
Sisaala dictionary - 16th Oct 2019The entries are taken from the Sisaala dictionary database as of 16th Oct 2019. AaaconjunctionandNambag?la n? sie a m? g?r??.The hunter got up and went to the bush.a ch??tempsincecf: a l??, a yie suomiA ch?? ch?ch??? kala m? ha b? k?aa die.Since morning I have not eaten anything.a ch?? ... kaa k?from ... untilA ch?? ch?ch??? kaa k? m? ha b? l??? ny?a.From morning until now I have not drunk any water.a ch?? ... n?s?? l?tempright from ...A ch?? Kanton n?s?? l? a kaa k? j?n?? S?saa tintee? s?ma.From the time of (chief) Kanton up to now it is well with the Sisaala land.a l??temp1.sincecf: a ch??, a yie suomia l?? ch?ch??? a kaa m? d?daan??from morning to evening2.from ... onwardsA l?? j?n?? a kaa m? m? b?ra b? ja? gaa.From today on I will not steal any more.a m? t?g? ... l?conjunction phraseconcerning, about? mag? namaga a m? t?g? baal la s? m? K?mas? l?.He told a proverb about the man who went to Kumasi.V?? l?ma a m? t?g? n?al?? l?.Go quickly so that you can catch up with the others.a yie suomitempsincecf: a ch??, a l??A yie suomi d?a m? b? s?gaar? ny?a.Since yesterday I have not had a cigarette.-aan sxplural endingaaparticleand, continuous particleaam??nounbush-buckaar??noungrass-cutter, cane ratab? t?anoun(Twi) oil palm, date palmab?r?b?noun(Twi) pineapplead?anounshort funeral prayer of Muslimsagbadanounrobe, mostly worn by Muslimsag?s??nounyamcf: p???ah?r?anoun(Twi) sugar-canea?exclamationnoakar?manounofficial player of the talking drumsakar?matalking-drummerakurokuexclamationoh, what a wonder!Alaamisinoun(Hs.) Thursdayalabar?kaexclamationplease reduce/increase the price, used in bargainingalabasanounonionAlar?banoun(Hs.) Wednesdayalefunounalefu (amaranthus)alipile?nounaeroplane, airplaneamaconjunctionbut, and? yuou ar? mar?fa, ama ? b? s?ba.He shot at it with a gun, but it did not die.aman?nounsmall fish, herring, sardineam?mbii?nounM&B, tablet, pillamisi?nounhalf-pennycf: pisinuam??exclamationAmenamuosinounmenstrual cloth annaconjunction phrasebeforeanwo?nounlioncf: naachigi?a? kaconjunction phrase1.but, and2.what about?A? ka ? haala?What about his wife?a? kainterrogative phr.what about?Ma s?? b?l m? tee?, a? ka baal la na?You are blaming me, what about that man?a? toconjunction phrasebut ratherS?? baga m? j?n?? a? to m? yoho la.Do not go to the farm today but rather go to the funeral.a?konounriver-blindness, onchocerciasisa?k?ranoun(Twi) barrelar?conjunction1.and Baluri ar? ? ny?mma n?? k?.Baluri and his father are coming.2.withM? ja? p?r? gaar?? ar? pire.I am going to hoe in the garden with a ja? k??s? dee? ar? ? s? k??s? d??? ???.He will tear this one as he tore the other one.4.well, ...?? n? ? yie ?aa tiebiee? Ar?, ? n?? ch? d? ? ?aa tiebiee, ? ...How do you make bricks? Well, if you want to make bricks, you ??? kalain spite of that, all the samear? ??? kalaconjunction phrasein spite of that, all the sameBa b?l ? tee? n? woru?, ar? ??? kala ? ha v?a ? m? n?.They scolded him very much, inspite of that he refused to go.asabanoun(Twi) casting net (for fish)asee!exclamationoh!cf: wuoo, pat?Asee ? k? n?! Oh, you have come!Asibirinoun(Twi) Saturdayasibitinounhospital, clinicAtalaatanoun(Twi) TuesdayAtan?noun(Twi) Mondayayooyonoun(Twi) Corchorus olitoriusAzumanoun(Twi) Fridayà?conjunctionand, but? m? baga a? b? p?r?.He went to the farm but did not work.á?interrogativewho?cf: k?b??, wo??? n? b?la p???Who told you?Bbbapronounthey, themcf: banaba s?verbrumourW??la ha ?aa ba s? n?.The matter is still a rumour.baag?verbto wear a cover cloth over the shoulderBaag? g?r?b?s?!Put the cover cloth over your shoulder!baala/baalnounman, maleBaal n?? k?.A man is coming.Bile ?aa baal n?.The child is a male.-baal??-adjmainboibaal??main doorbaan?verbto refuse, rejectBaal la baan? ? haala k?l?? n?.The man refused his wife's TZ.baan??nounanger? baan?? f??la.He was comfortedbaant??nanouncholericbaanyal??noundiscomfort of the chestbaa?nounNile monitorbaas?verbto carry sth. on the shoulder,cf: chaal?? jo? b??na baas?.He carried a goat on his shoulder.baasikuurinounbicyclecf: cheche, h??? jaabababasunoun(Twi) gonorrhoeababiibal??nounswaggerer, braggartbab?l??nounripe fruit of the shea treecf: bahuo?, ch??n??bachoolu?nounbelovedbad?r?nounspiderbad?r? chak??r?nounspider webbad?r?chapugunountarantulabad?r??nouncraftinessbad?t??nanouncrafty personbaferenouneunuch, impotent manbaf??r??nounsemen, spermbaganoun1.farmcf: g?r??, ya?2.bush-landbaga b?b???nounbush duck/wild duckbaga geli?nounbush catbaga n??nounbush cow, buffalobaga suu?nounwild guinea fowlbaga too?nounbush-pigbaga vahanounfoxBagasieunounmonth of Decemberbag? bag?adverb1.very hotLee la l?ma bag? bag?.The weather is very hot.2.very bitterTii la h?y? bag? bag?.The tea is very bitter.bag?n?nouna kind of yambag?daar?/bag?daaranounfarmercf: paar?bag?l?namb?l??nounkind of treebag?sa jo?v phrto choose, to selectBag?sa jo? k? la ? s?? ch?. Choose what you want.bag?s?verbto admire? bag?s? m? g?r?fal?? la.He admired my new dress.bahuo?noununripe fruit of the shea treecf: bab?l??, ch??n??bajenenounbrother-in-lawbajombienounboy, a male childbakeleethe right of a man to do or not to do something three timesbak?aan.plweaponscf: bayuori k?abakparanouna shea fruit that has two nutsbakperenounnecessitybalverbpasscf: kieliM? ch?na n?, ka luori k? bal.I was standing there when the car passed by.bal ... l?v phrto overtakeM? ja? fá a bal ? l?.I will run and overtake you.bal n?s??idiomto plead, entreatbalanumeralonep??balaone yambalaalaanounarmour, strengthNyanyalaa n? laa m? balaalaa.I have been weakened by sicknessbalegi balegiadverbtopmost part, very high? j?la sag? t?a nyu? balegi balegi.He climbed the very top of the tree.balfal??nounnew husbandbal?anumeraltwocf: l?abal?d?numeralsixcf: d?bal?madangerbal?nch?l?s???nounskink-bal??-adjbig, greatjabal??big villagen?bal??big man, important personbal?p?numeralsevenbampolu?nounneck veinbanapronoun emph.theycf: babananounsee "b? bana k?n?"bandaa-degi-deginounmeningitisban?s?numeralfourcf: n?s?banj?ranounlatrine, lavatory, f?f??l??, l??foorid?aban??numeralfivecf: n??ban??ganounbaggy trousersbanyant??r?nounmost brave, hero in warbanyilenountrumpetbany?nanounmasterbanz?l?nounnecklace, anything worn around the neckba?giri?nounnecklacevaha ba?giri?dog’s protective necklaceba?gulu?nounnape of the neckba?kogulu?nouniron collarba?k??l??noungoitreba?m??interrogativeHow many? How much?N?aa ba?m?? n? h? n?m??How many people are there?Suonoo ?aa ba?m?? n??How much are the beans?ba?m?n?numeralsome, fewcf: m?ap?l??/m?at?l??, muuriba??aanoun1.neck? ba??aa duomo.She has a long neck.2.collarK?? ? g?r?? ba??aa wasa bil.Put the collar of your dress in ? k?? m? ba??aa l?.He is nagging, bothering k?anounnecklaceba??aa lurumbii?nounbead-necklacebap?r??nouneunuch, impotent manbap??s?bienounman's first-born childbap??s?wienounteenage boybap??s??nounyoung manbar?kanoun1.(Hs) usefulness? b? bar?ka k?n?.He is useless.2.BlessingW?a ja? p?? bar?ka.God will bless be fat, thickcf: -bar?m??Chenfilip??r? la bar?ma.These rotten fish are fat.-bar?m??adjcircumference, widthcf: bar?m?bar??bound adjectivefathatoli-bar??fat womann?bar?maafat cowsbar??nounmanhoodbasa basaadverb(Twi) undisciplined, without thought, impatientlycf: woso woso, piri piri? b? basa basa ?aa.He does not do things hurriedly.basigenounvery deadly diseasebasilenounshea fruit that is not fully ripe bas??kpeyenouncarpet viper, night adderbatorinumeralthreecf: toribatuluobii?nounkind of herbbatunaatigenounelephantiasisbatuny?l??noun1.elephant's tusk2.ivorybatu?nounelephantbavirenounlarge granarycf: virebayal k?anounmerchandise, goodsbayalanounmale traderbay??laanounwar dance [sp.]bay?r?kanouna fat mousebayuolu?nouneye of a trapcf: b?r? nandelimi?bayuori k?anounweaponcf: bak?aabàar??verbto roam, walk around aimlessly? b? t?nt?m?? k?n?, ??? n? ? b?baar?.He has no work that is why he is roaming.bàg?lánounbush-animal (gen term)bàg?l??verbto huntLe? la bag?l?.Let us go hunting.bàlánumeralonce, in one sittingBala d?nd?? n? m? m? K?mas?.Once only I went to Kumasi.báar?? go behindBaar? jee la har??.Go behind the incriminate? gaa moribiee n?, a? kaa baar?m?.He stole money and incriminated me.bálánounhusbandbee kieli/bene kieliv phrneglect, ignoreBa bee kielu n?.He has been ignored.bee m? nav phrimagine, to think that...Bee m? na ??? ? s? t?ma, ? z?m???Imagine what you did, is it good?bee nav phrsee, find outM? beena, m? ny?mma k? n???Go and see whether my father has come.bee naa!exclamationsee! look!Bee naa! B?? n? t?? ? ?aa ????Look, why did you do this.beelnounmattressbeenant?r?nounmirrorbegiliverbstagger along, shake? ch?? l??? ar? bogiti a bibegili.She is staggering along with a bucket of water.-bele-adjmale (non-human)b?r?f?r?belemale paw-paw treebatubelemale elephantbelimiverbto burn vigorously, blazeNyi? la ka belimi n?.The fire is burning vigorouslybene j??v phridentifyLa bene j?? w?? la s? t?? jimii la s?? n?. We identified the cause of the fowel's watch, look after, maintainBibe? k?al?? d? ba s?? l?l.Watch the things so that they don't get be in charge of, to ruleKuoro n?? be? Tumu tintee? kala.The chief is in charge of Tumu.3.examine, take notice of sth.Be? bile n?s?? na ? boro n??.Examine the child's hand whether it is broken.4.value sth.? k?al?? ? s? k?n?, m? b? baa be?.I don’t value his fiiv phrlook into things properly/carefullyBe? fii ? ja? na ch?n? la.Look carefully, and you will see the moonberimiverbundisciplined, careless? fa berime n?.He used to be careless.b?verbwrap sth. up, put around? b? nyub?l?.He wore (put around) a ? b? z?mb?.He behaved treacherously.b??interrogativeWhat?B?? k?aa n? ? ???aa ? d?a l??What are you doing in your house?b?? n? t??interrogative phr.Why?B?? n? t?? ? b? d?a m?a?Why did you not go home?b?? w?aaconjunction phrasebecauseBile d?a b? sikuuri m?a, b?? w?aa ? b? dolu? k?n?.The child did not go to school yesterday because he was not well.b??bainterrogativewhat?? s? b??ba?What did you say?-b??r?nbinder, makers?mb??r?maker of the s???Jenduuli b??r?maker of the xylophone-beatersb?g? make way, move asidecf: s?r?s?/s??s?B?g? ka m? l??.Move so that I can go decline (mid-afternoon sun)W?a n? b?g? la ja? m? d?a.When the sun goes down we will go home.b?r? nandelimi?nouneye of a trapcf: bayuolu?b?s? praise sb. for a good deed,Bile ?aa woru?, ? naa? b?s? ? l?.The child did well, so his mother praised become worseW??la m??ra b?s? n?.The matter has become worse.b?s?m?verbto become weary, fatiguedM? kala n? b?s?m?.I am completely tired.b??r?? set (a trap)M? d?a b?r? b?r? n?.Yesterday I set a poison sb.? ja? b?r??.He will poison you.b??r??verbto hateM? b?r??.I hate you.b??r??noun1.trap2.poison-bidiire-adjfavouritecf: -choolu?habidiirefavourite wife-bie-adj1.smallrt2.young, junior (in names)t??biesmall treebiibiesmall childbie/biinounchildbieenoungamebiegiverbmove from side to side? ch?? k?aa a bibiegi.She carried a load and was moving side to side.bieriverb1.hemLaa m? g?r?la bieri nii?.Sew up the hem of my dress.2.hurt (from sting, injury)Nanjoho n? j?? m? s?aa ? bibieri.Pepper entered my eyes and is hurting be jealousid. U yaraa bieru n?.He is jealous.biesiverbburncf: lieriBile chol nyini? a biesi ya?.The child set fire on the grass.bigisiverbboastHaal la bigisi ? t?t?a l?.The woman is boasting.biid??saanouncountersbiif?ranouninfantbiihaalanounson's wife, daughter-in-lawbiih?a?nounfirst bornbiijo?iinoun1.adopted child2.unwanted baby, child believed to possess supernatural powers.biikaas?nounintelligent childbiik?n?naa?nouna rodentbiil??r?nounsickly childbiimulonounbaby, infantbii?rootone single piece of sth.m?nch?s?bii?one matchbii?nounseed, kernelbiip???spoiled childbiisimenounorphanbilverbto put downJo? gba?a la bil.Put down the bowl!? k?? ? bie m? bil.She put her child to bed.bil bagav phrmake a farmbil kuoru?idiomto enstool or enskin a chiefbil mag?l??idiomto make a mark, set a recordbil nii?idiomnarrate a matterbiledinoun(Eng.) razor bladebilii?nounshady area with large treesbilimiverbto rollcf: chuoliBa bilimi tab?? la a m? ta.They rolled the stone away.bimbelimi?nounbell-bine-adjblack, dark-colouredg?r?bineblack clothpiebisi?black sheepbire bireadjectiveto be black, to be darkcf: lim, timB??naa kala bire bire n?.All the goats are black.biriverbto be black, to be darkD?a la bire n?.The room is dark.biri biriadverbno, not at allcf: k?taa? gaa m? s?a n? a b?l biri biri, ? dee.He stole my knife and said it was him.birige tav phrcancel? birigi la w?al?? kala ta n?.He cancelled all our plans.birigiverb1.spoil (friendship)La nand?s?? birige n?.Our friendship is spoiled.2.barren treeT?a la birige n?.The tree has failed to bear get dark? h? nyini? d?a la l?, ny??s?? ?aa ? kala birimi n?.She set fire in the room, and smoke made it change colourNamm?a-la birime n?.The meat was rotten (has changed colour).birimi?noundarknessbiri?noun1.herb [sp.]2.afterbirth3.dyebirisiverbto be dirtyG?r? la birise n?.The cloth is dirty.bitinek?n?nounrootless climberbírí (g?r??) verbto dye (cloth)b?particlenot? b? d?a m?a.He did not go home.b? ... kaa t??v phrdisobeyb? ... nii? ka tov phrdisobeyb? bana k?n?idiombad/ugly thing/person/behavior id. ? w??aalaa b? bana k?n?.His action are bad.b? ch?nato be unreliableb? kpal?? k?n?idiomnot strong, lack of strengthBile b? kpal?? k?n?.The child lack strengthb? lee koroidiomto have nothing, to be poorb? taga dii k?n?v phr(food) not nice, bad, tastelessD?s? la b? taga dii k?n?.The soup is tastteless.b?alabound adjectivebrown-black stripedg?r?b?alabrown-black clothvab?alabrown-black striped dog.b?alanounspotted grass-mouseb?al??noun1.a kind of shrub2.poisonb??l? get marks, bruises or swellings due to beatingM? ja? v??r?? d? ? yaraa kala b??l?.I shall beat you until your body is full of poisonBa b??l? l??? n?.They put poison into the water (to catch fish).b??l? b??l?adjectiveto be bruised, bloodyBa v??r? bile, ? yaraa kala b??l? b??l?.They beat the child. His whole body is bruised.b??s?verbto butcher? b??s? n?? la.He butchered the cow.b??s??verbbutchering? b? b??s?? j??.He doesn't know how to butcher.b?? ripenT??n?n?? b?a.The fruits are be cooked enoughMiiri? ha b? b?a.The rice is not cooked enough be batteredM? ja? ?mobu? d? ? kala b??.I am going to beat you very well.b??na yiv phrtake note of/rememberL??l? n? m? b??na yi ? l?.It is now I remember you.b??n?verb1.thinkM?? b??n? w?aa n?.I am consider, think of or about?? b??n? d? ? m? K?mas? n?.He is thinking about going to expect, to assumeM? fa b??na m? ja? laa teni? j?n??.I was expecting to get a letter today.b?la kav phrtried and failedLa b?l w?? la ka n?.We tried the matter but we failed.b?ll?, b?lla ... paidiomto restore sth. to its rightful owner? b?ll? moribii la a p? ? t??na.He returned the money to its owner.b?ll?, b?lla ... tav phrto wipe off; to clean, wipe B?ll? ? nii? ta.Wipe your mouth out.b?ll? nii? eat breakfastM? ja? b?ll? nii?.I am going to have my deny? b?l w??? n? ba p??s? ? b?ll? nii?.He was questioned for what he said, but he denied.b?mb?anounlatrine, lavatory toiletb?ndunoundung-beetle-b?n??-adjoldchaamb?n??old lampb?n??nounfaeces, stool, excrementb??verbto in a place for a long timeBukuba la b?n?a s?t?? l?.The books have been in the shop for a long time.b??golumu?noundried human excrement, dried faecesb?raparticleagain, anewM? ja? b?ra ?m?ns? teni? a p? m? nand???.I am going to write another letter to my friend.b?r?mba?anounlong red hatb?r?m?verb1.turnBa b?r?m? ? l?lá.She was sterilized.2.turn into, becomeBag?la ch? d? ? b?r?m? nuhuobiine.The antelope wants to become a human change, alterLaa m? g?r?? dee? a kaa b?r?ma y?r? kpu?kpele a p?m?.Take my shirt and change (sew) it into shorts for ? l?lá b?r?ma n?.She is past the age of having childrenb?r?m? l?lav phrto sterilizeb?s?verbto pour chusi, kuusiB?s? l?? la ta.Pour the water away.bogitinounbucketboibaal??nounmain gateboi?/boi? nii?nounentrance, gate, doorboi? niit?l?noundoor, gatebolverbto be distant, far awayLee la bolie.The place is far away.bolimiverbto wound, harm, be woundedcf: p?r?, mirisi, firisi M? tele n? basikuuri nyu? a bolimi.I fell from the bicycle and was wounded.bombonounsandcf: luru?bomborinounmosquito larvabomonounmosquitobonjonluronounsandflybonjo?/bonjomonounsingle man (bachelor, widower)bonjoru?noununmarried statebo?nounlaw, forbidden by lawBa t? bo?.They passed a law, made a proclamationbo?kurinounmosquito-repellent shrubcf: kal?bas???bo?kuribelegooseweed Lat. sphenoclea zeylanica breakLaha la boro n?.The spoon is harvest (millet)M? ja? bori m?aa.I will harvest millet.boribii?nounkeyborisinounbrushboronoundoorboro telidiomto die prematureLa biiduo n? boro tel.Our strong child died prematurely.boroboronounbreadcf: paan?boroboro n???nounmargarine, butterboroboro?m?l??nounlock-boru?-adjbrokennaaboru?broken legboru?nountilapiab??duo?nouncouragecf: t??dolu?, nyuduo?b??viisenounensiform cartilage, end part of sternumb?m??noununkindness, cruelty, wickednessb?ndanouna black beanb?ns??nounwickednessb??bound adjectivecruel, wicked, bad, stingyBiib?? n?.He is a bad child.b??verbcruel, ungenerous, wicked, poisonous, harmfulHaal la b?m?.The woman is stingy.b???nounhemp, juteb?r?f?ranoun(Twi) pawpawb?r? b?r?adjectivesoft, freshB?r?f?ra daa? ?aa b?r? b?r? n?.The stem of pawpaw is soft.b?s?d?s??nounbedbugb?s?nounmatb?s?l??r?nounneedle used for making grass matb?s??nounpuff adder or gaboon viperb?t?nounsack, bagb?t? h?m??nounneedle for sewing sacksb?y?nounchest (anat.)Baal la ?moo m? b?y? l?.The man hit me on the chest.b?y? dolieidiomcourageous, bravebubuguronouna drunkardbubui?nounplant [sp.] be drunkcf: l?lBaal la ny?a s?f?a? a kala bugi.The man drank pito and got be tiredYa? n? m? kp? a bugi ???.I have been weeding, so I am tired.bugiliverbdig upBugili gaar??.Dig up the suffer from shockcf: suomi, Luori d? ? l? n?, ? bugumiWhen the car came towards him he went rigid with start, commence, beginSikuuri s? bugumo k? la ja?, m? na b? m?a.When the school first started in my village, I didn't go.bugu?nounanimals' resting placebugusiverbre-poundMá k? la bugusi munu?.Let us pound the flour againbuku(Eng.) bookbulverbto well up, spring up, gush out (water)Vil la b? bul.The water does not spring up in the well.bulugonounsheanut pounding-stickbumbugosmooth sand-bumbu?-adjfirst, at firstbiibumbu?the first child, first-bornbumbu?numeralfirst? n? k? bumbu?, ka ? nand??? na k?.He came first, then his friend also came.bumomod vto start, commence, begincf: bugumi, suomi, L??l? n? ? bumoo m? sikuuri.Now he started going to school.bunonouncharming, handsome, very goodHaal la k?? buno.The woman is very charming.bunsiverbto cry, weepcf: yel, ch??r?, chiesiBa ?moo bile ? bunsi.They beat the child and he be insufficient, run out? moribiee buo n? ? s?? ti? ? t?nt?nnaa.When he paid his labourers the money run stand at a distanceM? buo ch?? n?, ka ba k?? m? ny?mma.I kept out of the way when they tackled my father.buonu?nounreplacement of a friend for a deceased person.? ny?mma n? s?ba, ba jo? buonu? p?.When his father had died, they made a request on his behalf.buoro tav phrto prune, trimBa buori t?a la ta n?.They have pruned the tree.buosiverbto take some food still on the fire and eatBa ch? suonoo, ka bile k? buosi.When they were cooking beans, the child came and took some and ate.buotuo?nounbig/wide hole, gutterburi buriadverbin a rushN?aa fá k? buri buri.The people rushed bubblecf: b?r?g?, ch??Ny?ba ?aa l??? kala burisi n?.The crocodile made the water crush cooked yam before pounding itBurisi p?a la l?ma d? la tugi kapala la.Crush the yam fast, so that we can pound the play drumsB?? n? k? t?mp?nn?? buburisi?What happened that the talking drum is being played much?buuverbto mix (food, etc.)cf: ch??s?K? laa munu? buu p?m? d? m? saa k?l??.Come get my flour and mix it for me, so that I can make TZ.buuromod vto be early, in young age? buuro ch? haala.He looked for a wife when he was very young.buutanounkettlebùgùlú?noun1.a small stinging insect2.brass pellet-bellbúgúlú?nounpotb?anoun1.hole, hollow? k?? b?a n?.It is hollow.2.border, boundaryLa b?a n? nla.This is our boundary.3.timeDag? b?a la l? ? s? ja? k?.Tell me the time you will come.b?a b?a b?aadverbcarefully, in a calm manner, not in hasteKuoro v?? n? b?a b?a b?a.The chief walked majestically.b?a suru?nountombb?a t?g?nounshallow holeb?anaa?nountunnel, shaftb?b???nounduckb?b??ch?b?nounearwigb?b??dohonountailb?b??keli?nounbuttockb?b??mulu?nounprolapse of the rectumb?b??nii?nounopening of anusb?b???post posunder, belowM? h?? t?a b?b???.Go and sit under a tree.b?b???noun1.bottomSuono la n??? tuu p?? b?b???.The oil inside the beans is at the bottom.idiom2.meaningW?? la ? s? b?la b?b??? n? b???What is the meaning of what you said?b?b??? chuoliv phrto be afraidb?b??? k?aan.pldowry, bride wealthcf: hajaar? k?aa, jaar??b?d?anoungoat penb?g?r?g?r?b???nounkind of skinkcf: nyukperibalegiseb?g?raanounrocky placeb?g?g?adjectivevery dustyTafaa? leri? kala yie ?aa b?g?g?.During the dry season it is always very dusty.-b?g??rtashy, ash colour, dustyg?r?b?g??ash clothb??nounone thousandb?lverbto say, to acknowledge,? b?la p? m?.He answered, informed, told me.b?l (plus object) to criticise, to tell sb. offBa b?l? woru?.They told him off.b?l w?aa h?idiomto curseS?? w?aa b?la h? m? l?.Don't curse me.b?la n??verbreconcileBaal la ar? ? haala l??l? b?la n?? n?.The man and his wife have reconcilled.b?lan??nounagreementb?l?anumeraltwo timesb?l?a b?l?aadverbtwice, double, repeatedlyM? b?l w?? la p? n? b?l?a b?l?a.I told him the matter again and again.b?l?d?numeralsix timesb?l?p?numeralseven timesb?mb?g??/b?mb?gan.pldustb?n?s?numeralfour timesb?nta??anouncamelb?nt????nounshort funeral danceb??nounrock, stoneb??m??interrogativehow many times? B??m?? n? ? m? Tamal??How many times have you been to Tamale?b??l??noun1.umbilical hernia2.cucumberb??r?verbto cut openK?? s?a a b??r? k??k??.Take a knife and cut the tin open.b?p?r??nounyoung goatb?r?g?verbmash, squash, breakcf: burisi, ch??? jo? suuhal?? h? g?r?fehe l?, ? b?r?g?.He put the egg into his pocket, and it broke.b?r?ny?noun1.(Twi) Christmas2.Festivalb?r?nt?a noun(Twi) bottlecf: k?l?b?b?r??noun1.fog2.waterbuckb?r?? s?n??nounbeercf: s?n??, s?f?a?b?sa b?saadverbfragrantT?laal? ka s??r? b?sa b?sa n?.Perfume has a nice scent.b?s???nounpearl, big beadsb?s?m?verbto stammerBaal la ka b?s?m? n?.The man s? a stammerer.b?torinumeralthree timesb?t?manouna kind of tree [sp.]b??kee?nouna female young goatb??na/b???noungoatb??n???a female goat that gave birth more than onceb?wieluronounherb [sp.]b?yiemenouncentral area of the xylophone keyboardb??g?? dirty oneself (with mud, sand)Ba gbieli hag?la la t??? a kala b?g?.While they were playing in the sand, they made themselves all ripen (corn)Kuorim?aa b?ga n?.The corn is ripe.b??g?? betroth, give a girl in marriagecf: jaa? jo? ? tolo b?g? n?.He gave his daughter in marry (a man)M? ja? b?g? baala dee?.I am going to marry this chaachaaw?l??nouna small member of the leopard familychaal?verbto carry sb. on the shouldercf: baas?Jo? bile chaal?.Carry the child on your shoulder.chaam?verbto masticate, chew? b? k?diilee chaam?.He does not masticate his food.chaan? shine, be alightNyini? chaana h? ? s?aa l?.The light reflected on his take fireHaala chaan? nyini? ? had??? d?a l?.The woman took fire from her neighbour's house.chaan??nounlantern, lampchaa?nounbroomchaa? daa?nounlampstandchaar? take out, unload sth. from one vessel into anotherMá chaar? l?? la a?k?ra la t???.Pour the water out of the winnowBa chaar? m?aa.They winnowed millet.chaar? s?aaidiomexplain something, tell the meaning of somethingchaasa tov phrto tell one by one, to tell exactly Chaasa to ??? w?? la s? v?n?.Tell exactly what happen.chaas? combM? ja? chaas? m? nyu?.I am going to comb my face towardsLuori la chaas? K?mas? n?.The lorry is facing towards Kumasi.chafugumoonounbellowschaga laav collect (rain water or liquid)chaga laa duo? l???collect rain accept a suggestion wholeheartedly, to receive readilyBa chaga laa w?? la n?.They accepted the matter wholeheartedly.chagall??nouncarelessness? k?? chagall??.He is careless.chag? supportK?? daas?? chag? d?a la d? ? s?? tel.Support the house with sticks so that it does not catchJo? gba?a chag? l?? la ? s?? ta.Use a bowl to trap the water so that it does not go fight, quarrelBa chaga k?? d???.They squeeze, wring outChag? g?r?? a yieni.Wring out the cloth and spread it out to dry.chag?l?verbto advise, warn sb.M? yie m? chag?l? m? nand??? n?.I always go to advise my friend.chag?s?verbto touch, to fumble, to examineMa?goba la n? ?? chag?s?.He examines the mangoes.chaha ... ??? deeconjunction phraseunlessChaha d? ? k?, ??? dee m? b? m?.Unless you come I will not go.chakpaa?nouna small lizardchakpar?kanounsmall animal like monkey with big eye ballschakpolnounbush shrikechak??r? nounmembrane from a spider eggchalamod vto do sth. togetherMá le? la chala tuu fuo la.Let us go to the river together.chal?b?verbto steam, to warmWaar?? n? k?mm?, m? k?? m? n?saa ch?chal?b? nyini?.I am feeling cold, and so am warming my hands over fire.chal?naa?nounblood vesselchal??nounbloodchall? soften by adding water, to dilute?aa l??? chall? d?s? la.Dilute the stand beside one anotherBa chall? d??? a suomi fán??.They lined up and started the race.chanhuo?nouna kind of mushroomcha?verbeat, chew? cha? namm?a.He ate meat.cha?galanounvillage weaver birdcha?kpa???nouncheekchàasamod vseverely, frankly, straight forwardChaasa b?l w?? s? v?? ???.Say exactly what happened.chechenoun(Hs.) bicyclecf: baasikuuri, h??? jaabacheeri?nounfault, spoil, to destroy, to breakD?a la cheye n?.The house is broken down.L??? cheye n?.The water is be guilty, sorry (cf tel)Le? d?m?, mi cheye n?.Let it be, I am guilty.chelverbto shiver, tremble, shake, shuddercf: vag?l?Waar?? n? k?n?, ? chichel.He is cold and shivering.chele?nounpot with holes, kind of sievechelibienounantchembag?n?nountype of raft zitherchemi?/chemenounmeeting, rendez-vouscf: hilimi?chench??m??nounmetal plate of raft zitherchenfilibinenouna catfishchenfili?nounfish (gen. term)chenfilkp??ranounfishermanchenf?l??nounreedchensi noun(Twi) 'zinc', roofing sheetchenterigenountype of raft zitherche?verbto meet sb/sthK? chemmi y?b? l?.Come and meet me at the market.Cheme k?? b??l la.Catch the ball.che? s?aranounzither makerchesimiverbto suffer misfortune? n? m?l chuomo, ? chesimi? n?.If you pick a dead rabbit, you will suffer misfortune.chesi?nounmiracle, strange happeningchèsénounsievechèsiverbto be correct (a figure, sum of money)Moribie la ? s? jo?o p?m? b? chese.The money she gave me is not correct.chèsi (plus obj.) verbto imitate, apeM?? ch? m? chesi? n?.I want to imitate you.ché?nounraft zither, harpchésiverbto sieve, sift, to shakeK? la chesi munu?.Come, let us sift the scratchM? m? h?? aa ch? ? har??.I sat down and scratched his (+adj.) ch?bumbu?first daych? (plus obj.) want, desire, seek, look forM?? ch? moribiee n?.I want be about to do sth.M? naa? n?? ch? ? s??.My mother is about to forgiveM? jo? w??la ch?? n?.I have forgiven give free, without charge? jo? buku la ch?m? n?.He gave me the book (plus obj.) smoke (meat, fish)Ba ch?b? namm?a.They smoked ape, imitateBile yie ch?b?? ?aa w?aa n?.The child always apes daa?idiomconsult a soothsayerMa m? ch?b? daa?.Go and consult a clawed frogch?ch?noungambling gamech?? ch??adverbirregularly, occasionally, sometimesCh?? ch?? n? m?? m? y?b?.Sometimes I go to the W??ch??l? d?a-ch??l??-adjwantedw?ch??l??wanted thingch?k??l??nounday of arrivalch?l?l??nounday of birth, birthdaych?mp?lanounmoonlightch?n?noun1.moon2.Ramadan festival3.month4.half-moon-shaped pendant, 1-2 inches long, worn by children to protect them from sicknessch?nf?nn??nounsoap, washing powderch?nw?lbaal??nounmorning starch?nw?l??nounstarch??gb???nounfrog [sp.]ch?????noun1.scissors2.tongsch?r?g??nounstick with three or four branches, often used to supporting shrinesch?s? fototo develop picturech?s?b??nounday of deathch?viiri?nounday of departurech?wiesi?nounday of rest, Sabbathch?????noundaycf: tap?l??y?b? ch???market daych?????nounsmall tree with thornsch??r??nouna kind of hard wood treech??r?? fitcf: mag?M? d? g?r? la ch?r? n?.The shirt fits me.2.suitable? d? porisi ch?r?.He is suitable to join the wash?? ch?s? ? g?nn?? n?.She is washing her clothes.chichiribi?nounmagicchichiribunoungeniuschiesiverbto make a noisecf: bunsi, yel, ch??r?N?al?? ka p?r? n? a? p?? chiesi.While the people are farming they are making noise.chietuotempday-after-tomorrowM? d?a a? m??ra k? chietuo.Go home and come again the day after capsize, be upside downK?? gba?a la chigi.Capsize the grip, snap at, catchVaha la m? chigi n?? la.The dog snapped at the gather togetherBa chigi jembii?.They danced the funeral dance cover? chigi ji??ee ar? chigi?.He covered the fowls with a wear a hat, a dress? chigi nyunchuulo.He put on a decorate beautifully, to design richly, to lay foundation, to placeBa chigi m? g?r? la n?.They embroidered my dress.J?n?? n? baa chigi m? d?a b?b???.They are laying the foundation of my house take a handfulK?? n?s?? chigi jisii? p?m?.Give me a hand full of groundnuts. chigisiverbjump down and land squarely? l?? teeb?l la nyu? a chigisi tintee?.He jumped off the table to the ground.chigisi w??? l?to interfered in a matterchiki?nounwoven cover for chickscf: jik?r??chilverbto be cold (weather)cf: f??l?Leri? kala chile n? j?n??.It is cold today.chimburinounlemon, limechinchele?enounupper abdomen, bellycf: luoru?chinchelli?nounimpatiencecf: w?l?m??chinche?nouna kind of funeral dance by women-chirichi-adjtrustworthy, of good qualityhachirichitrustworthy womang?r?chirichihigh-quality clothchirisiverbto dress nicelyHaal la chirise n?.The woman dressed nicely.chìétemptomorrow? chie ja? k?.He will come tomorrow.chìénoun1.a type of hawk2.a kind of treech?banoun1.lumbar vertebrae (backbones)2.whip for beatingch?g?s?verbto shake a rattle, bell, or sth. in a bottlecf: jigisi, jag?s?Yoho l? ba yie jo? ch?nch?ga a ch?ch?g?s?.During a funeral they shake the rattle all the chime, ring? yie du bimbelimi? ? ch??m?.When you strike the bell it scream, shriek, to wail, cry in a loud voice cf: bunsi, yel, chiesich??r? b?nl???idiomto have bad diarrhoeach?lverbto worryM? naa? n?? ch? ? s??, ??? n? t?? m? ch?l.My mother is dying, so I am ch?ladverbsparklingL?? la ka t?l n? ch?l ch?l.The water is ch?madjective or adverbquietly, gently? h?? ch?m n?.He sat, fine, loan, credit (see dii)ch?m?s?verbsneezeWuru? k?n? n?, ??? n? ? ch?ch?m?s?.He has a cold, that is why he is, tambourinech?ndiirenoundebtorch?n??nounspace, time (to do sth.)ch?r?verbto pick (fruit, leaves)M? ch?r? p?paar?? kaa k?.Go pick some leaves and bring be lumpyHaal la b? k?l?? saan?? j??, ??? n? t?? ? ch?r?b?.The woman does not know how to cook TZ, that is why it is spit far, to excrete violently? h? t?b? aa ch?r?s? nant??r??.He put tobacco in his mouth and spat out treech?s? wake somebody upM? ch?s?.Go and wake him up. raise from deathW?a n? ch?s? Yesu s??? l?.God raised Jesus from borrowLa ch?? moribii? n?.We borrowed lend (borrower must be mentioned)M? ja? ch?m? m? teni?.I will lend him my stand, be in a standing position,Sii ch??.Stand up! stopCh??, p?p? ? s?? v??.Stop, don't move.choverbto love, admire, like? cho haalaa.He loves womenchokp?anouna kind of very small birdchokp?aadjectivebetter thancholliverbcut offcholomod vto do sth. immediately, at once, quickly M? ja? cholo d?r? m? t?nt???aa.I will quickly finish my work.cholonounother sidechomonounrafterschonu?nounlove-choolu?