics) QDA (Textual analysis) Epiinfo OpenEpi (Qualitative analysis) Machine learning Data miningR+ Rattle Tanagra GIS AutoGiIS – Automating GIS processes Geospatial World - media platform in the geospatial domain Google Earth Engine Open Source GIS Foundation (OSGeos) – A free and open source Geographic Information System - Network of open source geomatics ESRI - ARCGIS platform StoryMaps ArcGIS Hub VisualizationGephi ParaView VisIt , languages modeling Code sharingGithub Other statistical packages Other data analysis tools Big Data HYPERLINK \l "_ORGANIZATIONS_AND_NETWORKS_1" ORGANIZATIONS AND NETWORKSThese organizations host various resources on tropical forests and forestry.ESPA?OL: BioPaSOS Biodiversidady Paisajes Ganaderos Agrosilvopastorales Sostenibles : Centro de los Objectivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para America Latina (CODS) ESPA?OL: Congreso de Areas Protegidas de Latinoamericana y el Caribe ESPA?OL: Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura : Interacciones ?rbol-Suelo – Recuperación de zonas degradadas ESPA?OL: LEDS America Latina y el Caribe - Plataforma Regional ESPA?OL: Mongabay :LATAM – Noticias Ambientales. FRANCAIS: Actu-Environnement – Environnement & technique FRAN?AIS: Congo Basin Conservation Society FRAN?AIS: Nouvelles des Forêts FRANCAIS: FORESTOPIC - Un site d’information indépendant sur la forêt, la filière forêt-bois et l’arbre hors forêt, en France et dans le monde : IDDRI - think tank qui facilite la transition vers le développement durable : Innovation Environment Developpement (IED) Afrique FRAN?AIS: Programme Aires Protégées d’Afrique & Conservation FRAN?AIS: Wetlands International - Conserver, restaurer et sauvegarder les zones humides en Afrique. PORTUGU?S: Programa Arboretum de Conserva??o e Resaura??o da Diversidade Florestal (Brasil) PORTUGU?S: Conexao Mata Atlantica .br/projecto/banco-interamericano-de-desenvolvimento-bidPORTUGU?S: Funda??o de Estudos Agrários Luiz de Queiroz (FEALQ) Observatorio Manejo Florestal Comunitario e Familiar (MFCF) - Connect, empowering and mobilizing a global reforestation community of millions. - Building a future that's just, prosperous, equitable and safe from the effects of the climate crisis ABS - Genetic resources for sustainable development, Strengthening implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resource Community – Addressing climate change Adaptation Futures India Adaptation Network – We’re up to the climate challenge! AfriAlliance - To better prepare Africa for climate change challenges by having African & European stakeholders work together African Forest Forum Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative AFR100 - A country-led effort to bring 100 million hectares of land in Africa into restoration by 2030 African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN) Africa LEDS Partnership – Low emissions development strategies in Africa African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education (ANAFE), Kenya African Wildlife Foundation Agroforestry in Southern Africa agroforestry- - Using the law and science to protect the environment and communities suffering from environmental harm, primarily in Latin America A Just Climate – A vision for an equitable and just climate future The Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AWGA) - Focused on sustainable water resources management in the face of climate change for a Sustainable Amazon – Conserving biodiversity and other natural resources in the Peruvian Amazon Alliance for Sustainable & Holistic Agriculture (ASHA) for Sustainable & Holistic Agriculture (ASHA) Frontlines - Defending indigenous rights to land,life and cultural survival in the Amazon rainforest Amazon Watch American Bird Conservancy American Forests - One Nation, Under Trees American Geophysical Union American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) (USA) Society of Plant Biologists Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems Analog Forestry Fund -Conserving the biodiversity, ecosystems, and environmental health of the Andes and Amazon Arboretum Program of Conserva??o e Resaura??o da Diversidade Florestal (Brazil) Arctic Base Camp – What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic Naturaleza Portugal The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education – Committed to education for a sustainable future Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) - Sustainable and responsible development of the tropical forestry sector, from the forest to the markets. Audobon Audobon Florida - Australia & New Zealand Environmental History Network Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services In Territories of European Overseas (Life 4 BEST) Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services In Territories of European Overseas 2+ Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Programme (BIOPAMA) – Improving the long-term conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries Biomimicry - Learning from and then emulating nature Life International Blue Carbon Lab - The impacts of global change on freshwater, coastal, and ocean ecosystems Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility - Nature-based Solutions (NbS) anchored in and serving habitats like mangroves, seagrasses and coral reefs Challenge - a global goal to bring 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested landscapes into restoration by 2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030. The Borneo Project -- Our goal is to provide international support for indigenous and locally-led campaigns to protect?rights in Borneo and to advocate internationally for mechanisms that will support community-led forest conservation British Ecological Society - Forest Ecology Group British Ecological Society - Tropical Ecology Group British Mycological Society and C2GDiscuss events on emerging climate-altering approaches and their governance C40 Cities Finance Facility – Developing projects to address climate change in cities CABI International (Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International) Cadasta- Covering New Terrain in the Fight for Land Rights Canopy Access Limited CarbonBrief - Clear on climate Carbon Institute - Tackling climate change by training leaders around the world to conserve and restore ecosystems Carbon Market Foundation Carbon Market Pavilion CARIAA – Targeting climate change hot spots Caribaea Initiative Climate Governance Initiative Catholic Climate Covenant CBIT Global Coordination Platform facilitates coordination and knowledge management for the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency. Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE) for Behavior and the Environment – Behavior change for the environment starts here. Center for Biological Diversity Center for Conservation Innovation, Defenders of Wildlife Center for Conservation Peace Building - Transforming social conflict to create sustainable solutions for people and wildlife for Interdisciplinary Studies - The liberation of society and nature from the growth imperative (India) Center for International Sustainable Development Law - Integrating environment, human rights and economy through legal scholarship and empowerment Centre for Policy Research Initiative on Climate, Energy and Environment (India) Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighborhoods (SHLC) Organizations Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Agroforestry Centre International Water Management Institute (IWMI) #Water4Climate Central Europe-Mediterreanean Climate Change Foundation Change by Degrees – Global Sustainability Expertise Delivered for the Real World Change Wildlife Consumers - Changing the behavior of wildlife consumers. Chatham House - Policy Forest Governance and Legality, Chatham House CIO Applications - Technology transforming innovation 4 Forests – Connecting cities with forests around the world Forests Cities with Nature Energy Ministerial – Advancing clean energy together Adaptation Groningen Climate Advisors - Large-scale, cost-effective strategies to strengthen climate action and improve lives. Climate Ambition Support Alliance Analytics - Bringing cutting edge science and policy analysis to bear on human-induced climate change Climate & Development Knowledge Network Climate & Urban Systems Partnership Climate Chance Climate Change Service - We provide authoritative information about the past, present and future climate, as well as tools to enable climate change mitigation Diplomacy Climate Finance Lab – Driving sustainable innovation Climate Focus - International advisory company and think tank focused on climate CMU Open Learning Initiative- better than MOOCs The Climate Group - To drive climate action. Fast. and Land Use Alliance Ledger - At the intersection of climate change and blockchain technology one - Changing the conversation on energy, economy and the environment. Climate Online -Gathering in one place all the most interesting online events on climate, clean energy and environment: be it webinars, conferences or workshops. The Climate Principals – Advancing new American leadership on climate diplomacy The Amazon Protection Plan Climate Reality Project Security Expert Network - Information on the nexus between climate change and security. Climate Strategies. Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN) HYPERLINK "" Web - a comprehensive climate knowledge management solution and climate narrative building tool ClimateWorks Foundation – Amplifying the power of philanthropy to end the climate crisis Co-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange Costs(COACCH) Partnership on Forests Commission for Environmental Cooperation (Canada, USA, Mexico) Commonwealth Forestry Association (CFA) Nature - global platform connecting buyers of nature-based solutions with supply Community - Follow developments in linkages between Communities, Conservation and Livelihoods, around the world. Forests International - Empowering rural communities - We connect people and their communities to the forests that sustain them. Congo Basin Forest Partnership Connecting Nature: Bringing cities to life, bringing life into cities. Copernicus: Europe's eyes on Earth - Looking at our planet and its environment for the benefit of all European citizens - Conservation Biology Institute Conservation International - Protecting the nature we all rely on for food, fresh water and livelihoods Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Convention on Wetlands - Framework for the conservation and wise use of wetlands Cool Effect – To reduce the carbon that causes climate change COP21 Ripples - National and global transition pathways supporting the global transformation required for the Paris Agreement long term goals Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Council on Energy, Environment and Water Cultural Survival - Advancing Indigenous Peoples' Rights& Cultures Worldwide Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) (India) The Counter - Fact and friction in American food (USA) Suzuki Foundation Day of Adaptation – Dialogue, game, and resources for climate adaptation Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute Adaptation Forum, Professions' Network - An international space to collaborate with others who are exploring implications of a near-term societal collapse due to climate change. Defend our Future – from climate change Desert Leaves – the foundation for forests in drylands Developing Countries On-Line Resources page Development Aid - Information services for the international developmental sector Asia – An initiative of the Asian Development Bank - The world’s leading source for climate solutions Earth Charter - Turning conscience into action for a thriving Earth Earth Day - You have the power to change the world : Science, Nature, Life Justice - We go to court for the future of our planet. Earth Observations - Partnership using sustained earth observation for the benefit of humankind. Earthrights International Earth Watch - Connecting people with scientists worldwide to conduct environmental research Earth Works Society of America Ecology NW Belize Ecosystems for Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation (PEDRR) Ecosystems Marketplace – News about market-based approaches to conserving ecosystem services The Energy and Resources Institute – Creating innovative solutions for a sustainable future Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) – Helping reduce