Midterm Exam - October 2010

Midterm Exam - October 2010

Do NOT write on this exam. Use your remote to send your answers. Each question is worth one point.


Indicate whether the statement is true or false. Use ‘A’ for True and ‘B’ for False.

1. The first part of the Stone Age is also called the Paleolithic Era.

2. Permanent settlements were built when people began to raise crops and animals.

3. An artifact is a bone that has turned into rock.

4. Early agricultural societies can best be described as nomadic.

5. The Assyrians were known for the kindness they showed to the people they conquered.

6. In Sumer, men and women shared political power equally.

7. The Phoenicians’ most significant achievement was the development of cuneiform.

8. The Nile river was the most important river of all in ancient Sumer.

9. All Egyptians were mummified at death.

10. Hinduism was founded by Brahman in about 800 BC.

11. In Hinduism, fulfilling one’s dharma allows a person to create good karma, to avoid suffering, and, eventually, to break free from the cycle of rebirth.

12. Buddhism is an ancient religion that can be traced back to the teachings of one man in the 500s BC.

13. One of the most important rivers in Ancient China was the Yellow river.

14. Greeks gathered every four years at Olympia for the Olympic Games to compete against each other and to honor the gods.

15. Greek drama had its roots in Athens and was created as part of religious festivals honoring Dionysus, the god of wine and celebration.

16. Hellenistic culture blended elements of Greek civilization with ideas from Persia, Egypt, Central Asia, and other regions.

17. Alexander the Great built the largest empire the world had ever seen.

18. Italy’s location on a peninsula, the protection provided by the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea, and its climate made it ideally suited for the emergence of a mighty empire.

19. Prior to the compilation of the Law of the Twelve Tables, patrician judges made decisions based on secret laws unknown to plebeians.

20. The emperor Constantine helped to spread Christianity when he became a Christian.

21. The Romans founded a new type of government called a ‘republic’, in which people chose officials to represent them.

22. The Greek god Zeus becomes the almighty Roman God Juno.

23. Patricians were wealthy Romans that typically owned property and held important government jobs

24. Massive Roman military units were called Tribunes.

25. The Iroquois built longhouses from elm bark that grew in the Desert West.

26. The Zapotec, Toltec, and Maya all built cities.

27. The Aztecs built the city of Tenochtitlán on a swampy island in Lake Texcoco because they saw an eagle perched on a cactus eating a snake there.

28. The Incas had an extensive system of roads that linked cities all over the empire.

29. At its height, the Aztecs ruled hundreds of other city-states and about 5 million people were part of the empire.

30. Slash-and-burn agriculture was used by the Maya to clear forest land for farming.

31. Muslims believe that Allah is the same God as in the Jewish and Christian traditions.

32. Muhammad considered Abraham, Moses, and Jesus to be messengers from God.

33. The goal of the First Crusade was to take Jerusalem and the area around it, known as the Holy Land, away from the Muslims who controlled it.

34. Fires and the spread of disease were constant threats in medieval cities.

35. Anti-Semitic feelings in Europe increased as a result of the plague.

36. Many Europeans believed that the Black Death had been sent by God to punish them for their sins.

37. A lord was required to treat his knights fairly, protect them if attacked, and settle disputes.

38. Medieval castles were large, beautiful, had dozens of private bedrooms, and included many luxuries, such as indoor plumbing and ventilation systems.

39. To attack a castle in the middle ages of Europe one might use a trebuchet, a battering ram and an abbot.

40. A ‘layperson’ is a person who is not a member of a church.

41. Canons and the long bow helped to bring about an end to the effectiveness of a knight’s value on the battlefield toward the end of the middle ages.

42. Some common geographic features of a good site for a town in the middle ages in Europe included valleys, deserts and heavily forested land.

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Use your remote to answer the questions.

43. Why did Louis Leakey name the hominid remains he had found Homo habilis, or “handy man”?

|a. |because this hominid learned to control fire |

|b. |because this hominid learned to make and use crude tools |

|c. |because this hominid developed language |

|d. |because this hominid developed the work-for-wages system |

44. Homo sapiens means

|a. |southern ape. |c. |upright man. |

|b. |modern man. |d. |wise man. |

45. Most Geologists and other scientists believe that the world is approximately:

|a. |5 million years old |c. |5 billion years old |

|b. |500 million years old |d. |5 thousand years old |

46. The Neolithic Revolution refers to a time when early humans

|a. |mastered fire |c. |began to organize governments. |

|b. |developed agriculture. |d. |migrated from Africa. |

47. Which of the following best defines the word ‘sedentary’?

|a. |moving regularly from place to place. |c. |staying in one place regularly. |

|b. |farming. |d. |eating animals that are already dead by other means. |

48. What is the term used to describe the process by which species (of plant or animal) changes over time to adapt to their environment through natural selection?