-adjbeloved, favouritecf: -bidiirek?choolu?favourite thing (of sb.)chorinumeraleightchorimu?numeraleighth, eighth timebiichorimu?the eighth childd?? chorimu?the eighth house.chòlverbto cross?? n? ? ?aa a chol fuo la?How did you manage to cross the river?chó light a firecf: ny?g?? chol nyini?.He lit fire.2.infect (a disease)Nyanyal?? la cholu n?.He caught that cook, brewM? ja? ch? suonoo.I will cook boil (water)M?? m? m? ch? l??? n?.I am going to boil cut off a partCh?g? namm?a la p?m?.Cut some meat and give it to stand on S?? m? l? ??? ch?g?l?.Don't stand on me like give free, without chargeM? jo? p?a la p? ch?g?ta n?.I gave him the yams think about, to ponder over, consider, discussM? ja? k?? w?? la ch?g?s? na.I will think about used for making grass matsch?k?l?noun1.torn grass mat2.scorpionch?lverbtear, break offSanto?u? ch?l? n?.The hoe-handle is ? l?? ta ch?l.He escaped as quickly as he (to strike sb.)2.weak point3.antidotech?ns?verbto transplantCh?ns? kamantuosi la.Transplant the mashcf: b?r?g?, burisiK?? p?a la ch?m? p?m?.Mash the yam for strike sb. by means of juju, usually with a disease or deathNambag?la ch?? ? d?nd?m?.The hunter struck his enemy by ladder 2.boxingch?r?a ?mooronoun(Twi) boxerch?r?m?verbto be out of tune, out of stepChe? la ch?r?m? n?.The raft zither was out of tune.Bat?? ch?r?m? g?a la.Batong was dancing out of adjectivelewd, obscenebach?r??immoral manch?s?verbdibble? ch?s? b??s?? d? ? duu k?aa.He dibbled (in order to sow) coverMá jo? k?? chu gba?a la nii?.Cover the wear a hat,Baal la chu nyunchuulo n?.The man wore a hat.chugiliverbto bend, bow the headK?? nyu? chugili d? m? f??.Bend your head down so that I can shave your hair.chugisiverbto nod? s?y? a k?? ? nyu? chugisi.He agreed by nodding his head.chui chui chuiadjectivevery red? yoho g?r?? ?aa k?f?a? n? chui chui chui.Her funeral dress is completely red.chummulu?noun1.brown water from shea butter2.brown colourchunchusumu?nouna harvester roll up (e.g. mat, piece of paper)cf: bilimiChuoli b?s? la.Roll up the be watery (food)K?l?? la chuolo n?.The TZ is watery.chuomo/chuo?nounTogo hare, rabbitchuondiri?rabbit fodderchuo? tongulu?hands and feet tie strain, filtercf: d?g?S?n?? n? ? chuchuori.It is pito that she is leakD?a la ka chuori n?.The roof is uproot, to rip out, pull outM?? churi jisiee n?.I am uprooting drink and share? ny?a l?? la a? kaa churi d? ? pa ? nand??? ma.He drank some of the water and passed it on to his friend.churi b?b??jj???to succeed in doing something for the pour outcf: b?s?, kuusiChusi moribie la s? h? ? l?aga l?.Pour out the money from your poke, pierce? jo? k?a a chusi m? s??? l?.He poked my dig up? chusi gaar?? d? ? duu k?aa.He dug the garden over for sowing. -chuu bar??idiomto talk proudlyid. Baal la chuu bar?? The man spoke have diarrhoeaM?? chuuri n?.I have pour (from vessel to vessel,)L?? l?ma n? ? chuchuuri d?? f??l?.The water was hot, so he poured it to and fro to cool it.chuuri b?anounwaterfallchuuru?noundiarrhoea, cholera-ch?a-adjleft overk?l?ch?a?left over T. Zch?averbto stay for the nightLa ch?a Ko? l?.We stayed in Kong for the nightch?asa ch?asaadverbbit by bitBa b? moribie la k??sa h? d??? bala, ba k??s? ch?asa ch?asa. They did not contribute the money at once, they did it bit by in which dawadawa seeds have been washedch?b?anounclay-pitch?ch?bii?nounkidneych?ch?gbampumu?nouna kind of tree with edible fruits [sp.]ch?ch??binenounlanna (a tree)ch?ch???nouna kind of tree with edible fruits [sp.]ch?ch??f??lanounearly morningch?ch???tempmorning? suomi t?nt???aa ch?ch??? n?.He started work in the, luggage, baggagech?g?verbto take down (e.g. a load on head) remove (a pot from fire)cf: soriK? p? m? l? d? la ch?g? m? k?e and help me to take the things (off my head).ch?g?s?verbto crush, to breakD?a la tele ?moo ? nyu? kala ch?g?s?.The house fell and crushed his seed2.liverch?keriki?nounhard dawadawa seed among cooked onesch?l?l?adjectivepointed, sharp (also churr)cf: ch?rrP?ns?l nii? ?aa ch?l?l? n?.The pencil is coldLeri? f??la ch?n?n?.The weather is very carry on the headJo? sime la ch??.Carry the basket on your to a load somebody's headKaa ch?mm?.Help me put the load on my remove outer shells of hard fruit by pounding it in a mortarK? la ch??g? ch??naa.Let us go and shell, greeting, thanksMá laa ch??laa.I am greeting you.2.apologych??l? greetcf: l?ll?La m? ch??l? k?h?a? la.Let us go and greet the prayLa ch??l? W?a.We prayed to apologizeLe? la m? ch??l? n?h??ra la, a t?? ??? la s? cheme laa ba.Let us go and apologise to the visitors, because of the way we received heap up?aa hag?la ch??r?.Heap up the mix building-clay,cf: buuM? k?? t?ar? la kaa ch??s?.Go and get the clay and mix, meaninglessw?ch?raMeaningless, sharpcf: ch?l?l?G?r?h?? la ?aa ch?rr kieli.The needle is very (for pots)ch??la yag?v phrto throw sb on the ground in wrestlingch??l?verbto be dull, stupid, indifferent, sillyBile ch??la, ? b? k??kala wuo g?nn?.The child is stupid, he cannot learn anything. ch??nhoru?noun1.pigweed/hogweed2.shells of sheanutsch??n??nounsheanutcf: bab?l??, bahuo?ch??ánoundawa-dawa condimentch???l?? raise up, put into upright positioncf: ch?s?Daa la tele n? ba ch??l?.The stick had fallen and they raise it up.? k?n? kaa ch??la k??.He put him into a sitting wake sb. up? p?? do? n? ba ch??l?.They woke him rebuild sth. which was fallenD?a la s? tele, m? na n? ch??l? ?.When the house fell, I rebuilt suckM? cha? namm?a n? a ch?ch??s? ha?gbeli?.I ate meat and was sucking the call a dog with a sound? ch??s? vaha. He called the dog with a sound.Dddaparticleat all, used in neg. emph. clauses onlyM? b? ja? m? K?mas? da.I will not go to Kumasi at take care of, look afterLa faa daa n?s?? n?.We were shepherding the stalkNaachigi? daa bag?l la.The lion was stalking the antelope.daachaganounforked stickdaacha???nounchewing stickdaadolu?nouna bar of wood, logdaag? spreadNyini? ja? daag? ? baga.The fire will spread to his involveYuosila daag? bile ar? ? naa? kala.The quarrel involved both the child and his mother.Sunnu? daag? ? ma n?.Poverty has stricken him infect (a disease)? wurila daag?m? n?.I caught your cold.daag?s?nouncross, crossed sticksdaajaal??nounplace where firewood is founddaak?nn?nounthe one who leads a blind persondaaliimi?nounshadow, imagedaalinenounshrinedaal??r?daa?nountwin figuredaal??r??noun1.twins, a pair2.matching objectsdaalumpupoi?nounmedicine-pot, shrine (without medicine)daalu??aaranounmedicine man, herbalistcf: daalusu? t??nadaalusu?nounmedicinedaalusu? t??nanounmedicine man, herbalistcf: daalu??aaradaam?verb(Hs.) to trouble, bother, pesterP?p? d? ? s?? n?al?? daam?.See that you do not trouble the people.daam???nounlong strong stick used as raftersdaanya?gal??nounstick with many branchesdaany??s??nounfavour, grace, helpdaa?noun1.wood, stick, beam2.handledaa? ch?p??l??nounday before a big celebration, evedaapal?h?nn?nouna woman who during a funeral sits by and tends the representationdaapal??nounplace where the corpse or “gu?gu?” is put during a funeraldaap?h?noun1.stake2.pegdaar? prepare porridge,M? d?a daar? daar?? n?.Yesterday I prepared cut, to harvest, to reap (millet, guinea corn)M? daar? m?aa.Go and reap millet.daar??nounporridge, grueldaas? look out, watch forLá m? daasa na, bile k? n???Let us look out for the revisitM? ja? m? daasa na m? d?a n?aa l?.I am going back to see my people.daas?anoungreen parrotdaas??g?nounsuicidecf: yuo ?m??daaterigenounpoledaatimi?nounblunt stickDaatimi? n? ba kaa ch?s? m??p?l?maa b??s??.Blunt sticks are used in planting millet.daavigenounclub, throwing stick (fig.), weapon, strong point of an argumentdaba?adjective or adverbdifferentLa g?nn? la ?aa daba? daba? n?.Our clothes are different.daboronoun1.wood2.bark of a treedad?ganounset of pots for straining sour water (s?h?y?)dad?g?h?n?nounlower pot of dad?gadad?g?pupoi?nountop pot of dad?gadaganoun(Hs.) boxdagb?s?nounfetish in S?nv??ra area (Bugobele area)dag? show, illustrate, describeDag? baal la wombii? d? ? m?.Show the man the way to teach, correct, educate, to disciplne, admonishDag? ? bile d? ? s?? w?b????? ???aa.Teach your child not to do criticizeT?nt?nn?h?anla daga ar? m? b? t?nt???aa j??.My boss criticized me for not knowing how to work.dag? ? t?t?aidiomto show offdag?ndaboronounblackboard/chalk boarddahalocativehere? h? daha.It is here.dam?r?nounbelt, waist band (usually with cloth dress)? v?? dam?r? n?.She is wearing a belt.dandulu?nounmaggot, earth caterpillardand?lanounpile of wooddansar?kanoun(Hs.) prisonerdans?n?nouniron potdans?anoun(Hs.) witnessdant?ganoundecorative walking stickcf: da?kp?l??danyinenounstirring-stickdanyi?guurinounoar, rudder, stirring stick for TZ or shea butter-da?-adjmanyn?da?-da?many people, multitudes, crowdda? ... l?v phrto succeed, followM? n? da? s?paalaara l? la s?? fá.I succeeded the first one when we ran (I was second)da?averbextra, additional, moreMoribii la da?a n?.The money is more than it should be.da?g?r?nounkind of a small bird [sp.]da?gulu?noun1.throwing-stick2.stick used in a danceda??anounextra onesBa d??r? nyu? da??a la n?.They have taken the extra.da?kp?l??nounbig walking stickcf: dant?gada?k?n?conjunctionno wonder, that is why? v?g? n?, da?k?n? m? y?r? d? ? k? dii k?aa, ? v?a.He is satisfied, no wonder I called him to eat and he refused.dap?r?nounsmall flexible pot-scraperdas?h?nouncalabash spoon, ladledawar?nounpretencecf: kanfugodaw?r?g?noungraterdayal?manounlepercf: gbegedayal?nnampanounkind of tree dá?verbto put on top,Jo? namm?a la da? kapala nyu?.Put the meat on top of the fufu.dá?ámod valreadyBa da?a huguu n???Have they already buried him?deeparticlenot, none? dee m? y?r?.It was not you I called.dee?demonstrativethis, thatHaala dee? j?? k?l?? saan?? woru?.This woman knows how to cook TZ.dee? dee?adverblong, for a long timecf: geem, hal??, wuu? h?? n?m? dee? dee?.He was there for a long time.delliverbto floatL??? daboro yie didelli l??? nyu? n?.A boat floats on carry sth. on the head without the support of the handsBile jo? bogiti la a densi.The child is carrying the bucket without supporting it with his stalkGelii la yie densi d?? k?s? taat?a la.The cat always stalks s??duo?desichinounsleeveless (African) smockd?verbto skim fatcf: d??r?, Ba ch? namm?a ? d?d? n???.When they were cooking meat he skimmed the fat off the gravy.d?l?noun1.(birds) nest2.bedd?ll?verbto scoop (water) cf: d??r?, d?M? d?ll? l??? vili? l?.Go and scoop water from the well.d?m? d?m?adverbvery many, very crowdedN?aa su kuoro ja? kala n? d?m? d?m?.The chief's compound was completely full with people.d?nn?verbto praise, glorify, exaltKuoro n? baa d?nn?.It is the chief they are praising.d?nn?y?r??nounpraise name given to individuals, clans, animals, fetishes, etc.d?r?verbto finish, complete, end? t?? t?nt???aa d?r?.He has finished his work.d?r?m? be partly dry,T?ar? la d?r?m? n?.The top of the mortar is dry.2.not to be properly doneBa d?r?m? m? luori la n?. They didn't work on my car properly.-d?r??-adjlastn?d?r??last persond??r??nounmen's game (played with fruit seeds in 36 holes in the groundcf: bieedieniverbdelay, lastcf: wàM? n? m? d?a, m? ja? dieni.When I go home it will be for a long timeD? ? n? y?r? ? g?r?la woru?, ? ja? dieni.If you sew your dress well, it will last.diesiverbto reincarnateM? naa? ha b? diese.My mother has not yet been reincarnated.digiverbto touchS?? m? luori la digu.Do not touch my car.digiliverbShake violentlyM? yaraa kala n?? digilu.My body is shaking violently.digiri?noungreen tree eat (gen. term)K? dii k?e and consume, burnNyini? dii g?r? la.The fire burnt the win, beat in a game,id. ? diimi.He beat be sharp (cutting tools)id. S?a la ka dii n? woru?.The knife is very sharp.dii b?n??idiomto suffer, to go through painBaal la dii b?n?? n? woru? la n?s?? l?.The man suffered a lot in our hands.dii ch?n?idiomcelebrate the Ramadan festivaldii ch?m??idiomto incur a debtdii d?aidiominheritdii kp?v phroverspend and ruin sth.dii kuoru?idiomto reign as chief/kingdii moribieeidiomspend moneyBaal la dii m? moribiee kala.The man spent all my money.dii nav phrto tasteTag? d?s?la dii na y?s?? n?a n??.Taste the soup and see wether there is enough salt.dii nand?s??idiomto become friends (with male)dii sar?yaidiomto judgedii tanl?s??v phrto become friends (with female)dii yal??v phrto talk about price, to bargaindii y?r??idiomto become famousdii y?b?v phrbargaindiibelimbinenounpurple glossy starlingdiibienounbird (gen. term)cf: zàarádiibienounconvulsion on childrendiibienaanj?g??nouncreeping plant [sp.]diibiif?a?nounSenegal Fire-Finchdiibiikantomu?nounhoopoediibiikpommulonouna kind of birddiikiri?nounkitchen-diire-adjsomebody who does something, debtorch?ndiiredebtorhaach? diiresinnerdiiribugu?nounplace where wild animals come to feeddindelimbinenounmolddindigili?noun1.electric fishcf: sinsige2.tiger nut, type of grassdindi?nounlow note on zitherdiriverbto harden up, to be used to, toughened up? yaraa kala n? dire.He is used to beating.Ba b? d?a la dire.They did not harden the floor of the room.disini?noundirt, impurities, uncleanness (in a religious sense)disinj?g??nounfilt? d?a kala ?aa disinj?g?? n?.His whole house is filthy.d?a t??nanounlandlord, house ownerd?al??r?nouncatcf: nambag?l?wie, geli?d?am??tempyesterday? k? d?am??.He came yesterday.d?anaa?nounsenior co-wifecf: hah?a?, had???d?a?numeralone (when counting)cf: k?balad?atolonounmousecf: taat???d?baalanoungirl's brothercf: mal?ma, ?aana, d?haalad?boliinoundistant placecf: d?bolu?d?bolu?noundistance cf: d?boliid?b?l??nounsolution to a problemd?ch?n??nounpositiond?daan??tempevening, late afternoon? ja? k? d?daan??.He will come this evening.d?daans???nounwall geckod?dag?ranounteacher/facilitatord?d? s?aaidiomto pretend? na m?? k?, ? d?d? s?aa ar? ?? t?? n?.He pretended to be working when he saw me.d?d?r??nounendd?d??s??nounplace to rear animalsd??g?verbto doze? d??g? do?.He was dozing.d?g?l?mbii?nouneardrumd?g?l?mb?ndiirenounbed bug nymph (ear bug)d?g?l?mb???nounthe opening of the ear.d?g?l?mp?paa?nounear lobed?g?l?nn??l??nounear fluidd?g?l?ntoru?idiomimpoliteness? ch??l?m? ar? d?g?l?ntoru?He greeted me impolitelyd?g?l??nounearid. ? d?g?laa b? n??.He does not ? h?? ? d?g?laa nyu?.He did not ? k?? d?g?l??.He is very Y??lla j?? ba d?g?l??.They liked the song very much.d?g?l??kp?n?nounearringd?g??g??nounto do or say something you know is wrongD?g??g?? w?? n? ? b?l ??? m? tee?.What you said to me is wrong.d?haalanounboy's sistercf: d?baala, mal?ma, ?aanad?h??l??nounliving placecf: d?j??l??d?h?l??noundry place, desertd?h?n??nounsitting placed??templast year (dcf: d??m??D?? m? b? p?r?.Last year I didn't farm.d??chigi?nouncompound housed??d??tempa long time ago, in the distant pastD??d?? n?aa b? w?aa j??.In the olden days the people did not know much.d??le?i?nountall building, tower, sky scraperd??loorunoundivisive person, destroyer, hypocrited??m??templast year (dcf: d??D??m?? la na k?diilee woru?.Last year there was much food.d??r??temp1.around a certain timeK? w??h?y? d??r?? la m? y?b?.Come about noontime, and we will go to the market.locative2.directionBa h?? y?b? d??raa.They are around the market.d??s?verbto count, add up, calculateM? d??s? moribie la.Go and count the money.d??tolm?nt??r?nouna man who has sex with a female relative, incestd??tolonounwoman (in her father's house)id. ? m? d??tolo yoho n?.He ate left-over TZ.d??tolpent??ranounan unmarried woman who goes about flirtingd??t??food preparation arrangement in a compoundd??yuolu?nounmud-housed?jal??nounoutsideL?? d?jal??.Go outside.d?j??l??noundwelling placecf: d?h??l??d?le?inounhigh placed?l??l??nounplace where one comes fromd?l??manounsnake moultd?manoun1.soul, spirit2.tsetse flyd?mbalierenounleechd?mbanienouna kind of birdd?m??nounsnake (gen Term)d?m??l??nounplace to god?nyag?s??groundnut and vegetable soupD?nz?m??nounHoly Spiritd?nz?m??noungood spiritd?? stingM? naaw??l la ka d?? m? l? n?.My wound is biteVaha n? d?m?.A dog bit him.d?? nanii?idiomto regretd?p?r?g??nounjunction (of roads)d?r?b?verb(Engl.) to drive (m?l?m?)K?b?? n? ja? d?r?b? luori la?Who will drive the car?d?sa?anounpiece of wood used in mud-roofd?s? quenchcf: t??g??aa l??? m? d?s? nyini?.Fetch water and quench the wipe out, rub outD?s? ? k?al?? ? s? ?m?nsa.Rub out what you have turn off light, stoveK?? chaa? la d?s?.Put off the cease, to lose, to stopBa d?s? w?? la ta n?.They have stopped that ? t?nt???aa d?sa n?.He lost his job.d?s??nounbugd?s??nounsoup (gen term) gravy, sauced?suomu?nounbeginningd?t??l??nounplace one ownsd??particle1.there was ... used to introduce an unexpected encounterBaa m? d? vaha n? ???.They were walking and suddenly there was a dog there.2.‘if’ used in first part of a conditionD? ? n? b? k?, m? d?nd??a ja? m?.If you do not come, I will go alone.d??conjunctionandM? d? ? yie to d???.He and I go everywhere together.d??conjunction1.that, so that, in order that (purposive)? s? d? m? bala k?.She said that, my husband should come.2.dir. or indir. speech introducer? p??sa d? n?? n? ? ny?mma m?.He asked where his father had gone.??? n? ? b?l d? m? bala k?.He said my husband should come.d?? ... l?v phrto surprise, take by surpriseMoribii la l?l? d? m? l? n?.I am puzzled about the lost money.? j?? d?? m? l?.He came in and took me by surprise.d??àtempyesterday (form of d?am??)cf: d?am??? d?a m? Tamal?.He went to Tamale yesterday.d??ánounhouse, home, roomd???s??verbto rearM?? ch? m? d??s? ji??ee n?.I want to rear chickens.d???s??verbto be overjoyedJo? moribii? p?, ? ja? d??s? d? ? na.Give him a money and see him cheer up.dod??g?nounsleeping sicknessdogo dogoadverb(Hs.) not properly done? t?? ? t?nt?m?? la dogo dogo n?.You did not finish your work properly.dokeli?nountail part of the backbone of animalsdokununoun(Twi) kenkeydolverbto be strong, healthy, wellD?a la dolie.The house is strong.dolu?noun1.strength,cf: w?duo?? k?? dolu?.He is strong.2.main supporting roof-timberdo?nounsleepdo??iverbto balance (on a beam or unreliable surface)Má m? do??i daa la nyu?.Go balance on the beam.doworu ?mooronountown crierdòhónounfamily, offspring, tribe-dòhónseedsuondohoseed-beansdóhónountailcf: b?b??dohod?d?adverbquietly, slowly?? v?? d?d? n?.He is walking slowly.d?g?l?verbbow lowBa s? ? tuu kpirimi ? m? m??ra tuu d?g?l?.They asked him to kneel down but he rather bowed down.d?g?m?verbto be misty, hazyJ?n?? w?a d?g?m? n?.Today the weather is hazy.d?g?s? hurt, harm, damage sb.? d?g?s? ? t?t?a.He punished, harmed let down, trouble sb., persecute, beat severely? s? ? ja? k? ?aa l??? p?m?, a? b? ?aa, ? d?g?s?m?.You said you would come and get water for me, but did not come. You let me down.d?g?tanoun(Engl.) doctor, physiciand?m?nounenemyd?m??/d?m?nounsound, noisecf: go?d???numeralother, another, one of, one another (person or thing) Ch??-kala má k?? bag?la la d???.Every day catch one of the antelopes.d??? t??nanounthe other person, neighbour, mate of the same age groupd???verbto make a noiseS?? k?al?? kaa d?? daha.Do not make a noise with the things here.d??? plus object verbto blame, to find fault withS?? m? d??.Do not blame me.N?al?? ka d??? m? n?.The people are blaming strike, beat, play (a musical instrument)cf: dunsi, luosi, kp??n?, l?s?Du t?mp?nn??.Play the talking make round ballsHaal la du kapala.The woman formed blowPeli? du.The wind blew.dudukolnounplantain-eater-duduo?nlong thing/person, tall thing/personm??duduo?1. long nose; 2. long, eternal lifedundolonoun1.small make round ballscf: du? dunsi kapala.She formed throw down (in wrestling)? dunsi baal la yag? n?.He threw the man down.duotempthe day before yesterday, recentlycf: duomu?M? duo l?? m? ja? n? k?.I came from my village the day before yesterday.duo dee? t?g??temprecentlyDuo dee? t?g?? n? m? ny?mma s??.My father died recently.duomb?l?mbaan??nouncloudduomiverbto be tall, high, longT?a la duomo.The tree is high.duompuso nounearly rainsduomu?temp1.the day before yesterday, recentlycf: duoDuomu? n? m? l?? K?mas? k?.I came from Kumasi the day before yesterday.noun2.height, lengthduonch???nounsmall cloud of rainduonl???nounrain waterduonluru?nounrain-medicine, medicine applied to sb. stroke by thunder.duons?anounrainbowduontab???nounhailstoneduontimbinenoundark rain cloudsduonu?nounrainduo?adjective1.strong thing/personn?duo?person in his primebound adjective2.courageous? k?? b??duo?.He is courageous.duo?kp?alanouna kind of plant [sp.]duo?kp?an??nounthunderduuverbto sow, plantMá le? la m? duu m?aa.Let us go and sow millet.-duulu?nbeater used for playing a musical instrumentcf: jenduulu?t?mp?nduulu?talking drum beaterjenduulooxylophone malletsduump?lanounwhite-breasted vultureduu?nouncommon vultureid. M? ?aa duu? n?.I have a bad name/reputationduuriverbto walk with a bent backBa ?moo ? t??a l? n? ? duduuri.They hit him at the waist, now he is walking with a bent back.-duuronplayer of (any musical instrument )cf: jenduurochenduurozither playerdùorì rowcf: pu??iL??ndaboro n?? duori l??? nyu?.The boat in rowing on the swim? j?? l??ndaboro a duoro chol fuo la.He got into the boat and rowed across the river.M? ja? duori chol fuo la.I will swim across the river.dùosìverbto dreamM? d?a duoso la m? K?mas?.Yesterday I dreamt we were going to Kumasi.dùosónounannouncement, news, noticedúoríverbto heal, get better, get wellBile ka ch? ? duori n?.The child is getting better.d?numeralsix (when counting)cf: bal?d?d?averbto earn, gain by skill or ability,Baluo f??s? s??? n? d? ? d?a k?aa.Baluo is working very hard to get rich.d?anounproperty, wealth, riches, earningsd?a t??s??nouneconomic treesd?a w??idiomto get into troubleD? ? n? b? ? s?aa f??la, ? ja? d?a w??.If you are not careful, you will enter into trouble.d?bereanacondad?d???nounringwormd?g? strain, filtercf: chuori? d?g? s?h?y?.He strained the sour prepare nice food? d?g? ? d?s? la n?.She cooked a good soup.d?g?s? stagger along (with a heavy load on the head)Baal la d?g?s? chenfile la k? d?a.The man staggered home with a load of become foolishBaal la d?g?sa n?, ? b? w?? la t??? ? s? h? j??.The man is foolish, he doesn't know what he is about.d?g?nounwedding danced?g?g?g?adverbplentyN?aa p??la k?k? y?b? l? d?g?g?g?.The people who gathered in the market were plenty.d?m??numeralsixth, sixth timed?na d?naadjectivevery dirtyL??la ?aa d?na d?na n?.The water is very dirty.d?nd?m?nounenemy (d?m?)d?nd?? j?m??nounwell known enemy, person with bad reputationd?nd??aqntalone, onlycf: kenle?Bile ch? d?? d?nd??a n? didii k?aa.The child wants to be the only one who eats.d?n?anounworldd??r?verbto take down, remove carefully (very often one object from another), to skimcf: d?, ? d??r? namm?a cha? a? v?a kapala.He ate the meat off the top and left the fufu.d??l??nounpythond??r?verbto stroll, wander, roamVaha la m? ya? d? ? d??r?.The dog has gone into the bush to roam.d??r?nd??nouna grown up animalEeeekanoun(Eng) acre????interrogativehow??? n? ? ?aa a k?? chuo? la?How did you manage to catch that rabbit???s?verbto growl, croak??s? d? jimii la k? j??.Croak for the chicken to come in.Fffa ja?v phrwould, used in second part of a conditionD? m? n? k?? moribiee, m? fa ja? m? K?mas?.If I had money, I would go to Kumasi.fa j?maidiomhad I knownFa j?ma b? ja? k?n?.Had I known is always at last.fa nisusu?idiomto sympathize with, to have pity onfaagaanoun1.female sexual organcf: l?g?, s?paa? between the thighsfaag?verba maize plant that does not produce fruit Kuorim?a la faaga n?.The maize plants have not produced fruit.-faal??nhidden, in secretd?faal??hiding placew?faal??secret matterfaar? wrapK?? p?paa la kaa faar? namm?a la.Take the leaf and wrap the meat be tight (chest)Kese k?mm? n? m? s?mbiee kala faar?.I have a cough, my chest feels tight.faasamod vto do intensely, forcefullyNy?ny?t??na kiru, ? faasa fá.A madman chased him, he ran very fast.fag? fag?adjective or adverb1.very whitecf: paratata, wananaG?r? la ?aa fag? fag? k??k??.The cloth is very white.2.very brightCh?n? p?lla n? fag? fag?.The moon is very bright.-fal??adjnew thing, fresh thingSuuhal-fal??Fresh eggfall?verbto slap, smack, strike with the palm of the hand? fall? m? cha?kpa??? l? n?.He slapped me on my cheek.Far?s?noun1.Francophone country2.French languagefaw?ll?nouncowardfaw?ll??nounfearfàparticlelong ago, formerlyBaal k?bala n? fa h? n?m?.Once there was a man.fàa hide, concealcf: huJo? moribie la faa godo b?b???.Take the money and hide it under the bury a corpsid. Ba jo? baal la faa n?.They have buried the man.fàafàatemp1.a long time agoFaafaa kala n? m? k?.I came long time ago.2.formerlyfàafàalánounpeople of oldfáverbto runBat?? fá m? d?a.Batong ran home.fá ...bunsov phrto sympathize with, to express sympathyLa k? d? la fá ? bunso n?.We have come to sympathize with you.fá... s???idiomto show respectFá n?al?? s???.Show respect to the people.febelenounstomach (internal organ)fehenounstomach (internal organ)fehe t??nagluttonfe?verbto hem (cloth)Ba fe? g?r? la nii? n?.They have hemmed the cloth.fe? nii?v bite the lips? fe? nii? n?.He has bitten the gather courageBa p? t?nt???aa n?, ? fe? nii? a? d?r? ba kala.They gave him work, he gathered courage and finished it plastercf: l?g?Feri d?a la.Plaster the fenceM? feri mo?go la ar? s?s?? d? b??naa s?? dii.I fenced the mango tree with thorns so that the goats would not eat castrateMá m? k?? n?bele la d? la wuo feru.Go catch the bull so that we can castrate him.f?l?l?adjectivecoldcf: t?l? t?l?, p?l? p?l?K?l?? la ?aa f?l?l? n?.The TZ is cold.f?s? stuff, fill upF?s? fehe la d? la ch?.Fill up the stomach with ingredients so that we can cook it.2.cheatS?? bile f?s?.Do not cheat the full? kala n? f?s?.He is very full. He is satisfied.fiinumeraltenfiiliverb(Eng.) to examine, inspectM? d? d?g?ta fiili?.Go to the doctor so that he can examine you.fiili?noun1.white ant, termite (small)2.termite hill,filverbto flycf: f?lDiibie file j?l t?a.The bird flew on to a tree.fille/fillunounwinged animal (insects, birds, bats etc.)cf: zàaráfineadverb1.almost, nearly? ka m?a fine m? fa m? K?mas?, ka m? ny?mma s??.I had almost left for Kumasi, then my father died.2.for a short timeM? na? n? finee.I saw him for a short time.finfilenounsmall piece of charcoalfinniverbto cut off or break off a littleFinni daa la ta.Cut/break a little part of the wood away.firi firiadjectivevery blackM? d?a s? y?? g?r? la, ? ?aa k?bine n? firi firi.The dress I bought yesterday is very black.firib firibadverbto eat very fast? dii k?aa firib firib.He ate very quickly.firisi verbto wound lightly, scratchcf: p?r?, mirisi, bolimiBaal la s? tel basikuuri nyu?, ? kala n? firise.The man who had a fall on his bicycle was full of scratches.firradverbbreath deeply? wiese n? firr.He breathed deeply.fisiverbto burn, catch fireNamm?a la n?? fisu.The meat is burning.f?aaadverbcompletely? ny?a l?? la kala f?aa.He drank all the water.f?al??noun1.shadeT?a dee? k?? f?al??.This tree has a lot of shade.2.coolnessD?a la t??? k?? f?al??.Inside the room is cool.-f?a? thing, light coloured (skin)g?r?f?a?red clothhaf?a?coloured womann2.important thing/personnand?nf?a?best friends??f?a? important matterf?a?nounteak tree (Lat. Tectona grandis)-f??lancold thing, cool thingl??f??lacold water, icef??l? coolcf: chilLe? d? k?l?? la f??l?.Let the TZ cool heal, get well? naaw??l?? ja? f??l?.His wound will do slowly, carefullyF??la b?l.Talk slowly.F??la l??s? chaanhal la, d? ? s?? chei.Remove the glass of the lamp carefully so it does not break.f??l??nounpeacef??s?verbto be red, to be ripeKamantuosi la f??sa n?.The tomatoes are ? f??s? ? s???.He is serious, determined. He is careful.f??s? s???idiomto be seriousf?f??l??nounurinal, bathroomcf: banj?ra, l??foorid?af??adverb(not) ... anything, nothing? b? f?? ma ?m?nsa.He has not written anything.f?? urinate, pass water? f?? f??r?? n?.He leakBogiti la ka f?? n?.The bucket is leaking.3.fed up? m??s?? f?a n?.He is fed up.f??lanounbladderf??l?verbto bloomM? baga kamantuosiba kala n?? f??l?.The tomato plants on my farm are in flower.f??l?pumu?nounbudf??lulogusu?nounbilharziaf??ma t?v phrto close up, sealN?? la b?b??? f??ma t? n?.The cow's anus is tightly closed.f??m?verbto shrink, tight? s?aa f??ma t? n?.His eyes are tightly closed.f??na nounmedicine given to women when they are about to give birthf??r?verbto husk (by pounding)M? f??r? miiri la.Go and husk the rice.f??r??nounurinef??s?verbto wipeJo? p?p? t?a d? m? f??s? m? yaraa ta.Give me a towel so that I can dry myself.F??s? ? m??s??.Blow your nose.f?r?g?verbto trample onMa s?? m? g?r? la f?r?g?.Don't trample on my dress.f?s?verbto peelF?s? p?? la anna ch?.Peel the yam before you cook it.f?s? har??idiombackbitef?s??kah?l??nouna lilyf???adverbvery smallBatu? doho ?aa f??? n?.The tail of the elephant is small.foverbto bathe, take a bath, to swim? fo l???.He took a bath.fogiverbto remove, to come off the handlePire fogo n?.The hoe blade has come off from the stick. folverbto get burntNyini? ny?g?m? ? fol.The flames licked me and I got burnt.folinoun1.white person, Europeancf: nasaar?, folp?la, n?daar?foli2.English languagefoli jembii?nounWestern dancefoli jensi?electric organ, pianofoli nab?n??nounchemical fertilizerfoli nyini?/foli nyindindigili?nounelectricityfoli t?nt?m??noungovernment workfoli t?nt?nnanoungovernment worker, labourer, civil-servantfoliinounqueue, linecf: naaderi?folomod vto do something early? folo sii m? baga.He got up early and went to the farm.folp?lanounwhite man, Europeancf: nasaar?, foli, n?daar?folifoori gba?anouncalabash used to fetch water for bathingforimod pull free, escapeM? k?? bile ? foro fá.I caught the child, but he pulled himself free and drop, fall? yuo diibie ? foro tel tintee?.He shot the bird and it fell to the ground.fori nii?idiomto say sth. that should have not been saidBa s? ba s?? w?? la b?l n? ka ? fori nii?.They said nobody should talk about the matter, but he talked about it.forimo forimoadverbfull of anxietyB?? n? k?n? ? bibe? leri? ??? forimo forimo?What is wrong with him that he is looking anxious? fotonoun(Eng.) photograph, picture? jo? m? foto n?.He took a photo off me.f?verb1.lace M? ja? f? b?s?.I will lace a roughly? g?r?? k??sa n? ? f?.His shirt tore, he had sewed it roughly.f?g?verbto kickBile jo? naa? a f?g? vaha la.The child kicked the dog.f?m?nounbaboonf??verbto make into a ballM?? f?? mu?gulumoo n?.I am making millet flour balls.f??kuoronounbaboon (large) pretendBile fugo ar? ?? w??l? n?.The child pretended to be frighten sb.Baalla fugi bile ? yel.The man frighten the child and he cried.fugisiverbto threaten, put under pressureFugisi bile na, ? n? gaa moribie la.Threaten the child to see whether he stole the money.fulliverbto sipFulli l?? la.Sip the water.fuochalanounwater lilyfuoliverb1.incompleteMoribii la fuolo n?.The money is not be pervertBile fuolo n?.The child is a pervert.