
PCAB –Sextos anosReadVisit the Amazon Jungle at City ZooThere are many things to see in the Amazon Jungle.There are beautiful black toucans, green parrots and big blue macaws.Amazon Jungle_ Is there a black and white zebra in the Amazone Jungle?_ No, there isn’t, but there is a black jaguar._ Can you see a fat elephant in the Amazone Jungle?_ No, you can’t, but you can see a thin anteater._ Are there big brown bears in the Amazone Jungle?_ No, there aren’t, but there are little monkeys._ Can you see snakes?_ Yes, you can see a long anaconda snake._There is an old turtle, small frogs and ugly piranha fish._Come and visit Amazone Jungle at City Zoo and meet many new animal friends.Read the text again and answer these questions about it.Animals you can see at the Amazone Jungle:Macaws; snakes; zebrasSnakes; anteaters; monkeys.Turtles; elephants; bears.Fishes; monkeys; bears.Bears; zebras; elephantsResposta (b)Animals you can’t see at the Amazone Jungle:Macaws; snakes; zebrasSnakes; anteaters; monkeys.Turtles; elephants; bears.Fishes; monkeys; bears.Bears; zebras; elephantsResposta (e)Adjetivos s?o termos que caracterizam o substantivo. Expressam ao substantivo uma qualidade ou característica. No fragmento “_There is an old turtle, small frogs and ugly piranha fish. ”, s?o adjetivos:There is anTurtle, frogs, piranha fishOld, small, uglyOld, small, ugly, fishOld turtle, small frogs, ugly piranha fishResposta (c)Considere o fragmento: “_ No, there aren’t, but there are little monkeys.” Remete a informa??o de que n?o existem macacos pequenos.Existem macacos grandes e pequenos.N?o existem macacos.Existem macacos pequenos.Existem ursos e macacos pequenos.Resposta (d)As quest?es 5 até 10 est?o relacionadas com os conteúdos estudados no decorrer do ano. Leia com aten??o e assinale as alternativas corretas. This, that, these e those s?o demonstrativos. Utilizamos para demonstrar substantivos. Sobre estes demonstrativos é Incorreto afirmar:This e These utilizamos para demonstrar substantivos que estejam próximos.A tradu??o da palavra This é: esse, essa, isso.That e Those s?o utilizados para demonstrar substantivos distantes.That e Those s?o utilizados para demonstrar substantivos no plural.This e That s?o utilizados para demonstrar substantivos no singular.Resposta (d) Calcule e assinale a resposta correta: “Four + six + three =” ThirteenTwentyFirstTreeteenElevenResposta (a)Qual palavra inglesa completaria corretamente a senten?a? “Rachel ______ a pink bycicle.”HaveIsAreAmHasResposta (e)Como escrevo “Nono” em Inglês?NineNinethNinthNinstNinestResposta (c)Considere o fragmento “Where is the Post Office?”. Qual a tradu??o para “Post Office”?Posto de gasolinaCorreioPosto oficialMercadoSala de aulaResposta (b)Qual a melhor resposta para a pergunta “How does he go to school?”He goes to school by car.He go to school by van.I go to school by ship.We go to school by van.She goes to school on foot.Resposta (a)PCAB –Sétimos anosReading.Hi, my name’s Thelma. I can’t play the piano, but I can play the guitar. I play at the church every weekend.I have a friend. His name’s Peter. He can play the drum and the violin. On Sundays he plays in Central Park.Sarah is my friend. She can’t play the trumpet, but she plays the guitar very well. She plays at the subway station every Friday.My father is Paul. He plays clarinet on Wednesdays at home.Lisa is my mother. She plays the piano on Mondays and Thursdays at school. She’s a teacher.Glossary:Church: igreja; weekend: fim de semana; subway station: esta??o do metr?; Said: disse.Read the text again and answer the questions about it. Who is a teacher?ThelmaPeter Lisa SarahSubwayResposta (c) Where can Lisa play the piano?On Mondays and Thursdays.She is my mother.Subway Station.She is a teacher.At school.Resposta (e) When can Peter play the drum?On Mondays and Thursdays.She is my mother.She is a teacher.At school.On Sundays.Resposta (e)Can Thelma play the piano?Yes, she can.Yes, it can.No, she can’t.Yes, she is. Yes, there isn’t.Resposta (c)As quest?es 5 à 10 est?o relacionadas com os conteúdos estudados no decorrer do ano. Leia com aten??o e assinale as alternativas corretas.