poverty and boost growth, through environmentally sustainable energy solutions. -CreatIng a more sustainable future by sharing stories and igniting conversations Enterprise Design Thinking – Applying design thinking to complex teams, problems, and organizations - Supporting environmental law enforcement with Earth Observation America -Clean air, clean water, open space Environmental Emergencies Centre Environmental Defence (Canada) Defense Fund Environment Europe Environmental Law Institute Environmental Policy Institute – Building a sustainable future Corporation European Capacity Building Initiative -Capacity building for climate change negotiators European Climate Change Platform - A clearing house and a platform for exchange on environment, conflict and cooperation (ECC). European Environment Facility Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONet) Forestry Institute- We conduct research and provide policy support on issues related to forests European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition -- for European and global climate change policies European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN) European Sustainable Tropical Timber Coalition Everland – Saving the Earth, one forest at a time - bringing together forest communities and corporations in common cause Experiment – Help fund the next wave of scientific research Farming First – A global coalition for sustainable agricultural development Climate Action Week FAITHS FOR FORESTS: A GLOBAL FAITH CAMPAIGN TO END TROPICAL DEFORESTATION Fauna & Flora International – Dedicated to protecting our planet’s threatened wildlife and habitats Dodds - consultant on sustainable development issues at the global level and an opinion commentator for Forests is a joint initiative of BHP, Conservation International and Pollination, working to harness private sector finance to contribute to the conservation of the world's forests. Research (UK) - Great Britain’s principal organisation for forestry and tree related research Forum for Law, Environment, Development and Governance (FLEDGE) - Knowledge, empowerment, governance – tomorrow’s today FLEGT Independent Market Monitor: Tracking the European timber market Food Tank – A global community pushing for food change Policy ForestAction Nepal – A learning oriented, not-for-profit, professional organization working in the areas of Forestry, Agriculture and Climate Change Forest Observatory Network – Forest GEOnet Forest and Landscape Restoration History Society Declaration - Five-year assessment of progress on protecting and restoring global forests The Forests Dialogue Information System For Europe (FISE) Forest Peoples Programme – Working with forest peoples to secure ther rights ForestSat – Association for Forest Spatial Analysis Technologies Forests, Trees, and Agroforestry – The role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development, food security and addressing climate change. Stewardship Council Forest Trends - Pioneering Finance for Conservation and Water Network – FORNESSA Information Service, Forestry Research Network of Sub-Saharan Africa Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore, India The Freshwater Blog – The voice of aquatic life Fundación Forestal Juan Manuel Durini (Ecuador) - organización privada sin fines de lucro dedicada al impulso de la silvicultura y la investigación aplicada en el Ecuador. Future Climate for Africa aims to generate fundamentally new climate science focused on Africa Future Forests + Jobs – About renewable wood energy and the forest products sector Galapagos Conservation Trust Global Adaptation Network - A Knowledge-Sharing Platform For Climate Adaptation Global Center on Adaptation Leadership The Global Citizen and Youth Empowerment System Global Climate Forum Global Diversity Foundation: Strengthening traditional practices of conservation Global Environmental Center Malaysia .myGlobal Environment Facility (GEF) Global Environments Network - Seeking solutions for ecological and social justice and wellbeing. Forest Information Network (GFIS) Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) - A portal to track international capacity development support for forest monitoring Global Forest Watch offers the latest data, technology and tools that empower people everywhere to better protect forests. Global Goals – Research for sustainability Global Green Global Justice Ecology Project Landscape Forum- knowledge-led platform on sustainable landscapes Youth in Landscapes Initiative Global Mangrove Alliance – Mangrove Knowledge Hub Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction Peatlands Initiative Global Soil Partnership Timber Tracking Network Warming Mitigation Project WATER PARTNERSHIP Towards a water secure world The Gold Standard – A higher standard for a climate secure and sustainable world Institute - Capacity building to empower marginalized communities and Indigenous people | The Great Green Wall – An African-led movement to grow an 8,000 km green wall across Africa Green America – Growing the green economy for people and planet Green Climate Fund - helping developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and enhance their ability to respond to climate change Green Economy Coalition- To fix our planet we need to fix our economies. Green Finance Platform Green Fighter (Rwanda) – Young people for conservation Green Growth Knowledge Platform Industry Platform Peace Green Peace UK Green Up to Cool Down – Together we can make the earth greener and reverse climate change Greifswald Mire Centre – about peatlands Green – A partnership for greener European cities Half-Earth Project, E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation Haribon Foundation (Philippines) - advocating biodiversity conservation ICIMOD - Intergovernmental knowledge and learning centre to empower people in the eight regional member countries of the Hindu Kush Himalaya IDDRI - a think tank to facilitate the transition towards sustainable development Environmental Network (EIN)-An alliance of Indigenous peoples whose mission it is to protect the sacredness of Earth Mother 20x20 - A country-led effort that aims to change the dynamics of land degradation in Latin America and the Caribbean for Climate Action Transparency - Providing tools and support to measure and assess the impacts of climate actions Innovate 4 Climate Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Action on Climate Interfaith Rainforest Initiative - Uniting people of all faiths to end tropical deforestation The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Various languages) Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) - on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people in support of sustainable development International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN/RIFA)- Restoring the planet’s life support systems Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges International Association of Wood Anatomists The International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation HYPERLINK "" inbar.intInternational Center for Bamboo and Rattan International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) (Bangladesh) International Climate Initiative Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics International Energy Agency - shaping a secure and sustainable energy future for all International Food Policy Research Institute International Institute for Environment and Development - Build a fairer, more sustainable world. Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) IISD Sustainable Commodities Marketplace Series – Covering bananas, coffee, cocoa, cotton, palm oil, soybeans, sugar, and tea (watch for others in the future, including timber) Only One Earth International Land Coalition – Fighting for land rights International Model Forest Network International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) International Savanna Fire Management Initiative Revitalizing Indigenous fire management Society for Tropical Ecology International Support Network for African Development (ISNAD-Africa) - Promoting sustainable energy, environment and education in Africa International Tropical Timber Association (ITTO) Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) IUCN Forests IUCN Asian Elephant Specialist Group - Gajah 50 Harnessing Nature – Blog of IUCN CEM South Asia IUCN Commission on Environmental Management IUCN Conservation Planning Specialist Group Nature-based solutions for people and planet IUCN Nature+ Accelerator Fund IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Red List of Ecosystems IUCN Restoration . Solutions for a healthy planet solutions for people and planet (Species) Specialist groups IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020 World Commission on Environmental Law World Commission on Protected Areas International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO Scientific Divisions Road engineering and management IUFRO 3.01.02 – Information on forest roads IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Party International Tree Mortality Network IUFRO Task Forces International Water Association International Water Resources Association International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) - Protecting plants, protecting life. IPPC Response – Response to the IPPC report from indigenous peoples and local communities Innovation - Sustainability and prosperity for islands worldwide Jardín Botánico Nacional Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso, Republica Dominicana Foundation for Climate Protection and Carbon Offset KnowlEdge - look beyond borders, investigate complex systems, find new opportunities and make the best of the world we are living in. Sustainably. Fore T – Landscape Forestry in the Tropics – Policy for improving livelihoods, sustainable forest management and?conservation Land Accelerator - Network for entrepreneurs who restore degraded forests and farmland The Land Institute – Transforming agriculture, perennially Portal Foundation – assemble land governance information for an inclusive and accessible data landscape LandScale - Discover and Communicate Trusted Landscape-Level Insights to address challenges in climate, water, biodiversity, and poverty Landscape Ecology Working Party (IUFRO 8.01.02) Leader’s Pledge for Nature Legal Response International – Lawyers responding to climate change Cycle Initiative - Applying life cycle knowledge in the global sustainable development Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) Mangrove Action Project – Protecting the world’s mangrove forests Mangrove Alliance - Mangrove Knowledge Hub Millenium Institute - Applying systems thinking to solve sustainable development challenges. MDRC - mandated to find solutions to fresh water scarcity (Middle East) Monitoring of the Andean Amazon Project (MAAP) NAMATI – Innovations for legal empowerment National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network - supports developing countries to help accelerate climate change adaptation Geographic National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (USA) Natural Areas Association (USA) Natural Climate Solutions Nature Conservancy Nature-based Solution Initiative - Nature-based solutions to global challenges Natural Resource Defense Council (USA) Natureserve – Connecting science with Conservation NDC Partnership - Leveraging resources and expertise to meet Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and combat climate change Food Partnership American Economy Research Fund (USA) New Climate Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability - Generates ideas on climate change and drives their implementation. Phytologist Trust – Promoting plant science New York Botanical Garden Plant Research and Conservation New York Declaration on Forests Society for Environmental Conservation North American Land Change Monitoring System (Canada, USA, Mexico) Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI)– Standing with the world’s tropical forests - Protecting the world’s oceans One Planet Network –Towards more sustainable modes of production and consumption. Tree Planted - We make it simple for you to plant trees around the world. Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) – 79 member countries | OSA Conservation - Dedicated to protecting the biodiversity of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative P4G Partnerships – Partnering for green growth and the global goals 2030 Pacific Community (SPC) – Development priorities for the Pacific Islands The Pacific Fire Exchange – Solutions for a health planet Reinforce - Assessment framework supporting the design and analysis of climate policies Partnership for Collaborative Climate Action Partnerships for Forests - Expanding business capacity for tree crops and forests Science | Exploring Species Climate Change Options People not Poaching - Supporting and engaging communities as the first line of defence against illegal wildlife trade The Pew Charitable Trusts – Using evidence-based, nonpartisan analysis to solve today's challenges PCLG International - A network for people who work in conservation, development and indigenous/local community rights Planet Tracker - Aligning financial markets with a sustainable future Plantae – Online home for the global plant science community Plant Science Research Network for Redesign 2020 – Online platform on sustainable and resilient recovery from Covid-19 PLOS Ecology Community Preferred by Nature – working to support better land management and business practices Prey Lang Community Network (Cambodia) – It’s our forest too PROFOR – Innovation and action for forests Programme for Belize Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) A leading global alliance of national forest certification systems. Programme on African Protected Areas and Conservation Progressio Foundation – The power of enterprise for human progress Center – Raising awareness of underreported global issues The Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy: Together our forests will thrive Rainforest Action Network Rainforest Alliance Foundation Norway RARE – Inspiring change so people and nature can thrive. Redd Monitor – The contradictions and controversy behind offsetting fossil fuel use against “avoided deforestation” in the Global South REDD+ Safeguards Information System of Suriname Regeneration International - The future of agriculture is regenerative Regional Model Forest Network-Asia Regions Refocus - Building cross-regional, cross-movement solidarity in the struggle for progressive and feminist economic policy Regreen Project – Nature-based solutions for cities Regreening Africa - Restoring ecosystems Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa Resilience - Building community resilience in a world of multiple emerging challenges Resilient Food Systems (Africa) Resource Equity – Primary legal sources for women’s empowerment Resources for the Future Resolve - Forging sustainable solutions to critical social, health, and environmental challenges Rights and Resources - Secure land and resource rights Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh Animals Facing Extinction / Save the ‘Ohi’a -the forests of Hawaii Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) - Expert teams deliver rapid solutions to the most critical challenges facing humans and our planet Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) – Promoting responsible science and technology Scientists Warning - Dedicated to bringing people together in order to unite behind the science Secure World Foundation - To advance justice in Earth's complex systems using designs enabled by space technology – Promoting entrepreneurship for sustainable development Kenya - Low cost & highly efficient forest regeneration. JUST THROW AND GROW! Semillas y Bosques - Semilla mejorada y certificada, especialmente de teca (Tectona grandis) y melina (Gmelina arborea) Sierra Club (USA) -Help keep fighting for Earth's natural resources Skoll Foundation - Investing in social entrepreneurs and the innovators to help solve the world’s most pressing problems Society of American Foresters (SAF) | SAF Southeastern Section Newsletters Society for Conservation Biology Society for Tropical Ecology Soil Health Nexus Sojourners - We seek to inspire hope and build a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the world. Solve Climate by 2030 Climate Adaptation Science Center at North Carolina State University Stand Earth - Challenging corporations and governments to treat people and the environment with respect Steady State Economy Stewardship Economy Stockholm Environment Institute - Bridging science and policy Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) The Story of Stuff – Dealing with waste Survival International – For tribes, for nature, for all of humanity Development Report Sustainable Development Solutions Network Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future The Sustainable Trade Initiative The Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) Swedish Water House (SIWI) - Innovative thinking on the global water situation – Spark biomimicry ideas Terramatch - People growing trees the right way The Third Pole – Understanding Asia’s water crisis TMG Research gGmbH - Berlin-based organization working on sustainability for nutrition, climate and energy. – Action on wildlife trade Transnational Institute – Building a just, democratic and sustainable planet TreeCard – Free payment card that reforests the planet with your everyday spending.Tribal Link - Indigenous Peoples of the World Must Survive Tropenbos International - Supporting actors towards sustainable land use, inclusive governance and responsible business and finance. Tropical Forest Foundation – Indonesia TWN Africa – Towards Equitable Transformation in and for Africa Uganda Forestry Association Uganda Forestry Working Group UK Natural Environment Research Council Urban by Nature – The global programme for urban nature pioneers Urban Pathways - Supporting Low Carbon Plans for Urban Basic Services in the context of the New Urban Agenda Urban Policy Platform Solutions - Making the energy and resources industry more efficient and sustainable. University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry Urban Pathways - Supporting low carbon plans for urban basic services Veritas Global We provide tailored solutions on climate change, conflict negotiation and infrastructure. Verra - Helping to tackle the world’s most intractable environmental and social challenges by developing and managing standards towards sustainable development and climate action goals Vibrant Cities Lab- Cultivating thriving urban forests that boost public health, safety, sustainability and economic growth Waterkeeper - We preserve and protect water by connecting local Waterkeeper groups worldwide World Bamboo Organization Watershed Organisation Trust, Pune, India WOTR Center for Resilience Studies (W-CReS, India) WeADAPT - Climate change adaptation planning, research and practice Wetland Biodiversity: Why It matters - Share and raise awareness. International (East Africa) - Safeguarding and restoring wetlands for people and nature We Value Nature -make valuing nature the new normal for businesses across Europe Watch - Dedicated to defending the US National Wilderness Preservation System Wilderness Society Wildlife Conservation Society Earth Guardians - Protect and restore the wildlife, wild places, wild rivers, and health of the American West Wilderness Australia - Let’s end deforestation Wilderness Watch (USA) Dedicated to defending and keeping wild the nation’s 110 million-acre National Wilderness Preservation System. Wildlife Habitat Council – The conservation technology network International Women Leaders for Planetary Health - We bridge the gaps between environment and health policies through gender-just solutions Woman's Organisation for Socio-Cultural Awareness, ODISHA, India World Bamboo Organization World Economic Forum World Energy & Meteorology Council – Bringing together climate science & energy enterprise World Meteorological Organization (WMO World Meteorological Day Climate & Water - Fresh water is vital for life. On average, a human being cannot survive more than three days without it. World Oceans Observatory World Resources Institute (WRI) WRI Global Restoration Initiative World of Walas - A fundamentally different approach to urban development. The World Water Council is an international multistakeholder platform organization whose mission is to mobilize action on critical water issues at all levels. World Water Day -Water and climate change The World Water Forum occurs every three years for the international community to bring together a diversity of shared knowledge, raise awareness for water issues. World Wildlife Day World Wildlife Fund WWF Biomes WWF Forests WWF Forest and Climate WWF Forests HYPERLINK \l "_UNITED_NATIONS_1" UNITED NATIONSFood and Agricultural OrganizationFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO) FAO Global Soil Partnership FAO SOILS PORTAL Land & Water Hand-in-Hand - FAO’s evidence-based, country-led and country-owned initiative to accelerate agricultural transformation and sustainable rural development Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-AG) International Mountain Partnership – Working together for mountain peoples and environment FAO Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechansim FRAN?AIS: Mécanisme pour la restauration des forêts et des paysages FAO Forests and Water Network Forest and Water Programme FAO Forest-Outlook | FAO’S work on peatlands?English,?espa?ol,?Fran?ais Peatlands - REDD+ Area of Work UN FAO REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation FAO’s work on REDD+ and National Forest Monitoring:? FAO Regional Office for Africa FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Forestry (various languages) activities:Forest management Dryland forests and forestryTowards sustainabilityFire managementForest healthModel forestsAssisted natural regenerationPlanted forestsMangrovesGenetic resourcesWildlife and protected area managementForest products and services Edible forest insectsWood energyHarvestingIndustriesTrade and marketsNon-wood forest productsForest and environment BiodiversityClimate changeInvasive alien speciesForests and waterPeople and forests Food security and nutritionCommunity-based forestryForests and poverty reductionConflict managementGenderSmall-scale enterprisesForest tenure assessmentPolicy, governance and economics National forest programmesForest governance assessmentForestry institutionsForest law compliance Forest policyCross-sectoral linkagesForest financeSustainable woodSocial protection and forestryAssessment and monitoring Global Forest Resources AssessmentNational forest monitoring and assessmentCriteria and indicatorsForest productsForest governanceForestry institutionsOutlook studiesInterdisciplinary issues AgroforestryUrban and peri-urban forestryWatershed management and mountainsOther initiativesCollaborative Partnership on ForestsCollaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife ManagementEuropean Forest WeekInternational Day of ForestsXV World Forestry CongressForest law enforcement, governance and trade (FAO-EU FLEGT Programme)Forest & Farm Facility Global Forest Education ProjectGlobal Forest Information ServiceMountain PartnershipREDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest DegradationUnited Nations Forum on ForestsForestry CommissionsAfrica Forestry Commission Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission European Forestry Commission Latin American and the Caribbean Forestry Commission (LACFC) East Forestry and Range Commission (NEFRC) North American Forest Commission | American Forestry Commission Forest Genetic Resources Working Group NationsUnited Nations on Ecosystem Restoration Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) UNDP SDG Integration - Integrated solutions for Climate change UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Race to Zero UNFCCC Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) - Development Programme UNDP Climate Change Adaptation UN Economic and Social Council UNDP/UNEP Global Support Programmes -Assisting developing countries to adapt to climate change UN Economic Commission for Africa UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Forestry and Timber forestsUN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs – Sustainable Development – Make the SDGs a reality UN Habitat – For a better urban future Nations Information Centers | In-Country Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme UN Environmental Program (UNEP) UNEP Global Environmental Outlook UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre The State of the World’s Forests: Forests, Biodiversity and People Centre On Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development UNEP DTU Partnership - Assists developing