Chapter 6 “China”

Ancient China: Learning Outcomes

1) Dialect is a way of speaking.

2) Polytheism is the belief in many gods.

3) Elevation is the height of land.

4) The Chinese did not have contact with outsiders because they were isolated by the surrounding mountains and located far off from other peoples.

5) China is located on the continent of Asia.

6) The Yellow River is also called the Huang He. The yellow silt in China is known as loess.

7) The third longest river in the world is found in China and called Chang Jiang.

8) A story handed down from earlier times to explain the past is known as a legend.

9) The first legendary dynasty in China is Xia.

10) Ritual is a set way of conducting a ceremony.

11) A series of rulers from the same family is known as a dynasty.

12) The ancient Chinese believed that their deceased relatives (ancestors) had magical powers that could help them make wise decisions (Ancestral Worship).

13) There are thousands of Chinese characters in their writing.

14) The family was the basic unit within China’s dynasties.

15) Social Classes in a Feudal Society: King, Nobles, & Peasants.

16) Feudalism is a political & economic system where the three social classes each had duties and responsibilities that linked one another. “I work for you, you provide me with protection.”

17) Feudalism was based on an agreement (contract of rights and obligations) within the classes.

18) A philosopher is a person who studies the meaning of life.

19) In Confucianism, the ruler should set a good example for his people.

20) Mandate of Heaven is the right to rule based on the belief that the gods gave this authority to their rulers.

21) Legalism taught that people obeyed their rulers out of fear, not out of respect. Legalism is also a system of punishments and rewards.

22) The Great Wall not only kept invaders out of China, but it warned people when invasions were taking place.

23) Standardization means making all things of a certain type alike.

24) Emperor Qin united China by standardizing coins, education, written language, weights/measures, taxation and government.

25) The Silk Road was a trade route that stretched from China to the Mediterranean Sea trading various goods and ideas (cultural and innovations).

26) Items brought into a country are called imports

27) Items sent out of the country are called exports.

28) Daoism is a religion and philosophy that teaches that the key to a long life & happiness is to accept life as it is.

Be familiar with the five major dynasties of China: Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, & Han.

Be sure to study your past Learning Outcomes (India).

Be able to compare and contrast India to China.

Be familiar with the three major philosophies (Legalism, Daoism, & Confucianism)

Be able to correctly label the following on a map:

Huang He Himalayas Indus River Valley

Chang Jiang Indian Ocean Indian Subcontinent (Ancient India)

Ancient China Ganges River Plateau of Tibet

Chinese Dynasties

Ancient China covers thousands of years of history! Fortunately, it's divided into big blocks of time. So, before we get into daily life, we need a notes outline of who's who in ancient China.  

|Dynasty |Notes |

| |Neolithic Farmers |

|Xia |Items: silk, potters wheel, baked brick houses, irrigation |

| |Legendary dynasty- no written record of its existence. |

| |Oracle Bones (Shang) |

|Shang |Ancestral Worship |

| |Chinese writing (pictographs- later became Chinese characters) |

| |Mandate of Heaven (Zhou) |

|Zhou |Feudalism Social Structure based on service & protection within the classes. |

| |Items: Chariots, bowmen, bronze pieces, feudal lords |

| |Confucius & Daoism (Zhou Dynasty) |

| |Building the Great Wall |

|Qin |Imperial China: First Empire (Qin) |

| |Qin Shi Huangdi (first emperor to unite |

| |China) whose tomb included the famous |

| |Terracotta Army statues; he also standardized |

| |weights and measures, money, & writing. |

| |Legalism- System where people respect rulers out of fear. Consequences & punishments. Strict laws! |

| |Warring States Period!!! |

| |Silk Road (Han)- sent caravans along the Silk Road. |

|Han |Seismograph, made paper, sundial & wheel barrow. They were interested in astronomy. |

| |Supported teachings of Daoism. |

| |Civil Service started during the Han Dynasty. |

| | |


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