CAS English 1

|7th Grade World History Road Map |

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|Over the course of the 7th grade social studies curriculum the students will study the ancient civilizations of the world. |

|Each unit of study will involve examining how and why each civilization flourished and the influence each civilization had on|

|those that followed. The course of study begins with the hunter-gatherers of the Stone Age, moves through ancient Asian and |

|African civilizations and concludes with the Renaissance and Reformation. |

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|In the study of Africa in grade 7, students will learn about the significant features of ancient Egypt and Nubia, two |

|civilizations that developed in the Nile Valley. They will learn about such features as the natural environment, urban |

|development, social hierarchy, written language, belief systems, government and economy of each civilization. Our studies |

|will also encompass the spread of Islamic civilizations that developed in the area of North Africa, as well as, an |

|examination of the West African kingdoms of Mali, Ghana and Songhai, and the East African kingdoms of Ethiopia and Aksum. |

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|The students will continue to develop their skills of thinking like a geographer and archeologist, begun in grade six, and |

|start to think like an historian, a skill they will utilize in their grade 8 U.S. History course. This means students will be|

|asked to analyze, interpret and make judgments about the knowledge they obtain through their course of study. |

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|Unit 1 |Module 1 |Focus Content |

| | | |

|The beginnings of civilization and the |What kinds of clues do historians use to |The clues historians and archeologists use to |

|Fertile Crescent are the topics examined in|understand how people lived in the past? |interpret the past |

|this unit. | |The hunter-gatherers of the Stone Age and the |

| |Module 2 |development of agriculture |

|Suggested Pacing: | |Mesopotamia was the site of the world’s first |

|4.5 weeks |How did prehistoric people learn to adapt to their|civilizations. |

|Grading Period 1 |environment in order to survive? | |

|Weeks 1-5 | |Skills |

| |Module 3 | |

|Culminating Project | |Analyze a primary source. |

| |What were the major characteristics and |Identify what tools are used to understand history. |

|Students will reflect on the |achievements of the civilizations that emerged in |Identify the connection between history and |

|characteristics and accomplishments of the |Mesopotamia between 3200 B.C. and 500 B.C.? |geography. |

|groups/cultures they have studied in this | |Describe what archaeologists do when they examine |

|unit. Working in groups, students will | |artifacts from the past. |

|identify 2 to 3 artifacts that most | |Distinguish between primary and secondary sources. |

|accurately portray their assigned | |Create a time line. |

|group/culture. Next, in conjunction with | |Draw conclusions, compare and contrast, hypothesize |

|the art teacher, each group will make 1 | |and make predictions. |

|artifact, write a description of their | | |

|artifact and an explanation of why they | |Student Products |

|feel it reflects their assigned | | |

|group/culture. Finally, each group will | |Students develop a list of items for a time capsule |

|give an oral presentation in which they | |portraying their generation. |

|share their artifact with the class. | |Each student will complete a chart in which they list|

| | |and describe the various achievements and adaptations|

| | |prehistoric people made to their environment in order|

| | |to survive. |

| | |The students will complete a chart in which they |

| | |describe the characteristics and accomplishments of |

| | |various Mesopotamian Civilizations. |



|Unit 2 |Module 1 |Focus Content |

| | | |

|The civilization of ancient Egypt |How did physical geography affect the growth of |How the geography and natural resources of ancient |

| |ancient Egyptian civilizations? |Egypt affected the development of the empire |

|Suggested Pacing: | |The Egyptians’ belief in the afterlife |

|4.5 weeks | |Accomplishments of the ancient Egyptians |

|Grading Period 1 |Module 2 | |

|Weeks 5-9 | | |

| |What were the religious beliefs and values of the|Skills |

|Culminating Project |ancient Egyptians? | |

| | |Analyze maps and their related data to learn about |

|Students will be asked to create a tomb design| |geography and natural resources. |

|for a famous Egyptian pharaoh or woman of |Module 3 |Analyze a picture. |

|power that is consistent with ancient Egyptian| |Conduct research. |

|designs, colors, style, and the religious |What historical accomplishments are the ancient |Describe, draw conclusions, summarize and |