|a. |Evolution |c. |Devolution |

|b. |History |d. |Neolithic Revolution |

49. Three of the four earliest civilizations originated on which continent?

|a. |Europe |c. |Asia |

|b. |Africa |d. |Australia |

50. All of the the earliest civilizations developed near which of the following geographic feature?

|a. |Mountains |c. |Deserts |

|b. |Rivers |d. |Peninsulas |

51. Which of the following is the most sacred text of Judaism?

|a. |the Talmud |c. |the Hebrew Bible |

|b. |the Torah |d. |the Old Testament |

52. Sumerian writing is called

|a. |Sanskrit. |c. |stylus. |

|b. |the Phoenician alphabet. |d. |cuneiform. |

53. Which Persian king’s tolerance of other people’s customs won him the respect of those he conquered?

|a. |Cyrus the Great |c. |Darius |

|b. |Cambyses II |d. |Zoroaster |

|Hammurabi’s Code |

|Hammurabi’s Code listed 282 laws dealing with a variety of subjects. A few examples of these laws are listed below. |

|196. If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out. |

|197. If he breaks another man’s bone, his bone shall be broken. |

|198. If he put out the eye of a freed man, or break the bone of a freed man, he shall pay one [silver] mina. |

|199. If he put out the eye of a man’s slave, or break the bones of a man’s slave, he shall pay one-half of its value. |

|200. If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out. |

|201. If he knock out the teeth of a freed man, he shall pay one-third of a [silver] mina. |

|202. If any one strike the body of a man higher in rank than he, he shall receive sixty blows with an ox-whip in public. |

| |

54. Based on this passage from Hammurabi’s Code, in Babylonian society

|a. |all people were treated equally. |

|b. |no one owned slaves. |

|c. |punishment was based on social status. |

|d. |women had the same rights as men. |

55. Which ‘evil’ creature is featured in both the Creation story of Judaism (Garden of Eden) and in the epic story of Gilgamesh

|a. |a rabbit |c. |a kangaroo |

|b. |a serpent |d. |an elephant |

56. ____________ is the worship of many gods.

|a. |dualism |c. |polytheism |

|b. |monotheism |d. |none of the above |

57. A(n) ___________________ is a land that includes different kingdoms and people under one ruler.

|a. |dynasty |c. |empire |

|b. |dictator |d. |Sanskrit |

58. A series of rulers from one family is called a(n):

|a. |Emperor |c. |Tyrant |

|b. |Dynasty |d. |Monopoly |

59. Which of the following is NOT a trait that is essential to civilization

|a. |Specialized workers |c. |Rise of cities |

|b. |Hunting |d. |Complex institutions (ex. government) |

60. Which group of ancient people discovered that an extract from the glands of snails made a purple dye that was desired by the wealthy and was very expensive?

|a. |Phoenicians |c. |Hittites |

|b. |Assyrians |d. |Sumerians |

61. What is important about the Rosetta stone?

|a. |It enabled archeologists to know more about ancient |c. |It retells the story of Gilgamesh. |

| |Mesopotamia. | | |

|b. |It allowed scholars to read the Egyptian hieroglyphics. |d. |All of the above are true. |

62. Which of the following Egyptian kingdoms built the large pyramids of Giza?

|a. |The Old Kingdom |c. |The New Kingdom |

|b. |The Middle Kingdom |d. |None of the above |

“The Brahmin was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya [Kshatriya] made. His thighs became the Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced.”