countries deliver on the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals UNEP Resource Panel -To improve our use of resources worldwide. UNEP Youth and Education Alliance UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) UN Water UN Office for Disaster Reduction - Global Fire Monitoring Center UN Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development – UN Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Environment – Better policies for better lives Environment Focus An environmental lens on policies for better lives UN OECD Climate Expert Group (CCXG) United Nations Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) UN-REDD Programme World Food Program Insight Nations Global Compact – Uniting business for a better world United Nations Institute for Training and Research HYPERLINK \l "_RESEARCH_INSTITUTES_AND_1" RESEARCH INSTITUTES AND PROGRAMSESPA?OL: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales SEDE ARGENTINA ESPA?OL: El Instituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales (Cuba) ESPA?OL: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (Colombia) FRAN?AIS: Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (Paris) The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University American Museum of Natural History California Academy of Sciences (USA) Carnegie Institution for Science Carnegie Museum of Natural History Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies (USA) Center for Geospatial Analytics Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy University of Freiburg Chair of Silviculture, University of Freiburg (Germany) Botanic Garden Climate and Forests, Wageningen University, Netherlands Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Conservation Science Research Group at Deakin University Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability Climate - Energy - Food - Health Crowther Lab - We aim to find scientific solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss The Environmental Change Institute (Oxford, UK) - Pioneers of research into global environmental change Museum of Natural History (USA) Florida International University, Tropical Conservation Institute Florida Museum of Natural History (USA) Frankfurt Zoological Society: Making Conservation Count. Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy (American University) of Environment, Florida International University Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) - Transformative Sustainability Research (Germany) ENGLISH: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (Colombia) London Museum of Natural History Long Term Ecological Research (USA)- Over 2000 researchers at 28 sites who apply long-term observation, experiments, and modeling to understand how ecological systems function over decades. Natural Resources Institute Finland METLA Finnish Forest Research Institute From Jan. 1. 2015, Metla is part of the Natural Resources Institute Finland Publications page still works. State University Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability Botanical Garden Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (Paris) National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (USA) National Ecological Observatory Network NEON (USA) National Museum of Natural History (USA) Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests (OCTF) Oxford Environmental Change Institute Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew Singapore Botanic Gardens Institute Smithsonian Environment Research Center Coastal Carbon Research Coordination Network (Smithsonian Environment Research Network) Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Institute of Bioinformatics Technical University of Dresden Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products TU Dresden – Tropical Forestry Blog TU Dresden – Chair of Tropical and International Forestry Institute of Biodiversity Thuenen Institute of Forest Ecosystems Thuenen Institute of Forest Genetics (Germany) Thuenen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics (Germany) Thuenen Institute of Wood Research University of Eastern Finland, The Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law Woodwell Climate Research Center – Formerly Woods Hole Research Center Wuppertal Istitut - Linking ecology with economic and social transformation Yale University Tropical Resources Institute HYPERLINK \l "_GOVERNMENT_AGENCIES_1" GOVERNMENT AGENCIESALGERIAInstitut National de la Recherche Forestière, CHERAGAARGENTINAInstituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Programa Forestales, BARILOCHECentro de Investigaciones y Experiencias Forestales, BUENOS AIRESCentro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico (CIEFAP), ESQUELInstituto de Tecnología de la Madera, SANTIAGO DEL ESTERODirección de Bosques, Subsecretaria de Planificación y Política Ambiental, Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nacional, BUENOS AIRESAUSTRALIACSIRO Land and Water, Agricultural and Forest Ecosystems, HOBARTCSIRO Plant Industry, Biodiversity of Sustainable Production, CSIRO Black Mountain Laboratories, CANBERRACSIRO Land and Water, Tasmanian ICT Centre, HOBARTDepartment of Agriculture and Fisheries, Forestry Science, Agri-Science Queensland, BRISBANE Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), CANBERRAAustralian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), CANBERRA BANGLADESHBangladesh Forest Research Institute, CHITTAGONGBENINUnité Recherches Forestières, COTONOUAmis de l'Afrique Francophone-Bénin (AMAF-BENIN), COTONOUUniversite de Parkou, Laboratoire d'Ecologie, de Botanique et de Biologie Végétale (LEB), PARKOUBOLIVIAInstituto de Investigaciones de Ecologia y Medio Ambiente (IIEMA), TARIJAProyecto Manejo Forestal Sostenible (BOLFOR), SANTA CRUZBRAZILBrazil: Conab Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento .br Brazilian National Inventory Cacador Model Forest, Santa Caterina boques.cacador-2 Cadastro Ambiental Rural - Environmental compliance of rural properties in the Amazon and Cerrado Transition Areas .brEmbrapa Florestas Ministerio da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento Research Center in Curitiba. Forestry library: Embrapa Florestas |Brazilian Forest Service .brFerramenta MFT Montitoramento de Florestas Tropicais embrapa/br/fale-conosco Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisas Agropecuária, Embrapa Florestas, COLOMBOInstituto Chico Mendes de Conserva??o da Biodiversidade - Ministério do Meio Ambiente .br/portal Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forest Network FSC Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais (IPEF), PIRACICABAInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Departamento de Silvicultura, MANAUSMinistério do Meio Ambiente, Servi?o Florestal Brasileiro, BRASILIARural Environmental Registry (CAR: Cadastro Ambiental Rural) BURKINA FASOInstitut de l'Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST), OUAGADOUGOUCentre National de Semences Forestières,OUAGADOUGOUCAMBODIAForestry Administration, PHNOM PENHCAMEROONEnvironnement par la Connaissance pour la Developpement (ENCODEV), YAOUNDECANADACanadian Forest Service Publications des Forets et Reboisement, Direction des Forets et de la Protection del Environnement, NDJAMENACHINANational Forestry and Grassland AdministrationProvincial Forest Bureaus such as Zhejiang Provincial Forestry BureauJiangxi Provincial Forestry BureauFujian Provincial Forestry BureauCHINA - TAIPEIForest Products Association, Department of Forestry, TAIPEITaiwan Forestry Research Institute, TAIPEITaiwan Provincial Government, Forestry Bureau, COA, TAIPEICOLOMBIACorporación Nacional de Investigación y Fomento Forestal, BOGOT?CONGOCentre National de Recherche Forestiere du Littoral, POINTE - NOIRECONGO.DEM.REP (NEW ZAIRE)Federation des Cooperative du Kasai Occidental (FECOOPEKO), KINSHASA 1Conservation de la Nature et Protection de l'Environnement (SAFIA-ONGD), KINSHASACOSTA RICAC?TE D'IVOIRECentre National de Recherche Agronomique, ABIDJANCUBAInstituto de Investigaciones Agro-Forestales (INAF), SIBONEY, PLAYAECUADORla silvicultura y la investigación aplicada en el Ecuador EGYPTETHIOPIAEthiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute (EEFRI), ADDIS ABABAFIJIMinistry of Forestry, Department of Forestry, SUVAFRANCECIRAD, TA 10/B, MONTPELLIERGERMANYUmweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency) GHANAForest Research Institute of Ghana Nacional de Bosques de Guatemala, GUATEMALAHAITIHONDURASINDIAThe Conservator of Forests, Research Circle, Forest Research Institute, KANPUR - 24Forest Survey of India Haryana Forest Development Corporation Ltd., (A State Govt. Undertaking), PANCHKULA, HARYANAIndian Council of Forestry, Research & Education, Forest Research Institute, DEHRA DUNInstitute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, PALAMPURJ&K State Forest Research Institute, J&K Forest Department, JANIPUR-JAMMUJammu and Kashmir Forest Department, Conservator Working Plan and Research, JAMMUKerala Forest Research Institute, PEECHI, THRISSUR DISTRICTMinistry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change India National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Environmental Impact & Risk Assessment Division, NEHRUMARGSri Kiran Biotech, KHAMMAM, Wildlife Institute of India, CHANDRABANIRegional Centre for Development Cooperation (RCDC), BHUBANESWARINDONESIAPattimura University, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry Department, AMBONForestry and Environment Research, Development and Innovation Agency (FOERDIA), Ministry of Environment and Forestry, BOGORWatershed Management Technology Center, SURAKARTAITALYForest Resources and Climate Unit, Institute for Environment & Sustainability, Joint Research Centre, European Comission, ISPRA (VARESE)KENYAKenya Forest Research Institute LAO PEOPLE'S DEM. REP.Soon Khon Khoua Pa Mai, Sa Tha Ban Khon Khoua Ka Si Kam and Pa Mai Heng Xad, Ka Souang Ka Si Kam Le Pa Mai, VIENTIANE CAPITALLIBERIAMADAGASCARMALAWICentre for Applied Systems Analysis (CASA), LILONGWEMALAYSIADepartment of Forestry, Forest Research Office, KUCHINGForest Research Institute of Malaysia Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia, KEPONGJabatan Perhutanan, Pusat Penyelidekan Perhutanan, SANDAKANPulau Banding Foundation, PETALING JAYAMALIInstitut d'Economie Rurale du Mali, BAMAKOMEXICOCentro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán Comisión Nacional de ?reas Naturales Protegidos (CONANP) ón ambiental Documentos CONANP Centro de Documentación de documentación Comisión Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO) mexicana de Geoinformacion Datos Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias Biblioteca digital del INIFAP México Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR) Forestal Documentos de Especies Forestales Sistema Nacional de Información y Gestión Forestal Secretario de Medioambiente y Recursos Naturales Digital (CIGA) Dialogos Ambientales de Recherche et d'Experimentation Forestière, RABATMYANMARForest Research Institute, Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, YEZINNAMIBIAMinistry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Directorate of Forestry, WINDHOEKNEPALMinistry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Department of Forest Research and Survey, Forest Research Division, KATHMANDUCenter for Education and Communication on Environment and Development (CECED), KATHMANDUEnvironment Nepal, KATHMANDUNETHERLANDSNICARAGUANIGERInstitut National de Recherches Agronomiques du Niger, NIAMEYNIGERIAForestry Research Institute of Nigeria, IBADANPAKISTANPakistan Forest Institute, Central Forestry Library, PESHAWARSave the Environment-Afghanistan (SEA), PESHAWARPANAMAAutoridad Nacional del Ambiente, BALBOAAutoridad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM), Centro de Documentación, BALBOAPAPUA NEW GUINEAPARAGUAYPERUInstituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana – IIAP, IQUITOSPHILIPPINESEcosystems Research and Development Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, COLLEGERWANDASENEGALCentre National de Recherches, DAKARSOLOMON ISLANDSMinistry of Natural Resources, Forestry Division, HONIARAMinistry of Natural Resources, Forest Research Station, MUNDASOUTH AFRICACSIR, Division of Water Environment and Forestry Technology, PRETORIACSIR, Information Centre, STELLENBOSCHCouncil for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Library, Periodical Section, PRETORIAInstitute of Commercial Forestry