-fuoloadjfoolish thing/personcf: -yaayaa, -p??w?fuoloofoolish thingsfuolo?m?lnounreedfuonaa?noun1.shore2.valleyfuont???-lorumu?nounwater bugfuo?nounriver, stream, lake, pool, swampcf: m?gafuo? cholonounthe other side of a stream, riverfuo? f??lariver bedfuo? nii?/ fuo? ba??aanounnear side of a stream, riverfuooadjectiveempty, hollow? nii? ?aa fuoo n?.His mouth is toothless.fuosiverbto come off, fall off (tool from handle)Pire fuosi santo?u? l? n?.The hoe blade fell off the sniffWuru? n? k?mm?, ??? n? t?? m?? furisi m??s?? ???.I have a cold that is why I am quaff, gulp down? furisi d?s??.He quaffed the soup.fuufuunounchest-trouble (bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia)fuuniverbto snuffFuuni chaa? la d?s?.Snuff the lamp.fuuuadverbwhee! (noise of falling through the air)Bile l?? t?a nyu? tuu tel fuuu pip.The child fell down from the tree - whee, crash!f?aaadverbin peace? j?? d?a f?aa.She went home in peace.f?f???nounspear grassf?f?l??nounbombax ceiba, kapokf?f?ranouna kind of herbf?f???nounscab, scarf?g? crowd, be crowdedN?aa f?g? d?a la n?.People are crowded in the compel, forceM? f?g? d?? b?l w?aa.I forced him to constrictG?r? la f?g?m? n?.The shirt is too tight for me.f?g?nanounobligation? b? f?g?na ?aa d? la dii k?l?chili?.We are not compelled to eat left-over TZ.f?g?m?verbto shrink (seeds)Jisii? bii la f?g?ma n?.The groundnuts have shrunk.f?g?s?verbto force something through an opening? f?g?s? godo la n? ? to boi la a j??.He forced the bed through the doorway.f???adverbvery quietcf: kurum, siyeuu, surum, s?mLeri? kala ?aa f??? n?.The whole place is very quiet.f?lverbto jump, leap, bounce, splashcf: fil?? n? jo? tab??? a yuo h? l??? t???, l?? la ja? sii f?l.If you throw a stone into the water it will splash up.f?la chaal?v phrto pounce onNaachigi? f?la chaal? b??na.The lion pounced on the goat.f?la f?laadjectivevery light, soft, thinG?r? la ?aa f?la f?la n?.The dress is very light.f?l??nounkind of herb, edible plantf?nf?ganounfoamf?nf??anounplant [sp.]f??verbto shavecf: k?Jo? nyuf?na t?a d? m? f?? m? nyu?.Give me a razor so that I can shave my head.f??g?verbto remove outer cover of seed by pounding or pressingF??g? suono la.Remove the outer cover of the beans by pounding.f??r?verbto go down, decrease (swellings)M? naa la f??ra n?.The swelling on my foot has gone downf?r?g?nouna kind of dance (gelibagf??la yag?idiomto pay no attention to/to pay a deaf ear to, ignoreM?? b?l w?aa ? tee? ka ? f??la yag?m?.I am talking to him and he is not paying attention.f??l?verbto whistleBaal la f??laa y?? y??l?? n?.The man is whistling a song.f??ranouna ball made from fermented millet flourf??r?verbto sell offM?? ch? m? ti? ch?m?? n?, ??? n? t?? m? jo? m? gogo a f??r?.I want to settle my debts that is why I sold my watch.f?yaa?nounlarge semi-circular basketGggaaverbto stealGaara k? gaa m? k?aa.The thief came and stole my things.gaaaadjectivewide open? nii? gaaa.His mouth was wide open, not knowing what to say.gaabunoun(Hs.) dried onion leavesgaafaraexclamation(Hs.) sorryGaafara.I am sorry.gaar? k?anounlootgaar??noun(Eng.) gardencf: l?ga/l?g??gaas?verbto initiateBa gaas? bile n?.The child has been garlicgal?m?verbto behave foolishlycf: l??l?Bile v?a ? naa? ar? ? ny?mma a? g?ll? g?gal?m?.The child disobeyed his mother and father and roamed acting like a fool.gamanouncrown birdgandaaranounimpostor, person who pretends to be importantgàará, gaar?nounthiefgàar?? unroll, unwind sth. (e.g. thread, rope)K?? ?m?? la gaar?.Unroll the eat for the first time, or after a long interval.Laa p??fal?? dee? dii gaar?.Eat some of this first new yam of the scatter, spread, sow, sprinkleM? ?aa hag?la la a gaar? lee la.I got sand and scattered it gather, heap up hiesi, kuriGbaa ya? la h? d???.Gather the grass together in make millet-mounds (farming)? gbaa par?kp?raa n?.He made millet-mounds.gbaalanounraised moundgbaan??nounplant [sp.] and its seedgbaar?verbto meet, gathercf: hilimiLa gbaara dii.We gathered to eat.gbabii?nounhockeygbagaanounsaddle bagsgbak gbak gbakadverbslowly (movement of tortoise or duck)G?l??m?l?? b? wuo faasaa v??. ? yie v?v?? gbak gbak gbak.The tortoise cannot move quickly. It always goes very slowly.gbal?am??nounfresh pod of beangbambii?nounseed of calabashgbampumu?noununopened calabashgbamp?lanouncalabash used for drinking waterGbanchaan?nounmonth of rains and sunshine (end of rains, roughly September)gbanf?a?nouncalabash in which food is kept for eatinggbanj??ban.plload of cooking utensilsgbanlo?nouncalabash with small opening-gba?a-adjstandard batch of one hundred itemscf: z?l?guogba?a100 kola nuts (gift to chief)gba?anouncalabash, bowl, utensilgba?konoun(Twi) cassavagba?kogu?nouncalabash used for winnowinggba?k??l??nounthe substance inside a calabashgbegenounlepercf: dayal?magbege disgrace? m? b? z?mb? a p?pa kuoro, kuoro yie gbegu.He betrayed someone to the chief, so the chief disgraced disregardM? s? ? k? dii k?diilee, ? yie gbegimi.I invited him to eat but he disregarded me.gbegiverbto strip bareB??naa gbegi t?ala kala.The goats have stripped the tree bare.gbegilegenouna kind of treegbegisiverb1.reduce in wealth, become poorBaal la l??l? gbegise n?.The man has now become remove all leaves from a treeB??naa gbegisi t?a la kala n?.Goats have stripped the whole tree.gbelem gbelemadverbcompletely, with no remaindercf: m?a m?a, kalaBa paa jisii la kala gbelem gbelem.They collected all the groundnuts, leaving none behind.gbese tav brush offK?? n? m?r? m? n?s?? l? m? gbese ta.Something stuck on my hand and I brushed it snobM?? b?l w?aa ? tee? ? gbesimi ta.I was talking to him and he snobed kick sth. accidentally? gbesi gba?a la ar? naa? ta.He accidentally kicked the gb?l?adverbvery loose, flexible, pliableT??bie la ?aa gb?l? gb?l? n?.A young tree is n?saa ?aa gb?l?? n?.His hands are limp.N?saa gb?l?? n?.Your limp hands. (an insult)gb?nz?b?nounleather worker, shoemaker, shoe repairergb?r? waitcf: y??l?, jegiliLa gb?r? a? ka ? b? k?.We waited for him but he did not remove someGb?r? daar??Take some of the tie the legs of an animal closeBa gb?r? jaaba la n?.They have tied the legs of the horse in order to disable it from walking herbgb?r?m??adverbhelpless, sit in a relaxed mannerM? kala l?l? n? gb?r?m??.I am very (of lion, horse)gb??r?g?? be crippledM? ny?mma gb?r?g? n?.My father is be retarded (walking)Bile gb?r?g? n?.The child is slow in learning to, disabled personcf: puwuologbielenoungame, play,, have funcf: ch???Laa gbielu n?.We are flirtBaalla ar? ? h??la n?? gbieli d?a l?.The young man and his girlfriend are flirting in the house.gbieli d???noun1.playmate2.people in a joking relationshipgbieniverbto crawlBile gbieni tintee? n?.The child crawled on the floor.gbieni... s?paa?idiomplead, begLa yie gbieni ? s?paa? n?.We are pleading you to forgive us,gbig gbigadverbnoise made when sb. hits a person or an object with a stick? ?moo m? har?? l? n? gbig.He hit my back.gbilverbbluntS?a la gbile n?The knife is blunt.gbilliverbto searchcf: laar?? jo? m? g?r?? kaa m? d?a, m? ja? m? gbilli ? d?a.If you take my dress home I will come and search your, not full, incompleteKuorim?aa b?t? la gb?b? n?.The maize bag is not full.gbuverb1.chew the cud, to vomit deliberatelyN?? gbu k?aa ch?cha? n?.The cow chewed the come out forcefully, gush outP?mp? naa? y?r? n? l??? gbu l?l??.The pipe-line is broken, and water is gushing out.gbu?gbogonounbilly-goat, he-goatgburo gburoadverbto change colourNay?l la n? t?? tii la ?aa gburo gburo ???.The tea has changed its colour because of the milk. gb?l gb?l gb?ladverbswiftlyL?? la p?ll? gb?l gb?l gb?l.The water is flowing gb?naadjectivemuddy (water)L?? la ?aa gb?na gb?na n?.The water is bedgb?ra gb?raadverbto change colourL?? la kala ?aa gb?ra gb?ra n?.All of the water is changing its kind of tree [sp.]gb?s?m?verbin abundanceNamm?a gb?s?m? ja? kala n?.There was plenty of meat in the village.geemadverbfor a very long timecf: dee? dee?, hal??, wuuM? gb?r? a? ka ? ?aa geem d?a l?.I waited for him but he stayed for long in the house.gel geladverblight-footed? fá gel gel.He is running light-footed.geli?nouncatcf: nambag?l?wie, d?al??r?geli?geli?nounbed, hammock, stretchercf: godogenniverbto walk proudly, majesticallyKuoro laal? ? g?r?bal?? a l?? gigenni.The chief wore his gown and walked about majestically.gentinenoun1.tree trunk2.foundationgerisiverbto belch? v?g? n? a gigerisi.He ate his fill and belched.g?verbto turn off from the way, divert (cf g?b?)Luori la fa v?? ??? n? a guu m? g? g?r??.The car was moving and suddenly diverted into the bush. g?l?nounleft-handed, the wrong way roundS?? buku la g?l? k??.Do not hold the book upside down.g?l? t??nanounleft handed persong?l?b?verbto warp, bend, twistYibiini? n? daa la g?l?b?.The wood warps during the rainy season.g?ll?...tav phrto leave something undoneBa k??l? kuorim?aa n? a? g?ll? d?ns?? ta.They harvested the maize and left some.g?n?nounxylophone-thongcf: tembii?g?r?verbto stumble, trip, knock againstB?? n? t?? ? jo? daa la g?s? wombii? l? d? m? k? g?r??Why did you put that stick across the road so that I tripped?g?r?b?s?nouncoverclothg?r?b???nounshrinkg?r?d?anounmosquito netg?r?fehenounpocketg?r?h?m??nounneedleg?r?j??l??noundress, upper garmentg?r?k?s??nounold cloth, rag, scanty clothg?r?laal??noundress, upper garment, shirtg?r?mag?l??nouna special, very beautiful garment (different from others)g?r??, g?r?noungarment, cloth, material, fabric, shirt, dressg?r??m?n??nounthreadg?r??m??yuoronounspinner of cottong?r?p???nounstrip, roll of clothg?r?p?f?la-f?lanounsilk, silky clothg?r?p?p?lanouncalico, white clothg?r?p?yuoronounweaver of clothg?r?s???nounbuttong?r?y?r??nounnice clothe, rich garment, gorgeous attireg?s?verbacross, horizontalK?? daa la l?? g?s? wombii? l?.Put that log across the road.g?s??adjectiveugly, oblongNyu? g?s?? n?.Your ugly head. Your oblong head.g??b?? turn off from the way, divert, curvedKobie wombiila g?b? n???Is the Kobie road twisty? make way, move asideG?b? ka m? bal.Get out of the way so that I can pass.g??r?g??verbto grind, grate, file, rub roughlyN??ka n??ka l? n? ba g?r?g? kpal?m?aa.In the grinding mill they grind talk in one's sleep? yie p?na duosi aa giemi.He often talks in his sleep when he is suffer from shockBile na naachigi? a ch?naa giemi.When the child saw the lion, he was rooted to the have saliva running out of one's mouth ? p?? do? n? a gieri nant??r??.He slept and saliva came out of his grind roughlyK?? m?aa m? giere k?.Go and grind the millet flee, scatter (from sudden danger)D?? la k?, n?al?? sii gime fá.When the snake came, the people ran away in batgi?gelimmiis???nounwarneck's asparagusgire k? v phrto come together en masseN?al?? gire k? n?.All the people came together.gire l?? v phrto go out en masseN?al?? gire l?? n?.All the people went out break up, knock down something (as a building)M?? ch? m? giri m? d?a la a? wasa saa.I want to knock down my house and rebuild break up (music or dance)G?araa kala gire n?.The dancers broke up (the dance) stop work for a period of time? giri t?nt???aa tap?laa bal?a n?.He didn't come to work for two days.giri, gire ... tav phrto put an end to somethingBa giri w?? la ta n?.They have put an end to the scrambleN?aa n?? girigi d?a t???.People are scrambling on each other in the break up, loosen, dig up? girigi tintee la a duu suonoo.He dug the soil and sowed beans.girisiverbto play an introduction on the xylophoneJenduuru la paa jenduuloo a girisi jensi?.The xylophone player took the mallets and played an introduction.gisiverbto be proudBile gise.The boy is proud.g?b?verbto dam (in fishing)cf: kuoniMá g?b? l?? la d? la kuoni a? kp? chenfilee.Dam up the pool and empty it to get the fish.g??n? look out of the corner of the eye, scowl atN?al?? h?n? g?g??n? m? n?.The people sat down and were looking at me from the corner of their eyes. admireM? g??n? haal la woru?.I like the look of that girl very much.g??s?verbto insult sb. indirectly, to act surreptitiouslycf: g?r?s?, t??s?M? b?l w?aa g?g??s?.What I said was a veiled insult against him.g? fade, lose colourG?r? la m??ra g?l n?.The cloth has dye, change colour? jo? g?r?? g?l.She dyed her cloth.g?l??gaa?nounpied crowg?r? shut, close upcf: sugiM? ja? g?r? nad?a.I will close up the be satisfiedM? kala n? g?ra.I am satisfiedg?r?binenoundeep bush, backwoodsg?r?g?verbto be too tight, to be too smallM? g?r?la ba??aa g?r?g? m? nyu? n?.The neck of my shirt is too tight to go over my head.g?r?madiinouncheating, deceiving, swindlingG?r?ma dii ka chei n?aa n?.Cheating destroys people. g?r?m?verbto cheat, swindle? b? s?? d? n??kala g?r?m?.He does not allow anybody to cheat him.g?r??nounbush, backwoodscf: ya?, bagag?r??g?r??nounwheelg?r?p?r??noununinhabited landg?r?s? insult somebody indirectlycf: g??s?, t??s?Beena bile si ch?na a g?r?sa t?t??s?m? ???.Look at how that child is insulting me act surreptitiouslyM? ja? g?r?sa ?mobu?.I will sneak an opportunity to hit you.godonounbedcf: geli?geli?gogonounclock, watchgolibiverbto bentD? ? ?moo h???, ? ja? golibi.When you beat iron it will bend.golibo goliboadjectivecrooked, not straightWombii? ?aa golibo golibo n?.The road is crooked.golliverbto encircle, to surround, to go aroundMá fá golli d?a.Run around the house.golli ... l?v phrto be against somebodyN?al?? golli m? l? n?.The people are against me.golo goloadverbnot straight, crookedWombiila ?aa golo golo n?.The road is not straight.golodii/golokp?nounwild doggolu?nounwooden mallet (for breaking down walls)gondomaatanounwrapping clothgondo?nounskirtcf: mo?kurugo?nounnoisecf: d?m??/d?m?K?? go?!Be quiet!go??ulo?adjectiveoblong, out of shape, bentnyu? go??ulo?.Your oblong head (insult).gorugunouna kind of drumg?g?noun1.specialist, expertcf: hag?g?2.musiciang?g?bienounapprentice, young musiciang?g?d?nd?nn?nounmale praise singerg?g?d?nd?nn?-h?a?nounsenior praise singer at a funeralg?g?gugo?nouna special drum for the praise singersg?g?h?a?nounchief musician of a village or areag?g?luru?nounmedicine of praise singersg?g?nampili?nouna kind of figg?g??nounfuneral praise-songg?g?pirenouniron hoe used as a musical instrumentcf: pireg?g?s? decorateHaal la g?g?s? pupoi la n?.The woman decorated the sing (praise songs)Haalaa ka g?g?s? n?.The women are singing praise songs.g?g?y??l??noundance restricted to the funeral of praise singersg?ll?verbto stroll, wander, roamM? t?nt???aa d?r? n?, ??? n? m?? g?ll?.My work is finished so I am taking a walk.g?l?l?adverbvery slimy, slipperycf: s??r?, sol? n? ch? ?m?n?? d?s??, ? yie ?aa g?l?l? n?.When you cook okra soup it is always slimy.g?l??g?l??guitarg?m?nanoun(Eng.) government, governorg?m?nt?(Eng) governmentguverbto carry on the backJo? bile gu.Carry the child on your back.gugobelenounsmall drumgugochemenounmid-size drumgugon???nounlarge drumgugo?nouncylindrical drumgugoy??laanoundance to make a knot, twistcf: v??M? gul ?m?? la.I knotted the put sth. around an obj.? gul ?m?n?? n? h? b??na ba??aa l?.He tied a rope round the goat's be difficult, problematicW?? la gulo n?.The matter is group togetherN?aa gulimi Bat?? d?a l?.People have grouped together in Batong's sit in groupsMá gulimo h?? h??.Sit in clench the fistK?? ? n?s?? gulimi.Clench the fist.gulliverbround, circularcf: vuno vunoGogo la nii? gullo n?.The face of the watch is round.gulo?gulo?adjectiveround, circularB??l ?aa gulo? gulo? n?.A football is round.gulumu?noun1.balldoku? gulumu?a ball of kenkey2.loafBoroboro gulumu?a loaf of bread3.lump4.large pieces of somethingp??gulumu?a piece of yamgulu?nounknotgulu?gulu?-chap?anouna guessing game played with both handsgu?gumbanouna kind of yamgu?gummienouna kind of insectgu?gu?noundummygu?guronounhyenaguogba?ahundred pieces of cola mingle withBile m? guoli n?aa t??? n?.The child mingled with the mix something, dilute?aa l??? guoli daalusu la l?.Dilute the medicine with water.guomiverbto wipe the face with one's hand? k?? n?s?? guomi ? s?aa.He wiped his face with his hand.gurigiverbto grip, catchGurigi b??? la d? la kp?.Catch the goat so that we kill it.-gurumo-adjyoung male animal without hornspiegurumohe-lambGuru? ethnic group of people of in Northern Ghana and Burkina Faso2.Africanguumod vimmediatelyHambiisi? na kerichi d?? k?, ba guu fá m? h??.When the children saw the teacher coming, they immediately ran to sit down.guuverbto speed, to ride a horseM? d?a guu luori n? woru?.Yesterday I was speeding in the car.gùorìverbto embraceM? naambie d?a l?? K?mas? k?, m? guoru.My brother came from Kumasi yesterday, I embraced him.gúorìverbto huddle, curl, coil upWaar?? d?a k?mm? m? guori.I was cold yesterday so I huddled up to keep warm.gúorínoun(Hs.) kola nutg? danceMá k? la g?e and let us dance.? d?a g?a d?g?.He danced the wedding dance marchSikuuri hambiisi? d?a g?a golli ja? t??? kala n?.The school children marched round the whole town yesterday.g?achesi?nounfuneral dance for an old persong?alanoun1.dance2.marchg?al?verbto be dim? s?aa g?ala n?.His eyes are dim.g?a?g??nounsieve, fishing basketg?aranoundancerg?araa kuoronoundance leaderg?g?ranounherniag?lverbto keep in one side of the mouthM? g?l ch??n?? m? cha?kpa??? l?.I kept a sheanut inside my cheek.g?l??m?l??nountortoiseg?manounhumpg?nn?verbto learnM? ja? g?nn? kar?m??.I will learn to read.g?n??nouncornercf: lo?goru?g?naa ban?s?squareg??g?nn?nounlearner, beginnerg??maanouncrested crane (bird)g??r?verbto bend something, be crookedK?? daa la g??r?.Bend the stick.g?raa yuo d???v phrto quarrel amongst brethren or friendsg?r? hunchBile g?r? nyu? h?? n?.The child sat with his head cheatBad?r? g?r? ? nand???.The spider cheated his put into a ring form (including twisting tail of fish to the head)? g?r? chenfilie la.He twisted the fish.g?r?m?verbto grumbleM? d?a t?m?, ? g?g?r?m? w?aa.I sent him on an errand yesterday, but he grumbled.g??ganounsmall bucket for drawing waterg??m??nounseed of water lilyg??n? underrate, underestimateM? ny?mma fa g??n?m? n?, ama l??l? ? j?ma d? m? k?? w?t?t??.My father used to underestimate me but now he knows I am be resentfulM? jo? moribii? p? m? ?aana, ? g??n?, b?? w?aa ? b? y?g?.I gave a coin to my brother, but he grumbled because it was not enough.Hhhaparticlestill, yet? ha h? n?m?.He is still there.? ha b? k?.He has not yet come.ha-rootfemale person-haan sx1.difficult, problematicw?haaa difficult problem-adj2.become wildN?? la b?r?m? k?haa n?.The cow has become wild.adj3.bitterd?haar??bitter souphaaadjectiveto open wide (mouth)K?? ? nii? haa d? m? h? daalusu?.Open your mouth wide so that I can put medicine in it.habal?jo?nouna kitehabal??nounlizardhabal??guomu?nounmillipedehabalk?lchili?nouna kind of worm normally found in dry cow dunghabidiirenounfavourite wifehabinchinounrival talk or rivalryhabonjo?noununmarried woman (spinster, widow)hachag?ra/hachag?r?nounmidwifehach??r?nounwoman chaserhachoolu?nounbeloved womanhach?r?m??nounprostitutehadaahiimi?nountree parasite[sp.]hadiiy??l??nounspecial funeral songhad???noun1.female companioncf: hah?a?, d?anaa?, rivalryBaa dii had?r?? n?.They envy each other.hafal-g?r??nounbride attire, wedding dresshafal??nounbride, newly married wifehafal?? balanounbridegroom, newly married husbandhagaar?nounbackbiter, tale tellerhag?lanounsandhag?l?bumbugulonounfine sandhag?g?nounfemale expert, praise singercf: g?g?hag?g?-d?nd?nn?nounfemale praise-singerhag?g?h?a?nounleader of the female praise-singershag?g??nounfuneral-songhah?a?nounsenior wifecf: had???, d?anaa?hajaanch?nch??m??nouna kind of black ant, soldier anthajaa?ku?ku?nounowlhajaar? k?aan.plbridewealth, dowrycf: b?b??? k?aa, jaar??hakeleethe right of a woman to do or not to do something four timeshak?aanounmenstruationcf: li?i?halverbto fry sth.?? hal p??? n?.She is frying yam.hal?noun(Hs.) behaviourcf: nag??/nag?s??, w?k?n??hal??adverbto do sth. for a long timecf: dee? dee?, geem, wuu? h?? d?a l? hal?? w?a j??.He sat in the house until sunset.-hal??n sx1.eggsuuhal??guinea fowl egg2.batteryt??ch?hal??torch of a lampchaanhal??glass of a lanternhamanounhammerhambayalanounsupine position, flat on the back? p?? hambayala.He slept on his back.hambayala nant??r??idiomself damaging acthambienoun1.(sg.) child (only used to differentiate from an adult)2.(pl.) children hambii t??nanounchildish personhambolibienounboyhamb?m??/hamb?y?nounbauhinia (plant)hamb??kat??nanounmumpshamb?y?nouna kind of tree [sp.]han?h?a?nounold womanhan?h?awiek?nviiset?nounsensitive planthantolibienoungirlha?gbeli?nounboneha?kurinoun(Hs.) patiencecf: kenyiri, p??naha?yienoundirgeha?yietaaranoundirge-singerhap?r??nounbarren womanhapumu?nounvirginhar?b?nounfollower, supporter, generation to comehar?ch?nnanounsupporter, assistanthar?gaa?noungossipcf: niiwuorohar??post pos1.after, behindK? ch?? d?a la har??.Stand behind the, last (thing or person)Har?? y?b? ch???, m? ja? m? Wa.Next week I will go to Wa.har??nounback (anat)M? har?? n?? w??.My back is paining.har?tooronounfollower, disciplehasa??anounwomen whose dowry has not been paidhasa??a biinounillegitimate childhas?r?adverba little while, for a momentLe? la dii k?l?? has?r? anna m? ja? t???.Let us eat TZ first and then go to town.has???nounfra-fra potatohas?ananounwoman who has just completed childbirthhatag?lanounwoman's helper (older woman, usually stepmother helping e.g. after childbirth)hatolibienounfirst-born child of a womanhatolonounyoung womanhayalanounfemale traderhayambaexclamationoh! (expression of astonishment)Hayamba, ? k? n?ba?Oh have you come?hayerenounlocustheeliverbto announceKuoro heele b?l d? n??kala s?? Kumasi m?, d? kanchuobiee h? n?m?.The chief announced that nobody should go to Kumasi, because there is an outbreak of measles there.heli?nounsquirrel (gen. term)hemisiverbto yawnDo? n? k?mm? m? hihemisi.I am sleepy and therefore yawning.h? be in or at? h? n?m?.He is put in, addM? time b? y?g?, h? moribiee p?m?.My pay is not enough, give me more beg, ask forid. M? b?? h? a b?l ? jo?o p?m?.I did not ask you to give it to me, did I? allow, authorizeid. M? h?? d? ? laa m? time a kaa k? p?m???Did I give you permission to fetch my pay? form roots or tubersM? p?aa ha b? h?.My yams have not form tubers yet.h? biri?verbto dyeh? dolu?idiomto do wellh? d??? l?v phrcome togetherBa h? d??? l?.They came together. h? l???idiomadd interestBa p?m? ch?nn?? n? a? h? l???.They gave me some loan and added interest.h? nii?idiompromiseh? nyini?to light fire, to set fireh? s??idiomto do something seriouslyH? s?? a d?r? t?nt?m?? la.Be serious and finish the work.h?b?b???nounshoemaker's neddleh???nounsuffering, sorrow, burden? kala ?aa h?? n?.He was very worried.h?g?m??nouniron ore, drossh?? be hard ( h?y?.Farming is hard be bitterDaalusu la h?y?.The medicine is be difficultNamaga la h?y? k??k??.The riddle is very be dear, expensive? k?aa yal?? h?y?.His prices are be hot (weather)W?a la h?y? j?n??.The sun is hot today.? t??? h?y?.He is hard-hearted.? w?aa h?y?.He is troublesome, cheeky.h?m??noun1.arrow2.nail, pin, injection needleh?n?noun1.small pot for pot with many compartmentsh?s?nounbad scenth?s??nounsmall fish (gen. term)h?s??l??nounpoisoned arrowhieripraisehiesiverbto gather up for disposalcf: kuriHiesi ya? la m? ta.Clear up the grass and throw it trim (wood)Higi daa la.Trim the shudder (from exhaustion) cf. chel, vagL??ny?as?? n? k?mm? m? kala hihigi.I am so thirsty that I am quivering all over.hiimi?nouna small antelopehilimenounmeeting, grouphilimiverbto gather, assemble, meetcf: gbaar?K?h?as? la k? hilimi d? ba kpaar? v??? n?.The elders gathered together to sacrifice to the fetish.hilimi?noungathering (of people), meetingcf: chemi?/chemehirigiverbto be startledVaha huosi, m? hirigi.When the dog barked I was startled.-h?a?n1.old thing/person (animate)2.elderja? n?h?a?elder of a communityrt3.leader of a group, foremant?mp?nduuruh?a?head of talking-drums playerst?nt?nn?h?a?foremanh?a?nounrelativecf: naambie, tanl???h??n?nounto have a relationship with sb.M?? h??n? Tumu n?.I have a relationship with the Tumu people.h??n?verbto crave for, have a desire for, long for somebody/something, yearnM?? h??n? namm?a n?.I am craving for meat.h??lanounsweetheart h??l? courtBa h??l?, ? v?a.They courted her but she rejected their take as a mistress? haala na baan?? n? ar? ? s? h??l? haala.His wife was angry because he took a mistress.h??l?baalanoun1.wife’s father2.daughter’s husbandh??l?haalanounwife's motherh??l?p?r??nounbride serviceh??s? disgrace? d?a m? gaa k?aa, ba k?n? a h??s?.He went stealing yesterday and was (caught and) disappoint, fail sb.? d?a s? b? hilime la k?, ? h??s?m?.He disappointed me yesterday for not coming to the meeting.h??s??nounshameh? be emptyA?k?ra la h?la n?.The barrel is be dryM? yieni g?nn?? d? ba h?l.Spread the clothes so that they will be lean? yaaraa kala n? h?la tap?laa deemba.He is lean these days.h?lanounwizard, witchcf: ny?s??h?l??noundryness, droughth?ll??nounwitchcrafth???s??verbto be old, to age, to get oldBaal la j?s?? y?ga, ? h??sa n?.The man has lived for many years, he is old.h???s?? steam sth.? ch? daalusu? a h??s? ? yaraa.He boiled medicine to warm his heat sth.? k?? ? g?r?? h??s? nyini?.He dried his cloth over the fire.holadverbto be worried, anxious? ?aa holo holo n?.He was troubled.holliverbto put into a sitting positionBa holli s??? n?.They put the dead into a sitting position.holonouna kind of big tree with edible leavesholumomadverbcompletely worriedM? kala ?aa holumom n?.I am completely worried.horu?noun1.hard outer covering or shell (e.g. of a sheanut, tortoise)2.budhosiverbto run amokBa t??s? baala, ? hosi.They insulted the man till he got really wild.hososoadverbtoo hot to eatD?s?? ?aa hososo n?, m? b? wuo dii.The soup is too hot, I cannot eat it.hosu?nounBosc’s monitorh?b?nounlocusth?dolu?nouncross bar of a bicyclesh?f?a?nouncopperh?kpaal??/hamanounhammerh?l?? kuripotinouncoalpot, charcoal stove (also kuripoti)h?l??nouncharcoalh?nn? d???nouncolleagueh?? sit? h?? kpasa nyu?.He sat on a stayM? h?? K?mas? l? j?s?? ban?? n?.I stayed in Kumasi for five years.h?? kpasa nyu?idiomto rule, to reign as kingh???noun1.iron, metal2.nailh??? jaabanounbicyclecf: cheche, baasikuurih?p?lanounaluminiumh?r?? hideBile na ? ny?mma ?? k?, ? hu.When the child saw his father coming he festerD? ? n? b? naaw??l la nyu? bene ? ja? hu.If you don't treat the sore, it will fester.hugiverbto buryLa d?a hugi s???.We buried the dead yesterday.hunnunounmushroom (gen. term)huoverbto stop (rain)Duonu? huo n?.The rain stopped.huonu?nounweapons and fetishes belonging to a dead person-huo?-adjraw food, uncooked food, unripe fruitnamm??huo?raw meathuo?nounvenom, poison of animals (incl. rabies)huosiverbto bark, howlVah?? n?? huosi.The dogs are barking.huriverbto digHuri b?a.Dig a hole.huuniverbgroan (in pain)Nyanyal b?? t??na n?? huuni nla?Which sick person is groaning like that?huuriverbto jeer, to make loud noise? j?? y?b? a gaa k?aa, ba huuri.When he was (caught) stealing in the market they jeered at him.Alipile? ka huuri n? w?a nyu?.The aeroplane makes a loud noise in the sky.h?verbto be dried upVili? h?a n?.The well is dried up.h?g?m?verbpamper, to spoil sb.? k?? bile h?h?g?m?.He is spoiling the child.h?g?s?verbto move the body? p?na n? a h?h?g?s?.He is lying down and moving his body.h??r?verbto give hospitalityM?? m? m? h??r? m? n?h??raa n?.I am going to look after my guests.h??n? sigh (because of worries)W?aa v?g? ? h?h??n?.He sighed because of growl (dog, lion)Vaha la ka h??n? n?.The dog is growling.???r?k?verbto punish? ?r?k? m? n? woru?.He punished marryM? jaa haala.Go and pick (vegetables)M? jaa d?s??.Go and pick gather (firewood)M? ja? m? jaa daas??.I will go and gather firewood.jaabanounhorsejaag?verbto stretch out one's handsjaa?yoexclamationwell donejaaranoun(Hs.) discount, dashcf: loru?jaar??noun1.marriagecf: b?b??? k?aa, hajaar? k?aa2.dowry, bride pricejaas?verbto scatter, sow, broadcastcf: m?s?Ba d?a jaas? m?aa ta.They sowed the millet yesterday.jabanoun(Hs.) man's long gownjabal??town or cityjabienoun1.colt (young horse)2.villagejachigi?nounquarter, section of a town, compound clanjafal??nounnew settlementjaf??r??nounyellow feverjagagaadverbhard to break, elastic (like stringy meat)Namm?a la ?aa jagaga n?.The meat is tough.jag?verbto be lean, thin, sicklyHaal la ka w??l? n? a kala jag?.The woman is sick and very Ba yaraa jag? n?aa k?aa l?.They are envious.jag?g?naa?nouna medicinal plantjag?mulonounprostitutecf: jant?ra, tuutuujag?s? shake a tree (e.g. for fruit)cf: jigisi, ch?g?s?M? jag?s? bab?laa.Go and shake the sheafruits shrinkjalverbto be big, large, wide, broadY?r? m? g?r? la d?? jal.Make a big dress for me.-jal??