—Rigveda, 10.90

63. Read the passage from the Rigveda. Which of the following would you expect to have the lowest status in Vedic society?

|a. |the Brahmin |c. |the Vaisya |

|b. |the Rajanya |d. |the Sudra |

64. Mountains, hills, and deserts helped the Chinese to thrive because

|a. |they provided varied ecosystems for a wide variety of plants and animals. |

|b. |these features protected China from invasion. |

|c. |the dangers located there taught the Chinese how to be great warriors. |

|d. |these features encouraged the Chinese to become expert hunter-gatherers. |

65. The Buddha taught

|a. |following your desires leads to enlightenment. |

|b. |suffering is not part of human life. |

|c. |it is best to avoid meditation. |

|d. |those who follow the Eightfold Path can attain nirvana. |

66. In Hinduism, it is the sum total of all deeds (good and bad) done in a lifetime.

|a. |Dharma |c. |Siddhartha |

|b. |Karma |d. |Vedas |

67. Which of the following represents a difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?

|a. |Reincarnation |c. |Dharma |

|b. |Karma |d. |Caste system |

68. The Battle of Salamis was significant because it

|a. |finally exacted revenge for Darius’s defeat in Athens. |

|b. |made a small force of Spartans martyrs for the Greek cause. |

|c. |marked the first time the Spartans and Athenians cooperated in battle. |

|d. |stranded the Persian army in Greece without naval support. |

69. Spartan society revolved around training for war because

|a. |warfare was their favorite activity. |

|b. |Spartans feared helot rebellions. |

|c. |Spartans wanted to dominate the entire Mediterranean world. |

|d. |Spartans believed they could not achieve immortality without proving their bravery in battle. |

70. Who was the famous Greek teacher that instructed Alexander the Great?

|a. |Socrates |c. |Plato |

|b. |Aristotle |d. |none of the above |

71. It is the type of government favored in Sparta

|a. |Monarchy |c. |Oligarchy |

|b. |Aristocracy |d. |Democracy |

72. Most of what we know about Socrates comes from the writing of

|a. |Socrates himself |c. |Hippocrates |

|b. |Pericles |d. |Plato |

73. This pair of people were some of the first historians in Ancient Greeece

|a. |Thucydides and Herodotus |c. |Thucydides and Sophocles |

|b. |Pericles and Socrates |d. |Thucydides and Aristophanes |


74. The chart titled “Roman Government” shows that the Romans designed their government to

|a. |promote trade and commerce. |

|b. |centralize power in one person. |

|c. |respond quickly to military attacks. |

|d. |incorporate checks on the power of different parts of government. |

75. Study the chart titled “Roman Government.” In what way could tribunes check the power of the elected magistrates?

|a. |by vetoing laws |

|b. |by vetoing the actions of the magistrates |

|c. |by controlling the magistrates’ budget |

|d. |by passing laws |

76. Why did a group of senators murder Julius Caesar?

|a. |because he was extremely unpopular with the Roman people |

|b. |to dismantle the Republic and return governing power to the monarchy |

|c. |because he was waging a civil war |

|d. |to prevent him from destroying the Roman Republic |

77. Electing tribunes and displaying the Law of the Twelve Tables

|a. |benefited tribunes. |

|b. |showed the influence of the Etruscans. |

|c. |protected plebeians against unjust treatment by patricians. |

|d. |violated the constitution hammered out by patricians and plebeians. |

78. Because the Law of the Twelve Tables were displayed, judges could not

|a. |show partiality to non-Romans. |

|b. |discriminate against Etruscans. |

|c. |make decisions based on secret laws. |

|d. |preserve the status of plebeians. |

79. Roman audiences enjoyed public entertainment

|a. |in the Forum on Capitoline Hill. |c. |on the Palatine and Pont du Gard. |

|b. |in temples and at the Forum. |d. |in the Colosseum or at Circus Maximus. |

80. Some Jews believed that Jesus of Nazareth was the ____________, a spiritual leader who had come to restore the ancient Kingdom of Israel and bring peace to the world.

|a. |God |c. |Messiah |

|b. |Consul |d. |Patrician |

81. Which term correctly identifies common Romans at the bottom of the social pyramid - typically farmers, craftpeople and merchants?

|a. |Plebeians |c. |Patricians |

|b. |Tribunes |d. |Vandals |

82. Which of the following was the empire that Rome fights in the Punic wars?

|a. |Persians |c. |Jews |

|b. |Greeks |d. |Carthage |

83. What was the primary purpose of an aqueduct?

|a. |allowed people and animals to cross valleys |c. |was designed as a place for gladiators to fight in public|

|b. |delivered water to cities |d. |used on a battlefield to conquer land |


84. Based on the map titled “North American Cultures,” which of the culture groups below would be most likely to have difficulty collecting enough water to farm?

|a. |the Desert West |c. |the Far West |

|b. |the Eastern Woodlands |d. |the Great Plains |

85. Based on the map titled “North American Cultures,” which of the culture groups below would be most likely to build homes of ice?

|a. |Great Plains |c. |Eastern Woodlands |

|b. |Far West |d. |Arctic and Subarctic |

“All the walls of that shrine were so splashed and caked with blood that they and the floor too were black. Indeed, the whole place stank abominably.”