Research, SCOTTSVILLEInstitute of Commercial Forestry Research, Library,SCOTTSVILLESouth African Institute of Forestry Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Directorate Forestry Policy and Strategy,PRETORIADepartment of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Forestry Branch, Library, PRETORIA SRI LANKAForest Department "SAMPATHPAYA", BATTARAMULLASouth Asia Co-operative Environment Programme, COLOMBOSUDANMinistry of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Forestry Research Center, KHARTOUMSWAZILANDTANZANIATanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI), MOROGORO Tanzania Forest Services Agency(TFS) Tanzania Tree Seed Agency, THAILANDRoyal Forest Department, BANGKOKTOGODirection des Eaux et Forêts, Ministère de l'Environnement et des Ressources Forestières, LOMETRINIDAD AND TOBAGOMinistry of Public Utilities and Environment, Forestry Division, PORT-OF-SPAINTUNISIAInstitute National de Recherches en Génie Rural, Eaux et Forets, ARIANAUGANDAUNITED KINGDOMUNITED STATESUS Government Documents - Utah State University Regional Repository - Discover U.S. Government Information | Government Printing Office Technical Reports Library States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Index to USDA Agriculture Handbooks National Invasive Species Information Center US Forest Service publications TreeSearch for publications , Nurseries, and Genetic Resources : Viveros etc. Forest Service - Tropical Nursery Manual Forest Health Assessment and Applied Sciences Forest health publications | Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Citizen Science Partnerships Stewardship Forest Legacy Program Urban and Community Forestry Science and Technology Agroforestry Center National Forest Service Library | International Institute of Tropical Forestry Institute of Tropical Forestry - Selected publications Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry Hawaii Experimental Tropical Forest Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center Northern Research Station Research Station Publications and Data Pacific Northwest Research Station Pacific Southwest Research Station Rocky Mountain Research Station Southern Research Station Research Station publications Yunque National Forest (EYNF Puerto Rico) EYNF Learning Center ESPANOL: EYNF Centro de Aprendizaje de El Yunque (parte debajo de la pagina) Yunque National Forest (non-USFS website) National Arboretum U.S. National Arboretum Library, WASHINGTON D.C.Natural Resource Conservation Service | Maps Organic farming Resources on farming Farmers from the USDA Soil Health, from the US Department of Agriculture Caribbean Climate Hub Publications Department of Energy Terrestrial Ecosystem Program Biological and Environmental Research US Global Change Research Program Oak Ridge National Laboratory United States Geological Survey USGS Publications Warehouse National Aeronautics and Space Administration Climate Applied Remote Sensing Training Webinars (most in English and Spanish) Land-cover/Land-use Change (LCLUC) Program NASA Surface Biology and Geology NASA Earth Observatory Earth Data NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) data centers Biogeochemical Dynamics Atmospheric Science Data Center Satellite Facility - Downlinks, processes, archives, and distributes remote-sensing data to scientific users around the world Space Geodesy Data Composition, Water & Energy Cycles, Climate Variability Hazardous Weather Science Data and Ice Data Ocean Data Oceanography Data Science Data Systems National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Centers for Environmental Information Science Foundation National Science Foundation Research News (USA) URUGUAYInstituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (INIA) Programa Nacional de Investigación Producción Forestal VANUATUDepartment of Forestry, PORT VILAVENEZUELACentro de Investigaciones Ecologicas de Guayana, PUERTO ORDAZVIET NAMVien Khoa hoc Lam nghiep Vietnam, HANOIVietnam Forestry Science and Technology Association, HA NOIZAMBIAMinistry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources, Forest Department, Division of Forest Research, LUSAKAMinistry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources, Forestry Department, Provincial Forestry Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources – Forestry Department Forestry Department, Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural ResourcesZIMBABWEForest Research Centre, Forestry Commission, HARAREZimbabwe Forestry ommission HYPERLINK \l "_ACADEMIA_1" ACADEMIAHere we list academic institutions that have programs relevant to tropical forests and forestry.ALGERIAARGENTINAFacultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, SANTIAGO DEL ESTEROFLACSO Argentina Maestría en Derecho y Economía del Cambio Climático Estudios presenciales y de webinar AUSTRALIAAustralian National University, The Fenner School of Environment and Society, CANBERRADepartment of Agriculture and Fisheries, Forestry Science, Agri-Science Queensland, BRISBANEForestrySA, MOUNT GAMBIERSchool of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, University of Melbourne, CRESWICKSchool of Environment, Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, LISMOREMurdoch University, MURDOCHUniversity of the Sunshine Coast – USC, MAROOCHYDORE DCUniversity of South Australia, ADELAIDEBANGLADESHBENINLaboratoire de Biomathématiques et d'Estimations Forestières, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université d'Abomey-Calavi, COTONOUUniversite de Parkou, Laboratoire d'Ecologie, de Botanique et de Biologie Végétale (LEB), PARKOUBOLIVIABRAZILUniversidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnología, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Universidade Federal de Goias, Engenharia FlorestalUniversidad Federal do Parana. Engenharia Florestal Universidade Federal do Parana, Biblioteca Central, Secao de Intercambio, CURITIBAUniversidad de Sao Paolo, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, VICOSABRASILIABURKINA FASOUniversity Ouaga I Pr Joseph Ki Zerbo, Laboratory of Biology and Ecology of Plants, OUAGADOUGOUCAMBODIACAMEROONCHADCHINAChinese Academy of forestry, Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Hangzhou China National Bamboo Research Center, HangzhouChina National Eucalypt Research Center, ZhanjiangChinese Academy of forestry, Experimental Center of Subtropical Forestry, XinyuChinese Academy of forestry, Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry, PingxiangSouth China Agricultural University, GuangzhouGuangxi Academy of Forestry, NanningChinese Academy of forestry, Research Institute of Resource insects, KunmingChinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming Institute of Botany, KunmingChinese Academy of Sciences, South China Botanical Garden, GuangzhouGuizhou University, GuiyangZhejiang University, HangzhouGuangxi University, NanningSichuan Academy of Forestry, ChengdouHubei Academy of Forestry, WuhanHunan Academy of Forestry, ChangshaFujian A & F University, FuzhouCHINA - TAIPEINational Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, TAIPEINational Chiayi University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, CHIAYINational Chung-Hsing University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Department of Forestry, TAICHUNGThe Experimental Forest, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University, NAN-TOU HSIENNational I-Lan University, Department of Forestry and Natural ResourcesCOLOMBIAUniversidad Distrital "Francisco José de Caldas", Facultad del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, BOGOT?Maestría en Proyectos de Desarrollo Sostenible - Universidad EAN Colombia Universidad del Tolima, Facultad de Ingeniería Forestal,IBAGUECONGOCONGO.DEM.REP (NEW ZAIRE)Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques et Environnement, Département de Sylviculture, YANGAMBICOSTA RICACentro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Ense?anza (CATIE), TURRIALBAInstituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales, Universidad Nacional (INISEFOR - UNA), HEREDIAC?TE D'IVOIRECentre National de Recherche Agronomique, ABIDJANCUBAUniversidad de Pinar del Rio "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca", PINAR DEL RIOECUADOREGYPTUniversity of Alexandria, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Wooden Trees, ALEXANDRIAEUROPEEuropean School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR) European University Institute EUI Energy and Climate ETHIOPIAFIJIFRANCEGERMANYChair of Forest and Environmental Policy - University of Freiburg Frankfurt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance Graduate Program (M.Sc.) - Global Change Ecology Universit?t Bayreuth Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) - Developing sustainable solutions to the societal challenges of today and tomorrow Hamburg - Research and Transfer Centre Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management - International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP) Hamburg - Research and Transfer Centre Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management Technical University of Munich Land Management and Geospatial Science, Master of Science University of Würzburg MSc degree EAGLE “Applied Earth Observation and Geoanalysis of the Living Environment , GHANAKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, KUMASIUniversity of Energy and Natural Resources, School of Natural Resources, SUNYANIPresbyterian University College,Akuapem Campus, AKROPONG-AKUAPEMGUATEMALAInstituto Nacional de Bosques de Guatemala, GUATEMALAFINLANDUniversity of Eastern Finland – Master's Degree Programme in Environmental Policy and Law HAITIUniversite Queensland, PORT-AU-PRINCEHONDURASEscuela Nacional de Ciencias Forestales, SIGUATEPEQUEINDIADr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Library, SOLANKerala Agriculture University, College of Forestry,THRISSURDayanand National Academy of Environmental Sciences, Centre for Environment, Botany Department, CHANDIGARHH.P. Agricultural University, PALAMPURINDONESIAUniversitas Gadjah Mada, Fakultas Kehutanan, YOGYAKARTAInstitut Pertanian Bogor, Fakultas Kehutanan, BOGORCenter for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), BOGORPattimura University, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry Department, AMBONForestry Faculty, Hasanuddin University, MAKASSARITALYFlorence School of Regulation (FSR) - research, training and policy events in the areas of Energy & Climate, Communications & Media, Transport and Water KENYALAO PEOPLE'S DEM. REP.National University of Laos, Faculty of Forestry, VIENTIANELIBERIAUniversity of Liberia, College of Agriculture and Forestry, MONROVIAMADAGASCARUniversité d'Antananarivo, Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques, Département des Eaux et Forêt, ANTANANARIVEMALAWIMALAYSIASerial Unit, Department of Resource Development, Library, UPM SERDANGInstitute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP), Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM SERDANGMALIMEXICOInstituto Nacional de Ecología Colegio de la Frontera Sur Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, LINARESColegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas, Laboratorio de Recusos Geneticos Microbianos, MONTECILLOMOROCCOMYANMARNAMIBIANEPALNETHERLANDSNICARAGUAUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua-Leon, Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Agrarias y Economía Aplicada, LEONNIGERNIGERIAUniversity of Ibadan, Department of Forest Production and Products, IBADANFederal University of Technology, Department of Forestry & Wood Technology, AKUREFederal University of Agriculture Makurdi, MAKURDIPAKISTANPANAMAPAPUA NEW GUINEAPapua New Guinea University of Technology, Department of Forestry,LAEPARAGUAYUniversidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias ASUNCI?NPERUUniversidad Nacional Agraria - La Molina, Departamento de Manejo Forestal, LA MOLINAPHILIPPINESEcosystems Research and Development Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, COLLEGEConifer Research Center, Forest Research Institute, BAGUIO CITYForest Products Research and Development Institute, Department of Science and Technology, COLLEGEUniversity of Philippines at Los Ba?os, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, COLLEGEPORTUGALInstituto Superior D Agronomía Universidade de Lisboa RWANDAIntegrated Polytechnic Regional College IPRC KITABI, Tourism & Conservation, KITABISENEGALSOLOMON ISLANDSSOUTH AFRICAUniversiteit van Stellenbosch, Fakulteit AgriWetenskappe, MATIELANDUniversiteit van Stellenbosch, Fakulteit AgriWetenskappe, US Library Service, STELLENBOSCHForestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI),Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, PRETORIANelson Mandela Metropolitan University, GEORGESRI LANKASUDANSWAZILANDTANZANIASokoine University of Agriculture, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism, MOROGOROTHAILANDKasetsart University, Faculty of Forestry, BANGKOKTOGOTRINIDAD AND TOBAGOInstitute National de Recherches en Génie Rural, Eaux et Forets, ARIANAUGANDAMakerere University, School of Forestry, Environment and Geographical Sciences, KAMPALAEkitoncole Ekisomesa Eby'Obutonde Mu Uganda, KAMPALAUNITED KINGDOMUniversity of Oxford, Oxford Forest Information Service, Radcliffe Science Library, OXFORDSOAS University of London - Masters, Diplomas and Certificates , Health, and Wellbeing MSc. University of Central Lancashire of Wales, School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, College of Natural Sciences, BANGORUNITED STATESBard Graduate Programs in Sustainability Center for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation, University of Puerto Rico for Sustainable Development - Adaptation Online Certificate Program Soil Health Laboratory - Home of the Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment Forest Carbon and Climate Program, Michigan State University, Department of Forestry Institute for Carbon Removal Law and Policy, American University, Washington, DC North Carolina State University College of Natural Resources, NC State Applied Statistics and Data Management Online Certificate Program NC State Climate Adaptation Online Certificate Program NC State Renewable Energy Assessment and Development Online Certificate Program of Florida, School of Forest Resources and ConservationUniversity of Georgia Center for Invasive Species ad Ecosystem Health Washington University in St Louis – Living Earth Collaborative - Dedicated to advancing the knowledge of biodiversity and to ensuring the future of earth’s species in their many forms. Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology - International multireligious project contributing to a new academic field and an engaged moral force of religious environmentalism Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Yale Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative(ELTI) – Online Certificate Program URUGUAYFacultad de Agronomía, Departamento Producción Forestal y Tecnología de la Madera, MONTEVIDEOVANUATUVENEZUELAUniversidad de Los Andes, Servicios Bibliotecarios de Ciencias Forestales, MERIDAVIET NAMZAMBIAZIMBABWEForest Industry Training Centre and Zimbabwe College Forestry HYPERLINK \l "_FOREST_BUSINESS_AND_1" FOREST BUSINESS AND INDUSTRYArborGen - Global reforestation partner with advanced genetics International Wood Culture Society Air Miners – We’re mining carbon dioxide from the air. Arcelor Mittal Florestas Ltda., BELO HORIZONTEAssocia??o Paraense de Empresas de Base Florestal Benevity - The freshest ideas in corporate social responsibility and employee engagement Climate Legal - A specialist climate change, carbon markets and environmental legal consultancy. Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited, a not-for-profit industry services company ForestrySA - South Australia’s home grown plantation and community forest manager Fibria Celulose S.A., Centro de Tecnología, BrazilForestation - a consulting firm providing expertise for forest and landscape restoration (FLR) in the US and around the world Grasim Industries Limited, Unit Harihar Polyfibers, India Hans Merensky Holdings (HMH), South Africa – A renewable bio-resource company Industria Brasileira de ?rvores International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA) International Wood Producers Association Komatiland Forests (Pty) Ltd., South AfricaKORINDO Group, Jakarta, Indonesia, Mondi Ltd., South Africa, - Making packaging sustainable Finance – Navigating Climate transition Risks, analysis for the tropical commodity sector Remsoft - Powering critical decisions for forest-to-mill planning, land management RGE (Royal Golden Eagle) - managing a group of resource-based manufacturing companies with global operations, including forestry Sappi Southern Africa Limited South Africa – Pulp and pulp products Smurfit Kappa Colombia, Unique Forestry and Landuse GmbH – An international consulting firm providing services and advice on forest management and sustainable land use. Usutu Pulp Company Ltd., SwazilandWhole Forest - Guaranteeing the highest level of craftsmanship, the protection of our tropical rainforests, and the economic growth of local communities. York Timbers, South Africa Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation HYPERLINK \l "_DEVELOPMENT:_AGENCIES,_BANKS,_1" DEVELOPMENT: AGENCIES, BANKS, & ORGANIZATIONSDevelopment AgenciesAustraliaAustralian Center for International Agricultural Research BelgiumDevelopment cooperation CanadaInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC) ChinaChina International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) DenmarkDanish International Development Agency (DANIDA) European Union European Commission International Cooperation and Development International Cooperation and Development FinlandDepartment for International Development Cooperation (FINNIDA) FranceFrench Development Agency (AfD) FRANCAISE: CIRAD -La Recherche Agronomique pour le Développment CIRAD Agricultural Research for Development France CIRAD Research Unit Forests and Societies Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German International Development Agency) InternationalThe Commonwealth - A voluntary association of 54 independent and equal countries promoting promote prosperity, democracy and peace, amplify the voice of small states, and protect the environment. Aid IsraelMASHAV - Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation JapanJapan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) KuwaitKuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development LuxembourgLux-Development New ZealandNew Zealand Agency for International Development (NZAid) NetherlandsMinistry of Development Cooperation NorwayNorwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) PortugalCam?es - Instituto da Coopera??o e da Língua Saudi ArabiaSaudi Fund for Development (SFD) SpainSpanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) South AfricaDevelopment Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) SwedenSwedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) Swedish International Agricultural Initiative (SIANI) SwitzerlandSwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) | Helvetas TaiwanInternational Cooperation and Development Fund (Taiwan ICDF) TurkeyTurkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (T?KA) United KingdomDepartment for International Development (DFID) Oversees Development Institute (UK) UKAid Direct USAUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID) | the Inter-American Foundation (IAF) | Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) | the African Development Foundation (ADF) USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse Development Data Library (DDL) USAID Land Links –dedicated to strengthening land governance systems Natural Resources Management and Development Portal BanksAfrican Development Bank (English and French) | Asian Development Bank Development Asia - An initiative of the Asia Development Bank Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Colombo Plan (CP) Development Bank of Latin America (English, Spanish, Portuguese) | | Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia Inter-American Development Bank (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French) | | | International Monetary Fund (IMF) Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) World Bank What we do Development topics Climate change World Trade Organization International aid non-profits that may work with treesACTED ActionAid Aga Khan Agency for Habitat BRAC CARE (relief agency) Catholic Relief Services Caritas Concern Worldwide – Improving the lives of the world’s poorest people Heifer International - Supporting and investing alongside local farmers and their?communities ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability International Development Enterprises International Central Committee Mercy Corps Oxfam United Purpose Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) Other development resourcesDevelopmentAid- comprehensive information services for the international developmental sector Devex - jobs, news and business advice for international development Dgroups - for groups and communities in international development Global South Development Magazine: magazine dedicated to international development ReliefWeb - A humanitarian information service provided by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) HYPERLINK \l "_MEETINGS_1" MEETINGS | EVENTSESPA?OL: Día Internacional de los Bosques FRAN?AIS: Journée internationale des forêts CCI-CBF Week. Caribbean Challenge Initiative & Caribbean Biodiversity Fund 13-16 July 2020. Recordings at Climate Adaptation Summit Jan 2021 Climate Ambition Summit 12 Dec 2020 Daring Cities 2020 Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference 2021 Digital Water Summit 15 – 18 November 2021 / BILBAO, SPAIN Nexus Conference 2020: Circular Economy in a Sustainable Society, 3-5 June 2020. Recordings Earth Hour Goals Project 9-11 June 2020 World Summit 27-29 Sept 2021 Rotterdam and online Global Landscape Forum (GLF) Biodiversity Digital Conference Global Landscapes Forum – Events Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity (GSOBI20) Rome, Italy, 2-4 February 2021 Global Water Summit 16-18 May 2021, Madrid, Spain. Fourth GSTIC Conference Brussels, Belgium, 27-29 Oct 2020. Towards implantation of market-ready technological solutions for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. / GOBESHONA Global Conference 18th – 24th of January 2021 – Share knowledge, research, and practical experiences on climate change 2019 Brussels – Connecting technological innovation to decision making for sustainability Videos, etc. 2020 Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Pattaya City, Thailand. 20-22 Oct 2020. For past conferences, see IUCN World Conservation Congress – One nature, one future. Summit 2020 International Day of Forests International Forum for Sustainable Asia and Pacific (ISAP) 2020 International Institute for Sustainable Development - Events Island Finance Forum 13-16 April 2021 International Mountain Day 2020 EVENTS: Nature for Life Hub Forum Climate Change Dialogues 23 Nov-4 Dec 2020 United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) – Events Virtual Island Summit 7-13 Sept 2020 World Bamboo Congress - World Bamboo Day - 18 September World Forest Week 2020 COVID-19 Forestry Webinar Week June 2020 XV World Forestry Congress Seoul, Korea, 24-28 May 2021– The largest and most significant global forestry gathering. Deadline for Side Events, Posters, and Papers 5 Oct 2020, Deadline for Videos 18 Nov 2020 Soil Day – 5 Dec 2020 9th World Water Forum: 22-27 March 2021, Dakur, Senegal. Deadline for applications: 28 February 2020 12:00 pm HYPERLINK \l "_OPPORTUNITIES_1" OPPORTUNITIESESPA?OL: Fondos para proyectos de Desarrollo Sostenible Training in fundraising BIODIVERSA - Network of funding organisations promoting pan-European research on biodiversity and ecosystem services CANDID Grants to individuals Dubai International Best Practices Award for Sustainable Development .Earthshot Prize - A decade of action to repair the Earth Equator Prize - Awarded biennially to recognize outstanding community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Forest GEONet Jobs and grants ForestGEOnet - Research Grants - Directory Online Quickstart (free option) Fulbright International Scholars Program Fulbright International Students Program Funding Science - resources from Nature Research Foundation DFG. Funds research with partners in Latin America Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Grant Portal Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program The Global Forest Watch (GFW) Small Grants Fund awards up to $40,000 (USD) to use satellite-based early warning systems to combat tropical deforestation. Global Green Grants Fund Sustainability Award Humboldt Foundation – Fellowships International call "Incorporation of researchers", sponsored by the National Council of Science, International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) Call for Proposals International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) Call for Proposals Fellowship Programme John Hopkins University Early Career Funding Opportunities Hopkins University Graduate Student Funding Opportunities John Hopkins University Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities Curve Prize Lights on Women Scholarship Persephone?Miel?fellowships - Helping journalists from outside the U.S. and Europe pursue ambitious projects?and enable them to bring their work to a broader international audience PCLG Small Grants Philanthropy News Digest publishes RFPs and notices of awards as a free service for U.S.