|customs and traditions of the time. |Egyptians known for and how have we learned about|hypothesize. |

| |them? | |

| | | |

| | |Student Products |

| | | |

| | |The students will describe how the geographic |

| | |features and natural resources of the Nile River |

| | |Valley led to its development as one of the great |

| | |civilizations of the ancient world. |

| | |The students will write an essay in which they |

| | |summarize the religious beliefs and values of the |

| | |ancient Egyptians. |

| | |The students will write an essay about an invention |

| | |made by the ancient Egyptians. They will explain why |

| | |it was the most important invention of the time and |

| | |why it has lasted over 3,000 years. |



|Unit 3 |Module 1 |Focus Content |

| | | |

|This unit explores the civilization of |What role did geography play in the development of|Geography and the development of ancient |

|ancient India. |the first civilizations in ancient India? What |civilizations in India. |

| |were the features of these early civilizations? |Hinduism and Buddhism in ancient India |

| | |The accomplishments of the Maurya and Gupta Empires |

|Suggested Pacing: | | |

|4.5 weeks |Module 2 | |

|Grading Period 2 | |Skills |

|Weeks 1-5 |What were the beliefs, values and religions of the| |

| |people of ancient India and what are some of the |Identify geographic features. |

|Culminating Project |ways we have learned about this civilization? |Analyze a work of art. |

| | |Describe, explain, compare and contrast, analyze, |

|The students will be asked to view themselves| |draw conclusions, summarize and hypothesize. |

|as Indus Valley merchants selling a variety |Module 3 | |

|of goods such as: cotton, cooper tools, | | |

|pottery, cloth, gold, jewelry, silver, shells|How did the leaders of the Maurya and Gupta |Student Products |

|and beads. As merchants they will need a seal|Empires bring prosperity to much of India and what| |

|to use on all of the goods they sell. They |were the main accomplishments of each empire? |The students will decide on a location for a new city|

|will design a seal that represents them in | |somewhere in the Indus River Valley, explain why they|

|some way. The students will then describe | |chose that location and how they would build it to |

|what these seals tell us about life in the | |protect it from invaders and natural disasters. |

|Indus River Valley. | |The students will complete the Teachings of the |

| | |Buddhist and Hindu Religions Chart where they |

| | |identify the similarities between the two religions |

| | |and then record the actual evidence they examined. |

| | |The students will create posters that show the |

| | |accomplishments of the Maurya and Gupta Empires and |

| | |then write a paragraph in which they identify the |

| | |accomplishments we continue to use today. |



|Unit 4 |Module 1 |Focus Content |

| | | |

|This unit explores the civilization of |What characteristics defined the culture of |Confucianism and the culture of ancient China |

|ancient China. |ancient China? |The leaders and governments of the Qin and Han |

| | |Dynasties |

| | |The historical accomplishments of the ancient Chinese|

|Suggested Pacing: |Module 2 | |

|4.5 Weeks | | |

|Grading Period 2 |What types of leadership and government did the |Skills |

|Weeks 5-9 |Qin and Han Dynasties establish and how did this | |

| |impact the people of China? |Analyze poetry. |

|Culminating Project | |Analyze primary source documents. |

| | |Analyze works of art. |

|The students will create a map of the Silk |Module 3 |Analyze artifacts. |

|Road; describe the climatic and geographic | |Conduct research. |

|conditions on the Silk Road, the means of |What historical accomplishments are the ancient |Write a persuasive essay. |

|transportation used and how the terrain |Chinese known for and how have we learned about | |

|affected travel and the routes followed. The |them? | |

|students will also identify the products and | |Student Products |

|ideas exchanged from east to west on the Silk| | |

|Road and identify the products and ideas | |The students will write an essay in which they |

|exchanged from west to east. They will then | |summarize the characteristics that defined the |

|draw conclusions as to how important the Silk| |culture of Ancient China. |

|Road was to the ancient world and in what | |The students are to write an essay in which they |