—Bernal Díaz del Castillo, The Conquest of New Spain, 1568

86. Bernal Díaz del Castillo was most likely describing a temple of which of the following peoples?

|a. |the Iroquois |c. |the Anasazi |

|b. |the Aztecs |d. |the Olmec |

87. What does the term ‘Pre-Columbian’ refer to?

|a. |Before the birth of Christopher Columbus |c. |Before Columbus arrived in the Americas |

|b. |After Columbus arrived in the Americas |d. |None of the above |

88. The ice bridge theory is used to describe:

|a. |how the anasazi decline. |c. |the change in climate that made it easier to grow food. |

|b. |how Aisan hunter-gatherers migrated to the Americas. |d. |and predict future changes in our climate. |

89. The economy of the Muslim community depended largely on

|a. |commerce. |c. |the banking industry. |

|b. |subsistence agriculture. |d. |manufacturing. |

90. At the time of Muhammad’s birth, what brought religious pilgrims to Mecca?

|a. |the House of Wisdom |c. |the Dome of the Rock |

|b. |the Kaaba |d. |the variety of mosques |

“Do not argue with the followers of earlier revelation otherwise than in a most kindly manner–unless it be such of them as are bent on evil-doing–and say: ‘We believe in that which has been bestowed from on high upon us, as well as that which has been bestowed upon you; for our God and your God is one and the same.’”

--Qur’an 29:46

91. Read the passage from the Qur’an. The “followers of earlier revelation” are Jews and Christians, illustrating that Muslims believe that

|a. |there is more than one true God. |

|b. |Jews and Christians worship idols. |

|c. |Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God. |

|d. |Jews and Christians worship a different God than Allah. |

92. Europe became a feudal society because

|a. |the rarity of cash required land to be used as a payment for services. |

|b. |Europeans needed to defend themselves against constant raids and invasions. |

|c. |overpopulation required that a more efficient agricultural system be developed. |

|d. |skilled craftspeople had emerged as farming techniques improved. |

“Hear you my Lord. . . that I. . . shall be to you both faithful and true, and shall owe my Fidelity unto you, for the Land that I hold of you, and lawfully shall do such Customs and Services, as my Duty is to you, at the times assigned. So help me God and all his Saints.”

—from The Manner of Doing Homage and Fealty

93. The excerpt from The Manner of Doing Homage and Fealty is an example of

|a. |a serf’s contract. |c. |an oath of loyalty. |

|b. |a Domesday passage. |d. |a feudal marriage vow. |

94. Which event, more than any other, signified the beginning of the ‘dark ages’ in Europe

|a. |The collapse of the Roman Empire |c. |The Crusades |

|b. |The Bubonic Plague |d. |The development of towns |

95. Which of the following is true of the Black Death?

|a. |The virus was carried by rats and transmitted by fleas |c. |It sometimes started with tumors that would grow under |

| | | |the armpit and groin |

|b. |It was also known as the Bubonic plague |d. |all of the above are true. |

96. Which of the following is the term that describes the land given to a knight for his service?

|a. |serf |c. |vassal |

|b. |fief |d. |fealty |

97. Serfs were

|a. |legally tied to the manor and couldn’t leave. |c. |special knights used for naval battles. |

|b. |lords of the manor. |d. |young peasants who wanted to become knights. |

98. What were some of the social responsibilities that were carried out by the Catholic Church during the middle ages in Europe?

|a. |education |c. |taking care of the elderly |

|b. |taking care of the sick and poor |d. |all of the above |


99. Based on the map titled “The First Crusades, 1095–1204,” Crusaders from England on the Third Crusade primarily traveled to the Holy Land by

|a. |horse. |c. |foot. |

|b. |boat. |d. |wagon train. |

100. What is another name for the plague that devastated Europe in the mid-1300s?

|a. |the Human Scourge |c. |the Black Death |

|b. |the Mongol Hordes |d. |the Danse Macabre |

Midterm Exam - October 2010

Answer Section


1. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 1.1.1

STA: 9.1.01 | 9.1.03 | 9.1.04

2. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 1.2.2

STA: 9.1.05 | 9.8.03

3. ANS: F PTS: 1

4. ANS: F PTS: 1

5. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 2.2.2

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.04

6. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 2.1.2

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.6.01 | 9.8.06

7. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 2.2.3

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.7.01

8. ANS: F PTS: 1

9. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 3.2.2

STA: 9.2.01

10. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.2.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

11. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.2.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

12. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.3.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02 | 9.8.03

13. ANS: T PTS: 1

14. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 5.1.2

STA: 9.2.02

15. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 5.3.2

STA: 9.2.02 | 9.8.01

16. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 5.4.2

STA: 9.2.02 | 9.6.01 | 9.8.06

17. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 5.4.1

STA: 9.2.02 | 9.8.03

18. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 6.1.1

STA: 9.2.03 | 9.8.03 | 9.8.06

19. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 6.1.2

STA: 9.2.03

20. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 6.5.2

STA: 9.2.03

21. ANS: T PTS: 1

22. ANS: F PTS: 1

23. ANS: T PTS: 1

24. ANS: F PTS: 1

25. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 7.1.3

STA: 9.2.08

26. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 7.2.2

STA: 9.2.08 | 9.8.01

27. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 7.2.3

STA: 9.2.08

28. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 7.3.2

STA: 9.2.08 | 9.8.06

29. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 7.2.3

STA: 9.2.08

30. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 7.2.2

STA: 9.2.08 | 9.8.01

31. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 9.1.3

STA: 9.2.06

32. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 9.1.2

STA: 9.2.06 | 9.8.03

33. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 14.1.1

STA: 9.3.02 | 9.8.03 | 9.8.04 | 9.8.06

34. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 14.2.3

STA: 9.3.02

35. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 14.4.3

STA: 9.3.02 | 9.8.03

36. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 14.4.3

STA: 9.3.02 | 9.8.03

37. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 13.3.1

STA: 9.3.02 | 9.6.01

38. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 13.3.3

STA: 9.3.02 | 9.6.01

39. ANS: F PTS: 1

40. ANS: F PTS: 1

41. ANS: T PTS: 1

42. ANS: F PTS: 1


43. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 1.1.4

STA: 9.1.05

44. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 1.1.2

STA: 9.1.05

45. ANS: C PTS: 1

46. ANS: B PTS: 1

47. ANS: C PTS: 1

48. ANS: A PTS: 1

49. ANS: C PTS: 1

50. ANS: B PTS: 1

51. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 2.3.3

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.6.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

52. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 2.1.3

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.03

53. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 2.4.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.04

54. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 2.1.4

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.04

55. ANS: B PTS: 1

56. ANS: C PTS: 1

57. ANS: C PTS: 1

58. ANS: B PTS: 1

59. ANS: B PTS: 1

60. ANS: A PTS: 1

61. ANS: B PTS: 1

62. ANS: A PTS: 1

63. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.1.3

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.6.01 | 9.6.02

64. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.4.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.06

65. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.3.2

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

66. ANS: B PTS: 1

67. ANS: D PTS: 1

68. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 5.2.2

STA: 9.2.02 | 9.8.04

69. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 5.1.2

STA: 9.2.02

70. ANS: B PTS: 1

71. ANS: C PTS: 1

72. ANS: D PTS: 1

73. ANS: A PTS: 1

74. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 6.1.2

STA: 9.2.03

75. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 6.1.2

STA: 9.2.03

76. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 6.2.2

STA: 9.2.03 | 9.8.04

77. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 6.1.2

STA: 9.2.03

78. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 6.1.2

STA: 9.2.03

79. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 6.3.1

STA: 9.2.03 | 9.6.01

80. ANS: C PTS: 1

81. ANS: A PTS: 1

82. ANS: D PTS: 1

83. ANS: B PTS: 1

84. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 7.1.1

STA: 9.2.08

85. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 7.1.3

STA: 9.2.08

86. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 7.2.3

STA: 9.2.08

87. ANS: C PTS: 1

88. ANS: B PTS: 1

89. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 9.3.1

STA: 9.2.06 | 9.6.01 | 9.6.02

90. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 9.1.1

STA: 9.2.06

91. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 9.1.3

STA: 9.2.06

92. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 13.3.1

STA: 9.3.02 | 9.6.01

93. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 13.3.1

STA: 9.3.02 | 9.6.01

94. ANS: A PTS: 1

95. ANS: D PTS: 1

96. ANS: B PTS: 1

97. ANS: A PTS: 1

98. ANS: D PTS: 1

99. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 14.1.2

STA: 9.3.02 | 9.8.04

100. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 14.4.3

STA: 9.3.02 | 9.8.03


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