Rigorous Curriculum Design


Unit Planning Organizer

|Subject(s) |Social Studies |Conceptual Lenses |

|Grade/Course |9th Grade |Civilization |

| | |Resources |

| | |Technology |

|Unit of Study |Ancient Civilizations (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.8, 2.9) | |

|Unit Title |Unit 2: Sun rise, Sun set | |

|Pacing |6 days (block) | |

|Unit Overview |

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|Points of focus in this unit include the influence of geography on early civilizations, settlement patterns, trade networks, systems of government and law and |

|societal structure and gender roles. Students will develop a understanding of: |

|Geography shapes settlement patterns: early civilizations develop along river valleys |

|The Need to control resources: leads to increased government, religion and social systems |

|Economic organization: sedentary agriculture leads to division of labor, specialization, trade and rise of cities |

|Advanced technology: metal working, water control and engineering |

|Unit Enduring Understanding(s) |Unit Essential Question(s) |

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|Civilizations often emerge along river valleys which supports agriculture |How did geography shape settlement patterns? |

|Institutions often form to manage resources and people |How did the rise of institutions impact society? |

|Civilizations often develop their own patterns of exchange and social structure. |What patterns of exchange and social structure did civilizations develop? |

|Societies often create and implement tools to manage the environment |How did new technology like metal working, water control and engineering impact |

| |society? |

|Essential State Standards |

|Priority Objectives |Supporting Objectives |

| | |

|WH.H.2.1 Compare how different geographic issues of the ancient period influenced | |

|settlement trading networks and the sustainability of various ancient | |

|civilizations (e.g., flooding, fertile crescent, confluence, limited fertile | |

|lands, etc.). | |

| | |

|WH.H.2.2 Analyze the governments of ancient civilizations in terms of their | |

|development, structure and function within various societies (e.g., theocracy, | |

|democracy, oligarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, etc.). | |

| | |

|WH.H.2.3 Explain how codifying laws met the needs of ancient societies (e.g., | |

|Hammurabi, Draco, Justinian, Theodosius, etc.). | |

| | |

|WH.H.2.8 Compare the conditions, racial composition, and status of social classes,| |

|castes, and slaves in ancient societies and analyze changes in those elements. | |

| | |

|WH.H.2.9 Evaluate the achievements of ancient civilizations in terms of their | |

|enduring cultural impact. | |

|“Unpacked” Concepts |“Unpacked” Skills |COGNITION |

|(students need to know) |(students need to be able to do) |(RBT Level) |

|WH.H.2.1 |WH.H.2.1 |WH.H.2.1 |

|different geographic issues |Compare (the influence) |Understand |

|settlement trading networks | | |

|sustainability of various ancient civilizations | | |

| | | |

|WH.H.2.2 |WH.H.2.2 |WH.H.2.2 |

|the government of ancient civilizations |Analyze (development, structure and |Analyze |

| |function) | |

| | | |

| | | |

|WH.H.2.3 |WH.H.2.3 |WH.H.2.3 |

|codifying laws |Explain (meets needs) |Understand |

| | | |

|WH.H.2.8 |WH.H.2.8 |WH.H.2.8 |

|societal conditions |Compare (elements) |Understand |

|racial composition |Analyze (changes) | |

|status of social classes, castes | | |

|changes in those elements. | | |

| | | |

|WH.H.2.9 |WH.H.2.9 |WH.H.2.9 |

|achievements of ancient civilizations |Evaluate (impact) |Evaluate |

|enduring cultural impact. | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Unit “Chunking” & Enduring Understandings |Essential Factual Content |Suggested Lesson Essential |H |G |C & G |E |C |

| | |Questions | | | | | |

|Rise of complex institutions |Organization |How did the rise of complex| | |X | |X |

| |Hierarchy control |institutions impact | | | | | |

|Political and religious institutions often emerge from |Theocracy |society? | | | | | |

|the need to control resources |Polytheism | | | | | | |

| |Political | | | | | | |

| |Religion | | | | | | |

| |Laws | | | | | | |

|Economic organization |Trade |How did economic | | | |X | |

| |Market |organization drive work and| | | | | |

|Population increases often impact the need for |Barter |trade? | | | | | |

|additional resources from distant regions. | | | | | | | |

|Sub Concepts | |


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|Key Vocabulary LO: SWBAT define and explain the terms laws, culture, religion, society, class, hierarchy, and trade. |

|Language Functions LO: SWBAT explain how political and religious institutions often emerge from the need to control resources |

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|Language Skills LO: SWBAT read a passage about social hierarchy and identify the cause and effects of the social caste system. (Reading passages should be |

|chosen/modified in accordance with the LEP students’ zone of proximal development). |

| |

|Grammar and Language LO: SWBAT use comparatives in writing assignments (more than, less than, greater, shorter, longer, etc.) by comparing the quality of life for|

|each group in the caste system. |

|Lesson Tasks LO: SWBAT read and summarize a passage about the caste system and explain this summary to a group. |

|Language Learning Strategy LO: SWBAT develop a cause/effect graphic organizer analyzing and identifying the causes and effects of the caste system. (The |

|linguistic load will vary from LEP student to LEP student. Level 1-2 LEP students may need a word bank or other supplement to complete this activity using this |

|strategy). |

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|Historical Thinking and Geography Skill Resources |

|○ “Straight Ahead” □“Uphill” ∆“Mountainous” |

|Historical Thinking |Geography Skills |

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| |. |

|General Unit Resources |

|SAS Curriculum Pathways |

|#173 Ancient Egypt: King Tut’s Tomb |

|#581 Ancient India: Mohenjo Daro |

|#174 Ancient Middle East: Mesopotamia |

|Learn 360 |

|Mojenjo Daro |

|Bridging World History Bridging World History |

|Unit 4: Agricultural and Urban Revolutions |

|Unit 6: Order and Early Societies |

|World History For Us All World History for Us All |

|Unit 4: Expanding Networks of exchange and Encounter |

|Comparison Charts (PERSIA) |

|World History Source book at Fordham |


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