-adjbig, larged??jal??big housejamanounsesamejamaanoun(Hs) crowdjambaaadverbnot specific? yie b?l w??la jambaa n?.You are not specific in what you said.jambal??nounsection of a village (not one's own)jambas?g?l??nouna tree of which the leaves resemble dawadawa tree plant jambieenounsesame seedjamb?ag?nounwomen's dancejant?ranoun(Twi) prostitutecf: jag?mulo, tuutuuja?particleshall, willM? ja? m? d?a.I will go homeja? of compounds3.home village or town, communityW?a ja?heavenja??anounwomen's dancejapa???nouna herbjas???nounprickly amaranthjeverbto raise, lift upK?? n?s?? je.Raise your hand.jebii?nounwall of a roomjee? listencf: y??l?Jegile n?? m? tee?.Listen to wait, expectLaa jegilu j?n??.We are expecting him today.jeginiverbto stand on tiptoecf: je?Bile jegine d? ? na w?al?? ba s?? ?aa.The child stood on tiptoe to see what they were doing.jekuu?nounshort walljembii? or dance2.sung riddle3.xylophone keyjemb?b???nounhigh notes of the xylophonejenchigi?nounxylophone coverjench?ganounsmall belljendaa?nounspindle (for thread)jenduulub??r?nounmaker of xylophone malletsjenduulu?nounxylophone malletcf: -duulu?jenduuronounxylophone playercf: -duurojenlo?nounxylophone resonatorjenluru?nounxylophonists' shrinejennyu?nounlow notes of the xylophonejensaaranounxylophone carverjensiverbto lift up by group effortBa m? ba jensi s?? la.They lifted up the dead body together.jensi?n.plxylophonejens???nounxylophone framejens??ranounxylophone makerjenwuoronounfuneral wailingjeny??laanounxylophone danceje?verbto stand on tiptoecf: jeginiM? je?e n? d? m? na k?al?? ? s? ch??a.I stood on tiptoe to see what he was for xylophone malletsje?kolonounxylophone wood lined upJep?anounMonth of heavy rains (roughly August)jesi?qntthe greater part, most, almostG?nn? la jesi? kala n? y?ga.Almost all the dresses are big.j?verbto gather grain chaff after threshingMa j? m?a la, ba b?a n?.The millet is well threshed, gather the chaff.j?b??nounanimal skin worn as garmentj?r?verbto spread, levelcf: yieniK?? g?r? la m? j?r? ya? nyu? d?? h?l.Go and spread the cloth on the grass to dry.j?r? t?v phrspread overN?aa j?r? t? leri?.The place is crowded with people.j?r?g?nounloin cloth (also naj?rjibelenouncockjibelinaak??s?nouna kind of climbing shrub jibelina?kolonouna kind of climbing shrub swing back and forth? ch?na n? a jijiegi.He stood swinging back and be rich, wealthy, prosperid. Baal la l??l? jige n?.The man is now grow, flourishThe tomato plant has grown well.jigi jigiadverbfearless (only with ‘b? nyu? b? jigi jigi fá.He is fearless.jigi?nounore, iron ore, manganese orejigisiverbto shake sth./sb violentlycf: ch?g?s?, jag?s?Baal la k?? ? haala jijigisi n?.The man grabbed his wife and shook her.jiigiverbto make TZ ( cf. saa)M? ja? jiigi k?l??.I am going to make TZ.jikee?nounpullet (young hen )jik?r??nounportable chicken-basketcf: chiki?jikpee?nounruined, abandoned housejiloolu?tempmorning time (about 9 a.m.)M? ja? m? baga jiloolu? l?.I will go to farm at 9 o'clock.jimi?nounchicken, fowljimmadverb1.attentivelyJegili jimm.Listen carefully.2.without movingCh?? jimm!Stand still!jimpoi?nounhedgehogjin???nounhen (grown, laying eggs)jinjeemi?nounriver bankjiny??l??nounchickens' drinking potjip?n?nouna hen that is lying on it eggs to hatch jiribii?nounsulphurjisigbandaar?noungroundnut soupjisii?noungroundnutjituu?nounhen-coopj?aanounsmallpoxcf: kaj?g?na?kp?l??J??r?nounMonth when sowing is done (roughly July)j?g?verbto clot, get thick (milk, fat)M? nii? l? n? ? j?g? ???.He wants to quarrel with me.j?g?laanounbody rashesj?g?laj?g?lanounlumpy skinj?g?s?verbto clot, get thickj??g?verbto get out of the wayJ??g? m? s?paa?.Get out of my way.-j???-adjtailb?b??j???tail of a tortoisej???nountickj? climb, mount? j?l t?a n?.He climbed a tree.2.upwards, risingM?l?m? chaa? la ta ? j?l.Turn the lantern mate withJibele j?l jimi?.The cock mated with the hen.j?lany?nounparasite on treesj?ma t??nanounexpertJ?mbant?nounSisaala New Year Feastj?mbelenounmale spiritj?mb?m??nounwicked spiritj?mp?r?w??nounquailj?nanounyearj?naal?anoun(Hs.) ornamentj?nahatempthis yearj?nansuorinoun(Hs.) mosquito netj?n??temptodayN?h??raa ja? j??m? j?n??.Guests will come to me today.j?njaamb?g??nouna herbj?nj?g?la?adverbunexpectedly? k? n? j?nj?g?la?.He came unexpectedly.j?nj?ns?ny?aranounsugar red antj?nl?r??nounbad spiritj?nn???nounfemale spiritj?nn??nounknowledgej?nz?m??noungood spiritj??...b?b???v understandM? j?? w?? la ? s? b?la b?b???.I understand what he M? j?? ? b?b???.I know your know sb. characterj?r?manoun1.kindness2.respect, honourj?s? ar? j?s?idiommany yearsLa s? b? d??? na, ? yi j?s? ar? j?s?.We have not seen each other for many years.j?waanounlong robe worn by menj??mamod vto do something properlyJ?ma y??!Sing properly!j??mánounspiritj???nounhammer-headed batj??? know, understandM? j?? k?al?? kala m? s? g?nna d?am??.I know everything I learnt solveW?? n? kperimi, ? ja? wuo j?ma p?m???I have got a problem, can you solve it for me?jo (suonoo)verbselective harvesting of beansM? d?a m? jo suonoo n?.Yesterday I did selcetive harvesting of beans.joguniverbnot to sit properlyBa p? kpasa n? ? v?a ? h?n? yi a? joguni.They gave him a chair, but he refuse to sit properly.joii?adverbsafely? ja? k?mm? joii? kaa m? d?a.You will take me safely home.jolimiverbto disgraceD? ? dii m? ch?m??, m? ja? jolimi?.If you owe me a debt I will disgrace you.jolumu?noundisgracejompirebilkalaloonounfrog [sp.]jomu?nouninsult, offencejo? take, use sth.? jo? p?? la p?m?.He gave me the harvest (groundnuts)? jo? ? jisii? n?.He harvested his adopt? jommi.He adopted give sb. a rideM? p? jo? baal k?bala n? kaa m? y?b?.I gave some man a ride to the b?b??? taidiomto betrayjo? cheeri? pav phrdeclare guilty, to be at faultM? b? w?b?? kala ?aa ka ba jo? cheeri? p?m?.I didn't do any bad thing, and they declared me guilty. jo? har?? y?aidiomto ignore? jo? har?? y?a w?? la n?. He ignored the m??s?? y?? s???idiomto risk one's lifeBaal la jo? ? m??s?? y?? s??? n? ? biiri? w?aa.The man risked his life for his s?aa chaas?idiomto hold agrudge against someonejo?o ch? forgiveW?? la ? s? ?aa m? l?, m? jo?o ch?? n?.I have forgiven him for what he did to me.v give free/giftM? jo? moribii la ch?? n?.I gave the money to you as a k??v phrto keepS?? namm?a la jo?o k?? tap?l?? b?ra.Do not keep the meat for another day.Jo? kpasa k?? tintee?.Put the chair on the ground.jòlónounjackaljólónounhandlejó?nounfishing netcf: asabaj?g?l??? soup water, vegetable juiceadjective2.greenj?g??nounbean leavesj?lverboversizeM? j?l godo la.This bed is too big for me.j?l? j?l?looseV?? ?m?? la j?l? j?l?.Tie the rope loosely.j?? j??adjectivedrizzleM? ja? gb?r? d? duo? la ?aa j?? j??.I will wait for the rain to ease off.j?r??chaffjuverbattackT??biee ju t? lee laBees attacked the placejuguliverbto crowd aroundK?aa n? baa yall? n?aa m? jujuguli.They are selling some things therefore people are crowding around.jujulu?nouna kind of treejulibinenounmarsh mongoosejulu?nounEgyptian mongoosejulup?lanounwhite-tailed mongoosejunjolonounmushroom (gen. term)junjo?nounpraying mantisjusiverbto limp (from wound)M? naa? w?? n? m? jujusi.My leg is hurting so I am limping.j?anounGambian mongoosej?g?/j?g?m?verbpoorly grown, to look sickly, to be thin, lean, stunted Bile j?ga n?.The child is poorly grown. ? fa s? ?aa hambie ? b? k?diilee dii, ??? n? t?? ? j?g?m?.When he was a child he does not eat, that is why he is skinny.j?g?m?verbto gulp down food or drinkNamm?a gb?s?ma n?, n??kala j?j?g?m?.There is plenty of meat therefore everybody is eating how much they want.j?j??lanounimmigrantj??s?verbrejoiceM? t??? t?r? n? m? j?j??s?.I am rejoicing because am happy.j??s??noun1.fringe2.pleatj?? enterM? ja? j?? W?a kuorii la.I will enter into the kingdom of set (the sun)? h?? d?a l? hal?? w?a j??.He sat in the house until go to bedM? ja? j?? p??.I am going to make use of a fetishM? ja? j?? ? daaline.I will use your fetish.M? ja? j?? susu.I will join them with the contribution.j?? ... l?idiomto let down, trouble sb.W?? la j?? m? l?.Trouble overcame me.? d?a s? ? ja? k? jommi a? b? k?, ? j?? m? l?.You promised to pick me up yesterday, but you did not come, you let me down.Ba j?? d??? l?.They are Ba nii? j?? kp?r??.They were silenced, could not say anything.j?? d?g?l??idiompleasing to the earj?? g?s??nounto wrong sb.D? ? j?? m? g?s?? l?, m? ja? dag??.If you wrong me (cross my path) I will deal with you.j?? kpa???idiomto be sweet, tasty, palatablej?? pa???pleasant, sweetj?? s???idiomto like sth. very muchj?? tuloidiomto do sth. that is forbiddenj?? w???/w?aaidiomto be in trouble, crisisid. ? ch? moribiee n? a j?? w?aa.He looked for money and got into trouble.Kkkaparticle1.then, while, but, beforeHaal la h? d?a l?, ka ? bala m? yoho.The woman was at home while her husband went to a funeral.2.used to mark continuous action (in affirm.) Baal la ka k? n?.The man is remain, leave behindM? d?nd??a n? ka d?a l?.I was left alone in the do sth and failLa ch? piesi la ka.We looked for the sheep but failed to find it.ka pav phrto precedeLahadi n? yie dii a? ka pa Atan?.Sunday precedes Monday.kaaparticleto take, carry, bring sth.K?? bile kaa k?.Bring the child.kaa b??l?adverbtreat with contemptkaa b?lverbto find difficult to dokaa ch?g?s?idiomto meditateK?? w?? la ch?g?s?.Think about the matter.kaa jall?v phrenlargeK?? gaar?? la jall?.Enlarge your garden.kaa looverbdifficulty in doing or saying somethingkaa mag?s?v phrcompareS?? m? kaa mag?s? baalla.Don't compare me with the man.kaa ?moo gb???idiomto treat with disrespect or treat with contemptkaa p?av phrto open sth. wideK?? s?? la p?a d? m? h? daalusu?.Open your eyes wide so that I can put eye drops in it.kaa v?? entangleS?? m? kaa v?? w?? la l?.Don't entangled me inthe complicateS?? w?? la kaa v??.Do not complicate the matter.kaabaako!exclamationalas! (excl. of horror)kaaf?r?noun(Hs.) heathen, unbeliever (insulting name used by Muslims)kaalanouncompound, housekaal?r?v phrargueKaal?r? k??k?? b? z??. Arguing too much is not good.kaam??nounsquash, pumpkin-kaan??-adjthe rest of, remaining, left-over, lastp??kaana lathe rest of the yams the rest of the moneykaap? d??? l? v phrAdditionBal?aba leree batori kaap? d??? l? ?aa ba?m?? n??Two plus two plus two is equal to what?kaaranountype of food made with bambara beans, white beans or black beans flourkaar?verbto break (part of a tree)T?a la kaara tel n?.A branch of the tree has fallen down. kaas?verbto gain experience in doing some thingBaal la kaasa n? woru? g?nn?? yuo l?.The man is experienced in weaving cloth.-kaas??adjexpert in doig some thingn?kaas??an experienced personkaayaganounroom between inner and outer rooms in living quarterskaayakaayanoun(Hs.) porterkachuu?nouneaglekadaaganounred guinea corn, red sorghum kadorikonounbridge, culvertkagbaanounslices of cooked yam eaten with oil, salt and pepperkag? ... l?v phrto leave behind? sii fá kag? ? n?nt????? l?.He ran away and left his shoes.kahanoungrasskaj?g?na?kp?l??nounsmallpox, yawscf: j?aakakud?g?l??nounbowstring hemp/ leopard lilykakumonoundonkeykalaqntall, whole, altogether, completelycf: gbelem gbelem, m?a m?aN?aa kala m? bag?s?? j?n??.All the people went to the farm today.kalaaranounbamboo stickkala?nounmatcf: b?s?kale?enounskinkkal?banounsexton, gravediggerkal?ba h? ... l?v phrcurseLa ja? kal?ba h? n?? la s? jo? moribie la l?.We will put a curse on the person who took the money.kal?bachigenouna herbkal?bas???nouna herbcf: bo?kurikal?b?verbto invoke, help at or testify before a shrineLa kal?b? Tumu vene.We brought the matter before the Tumu fetish.kal?n?n??nounberry of the ebony treekal?nj?anounshell-fish (gen. term)kal??nounebony treekal???m?a?nouna bird with long legskamantuosinoun(Engl.) tomatokambe?enounhatkambombab?l??nounavocado pearKambo?onoun1.member of the Akan tribe2.Twi (language of the Akan tribe)kampiliminoun1.thatched roof2.thatched housekampoi?nounmonkey-orangekampolu?noun1.unmature maize cob2.a kind of tree (sp)kamp?lanouna local box made from reedkanchal??nouna kind of tree [sp.]kanchal?p?lanouna kind of tree [sp.]kanch?m??nounhead-padkanchuobieenounmeasleskanfugi t??nanounhypocrytekanfugonounpretencecf: dawar?kanja?anounthree-legged stool with a curved backrest kanj??anouna kind of shrub kant?r?nounpaper waspkant??m??nouna small spotted frogkant?m??nounfairy, bush-sprite, dwarfkant?ndiibienounhoopoekant?nnyuv?r?Long-crested helmet shrikekant?nw?anounumbrellakantulonounPygmy mousekantuomu?nouna shrub with yellow edible fruitkant??nounhyenakanyaar?nouna kind of treeka?g?lanouna reed used in making hatska?g?l?ya?nounantropugen grasska?k?a?nounmelon seedkapalanounfufukap?l??nounbundle of grasskap?ntanouncarpenterkapooconjunctionperhaps, may beD? m? n? m? d?a, kapoo m? ny?mma ja? p?m? moribiee.If I go home, my father will perhaps give me some money.kapugid?m??noungreen snakekar? kar?adverbscrabbling sound? j?l t?a kar? kar?.He climbed a tree with a scrabbling noise.kar?banyaakanouna kind of thorny grass kar?mbienounstudentkar?mbiibelenounconsonantkar?mbiikparaanoundigraphkar?mbiin???nounvowelkar?mbii?nounalphabet/letterkar?m? readKar?m? buku la m? na ? j?? kar?m?? n??.Read the book so that I can see whether you can teachLaa kar?m? la hambiisi? n?.We are teaching our children.kar?m?aganouna muslimkar?nd?anoun1.classroomKar?nd??s?? bal?a n? la saa.We built two classrooms.2.class (number p1, p2 etc)Kar?nd??s?? ba?m?? l? n? ? h??In which class are you?kar?ns?anouncutlasskas??nounlong wide robe, open at the sidekatahanounblack coloured cobracf: kirekatapirenaazanounkind of birdkat?r?nounsavannah-kat??rtlastbiikat??lastbornkawulenounnavel, umbilicuskawulij?anounumbilical cordkàgànouna beetlekàg??verbto be over matured (e.g. fruit)D? ?m?n?? n? kaga, ? b?ra b? wuo kaa ch? d?s??.When okra is over matured you cannot use it to cook soup any more.-kee?rtyoung female animalb?kee?young she-goatvakee?young female dogkeeriverbto increase? naaw??l?? keere n?.His sore has increased.kele keleadverb1.unimportant (only with things)? w??? na ch?? kele kele n?.Your problem is an unimportant one.adjective2.light, weak (foodstuff)D?s?la ?aa kele kele n?.The soup is light.kelenle?noundouble bellkele? kele?adjectivewatery, light (with food)D?s? la ?aa kele? kele? n?.The soup is light.kelimi?noungarden eggkeli?nounglue, wax, rubber, plastickemegenounhammerkop, hammer-headed storkkenchelenounpotsherd, broken potkenle?qntalonecf: d?nd??a? d?nd??a kenle? n? h?? d?a l?.He was the only one who stayed at home.kenyirinoun(Hs.) patiencecf: ha?kuri, p??nakere tav phrostracise? kp? n?? n? ba keru ta ? n?aa t???.He was ostracized from his people.kerenzi?noun(Eng.) cutKeri p?? la.Cut the yam.2.amputateBa d?a keri m? bile naa? n?.They amputated my child be too much, too strong (e.g. pepper, salt, cf. hosososo)Nanjoho kere n?.The pepper is too hot.keri ch?m?? pav phrto levy sb., to tax sb.Ba keri ch?m?? p?m? n?.They have levied me.keri fototo take photographkeri peni?v phrcircumcise-keribiadjout of orderw?keribiidisorderly thing-keribivuneven in numberK?al?? keribe n?.The things are uneven in number.kerichinoun(Engl. 'clerk') officer, educated person, teachercf: tenj?nnakerifinoun(Hs.) hour, o'clockkerikiverbto be underdone (dawa-dawa seeds)Ch?a la kerige n?.The dawa-dawa-seeds are not done.keriki?noun1.fin (on fish)2.thorn or spinekesenouncoughkesiverbto coughBile b?y? n?? w??, ?? kesi n?.The child's chest is hurting, he is coughing.kesibinenountuberculosis, TBketekunoun(Twi) a sum of one hundred poundsketienaa?nounkind of antketiif?a?nounkind of red antketii?noun1.girl that accompanies a married woman2.junior wifek? cut (hair), to barbercf: f??K? m? nyu? p?m?.Cut my cut open a fowl from the chestBile b? jimii la woru? k?.The child did not cut open the fowl well.k?b?verbto shapeBaal la saa santo?u? a k?b?.The man carved a hoe handle and shaped it.k??s?verbto call fowls by moving the tongue up and down in a rapid motionK??s? ji??e la d? ba k? j??.Call the fowls to come in.k?l? k?l?adjectivevery light (in weight)Te? la ?aa k?l? k?l? n?.The paper is very light.k?m?s?verbto blink? k?? s?aa k?m?s?.He blinked his eyes.-k?n?-adjmuch, plentycf: k??k??, y?g?b?k?n?many goatsk?ny??k?nouna dancek?? catch, get, fetchM? k?? b??? la kaa k?.Go catch that have, containChuomo k?? namm?a.The rabbit is meaty.k?? b?y?to be brave, to be courageousk?? daa? l?.idiomto lead sb. (a blind person).k?? d?g?l??idiomto be talentedk?? nii? be be quarrelsomek?? n??? laar?idiomto exaggeratek?? ny?n?idiomto be in a pitiful state ? w??? k?? ny?n? n?.His problem is pitiful.k?? s??? p??idiomto take part of one's sharek?? t?a j?lv phrto denyLa m? p??s? w??la ? d?a s? b?la n?, ? k?? t?a j?l.We went and questioned him about what he had said yesterday, but he denied it.k?r? separateN?aa n?? yuo d???, m? m? kaa k?r?.People were fighting, I went and separated break? k?r? ?m?n??.He broke the stop, ceaseL??? b?ra b? p?ll?, ? k?r? n?.The water does not run any more, it is cut protect? k?r? w?a n? ar? kant?w?a.He is protecting himself from the sun with an block (road)? jo? daa? n? a k?r? wombii?.He blocked the road with a log.k?r?nounupper leg and hip cf. tcf: jusi?? v?? k?r? n?.He is limping.k?r? l?lv phrto try and fail, to do sth. in vainM? k?r? k?r? l?l n?I tried my best and failedk?r?s???nounhipjointk?s?verbto catch Má le? la tuu k?s? chenfilee.Let us go and catch some fish.k??r??nounlow wall, partitioncf: kiesiBa saa k?r? n? a golli d?a la.They have built a wall a around the house.kieliadverbto do sth. greatly? chomi kieli.He loves me very pass bycf: bal?? kieli d?a n?.He is passing by the go or jump over sth. without touching, to cross? f?la kieli k?r?.He jumped over the wall.kieriverbenlargekiesiverbto protect, shadecf: k??r??? jo? nyu? chuulo chu a kiese t? w?a.He wore a hat to shade himself from the sun.kigisikiiadjectivethick (substance)S?saalaa g?r?p??? n? ?aa kigisigii.Sisaala cloth is thick.kiikiadverbgasp? p?naa kiiki n?.He lay down breathing upproariously.? m?m? kiiki.He was killing himself with laughter.kili?adverbwith a clatter? y? zal?? ? viviisi kili? kili?.If you hit the net with the calabashes they will rattle around.kirenounblack coloured cobracf: katahakiriverbto chase, drive awaycf: t??r?Má m? kiri vaha la.Go and chase the dog away.kiri kiri kiriadverbforcefully, hurriedlyY?b? gime n?, n?aa kala f?fá kiri kiri kiri.The people in the market rushed away quickly.kiri libev phrto follow upk?aa s?mato be rightBile k?aa s?ma n?.The child is right.k?ala j??v phridentifyLa k?ala j?? w?? la s? t?? j?m?? la s?? n?.We identified the cause of the fowl's death.-k?a? rtbroken off, torn apart, fractionscf: kpaa?, -k?s??n?nt??k?ar??worn out shoes k?k?ar??fractionsk??l? stand in one line, to line upMá k? ch?na k??l? d? m? keri ma e and stand in one line so that I can take a picture of place in linePaa daas? la k??la t? boi la.Get sticks and arrange them across the doorway.k??r?verbto cut part offK??r? ? neniif?laa ta.Cut your fingernails.k??r? golo golov phrcut zig-zagK??r? g?r? la golo golo.Cut the cloth zig-zag.k??r? gulo gulov phrcut in circleK??r? gba?a la gulo gulo.Cut the calabash in a circular form.k??s? tear, tear off? k?? g?r? la k??s? n?.He tore the contributeMa k??s? m? teni? n???Did you contribute to my funeral collection? collectBenin n?? k??s? y?b?.Benin is collecting market money.k??adverbto be more than, above, exceed? k?? dolu? k??m?.He has more power than I have.k??l?verbto harvest (corn), to split into pieces (e.g. sugar cane)? k??l? kuorim?aa.He harvested corn.k??r?verbto moan?? na h??? n? a k?k??r?.He is crying in pain.k?lanoun1.kite2.high note (music)k?l??kal?banounlong-tailed nightjar (bird)k??k??adverbplenty, muchcf: -k?n?, y?g?? k?? dolu? y?g? k??k??.He had very much power.k??k???nounwingk??k?s?m??nounfried ball of bean-flourk?r?s?verbto call (fowls)? k?r?s? ji??ee d? ba j?? chigi? b?b???.He called the chickens home to the henhouse.k?s?verbto tabooTumuuloo ka k?s? g?l??gaa? n?.The Tumu people taboo the crow.k?s??nountaboo, customkodunoun(Twi) bananakogumonounheavy brass armband, worn by womenkokoba?kerinounred-eyed turtle-dovekokobinenouna kind of dovekokoduronoun(Two) gingerkokof?a?nounspeckled pigeonkokomonoundove, pigeon (gen. term)kokonanhigili?nounkind of dovekokonyamp?r?nounlaughing dovekokop?lanounred-eyed turtle-dovekolikolnounturkey (form of tolitol)komonounroan antelopekompiitanoun(Eng.) computer-komu?adja thing made out of, consisting of or containing many small partst??komu?chewed tobaccom??komu?ear of millet (cut off)ko?nounbit which is put into the mouth of a horsejaaba nii? ko?horse bitkooconjunctionorLe? d? baal koo haal k?.Let a man or woman come.koointerrogativetag question? m? d?a, koo?He went home, didn't he?koofinounplastic beadskoolu?konouna kind of birdkoriverbto hold, carry with one's handsid. ? b? s??? koro.She has no control over ? b? w?aa laa kukori.He does not harbour a grudge.? kori sime.She collected funeral donations.kori koriadverbvery dry, completely emptyVili? h?la kori kori.The well is dried out.korimiverbto hold tightly, hugcf: t?g?Korimi bile woru?.Hold the child tightly.korumbaalanounrivalkoru?nounchief's dais, raised platformkosiverbto snap, try to catch, gesture of calling sb. with the handVaha la kosi nanch??s??.The dog snapped at flies.k?verbto comeMá k? d?e home.k?b?nounpenny (one pesewa)k?g?l??r?nounperson who attracts ghosts or becomes involved with ghostsk?g??nounghostk?l?b?noun(Hs.) glass bottlecf: b?r?nt?a k?l???nounbrass, bronze, copperk?l?m? pack belongings and move, to ransackGaaraa j?? k?l?m? ? d?a k?aa kala.Thieves ransacked his whole burn down completelyNyini? jo? ? baga kala k?l?m?.The fire burnt down his farm completely.k?n?nounlyrek??verbto be lean, thinN?? la k??? n?.The cow is lean.k??k??nountin, cank??k?? namm?atinned meat or fishk????l??adverblean, thinBaal la ?aa k????l?? n?.The man is thin.k?r?g?/k?r?k?verbto slaughter, killM? ny?mma k?r?g? suu?.My father killed a guinea fowl.k?r?k?r?noun(Hs.) bolt, padlockk?s?verbto wear out, be torn? n?? laal? ? g?r??, ? ja? k?s?.If you wear your cloth it will wear out.-k?s??adjworn out, torncf: kpaa?, -k?a? n?nt??k?s??worn out shoek?taaadverb(Hs.) not at allcf: biri biriM? b? s?y?, k?taa.I do not agree at all.kpaaverbto share, divide, distributecf: p??, p?r?? kpaa namm?a.He shared the meat.kpaakpanounpalmnutkpaal??noun1.pot with a flat bottom's share or portion? laa ? kpaal?? n?.He collected his share.kpaamag?d???nounhalf, middleKeri ch?nf?n?? la kpaamag?d???.Cut the soap in the middle.kpaan? inquisitive, find outBaal la cho w?aa kpaan??.The man is inquisitive.2.investigate probeMá le? la kpaan? w?? la na.lets investigate the matter.kpaa?adjectivebroken, worn out, wretchedcf: -k?a? , -k?s??pupokpaar??broken potsluori kpaa?rickety carkpaar? sacrifice (to a fetish)B?a b?? n? ? yie kpaar? t?m???At what time do you sacrifice to the idol? spill ontoL??la b?sa kpaar? m? nyu? l?.The water was spilling onto my head.kpachag?saanoun1.fork of a branch2.waistkpag?na n? j?nnaidiomseeing is believingkpag?ny?l??nounrocky groundkpag??nouna kind of bribeM? ny?mma d?a m? kpal sar?yadiiru la n?.My father went to the magistrate yesterday and bribed get hardD? ? n? gbaa kpar?kp?r?? a jo? k?aa da? ? nyu?, ? ja? kpal.If you make a mount and put sth. on it, it will harden.kpalanounfinger bellkpalaan.pl1.payment for sth.2.briberykpal?m???nouna kind of millet for brewing pitokpal??nounsling, catapultkpal?? tab???nounsling-stonekpall?verbto flatten a metalKpall? m? pire nii? p?m?.Flatten the edge of my hoe blade for me.kpamboi?nounhole broken into a wall (used as entrance or window), exitkpammuloroota kind of yamp??kpammuloa kind of yamkpammulonouna kind of bird with red feathers kpanja?anounfuneral bench on which the dead body is placedkpant?nounpiles, haemorrhoidskpa?verbbecome thick, hard, clotD? ? n? ?aa daar?? a? b? l??? h? y?g?, ? ja? kpa?.If you cook porridge and do not add enough water it will go solid.kpa? kpa?adverbpersistent? ch?? kpa?kpa? n?He is persistent.kpa? kpa?adjectivesolid, hardTab??? ?aa kpa? kpa? n?.The stone is hard.kpa? kpa? t?? who deals with who tries hard, does his best, winnerkpa???la?adverbunmovableBaasikuri la v?n? m? ch?? n? kpa???la?The bicycle stood there unmovablekparaan.plbody from waist downwardskpar?m? patch, mendLaa m? g?r?? kpar?ma t?a.Patch the cloth for be deafid. ? d?g?laa kpar?ma n?.He does not hear well.kpar??nouna pair of sth.kpasanoun1.chair, stool, benchcf: kuru?2.(pl.) furniturekpàgánoungravelkpàg??verbnear, close (to be)Má m? kpaga na.Go near it and see.kpáasànounwhip, rodkpáás?verb1.hit, strike?? kpaas? kpasa n?.He is hammering a nail into a do carpentryM?? ch? d? m? kpaas? boro n?.I want to make a roof (with roofing sheets)Kap?nta kpaas? m? d?a.The carpenter roofed my house.kpegiverbto loose colour, to become very dirty? g?r?? kpege n?.His shirt is very dirty.kpegisiverbto gnawBile kpegisi ha?gbeli?.The child gnawed the bone.kpelliverbbreak offM? kpelli t?a la p?paar?? kaa k?.Break off the branch with the leaves and bring it to me.kpembelenounbraggart? k?? kpembele.She is a braggart.kpe?verbfoldK?? g?r?la kpe?.Fold the puzzle, be impossible for a person to do or understand, funnyW?? la kperimi n?.I find that matter be compelledBa kperu n? ? laal? g?r?k?s?m??.Situations compelled him to wear a worn-out get worse? nyanyal?? la kpere n?.His disease is getting worse.kperikiverbflirtBaal la ar? ? h??la ka kperiki n?.The man and his lover are flirting.kpesiverbto shake? kpesi ? g?r?? d? disini? l??.She shook her dress to get the dust off.kpesi b?anounplace where wild animals go to lick the groundkpeyenounleopardcf: waw??kp???noun1.gambling2.a card game-kp?r?barta pair of sth.n?nt??kp?r?bapair of shoeskp?r?s?verbto squashBoro kp?r?s? ? nenii? n?.The door squashed his boil sth.P?a la ka kp?r? n?.The yam is boiling.2.near, closeBile ch?na kp?r? ? ny?mma n?.The child is standing close to his cut verticallycf: wulimiK?? namm?a la kp?r?.Cut the operate, vaccinate (med.)Asibiti l? ba kp?r? n?aa.In the Health Centre they operate on people.kpil d?g?l??v phrpay attentionMá kpil d?g?l?? a n?? w?? la m? s?? b?l.Pay attention and listen to what I am saying.kpirimiverbto kneel downHaal la tuu kpirimi kuoro s?paa?.The woman knelt down in front of the chief.kpiseeadverbto be very thick, poorly madePupoi la ?aa kpisee n?.The pot is very thick and poorly moulded. kp?averb1.shout, rebukeM? kp?a ? l?.I rebuked him. I shouted at be better (than)K?diile la b? y?g?, ama ? kp?a p??.There is not much food but it is better than be well, better (health)? nyu? d?a w?a n?, ama ? kp?a n? j?n??.He had a headache yesterday but today he is thunderDuonu? fa kp?a n?.It (clothes, jewellery)kp??r? put on, dress nicely, adorn, decorateM? kp??r? jaaba la.Go and put the trappings on the pluck leavesKp??r? j?g? la d? la ch?.Pluck the bean leaves so that we cook smelling insect, stinkbug2.mongoosekp??n?verbto scrape out, scourcf: luosi, l?s?, du? kp??n? h?n?.She scraped the pot palmkp?l??adverbexposed, exhibited? kori moribii la kp?l?? n?.He exposed the kp?lla n?.The child is k?al?? kp?m.Tie the things or tribal markkp?r?k?l??nounblood plumkp?r?nt??adjectivetasty (food)K?diile la ?aa kp?r?nt??.The food is tasty.? ch? d?s?? kp?r?nt??.She cooked tasty soup.kpulu?kpogulu?nounshuttlekpu?kpelenounshorts, pants-kpu?kpereadjpeculiar, strange, funny, absurddiibiikpu?kperestrange birdkpu?kpunsu?nounfits, epilepsy (also kunkunsukputurunoun(Hs.) leperkp? killKp? d?m??.Kill the beat (in a game, cf. dii 3)La yuo biee n?, ? kp?m?.We played a game and he beat clear (a field)Ba b? ba p??ya? kp?a.They did not clear their yam beat, affect severelyK?? g?r?? t? ? nyu? d? w?a s??? kp?.Shade your head with a cloth so that the sun does not beat ? kp? ? t?t?a.He ruins suffixreallybaduokp?l??a really strong mankp?ll?empty-headed, unintelligent, stupidkp?n??nounmurder, killingkp??kpaj??r?nounswallowkp?ra t?v phrto close or cover up with soilOlii la kp?ra t? ? b?a n?.The rat sealed off its swellcf: p???s??, Tab??? n? yag? ? tile l?, ? kp?r?.A stone hit his forehead, now it is gargle? yiikoro h?la n?, ? kp?r? daalusu?.His throat was dry, so he gargled with ny??s??to be a smokerkp?r?s? rinse the mouthkp?r?s? nii?to wash one's sprinkle?aa l??? kp?r?s? tinteela anna tii.Sprinkle water on the ground before you d?g?laaidiomto warnkp?r? kp?r?adverbvery fastChuomoo yie fá kp?r? kp?r? n?.Rabbits run very fastkp?r??nounsmall empty container (e.g. for tobacco)kp?sa kp?saadverbin disorder, not neat? nyup?naa ?aa kp?sa kp?sa.His hair is la ny? t????? n? kp?saa.The man has a bushy abundanceT?a la n?n? n? kp?saa.The tree has lots of pluck, remove feathers? d?a kp?s? jimi? n?.Yesterday he plucked a with sickle (grass)M? d?a ku ya?.I cut grass yesterday.kuchuru?nounfuneral sacrificekuiverbto be short ?m?? la kunyie.The rope is short.kukeriadjective(Hs.) well done? ?aa kukeri.He has done well.kulii?nounshrill cry, ululationkulikulinoun(Hs.) fried balls or ropes of groundnut pastekumbeleen.plelders of a communitykumpu??unounchief's leather cushion, pouffekuntulu?nouna caterpillarkuntu?noun(Twi) blanketku?kolumbaw?nounsnailku?komonounkapok tree, white silk-cotton tree (it has a white flowers, large tree), ceiba pentandraku?komu?nounkapok fruitku?kunsu?nounepilepsy, fitsku?kunu?noun1.kapok, silk cotton 2.cottonkuolonouna kind of treekuoniverbto empty, scoopcf: g?b?M? ja? kuoni l??? a kp? chenfilee.I will scoop the water out of the pool and kill the fish.kuoriverbto become rich, important or powerfulBaal la kuoro n?.The man has become rich.kuorim??komu?maize cobkuorim???nouncorn, maizekuoronounchiefkuoro ja?nounchief's palacekuoru?noun1.chieftaincy2.funeral separate, sort outcf: hiesi, Laa kuri kuorim??doho n?.We are sorting out maize for gather, heap up, to fold-upDuonu? ja? n??, má kuri m?a la h? d??? l?.It is going to rain, gather up the millet.kuri kuriadverbvery fastcf: t?t?? faasa p?r? kuri kuri.He was digging very fast.kuripootinoun(Engl.) coalpot, charcoal stove (also h?l??-kuripooti)kurugunounbaggy trouserskurugubienounshortskurumadverbquietlycf: siyeuu, surum, f???, s?mBaal la t?r? ? nii? n? kurum.The man is very quiet.kurumba?anoundrumkurumu?nounstone (laterite)kuru?noun1.rope, wooden or iron fettercf: be hazykusi kemegewind-making be threadbare ?m?? la kuso n?.The rope is threadbare.kusiileenouna chronic health conditionkuuto rise, go up (smoke)kuuniverbto gleanD? ba k?? m?aa d?r? a? ka sekelee, ba ja? m? kuuni m?aa.After they have harvested the millet and only the stalks are left, they will go and glean the field.-kuu?adjshortenedp??kuu?piece of yamkuusiverbto dig out, disinter, excavatecf: chusi, b?s?? kuusi bab?laa.He dug out shea fruits.kùokúónoun(Engl.) cocoakùosì stir? kuosi daar??.She stirred the row? k?? l??? daboro danyine kuosi l???.He rowed the boat.kúokúonounant lionkúosíverbto cut into small pieces (e.g. wood)Má kuosi daa la.Cut that stick.k?mod vto come (if followed by main verb)K? j??.Come in. Ny??s?? to viise k?? l??.The smoke came out of the chimney.k?-rootthing(follow by adj.)k?p?laa white thingk?anounthing (form of kk?balanumeral1.onecf: d?a?2.a certain one, someone, somebodyBaal k?bala n? sie.Once there was a certain man got up.k?b??interrogativewho? whosecf: wo?, K?b?? n? m? d?a?Who went home?k?bineadjectiveblack colourG?r? la ?aa k?bine n?.The dress is black.k?b?g?