Wakulla County, Florida

Board of County Commissioners

Regular Public Meeting

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Board of County Commissioners in and for Wakulla County, Florida met for a Regular Public Meeting on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. with Chairman Ralph Thomas presiding. Present were Commissioners Randy Merritt, Mike Stewart, Jerry Moore and Chuck Hess. Also present were County Administrator David Edwards, County Attorney Heather Encinosa and Deputy Clerk Brandy King.

The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were provided by Commissioner Stewart.


(CD5:00) Commissioner Merritt requested to table items (10 and 11) to a future meeting.

Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the agenda as amended; second by Commissioner Hess and the motion passed unanimously, 4/0. (Commissioner Moore was absent during the vote)


(CD5:01) Robert and Kenny Manning – Wakulla Christian Coalition African American Heritage Parade

(CD5:04) Steve Cushman – Camp Indian Springs


(CD5:07) Iris Garden Club Presentation – Jeannie Broadhead


(CD5:12) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the consent agenda; second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

1. Approval of Minutes from the January 3, 2017 Regular Board Meeting

Approve the January 3, 2017 Regular Board Meeting

2. Approval of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for December 29, 2016 through January 11, 2017

Approve Bills and Vouchers Submitted for December 29, 2016 through January 11, 2017

3. Request Board Approval of the Disposal of County Property

Approve the Disposal of County Property

4. Request Board Approval to Accept and Award RFP 2017-05 to The Connect Agency for the Social Media, Marketing, and Management & Content Development for Wakulla County’s Tourism Program and Approval of the Contract

This Item Has Been Tabled to a Future Board Meeting

5. Request Board Approval of the Amendment to the Credit Agreement with Ameris Bank for the Line of Credit Reserved for Emergency/Disaster Relief

Approve the Amendment to the Credit Agreement with Ameris Bank for the Line of Credit Reserved for Emergency/Disaster Relief

6. Request Board Approval of a Temporary Road Closure on February 11, 2017 for the 19th Annual Valentine’s Day Parade

Approve Temporary Road Closure on February 11, 2017 for the 19th Annual

Valentine’s Day Parade

7. Request Board Approval of a Temporary Road Closure on February 18, 2017 for the Wakulla

County Christian Coalition’s 12th Annual African American Heritage Parade

Approve Temporary Road Closure on February 18, 2017 for the Wakulla

County Christian Coalition’s 12th Annual African American Heritage Parade




(CD5:13) 8. Request Board Approval to Lease Three Caterpillar 120 Motor Graders from Ring Power Using the Florida Sheriff’s Association Bid# FSA-16 VEH 14.0 for Road Maintenance, Approval to Remove the Three Current Motor Graders from County Inventory and Return them Per the Terms of the Current Lease Agreement, and Approval of the Budget Amendment

Commissioner Merritt moved to approve to Lease Three Caterpillar 120 Motor Graders from Ring Power for 5 Years Using the Florida Sheriff’s Association Bid# FSA-16 VEH 14.0 for Road Maintenance, Approval to Remove the Three Current Motor Graders from County Inventory and Return them Per the Terms of the Current Lease Agreement, and Approval of the Budget Amendment; second by Commissioner Hess and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:13) 9. Request Board Approval to Adopt a Resolution Accepting the Dedication of Right-Of-Way Easement for a New Webster Roadway Segment and Approval of the Agreement

Commissioner Hess moved to approve to Adopt a Resolution Accepting the Dedication of Right-Of-Way Easement for a New Webster Roadway Segment and Approval of the Agreement; second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed unanimously, 4/0 with Commissioners Stewart, Thomas, Moore and Hess voting for the motion and Commissioner Merritt abstaining from voting and filing a Memorandum of Voting Conflict Form 8B.

10. Request Board Direction for Staff to Work with the Apalachee Regional Planning Council to Explore Increasing Impact Fees for Library Services and Parks and Recreation

This Item Has Been Tabled to a Future Board Meeting

11. Request Board Direction for Staff to Work with the Apalachee Regional Planning Council to Remove Transportation Concurrency Requirements from the Comprehensive Plan and Explore Options on Restructuring Transportation Concurrency in the Land Development Code to a Mobility Impact Fee Structure

This Item Has Been Tabled to a Future Board Meeting




(CD5:16) 13. Commissioner Hess -

Request Board Approval of a Resolution In Support of Adding Camp Indian Springs to the Acquisition List Proposed by the North West Florida Water Management District to Enhance Tourism and Recreation in Wakulla County

Commissioner Hess moved to Approve a Resolution In Support of Adding Camp Indian Springs to the Acquisition List Proposed by the North West Florida Water Management District to Enhance Tourism and Recreation in Wakulla County; second by Commissioner Merritt and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.




(CD5:49) Wakulla Gardens and Magnolia Gardens Sewer Retrofit Update; DOT Crawfordville Town Plan public meeting.


(CD5:51) Colin Irons – cave diving locations


(CD5:55) COMMISSIONER MOORE – update on the land swap with the Forest Service

(CD5:56) COMMISSIONER THOMAS – historic area signs; amending the county code pertaining to 50% threshold for home repairs


(CD6:07) 12. Application for Final Plat FP16-03 - Martin Farms Subdivision (Paul and Marcie Kreager, Owners/Thurman Roddenberry, Agent)

Commissioner Merritt moved to Approve to Conduct the final Public Hearing and approve the Application for Final Plat FP16-03 and accept the “Maintenance Agreement and Bond”, based upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the findings of fact and conclusions of law made by the Board and any evidence submitted at the Hearing hereon second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Merritt made a motion to adjourn; second by Commissioner Moore and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

The meeting adjourned at 6:09 p.m.


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