|ways the Silk Road acted as a tool to | |compare and contrast the leadership styles, |

|transmit various cultures. | |governments and policies of the Qin and Han Emperors.|

| | |Each student will identify one ancient Chinese |

| | |invention as the most important to the development of|

| | |civilization and write a persuasive essay defending |

| | |their choice. |



|Unit 5 |Module 1: |Focus Content |

| | | |

|Ancient Greece is the focus of this unit. The|How did the physical geography of ancient Greece |The geography of Greece and the need for trade |

|students will discover how the geography of |influence the development of independent city-states |The achievements of the ancient Greeks |

|ancient Greece influenced the development of |and contribute to their role in maritime trade? |Athens and Sparta, allies and enemies |

|city-states, the numerous accomplishments of | | |

|the Greeks, the cultures of Athens and Sparta| |Skills |

|and the relationship between these two |Module 2 | |

|powerful city-states. | |Analyze a primary source. |

| |What major achievements did the ancient Greeks make in|Use map interpretation skills to draw conclusions. |

| |areas such as art, architecture, government, |Summarize, make predictions, and draw conclusions. |

|Suggested Pacing: |literature, philosophy, math, and science and how have|Identify the cause and effect. |

|4.5 weeks |we learned of these accomplishments? |Evaluate the pros and cons. |

|Grading Period 3 | |Create a time line. |

|Weeks 1-5 | |Describe the similarities and differences. |

| |Module 3 | |

|Culminating Project | |Student Products |

| |What were the similarities and differences between | |

|The students will create a PowerPoint |Athens and Sparta, the two most powerful city-states |The students will write a paragraph in which they |

|travelogue about ancient Greece that allows |in Greece, and why did they become such fierce |describe how the physical geography of ancient |

|them to demonstrate their knowledge of the |enemies? Why and how did Athens fall and how do we |Greece influenced the development of independent |

|history, culture, beliefs and values of the |know about this? |city-states and contributed to their role in |

|people of the country. They will also compare| |maritime trade. |

|and contrast the government and culture of | |The students will list examples of Greek |

|ancient Greece with modern day America. | |achievements in the areas of government, |

| | |philosophy, architecture, sculpture, pottery, |

| | |dramatic arts, mathematics and science and then |

| | |identify which of these achievements still |

| | |influence Western Civilization through their |

| | |presence or use today. |

| | |The students will write an essay in which they |

| | |describe the similarities and differences between |

| | |Athens and Sparta, explain why these two |

| | |city-states became enemies, and why and how Athens |

| | |fell to the Spartans. |



|Unit 6 |Module 1 |Focus Content |

| | | |

|This unit explores ancient Rome. The students |How and why did the Roman Empire grow to become |Reasons for the successful expansion of the Roman |

|will examine how Rome was transformed from a |the largest empire in the world at the time? |Empire |

|republic to an empire and the characteristics | |Daily life in the Roman Empire |

|of life in the empire. In addition, students | |Achievements of the Romans |

|will explore the historical achievements of |Module 2 |The decline of the Roman Empire |

|the Romans and what factors led to the decline| | |

|of the empire. |What was life like in the Roman Empire? |Skills |

| | | |

| | |Compare and contrast. |

|Suggested Pacing: |Module 3 |Analyze and interpret. |

|4.5 weeks | |Outline. |

|Grading Period 3 |What were the legacies of the Roman Empire in the |Identify the similarities and differences. |

|Weeks 5-9 |areas of art and architecture, science and |Summarize. |

| |technology, literature, language, and law and how | |

|Culminating Project |do we know about them? |Student Products |

| | | |

|The students will create a mosaic. The design | |The students will write an essay in which they |

|of the mosaic will represent some aspect of |Module 4 |describe how the Romans were able to incorporate the |

|the Roman Empire. The students will also write| |people of conquered nations into their empire and |

|a paragraph that will be attached to their |What led to the decline and fall of the Roman |successfully sustain that empire for hundreds of |