/k?b?k??nounash colourN?? la ?aa k?b?k? n?.The cow is ash colour.k?daaranounherdsmank?diili?nounfood (pl. is usually used)k?dùulú?nounmusical instrument (gen. termk?dúulú?nounseedling, cropk?f?a?nounred colourk?h?a?nounsenior, elder, person in authorityk?k?nn?nounrich personk?k??r?d?anounstoreroomk?lchili?nounleft over TZ eaten for breakfastk?l?l??rootlost thingk?l?l??lost thingk?lpaj??nounfood sharing arrangementk?l?ch??nounmashed TZk?l?mamadverbfeebleBile yie ?aa n? k?l?mam.The child is feeble.k?l?m???nounundone TZk?l??nounTZ, thick millet-porridgek?l??gb?n?nounchameleonk?l??k??l??nounbird with long neck, usually at the river sidek?nya??m??nouna certain personk??nounthing (also k?a)k??verbto harvest (millet, rice)Ba k?? m?aa n?.They harvested millet.K??aab?nountime for harvesting bambara beans (roughly October)k??k?l??noundustk??k?r?m??nouncobweb, or other insect dirtk??k?r??nounkind of bushk??l??nouncropk??r?verbto cut (esp. with a sickle)? k??r? ya?.He cut grass.k?p?r??nouncropsk?p?n??nounsomething to sleep on (bed, mat, etc.)k?p?lanounwhite colourk?p???rotten thingk?r? k?r?adverbcluck, cluck!Jimi? yie y?r? ? biiri? k?r? k?r?.Chickens always call their chicks "cluck, cluck".k?s?b?s??nounfood without salt or soupk?s?l?nounbig pot with wide openingk?suulu?nounsth. full, closed packagek?s???nouncarcassk?t?a?nounself germinated plantk?weyi?nounalive thing/personk???r?? snore? faasa p?? do? a k??r?.He is fast asleep and purrGelii la ka k??r? n?.The cat is purring.k???r?? shrink? g?r? la k??ra n?.His cloth curl oneself up, huddleWaar?? h? n?m?, ??? n? t?? ? k??r?.He is cold, that is why he curled up.Lllademonstrativethe, that used to refer to a specific known thingk?diile lathe foodlapronounwe, us, ourcf: lanalanoun suffixthe, that used to referto a speciic get, receive, accept, takeMá laa k?diilee.Have some food! charge sb.T??la laam? sile batori n?.The tailor charged me three shillingslaa ... l?idiomto ease, relieveDaalusu? ja? laa ? l?.The medicine will relieve you.laa... tav phrto save, rescue? s? tel l??? t???, m?na n? laa? ta.When he fell into the water I saved him.laa...diiv phrbelieveM? laa W?a dii n?.I believe in God.laa bil s?m?v phrto ignore, put asideLaa w?? la bil s?m?. Ignore the matter.laa j??v phrto judge, to arbitrateLa k?? w?? n? k? ? tee? d? ? laa j?ma p?la.We brought the matter before you so that you judge for us.laa nyu?idiomto replace? laa m? nyu? n?.He replace me.laa s?paa?v phrfirst, do sth. first ...M? laa s?paa? m? y?b? n?, anna m? m? nand??? d?a.First I went to the market and then to my friend's house.laa s?paa? ... l?v phrbefore, do ... before ...M? laa s?paa? m? sikuuri ? l?.I went to school before you did.laala nounhandle of a baglaalaan.plpossessions of a deceased person brought to the funerallaal?verbto wear? laal? g?r?z?m?? n?.He is wearing a fine cloth.-laal??rta herd of animalspielaal??flock of sheeplaal??nounwar, battlelaal?p?nj?anounpin-tailed whydahlaal?yuoronounsoldiercf: soojalaam? nii?verblick one's lips? laam? ? nii?.He licked his lips.-laa?adjfresh, not yet dried outnam??laa?fresh meatlaar? search, to gropecf: gbilliLaara jo? gba?a la t?a.Grope for the bowl and give it to cuddleHaal la jo? ? bile a l?laar? ? nyu?.The woman took her child and hugged her G?ala laara k?? n?.The dance started ? k?? n??? laar?.He exaggerated.laas?verbto wedge, support, propPupoi? ch? ? tel, m? laas?.The pot was about to fall, so I propped it up.Laataara/laataaranounSaviour (used by Christians for Christ as Saviour), rescuerlabaar?noun(Hs.) newslag?verbto apply (medicine)Jo? daalusu? lag? ? d?g?laa.Put some medicine into your ears.lag? lag?adverbquickly, fastcf: t?t?P?r? lag? lag?!Hoe fast, speed up!lag?s?verbto be spottedT??l?? lag?sa n?.The bushcat is spotted.lahanounspoon, ladleLahadinoun(Hs.) Sundaylah?r?m?noun(Hs.) grace, mercy, kindnesslambar?kanounveillampoonoun(Fr.) tax, revenuelampoolaaranountax-collector, revenue-collectorlanapronoun emph.we (emph. form of la)lantanounmusket, flintlock gunla??? come together, to gatherN?al?? la??a n?.The people have climbBile ka la??? t??s?? n? woru?.The child knows how to climb jump or swing from tree to tree?mama j?? t??s?? la???? n? woru?.The monkey knows how to swing from tree to verbto tie loosely? k?? ?m?n?? la??? la???.He bound (it) with a string loosely.lar?bak?nouna yam specieslebinumeralhalfleefinoun(Hs.) blame, faultcf: taal?leeniverb(Hs.) to have disrespect for, undermine, to despisecf: maas?Bile leeni n?aa k??k??.The child has no respect for exchangeHaalaa yie j?? y?b? a jo? ch??naa lenni chenfilee.The women exchanges sheanuts for fish in the lickGelii la lenni d?s? la kala.The cat licked up all the gravy.le? allow, permit, letcf: taLe? d? baal la m?.Allow the man to give up, stop doing, ceaseM? faa m? sikuuri n?, ama m? le?e n?.I used to go to school, but then I gave it divorceBaal la le? ? haala n?.The man divorced his abandon, leave behindBa d?a b? s?? la le?e kaala l?.They did not leave the corpse in the compound yesterday.lerigiverbto be injured, disabled, to interfereS?? w?aa lilerigi ???.Do not interfere in this business.leri?, room,, climateLeri? f??la j?n??The weather is cold today.l?verbearthing upMá m? l? h? m?a la.Go and earth-up the millet.l?post posin, at?? ?m?ns? teni? n? ? d?a l?.He is writing a letter in his house.l?b??nounshelter with thatched roofcf: pal??l??l?tempa little while ago, now, soonM? ja? m? d?a l??l?.I am going home now.l???nounplant [sp.]l?f?noungrass used to make a flat coveringl?g?noun1.vagina (obs. cf. m?ncf: faagaa, s?paa?2.pubes3.animal underpartl??verbto be wet, dampTintee? l?y? n?.The ground is wet.l?lverbto get lostMoribie la l?l?.The money got lost.l?lbulu?noungraveyardl?ld?m??nouna kind of snakel?l??noun1.spirit of a dead person, ancestor2.(pl.) shrine of ancestors' of the dead peoplel?lpomu?nouna small cricketl?nn?verbto search, gropecf: gbilli, laar?? l?nn? ch? siidi k?bala.He groped for one Ghana cedis.l?? l??adverbvery sweetSikiri s?ma l?? l??.Sugar is very sweet.l?y? be freshKuorim?? la l?y? n?.The maize is be wetM? g?r?? l?y? n?.My dress is wet.l??r??verbto detach, removeM? l?r? teni? kaa k?.Tear off the paper and bring it here.l??r?? pull, drag cf: t?ns?Ba k?? gaar? la l?r? tuuri tintee?.They dragged the thief on the punish, to warn? s? gaa b??? la, ba l?r? ? d?g?laa n? woru?.He was punished for stealing the goat.libenountracks, footprints, marks, courselibiverbto forge metalLibi vatogu? p?m?.Forge a chopper for me.libib?anounforge, blacksmith shoplibi?noun1.working place o a blacksmith2.the work of a blacksmithlibirenoun1.blacksmithcf: macheri2.brass casterliegiverbstay for a short timeBat?? yie k? liegi hilime la l? n? a? m??r?.Batong stayed at the meeting for a short time and went back.liemunoun(Engl. 'lemon') orange (fruit)lie? swingHambiisi la j?l t?a la a lilie?i.The children climbed the tree and swung on hungBa dii gaar? la sar?ya a? lie?u.They judged the thief's case and hanged him.lieriverbset fire tocf: biesiD? nyini? n? lieri ? nyup?naa, ba ja? fisi.If the fire catches your hair it will burn.lieri ... l?v crave forliesiverbto point with one's fingerN?aa bal?a n? liesi d???.The two were pointing at each other.ligiverbto cook a larger amountBa ligi k?l?? woru? a p?.They cooked much food for him.liiriverbto take sth. off from sth.Namm?a b?a, ba liiri.The meat was done so they took it off.liise yiv phrthink about, to take notice ofLa b? liise yi bile l?.We didn't think about the child.liisiverbto remember, remindD? m? n? y?a ? liisimi.If I forget, remind me.liisi?nounforked stick to support beams for mud rooflimadjective or adverbvery darkcf: tim, bire bireLeri? ?aa lim n?.The place is pitch periodcf: hak?aalì? swallowM? d?a li? am?mbii?. I swallowed a tablet dripD?g? s?h?y? la d? ? li? d? ba h? d?s?? l?.Strain the spice-water out so that they will put into the soup.lí?verbto wear leaves, to have one’s periodHaal la jaa p?paar?? a li?.The woman picked leaves and wore them.?? li? n?.She is having her period.l?anumeraltwo (when counting, cf. balcf: bal?al?am??numeralsecond, second timel??g?verbto go to and froS?? m? l??g?.Don't move back and forth in front of me.l??r?verbto lose weight, be sicklycf: z?g?l?Bile l??ra n?, ? naa? k?? puo n? da? ? l?.The child is sickly, because his mother is pregnant.l?ga/l?g??nounfencecf: gaar??l?g?verbto fence in, put up a fencecf: feri? l?g? ? gaar?? ar? w?y?.He fenced his garden with wire.l?g?s? flash (lightening)Duonu? l?g?sa.There was lightening.2.jerk, to make a sudden uncontrolled movementM? naa? l?g?sa n?.My leg jerked.l?? leave, desertBaal la l?? Tumu l? n?.The man has left come from, be fromM? l?? Tumu n?.I am from fade, lose colour? g?r?z?? la l?a.His beauiful cloth has appear, become visible, become cleanCh?n? d?a l?a n?.The moon appeared yesterday.l??-rtof or pertaining to waterl??foolu?bathing waterl?? ... l?v phrto come from, to leaveM? l?? Tumu l?.I am on my way from Tumu.l?? d?a l?idiomto be beautiful/handsome, to be nicel?? l??? l?idiomgood lookingl?? s???idiomto be nice or goodl??banoun1.(Hs.) profitcf: ny??r??2.usel??bulonounspring of waterl??duoronounan insect in waterl??foolu?nounbathing waterl??foori n?nt?????nounslippersl??foorid?anounbathroomcf: banj?ra, f?f??l??l??fooronounbaptizerl??j?nanouna pool, dam, etc, which never dries up, seal??l?verbto behave or speak foolishlycf: gal?m?Baal la l??la n?.The man is behaving foolisly.l??libenounwaterway, watercoursel??looronounperson who pours the libationl??m??nounbilel??ndaboronounboat (also daboro), dug-out canoel??n??nounhippopotamusl??ny?al??noundrinking waterl??ny?as??nounthirstl???nounwater?aa l??? p?m? d? m? ny?a.Give me water to drink.l??? nii?nouncoastl???aar?/l???aaranounperson who looks after sb., maidl??peli?nounwave (on water)l??p?ll?-libenounriver bed, water coursel??r? interfereB?? n? t?? ? l?l??r? w?? la l? ????Why do you interfere in this matter? let sb. downBaal la l??r?la, ? s? ? ja? k?nla kaa m? Kumasi a? v?a.The man let us down. He said he would take us to Kumasi and then refused.l??s? ... tav excludeM? l??s?? ta, ama la kala ja? m? Bugoja? j?n??.We will all go to Bugobele today, except for reduce, subtractMá l??s? p?a la yal?? ta p?m?.Reduce the price of the yam for me.l??s? b?b???idiomtell the meaning of somethingl??s? j?ataidiomunconcernedBaa b?l w?aa, ka ? l??s? j?ata.They are talking to him but he is unconcerned.l??s? luoru?to abortl??s? nii?fulfill a promise/vowl??suosoonoundrops of waterl??waal??/l??bal??nounfloodl?maadverbquickly, punctuallyM? l?ma l?ma.Go quickly.K? t?nt???aa l?e to work punctually.l?mba?anoundry seasoncf: tafaa?l?m??nounheat (also wulimi? )l?ns?verbto reheat (leftovers) warm upJo? d?s? la a l?ns?.Take the soup and warm it up.l???s??verbto sift in waterL??s? miiri? a l??s? tab?aa kala.Sort out the rice and remove the stones.l???s?? remove, pick up, take outMá l??s? p?aa p?m?.Give me some pick, appointKuoro l??s? ? k?h?as??.The chief chose his pick out, separateM? ja? wuo p?r? l??s? m?aa ya? t???.I can weed out the grass from the explain? l??s? namaga la b?b???.He explained the riddle.l???verbto be or to get hotD?s? la l?ma. The soup is hot.loverb1.throw downJo? pupoi la lo.Throw the pot createW?a lo nuhuobiine.God created give a discount, dashLomi.Give me a discount!lo l???idiomto pour libationid. Laa ch? la lo l??? n?.We want to pour libation.lo nii?idiomto cry/waillogiverbto make very smoothPupom??r? logi ? pupoi? woru?.The potter made her pot very smooth.? logi gba?a la kala.He ate the food to the last bit, so that the bowl was completely clean.logo logoadjectivehesitant, doubtful? ?aa logo logo n?.He is in doubt what he should do.lokumbii?nounsmooth stone for polishing floorslokuru?nounside of the stomachlomo lomoadjectivehollow and openPupoi la ?aa lomo lomo.The pot is hollow and open.lomu?nounfoetuslonto?idiomformula used at the end of a storylo?noungourd with narrow openinglo?verbto be pregnant (animals only)B??? la lomo n?.The goat is pregnant.lo?goru?nouncornercf: g?n??looverbto wrestle, fightHambiisi la dii k?l?? n? a yuo d??? a luloo.While the children were eating TZ they got into a quarrel and fought.looribugu?nounwrestling placeloriverbto blisterK?? n? lori m? n?s?? l?.I have a blister on my hand.lorigiverb1.take outM? lorigi ha?g?la la bile nii? l?.I took the sand out of the child's mouth.2.rape? k?? tolibie la lorigi n?. He raped the girl.3.scoopLorigo chaar? gbambie la.Scoop out the calabash seeds.lorigo laav phrto seize, to confiscate, to take by forcePuwuolo yie k?? ? k?a, n?duo? lorigo laa n?.When a weak man has sth., a strong man takes it from him.lorumu?nouncockroachloru?noundiscount, dashcf: jaaraloru?kp?r??nouninsecticidelosu?noun1.hunger2.lack of sth.losu?/losumonounhungry person, poor personl?g? take part of sth. (soft)L?g? kapala.Take some of the pinch sb.S?? m? kaa l?g?.Do not pinch me! scratch violentlyM? kori bile, a? ka ? l?l?g?m?.I held the child and he scratched me severely.l?g? pato hint, tell in secretl?g? taidiomto runBa kire to baal la har?? ? l?g? ta.They chased the man and he run.l?g?d?nl?g?nouna thorny treel?g?g?adjectivewide open? nii? ?aa l?g?g? n?.His mouth is wide open.l? be tiredcf: bugiM? l?l? n?.I am do sth. and failBa chol fuo la l?l n?.They tried to cross the river but failed.l?ll?verbto greet, thankcf: ch??l?M? ja? l?ll? kuoru la.I will greet the chief.l?l??noun1.welcome! (greeting, also used to express gratitude)? l?l??!You are welcome!2.tirednessL?l?? k?mm? n?.I am tired.l?r? be ugly, bad lookingBaal la l?r?.The man is be bad, harmful, dangerousWombii? l?r?.The road is bad.l?r?nouna kind of insect-l?r??adjugly, unpleasant, bad, dangerousugly manl?s? harvest (yams), dig outcf: luosi, kp??n?, duBaal la l?s? ? p?aa kala.The man harvested all his scrape, to hollow out? l?s? gugo?.He hollowed out a point out, draw sb.'s attention toBile s? k?? luori la aa ?aa, ba l?s?m? d? m? beena.When the child was touching the lorry, they drew my attention to blow (the wind, cf. du)Peli? luo n?.The wind dig deep? lu b?a.He dug a deep hole.lugiverbto be cloudy, dense, thickLeri? kala lugo n? j?n??.It is cloudy ticklecf: nyiiriM? lugisi bile ? m??.I tickled the child and he wash the mouthJo? y?s?? h? l??? l? a lugisi a kp?ra ta.Take salt water, rinse your mouth, gargle and spit it out.-lugu?adjthick, denseyalugu?thick undergrowtht??lugunu?junglelunloronounbedbuglu?verbto be deep; Vil la lu?ie.The well is deep.luobii-kparaanouncolonluobii-t??nanoungluttonluobii?noun1.intestines2.inner tube (of a tyre)luohee?nounfinger root or bush banana luop????nounconstipationluorinoun(Engl.) lorry, car, truckcf: m?nt??kaluoru?noun1.stomach, lower abdomen, bellycf: chinchele?e? luoru? y?ga.Her stomach is big.2.pregnancy? k?? luoru?.She is pregnant.luosiverbto scrape, scoop out (sth. sticky)cf: kp??n?, l?s?, duLuosi k?l?? h? gba?a l?.Scoop out the TZ into a bowl.luosuulu?nounbloated stomachluriverb1.pierceT?? ? d?g?l?? luri.Pierce his ear.2.boreLuri sontogu?.Bore a hole into the Waar?? luro n?.It is cold season.luribii?nountesticleluroonounscrotumlurumbii?nounwaist chain, bead, pearlluru?noun1.swollen scrotumcf: bomboBab?n?? k?? luru? n?.Babinii has a swollen scrotum.2.gunpowderLa d?a tugi luru? n?.We made gunpowder yesterday.lusunchols???nounstep on a stair case or ladderlusuncholu?nounladderlusu?nounmudroofl?ga l?gaadjectivesoft (form of ncf: l?g?g?, n?ga n?ga, l??a l??aKumpu??u la ?aa l?ga l?ga n?.The mattress is soft.l?g?g?adjectivesoft, lightcf: l?ga l?ga, n?ga n?ga, l??a l??aNyuyelle ?aa l?g?g? n?.The pillow is soft.l?g?mamadverbfeebleBile ?aa l?g?mam n?.The child is feeble.l?g?m??nouncarnivorel?llanounparent, father and motherl?l??nounbirthl??a l??aadjectivesoft, delicatecf: l?g?g?, l?ga l?ga, n?ga n?gaMo?go n? b?a, ? yie ?aa l??a l??a n?.When a mango is ripe, it is soft.l??ganounbagl??m?verbto remove everything, to strip naked, moultBa l??m? gaara g?nn?? kala a? v??r?.They removed all the clothings from the thief and caned him.l??r?verbto do sth. in secretMá k? la m? l??ra paa haal la k?aa.Let us go secretly and take the woman's things.l??r??nounburrs, pricklesl?r?verbto steal away, escape, avoidBa d?a kirimi, m? fá a m? l?r?ba ta.Yesterday they chased me, but I ran off and escaped them.l?rr l?rradverbsurreptitiously, quickly and quietly (form of lir-lir)Geli? ka v?? l?rr l?rr n?.The cat moved quietly.l?? give birth (people or animals)cf: n??? l?l bie.She gave bear fruit (crops)M?aa k?? puosu? n?, ba ja? l?l.The millet is flourishing, it will bear fruit.l??lá well, also, toocf: manaM? ma ja? m? d?a.I am also going, your pl.Ma n?aa ba?m?? n??How many people are you? futureMaachie b?ra s?? ??? ?aa.Do not do this again from now on.2.a certain day in the futureMaachie m? ma ja? ?aa kuoru.One day I will also be a rich man.maalanounolder brother, sister (also cousins)maala ... p??v phrto do sth. in vain? maala m? ma, p?? n?.If you go, you go in vain.maamaachiexclamation(Hs.) surprising, shockingMaamaachi!Good gracious!maam?nounbodice, bra (brassiere)maasanounfried millet cakemaas?verbto have disrespect for leeni? maas?m?.He disrespected me.macherinoun1.blacksmithcf: libire2.brass castermag? be sufficient, fitcf: ch??r??? mag? sikuuri m?n?? n?.He is old enough to go to have enoughB?ra s?? l?? la ?aa k?, m? maga n?.Do not get any more water, I have be necessary? maga d? m? m? asibiti.I have to go to the hospital.mag? d???v be equalLa kala time mag? d??? n?.We all have equal be level, flat, evenTintee? mag? d???.The floor is level.mag? namagaidiomtell a riddle or parable? mag? namaga.He told a riddle.mag? nlaconjunctionperhaps, may beM?? m? d?a n?, mag? nla m? ny?mma k?.I am going home in the hope that my father has come.mag?l?verbput a mark onM? ja? mag?l? m? b??naa kala.I will put marks on all my goats.mag?l??noun1.tribal mark, brand? k?? mag?l?? n?.He has a tribal marktintee? mag?l??land markmag?s? measureM? ?aa meesi? n?, ? maga m? mag?s? k?aa.As a mason I have to measure test, to try sb.M? jo? moribii? a bil teibil nyu? d? m? mag?s? bile n?.I put a coin on the table to test the child.malverbto be acquainted with, used to, familiar withM? g?nn? luori la mal n?.I have learnt to drive a car and now I am used to it.mal?manounolder brother, sister (cf. maala)cf: d?baala, ?aana, d?haalamanapronoun (pl., emph. form of ma)cf: mamanya?kanoun(Hs) slaughterhouse (Utusa)ma?gaaz?anoun(Hs.) leader of a women's societyma?keninoun(Twi) cocoyamma??aanounstage, pointmaranumeraltwenty, a scoremar?fanoun1.gun, pistol2.hunter's mon namemar?fa tab???cartridge, bulletmasalaachinoun(Hs.) mosquemayaaf?noun(Hs.) veilmeeldaa?noun(Eng.) milemeeluadverbvery tenderVabie la ?aa meelu n?.The poppy is very tender.meesi?noun(Eng.) masoncf: -saaramelliverbto be soreM? naa? kala melle n?.My leg is covered with sores.meri nii?idiomto turn down? meri ? nii?.He made a bad gesture with his mouth.m?verbto form, model, makeM?? m? pupoi? n?.I am making a pot.m?l?nounbehaviour, characterm?mp?nounwhite guineacornm?n??nounvaginam?nj???nounclitorism??gaabii/m??gaabienounillegitimate child, bastard (used as insult)m??kpaaraanoun1.ritual performed to cleanse a woman caught in adultery2.ritual fee a man pays when caught seducing another man's wife.m?r? stick, glue, fixJo? teni? m?r? jee? l?.Fix the paper on the stick togetherLa d? m? nand??? m?r? d??? l?.I and my friend stick together.m?r? ... l?idiomto depend onm?r?diiidiomparasiteid. Baal la cho m?r? dii.The man likes to depend on other people continually.miekiverbto be soakM? g?r?? kala n? mieke.My shirt is soak.miiri?nounricemine mineadjectivethin?m?? la ?aa mine mine n?.The rope is thin.minsiverbto be slender, slim, thin ?m?? la minse n?.The rope is flimsy.mintinoun1.(Engl.) 1. minute; time,2.driver's matemiri miriadjectivedrizzlingDuonu? ?aa miri miri n?.It is wound lightly, scratch cf: p?r?, bolimi, firisi ? j?l basikuuri a tel a mirisi ? naas?? kala.He got on a bicycle, fell and scratched his drizzleDuonu? ka mirisi n?.It is drizzling.m?pronounI, me, mycf: m?nam? baar??excuse me, may I come in? can I pass?m?a m?aadverbentirely, completely, fully, whollycf: gbelem gbelem, kalaBa kala n? d?r? ??? m?a m?a.They have all completely finished.m??r?verbto smear, cover, glue togetherK?? n??? m??ra t? ? s?aa.Smear his face with oil.m??bii?nounmillet seedm??b?naanounold milletm??boi?nounnostrilm??chahanoununthrashed millet heapm??daa?nounridge of the nosem??duuri duonu?nounfirst rain of sowing-season (roughly June)m??duuribambienouna kind of insectm??fal??nounnew grainm??f?ammienounred milletm??f?laj??nouna kind of frogm??g? b?b???verbto retreatm??h?n?nounbridge of the nosem??j?r??nounmillet chaffm??kpaa?nountalking from the nosem??kpaa? kar?mbii?nounnasalised letter, alphabetm??naam??nounbig or large millet seedm???nounmillet or other cereal, pl. also grains of cerealm??p?l?m??nounlate milletm??r? return, come back, to do sth. again, go backM??ra k?.Come reincarnate? s?ba n? a? m??r?.He died and was reincarnated.m??s??noun1.nose2.breath, lifem??s?? f??idiomto be fed upM??taar?ch?n?nounharvesting time (roughly November)m??w??laanounkind of insect found in grainsm? smear with dirt ? n?nt????? kala n? m?l v?ch???. His shoes are covered with hold firmlyM?lm? kp?r? ??? dee ? ja? tel.Hold me firmly or you will fall.m?l??s?s?anouna kind of small frogm?l?m? wind, twist? k?? m? n?s?? m?l?m? n?.He twisted my hand.2.writhe, turn? luoru? n?? w??, ? m?m?l?m?.Her stomach is aching therefore she is writhing ?? m?l?m? luori n?.He is driving a car.m?ll??hogulu?nounbogey, dry mucus inside the nosem?ll??r??nounnasal mucusm?l??adverb1.covered with sth., dirty? naa? kala ?aa m?l?? n?.His whole leg is covered with be underweightBile ? s? l?la ?aa m?l?? n?.Her child she delivered is underweight.m?maa?nounlung fishm?maar??nounsign of sth. more to comeLa na n?? la ba si kp?a m?maar?? n?.We have gotten a little information about the murder.m?napronoun emph.I (emph. form of mi)cf: m?m?nch?s?noun(Engl.) matchesm?nch?s?kogonounempty matchboxm?r?g?verbto beat sb. very muchM? ja? m?r?g?? woru?.I am going to beat you much.m?s? sow by spreading, to scatter, broadcastcf: jaas?M? m?s? nanjoho n?.I sowed waterM?s? gaar?? la.Water the garden.m?? m??adverbheavily (rain)Duo? la faasaa n?? n? m?? m??.It is pouring with gondo?moribiee l??ganounpurse for moneymoribiibii?nouncoinmoribii?nounmoney moribiip?lanouncowriesmotonoun(Eng.) motorcycle (also pupu)cf: pupum?lverbto pick up, findM? d?a m?l moribiee.Yesterday I found some money.-m?l??rtcheap, easy, commonk?m?l??common or cheap thingp??m?l??cheap yamm?l?? m?l??adverb1.easy, simple? ?aa m?l?? m?l?? n?.It is very easy.2.cheaplyBaa yall? p?aa m?l?? m?l??.They are selling yams very cheaply.m?p?lanoun1.boil, abscess2.grassm?r??nounstraw for weaving basketsmui muiadverbvery red? g?r? la f??sa n? mui mui.His shirt is very red.mulo muloadverb1.not to have the natural colour either lighter or darker)L??l? haalaa yie f??s? ba s?aa, ba ?aa mulo mulo.Today the women bleach their faces. They are light (instead of its natural colour).adjective2.nice looking, beautiful)mulu?nounegg yolkmummugulu?nounyellow plummunl???nounwater mixid with millet flourmunny?laanounbroken pieces of grainsmuno munoadverbin fragmentscf: munsi munsiS?? daa la kaa bori muno muno.Do not break the stick to pieces.munsiverbto whisperBile f??la munso b?b?l w?aa n?.The child is whispering words.munsi munsiadverbin fragmentscf: muno munoK?? p?? la munsi munsi.Cut the yam into small pieces.munu?nounflourmu?gulumu?nouna ball of millet flourmuoliadverbto smear too much fat or cream on the bodyBile l?g? n??? muoli.The child smeared too much pomade on his body.muru?nouna kind of shrub musoo/mususuadverbto be bloody, spotted with bloodBile nii? kala n? su chal?? mususu.The child's mouth is very bloody.musulimiiEng.) a muslimmutoru?nouna turtlemuuadverbsound made by a cow or oxN?? ka yel muu n?.The cow lows "muu." be smallcf: m?ap?l??/m?at?l??, ba?m?n?B??? la muuro n?.The goat is decrease, become less (not swellings)L??la muuro p? n?.The water has decreased.m?verbto goM? d?a!Go home!m?aadverb1.for a short time? t?? t?nt???aa m?a n?.He worked for a little while.qnt2.few, littleMoribii? m?a n? ? kaa k? p?m?.He brought me little money.m?a m?aadverbslowly, bit by bitLa s?aa ka suri m?a m?a n?.We are gradually getting knowledge.m?al?nouncorn doughm?ap?l??/m?at?l??adverb1.a little cf: muuri, ba?m?n?M? ja? dii m?ap?l??.I will eat a short time, little while, soonM?ap?l?? ? ja? k?.He will come soon.m?as?aatempshortly afterwards, soonM?as?aa m? nand??? ja? k? nam?.In a little while my friend will come to see me.m?ganounlake, rivercf: fuo?m?g?verbto be rotten Daa la m?ga n?.The wood is rotten.m?g?bal??nounseam?g?l??noungrub (larva of an insect)m?la m?laadjective or adverbvery smoothTintee? ?aa m?la m?la n?.The floor is very smooth.m?ll? make smoothM?ll? d?a la tintee?.Make the floor of the house have no groove or treadLuori naa la m?lla n?.The tyre has no groove or tread.m?m?nn?nounscofferm?nl?anounbiting black antm?nl??chelibienouna kind of tiny red antm?nl??p?g?m??nounflying antm?nn?verbto eat at somebody's expenseM? m?nn? n?al?? k?diilee n?.I have eaten part of the people's food.m?nt??kanoun(Eng.) motorcar, lorry, truckcf: luorim??l? plaster, go over lightlyK?? v?ch?? m??l? jee?.Plaster the wall with mud.2.not to do thoroughly well? k?? gbans? la m??l? n?.She did not wash the bowls thoroughly.m??l? w???v phrto hide the truth ? m??l? w??la n?.He did not speak the truth.m??l??noundark smock worn by menm??raanounimmoral behaviour of a man towards sb.'s wifem??r? be well cooked, doneP?? la m??ra n?.The yam is well be well kept, neatM? jo? m? g?r? la a bil ? m??ra m??r? n?.I put my dress away and it has kept taunt? m??r?m? ? s? p??s?m? moribiee w?aa.You taunt me when you keep asking me for ripen properlyMo?go la ha b? m??ra.The mango is not properly ripe.M??s?noun1.member of the Moshi tribe2.Moshi (language)m?s?verbto suck (not breast, cf. was? 4)Bile m?s? t?f?.The child was sucking a toffee.m?s??exclamationwelcome, well done m?t?r??nounshrewm???r??verbto sink inV?ch??? y?ga, ? j?a ? ja? m??r?.There is a lot of mud there, if you go there you will sink in.m???r??verbto pluck (fowl)cf: kp?s?M? m??r? suu la.Go pluck the guinea fowl.Nnnaparticleused to emphasize either the preceding or following word or bothTap?l?? na kala.Every single seeM? na d?m??.I saw a experience? na w?aa a? ka n?.He has baan??v phrto be angryna h???v phrto suffernaabal?manoungrandfather, forefathernaabal?ma tintee? l?at the time of our grandfathernaabar??nountraditionnaabirimeenounbare footednaab?m??nounbad lucknaab?b?r?s??nounathlete's foot (disease)naab??laar??tempat this very moment, at the momentM? b? ja? wuo na moribii? naab??laar?? deemba l?.I cannot get money at this very moment.naab??s??nounfootsteps, exampleS?? m? naab??s?? to.Don't follow my footsteps. Don't follow my example.naachalasole of the footnaach???nounfootnaachigibienounleopardnaachigi?noun1.beast of prey (gen.term)cf: anwo?2.hoof3.lionnaach?ganounhock, leg joint of animalcf: naasusugonaach??m??nouniron ankle-rattlesnaach?nch?ns??nounrheumatismnaach??n??nounanklenaaderi?nounrow, linecf: foliinaad?manounmetal braceletnaad?nanounkneenaad??kanchelenounknee capnaag?n?nounupper part of heelnaagunnunouna dancenaakeli?nounbranch of a treenaakieli?noun1.a pace (in measuring, roughly one meter)2.verse (e.g in the Bible)naakuo?nounbrass leg-bandnaakuu?nounamputated legnaak??l??nouncalf of the legnaal?m??nounquickness, fastnessnaaluno/ or sister with the same mothercf: tanl???, h?a?2.relative3.person of the same tribe4.person with the same interest5.close friendnaambiichemenounparents who are relatednaaniibaal??nounbig toenaaniif?l??nountoenailnaanii?nountoenaaniip?r??nountoe-ringsnaaniiwienounthe small toenaans???nountimes (multiplication) cf. tu?naans??? balaoncenaans??? butorithree timesnaanuuru?nounsweet-potatonaapolu?nounrootnaapui?nounthighnaasaananounwife's brother (or his family), sister's husband (or father's sister's) naasar??nounfuneral dancenaas?m??noungood luckcf: nyus??naasolonounshinnaasusugonounleg joint of a personcf: naach?ganaas???nounparalysed legnaataasanounankletnaatilimi?nounheelnaawag? tuoidiomno space (in a crowd)naawag? tuono space (in a crowd)naawal??old sorenaawienounlimp legnaaw??l??nounsore, woundnaaw?nounwelcomenabalasunounwater yamnab?l?mbanouna creeping plantnab?n??nounmanure (cow dung)nachalanounpalm of handnach?ganounwristnadaaral??r?nounherb used for making soupnadaar?k?lchili?nouna kind of wormnadaar?mp?lanouncattle egretnadii?nounright hand, on the right hand sidenag?verbto be like, resembleBile nag? ? ny?mma.The child looks like his father.nag??/nag?s??noun1.likenesscf: w?k?n??, 2.conduct, behaviour3.nature4.image (photo)nagulumu? s???nounhandfulnag?anounleft hand, left hand sidenah?ll??nounempty handsS?? W?a d?a m? ar? nah?ll??.Don't go to the house of God with empty handsnah?manoungrandmothernaj?r?g?nounloin-cloth nak?ns?mbii?nouna kind of plantnakparaanounboth handslaa ar? nakparaato receive with both handsnakuu?nounamputated handnaliirebommienounkingfishernal?g??nounleakage of a secretW?? la ha b? k? l??, nal?g?? n? ba l?g? p?m?.The matter has not yet been reveal, but someone told me in secret.namaganounriddle, proverb, parablenambanounnumbernambag?lanounhunternambag?l??nounhuntingnambag?l?????r??nounblack berry (Lat. Vitex Docana)nambag?l?wienouncatcf: geli?, d?al??r?nambag?l?y??laanounhunter's dancenambat?r?aerial yamnambugonounaardvarknam?s?verbto shout on, to thunderS?? m? l? nam?s?.Do not shout on menamm?anounmeatk??k?? namm?atinned meat or fishnamm??ch?b?r? k?anoungriddle, spit (for smoking meat)namm??gulumu?nounchunks of meat, pieces, meat ballsnamp?l??noun1.flesh2.meat (without bones)nanchaf???nounan insectnanch?b??nounsmoked meatnanch?avaavunounblue bottle flynanch??l??nouncaterpillarid. ? nyu? nanch??l?? ha b? sie.He is not active yet.nanch???nouna flynandaa?nounpart of the bodynandaay??r?noundiscouragementMá s?? le?e d? nandaay??r? j?? w??la t???.Don't let discouragement set in.nandelimi?nountonguenandelinh?m??nountongue-tiednandelint?anouna kind of small treenand???nounmale friendnand?s??nounfriendshipnanjeenounpeacenanjejeerenounpeacemakernanjob??nanounsweet peppernanjohonounpeppernanj?l?nounbraceletnant??giereenoundried saliva mark around the mouth when one gets up from sleepnant??li?enounsore throatnant??r??nounsaliva, spittlenan?adiirenounelegant mannan?alanounsonnanvirenounstorage bin cum chicken-housenany??l??nounmorning starnanz??noun1.messengercf: t?ndaara2.chief's linguistna?kpaal??nounflint, stonecf: na?kpach?lana?kpaananounhunters' dancena?kpach?lanounflint, stonecf: na?kpaal??na?kpal?m??noun(Lat. Lonchocerpus laxiflorus (a kind tree with edible fruits)na?k??s?nounbutchernapahanounheifernap??? s???nounhandfulnasaar?noun(Hs.) white mancf: folp?la, foli, n?daar?folinas???nounparalysed handnato?onounelbownav?b?nouna kind of herbnawienounlimp handnay?ld?nd?r??nouncoagulated milknay?l?n???nounbutternay?l??nouncow's milknàá?noun1.leg, footM? naa? ka w?? n?.My leg is paining.2.wheel, tyreluori naa?the tyre of carnáá?nounmother, stepmother, husband's motherneniibaal??nounthumbneniidaatimi?nouncrippled fingerneniideri?nounthe middle fingerneniif?l??nounfinger nail, clawneniig?n??nounfinger jointnenii?nounfingerneniip?r??noun1.ring (gen. term)2.ring used in playing musicn?particleparticle used to mark emphasisDiibie la pesi n?.Birds flap their wings.n?bal??nounyam speciesn?belebulln?bienouncalf (of cow)n?daaranouncow-boy, cowherdn?daar?folinounFulanicf: nasaar?, folp?la, folin?d?anounkraal, enclosure for cowsn??s?noun(Engl.) nursen?g??g?manounzebu cown?nhuo?noununripe fruit-n?n??nfruitn?nt?b??nounsandal, shoen?nt?mpuru?nounclosed-in shoesn?nt??k?s??nounworn out sandal or shoen??verbbear fruitT?a la ch? d? ? n?? n?.The tree is about to bear fruit.n??nouncowcf: l??ln???m?a?nounmedicinal leafn?p?r??nounyoung cown?r?g?verbto try, attemptLe? la n?r?g? a m? Tumu.Let us try to go to Tumu.n?s?numeralfour (when counting, cf. ban?s?)cf: ban?s?n?t??r?nounvet (animal doctor)n??r??verbto be fat, stout? dii k?diilee k??k??, ??? n? t?? ? n?r? ???.He ate lots of food, that is why he is so fat.nibenumeralnine (when counting, cf. nibi)cf: -nibi-nibinumnine (with a noun)cf: nibenibimi?numeralninthbiinibimi?the ninth childnihil??r?noungreat-grandchildnihi?noungrandchildniibieri?nounhemniib?l??nounspeech, wordniich?b?nounslurniidolu?nounargumentniihaa?nounempty stomachniih?m??nountastebudniij?g? t??nanounquarrelsome person, trouble maker, provocatorniij?g??nounprovocationniil?r??nounargumentniil?abaa/niil??r??nouncontradiction, controvesy, disagreement, differencesBa s? n?al?? bal?a k? dii dans?a ba k?? b?l niil?abaa.They asked two people to come and testify and they contradicted each other.niil?nt??nanounmeddler, person who cannot keep any secretniimaganouncooperation, unityniim?nanountribal marks, cut on the corners of the mouthnii?noun1.mouthK?? nii? suri.Open your mouth.2.opening, entranceB?a la nii? jal?a.The opening of the hole is large.3.brim, edge, pointGba?a la suo n? a j?la t?g? nii? l?.The b4.number, amountBa nii? dee.The number is not correct.Ba nii? n? ???.The number is correct.5.speechBile nii? s?ma n?.The child's speech is good.nii? dolieidiomto be argumentativenii? j?? kp?r??idiomto be speechlessnii? kp?anounlose of appetitenii? v?b??nounfastingniiv??r? ch?n?Ramadan (Muslim fast)nii? yu?ieslow to speakniipini?noun1.corner2.lip, fringe of garmentNiipuru?nounRamadan festivalniip?n??nounmoustacheniis?manounwholesome language, sound talk, sweet tongue, telling somebody what he/she wants to hearniiv??r? ch?n?Ramadan (muslim fasting month)niiwuoronoungossip about a bad mannered person, a general complain about a person because of his/her bad behavior or utterancecf: har?gaa?? ?aa haalaa niwuoro n?.All the women complain about.nisusu?nounsympathy, compassion, pity, mercyn?