Working Group Meeting Minutes - Washington State Board …

Working Group Meeting MinutesNovember 27, 2019SBCTC Olympia, Bonanza Room and WebExTara Keen, FacilitatorMeeting ParticipantsVoting Members?Kathy Disney, Tacoma? Pat Daniels, Highline (Absent, Beth has vote)? Krista Francis, Peninsula? Beth Farley, Edmonds ? Sabra Sand, Clark? Chantel Black, Spokane? John Ginther, SBCTC ? Christyanna Dawson, SBCTC? Ana Ybarra, SBCTC ? John Henry Whatley, SBCTC? Shon Dicks-Schlesinger, SBCTC? Brian Lanier, SBCTC? Ryan Martiny, SBCTC? Sandy Main, SBCTC? Venkat Gangula, SBCTC? Carmen McKenzie, SBCTCNon-Voting Members?Christy Campbell, SBCTC ?Tara Keen, SBCTC?Cheryl Fritz, Wenatchee ?Charlene Rios, Big Bend?Johnathan Rider, SBCTC?Ray Gartner, SBCTC?Janelle Runyon, SBCTC?Dennis Colgan, SBCTC?Roger Curry, SBCTC?Dani Bundy, SBCTC ?Reuth Kim, SBCTC?Kristy Snow, SBCTCMeeting MinutesReview & Approve Meeting Minutes from 11/13/2019 and Status Updates on Action ItemsWebEx Recording Time Frame 00:00 – 07:34Reviewed meeting minutes from 11/13/2019, but did not have a quorum for approval. Action items have been updated below.Reuth Kim provided an update on the CampusCE event held on November 19-21 at Green River College. There were more participants than expected, which was great. The participants were very engaged. Next steps will include looking at baseline requirements and finalize the SOW. Reuth also shared that the Steering Committee is looking at membership, similar to Working Group. Steering Committee does have some members who will be transitioning. Working Group does not have any membership changes coming up.Enhancement Requests & Other UpdatesWebEx Recording Time Frame 07:35 – 17:35FSCM Enabling Procurement Cards on Purchase OrdersShon Dicks-Schlesinger shared that this request is in regards to PCard set up. They would like to have the ability to specify the procurement card option on purchase orders (PO). Shon will be checking the reconciliation box next to the “use procurement card” on the PO and do some configuration on the PO pages. Shon and her team had a discussion about the PCI compliance with placing the PCard number in PeopleSoft. This is a normal function that folks use all over the world, but they need to make sure the PCI compliance is in place. This will only impact the requisition and PCard modules and no other module/pillar should be impacted. Johnathan will be looped in for the security aspect of this change to make sure that others will not be able to see the payment information.John Ginther asked if this change will help an issue that Spokane brought up yesterday with ticket item #82001. Their PCard bank settings were switched from JP Morgan to US Bank somehow. John requests this be looked at to see if this could be addressed at the same time or this needs something else.Shon shared that App Services is working on another request because right now, there are issues in the staging table when loading PCard information because they’re able to see all of everyone’s transactions in that staging table. Shon will look at this as well as Spokane’s issue.CBA Collection for Review and Align with System Functionality UpdateJohn Ginther met with Ed McAllister and the colleges have already been working on updating their CBAs. These updates need to happen in order to update the Faculty Workload. Krista shared that some colleges are finishing up the faculty nursing aspect.Working Group Membership UpdateWebEx Recording Time Frame 17:36 – 19:15Tara Keen shared that the Working Group Charter needs to be updated to reflect Brian Lanier’s move over to the ERP Support Organization side. Also, the ERP Support Organization split into 3 pillars to match ctcLink and named Associate Directors to lead those areas. These revisions will be implemented and brought back to the next meeting.Follow-Up/Action ItemsWebEx Recording Time Frame 19:16 – 21:45Items to put on next meeting’s agenda:The Mandate/FYI: National Student Clearinghouse.Revise Charter to include Associate Directors and voting.Revise Enhancement Request document.Meet with Christy Campbell, Dennis Colgan, and John Henry Whatley to provide an update on the Online Admissions Application.Work with Christyanna Dawson to get the latest update on the Business Unit change that went before BAR.ItemDescriptionPersonDateStatusReach closure on GDR items/governance approval requests and properly track the items and update. Finalize global configuration guides and receive complete approval.Tara, Reuth, delegates1/23/20192/6/19: In Progress: No updates at this time. Tara & Reuth will be meeting on