“Hi, I’m Sara. I get up at seven o clock. I brush my teeth, take a shower and eat a delicious breakfast. I go to school. My classes start at nine. ” _ Mude da primeira pessoa para a terceira pessoa.“Hi, I’m Sara. I get ups at seven o’ clock. I brushes my teeth, takes a shower and eat a delicious breakfastes. I gos to school. My classes starts at nine. ”“Hi, She’s Sara. She gets up at seven o’ clock. She brushes her teeth, takes a shower and eats a delicious breakfast. She goes to school. Her classes start at nine.”“Hi, She is Sara. She gets ups at seven o’ clock. She brushes her teeth, takes a shower and eats a delicious breakfast. She goes to school. Her classes starts at nine.”“Hi, She is Sara. She gets up at seven o’ clock. She brushes her teeth, takes a shower and eats a delicious breakfast. She goes to school. Her classes starts at nine.”“Hi, She’s Sara. She gets up at seven o’ clock. She brushs her teeth, takes a shower and eats a delicious breakfast. She goes to school. Her classes starts at nine.”Resposta (b)O negativo de “Cow burps a lot.” é:It don’t burp a lot.Cow is not burp a lot.Cow don’t burp a lot.Cow doesn’t burp a lot.It is not burp a lot.Resposta (d)Fill in with Do; Don’t; Does; Doesn’t:She _________ believe in good charms.Some gases ________ contribute to air pollution.My car __________ produce solid wast. It produce gas.___________ cars produce methane gas?________ Paul like to read about science?doesn’t; don’t; doesn’t; Does; Doesdoesn’t; don’t; doesn’t; Do; Doesdon’t; don’t; doesn’t; Does; Doesdoesn’t; don’t; doesn’t; Do; Dodon’t; don’t; Do; Do; DoesResposta (b) Considere a seguinte ora??o -“The world population grows fast.”- sobre ela é incorreto afirmar que:O verbo está conjugado errado, pois no lugar de “grows” deveria estar escrito “grow” visto que, n?o há um sujeito na terceira pessoa do singular.O negativo da senten?a é: “The world population doesn’t grow fast.”“The world population” é o sujeito da ora??o.“Does the world population grow fast?” é a forma interrogativa da ora??o.O sujeito da ora??o está na terceira pessoa do singular.Resposta (a) We _______________ (find) gases a lot.FindsFindDoes findDoesn’t findDo findResposta (b)Qual a melhor resposta para a pergunta a seguir? _“Are James and Jonathan eating?”Yes, we are.Yes, they do.No, they are not.Yes, he is.Does.Resposta (c) PCAB –Oitavos anosFrance – French; Brazil – Portuguese; Japan – Japanese; Italy - … ?ItalianeItalyanItalianItalianyItaliaResposta (c)These countries speak Spanish:Brazil; PortugalSpain; ItalyMexico; Spain; PortugalCanada; United States; MexicoMexico; SpainResposta (e)Considere a senten?a – “She swam in the pool” – Sobre ela, é incorreto afirmar:O verbo “swam” está no passado.O sujeito da ora??o está na terceira pessoa do singular.“She doens’t swim in the pool.” – ? a forma negativa da ora??o. “Did she swim in the pool?” – ? a forma interrogativa da ora??o.“pool” é um substantivo.Resposta (c)ReadClassified ADSPhisical Education TeacherNeeded an outgoing, energetic, motivated and experienced phyisical education teacher, who likes to teach small children, is optimistic and is interested in participating in our summer camp program.Rose RodriguesI just graduated from college. I like all sports, especially teaching volleyball to older children. I’m very outgoing and have lots of energy, but only a little experience.The adjective opposites to “older; outgoing; little” are:Happy, funny, shortEnergetic; motivated; experiencedYounger; shy; bigLikes to teach small childrenThey’re not adjectivesResposta (c)The superlative form to “Good; big; angry; bad”The best; the biggest; the angryest; the worstThe best; the biggest; the angriest; the worstThe better; the biggest; the angrier; the baddest.The goodest; the biggest; the angriest; the baddest. The gooder; the bigger; the angrier; the badder.Resposta (b)“I’m Brazilian. Of course, I like my country. Fortaleza is ______________ (hot) and __________ (sunny) than S?o Paulo during the year”.hottest; sunniest hoter; sunnier