-based grant-making organizations and nonprofits. Philanthropy News Digest Rainforest XPrize Science internships in Germany. SEED Awards for Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) fellowships Technology and Technological Innovation - CONCYTEC (Peru) and the World Bank to increase the human capital for science, technology and innovation in Peru. Further information is available in English in Spanish . Researchers are invited to create a profile at the Registration Platform (in English and in Spanish ), as well as search for and contact Peruvian entities (in English and in Spanish Terra Viva Grants Directory Toomey Foundation for the Natural Sciences UK Biodiverse Landscape Fund United Nations Volunteers Virtual Island Summit 2020 WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award XPRIZE Rainforest - A five-year competition to enhance our understanding of the rainforest ecosystem. Young Champions of the Earth Award HYPERLINK \l "_NEWSLETTERS_AND_MAILING_1" NEWSLETTERS AND MAILING LISTSThese newsletters will bring information to you regularly on tropical - Agroforestry Newsletter - Subscribe and archive e-Newsletters Analogue Forestry Newsletter English: Development Blog - Straight Talk from Development Expert. Subscribe at. : Analog Forestry Boletín en Espa?ol " Center for Biological Diversity Newsletter and the archive of the Endangered Earth magazine Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) Update (Fill out form at bottom page.)CGIARAlliance Bioversity-CIAT CIFOR | Forest News Global Landscapes Forum Newsletter , Trees and Agroforestry Latest News (Fill out form at bottom of page.) CIFOR News Update and Archive World Agroforestry Center World -The latest updates from AgroForestry World.Events - The latest events from AgroForestry World.News - The latest press releases and news.Publications - The latest publications of AgroForestry World.Bioversity International newsNewsletter -monthly updates Latest publicationsAgrobiodiversity Index newsletter - measures agrobiodiversity and identifies?concrete actions to achieve diverse and sustainable food systems.Chatham House- Policy newsletters Sign up for a free account at and then sign up for newsletters. Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) Newsletter online newsletter with weekly updates of events Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Newsletter (Fill out form at bottom of page.) Development Asia newsletter Seminars – A weekly newsletter to keep you updated with online conferences and seminars from the ecology and evolutionary biology world Ecological Society of America- ECOLOG-L (You do not need to be an ESA member to join the e-list.) Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Forestry newsletters (English) available at: Newsletter - about efforts to combat illegal logging, to implement the European Union EU Action Plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT), and the latest developments from the Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA) between the EU and timber producing countries. InFOFlash - Highlights from FAO Forestry and its partnersClim-FO-L Newsletter – About forests and climate change, including recent developments in climate change negotiations, scientific articles, publications, events, and job opportunities.E-update on Food and Climate – Subscribe: | FLRM newsletter – about achievements of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism team, and ongoing actions at global, regional and national levels. Archive | InFOflash Archive InFOflash subscribe InfoNews Archive (no longer being published) / INFOSYLVA (FAO) Old issues, discontinued Nature et Faune - Wildlife and Nature - exchange of information and scientific data on wildlife and protected areas management and conservation of natural resources in Africa.NWFP Update - About the potential of non-wood forest products and their contribution to the sustainable development of the world's forest resources. Archive at Sustainable Wildlife Programme newsletter - Highlights from the Sustainable Wildlife Management programme, including facts and figures, news and information on events and conferences and interviewsFRAN?AIS: FAO Forêts Périodiques Nature et Faune - Wildlife and Nature - l'échange d'informations et de données scientifiques sur la gestion de la faune sauvage et des zones protégées et la conservation des ressources naturelles sur le continent africainFRAN?AIS: Bulletin du FLRM : Mécanisme pour la restauration des forêts et des paysages archive Other FAO newsletters (put view to 300 at bottom left to see all) In-FO-News-L FAO Forestry Programme updates Visit UN-REDD Programme - The REDD+ Resource Newletter Sign up. Archive FLEGT Independent Market Monitor (Fill out form at bottom of page.) ForestGEO newsletter - CTFSNET | Listserv: | FORESTGEONET Information Bulletin Board - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Subscribe and Archive Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Newsletters NewsletterBID AfricaBID CaribbeanBID PacificForestry-l newslist Forest Information Network LINK BROKEN TO THE UPDATE SERVICEInnovate 4 Climate Newsletter :// Forest List -focused on tropical forestry. This is a public list at that you can view if you do not have a google account, or you can join the list if you do. The list publishes the longer version of Gyde Lund’s Natural Resource Monitoring Items (NMRI). Older NMRI 2011-2017 can be found at International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Mailing Lists Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) - ENB negotiation coverage and ENB+ meeting coverageSDG Update - news, commentary, and upcoming events that are published on the SDG Knowledge HubLinkages Update - highlights from IISD reporting services and SDG Knowledge HubClimate Change Job Vacancies UpdateBIODIVERSITY-L - biodiversity and wildlife policy issues, including biodiversity and wildlife policy news, announcements on workshops/conferences, job listings, and information on new publications and online resourcesCHEMICALS-L- chemicals policy issues, including announcements of workshops/conferences, job listings, and information on new publications and online resourcesCLIMATE-L - climate change policy and issues, including announcements of workshops/conferences and information on new publications and online resourcesENERGY-L - energy policy meetings and publicationsFORESTS-L - forest policy issues, including announcements of workshops/conferences, job listings, and information on new publications and online resourcesLAND-L - land degradation policy issues, including, announcements of workshops/conferences, job listings, and information on new publications and online resourcesSDG - sustainable development policy issues and internationally-relevant activities related to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Postings include information about reports, meetings and other inputs or announcements.SIDS-L - Small Island Developing States (SIDS), including announcements of workshops/conferences, job listings and information on new publications and online resourcesWATER-L - water policy issues, including announcements of workshops/conferences, job listings and information on new publications and online resourcesOCEANS-L - oceans policy issues, including announcements of workshops/conferences, job listings and information on new publications and online resourcesAFRICASD-L - peer-to-peer list for information regarding sustainable development activities and decision making in AfricaASIAPACIFICSD-L - peer-to-peer list for information regarding sustainable development activities and decision making in the Asia-Pacific regionLARC-L - peer-to-peer list for information regarding sustainable development activities and decision making in Latin America and the CaribbeanInternational Tropical Timber Organization Forest Update (Eng) ESPA?OL: Actualidad Forestal Tropical FRAN?AIS: Actualités des Forêts Tropicales Timber trade and markets Economics, statistics and markets IUCN (International Union of Conservation for Nature) - Various newsletters Call from the Wild (English): Thematic and project species conservation news, grant-funding announcements and inspiring success stories from communities and conservation professionals around the world.BIOPAMA English: Updates from the BIOPAMA programme on the services, tools and funding available for improved protected area management and governance in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries.BIOPAMA Funding Alerts (English): Funding alerts from the BIOPAMA programme.Building Bridges (English): News and views on conservation and the private sector.ESARO Connect (English): for Eastern and Southern AfricaIUCN CEC News (English): From the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)to mobilize people all over the planet to support actions for conservation.IUCN CEESP Members (English): From the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP) to disseminate knowledge for conservation of nature with social, cultural, environmental, and economic justice of human societies.UCN CEM Ecosystem Insider (English): From the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management to promote ecosystem-based approaches.UCN CEM Ecosystem Insider (English): From the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM) to promote ecosystem-based approaches.IUCN WCPA - Protecting the Planet (English): From the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and IUCN Protected Areas Programme on protected areas news, inspiring places, people and solutions, Green List, BIOPAMA, Panorama, publications, and activities.IUCN World Conservation Congress (English): From the IUCN World Conservation Congress about the world's largest regularly-held international conservation event.Latest from the Library (English): Highlighting the latest additions to the collection of the IUCN HQ Library in Gland, Switzerland.Marine News: On the IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme.The News on African Protected Areas (NAPA) (English): From IUCN PAPACO about current events, studies, trainings, interviews, jobs advertising, all related to protected areas across Africa.Off the Shelf (English): Update on the latest IUCN publications.PACO News (English): On the activities and results of the West and Central Africa IUCN region and its partners.PANORAMA - Solutions for a Healthy Planet (English): News and updates on the PANORAMA initiative, which promotes examples of solutions in conservation and sustainable development.Pilares (ORMACC) (English): Regional newsletter for Mexico, Central America and the CaribbeanROWA Network (English)Suudu Echos (English): From West Africa environmental sustainability partners aiming to strengthen information sharing and action synergies for better management of the natural heritage of the region. Other IUCN NewslettersArborvitae (English): IUCN’s forest magazine and Succulent Plants Specialist Group Newsletter June 2019 Edentata newsletter - Newsletter of the IUCN SSC Anteater, Sloth and Armadillo?Specialist Group Newsletters for West and South Africa (French) IUCN Parks Journal Protected Areas Newsletters World Conservation Congress Newsletter FRAN?AIS: UICN Newsletters Arborvitae Fran?aisBIOPAMA Fran?aisIUCN CEM Ecosystem Insider Fran?aisIUCN World Conservation Congress - Fran?aisMediterranean Flashnews Fran?aisNAPA Fran?aisPACO News Fran?aisSuudu Echos Fran?aisESPANOL: UICN Boletines Arborvitae Espa?olBIOPAMA Espa?olIUCN CEM Ecosystem Insider Espa?olIUCN World Conservation Congress - Espa?olMediterranean Flashnews Espa?olPilares (ORMACC) Espa?olInternational Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) – Various