Minutes for organization meeting (short form)

AZNA Chapter 30 Board MeetingMeeting MinutesJanuary 12, 2017Present:Kathy Wruk, President; Sarah Locke, Secretary; Tami Calvin, Treasurer; Bill Adams, Member-At-Large; Kathy Matson, Member-At-Large, Lynn Untermeyer, Member-At-Large, and Maureen Buhl, Member-At-Large. Absent: Robin Kirschner, Vice-PresidentNext board meeting:February 9, 2017AnnouncementsThe AzNA Chapter 30 board meeting convened at 5:30 p.m. at Olive Garden, Chandler, AZ with seven board members present, led by President Kathy Wruk. Motion made by Kathy Matson to approve minutes from board meeting on October 19, 2016. Seconded by Maureen Buhl. Motion carried. DiscussionTreasurer’s Report:Tami Calvin provided copies of the current treasurer report. CD account was cashed out and deposited into checking account. Checking account balance as of 12/31/16 was $8,665.17, $7,116.57 of which was from the CD closure deposit on 12/23/16. The 2016 Chapter 30 Treasurer Report Summary was reviewed: Over budget on End of Year Social Hour, over budget for Renewal Retreat because of $2,250 deposit for 2017 Renewal Retreat included. Overall we were under budget for 2016 when adjusted for 2017 Renewal Retreat Deposit and Nov/Dec 2015 Dues. Motion made to approve Year End Treasurer Report Summary by Kathy Matson, seconded by Lynn Untermeyer. Motion carried.Welcome New and Returning Board MembersBoard member introductions were made by each member introducing themselves and why they joined the board. Contact information list was reviewed and corrected. ActivitiesReviewed 2016 Chapter 30 activities and discussed overview of 2017 Calendar of Events for AzNA and Chapter 30 planned events, including Chapter 30 meeting schedule and members’ meetings. 2016 Event Summary and 2017 Calendar of Events attached.President’s Report:Kathy Wruk attended the President meeting today. Kathy provided ANA updates to the board. Discussion ensued about how to increase membership. Arizona was selected to be a pilot state for a lower membership dues rate in efforts to increase membership. A recent email interest/needs assessment survey went out to all 2200 AzNA members, however there were only 4 replies. There was then discussion on how to reach members, such as social media, email, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Reaching younger-generation nurses through social media, and creating a separate chapter for new graduates was also discussed. Chapter by-laws need to be revised soon as well. To be discussed at next meeting.Annual Budget:The 2017 budget for Chapter 30 was introduced to the board by President Kathy Wruk. Starting budget is $8,674.17. As the budget was reviewed, there was discussion regarding cost of Renewal Retreat to provide registration fees affordable to nurses. Decision was made to keep Retreat costs down for attendees at $325 per AzNA member double occupancy ($425 non-member) and $400 AzNA member single occupancy ($500 non-member), but the cost for AzNA overall is higher than last year as the Retreat is longer in length and at a new venue. Decision was made to add $1,000 to Nursing Student Scholarships. Total expenses budgeted for in 2017 are $7,365.00. The Promise of Nursing is excluded from the budget as of current due to significantly increased ticket cost. Motion made to accept budget with changes by Tami Calvin, seconded by Bill Adams. Motion carried. Renewal Retreat Planning Update:The cost of the Renewal Retreat will be approximately $7000, $2250 already paid for deposit in 2016. Length of retreat will be 2 ? days, starting Friday, April 28, 2017 at 1:00pm, and ending Sunday, April 30, 2017 at 4:00pm. Location is Thunderbird Executive Inn & Conference Center in Glendale, AZ. Presenters include: Barbara Hudak, Nathalie Rivett, and Kelli Shallel. AzNA Educator SIG is sponsoring $600 and sending a member for $400. AzNA Yuma is sending a member for $400. Discussed at length about whether to allow participants to keep bolsters or reuse them each year to save costs. Decision was made to provide participants with bolsters each year as it is a small cost to overall budget. Large portion of this year’s budget is catering due to new venue. Decision to include in 2017 budget the deposit needed for the 2018 Retreat back at the Franciscan Renewal Center which is a less expensive venue.Board Responsibilities:Scholarship:As $1,000 was decided to be allotted in the budget toward nursing student scholarships, Lynn Untermeyer will again manage the scholarship process for Chapter 30. It was suggested to have one $500 in Spring and one $500 in Fall, but will need to be discussed further at next meeting. Survey:As past surveys had unsuccessful response rates, it was decided that there would be no survey this year.Members Meetings:Members’ meetings locations/dates were discussed by the board. Banner Desert has been a central, convenient location in the past and it was agreed this would remain as the location. Members’ meetings would be quarterly on the 2nd Thursday of the month in place of the board meeting, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. Maureen Buhl will oversee the presenters. Suggestions for possible presenters were given, including Pat Mews, Megan Kirschner, Tomi St.Mars. Potential ways to stimulate attendance were also briefly discussed. Meetings: Next Board Meeting to be on Thursday, February 9, 2017 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at Olive Garden on Germann Rd., Chandler, AZ. Next Member Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 9, 2017 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at Banner Desert Medical Center. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.The minutes are submitted respectfully by Sarah Locke, Secretary of Chapter 30. \s ................

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