hotter; sunnier more hot; more sunnynenhuma das alternativasResposta (c)“I really like England, but don’t like London because it is ___________________ city in the country.”foggy fogger the foggiestfoggerthan more foggerResposta (c)O Passado Contínuo de “Are James and Jonathan eating?” – é?Was they eating?Was James and Jonathan eating?Were they eating?Did they eating?Yes, they areResposta (c)Where were John and Hiro exercising yesterday afternoon?They were at the school gym.He was sleeping yesterday afternoon.They was drinking water yesterday afternoon.They was studying math.John and Hiro was playing video game yesterday afternoon.Resposta (a)“Was”or “Were”? 1.I _______________ hungry. 2.You ______________ in Australia last year. 3.She __________ not there. 4.Charly Chaplin _____________ a famous actor. 5.Lisa and James ____________at home. Was; were; was; was; wereWas; were; was; were; wereWere; were; was; was; wereWas; was; was; were; wereWas; were; were; were; wereResposta (a) PCAB –Nonos anos“Finally she went to the check-out to pay for her groceries. “That will be $10.59,” the check-out girl said. Lanna knew she did not have ____________ money, but she was surprised, when she did not find her wallet in her purse. She only had _____________ coins in her change purse. Now she remembered where she had left grocery list. It was in her wallet.”A lot of; a fewA little; a littleA lot of; a littleA few; a fewA lot of; a lot ofResposta (a)“Someday he ______________ take an archaeology course in Egypt, because he really ________________ (like, present) the Pyramids. He _______________________get married and move to the United States. Miguel has many plans for the future.”Will; likes; willIs going to; likes; is going toIs going to; like; is going toIs going to go; like; is going to goWill; like; willResposta (a) Read: Random Acts of Kindness.At the Web site for the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, a person named Kelly, submitted this story.“Last week a … truck driver came to deliver some food to my elderly grandparents. The employee noticed through the window that my grandfather was mowing his lawn with his plush lawnmower. He told my grandma it was too hot and humid to be out there mowing. My grandma agreed but said that grandpa is too stubborn to stop. So out went the ... man, grabbed the mower and finished mowing the lawn.”Leia o texto com aten??o e sobre ele, resposnda as quest?es 3; 4 e 5.Was Kelly’s grandfather mowing his lawn?Yes, he was mowing his lawn by himself.Yes, he was mowing his lawn by themselves.Yes, he wasn’t No, he wasn’t mowing his lawn by himself.Yes, she is.Resposta (a)No texto acima, s?o verbos irregulares:come; name; submittwas mowing; be; gograbb; be; finishcome; say; tellwas mowing; be; finishResposta (d) How can I say lawnmower in Portuguese?gramagramadocortar gramacortador de gramaterreno baldioResposta (d)The superlative form to “Good; big; angry; bad”The best; the biggest; the angryest; the worstThe best; the biggest; the angriest; the worstThe better; the biggest; the angrier; the baddest.The goodest; the biggest; the angriest; the baddest. The gooder; the bigger; the angrier; the badder.Resposta (b)Considere a sentence – “The boys _______________________ (not/go) to the club if they hadn’t studied their lesson”. _ sobre ela é incorreto afirmar:Trata-se de uma condi??o improvável.O fragmento que completa a ora??o corretamente é “wouldn’t have gone”.A condi??o é o trecho antecedido por “if”.Na ora??o principal, o sujeito da senten?a está no plural.A ora??o condicional está na negativa.Resposta (a)Write the tag question form for each statement. (Questions 8 to 10) “A total of 155 million people don’t live in the Amazon Rain Forest, _________________”is it?Are they?Does it?Do it?Do they?Resposta (e) “You shouldn’t call me, ____________________”Should you?Don’t you?Are you?Do you?Did you?Resposta (a)“ The Amazon river isn’t 500 miles long, __________________”Are they?Is it?Do they?Don’t youIsn’t it?Resposta (b) ................

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