mailing lists to explore / Mena Water Bulletin (Middle East) NRMI: Natural Resource Monitoring Items by Gyde Lund - Get access through the International-Forest-List at that you can view if you do not have a google account, or you can join the list if you do. The list publishes the NMR). Older NMRI 2011-2017 can be found at The News on African Protected Areas (NAPA) Subscribe and Archive Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD United Nations – Newsletters Online Ecology Conferences and Seminars mailing list Science Research Weekly RECOFTC - People and Forests E-News | OR Subscribe at the bottom of the page SOUTHEM online - | To join, send a message to southemonline-subscribe@ Southern Region Extension Forestry (USA) – Newsletters United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Forest Information Billboard Nations Chronicle US Department of Agriculture Newsletters World Resources Institute Digest WRI Project-specific newsletters GLOBAL FOREST WATCH (GFW) NEWSLETTER - Updates on the latest forest-related analysis, dynamic maps, and stories from the from the GFW community.CAIT UPDATES - Updates on CAIT Climate Data Explorer data sets, site functionality, data visualizations, stories, and more.OPEN CLIMATE NETWORK NEWS -- Highlights on research and developments in monitoring of countries’ progress on climate change policy.WRI INDONESIA NEWSLETTER - Highlights, news, commentary, latest publications and data about forests, climate, energy and sustainable cities in Indonesia.World Wildlife Fund Below the Canopy (Sign up at bottom of page) Canopy past issues REDD+Resource Digest HereForest and Climate - Subscribe at the bottom of the page Latest conservation news (fill form at bottom of page) WWF newsletters | Heart of Borneo Newsletter World Wildlife Magazine HYPERLINK \l "_ENVIRONMENTAL,_SCIENCE,_AND" ENVIRONMENTAL, SCIENCE, AND GENERAL NEWSEnvironmental and Science NewsESPA?OL: Actualidad Ambiental SPDA (Peru) ESPA?OL: - El portal profesional del medio ambiente (Espa?a) ESPA?OL: El Nuevo Dia (Puerto Rico) ESPA?OL: Planteado - Los blogs más chidos del Planeta Tierra Podcasts y videos : Sostenibilidad Semana (Colombia) All Creatures - Working for a peaceful world for humans, animals and the environment American Geophysical Union AGU EOS -Science news Anthropocene - Creating a sustainable human age we actually want to live in. Bioengineer Biomed Central Biology Blog of the Atomic Scientists – Confronting nuclear risk, climate change, and disruptive technologies | Carnegie Science News Clean Energy Finance Forum, from Yale Climate Change News Crisis Policy Digest Climate News Network Climate Nexus - working to change the conversation on climate change and clean energy to a constructive search for solutions Cool Green Science COSMOS – the science of everything Desmog – Clearing the PR pollution that clouds climate science Discover magazine Down To Earth (India) Dynamic Ecology - Advice for students in ecology Early Career Scientists Earther - Nature for nerds Earth Live - Independent member-supported media network providing interviews with conservationists, activists, business leaders and policy makers. Earth’s Insight EarthX – Environmental News Coverage EcoInternet Eco-Evo Evo-Eco – Academic musings Ecologist – Journal for the post-industrial age Ecology News Science Daily ECO magazíne ECONEWS - Asia Pacific's sustainable business community and global eco-newsEcoWatch - Environmental news for a healthier planet and life EcoBusiness - Transforming research communication Emergence Magazine – Ecology, Culture and Spirituality Energy and Environment News Energy Review – Energy and Climate Observer EnvironNews Nigeria Environmental Health News Ethical Corporation – Digital Magazine- Current and archive ! Trending research news Navigator- News & Analysis on Food & Beverage Development - Europe Frontiers Science News Guardian - Environment Genes to Genomes- A blog of the Genetics Society of America - How science careers work in another discipline - Geology and Earth Science News and Information Global Ethical Finance Initiative – Promoting finance for positive change Green Biz - at the intersection of business, technology and sustainability Green Tech Media Grist – News on climate, sustainability, and social justice Guardian Series: The age of extinction Haika Magazine - Coastal science and societies Heated – a newsletter for people mad about the climate crisis IFL Science – Science news Impact Human - The Real Impact of Climate Change & Pollution Inside Climate News - Covering climate change, energy and the environment Inside Higher Education Knowable Magazine from Annual Reviews : Sustainability in business and more Mepielan eBulletin (Greece) Molecular Ecology Spotlight on authors - How science careers work in another discipline Archive Mongabay -News and inspiration from nature’s frontline Mongabay Bahasa Indonesia Mongabay Brasil português Mongabay Deutsch Mongabay espa?ol Mongabay Fran?ais ( Mongabay India Mongabay Italiano Mongabay Philippines Mongabay 中文 (Chinese) Mongabay 日本語 (Japanese) The Narwhal - Stories about Canada’s natural world National Science Foundation (USA) - Research news Nature – A top science journal series Atlas – New science and technology news Node - the community site for and by developmental biologists - How science careers work in another discipline New York Declaration on Forest Our Daily Planet - Environmental News Pacific Standard (USA) Environmental and social justice Spotlight science news Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) - Illuminating basic science and math research through public service journalism. The Revelator – Wild, incisive, fearless. Scholarly Kitchen - What is hot and cooking in scholarly publication – a top general science journal Scientific American communication/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkRrMk1EWmlaVEF6TmpCbSIsInQiOiJUTmdMYVlxZnJUSkJuYjIwTDViZzZGRVhqeE1YbVNGa1o1Vzh4NG1GMzRVQTdSQ3VPQXhrZVg5dk80MmlkNUZIZzJYcVU1cUgzY1JOQXgrbnpoSDhsVGFxakxDOHd4cDJKMUpETWtwSWZXV3VMUCtDbUM0WW84OVZuckxuczBaZSJ9Scientific American blogs – Science commentary - Latest research news Science Friday Entertaining and educational stories about science, technology, and other cool stuff. SciDevNet – Bringing science & development together through news & analysis Science 360 - Unlock the worlds of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Science News - advances in science, medicine and technology Science News Journal Scientia - helps researchers communicate their findings beyond their specialty and into the wider world. SciTechDaily The Scientist Six Degrees – Mainstreaming development news Sustainability Community - Springer Nature Sustainable Smart Business Tired Earth Undark - Illuminating where science collides with politics, economics, and culture - Greenpeace UK’s award-winning journalism project Science News The Watchers – Watching the world evolve and transform Yale Environment 360 – Environment news from Yale University School of the Environment News The YEARS Project - Storytelling and education to inform, empower, and unite the world in the face of climate change General NewsESPA?OL: 80 Grados - Opción inteligente de formación e información, y contribuir a un mayor ESPA?OL: Ollantay Itzamna – Prensa boliviana ESPA?OL: El País – El Periódico Global de calidad de vida cultural y política en Puerto Rico. ESPA?OL: El Periódico (Guatemala) ESPA?OL: La Prensa (Panamá) | : La República (Peru) ESPANOL: Univisión ESPANOL: Vice FRAN?AIS: Equiterre FRAN?AIS: RFI News PORTUGU?S G1 (Brazil) PORTUGU?S: NB Reporter (Brazil) ABC Australia – New media ABC News in Words – Focusing on cultural production and Africa The Africa Report The Age (Australia) Al Jazeera All Africa - A voice of, by and about Africa Anadolu Agency (Turkey) Ars Technica The Asean Post (SE Asia) Asia Times - Pan-Asia digital news platform Associated Press News The Atlantic Monthly – Intellligent commentary The Automatic Earth Axios - News & information that matters Bangor Daily News Bloomberg – News Bloomberg City Lab Bright Vibes – Amplify the good in the world British Broadcasting Company (BBC) News Business Green Business Insider BuzzFeed - News Canada Broadcasting Company Cayman Compass CBS News Channel News Asia China Dialogue - Dedicated to understanding China’s environmental challenges Chronicle (Zimbabwe) The Citizen (Tanzania) Civil Beat – News for Hawaii Common Dreams - Breaking news & views for the progressive community CNBC - CNN News The Conversation – Academic rigor, journalistic flair Counterpunch Daily Monitor (Uganda) Daily Trust (Nigeria) Deccan Herald (India) Deutsche Welle (Germany) The Diplomat (Asia-Pacific) Down to Earth (India) DW – Made for minds Economist EN24 - News, entertainment, music, fashion The East African (Kenya) EAWB News (Uganda) The EdgeMarkets (Malaysia, Singapore) Farmer’s Weekly (South Africa) Fast Company – Innovative business Financial Times Finance First Post (India) Forbes – Finance, business news Fox News Global Citizen Global Optimism – news Global Press Journal Good News Network “Be vigilant. Guard your mind against negative thoughts.” Buddha Governance Now Guyana Chronicle The Guardian Harvard Business Review The Hill – US national news The Hindu (India) The Hindu BusinessLine (India) Honolulu Magazine (USA) iAfrica (South Africa) Ibero (Mexico) Independent Catholic News Independent (UK) India Spend - An `agency of record’ when it comes to data and facts on the Indian economy The IndyStar (California, USA) iNews (UK) The Intercept - fearless, adversarial journalism Inter Press Service News Agency IPP Media (East Africa) Jakarta Post (Indonesia) Khmer Times (Cambodia) Knight Lab - Community of designers, developers, students, and educators working on experiments designed to push journalism into new spaces. Le Monde (France) The Los Angeles Times (USA) Malay Mail (Malaysia) The Markup - Big Tech Is Watching You. We’re Watching Big Tech. Modern Ghana Medium - Smart voices and original ideas take center stage – South Atlantic News Agency Miami Herald (USA) Microsoft News Post (India) – Global mining news NBC News The New Republic – The politics of everything News Room (Guyana) The New Yorker Magazine The New York Times New York Post (USA) NIKKEI Asian Review Observer – Arts, entertainment, education One India The OpEd Project – Whoever tells the story writes history Open Access Government Open Democracy Open Gov Asia Philippine News Agency This Place - to spark a global conversation to show that when land and property rights are denied, social stability, economic prosperity are at risk Político - News on politics and policy Poynter Institute – A global leader in journalism Pressenza International Press Agency The Real News Network REDDIT – Internet communities The Reporter (Ethiopia) Reuters RT – Question more Rollingstone St. John Source (US Virgin Islands) Slate – Digital news on culture, technology, politics, current events, and business Smithsonian Magazine South China Morning Post The Standard (Kenya) The Star (Kenya) Sustainable Brands - Global community of brand innovators shaping the future of commerce worldwide Texas Observer (USA) The Most Important News TED Talks The Telegraph (UK) Thomas Reuters Foundation News - Covering the lives of people around the world who struggle to live freely or fairly Times of India Time magazine Trade Arabia The Tribune (India) Truthout - Independent reporting and commentary on a diverse range of social justice issues United Press International UN News Upworthy – Stories worth sharing Urban Faith - Conversations about news, faith and culture US The Verge – Explanatory journalism Vice of America News Voice of America -News and learning English Voices for Transparency - A collection from the anti-corruption movement curated by Transparency International Vox – Journalism that empowers people through understanding The Wall Street Journal Post – Democracy dies in darkness WCJB (Florida) Wired – News Wolf Street - The stories behind business, finance, and money The World XinuaNet News (Indonesia) Zambian Watchdog - independent breaking news on and about Zambia HYPERLINK \l "_CORONAVIRUS_1" CORONAVIRUSThe New York Times Coronavirus (Section with open access) Worldometer Coronavirus Update The Scientist - Coronavirus updates John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center Health Organization – Coronavirus US Center for Disease Control – Coronavirus ................

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