-rthuman being, personcf: nuhuobiine/nuhuobii?n?f?a?coloured person, important personn?a/n??nounperson -n?aanpeople from (with certain village name)Naab?gan?aapeople from NabugobeleBugon?aapeople from Bugobelen?b?mbaaranoun1.traitorcf: w?h??r?/w?h??r?2.trouble-makern?da?nouncrowd, many peoplen?duduobienounslender personn?duo?nounperson in his/her primen?d??rabaar??nounwanderer, nomadn??ra, n??r?manounmother's brother (or his child) or people from mother's villagen??r?verbto lift a load to the head by yourselfJo? l??? ar? bokiti la n??r?.Lift the bucket of water by yourself. n??r?verbto bendK?? daa la n??r?.Bend the wood.n??s?verbresemblePirisi la n??s? d??? n?.The hoes resemble each other.n?g?verblose appetiteMiiri la n?g?m? n?.I lose appetite for the rice.n?g?l?verbto have dysentery?? n?g?l? n?.She has dysentery.-n?h?a?nold personhan?h?a?old womann?h?a?nouneldern?? s?maidiomenjoyn??gan??ganoun(Hs.) grinding mill-n???rtfemale (non-human)jin???hen (laying eggs)n?keretaal??nounostracismn?kp??ranounmurderern?mag?l1.famous person2.eminent person3.important personn?m?locativethere, that place? h? n?m?.It is there.n?ny?l??nounimportant personn?p?r?s??nounsarcasmn?p?r?t??nanounsarcastic personn?s??noun1.hand, arm? paa ? n?saa ch?? ? nyu? l?.He put his hands on his head (in order to express sorrow).2.musical stylen?s?? dolieadjectivestingyBaalla n?s?? dolie.The man is stingy.n?s?? duomoidioma thiefn?s?? s???nounhandfuln?s?r??nounrubbishn?s???nouncorpse (c.f. n?waafal??nounadolescent, teenagern?waal??nounadultn?waayiili?noungiantn??? hearB?ra b?l, m? b? n?a.Say it again, I did not hear understand, comprehend? b? ?saal?? n??.He does not understand rainDuonu? n?a.It be enoughY?s?? b? d?s?la n?a.There is not enough salt in the soup.n???particleparticle used to mark continuous in affirmation? n?? k?.He is coming.n???interrogativeWhere?N?? n? ? h??Where is he?nlademonstrative1.thiscf: ???P??? n? nla.This is a yam.2.thus, like thatB?? n? t?? ? ?aa nla?Why did you act like that?nnapronoun (sg. emph. form of ?)n?g?verbto carry on one's hip or under one's armHaal la n?g? ? bie.The woman carried her child on her hip.n?mbii?nounupper grindstonen?mbuu?nouna place built to contain flour when it has been ground-n?mm??numfifth, fifth timeg?r?n?mm??the fifth clothn?m??nounlower grindstonen?njee?nouna place where a small grinding stone is fixedn??numeralfive (when counting) cf. ban??cf: ban??n?? grind? m? n?? m?aa.He/she went to grind iron (clothes)? n?? g?nn??.He ironed clothes.n??kpaal??nounflat stone for grindingn?r??nounearly milletnuhuobiine/nuhuobii?nounhuman being, person (also ncf: n?-nuhuobiinsaganountreacherous or dangerous personnuhuobiinsa?karanounperson who destroys othersn?ga n?gaadverbsoftcf: l?g?g?, l?ga l?ga, l??a l??aMunu? ?aa n?ga n?ga n?.The flour is soft (finely ground).n?g?verbto move away a littlen?g?g?adverbvery smoothMunu? ?aa n?g?g? n?.Flour is very smooth.n?g??nounsoft inner part (e.g. pulp of banana, marrow of bone)n?h??ra, n?h??r?nounvisitor, guest, 'stranger'n??l??nounpusn??m??nounscorpionn??njaabanouncentipeden?r? hide? n?r? n?aa t??? n?.He is hiding himself in the push when giving birth or when defecatingHaala s?? ch? ? l?l, ? n?ra n? woru? anna l?l.The woman pushed a lot before she gave birth.n??g? beat sb. muchBaal la n??g? bile n? woru?.The man beat the child rub on the ground? k?? gba?a n??g? tintee?.She rubbed the bowl on the ground.n??halanounfrying pann??kalanouneverybodyn??n??ranouna kind of treen???noun1.oil, fat, grease, butter, margarine2.ointmentn??? chaan??nounhome-made oil-lampn??r?verb1.struggle to get free when having been entangled in sth.? ny?? w?aa n? a? ch?ch? ? n??ra l??.He told a lie and was struggling to get free.2.moving the body when sitting or sleeping? p?? do? n? a n?n??r?.While he was sleeping he was moving his body.n??t?s??nounbody-oil, ointmentn???s?verbto trample, tread, step onS?? g?r? la n??s?.Do not tread on the cloth.n???s?, n??sa... paidiomto give, dish? n??s? m?aa p? ? haala.He gave millet to his wife.nyaa t??? l?idiomto have no sympathyBat?? nyaa t??? l?.Batong has no sympathynyaaba/nyaab?nounpoor personnyaab?verbto become poorBaal la l??l? nyaaba n?.The man is now poor.nyaa?nounpovertynyaga siiverbto get up (from ground), to get up quickly? s? n?? w??la ? guu nyaga sii.When he heard the news, he got up quickly.nyagagaadjectivevery sharpS?a la ?aa nyagaga n?.The knife is sharp.nyag? press? nyag? bile kp?r? jee?.He pressed the child to the weigh down sth.Jo? tab??? nyag? bukuba la d? peli? s?? paa.Weigh the books down with a stone, so that they do not blow away.nyag? b?y?idiomcomfort? bie n? s?ba, m? m? nyag? ? b?y?.Her child died and I went to comfort her.nyag?l? reprimand? d?a nyag?l?m? m? s? jo? ? baasikuuri.She reprimanded me for using her bicycle.2.not to do properlyP??r?? d?a nyag?l? m? baga.The farmers did not weed properly at my farm.nyag?ma nyag?maadverbto eat very little, slowly or nothing? dii k?aa nyag?ma nyag?ma.He ate very be fatigued, exhausted? yaraa nyala n?.He is be sourYam?? nyala n?.The sourwater is fermented.nyal s?aaverbto frown the faceBile k?? s?aa nyal n?.The child frowned his face.nyal?manounpatiencenyal?m?verbto be patient, endure patientlyBa v??r? bile, ? nyal?m?.When they beat the child, he endured it bravely.nyal??noundewnyama nyamaadverbvery sharpS?a la k?? nii? n? woru? nyama nyama.The knife is very sharp.nyamp?nanounbutterflynyanyalbieenoungerms or bacterianyanyal??nounsicknessnya?geeli?(Lat.) Hibiscus cannabinus, kenafnya?g???nouncrabnya?g?r?g?noungrasshoppernyara nyaraadverbvery roughWombii la ?aa nyara nyara n?.The road is very rough.nyàaverbto be scarce, rareSikiri nyaa Tumu l? n?.Sugar is scarce in Tumu.nyàas?? become aroused, encouragedLa ja? d?nn?ba d? ba nyu? nyaas? d? ba kp? b??na p?la.We will praise them so that they will become excited and kill a goat for warm a littleK?? ? n?s?? nyaas? nyini?.Warm your hand a little over the fire.nyà?verbto eat with little or no soupLa nya? k?l?? la n?.We ate the TZ without soup.nyáas??verbto be crazy, mad, insaneBaal la li? Naj?r?a y?g? a ny?nyaas?.The man took too many `Nigerian' tablets and went mad.nyá?verbto blameS?? m? nya?, m? dee b?? k?diilee v?m?.Don't blame me, I am not the one who refused to give you food.ny?to force sb. to bring a missing thingBa s? baal la ny? moribiila ? s? die.The man was forced to pay back the money he spent.ny? b?n??verbto excrete? ny? b?n??.He K?diilee ny? b?n??.There was plenty of food.ny?n?noununpleasant, bad omen, misfortuneM? m?l ny?n?.I have a bad omen.ny?ny? (m?any?)nounan insect with a scissor like mandibleny?s?verbto be hostile, very severe, extremeM? nyuw??la la m??ra ny?s? n?.My headache has become very severe.ny?s??nounsth which is filthy, horrible, abhorentBanj?ra la k?? ny?s??.The toilet is filthy.nyiiriverbto ticklecf: lugisiS?? m? naa? l? nyiiru.Do not tickle my leg.nyiisiverbto biteNyiisi p?? la, ? ja? na ??? ? s? s?ma. When you bite the yam, you will get to know how sweet it is.nyilenoun1.horn (of an animal)2.musical instrumentsekelee nyilecorn-stalk 'horn'nyile y??laanounfuneral horn-musicnyilimiverbto peep, peer throughK?? tokoro la suri d? m? nyilimi.Open the window so that I can look outside.nyimp?g?m??nounparticles of ashes flying aroundnyinhal??nounsmouldering, charring woodnyini?nounfireW?a nyini?hellnyi?geli?nounflameny?banouncrocodilecf: peribanye?uny?? tell a lie? ny?? w?aa p?m?.He told a lie about guess, presume, thinkM?na ny?a b?l ? g?ll? n?.I thought that you were wandering about.ny?g? set fire to, burn sth., light a fireNyini? ny?g?m? fol.The flames licked me and I got lickMá ny?g? ya? la.Set fire to the bake (pottery only)?? ny?g? pupoyee n?. He is firing.ny?g?l?verbto be well armedBaal la ny?g?la n? aa m? nambag?l??.The man has armed himsel to go hunting.ny??s?verbto appear partially? d?a jo? p?? la a hugi, ka ? ny??s? n?.Yesterday he put the yam into the ground, but a little of it could still be seen.ny?l?l?adjectiveto be clearW?? la ?aa ny?l?l? n?.The matter is very clear.ny?l?manounfather's sister, auntny?l??nountoothny?mmanounfather (or his brother or sister, cf. nyny?mma k?bienounfather's or mother's younger brother, uncleny?nawaranounthe supposed big man amongst some peopleny?nn?aanounhalf section of village, moietyny?ny?r??nounmadness, insanity, crazinessny?r?verbto fill, to cover up, to be crowdedNy?r? b?a la t?.Fill the hole. Cover up the hole.ny?r? b?y?to take courage, gather courage? ny?r? b?y?.He took courage.ny?r?g?verbto fall on one's faceBile d?a fá m? tele ny?r?g?.Yesterday, when the child was running, he fell on his face.ny?s? convince, persuade, deceiveM? ja? ny?sa laa moribii?.I will deceive him and collect his let sb. down, fail sb.B?? n? t?? ? ny?s?m? a? b? k??Why did you let me down and did not come?ny?s?bii?nounsweatbeeny?s??nounwizard, witchny???g??verbvanish, disappearChuo? la ny??ga n?. The rabbit vanished.ny???g??verbprepare T.Z.Haal la ka ny??g? k?l?? n?.The woman is preparing TZ.nyonsonounwhite guinea corn, white sorghumny???nounblemish, defectB??? la b? ny?? kala k?n?.The goat has no defect.nyub?l?nounturban for mennyuchaasanouncombnyuduo?nounstubbornness, obstinacycf: t??dolu?, b??duo?nyuf?nanounsmall knife, razornyugba?anoun1.center2.noonnyug?n??nouncorner of the headnyukpalanounscarf, head-covering for a womannyukpelenounbare head, uncovered headnyukperibalegisenounwall geckocf: b?g?r?g?r?b???nyuku?kogulonounskullnyuk??k?l??nounbrainnyunchugba?kogonounhelmetnyunchuulonounhat, capnyu?post poson topJo? gba?a la bil kpasa nyu?.Put the bowl on top of the chair. nyu?nounhead? nyu? y?ga.He has a big head.nyu? b? jigi jigi ka fáto be brave, fearlessnyu? dolieto be stobbornnyu? g?r?g? b?s?idiomto go to bed without having eatennyu? nyaasaidiomto be encouragedN?al?? nyu? nyaasa n? l??l?.The people are now encouraged.nyu? p?g??nounhairstylenyu? p?aidiomto be softheadednyu? viiriidiomto be madBaal la nyu? viire n?.The man is mad.nyu?golonounocciput, back of headnyupuoronounbald headnyup?nf?l??noununhealthy hairnyup?ntullu?nounabnormal hair on the headnyup?n??nounhair (of head)nyus??noungood luckcf: naas?m??nyusolonouncompletely shaven head, skinheadnyuvienounpot for storing drinking waternyuv?r?nounLevaillant's cuckoonyuv?r??nouncrest, a tuft of feathers on top of the head of birds e.g hoopoenyuyellenounpillowny?am?r?nounperseverance? k?? ny?am?r?.He has perseverance.ny?g?verbto close the eye half way, to squintcf: ny??s?? s?aa w?? n?, ??? n? t?? ? kaa ny?g? ???.His eyes are hurting, that is why he is squinting them like that.ny?g? s???idiomto be serious, purposeful? ny?g? s??? n? a ?aa w??la.He is serious in doing the work.ny?g?l??nounflying antny?g?s?verbto crush, to break into piecesNy?g?s? daa la kala.Break the wood into pieces.ny?l?ma/ny?l??noun1.blind person2.illiterateid. ? ?aa ny?l?? n?.He is an illiterate.ny?l?m?verbto be blindBaal la b? na, ? ny?l?ma n?.The man cannot see, he is blind.ny?ny?alanouncupny??g?l??adjectivein disorderD?a la t??? kala ?aa ny??g?l?? n?.The room is in disorder.-ny??l??n1.drinking pot, jar2.a kind of tree3.fetish to protect the farm. ny??s??nounsmokeny?ra ny?raadjectivevery roughNy?ba ?aa ny?ra ny?ra n?.A crocodile is knobbly.ny??l??nounshoot, sprout of plant-ny???rtfood without oilsuonny??n??boiled beans without oil.ny??r?verbto touch with a rough thingS?? nyup?naa kaa ny??r?m?.Do not touch me with your hair.ny??r??nounprofit, benefitcf: l??bany??s?verbto smellcf: ny?g?Laa k? la ny??sa na.Take it and smell it, then you will see.ny??s? ... s?aav phrsquint the eyesny??verbto germinateMá le? d? m?aa ny?.Let the millet germinate.ny?? drink, to eat porridge? ja? ny?a l????Will you drink some water? smoke? ny?a s?gaar?.He smoked take medicine? nyu? w?? n?, ??? n? t?? ? ny?a daalusu?.He had a headache; that is why he took medicine.???pronounyou, your (sg., cf. nna)-?aartpeople from (with certain village names)B?ja??aapeople from BujanCh?ncha??aapeople from Ch? be? ?aa kuoro n?.He is a make, do? ?aa k?diilee.She prepared food.B?? k?? n? ? ja? ?aa?What are you going to do? cause? n? ?aa.He caused happenS?? le?e d? w?? la ?aa.Don't let the matter come to passW?? la s?n? ?aa n?.The matter really came to pass.?aa ... nav phrtry outM?? ch? m? ?aa w?? la na n?.I want to try out the matter.?aa jabaav phrflappy ears? d?g?laa ?aa jabaa.Your ears are flappy (an insult).?aananounyounger brother, sister or cousincf: d?baala, mal?ma, d?haala???demonstrative1.thiscf: nlaP?aa n? ???.This is yam.2.thus, like that? m? ??? dee? dee?.He went on like this for a long time.??? har??tempafterwardsLa dii k?aa d?r? n?, ??? har?? n? n?al?? k?.We finished eating before the people came.??? n?conjunction phrasethenM? s? m? asibiti, ??? n? m? na?.When I went to the health centre, then I saw him.??? n? t??conjunction phrasethat is why? m? yoho n?, ??? n? t?? ? l?l.He went to a funeral, that is why he is tired.????r??nounblack plum tree, black plum (vitex doniana)?maa?m?nounmusket?mabab?l??nouna kind of tree ?madiibienouna kind of bird?maf?a?nounred patas monkey?makachalanouna type of small monkey?mamanounmonkey (gen.term)?mana ?manaadverbloudlyDuonu? kp?a ?mana ?mana.The rain made a big noise.?manja?nouna bushcat?manyu?nounyam species?ma?kaa?nounthe outside of a compound?màam?verb1.witherDuonu? b? n?a, ??? n? t?? kuorim?a la ?maam?.It did not rain that is why the has maize withered.2.not to roast well? ?maam? kuorim?? la n?.He did not roast the maize well.?máam?verbto blame, to accuseS?? m? ?maam?.Don't blame me.?m?ll?verbto push down?m?ll? ya?make a path through the high grass?m?n? ?m?n?adverbevasiveM? p??s? ch?? la, ? b?l w?aa ?m?n? ?m?n?.I asked about the debt, but he evaded the issue.?m??verbto grumble, complainBa v?m? moribii? n? ? ?m??m??.They refuse to give him money and he is therefore complaining.?m?r?verbto swellcf: kp?r?, p???s??M? naa? ?m?r? n?.My leg is swollen.?m?s?verbto beat, surpass the others? w??? ?m?s? la k?a.His matter surpassed ours.?m?s? t??r??idiomto plead for leniencyBa m?a ba ?m?s? t??r??.They have gone to plead for leniency.?m??n???nounrope?m??n???nounokra?mine ?mineadjectivecoloured (many colours, spotted)? g?r?? ?aa ?mine ?mine n?.Her dress is multi-coloured.?m?a?nounoath?m??r?verbto meltNyini? n? lieri nyu? chaasa la, ??? n? t?? ? ?m??r?.The comb was touched by the fire, that is why it melted.?m??s?verbto swear by sth.? ?m??s? k? la m? s?? k?s?.He swore by the thing which I taboo.?m??m?verbto be wrinkledHan?h?a? la yaraa kala n? ?m??ma.The old woman is covered with wrinkles.? beat, hit? ?moo bile.He beat the clap handsY??l la s?ma, ??? n? t?? baa ?moo n?saa.The song was beautiful, that is why they flutterJimii la ?moo ? k??k?ns?? n?.The chicken fluttered its wings.4.thresh (millet)Ba ?moo m?aa.They threshed millet.? ?moo n???.She whipped the shea butter.?moo ch?m??idiomto spend a lot of moneyM? ?moo ch?m?? n? woru? m? bie sikuuri l?.I spent a lot of money on my child schooling.?moo ch?r?av phrto boxBaalaa bal?a d?a ?moo ch?r?a. Two men were boxing together yesterday.?moo daa?idiomto fight?moo diito win, to beat in a game?moo doworov phrto pass a message round to different people, to make a public proclamationBa d?a ?moo doworo n? d? n?aa m? kuoro baga.Yesterday they made an announcement that people should go to the chief's farm. ?moo loverbknock down?moo d?a la lo.Knock the house down.?moo naab?m??idiomto be unluckyBaalla ?moo naab?m?? n?.The man had bad luck.?moo naa?idiomto err, make mistakeSar?ya diiru la ?moo naa? n? w??la l?.The judge erred in the case.?moo naas?m??idiomto be lucky? ?moo naas?m??.He was lucky?moo nii?idiomto cry out, to wailBile ?moo nii? n?.The child cried out.?moo paaidiomto hire? ?moo n?aa paa d? ba p?r? p?.He hired people to work for him.?moo puoidiomto deceive, to cheat? ?moo ? naa? puo.He deceived his mother.?m?l?m?verbget crooked?m?l??nounflute, whistle?m?na ?m?na/?m?n? ?m?n?adverbparti-coloured, tabbyGelii la ?aa ?m?na ?m?na n?.The cat is tabby.?m?ns?verbwritecf: tuuri?m?ns? ? y?r??.Write your name.?m?? s?aaverbto frown one's faceB?? n? t?? ? ?m?? s?aa?Why have you frowned your face??m??m?r?belenouna kind of herb?m??m?r??nouna kind of herb ?m?r?verbto knead?m?r? munu?.Knead the flour.?m?s??noun1.immorality, adultery? ?aa ?m?s?? n?.She committed adultery.2.ritual uncleannessid. ? dii ?m?s?? n?. ?m?? blow, play a flute or hornBa d?a ?m?? nyile.They blew a horn make a rope, to form a web? ja? ?m?? ?m?n??.He will make a rope.?m?? m??s??idiomto become wild or to sniffVaha ?m?? m??s?? gugolli ha?gbeli? n?.The dog sniffed around the bone.?m??r? destroy? luori tele n? a kala ?m??r?.His car crashed and got destroyed.2.get out of shapeY? k??k?? la ?m??r?.Knock the tin out of shape.Ooolu?noungiant ratooexclamationyesoooexclamationexcl. of astonishmentoosiverbto wail, bewail, mourn ( people from another village before arriving at the funeral)Yoho n? ba m?m? aa oosi.They are going to a funeral and are wailing.Pppa (p? if followed by an object)verbto give; to do (sth. for sb.)M? jo? s?a p? m? nand???.I gave my friend a knife.Lahadi n? yie dii a? ka pa Atan?.Sunday precedes Monday.M? ja? t?? t?nt???aa p??.I will work for d?aidiomto greet sb. at his house, to go and render thanks to sb. at his house? k? ? p?m? d?a.He came to greet wombii?v phrpermitPa wombii? d? ba m? k?? gaar? la k?.Give them permission to bring the thief.paa f?r?idiomto run after sb. or sth. quickly, to chase Ba paa f?r? gaar? la har??.They chased the thief.paa t??r??idiom1.revengecf: t??r??Ba ?moo ? ?aana n? ? m? paa t??r??.They have beaten his junior brother and he revenged.2.sacrifice in order to appease an idol? chei w?? n? a p?paa t??r??.He did something wrong and was appeasing the gods.paaaadverb(Twi) very muchcf: papapa? z?m? paaa.It is extremely good.paalamod vevenM? paala b? j??.I do not even know.paal? do deliberately, intentionally? d?a paala n? a bolimi bile.You wounded the child deliberately yesterday.2.beware, watch, put an eye onPaal? ? w??aalaa l?.Watch his behaviour.paamaal??noun(Lat.) Grossopleryx febrifugapaan?nounbreadcf: boroboropaapuuverbto follow up (sb), running afterPaapuu baal la a laa moribie la.Follow the man up and collect the money.paaram?lnounburrowing snakepaar?d?nn?nounpraise for a farmerpaar?y??l??nounsong of praise for a farmerpaar?nounfarmercf: bag?daar?/bag?daarapaas? peel?? paas? p?aa n?.She is peeling the scratchK?? n? d?m?, ?? paas? ? yaraa.Something stung him so he scratched sharpen (a pencil)Paas? p?ns?l.Sharpen the scrapePaas? pupoila woru?.Scrape the pot well.pab?lanounfirst weedingpach?m??nounlabour paid in advance or dailypach?ndiirenounhired workerpachuru?nouncommunal bride service performed with the help of the men from one's villagepagalanounshort robe (mostly worn by Muslims)pag?... l?idiomto plot againstBaal la pag? m? l? n?.The man has plotted against me.pag?l? carry on the sideJo? bile pag?l?.Carry the child on your full of cobsM? kuorim?aa pag?la n? woru?.My maize plants are full of cobs.pag?s?verbto competeBasikuuriba d?a fa pag?s? d???.There was a bicycle race yesterday.paj??nouncommunal farm servicepal paladverbvery shinyS?l?m? ka t?l n? palpal.Gold sparkles a lot.palahanounlast weedingLaa m? la l? palaha n?.We are going to do earthing-up.pal??nounshedcf: l?b??pany?l??nouna used up hoe bladepa???nounmolar (tooth)papadverbcompletely, exactly? kp? ba kala pap.He killed them all.papapaadverb(Twi) very muchcf: paaa? z?m? papapapa.It is very good.papatunounlong flint gunparatataadjective or adverb1.very whitecf: fag? fag?, wananaPiesi la p?lla n? paratata.The sheep is very white.2.very brightCh?nw?laa kala ?aa n? paratata.The stars are very bright.par? par?adverbdoing sth very fast? nii? l?ma par? par?.He talks very fast.par?gaadverbunexpectedlyM? s??ra tel n?, par?ga.I slipped and fell unexpectedly.par?kp?r??nounmound for planting milletpar?m?verbharassS?? ? par?m?, le? ? f??l? ? yaraa a ?aa.Don't harass him, let him take his time and do it.par?s?verbto compelpatas?noun(Twi) locally brewed ginpat?exclamationoh! (excl. of astonishment)cf: wuoo, asee!Pat?, w?t?t???Oh, really?pat??sa?noun(Eng.) curtainpà collectPaa bukuba h? d??? l?.Collect the books and put them plaitHaalaa paa nyu? n?.The women plaited their hair.peeliverbto beat (very hard, cf. ?moo )? peeli sonyu? a kp?.He battered the big rat to death.peeli?nounhill, mountainpegili?nountype of grasspeli?noun1.wind, breeze2.airpeli? luro n?idiomit is windypelivinvilimi?noundust-devil, whirlwindpempuru?nounforeskinpenderenoungourd drumpeni?nounpenisperekunounnailperibanye?unouncrocodilecf: ny?baperibiverbnot good at any workBile peribe n?.The child is not good at any work.perigiverbto make a mistakecf: ye??i? v?n? perigi.He took the wrong flap (wings)Diibie la pese n?.The bird flapped its hurry, to hasten, quickly S?? pesu.Don't be in a hurry.p? drive sth. into? jo? daas? la p? n?.He drove the stakes into the get stuckLuori la p? n?.The car got add, in additionBile ka kesi n? a? p? chuchuuri ma.The child is coughing and he also has diarrhoea.p? ... l?v be with, join, accompany, help, assistP? m? l? la m? y?b?.Accompany me to the blessW?a ja? p? ? l?.God will bless you.p??numeralseven (when counting, cf. balp??m??numeralseventhp???nounsheath for knifep??s? wake sb. up by touching his body? p?? do? n? m? p??s?, ? sii.He was asleep and I touched him and he woke mold bricks? p??s? tiebiee n?.He molded bricks.p?g?nouncornerBaal la n? h?? p?g? l?.The man is sitting at the corner.p?g?locativewithinjap?g? p?g?locative1.between (place)M? ch?? t??s?? bal?a p?g? n?.I stood between two trees.2.for, during (time)Tap?laa mara p?g? ba b? ba ja? yie.They did not reach their village for twenty days.p?g?nounrelationshipLa d? foliba la p?g? z?m?.We have a good relationship with the white people.-p??rt1.worthless, uselesscf: -yaayaa, -fuolow?p??useless matter2.ordinarych?p??weekday (no market, festival etc.)p??adverb1.freely, without chargecf: wogo? jo? g?r? la p?m? p?? n?.He gave the shirt to me vain? baga la ? p?r? p?? n?.Your work on your farm was in vain.p?j??ranounneighborp?ll?mod vto stand secretly or quietly? p?ll? be?.He watched secretly.p?ll? gb?r?v phrto lie in wait forBaalla p?ll? gb?r? ? d?nd?m?.The man was lying in wait for his enemy.p?m??adverbcalm, quiet, relaxed? p?na n? p?m??.He slept quietly.p?nii?nounplot of farm landp??verbto broodJimii la p?n? n?.The chicken is brooding.p?r?bachieny?nouna kind of lilyp?r??adjectiveflat? m??s?? ?aa p?r?? n?. His nose is flat.p?r?g?verbto part, to forkwombii la p?r?g? n?.There is a fork on the road.p?r?g? ... m??s??idiomto killp?r??noun1.hoeing2.farmingp??ll??verbto lean againstcf: yelli? p?ll? jee? n?.He leaned against the wall.p??ll??verbto flow, run (liquid)L??? ka p?ll? n?.The water is Ba g?a aa p?ll? l???.They were dancing and S?n?? p?ll? n?.There was much pito.p??ll?? ... l?idiomto be dependent on? p?ll? ? n??r?ma l? n?.He is dependent on his uncle.p??r?? hoeM?? m? m? p?r? n?.I am going to hoe/ farm, cultivateM? b? sikuuri m?a, m?? p?r? n?.I did not go to school, I do farming.p??s??verbto persistBaal la s?l k?aa ba v?? ka ? p?s?.The man begged for something and they refused him but he persisted.piebelenounrampiebienounlambpiedaal??nounpasturing sheeppiedaaranounshepherdpiedaar?diri?nouna kind of wild edible fruitpied?anounsheep penpiekee?young female sheeppien???nounewepiep?r??nounyoung sheeppiesenounsheeppiese nandelimi?nouna kind of mushroompietonoun(Twi) underpantspigiliverbto struggle to free oneself from sth or a matterW?aa j?? n? ? pigili woru?.He was in trouble and struggled to get out of it.pigise .... tav phrto shake offK?? g?r? la pigise ta.Shake the dust off the cloth.pigisiverbto shake body, wings etc.) flutterVaha la pigisi ? yaraa n?.The dog shook its body.piiadverbto be in excess, too much, too bigK?diilee y?ga pii.There is too much food.Daa la y?ga pie n?.The stick is too big.pii ... l?v phrto be too difficult for sb.? pii n?aa bal?a l? n?.It is too difficult a task for just two people.piinenounmahogany (Lat. Khaya senegalensis)piisiverbto thresh? piisi m?aa n?.He threshed millet.pilenounwater roof thatchM? ja? pilimi m? d?a ar? kaha.I will roof my house with put on, to cover oneself with a coverclothK?? g?r?b?s? la pilimi.Cover yourself with the covercloth.-pilimi?rtcomplete, wholed??pilimi?the whole housenaapilimi?whole, undamaged legpilinya?anounkind of fig treepili?nounfig tree (ficus sycamorus)pilisolu?nouna fig treepille laav phrdeceive, to get by cheatingBaal la pille laa moribii la n?.The man got the money by deny? ny?? w?aa n? a? pilli.He told a lie by denying be cunningBad?r? ?aa pipilli t??na n?.The spider is cunning.pimeeadverblarge, very big? luoru? ?aa pimee n?.His stomach is very big.? luoru? y?ga pimee.His stomach is big.pimperibunounlazy person, jack of all tradepimpilli?noununtruthfulnesspineyinagbonountadpole (mosquito larva)pininoun(Engl.) safety pinpipadverbthud! (noise of sth. hitting the ground)Tab?? la l?? t?a nyu? tuu tel pip.The stone dropped out of the tree and fell with a thud.pirenoun1.hoe for farmingcf: g?g?pire2.musical hoepiri piriadverbhurriedly, superficiallycf: woso woso, basa basa?na b? w?? f??la ?aan?? j??, see piri piri.He cannot do things slowly, he always does them hurriedly.pirigiadverbto meet suddenly, to bump intoM? k? pirigi ma l? n?.I bumped into you.pirimadverb1.without having eaten? d?a p?? pirim.Yesterday he slept without having eaten.2.suddenly without knowing the causeB??? la s?? pirim.The goat died suddenly.piripeni?nounshrimppirisaa?nounchopper, small axecf: vatogu?pisimiverbto have weals on the bodyBa v??r? n? woru?, ? yaraa kala pisimi.They beat him, his body had weals.pisinunounhalfpenny (half a pesewa)cf: amisi?p? plus object-vto giveJo? mo?go la p? bile.Give the mango to the child.p?averbto searchM? p?a d?a kala n? a? b? m? moribii la na.I searched the whole room but did not find the money.p?a naidiomto investigate, to look into sth.Má le? la p?ana w?? la.Let us investigate the matter.p?a p?aadverbtastelessD?s? la yie ?aa n? p?a p?a.The soup is tasteless.p??g? cross sb.'s pathS?? m? p??g?.Don't cross my part, to get away fromB?? n? t?? ? w?wal?m? ? p??g?m? bal?Why are you trying to get away from me? find one's way through a crowdA?kara l? luoriba yie p??g? d??? b?bal n?.In Accra the traffic comes from all directions.p??n?verbto comfort, to pamperM? nand??? naa? s?ba, m? p?p??n?.My friend's mother died so I am comforting him.p??r?verbto give a very small amount or quantity, to grudge, stintP??r? m?a p?m?.Give me a little.p??s?verbto ask, to interrogate, to inquirecf: s?lMá m? p??s? baal la na ? ja? k? na la.Go and ask the man whether he is coming to see us.p??deri?nountuber of yamp??dohonounyam setp??gba?anounhundred pieces of yamp??l???verbfresh yamp??nanounpatience, endurancecf: ha?kuri, kenyiriBaal la k?? p??na.The man has patience.p??n?verbto spin, twist ropeHaal la ka p??n? ?m?n?? n?.The woman is spinning thread.p???nounyam (gen term)cf: ag?s??p??tili?/p??tileeslice of unpeeled cooked yamp??p?ny?l??nounyam heap/mountp??sanounfinger bellp??s?nounto purify, cleanse, make ritually cleanp??tili?nouna slice of cooked yamp??was??roasted yamp??ya?nounnew field for yamp?lverbto beat down on sth.? p?l tintee? ar? p?l??.He beat the floor with a mallet.p?l p?l p?ladverbvery shiny? neniip?r?? t?l p?l p?l p?l.Her ring is very shiny.p?layanoun(Eng.) pliersp?l?madverbto be full to the brimPupoi la suo n? p?l?m.The pot is full to the brim.p?l??noun1.flat mallet (for roofs and floors)2.pondp?l?p p?l?padverbvery bright (thunder lightening)Ta? ka l?g?s? n? p?l?p p?l?p.It is lightning very much.p?ny?l??noun1.child's hoe2.yam or millet moundp??verblie downM? p?? godo nyu?.Go and lie on the bed.p?? do?v phrsleepM? p?? do? n?.I slept.p?? haalaidiomhave an affair with a woman? p?? haala.He slept with a woman.p??gaas?nounpickaxep?paaj??j???hibiscus fruitp?paali?i?nounbunch of leaves worn by womenp?paa?nounleaf (general term)p?ra tav sharpen roughly, taperP?r? daa la golli.Sharpen the wood round roughly.2.reduce in sizeP?r? sonto? la naa? ta.Reduce the size of the hoe-handle.p?ratanoun(Eng.) platep?r? be barrencf: mirisi, bolimi, firisi Haal la p?ra n?.The woman is hurt, injure, bruiseDaa la tele p?r?m?.The log fell on me and injured me.