Welcome to Wakulla Co , FL

Board of County Commissioners

Regular Public Meeting

Monday, September 18, 2017

The Board of County Commissioners in and for Wakulla County, Florida met for a Regular Public Meeting on Monday, September 18, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. with Chairman Ralph Thomas presiding. Present were Commissioners Randy Merritt, Mike Stewart, Jerry Moore, and Chuck Hess. Also present were County Administrator David Edwards, County Attorney Heather Encinosa and Deputy Clerk Carla Ziemer.

The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were provided by Commissioner Stewart.


(CD5:01) Add-on: Hurricane Irma, Presentation by Randall Taylor, Wakulla Emergency Management Director to the Awards and Presentations.

(CD5:01) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the agenda as amended; second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.




(CD5:02) 1. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Second Public Hearing and Adopt the FY2017/2018 Final Millage Rate and Final Budget


This is the second of two required public hearings on the Wakulla County Budget for Fiscal Year 2017/2018. If you wish to speak during the public hearing portion of this meeting, please step forward at the appropriate time.

The final aggregate millage rate is 8.0351 mills which is equal to the aggregate rolled-back millage rate of 8.0351 mills.

Now the County Administrator will read the final millage rate into the public record.


The proposed Board of County Commissioners of Wakulla County final countywide millage rate is 8.0351 mills which is equal to the countywide rolled-back millage rate of 8.0351 mills.


I’m opening up the floor for a motion to begin the public hearing.

(CD5:02) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve to conduct the Final Public Hearing to adopt the FY2017/2018 Final Millage Rate and Final Budget; second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

There were no citizens to be heard.

Commissioner Merritt moved to close the Public Hearing; second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.


Florida Statutes require the Board to address the final millage rate before addressing the final budget. The Board must vote on the millage rate and the budget separately. I will now entertain the following motions (take each one separately):

(CD5:03) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the Board of County Commissioners FY2017/2018 Final Countywide Millage Rate of 8.0351 mills; second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:03) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the Board of County Commissioners FY2017/2018 Final Budget as presented on July 14, 2017 and as amended through the agenda process today; second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed 5/0.

2. Request Board Approval to Conduct a Public Hearing and Approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Acquisition of Land on Melody Lane for the Purpose of a Lift Station for the Wakulla and Magnolia Gardens Sewer Project

(CD5:04) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve to Conduct a Public Hearing and Approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Acquisition of Land on Melody Lane for the Purpose of a Lift Station for the Wakulla and Magnolia Gardens Sewer Project; second by Commissioner Moore and the motion passed 5/0.

3. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Final Public Hearing and Approve an Ordinance Amending the Land Development Code Pertaining to Medical Marijuana Dispensing Facilities

(CD5:04) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve to Conduct the Final Public Hearing and Approve an Ordinance Amending the Land Development Code Pertaining to Medical Marijuana Dispensing Facilities; second by Commissioner Moore and the motion passed 5/0.

4. Request Board Approval to Conduct the First of Two Public Hearings Regarding an Ordinance Creating Commercial Zoning Districts and Architectural Standards for Crawfordville Town Plan Area

This item has been tabled to a future BOCC meeting

5. Request Board Approval to Conduct the First of Two Public Hearings Regarding an Ordinance Amending and Updating Existing Commercial Zoning Districts

This item has been tabled to a future BOCC meeting

6. Request Board Approval to Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Amending Section 2.210 of the Wakulla County Code of Ordinances Adding the City of Sopchoppy to the Lands Encompassed by the Wakulla County Industrial Development Authority

(CD5:05) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve to Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt an Ordinance Amending Section 2.210 of the Wakulla County Code of Ordinances Adding the City of Sopchoppy to the Lands Encompassed by the Wakulla County Industrial Development Authority; second by Commissioner Moore and the motion passed 5/0.


