Study Guide: Mesopotamia, Ancient Hebrews and Ancient Egypt

Study Guide: Unit 1

Test on 5 themes of geography, Evolution, Paleolithic Era, Neolithic Revolution,

Test Date: Wednesday September 30, 2015

Directions: Use this sheet as a guide. If you can THOROUGHLY answer the questions on the sheet, as well as the key terms, you should be in good shape. I DO NOT SUGGEST only rereading the textbook. Prioritize YOUR NOTES FIRST. Then you should look at homework (including textbook), and class readings/ activities. Those three sources will help you answer the questions below. Good luck (

Key Terms/Concepts:

- geography

- Longitude vs Latitude

- Human vs. physical characteristics

- Anthropology

- Culture

- Archeology

- Artifacts

- Technology

- primary vs secondary sources (know examples)

- Old Stone age vs. New stone age

- evolution theories (Morton, Darwin, Creation)

- nomads/hunter gatherers

- domesticate

- Neanderthal, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens, Australopithecus

- Early art/ cave paintings

- Theory

- Complex religion

Key Understandings:

- What are the 5 themes of geography? Know some examples of each

- Know the definitions of the physical geographic features (worksheet given out in class)

- Who are historians? (What professions might the term historian include?)

- What skills must historians have?

- Why do historians have a difficult job?

- Where did early humans first emerge from? Be able to describe their migration path

- How did humans evolve over thousands of years?

o You should also know the main features that evolved in hominids and how those featured gave homo sapiens an advantage.

o What does Harari say about evolution? How is his theory different and similar to Darwin?

- Know the correct order of hominid evolution

- Know the 8-9 features of a civilization

- According to your hw reading, how did fire encourage the economic and social development of human societies?

- What does Paleolithic mean?

- Why was a Paleolithic lifestyle a difficult one?

- How do the paintings in the Lascaux caves suggest that Paleolithic people were advanced in some ways? What are some arguments saying that were not so advanced?

- What caused the Paleolithic era to end?

- Why was farming difficult?

- How did the adoption of an agricultural economy change people’s social groups?

- What were some pros/cons that people experienced once they settled down into farming communities? What were the pros/cons of living in Paleolithic (aka—know the notes from our debate!)

- What was the main idea from the Harari articles?

- Why is Catal Huyuk considered to be a transition settlement from Neolithic times into civilizations?

- How did people in Catal Huyuk live (know details covered in class!)

- Why did people live in Catal Huyuk/gather in this way?

- Why was Catal Huyuk not considered to be a full blown civilization?

Writing prep: (we will do this next week)

Make sure you know how to write a thesis statement! Memorize the components so that you can keep a mental checklist of what you have to complete on the test day!

Make sure you know how to write a topic sentence (memorize components)

Make sure you know how to write a full sentence for a piece of evidence (and make sure your evidence connects to your topic sentence/claim).


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