-p?r??rtbarrenhap?r??barren womanp?r?t?t?adverbvery brightCh?n? p?lla n? p?r?t?t?.The moon is very bright.p?rrexclamationThere you are!p?s?verbto scatter, dispersePiesee kala p?sa.The sheep all scattered.p??páar???noun(Lat.) Hibiscus sabdariffa, make (a drum)Má po gugo?.Make a drum.2.cut open into two equal halvesMá po gba?a la.Cut open the calabash into unfold sth., to remove clothes (cf wuri )K?? ? g?r?b?s? la polli.Remove your cover-cloth.2.clarifyB?l w??la b?b??? d?? polli.Clarify the be clearLeri? pollo n?.The weather is be firm (e.g feet)Bile naas?? ha b? pollo.The child's feet are not firm yet.pololoadjectivebald? nyu? ?aa pololo n?.He is bald.polu?noun1.vein, blood vessel2.gristlepomu?nouncricket (insect)ponch??r?nounkind of cricketpo??iverbto spill overN??? n? po??o ta.The oil spilled over.-pooronmaker or carver of drumspenderipooromaker of the gourd drum.gugopooromaker of the gugo?poponouna kind of water plantpopot?anouna kind of small treeporiverbto clear, widen esp road, enlargeMá pori wombii?.Clear the road.pòrísìnoun(Eng.) policepóoríverbto become baldcf: pololo? h??sa n?, ? nyu? kala poori.He is old and his whole head is bald.pórísíverbto clap one's hands? h? dolu?, má porisi n?saa p?.He has done well, give him a clap.p? look after, watchP? n?s?la.Watch the take care, be carefulP? ? s?? pupoila jo?o yer?.Be careful that the pot does not breakid. ? b? p?perhapsp?? divide sth. uncountable into equal partscf: p?r?, K?? namm?a p?? bal?a.Divide the meat into two part, separateM? naambiiri? d?a k?? d??? p?? n?.My brothers separated from each other yesterday.p?k??nounbare grassland, steppe, savannahp?l? p?l?adjectivetepidcf: f?l?l?, t?l? t?l?L??la ?aa p?l? p?l? n?.The water is lukewarm.p?mp?noun(Eng.) pump, spray-gunp??noun(Engl.) pound (British money)p?p?nountowelp?r? take part of p??, Baal la p?r? n?al?? d?ns?? kaa m? ? baga.The man took some of the people to his part, separateLa d? m? nand??? p?r? d??? l? n?.I and my friend separated from each other.p?s? burst, explodeBasikuuri naa? d?a p?s?.The bicycle tyre burst rise, shine (sun)W?a p?s? h? m? s?aa l?.The sun was shining in my face.p?s??nounouter room or sitting roomp?t?anouna place where hunters go to stalk wild be very many, crowdedN?aa n? d?a pu yoho ja? kala.Yesterday there was a big crowd at the put into groups, heapsPu jisii la m? y??.Put the groundnuts into heaps and I will buy some.pugiverbto hinder, impede sth.? pugi m? t?nt???aa n?.He has hinder my work.puguloon.plgrass which rats lie onpugulu?nounsheaf, set of sth.m??puguloosheaf of milletpulonoun1.gathering of people2.a powerful juju3.ring around the sun-pumu?adjenclosed, sth. without an openingd??pumu?a walled-up roompu??iverbto play in water, swimHambiisi la d?a tuu pu??i l??? n?.The children went swimming confess publicly, make known one's secret misdeedBaal la puoro n?.The man confessed openly.2.baldBaal la nyu? puoro n?.The man is bald-headed.puoru? see through (a trick), discover (a secret)Suu? n? puosi bad?r? b?b???.The guinea fowl saw through the play hide and seekHambiisi? ka puosi n?.The children are playing hide and seek.puosonounfontanel (soft spot on the head of a baby)pupoi?nounpotpupom??r?nounpotterpupunounmotorcyclecf: motoPupulipaanounwindy month (roughly January)pupulu? untiePuri b??? la.Untie the skinPuri b??? la.Skin the missM? ?moo bile puri.I hit out at the child but missed.puri nii?v phrbreak the fastL??l? n? m? puri nii?.It is now that I broke the fast.puru? (of tree) cf. daboro-puru?n1.uncut skinrt2.peel, husk or other waste partm??puru?husk of milletpurut?s?ranountanner of leatherpusadverbsmash!Pupoi? tele y?r? pus.Smash! The pot fell down and be out of controlW?? la m??ra pusi n?.The matter is out of boil overSuono la pusi n?.The beans are boiling catch up withV?? l?ma m? puu.Go quickly and catch up with meetM? ja? puu Hayugo d?a l???Will I meet Hayugo in her house?puwuolonoun1.disabled or handicapped personcf: gb??r??g?2.sick person3.weaklingpùllìverbto mix, add, dilutecf: chall?Jo? yo? la pulli d?s? la l?.Add the broth to the soup.púllíverbto start, commence, begincf: bugumi, , suomiLaa s?paa? pulli sime la b?b???.Start with the bottom of the basket first (when weaving it).p?g?verbprocess of adding ingredients to vegetable leaves as foodLa d?a p?g? ????r?? ar? k??k?s?m?? n?.Yesterday we prepared black plum leaves with bean cakes.p?g?m?verbto be weak, exhausted? n? b? waa a? faasa t?? t?nt???aa, ? ja? p?g?m?.If you are not grown up yet and you work much, you will weaken.p?g?m??nounweevil-p?g??adjweakgelip?g??a weak catn?p?g??a weak, sick personp??verbto get soft, soggy? jo? kuorim?aa h? l??? l?, ba ja? p??.If you soak corn it will soften.p?ll?verbto get white, to make white, to shineD? ? ch?s? ? g?r?? ? ja? p?ll?.If you wash your shirt it will get white.p?ll? .. t???idiomto be open hearted? p?ll? ? t???.He is open hearted.p?l?m??noun1.light, illumination, cleared plot of land p?mp?anounflatulence, windp?nanoundomestic animal-p?n??nhair, fur, bristlenyup?naahair (of the head)b??p?naagoat's furp?n??nounhair, fur, bristle, feathersp?? absorb sth., swell? s?? gaar? n? ? p??.She soaked gari and it absorbed constipate? b? banj?ra wuo m?, ? p??a n?.He cannot go to the toilet because he is increase, be manyN?s?? p??a n?.The cows have increased.p??anouna kind of insect, if animals eat it they will get a blotted stomachp??m?a?nouna kind of insect p???m?n??nounanimal donated to in-laws as contribution to a funeral performancep??g?verbto thin outP??g? m?a la ta.Thin out the millet.p??l?verbto move togetherN?aa p??la k?k? y?b? d?g?g?.Many people were coming to the market together.-p???adjrotten thing, (form of pnamm??p???rotten meatg?r?p???inferior clothbiip???spoilt childp??ranoun(Engl.) powderp??r?verbto swell, rise? h? s?b?r?? boroboro l?, ? ja? p??r?.If you put yeast into the dough it will rise.p?r?verbto harvest fruit when not completely ripeMá p?r? mo?go la.Harvest or pluck all the mangoes. p?r?g?verbto be plentyNamm?a p?r?ga n? Tumu l? j?n??.There is plenty of meat in Tumu today.p?r?s?verbto puff S?? m? p?r?s?.Don't puff at me.p?s?? d?g?tanounveterinary doctorp??bii?nouna beelike insectp??r? ... jo??ooidiomto insult severelyHaalla p??r? ? bala jo??oo.The woman insulted her severely.p??s?, p??sa ... tav spit out sth. firm? ja? p??s? m?aa ta.He will spit out the remove by blowing? p??s? m?a la k?l?? ta n?.He blew the chaff of the millet away.p??s? nii?idiomto withdraw an oath or curse invoked on sb.? ?m??sa n? ba ?aa l??? p? ? p??s? nii?.He made an oath and they gave him water for him to revoke it.p?? rot, spoil, decayNamm?a la p?a n?.The meat is be spoilt (a child)Bile p?a n?.The child is ? nyu? p?a.He is softheaded, stupid.p??g??s?? put little oil in food, to apply little pomadeBa yie k?? n?? la p?g?s? suono la n?.They added very little oil to the beans.N?? la b? y?g?, ??? n? t?? la kaa p?g?s? la n?saa.The pomade is not enough, that is why we applied little on our hands. be weak, not strongBile p?g?sa n?.The child is not well grown.p??lverbto be light, bright, whiteTa? ha b? p?la.It is not light yet.p???s??verbtear (cloth etc.)Ba yuo d??? n? ba k?? ? g?r?? p??s?.He fought with someone and they tore his cloth.p???s??verbto grow, be grown up, of ageM? ja? jaa haala p? m? bile, ? p??sa n?.I will get a wife for my son, he is grown up now.p???rámod vimmediatelyM? t??s? bile n?, ? p??ra na baan??.When I insulted the child he lost his temper immediately.p???r?? scratchBosu? d?m? n?, ? p?p??r? ? yaraa.Mosquitoes bit him and he is scratching criticise severelyBa p??r? bile.They criticised the boy fryM?? p??r? namm?a n?.I am frying prepare a delicious mealM?? ch? m? p??r? k?diilee n? a p? m? bala.I want to prepare a delicious meal for my husband.p???s?? swellcf: kp?r?, M? nenii? p??s? m?a n?.My finger is a little blow? p??s? peli? h? tiila l? d?? f??l?.He blew in the tea so that it would get publicly declare a young woman pregnant for the first time.Ba p??s? tolo la n?.They have publicly declared the young lady pregnant.Sssaaparticlethen (emphasying a verb)? saa m?a n? ba?Has he gone?saabaas?nouna black fish-eating birdsaach????nounhunter's 'human-headed' axesaalanounwood chips or shavingssaa?nounaxe-saaran1.masoncf: meesi?d??saaramason, brick-layerrt2.carver, makert?mp?nsaaramaker of the talking drumsabogunoundisaster, calamitySabogu n? j??.A calamity has befallen him.saf?lnoun(Eng.) shovelsaganouna grass harmful to crops (striga)sagb?y??nouna medicinal rootsag?verbto hang sth. upJo? puri la sag?.Hang the bag up.sag?m?verbto be leproussag?r?gal?anouna kind of shrubsamasamanoun(Twi) sanitary inspectorsamp?r?nouna toadcf: y?b??samp?anoun(Twi) threepence (two and a half pesewas)san?anoun(Twi) scale, weighing machinesa?verb(Eng.) to prosecute, take to courtM? ny?mma ?moo baal n?, ba sam?.My father beat up sb. and was personnuhuobii? sa?karadangerous and destructive personnoun2.worm found in cola nutssa?kpar?mbii?nounbulletsa?kp?r??nounskin diseasesar?kanoun1.(Hs.) prison2.almssar?yanouncourt casesar?yadiirenounmagistratesawaranoun(Hs.) discussionsà build? saa d?a.He built a cook TZ?? saa k?l?? n?.She is preparing carve? saa santo?u?.He carved a hoehandle.seeconjunction(Hs.) unless, except, only, until (in greetings)See chie.See you tomorrow.sekeli?nounmillet or corn stalkse?ke t??nanounselfish, deceiful person (also sse?keri?nounedge (also s??kp?r?)s?b?nountalisman, string necklace with leather lockets?b??adverbinsipidD?s? la ?aa s?b?? n?.The soup is tasteless.s?b?s? loose taste, be insipidD?s? la s?b?s? n?.The soup has lost supportBa s?b?s? baal la kaa m? d?a.They supported the man so that he could get to the house.s?b?s?? g?r??nounwar-gown (worn by warriors for magical protection)s?gb?y??nouna door fan made with stalkss?h?y?nounsour-water, saltpetre (made from burnt stalks)s?? believe, agree, approve, accept, consentD? ? n? s?y?, m? ja? p?? k??.If you agree with me I will give you respond, answer, acknowledgeBaal la y?r? bile, ? s??.The man called the child and he confess, admit? s?y? ar? ? cheye n?.He confessed that he had done wrong.s?l?mb?anoungold mines?l?m?noungolds?l?nf??r??noundross, impurities in golds?mbii?nounside (of human body)cf: s?mp?r?bii?s?m?nounside (of human body)Ba jo? timi? t?? Yesu s?m? l? n?.They pierced the side of Jesus with a javelin.s?m?post posbeside? h?? m? s?m?.He sat beside me.s?mp???nounone half, side of sth., shares?mp?r?bii?nounribcf: s?mbii?s?mp?? move sidewaysM? d?a m? d?a a m? che? d?m?? a m??ra m? s?mp??.On my way home yesterday I came across a snake and moved secret (in order to escape)Bile che? ? d?nd?m? a m??raa v?? s?mp?? n?.The child saw his enemy and went back secretly.s?n?mod vreally, truly? s?n? s?? n?.He really died.s?ns?verbto attemptMá le? d? la s?ns? naachigi la.Let us attempt to attack the lion.s?ns?anounchronic bronchitiss?nt?r??nouncarelessnesss?ntugonounpneumonias??verbto do sth intentionallyS?? s?? a? ?aa w?? la s? b? z??.Do not intentionally do what is wrong.s??k?r?nounedge (also se?keri?)s??kp?n??nounscabiess??b??verb(Hs) to writeS?b? teni? p?m?.Write a letter for me.s??r??verbreplant, resowMá m? s?r? kuorim?a la.Go and re-plant the maize.sibi?nounhartebeestsieriverbto tease, to make fun of? b?l w?aa perigi, ba sisieri ? l?.He made a mistake and people are teasing him.sige sigeadjectiveuncertain, unclearS?? sige sige ?aa ar? w?? la ? s?? b?l.Don't be uncertain about what you are saying.sigi sigiadverb1.silent, motionless, stillL?? la p?? sigi sigi n?.The water is clear and still.2.unconsciousBa ?mobu n? ? p?? sigi sigi.They beat him so much that he became unconscious.sigiliverbto be calmLeri? sigile n?.The place is calm now.sigili?nounmasquerade performed at the funeral of an important mansigisiverbto have the hiccupsBile ka sigisi n?.The child has the get up, stand up, to rise, to erectSii do? l?.Get up from get up to do sth.Aam?? n? sie a l?l bie.The antelope gave birth to her young.siileenoungift of praise to sb.siiliverbto offer a gift in order to praise sb.M? g?a n? ba siili.I danced and people gave me gifts.sii?nounbambara beanSii?nounMonth of Aprilsikelenouna kind of herbsikele?kii?nounneem tree (Azadirachta indica)sikirinoun(Eng.) sugarsikuud?r?banoun(Eng.) screwdriversikuurinoun(Eng.) schoolsilenoun(Eng.) shilling (10 pesewas)simb??nounfresh bambara beansimenounbasketsimintinoun(Eng.) cementsinse?enouna kind of drumsinsigenoun1.hiccupscf: dindigili?2.a weedsinsinni?nouncarelessness, negligencesinsuo?nounkind of beansins?aranounbasket weaversi?verbto be bereaved, become an orphan? ny?mma s?ba, ? ja? si?.If your father dies, you will be an orphan.siriadjectiveready, prepared? ?aa siri n? d?? ch? t?nt???aa.He is available for employment.siyeuuadjectivevery quietcf: kurum, surum, f???, s?mJa? kala ?aa siyeuu n?.The whole village is very quiet.s?particlewhich, who, whose, that, used to mark a relative clause.Jo? k? la s? cheye p?m?.Give me the thing that is spoiled.s?aan.plface, eyess?aa ... suroidiomto be wise, to be experienced s?aa ban?s? t??naidiomwitch/wizards?aa biriidiomto be sad, puzzleds?aa cheyeidiomto be sad, upsets?aa d?g?tanounopticians?aa f??lato be gentles?aa l?maidiomto be curiouss?aa polloidiomto be wise, experienceds?adanounwitnesss?b?r??nounlocal yeast (dried pito-foam)s?ch??r?nounpito-brewers??r? slipcf: g?l?l?, sol? s??ra tel n?.He slipped and be slipperyLeela k?? v?ch??? n?, ?? s??r? n?.The place is muddy and slippery.s??s?anoundecorative belts?f?a?nounlocal beer brewed from guinea corncf: b?r?? s?n??, s?n??s??verbto play? k?mm? s?? n?.He played with me.s??bii?nouneyeballs??biri?noundizzinesss??b?l??nouncataract on eyes??d?saanoundusks??duo?noun1.disrespectcf: de?gineBile k?? s??duo?.The child is disrespectful.2.rudenesss??duot??nanounarrogant person, proud persons??f?a?nounseriousnesss??f??laanoungentlenesss??gbanlo?nouneye sockets??j?? w?aanoundisrespects??k?r?nounsickles??ku?komu?nouneyebrows??l??nounsheath for knifecf: s??p???s??luoru?nouneye gunk or eye mucuss??m??nounan edible roots??naaranounseers??nt??nanounstingy person, greedy persons???nounsth. which is fullny?ny?ala s???a full cups???noun1.eye? s?aa bar?ma.His eyes are bulky.2.buttonK?? ? g?r?? s?aa h?.Button your shirt.s??? dolieidiomdisrespects??? h?laidiomdisrespectfuls??? t??nanounmisers??p???nounsheath for knifecf: s??l??s??pollu?noun1.wisdom, prudence, intelligence, civilizationcf: w?j?m??2.craftiness, deceit, shrewdnesss??polu?nounvein on eyes??puru?nouneyelids??p?n??nouneyelashs??p??raa/s?aap??tempearly morning, dawncf: ta? p?laM? ja? sii s??p??raa a m? baga.I will get up early in the morning and go to farm.s??r? careful of (sth or sb)S?s??r? baal la.Be careful of that tie firmlyV?? k?al?? d? ba s??r?.Tie the things firmly.s??t??r? w???nounquarrels?l?banounsaucepans?l??kp??r?noundry mark of tears under the eyes?l??r??nountears-s?m??rtsweet, pleasant (form of -sk?diis?m??sweet, delicious foods?m??nountastes?mp???nouncivets?n??nounalcoholic drink cf: b?r?? s?n??, s?f?a?s?ns?? t??nanouncareless persons?? soak sth.? ja? s?? g?nn??.She will soak the be reconciledBa fa yuo d??? n? a? b?ra s??.They fought with each other but are reconciled be sweet, delicious,K?diile la s?ma.The food is delicious.4.pleasant, niceN??t?s?? la s??ra s?ma.The pomade has a pleasant smell.s??g?r?? t??nanounselfish, deceitful person, a cheats???aanounbossom friend, sweetheartM? s???aa y?g?.I have many bosom friends.s?paanouncard-games?paalaaranounleaders?paananounspanners?paa?post posin frontcf: faagaa, l?g?? n? ch?? d?a la s?paa?.He is standing in front of the house.s?paatooronoungo-between, spokesman for bridegroons?s?l?tempnowS?s?l? n? ? b?l w??.You have now said something meaningful.s?s??r??nounjokes?taganounpot for keeping pitos?t??noun(Engl.) store, shops?waakanounVernonia amygdalina "bitter leaf"s??particledo not! (used for neg. command)S?? d?a m?.Do not go home.P? d?? s?? k?.Make sure he does not come.s?? (only used in past form)verbto say? s? ?ma??aa dii ? jisii? n?.He said the monkeys had eaten his groundnut.s??anoun1.knife2.chronic bronchitissobakulonounmultimammate ratsoi?nounNile ratsolverbto be slimycf: g?l?l?, s??r?Kapala n? solo, ? cheye n?.The fufu is slimy, it is spoilt.solu?noun1.slimy thing, slime2.slimy soup to help in childbirth3.plant [sp.]sonto?u?nounaxe- or hoe handlesonyu?nounratso?go?nounhawkso?go? y?s??nouna herbsoojanoun(Engl.) soldiercf: laal?yuorosoriverbto take sth. downcf: ch?g?? sori g?nn?? kalaara nyu?.He took down the clothes from the bamboo stick.soronounbroken pot (used as a pot-stand)s?binenounthorn trees?f?a?nouna kind of thorn trees?g?g?adverb1.slowlyB?? n? t?? ? v?v?? ??? s?g?g??Why are you walking so slowly?2.loose, loosely? v?? ch?ga la s?g?g? n?.He tied the luggage loosely.s?g?l?verbto tell (a story)? d?a s?g?l? s?ns?g?l??.He told a story yesterdays?g?s?loosen?m?? la s?g?s? n?.The rope is loose.s?jaam??nounacacias?l?nounfish trap-s?mrtquietn?s?ma quiet persons?madverbpeacefully, quietlycf: kurum, siyeuu, surum, f???H?? s?m!Sit quietly!s?m s?madverbslowly, gentlyF??la v?? s?m s?m.Walk slowly and carefully.s?mb??r?nounmaker of the cradles?m??/sam??nounporcupines?ns??kp?t?anoun(Lat.) fiauleprieuri, tree parasites??verbwash, wipe (hands, feet or face)S?? n?saa!Wash your hands!s??m?r?nouna thorny plant which creeps on the grounds???nouncradle for carrying wood on the heads??noun(Eng.) saws???noun1.thorn, gen. term2.tree3.a herbs?p?lanouna kind of thorny trees?r??nouna fill, be full?aa l??? su bogiti la.Fill the bucket with soil? b?s? l??? su d?a tintee? kala.He poured water all over the s???idiomto be up to one's block, close upcf: g?r?Jo? tiebiee sugo t? tokoro la.Block up the be bushy, luxuriant? t????? kala n? sugo.He has a bushy beard.sugiliverbto put on top of each otherJo? pupoye la sugili d??? l?.Put the pots on top of each other.summiverbto be poorD? moribiee tuo ? ja? summi.If you have no money you are poor.summunouna poor person, paupersumpuru?nounhusk of dawa-dawa fruitsumunu?noun1.yellow powder of the dawa-dawa pod2.yellowsunnu?nounpovertysuoliverbto perspire, sweatNa la s? h?? d?a la l? a susuoli ???.See how we are sitting in the house and are sweating.suolu?noun1.perspiration, sweatSuolu? j?? m? s???..Sweat has entered my eye.2.toil? suolu? n? ???.He got this from his toil.suomb?r?m??nouna kind of treesuomiverbto start, begincf: bugumi, , B?ra suomi!Continue/restart!suomonounshea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa)suomu?nounbeginningsuondiibienouna sunbirdsuondimulonouna kind of plant suonu?nouna beansuo?gulumu?nounboiled cake of pounded beanssuorinounHymenocardia acidasuosiverbto drain completelyLe? d? l?? la kala suosi.Let the water drain out completely.suosuonounfiber spongesuriverbto openK?? boi? suri.Open the door.suri ... s?aaidiomto make wisesurumadjectivequietcf: kurum, siyeuu, f???, s?mB?? n? t?? lee la kala ?aa surum ????Why is the whole place so quiet?susunoun(Twi) contributionMá ?aa susu.Make a contribution.susu?nounmedicine made from leavessusuoru/susuoronouna traitorsusuoru?nounbetrayalsusuoru?betray sb.suuhal??nounguinea fowl egg-suulu?adjfullpupoisuulu?a full potsuu?nounguinea fowlsuupugonounnest of a guinea fowls? rust? jo? s?a a h? l??? t???, ? ja? s?.If you put a knife into water it will get put poison onto sth.Baal la s? ? s?ala n?.The man put poison on his knife.s?averbto lace, to embroider? s?a g?r?? ba??aa.He embroidered the neck of the dress.s?g?verbto propose marriage (to approach a girl for the first time)M? maala ja? s?g? haala.My older brother will propose to a girl.s?g?l??noundawa-dawa tree or fruit (Lat. parkia biglobosa)s? beg forcf: p??s?? s?l k?aa.He begged for make an appeal to sb., to ask for, beseechM? ja? s?l sar?yadiire d?? le? w??la.I will appeal to the magistrate to set the case aside.s?lla/s?ll?nounbeggars?l??noun1.a kind of shrub2.blacksmith's hammers?ns?g?l?y??l??nounsongs encorporated in storiess?ns?g?l??nounstorys?ns??nountamarind trees??r??nounembroidery, needlework-s??r??nstrong smelling (pleasant or unpleasant)k?s??r??sth which smellss?r?s?/s??s?verbto move, get out of the wayS?r?sa/s??sa m? ka m? na ba s?? g?a ???.Move out of the way so that I can see them dance.s?? die, expireLa ja? l? n? haala d?a s??.At our village a woman died be paralysedBat?? n?s?? s?ba n?.Batong's arm is lose (in a game, cf. tel)id. ? d?a yuo kp??? s??.He lost at cards yesterday.s??n?? d?hugu?nounburial-place, cemeterys???noun1.corpse2.deaths??? daganouncoffins???ránounsmell, odours???r?? smell, sniff? n?? s??r? namm?a.He is smelling the meat.2.stinkNamm??p??? ka s??r?.Rotten meat stinks a lot.Tttamod vonlyLa ta y?r? ? y?r?? n?.We only mentioned your name (we did not call you) cut, chop, hackcf: le?K?? ha?gbel la m? ta.Go and chop the dismiss, releaseBa ta dansar?ka n?.They released the throw.. awayK?? n?s?r?la m? ta.Throw the rubbish reap? ta m?aa.He harvested millet.ta ch?lidiomto run very fastcf: tii paaBa kiri baal la ? ta ch?l.They chased the man and he ran very fast.ta j?aidiomto feel free, to be at easeTa j?a w?? la l?.Feel free about the matter.ta l???idiom1.pour libationMá m? ta l??? p? naabal?maba.Go and pour libation to the urinateM?? ch? m? ta l??? n?.I want to urinate.ta nii?v phrto make a vowta y??l??idiomto introduce sharpen (a knife)? taa ? s?a.He sharpened his smear? ?aa n??? taa ? naaw??l??.She smeared oil on her sore.taab??nouna kind of treetaag?verbto grow old, weakBaal la taaga n? l??l?.The man is now weak.-taalaadjflat, level; flat stonecf: talalaTinteetaala.flat land.taal?noun(Hs.) faultcf: leefitaal??nouncloudtaar?verbto plaster, smear? jo? t?ar?? taara t? b?a.He plastered the hole into the wall.taar? m?raidiomto be worse, to become worseFuo b? w??kala j??, Beni? w??? taar? m?ra.Fuo doesn't know anything, and Benin is worse.taasanounwide metal bowlBalu yaraa w??, Bugu w?? taar? m?ra.Balu is lazy, and Bugu is worse.taas?verbto joinJo? ?m?s?? bal?a a taas? d??? l?.Take the two ropes and join them. taas?gbambal??nounbasintaas?gba?anounmetalic bowltaat???nounmouse (cf. dcf: d?atolotaaw??nounfight, tumultcf: yuosu?tabal??nountown, big towntabar?kalaadjective(Hs) well donetabienounvillagetab???nounstonetab??lu?nounfireplace of three stones or of three potstab???nounmud fireplace, oventad?manounretarded childtafaa?noundry season (cf. lcf: l?mba?ataganounsmall pot for keeping pitotagataganounostrichtag?verbto dip one's finger into sth. to taste or apply to one's bodyTag? d?s? la dii na.Taste the soup to check it.tag?s?verbto be spotted (form of lagM? g?r? la tag?sa n?.My dress is multi-coloured.tah??nounantelopetakar?danoun(Hs.) sheet of papertakparaanounmidnighttalanouna group of horn-playersTalaatanounTuesday (form of Atalaata)talalaadjectivelevel, flatcf: -taalaLee la ?aa talala n?.The place is flat.tala?anounchintambirenounday time is overtambo?nounwithout teeth, teethlesstamb?b???idiomeast-tan??adjdifferentcf: -wogon?tan??different persontanl???nounwoman friend, friendshipcf: naambie, h?a?tannyu?idiomwesttans?m?noun1.south2.northta?, village, settlement,, atmosphere, period of timeta? d?m?nounthunderta? l?g?s??lightningta? l??maadverbthe weather has clearedta? p?lanoundaybreak, dawn, the next daycf: s??p??raa/s?aap??? ta? s? p?lathe next dayta?garaf?noun(Eng.) telegramta???noundeaf-mutetapa???nounjawtap?l?? kalaeveryday, dailytap?l??noundaytar?s?verbgive angrily? k?? k?diilee kaa k? tar?s?m? n?.He took the food and banged it down in front of me.tatigenouncottagetatimenounpayment to the officials for some offenceTatime b??na n? ? gaa.He stole a goat which was used for payment for an offence.teeb?lnoun(Eng.) tableteeliverbto spread (news)W?? la teeli leri? kala n?.The matter has spread everywhere.tee?locativeplace, location, home (of sb. or sth.)? k? m? tee? n?.He came to me.tegiverbto make, kindle a fireBa tegi nyini?.They made a fire.tegi tegiadverbstraight, uprightcf: t?g? t?g?T?a la ch?? tegi tegi n?.The tree is standing straight.tegisi? fall, drop, collapse? tel t?a nyu?.He fell out of the be guilty, at faultid. ? tele n?.He is lose (in a game, court case)? yuo biee a tel.He lost the naas?? l?idiomapologise, plead? tel ? naas?? nyu? kuoro s?paa?.He begged of leniency on his knees before the chief.teli?nounbaobab tree (Lat. Adansonia digitata)telliverbto put sth. upright against sth.Jo? daa la telli jee? l?.Lean the wood against the wall.tembii?noun1.beltcf: g?n?Tembii? n? ? kaa v?? ? t??a.He is wearing a belt2.chapterTenla k?? tembiee ban?? n?.The book has five chapters.3.thongTembiee n? ba kaa po gugo?.Thongs are used to make drums.tendii?nounpestleteni?, leather, hide2.paper, letter, postcard, book3.note, banknote4.funeral collection (of a man)tenj?nnanounliterate person, clerkcf: kerichite?kaa?m?ns??nounexercise bookte?kar?m??nounprimer, syllabus, reading bookterikeadverbverticalJo? daa la p? terike.Peg the stick vertically.terikiverbto be stiffS?? la terike n?.The dead body is stiff.t?f?a?nounroyal antelopet?g??/t?s??temp1.recentlyHaalaa bal?a n? duo dee? t?g?? /t?s?? s?ba.Two women have recently died.adverb2.near (a place)M? ch?? t?s??, s?? d?bolii m?.Stand around, don't go far.t?mp?mbelenouna talking drum (small one on the left)t?mp?nn?nountalking drumt?mp?nn???nouna talking drum (big one on the right)t?mp?ny??l??noundance to the talking drumt?mp?ny?r??noundrum-namet???nountruthcf: w?t?t??t??? d?r?idiomto be tired, to be exhausted, to lose strengtht?r?b?lnoun(Eng) telephone, mobile phonet?s?verb1.incapable? t?s? dolu? l?.He has no be weak (in doing sth.)? t?s? n? woru? p?r?? l?.He is very weak in farming.t?t?adverbquickly, frequently, oftencf: kuri kuri, lag? lag??? m? ? nand??? d?a t?t? n?.He often goes to his friend's house.t?y?nouncatapultt?y?daa?nouncatapult fork staket??r?? be stubborn, troublesomeBile t?r?, ? p? d? ? naa? s?? t?nt?m?? t?? n?.The child is troublesome and does not let his mother do any be wicked, cruel.Kerichi la t?r?, ?? d?g?s? hambiisi?.The teacher is cruel in the way he is punishing the the children.tiebii?nounmud block, brickcf: to?golumu?tiebiip??s?r?nounbrick mouldertiesiverbto hatch outJimii la tiese n?.The chick has hatched out.tigimeemadjective or adverbvery darkLeri? kala ?aa tegimeem n?.The place is very dark.tigisiverbto trample on? jo? g?r?? bil tintee? n? n?aa tigisi ? kala.She put her clothe on the ground and people trampled on it.tiiverbto sweepMá tii d?a.Sweep the room.tiinoun(Eng.) tea, coffeetii paaidiomto run very fastcf: ta ch?lLuori la tii paa n?.The car is running very fast.tiikukolnouncoucaltii?noun1.termite (gen. term)2.clay sandtiip???nouna kind of wild edible yamtiiremod vagain? tiire jo? k?kaan??He (again) took what was left over.tiisiverbto wash, clean (bowls, cf. ch?s?)Tiisi gbans? la.Wash the bowls.tilverbto arrange, layPaa daas? la kaa m? til tab??? l?.Collect the wood and lay the fire.tilenounforeheadtilimi?nounroof of the mouthtimadjectivevery black, darkcf: lim, bire bireLeri? ?aa tim n?.The place is pitch dark.Leri? kala bire n? tim.The place is very dark.timenounwage, pay, rewardtimi?nounspear, javelintinelocativebesideM? ch?? ? ny?mma tine.Go and stand beside your father.tintee?, ground,, country3.plot of landtintee? tuulu?nounsnaketintiisi?nounsponge for washing bowlsti? pay for? ti? b??? la.He paid for the bend forward, bowTime jo? k?la p?m?.Bend down and get me that thing.3.rewardW?a ja? ti? n??kala a mag? ? t?nt???aa.God will reward everyone according to his works.TirigenounName for small woman or girltirigiverbto be startled, to move backwards? na d?m?? a tirigi.He saw the snake and jumped back in alarm.tirisiverbto start againt?agentinenountree trunkt?ananountobacco-pipet?ar??nounmud plaster, mortart?àverbto giveJo? p?ns?l t?a!Give me the pencilt??lanoun1.(Eng.) tailor2.sewing machinet??n?verbto straighten, stretch outK?? ?m?n?? kaa l?r? d?? t??n?.Pull the rope so that it is straight.t??r?to remove firewood from fireM? t??r? daas?la d? ba s? dii ta.Remove the pieces of firewood from the fire so that they will not burn out.t?ga siiidiomto get up quicklyt?g?verbhold sth. tightcf: korimiT?g? bogiti la d? ? s?? tel.Hold the bucket tight so that it does not fall.t?g? ... l?v phrto be next of kin to, follow nextLuribie n? t?g? kuoro l?.Luribie is the next of kin to the chief.t?g? ... nii? l?idiomto be amazed, dumbfounded? t?g? ? nii? l?He was amazed.t?g?g?adverbto do sth. continuously for a long timeLa t?ma n? t?g?g? w?a tuu j??.We worked continuously till sun set.t?? own, be responsible for? n? t?? d?a la.He owns that be characterised byT?b? la ja? t?? d? ba j?? ar? tolo n? ? ch?ch?.The (gift of) tobacco will let them know that you want (to marry) their cause, becauseM? haala n? t?? m? b? t?nt???aa m?a.It is because of my wife that I did not go to work.t??b?verbto treat sicknessBaal la s? ? ja? wuo t??b? nyanyal?? la.The man said he would be able to treat the sickness.t??b?nounclimbers, vinest??chigi?nounforestt??cho?noundormouset??daas??g?nounmedical wood, trees rubbing against each othert??g?verbto rub out, to wipe outcf: d?s?T??g? k?al?? ? s? ?m?nsa.Rub out what you have written.t??kokonoungrey woodpeckert??kukolnoungrey plantain-eater (a bird)t??lugunu?nounjungle, forest areat??lugu?nounbig tree with many branches and leavest??nanoun1.owner, masterTintee? t??naLand owner.2.person responsible for, concerned withK?b?? n? t??na s? maga ? b?l w??la p? n?aa.Who is the person responsible for telling people the message?n.pl3.inhabitants ofTaf?as? t???aa.People from Tafiasi.t??naag?raa/t??naag?r?s??nountangled or matted rootst??naalunonounroot of a treet??naapolu?nounroot of treet??n?n??nounfruit of treet??poinounred ants which live in the mango treet??tanouncanary birdt??t??nounfire-finch (bird)t?mbogulonounnakednesst?ndaaranounmessengercf: nanz??t?ndaar??nounmessaget?nt?l??noundance for woment?nt?m??nounworkt?nt?nnanounworkert?nt?nn? d???nounco-workert?nt?nn?h?a?nounmaster, bosst??verbto threaten (weather)Duonu? ka t?? n?.It is threatening to rain.t?? send on errand? t?? n?aa bal?a n? ba k? m? tee?.He sent two people to work?? t?? foli t?nt???aa n?.He is an employee of the government.t?? d???idiomto be aliket??anoun1.waistM? t??a n?? w??.My waist is paining2.menstrual period? h? t??a n?.She is in her menstrual period.t??g?nn?nounwaist bandt??giri?nounwaist talismant?ratanoun(Eng.) tractort?r?g?verbto flirt, people of different sex talking together in a bad wayHaal la ar? ? h??la t?r?g? n?.The woman and her lover were flirting.t?s? rubL?g? n??la t?s?.Scoop up some oil and rub it itchM? yaraa t?s? n?.My body is itching.t?taf??laatempearly hours of the morningT?taf??laa n? la d?a k?.We came early hours of yesterday's morning.t?taf??laa jembii?nounlate-night funeral dancet?ta???nounnightt?tasiesenounmidnightt?tas?aanounnight-blindnesst?t?r??nounevil deedst?t?apost pos1.sameK?la t?t?a n? ???.It is the same thing.noun2.oneselfM? t?t?a n? m?a..I went there myself.t?t?ar??nounnumbnesst??