17th North America-Europe Data Exchange Meeting

Canadian Meteorological Centre, Dorval, Canada

26-28 May 2004

Final report dated 28 June 2004


1. Introduction 2

2. European Requirements 2

3. North American Requirements 18

4. Table of Meteorological Service of Canada Data Requirements 32

5. Status of actions from 16th Meeting 35

5.1 Actions related to North American requirements 35

5.2 Actions related to European requirements 36

5.3 Miscellaneous Actions 38

6. Actions from 17th Meeting 40

6.1 Actions related to European requirements 40

6.2 Actions related to North American requirements 42

6.3 Miscellaneous Actions 43

6.4 Points for information 45

7. Conclusions 46


ATTACHMENT-II: List of participants 48

ATTACHMENT-III: Terms of reference of the NA/Europe Data Exchange Forum 49

ATTACHMENT-IV: NOAA/NESDIS Status Report (G. Legg) 51

ATTACHMENT-V: NCEP Status Report (S. Lord) 52

ATTACHMENT-VI: Status report from the Meteorological Service of Canada (G. Verner) 53

ATTACHMENT-VII: EUMETSAT Status Report (K. Holmlund) 60

ATTACHMENT-VIII: ECMWF Status Report (H. Böttger/J.-N. Thépaut) 65

ATTACHMENT-IX: METO Status Report (R. Saunders) 66

ATTACHMENT-X: M-F status report (B. Lacroix /H. Roquet) 72

ATTACHMENT-XI: DWD Status Report (R. Hess) 76

ATTACHMENT-XII: TOC Telecommunications Status Report (F. Branski) 77

ATTACHMENT-XII-I: International Satellite Communication System (ISCS) 77

ATTACHMENT-XII-II: NWS Web Bulletin Input Form Guidance Documentation 85


ATTACHMENT-XII-IV: NWS eMail Data Input System (EDIS) 92

ATTACHMENT-XIII: METO Telecommunications Status Report (D. Hennings) 95

ATTACHMENT-XIV: Priorities on the Washington-Exeter link 113

1. Introduction

The meeting was chaired by Jean-Guy Desmarais, Director of the Development Branch at the Canadian Meteorological Centre in Dorval, Canada. On behalf of the Meteorological Service of Canada, he opened the 17th meeting by welcoming the group to Montréal and to the CMC. He reminded the importance of the work of this group as a forum to refine the data requirements of the NWP centres and to consider the means of getting data from the data providers to the NWP community. He also noted that this was the fifth participation of the CMC at this meeting and that this participation has proven to be very beneficial to the MSC and the CMC. He also reflected on the major challenges we will be facing over the upcoming years, in relation to the exploding volumes of satellite data that will be made available, and the difficulties this will present for telecommunications, data storage and data processing systems. Referring to the agenda (attachment I) he emphasised that the main work of the group was on the second day when we will review and discuss the requirements of both Europe and North America. Finally, he informed the group that two of the participants (Emilie Bruchon and Gene Legg) could not make it to the meeting and he presented their regrets to the group. However, we were able to connect Gene by telephone, and Gene was therefore able to make his presentations and to actively participate in the discussions. The list of participants is given in attachment II.

This report consists of the detailed European and North American requirements documents tabled at this meeting in sections 2 and 3. The Canadian requirements are all common to the European and North American lists and so a table is provided in section 4 referring to the corresponding items in sections 2 and 3. The review of actions from the 16th meeting is given in section 5 and the list of actions formulated during this meeting (including those carried-over for the list of the 16th meeting) is in section 6. The status reports from the satellite agencies, NWP centres and telecommunication groups which were provided by the presenters are included as attachments to this report. There are also PowerPoint presentation files available from Gilles Verner ( (or from the CD ROM) for some of the status reports as indicated in the heading for each report. There are also several other attachments provided in response to actions from the previous meetings.

2. European Requirements

This section presents the combined status of and requirements for data and products from NOAA and MSC for operational NWP and related activities in Europe. Unless otherwise specified, the stated requirement represents a common requirement of two or more centres.

A key requirement common to all the products listed below is the reliable exchange of information on any changes impacting any of the transmitted products. Timely exchange of information will help in explaining anomalies in the monitoring and if assimilated in forecast trends. For planned changes to operationally used datasets the agreement on the ATOVS level 1b update policy is welcomed..

The European Met. Services referred to in this document together with the abbreviations used are:

DMI: Danish Meteorological Institute

DNMI: Norwegian Meteorological Institute

DWD: German Weather Service

KNMI: Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

ECMWF: European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting

EUMETSAT: European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites

METEO-FRANCE: Météo-France

METO: Met Office (U.K.)


E.1.1 TOVS

E.1.1.1 RTOVS in BUFR (retrievals and clear radiances)

Status: No longer transmitted on GTS.

Comments: ECMWF: RTOVS data received but no longer assimilated, and no longer required

METO: No longer required, as replaced by NOAA-16 1b data, unless NOAA-16 fails.

METEO-FRANCE: NOAA-14 RTOVS in BUFR were replaced by NOAA-16 products. They are not required.

Requirement: Yes if NOAA-16 fails.

1.1.21 500 km TOVS SATEMs (retrievals only)

Status: All centres stopped using the data.

Comments: METEO-FRANCE: Not required.

ECMWF: Received but not used.

METO: Not required.

Requirement: No.

E.1.1.23 Level 1B TOVS data

Status: Data routinely copied from NESDIS via dedicated link to METO. Data passed to ECMWF who encode the 1B data into BUFR. Access given to other European Met. Services.

Comments: ECMWF: TOVS 1B radiances from NOAA-14 are monitored (as backup and for independent validation). SSU from NOAA-14 are received and monitored.

METEO-FRANCE: These data have not been received since October 2002. They are not required.

Requirement: Yes.


E.1.2.1 ATOVS 120km retrievals and clear radiances in BUFR

Status: Available on GTS.

Comments: DWD: Assimilated operationally, to be replaced with 1D-Var retrievals in 2004, until summer 2005 verification of 1D-Var retrievals..

METEO-FRANCE: No longer used in assimilation. Not required.

Requirement: Yes by DWD.

E.1.2.2 ATOVS level 1B data

Status: Data copied from NESDIS via dedicated link to METO who encode the 1B data into BUFR(1C data). Access given to other European Met. Services and ECMWF. There is a continuing requirement to receive AMSU data in 1B rather than 1C form as the AMSU housekeeping information is monitored by METO.

Comments: METO: NOAA-15 /16/17 1B HIRS (on NOAA-16/17 only), AMSU-A/B and AMSU-, B NOAA-16 HIRS/AMSU-A/B assimilated and monitored routinely. Plots available on the Met Office www site at: ().

Occasional days when data > 7hours old which misses model update runs. Would like to see the timeliness improved. All centres have an interest in receiving the full blind orbit data earlier and in time for use in data assimilation.

ECMWF: 1C radiances from NOAA-15 16 and 17 assimilated operationally (AMSUA from 15 and 16three platforms and HIRS/AMSUB from 16 and 17). Monitoring statistics can be found in

METEO-FRANCE: 1C radiances (AMSU-A) from NOAA-15 and, 16 and HIRS from NOAA-16 and AND 17) assimilated operationally.

DWD: Data monitored. Operational use (AMSU A from NOAA-15 and 16) in 1D-Var will start in 2004.

Requirement: Yes.

E.1.2.3 ATOVS and AVHRR level-0 raw HRPT data from NOAA/NESDIS

Status: Not received.

Comments: ATOVS derived products with strict timeliness requirement ( ................

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