(CD5:05) Presentation Regarding CareerSource Capital Region – Jim McShane, CEO, CSCR

(CD5:25) Update of Services Provided and Upcoming Events – Sabrina Williams, Refuge House, Domestic Violence Counselor

(CD5:31) Add-on: Hurricane Irma Update, Randall Taylor, Wakulla Emergency Management Director


(CD5:35) Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the consent agenda; second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

7. Approval of Minutes from the September 6, 2017 Workshop to Discuss RESTORE Act Multi-Year Implementation Plan (MYIP) Process

Approve – Minutes from the September 6, 2017 Workshop to Discuss RESTORE Act Multi-Year Implementation Plan (MYIP) Process

8. Approval of Minutes from the September 6, 2017 Workshop for FDOT to Provide an Update on the Hwy. 319 Corridor Project and to Present the 30% Plans

Approve – Minutes from the September 6, 2017 Workshop for FDOT to Provide an Update on the Hwy. 319 Corridor Project and to Present the 30% Plans

9. Approval of Minutes from the September 6, 2017 Regular Board Meeting

Approve – Minutes from the September 6, 2017 Regular Board Meeting

10. Approval of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for August 31, 2017 through September 13, 2017

Approve – Payment of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for August 31, 2017 through September 13, 2017

11. Request Board Approval to Enter Into a Confidentiality Agreement with Talquin Water and Wastewater, Inc. and Talquin Electric Cooperative, Inc., to Facilitate Discussions Regarding Potential Utility System Acquisition

Approve – Enter Into a Confidentiality Agreement with Talquin Water and Wastewater, Inc. and Talquin Electric Cooperative, Inc., to Facilitate Discussions Regarding Potential Utility System Acquisition

12. Request Board Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $1,300,000 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 to Provide Funds Under a Loan Agreement with Ameris Bank to Finance Certain Costs Associated with the County’s New Fire and EMS Facility and Approve the Loan Agreement

Approve – a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $1,300,000 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 to Provide Funds Under a Loan Agreement with Ameris Bank to Finance Certain Costs Associated with the County’s New Fire and EMS Facility and Approve the Loan Agreement

13. Request Board Approval of Modification Number 2 to the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Subgrant Agreement for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2014 Grant Cycle

Approve – Modification Number 2 to the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Subgrant Agreement for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2014 Grant Cycle

14. Request Board Approval of a Letter of Support for the Big Bend Crime Stoppers Trust Fund Grant

Approve – a Letter of Support for the Big Bend Crime Stoppers Trust Fund Grant

15. Request Board Approval of the Disposal of County Property

Approve – the Disposal of County Property

16. Request Board Approval of Ortega Industrial Contractors Inc. Change Order No. 1 in the Amount of $62,701.01 for the Otter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project

Approve – Ortega Industrial Contractors Inc. Change Order No. 1 in the Amount of $62,701.01 for the Otter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project

18. Request Board Approval of the Maintenance Agreement and Bond for the Gardens of Saralan Phase 2

Approve – the Maintenance Agreement and Bond for the Gardens of Saralan Phase 2








(CD5:36) 17. Commissioner Hess

a. Request Board Approval of a Resolution to Urge the Florida Legislature to Enact Legislation That Would Make Texting While Driving a Primary Offense, Jeffery Yarbrough, Deputy

Commissioner Hess moved to approve a Resolution to Urge the Florida Legislature to Enact Legislation That Would Make Texting While Driving a Primary Offense; second by Commissioner Merritt and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.




(CD5:48) Restore Act Workshop on November 20, 2017 changed from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

Commissioner Merritt moved to approve the Restore Act Workshop on November 20, 2017 change from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm; second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.




(CD5:49) COMMISSIONER THOMAS – Restore Act Meetings in Panacea on September 19, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Welcome Center, Shell Point on September 21, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the VFD, and St. Marks on September 25, 2017 at 6:00 pm, Legislative Delegation Meeting on September 28, 2017, Commissioner Stewart will attend and present

(CD5:50) COMMISSIONER MOORE – Kayaks, Florida Quarterback represented Wakulla well

There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Merritt made a motion to adjourn; second by Commissioner Moore and the motion passed unanimously, 5/0.

The meeting adjourned at 5:53 p.m.


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