this soon.3/20/19: Reuth & Tara will be meeting next week. DG2 Global Configuration Guides are being sent out for review.4/17/19: Tara and Reuth will need to continue to work on this. 5/1/19: Global and Local Configuration Guides are located in cDR. 6/26/19: Reuth needs to loop back with Tara regarding this.Continue speaking with 3 out of the 7 top-scoring colleges around OAA. Next step-present info to OAA work group and governance.Dennis2/20/19In Progress3/20/19: Dennis is meeting with the OAA sub-group next week.4/17/19: WSSSC and ARC presentations upcoming.5/1/19: The WSSSC & ARC have turned down the opportunity for an OAA presentation.5/29/19: A formal recommendation will be brought to the Steering Committee on 6/4/19. Looking like this will be an RFP.6/26/19: Move forward with RFI and also continue to make improvements to OAA. 7/24/19: Ana provided updated from Joe H.: Steering Committee has been asked to approve going forward with an RFI for a new vendor/product that meets the functional and technical requirements established by the OAA Workgroup in concert with the ctcLink Project Team. A related activity is occurring in the WACTC Critical Issues Committee equity audit workgroup looking at the OAA experience of undocumented students.?8/7/19: Tara will loop back with Dennis for an update on documentation.9/4/19: Working on the Proof of Concept. This will not be ready for DG2.11/27/19: Needs to be more formal topic for agenda.Create questions to bring back to BAC around OUs to gain more information about this request.Notes: Expenditures tracking incorporates some of the department/multiple OUs information. Action Item: Track as Delegate Input Decision ItemEmmett & CharleneEmmettChristyanna 3/20/19In Progress4/3/19: Emmett has a preliminary list of questions, but still needs to loop around with Char.4/17/19: Questions and concept of expanded set of operating values created and received initial feedback from BAC, need to figure out next steps, how to support it and measure it by risks/impacts (potential impact to CoA). Bring this info to BAR in June to gather feedback and further refine recommendation. *This is currently tracked in PWA with John G. original request for OU Enhancement Request.5/15/19: Charlene heard from Choi, and waiting for Emmett.5/29/19: Emmett will speak with BAC next week.6/26/19: Reuth to follow up with Emmett for update. We are unsure if Emmett provided the June update to BAR/BAC.7/17/19: Emmett presented to BAR in June, no vote taken. 8/7/19: Christyanna will loop back with Emmett to get an update on this.9/4/19: Write up synopsis of the June BAR presentation and define next steps. Will bring back to next WG meeting. 10/2/19: Emmett provided a verbal update and recommended next steps 11/27/19:Re-assign to Christyanna and get update. Email Delegated Decision Tara Keen5/15/19Update WG on full analysis when ready.9/4/19: Tara to add to WG agenda.10/2/19: New resource will need to lead this effort.11/27/19: Lead returns we will work on specifications for functional and tech design changes and prep Enhancement Requests. Notifications on W2 for HCM pillar was not included.HCM Payroll M-O45 PSHUP Load Process Modification –Enhancement Request tabled –Shon to work with Brian /HCM team and update working group on 7/10/19Shon Dicks-Schlesinger6/26/197/24/19: Meet to discuss. 8/7/19: Brian & Shon met and discussed. This will be a customization. More work needed on this.10/2/19: Needs to be looked at after go-live.Working Group Log ID#28, split these itemsAna Ybarra6/26/197/24/19: In Progress 8/7/19: Waiting until after Guided Pathways because this will impact these.9/4/19: Still meeting on the GP votes. Next meeting 9/12 to discuss how to implement the decisions of the votes.Update Tavel Auth/Adv/Exp CPW Process FlowPat Daniels9/4/19Pat will update and bring to next WG meeting.10/2/19: In Progress with CPW team. Create ER for the 2 recommendations from the Tavel Auth/Adv/Exp CPWPat Daniels9/4/19Pat will work with Daniel to get formal ER submitted to WG. 10/2/19: In Progress with CPW team. Close out past CPWsPat Daniels9/4/19Pat will work with Daniel & Ligia to determine the CPW and Project liaisons for each CPW to start completion of them. 10/2/19: Ongoing conversations with CPW facilitators. Add future DG to ER formsTara9/4/19Tara will review the ER form and update with future Deployment Groups10/23/19 - Add to agenda for meeting scheduled post conversion 11/6. 11/27/19: Tara received SLA language and will add this to next agenda. ................

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