ánountree (gen term) followTo ? har??.Follow after ? to d??niiri? b?bal.He went from house to bleed? m??s?? n?? to.His nose is narrateTo ??? w?? la s? v?n?.Narrate how the matter happened. to ... nii?v phrto obey?? to m? nii? n?He obeyed tuuriv phrtraceTo tuuri foto la.Trace the buy a littleM? ja? m? togi y?s?? m?a.I will go and buy a little break (egg or eye)Togi suuhal la d? la hal.Break/cut open the egg so that we will fry it.togiliverbto squat down D? ? n? b? kpasa na d? ? tuu h??, ? ja? wuo togili.If there is no chair to sit on, you can squat down.togonounbig smock with sleevestoh?m??nounarrowtokobii?nounswordtokoronoun(Hs.) windowtolitolinounturkeytolonoun1.daughter2.girltoloridiirenounelegant ladytoloronounelegancetonsiverbto play a flourish (xylophone)?? tonsi jensi? n?.He is playing a flourish on the (weapon)to?golumu?noun1.mud block, brickcf: tiebii?2.a piece of earthto?gulu?nouncudgel, curved stickto?komu?noungrointoo?nounpigtoori d???nouncompaniontorinumeralthree (when counting, cf. batori)cf: batoritorimu?numeralthirdtorisiverbto pour some out fromcf: wans?Torisi s?n?? m?a p?m?.Pour me out a little pito.torukonounpush-cart, donkey carttoru?nounportion, part, sharet? close, shut sth.Má k?? boi? t?.Shut the cover, shade oneself fromK?? g?r?? t? ? nyu? d? w?a s??? kp?.Shade your head with a cloth, so that the sun does not beat rainDuonu? t? n? j?n??.It is raining heavily today.t?b?nountobaccot?g??adjectiveto be shallowT?g?? ?aa t?g?? n?.The mortar is shallow.-t?g?rtto be shallowb?at?g?shallow holeid. ? t??? t?g? n?.He is shallow-minded.t?g?m?verbto ignore sb., not pay attention to sb. ? b? baal la t?g?m?.He ignored the man.t?g??nounmortar, pounding pott?k?fanoun(Twi) sixpence (formerly 5 pesewas)t?l? t?l?adjectivetepid, lukewarm cf: f?l?l?, p?l? p?l?L?? la ?aa t?l? t?l? n?.The water is tepid.t?m?nouna kind of treet?m??noun1.beard2.idol, fetisht?ns? argueBa t?ns? ba kuorii la w?aa.They argued about the toss, cast lotsBa t?ns? Yesu g?nn?? w?aa.They cast lots for Jesus clothes.t??k??r?banounwhiskers (beard and side-whiskers, cf. t?mt??ch?noun(Eng.) torch, flash lightt??komu?nounchewed tobaccot???noun suffixworthless thing or person, useless thing or personPupoye la ?aa k?t??n?? n?.The pots are useless.? ?aa n?t?? n?.He is a useless person.t??p?paa?nountobacco leavest?r? be quiet, shut upT?r? ? nii?.Be harvest (groundnuts, any fruit) ? ja? t?r? jisiee.He will harvest groundnuts.t?s?verbto sprout leaves, to get budsT?a la t?s? n?.The tree has got new leaves.t??? stabM? ja? t?? baal la ar? s?a.I am going to stab the man with a injectBa d?a t??m? n? asibiti l?.They gave me an injection at the hospital plant (used for garden eggs, calabash and melon-seed plant)M? ja? t?? gb?r?m??.I will plant garden eggs.t????exclamationall right, I agreeT??, m? ja? k?.All right, I will come.tucrush, poundM? ja? tu ch??naa a tugi n???.I will crush sheanuts and extract oil.tugiverbto pound (in a mortar)Má laa miiri? m? tugi.Get the rice and go and pound it.tulliverbto confuse somebodyBile ka tullim? n?.The child is making me confused.tuloadverbinside-out, upside-down, back to frontcf: yalaM? d?a k? ? d?a d? ma p?na, d?ns?? p?? tullu?.I came to your house yesterday when you were sleeping. Some heads were up others were down.tuluntuolonounhornbilltuolocativeto be absent, not there, be away? bala tuo ? ja? l?.Her husband is not in the village.tuo be?v phrto be dumbfounded, speechlessW??la k??m? n?, ??? n? t?? m? tuo be?.The matter is more than I can bear, that is why I am dumbfounded.tuo?iverbto rush over somethingHambiisi? tuo?i k?diilee.The children rushed over the food.tuosiverbto walk fastU faasa tutuosi.He is walking very fast.turo turoadjectivevery grubby, dirt spattered? b? l??? fo, ??? n? t?? ? yaraa kala ?aa turo turo.He has not had a bath so he is dirty all over.tutoginamb?l??nounfruit of the fig treetutogonounfig tree (ficus)tuturu?nouncold, catarrhcf: wuru?tuuverbto go down, get downK? tuu t?a la nyu?.Get down from the tree.Má tuu kpirimi.Kneel mark, to drawcf: ?m?ns?Tuuri w?? la bil.Write down the writeK?b?? n? tuuri jee la l??Who has been scribbling on the wall?M? tuuri teni? a pa m? ny?mma.I wrote a letter to my father.TuurienounOverseas, Europe, Americatuuro tuuroadjectiveto be stripedU g?r? la tuuro tuuro n?.His cloth is striped.tuutanounflagtuutuunounprostitutecf: jag?mulo, jant?rat?verbto spit? t? nant??r??.He spat out saliva.t?g? twist, sprainM? tele, m? naa? t?g?.I fell and sprained my ankle.2.chokeL??? t?g?m? n?.The water choked me.t?g? t?g?adjective or adverbstraight, upright cf: tegi tegiT?a la ch?? t?g? t?g? n?.The tree is straight.t?lverbto be shinyBeenant?r? ka t?l n?.A mirror is shiny.t?laal?nounperfumet?nt?ns?nounargumentt??nountimes (multiplication, cf. naans???)T?? b??m?? n? ? m??How many times did you go?t????verbto wiggleBile t???a n?.The child wiggled.t??balanoungraciousnesst??bal??nounambitiont??b??naanounthoughtscf: w?b??n??t??chee?nounsadness, sorrow, anguisht??dolu?nounhard-hearted, unsympathetic, pitiless, mercilesscf: nyuduo?, b??duo?t??f??lanounpeacet??g?r?nounchicken-poxt??g?r??nounevil intentiont??g??nounbitternesst??h???nounwickednesst??h??t??nanounwicked persont??lenninoundysenteryt??l? treat with preservativeM?? ch? m? t??l? m? suondoho n?.I am going to treat my beans seed with preservatives (for next year) burn outNyi? la t??la n?.The fire has burnt out. t??lu?u?noungreedt??l??noungenet, bush catt??n??nouncartridge belt worn by hunters, armourt???noun1.body inside, mind, emotion, character? h? m? luoru? t???.It is inside my pos2.inside of sth.D?a t???.Inside the room.t??? b? p?naidiomto be worriedJ?n?? m? t??? b? p?na.Today I am worried.t??? h?y?adjectivehard-heartedBaal la t??? h?y?.The man is hard-hearted.t??? k?aanouninner parts, internal organst??? l??idiomto hate, to be fed upM? t??? l?? baal la.I hate that man.L??l? m? t??? l?? k?diile la n?.I am now fed up with the food.t??? p?? d?balaidiomto be comforted, to be at peaceJ?n?? m? t??? p?? d?bala n?.Today I am comforted.t??? viisiidiomto be grievedt??? v?g?m?idiomto be sadt??p?lanounrighteousness, goodnesst??p?lt??nanoungood/righteous personBaal la ?aa t??p?l t??na n?.The man is a righteous mant??r?verbto run after, pursuecf: kiriVaha t??ra to chuomo har??.The dog chased the rabbit.t??r??nounashcf: paa t??r??t??t?g?adjectivehard-hearted, unsympathetict??t?r??nounhappiness, joyt??w???nounsympathy, compassiont?rawenoun(Eng.) trowelt?t??baan??noun1.spine, backbone2.centre, in the middlet??verbto put insideJo? daa? t?? b?a la l?.Put a stick inside the hole.t?? m?n??/peni?idiomto have sexual intercourseBaal la t?? m?n??.The man had sexual intercourse.t??bii?nounhoney-beet??gugo?nouna wooden beehivet??jaganounhoneycomb without honey in itcf: t??keli?, t??p???t??keli?nounbees' waxcf: t??jaga, t??p???t??l? be straightNyag? daa la d?? t??l?.Straighten the be correctW??la ? s? b?la b? t??la.What you said is not correct.t??n? nii?idiomto be angry, to be annoyedBaal la t??n? nii?.The man is annoyed.t???nounhoneyt??p???nounhoneycomb with honey in itcf: t??keli?, t??jagat??pupoi?nounpot beehivet??r?verbto pull out, draw out? t??r? daas? la kaa m? h? nyini?.She took the wood (out of the pile) and put it onto the fire.t??s?verbto insult, abusecf: g??s?, g?r?s?D? ? n? t??s?m?, m?na b?? t??s?.Even if you insult me, I will not abuse you back.t???s??verbto vomitM?? ch? m? t??s? n?.I feel like vomiting.t???s??verb1.harvestM?? t??s? suonoo n?.I am harvesting pick, to pick one by oneT??s? tab?aa ban?s? p?m?.Pick four stones for me.3.choose, sellectM? ja? t??s? k?al?? s? z?m?.I will sellect the good ones.Uuugiverbchew the cud, vomit deliberately? cha? namm??huo? a? ugi.He ate raw meat and vomited it deliberately.???pronounhe, him, his, she, her, hers, it?napronoun emph.emphatic form of ?t?t?apronoun emph.he himselfVvvaagiri?nounarm talismanvaag?r??nounmusclevaagulu?nounbicepsvaag?n??nounshoulder jointvaalu?nounarmpitvaam?verbto move on the ground? luoru? n?? w??, ? v?vaam? tintee?.His stomach is paining that is why he is moving on the ground.vaam??noungravevaa?nounupper arm, shouldervaap?r??nounshoulder bladevaar?verbto heal? vaar? n?aa.He healed people.vaas??nounbody from waist upwardsvaavigenounfanvabaaadjectivebig (ears)Batu? d?g?laa ?aa vabaa n?.The elephant's ears are very big.vabieganj?gabanounboiled cake of bean-flourvag?l?verbto shudder, shivercf: chelWaar?? n? k?n?, ? v?vag?l?.He is cold and shaking all over.vahanoundogvaha n??m??idiomvery painful experienceW?? la ?aa vaha n??m?? n?.The matter is very painful.vaj???nountickvakuo?noundog's wooden feeding troughval?nch?r?s??? intestinesM?na b? valuobiee ka cha?.I don't eat dog intestines.2.tug-of-warBaa l?r? valuobiee n?.They are playing with openings round a flat roofvatogu?nounchopper, small axecf: pirisaa?vegenoun(Lat.) Mitragyna inermisvendiibienouna kind of bird venenouna shrine, village idolverigiverbto spread, get bigger (wound)Bile naaw??l la verige n?.The child's sore got bigger.v??verbto walk? v?n? m? d?a.He walked home.v?r??nounearthwormv??s??verbto grip and pull with force, to jerkK?? ?m?? la v?s?.Pull the rope.viegiverbto faintBile tele n? a viegi.The child and throw violentlyVige ta!Throw it away! fanM? vigi nyini?.Fan the fire!vigi nyu?idiomto disagreeN?al?? vigi nyu? n? w?? la l?.The people disagreed with the matter.vigisiverbshake, form of vKas???aa vigisi ba gugonnu? s?m? d???.The Kasena people played the drums very loudly in another place.viiriverbto go away, depart, go homeM?? viiri n?.I am going home.viisenounvent in flat lash out, take a swing at? viisimi puri.He lashed out at me, but wag sth., move sth. aboutN?? yie viviisi ? doho.The cow is always swishing its tail.vijenenounbig clay potvili?nounwell, waterholevilliverbto walk up and down, round and round.Baal la m? ch?? lee la a vivilli.The man stayed there and walked up and down.virenoungranarycf: bavirevire d?aa granary housev?a baalato divorcev?a haalato divorcev?a taverbto abandon-v?araartclan (with common taboo)h?nv?araaclay pot clanv?ar??nounwaterlogged landv?g?l?verbwriggle, thrash (head and shoulders, also vigisi)M? k?? bile ? v?g?la laa ? t?t?a.I caught the child, but he wriggled himself free.v??l?verbto be soakDuonu? kp?m? m? kala v??l?.Rain beat me and I am soaked with water.v????verbto stir (liquid)id. Ba t??saa v???a n?.They are very very sad.v??r?verbto whip, lash, beatM? ja? v??r? bile.I will thrash the child.v?l v?ladverbvery loud? ?moo nii? v?l v?l.He cried out at the top of his voice.v?? refuse sth. ( cf. baan? 2)cf: k?s?? saa k?l?? p?m?, m? v?a.She cooked TZ for me, but I refused tabooM?? v?a g?l??gaa? n?.I taboo the crow.v?g?verbto be satisfied, full upM? dii k?l?? y?g?, m? v?g? n?.I ate lots of TZ, I am full up.v??verbto refuse, deprive? s?l g?r?? m? v?m?.He begged for a cloth but I refused him.v??verbto tie up, wrap around, to put oncf: gulV?? daas? la h? d???.Tie the stakes together.v?? keriv phrto dress well, to tuck inJ?n?? ? v?? keri n?.Today you are well dressed.v?? nii?v phrto fastM? ja? v?? nii? j?n??.I will fast today.v??l?nounfibrevugi vugiadverbsound of windPeli? ka ?aa n? vugi vugi.The wind is howling.vugumo vugumoadjectivein a state of commotion, confusionYuosu? n? sie, leri? kala ?aa vugumo vugumo.People are fighting and the whole place is in confusion.vuno vunoadjectiveround, circularcf: gulliPupoi? nii? ?aa vuno vuno n?.The mouth of the pot is round.vurigiverbto fall into, break into a hole accidentally? ja? vurigo tuu b?a.You will unexpectedly fall into a hole.vuugiverbto stir upK?? l?? la vuugi.Stir up the water.v?ch???nounmudv?g? foretell the future, practice soothsayingV?g?ra yie vug? n?.A soothsayer foretells the consult a soothsayerM? ja? m? v?g?.I am going to consult a soothsayer.v?g?m? be in a state of confusionLeri? kala v?g?ma.The whole place is in a state of confusion.? nyu? v?g?ma.He is be sickM? v?g?ma n? j?n??. Today am ? t??? v?g?ma.He is sad.v?g?ranounsoothsayer (also vuruga)v?g?r? g?alanounsoothsayer's dancev?g?r? puru?nounsoothsayer's bagv??kpaar?nounperson who sacrifices, follower of traditional religionv???nounshrine, fetish, jujuv?l?nv???nounmason waspv??verbto discuss (form of vBaa v?? w?? n?.They are discussing some matter.v??r?verbto discuss, plot, decide (also v??)La ja? v??r? a kp? b??? la.We will all decide on killing the goat.v??r??noundiscussion, plotWwwaabii?/waa?nounguinea worm diseasewaad?m??nounintestinal wormwaaf?a?nounrashwaal?verbto pour (liquid) on, over sth. (also waas?, cf. wurisi 2)cf: wurisi, Jo? l?? la waal? gaar? la.Go and water the garden.waap???nounrash (disease)waar??nouncold, coldnessWaar?? Ch?n?nouncold month (roughly December/January)waas? pour overcf: wurisi, waal?Jo? d?s?? waas? miiri la.Pour soup over the boilBa ch? p?aa n? ba w?waas?.They cooked yam and it is boiling.waawulumbii?noun1.annona tree2.small beetlewaawulumbiwienounan insectwaazunoun(Hs.) Moslem burial riteswag? part, open sth. a littleD??l?? k?? p?paar?? wag? a j?? p?? do?.The python pushed the leaves apart and settled down to rummage through sth.M? ja? wag? bukuba la, a na buku la m? s?? ch?.I will rummage through the books to find the one I want.wahalanoun(Hs) troublewaj?anoun1.champion2.maker of powerful medicine, person who makes frequent use of a shrinewal?s?noun(Eng.) wireless, radio, tape recorderwal?mamod vto try, attemptMá m? wal?ma na.Go and try.wal?m?verbto trouble, bother, disturbcf: daam?S?? baal la wal?m?.Do not trouble the man.wal??nouna catfishwananaadjective or adverbto be bright (a lamp)cf: fag? fag?, paratataChaa? la ?aa wanana.The lamp is very bright.Chaa? la cholo n? wanana.The lamp shines very brightly.wans?verbto pour sth. out (from a container)cf: torisiWans? t?b? p?m?.Pour some tobacco powder out for me.wanza? shaver2.person who performs male or female circumcisionwara waraadjectiverough, stonyLeela ?aa wara wara n?.The place is very rocky.wasa liisiv phrto reviseMá le? la wasa liisi w?al?? la s? g?nna.Let us revise what we learnt.was? equip, decorate, furnishM? ja? was? m? d?a.I will furnish my repairM? ja? was? m? t??la.I am going to have my sewing machine put properlyK?? teibilba la wasa bil.Put the tables do sth. againWasa d??s? ? p?aa.Count your yams do well? wasa n? ? s? k?? bile m? asibiti.She did well to take the child to suck breastBile was? y?l??.The child sucked (his mother's) bake?? was? boroboro n?.He is baking roastLaa namm?a kaa m? was?.Take the meat and roast it.waw??nounleopardcf: kpeyewàverbto remaincf: dieniM? gb?r? baal la a? ka ? wa d?a l?.I waited for the man but he remained in his house.wà growBile l??l? waa n?.The child is grown live, exist, surviveD? kudiilee tuo, n??kala b? waa.Without food nobody can survive.weiverbto be aliveM? naa? b? s?ba, ? weye n?.My mother is not dead, she is alive.werigiverbto be wild, dangerousNambag?la ch? ? yuo bag?la, d? bag?la werige.The hunter aimed at the antelope, but it run wild.w?mborurothief, robberw?nchemenounceremony on a road when a woman is pregnant for the first time w?n??nounway, pathcf: wombii?w?y?noun(Eng.) wirewielenounage-matewiemenounduikerwieniverbto warm oneself (in the sun or by fire)Ba h?n? wieni nyini?.They sat and warmed themselves by the harden a metalBa wieri h?? la n?.The metal has been fortify with jujuBa wieru n?, ??? n? t?? s?a b? ? l? ka dii.They have fortified him with juju, that is why a cutlass cannot inflict a wound on him.wiesebreath, respirationwiese puriv phrto pant? wiesee puri n?. He panted, grasped.wiese taverbexhaleLa yie wiesi pel la s? b? z?? ta n?. We exhale the air which is not breatheBile fá l?l n? a wiesee puri.The child run and got tired and was rest, have a holidayM?? wiesi n?.I am resting. I am on safe from (worry, trouble)? n? fá m? g?r??, ??? n? ? ja? wiesi porisiba n?s?? l?.If you run away from home, you will be safe from the police.wiesim?acommaw?anounsunW?anounGodW?a ja?nounheavenw?a nenii?nounthe finger next to the thumbW?a nii? w?aanounScripturesW?a nyini?nounhellW?a teni?nounthe BibleW?a w?laab?llanounprophetw?aanounthingsw?aa h?y?idiomto be troublesome, to be difficultw?anyu?nounskyw??verbhurt, acheM? nyu? w?? n?.My head is aching.W??ch??lanounmonotheist (Christian or Moslem)W??ch??l? d?anoun1.churchcf: ch??ch? of worshipw??h??sieseetempmidday (between 12pm and 1pm)W??h??siesee n? ? d?a k?.He came midday yesterday.w??h?y?tempafternoonW??jar?bak?nounMighty Godw??j??l??noun1.sunset2.westw??l?verbto be ill?? w??l? n?, ? b? t?nt???aa wuo t??.He is ill and cannot do any work.w??mulu?/w??mulu? s???nounsunw??nyaan??nounsunlightw???noun1.word, thingW??? dee? b?b??? n? b???What is the meaning of this word?2.matter, business, action? b? ja? ?aa w??kala.It does not matter.w??p?s??noun1.sunrise2.eastw??p?s?? nadii?nounsouth (directions)w??p?s?? nag?anounnorth (direction)wogiverbto shellWogi kube la puru? ta ka d? la cha?.Shell the coconut so that we can eat it.wogiliverbto force open lock or doorBa wogili boro la.They opened the door by force.wogili b?b???idiomto expose, to reveal a secret-wogortdifferent, strangecf: -tan??kuoriwogo.different chief.wogoadverbin vaincf: p??? ja? m? lee la wogo.You will go there in vain.wokunounblacksmith chiselwolliverbto shell (groundnuts)M? ja? wolli jisii?.I am going to shell some groundnuts.wombiig?s?nouncrossroadwombii?noun1.path, way, roadcf: w?n??2.journey3.permission, access, opportunity4.way of action; deedswombii? t??? daag?r?nounwayside roots (medicinal)wombii? t??? p?paa?nounwayside leaves (medicinal)wombiiv?nn?nountravellerwo?interrogativewho?cf: k?b??, Wo? n? b?la p???Who told you?woriverbto solve a problemK?b?? n? wori w?? la l??Who solved the problem?woru?adjective or adverb1.very much, very big T??bal n? woru?..It is a very big tree.2.wellB?l w?? la woru?.Say the matter well.woso wosoadverbundisciplined, doing things hurriedly, superficiallycf: basa basa, piri piri? ?aa w?aa kala woso woso n?.He does everything superficially.wotoexclamation(Hs) so, well, what if?Woto, m? s?? m? K?mas?, ba?m?? n? ba ja? laa?What if I go to Kumasi, how much will they charge me?wóverbto germinateJisii la ka wo n?.The groundnuts are climb through? wule to k?r? j??.He climbed through the press (on the side of the body) ? jo? k?al?? wul n?.He is pressing the things on the side of his body.wulimiverbto boil (water)L?? la wulimi n?.The water is boiling.wulliverbto turn over, somersaultK?? chenfilii la kaa wulli.Turn the fish over.Wulumbele/Wulunhiesinountime when the big heat starts (roughly February )wulumu?nounheatWulunn???nounbeginning of the farming season, hottest time (roughly March) be able to do sth.M? ja? wuo j?l basikuuri.I can ride a afford, manageM? b? wuo.I cannot afford be stronger thanM? n? wuo baal la.I am stronger than that be emptyD?a la wuolo n?, m? ha b? godo y?b?.My room is empty, I have not yet bought a be open, to be uncoveredM? d?a la wuolo n?, kap?nta ha b? kpaasa.My house is uncovered, because the carpenter has not put a roof on open (funeral)M? ja? wuoli yoho j?n??.I shall open the funeral today.-wuolo-adjempty thingwuooexclamationoh! (excl. of astonishment)cf: asee!, pat?Wuoo, k?la y?ga!Oh, how big it is!wuriverbto remove, strip? wuri ? g?r?? a m? fo l???.He stripped off his clothes and had a turn sth. over, tosscf: waal?, K?? suono la wurisi d? n??? k? j?l.Turn the beans so that oil will come pour sth. over? jo? l??? ari lo? wurisi ? t?t?a.He poured water over himself from the gourd.wurisi l???verbto shower, to have a batheM?? ch? m? wurisi l??? n?.I want to wuruverbthe sound of a falling wallD?a la tele wuru.The building fell with a great crash.wuru?nouncold, catarrhcf: tuturu?wuuadverbcontinuously, for a long timecf: dee? dee?, geem, hal??? ?aa ??? wuu.He did this for a long wuu kala w?? n?sth. which happened a long time agowuu tuoidiomno condition is permanentwuuriverbto cook half way? wuuri namm?a la n?.He did not cook the meat properly.w?-rtword, matterw?binecomplicated matterw?berigenounan abnormal thing, mysterious thingw?b??what (matter)w?bii?nounword, important matterw?binenoundeep things, hidden thingsw?b??n??nounthoughtcf: t??b??naaw?b?n??nounold matterw?b?ldeendee?nountalkativenessw?b?l??noun1.speech, conversation2.language, dialectw?ch??l??nounaim, objective, wishw?chirichireliable thingw?dagaanouninstructionw?dag??/w?g?nn??nounlessonw?duo?noundifficult mattercf: dolu?w?faal??nounhidden thingw?fuolu?nounindecent things, filthy talks, vulgar language, profane language? cho w?fuoloo b?l??.He likes to use filthy language.w?haanoundifficult thingw?h??r?/w?h??r?nountroublemakercf: n?b?mbaaraw?j?m??nounwisdomcf: s??pollu?w?j?nnanounwise personw?j??l??nountroublew?kaamag?s??nounexamplew?k?n??nounbehaviourcf: nag??/nag?s??, w?kuu?nounphrase, short matterw?lverbto raise one's headK?? nyu? w?l.Raise your head.w?libenounpassage in a bookw?l?m??noun1.urgent matter,cf: chinchelli?2.excitement, impatience, anxietyw?l??nounbody markw?lu?u?nounpoemw?l??nounkob (a buck)w?naaderi?nounsentencew?ny??ra/w?ny??r?nounliarw?ny??r??nounlie, untruthw?nyu?nounthe most important thingw??aal??noundeed, action, activity w?p??s??nounquestionw?p??s?? mag?l??nounquestion markw?r?g? cheat, deprive sb. of his shareBa w?r?g?m? n? k?al?? kpaan?? l?.They cheated me in sharing the damage, harm, punishM? ja? w?r?g??, ? b? kudiilee dii j?n??.I will punish you, you shall not have any food today.w?t?t??nountruthcf: t???B?l w?t?t??.Say the truth.w?t?t?? d?r?idiomto be tired, to be exhaustedw?t?t?? n??s??factw?t??nounuseless matterw?wal?m??nountroubleYyyaaexclamationpleaseYaa j?? ?aa l??? k?.Please, go and get some water.yaa?particlehabituallyMa yaa? s?? daha j??.Do not keep coming here.-yaar??ndull, stupid, foolish, sillypieyaaraastupid sheep-yaayaaadjuseless, worthless, poor qualitycf: -p??, -fuolog?r?yaayaashirt of poor qualityyadiis??nanounkind of small grassyaf??l??noun1.seed-head of grass2.wheatyag? throw and hit, splash out sth. and hit? yag?m? ar? tab???.He stoned play a finger bell? yag? kpala.He played a finger lock a door? yag? m? boi? nii? n???Did you lock my door? have sexN?? haal n? ? yag? ba k??.He played sex with somebobdy's wife and they caught Wulumu? yaga n?.It is hot season.yag? b??idiomto do sth. in vainyag? kpa?kpanteidiomto be on footJ?n?? m? basikuuri tuo ??? n? t?? m?? yag? kpa?kpante.Today my bicycle is not there, that is why I am on foot.yag?s?verbto get fewerPiedaara b? piesee ka be? woru?, ??? n? t?? ba kala yag?s?.The shepherd is not taking good care of the sheep, that is why there are only a few left.yak???grasslandyalaadverbwrong side, wrong waycf: tuloS?? k?? g?r? la pilimi yala.Do not wear your cloth inside out.yal?b?verbto be diseased T?a la yal?ba n?.The tree is diseased.yal??nounsale, selling priceyall? sellM? ja? yall? namm?a.I am going to sell betray? jommi yall? n?.He betrayed me.ya?noun1.grass, haycf: g?r??, baga2.bush, backwoods, field, yam fieldBa kiri gaara, ? fá j?? ya? t???.They chased a thief and he ran into the bush.ya? daalusu?nounweedicideyaraanounbody? yaraa ka t?s? n?.His body is itching.yar?bieri?nounjealousy, envyyar?bireenounnakednessyar?danoun1.(Hs.), beliefyar?f?? (good)2.peaceyar?jag??noungreed, envyyar?l???aanounailment, disease, physical ailmentyar?w???nounlazinessyaw??l??noun1.sickness2.injuryyàaràmod vto be good, betterBa n? fa yaara jo? n?? la a yall? ? n? kp?a.They would have done better to sell the oil.yàar??verbto be dull, stupid, sillyBile yaara n?.The child is silly.yegiliverbto rinseJo? gba?a la yegili.Rinse that cry, weep, wail, to raise an alarmcf: bunsi, ch??r?, chiesi? ?moo bile, ? ja? yel.If you beat the child, he will cry.Ba d?a yele yoho l?.They lamented at the funeral fermentS?n?? yele.The pito is fermented.yelliverbto lean againstcf: p??ll??Ch?na yelli t?a la.Stand up and lean against that make a mistakecf: perigiM? ye??e.I made a go astray? ye??i wombii?.He lost the way.y?r? moribieeidiomto change moneyy??r??verbsew? y?r? g?r??.He sewed a dress.y??r?? break, split, smash sth.Y?r? daala p?m?.Split the wood for be crackedM? niipini? y?r? n?.My lip is reach, arriveMa yi Tumu n???Have you arrived in Tumu? be about? yi j?s?? fii.She is about 10 years old.yibiini?nounrainy seasonyieparticleonly, just, recently? yie k?, d? ? ny?mma s?ba.He just arrived when his father had died.yiegiverbto faintD? ba n? b? k?diilee die, ba ja? m? yiegi w?n?? l?.If they do not eat, they will faint on the way.yieniverbto spread out to dryChag? g?r?? a yieni.Wring the cloth and spread it out to come out (stars)Ch?nw?laa kala yiere n? j?n??.All the stars are clearly to be seen today.2.germinate (groundnuts, beans)Jisii la kala yiere n?.The groundnut have all germinated.yigiverbto pushYigi luori.Push the car.yikori?m?l??nounthe throat tractyikoronoun1.throat2.voice, language, dialect-yiriadj1.kind, type of sth.t??yiribavarious kinds of treesrt2.triben?yiriba, tribes of peopleyisolu?nouna kind of shrubyìepronoun emph.used to give contrastive emphasis on the preceding word? yie b? k?, ? ?aana n?? k?.He himself did not come, but his younger brother did.yíeparticlerepeatedly, habitually, alwayscf: yaa?U yie k? ta? k?bala. He used to go to a certain town.y?verbto knock, bump against? y?m? n?.You bumped into me.y?am??nounsour-water (millet-flour, fermented in water)y?b??nountoadcf: samp?r?y?b???nounlump of salty??laanounhopey??l?verbto expect, wait for, hopecf: jegiliM? d?a y??l? m? nand??? dee? dee?, ka ? b? k?.I waited for my friend for a long time yesterday, but he did not come.y??m?verbto be sourLiemu la y??ma.The orange is sour.y??l??nounsong, hymny??l?taaranounsong leadery??l?y??ranounsingery?l?nii?nounnippley?l??noun1.breast, bosom, uddercf: y?ll???2.milky?l?tiiri?nounthe last child of a woman, lastborny?ll???nounbreast milkcf: y?l??y?rach??nounsyllabley?r?tempnext yearY?r? ? ja? m? Kumasi.Next year he will go to Kumasi.y?r??noun1.name2.reputation? p?m? y?r??.He praised me, spoke well of mey?s??nounsalty?? hand or pass overBa jo? s?? la y?a kal?baa.They handed the corpse over to the Sextons.Jo? boribii? y?a.Give me the turn one's back toH?n? chaas?m?, s?? har?? jo?o y?a.Sit and face me, don't turn your back to me.y???verb1.make mounds (yams or millet)Má y?? p??p?ny?laa.Make yam mounds!2.singMá y?? y??l??.Sing a song.y??ránoun1.meeting, assembly, ceremony2.durbary??r??verbto callY?r? baal la.Call the man.yobaalanounwidoweryobugu?nounlast day of a funeralyodaaranounfuneral attendant, sympathiseryod?anounthe day after a funeral when realtives of the deceased visit their neighboursyohaalanounwidowyomu?noun1.juice2.meat broth, gravyyonaam??nounsecond day of a funeralyorototoadjectivevery cleanT??? ?aa yorototo.Honey is very clean.yot?ndaaranounfuneral messengeryowuolu?nounfirst day of a funeralyòhónounpatridgeyóhónounfuneralyómònounslavey?b?noun1.marketD? ? m? y?b?, k?? y?b? bie kaa k?.If you go to the market, bring me sth. (6 days)Y??s?? bal?a p?g? m? ja? m? Tamal?.Two weeks time I will go to Tamale.y?b? bieidioma gift from the markety?b? ch???nounmarket dayy??verbto buyMá m? y?? p?aa.Go and buy some yams.y??diirenountradery?r?m? break apart, fall apart? v?? daas??, ba y?r?m?.He tied the sticks together, but they fell loose weight? y?r?m?.He lost weight.y?r?s?verbbreak into piecesK?? kuosiela y?r?s?.Break the bean cake into pieces.yuguliverbto have fresh leaves (e.g tree)T?a la yugulo n?.The tree has fresh leaves.yu?verbto be heavyHaal la yu?ie n? woru?.The woman is very heavy.yu?u?noun1.weight2.value3.quantityyuo...puriv phroff target or misfireNambag?la yuo suu? puri.The hunter aimed at the guinea fowl and missed it.yuo ?m??idiomcommit suicidecf: daas??g?? yuo ?m?n??/daas??g?.He committed fall, scatter, to shedT?a la p?paar?? yuoro n?.The tree shed its disappearBile s??kp?n?? yuoro.The child's rash cleared give up, abandonN?aa fa y?ga a m?m? ch??ch?, ama l??l? ba kala yuoro n?.Many people used to go to church, but they have given it who shoots a gun or bowtoyuoroarcher2.gambler, player of a gamekp?yuorogambler3.spinner, weaverku?kunyuorocotton-spinneryuosu?nounfight/s, quarrel/scf: taaw??yuuverbto dipJo? n?s?? yuu l??? l?.Dip your hand into water.yúó roof (mud roof)Má yuo d?a la.Roof the houe with throw, shootHambiisi? ka yuo tab?aa.The children are throwing fightLa ja? yuo d???.We will fight one gush outChal?? yuo.Blood gushed spin, weave? yuo g?r??m?n??.y?verbto forgetD? m? n? y?a, ? liisimi.If I forget, remind me.y?g?verbto be big, to be fatHaal la y?ga.The woman is fat.Pupoi la y?ga.The pot is big.y?g?numeralmany, to be muchcf: -k?n?, k??k??N?aa y?ga aa t?? n?m?.Many people are working there.y?g?l?verbto pour sth.F??la y?g?l? s?? la.Pour off the pito carefully (so that the dregs stay at the bottom).y??l?verbto dissolveD? ? n? jo? y?s?? h? l??? l? ? ja? y??l?.If you put salt into water, it will dissolve.y??l??nountassely??r? get weakM? yaraa kala n? y??ra.I am feeling weak in my be confused or confounded? nandaas?? kala y??ra n?.He was shocked (or discouraged).y??s?verbto be busy doing sth.Ba y??sa n? a ???aa k?diilee.They were busy cooking.Zzzaar?verbto fly, to hoverzaar?kokobienounlittle African swiftZag?belenounsowing season (roughly May)Zag?n???nounsowing season (roughly June)zal??nouna pile of calabash in a net that is hanging on somethingzaw?ranounentrance room to compound, porchzàaránounbird (gen. term)cf: fille/fillu, diibiezàarámod valreadyBa n? m? zaara na.I have already seen them.z?b??adjectivefolded over? g?r?fehe ?aa z?b?? n?.His pocket is (torn and) folded over.z?mb?nountreachery, treason, betrayalz?mb? t??nanountreacherous person, tale panicD?a n? tele m? nyu? zigili.A house colapsed and I shake, trembleTintee? kala zigile n?.There was an earthquakeziipunoun(Eng.) zipzilverbto respect sb., to show kindnessN?al?? ka zil kuoro n? woru?.The people respect the chief very much.zilenoun1.honour, respect2.kindnesszinzi?adverbvery heavyH??la yu?ie zinzi?.The metal is very heavy.z?l?numeralone hundred, one penny (obsolete)cf: -gba?a-z?m??adjgood, nice, beautifulhaz?m??a very nice womanz??verbto be good, nice, beautifulM? d?a z?m?, ??? n? t?? n??kala k?k? m? tee?.My house is beautiful, that is why everyone comes to me.zuuadjectivelarge, heavy, clumsyN?? la nyu? ?aa zuu n?.The cow’s head is large and heavy.zuuriverbrespectBa k?n? zuuri n?.They are showing him respect.z?aaadjectivevery weak? yaraa kala ?aa z?aa n?.His whole body is weak.z?aa z?aaadverbslowly, weaklyB?? n? t?? ? v?v?? z?aa z?aa?Why are you walking so slowly?z?g?l?verbto lose weight, be sicklycf: l??r?Bile b? waa, a? ka ? naa? k?? luoru?, ??? n? t?? ? z?g?l?.The child had not been weaned yet, when his mother became pregnant again, that is why he lost weight.z??r?verbto light fireChol nyini? a z??r? ya? laGet some fire and light the grass. ................

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