|mosaic in which they explain how the design of|Empire? |years. |

|their mosaic represents the Roman Empire. | |The students will identify the similarities and |

| | |differences in the lives of wealthy and ordinary |

| | |ancient Romans. |

| | |The students will identify achievements of the Romans|

| | |during the Roman Empire and identify the one |

| | |achievement that had the greatest impact on the Roman|

| | |Empire. |

| | |The students write an essay in which they identify |

| | |the factor that they believe had the greatest impact |

| | |in causing the Roman Empire’s decline. |



|Unit 7 |Module 1 |Focus Content |

| | | |

|This unit will explore the emergence of Islam|What are the origins of Islam, how was it spread |The rise of Islam and the Golden Age of Muslim |

|as a new world religion, the rich trade |and what important contributions were made by Arab|culture |

|kingdoms of West Africa and the powerful |scholars during this time? How have we learned of |West Africa kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhai |

|civilizations of East Africa. |these contributions? |East Africa’s great trading centers |

| | | |

| | |Skills |

|Suggested Pacing: |Module 2 | |

|4.5 Weeks | |Describe physical geographic features |

|Grading Period 4 |In what way did geography, resources and trade |Analyze and paraphrase |

|Weeks 1-5 |influence the growth of the West Africa kingdoms |Describe, explain, compare and contrast, analyze, |

| |of Ghana, Mali and Songhai? How have we learned |draw conclusions, summarize and hypothesize |

| |about these kingdoms? |Place elements appropriately on a timeline |

|Culminating Project | |Use a timeline to evaluate data |

| | |Interpret the meanings |

|The students will create an electronic |Module 3 | |

|scrapbook of ancient Africa that demonstrates| |Student Products |

|the student’s knowledge of the golden age of |What factors allowed cities in East Africa, such | |

|Muslim civilization and the ancient kingdoms |as Aksum, Kilwa and Great Zimbabwe, to become so |The students will write an essay in which they |

|of East and West Africa. In addition, they |powerful? How have we learned about these |summarize the origins of Islam, how it was spread and|

|will describe the role of trade in changing |city-states? |what achievements came about during the Golden Age of|

|the religious and cultural characteristics of| |Islam. |

|the people of East and West Africa. | |The students will write a paragraph in which they |

| | |describe how geography, resources and trade |

| | |influenced the growth of the West African kingdoms of|

| | |Ghana, Mali and Songhai. |

| | |The students will describe the specific factors, such|

| | |as location and/or resources, which allowed each of |

| | |the regions, Aksum, Kilwa and Great Zimbabwe, to |

| | |become such powerful civilizations in Africa. |



|Unit 8 |Module 1 |Focus Content |

| | | |

|This unit will explore the Middle Ages, the |What political, economic and social system was |Feudalism; The Roman Catholic Church |

|Renaissance and Reformation. The political, |developed in Europe during the early Middle Ages |The Crusades; The Decline of Feudalism |

|social, religious and economic factors of the |and what was the role of the Roman Catholic Church|The Renaissance and the Reformation |

|times will be examined. |at this time? | |

| | | |

| | |Skills |

|Suggested Pacing: |Module 2 | |

|4.5 Weeks | |Analyze and interpret primary source documents |

|Grading Period 4 |What religious, political and social changes took |Analyze works of art |

|Weeks 5-9 |place over the course of the Middle Ages? How do |Draw conclusions and summarize |

| |we know about these changes? |Identify cause and effect |

| | | |

|Culminating Project | | |

| |Module 3 |Student Products |

|The students will create an Illumination that | | |

|is representative of the Middle Ages, |How did the Renaissance and reform movements |The students will write an essay in which they |

|Renaissance and/or Reformation. |involving the Catholic Church change life in |describe how the system of feudalism and the Roman |

| |Europe? How do we know about this? |Catholic Church affected the lives of everyone in the|

| | |Middle Ages, from kings and lords to peasants. |

| | |The students will write an essay in which they |

| | |describe how the changes that took place over the |

| | |course of the Middle Ages affected the lives of the |

| | |kings, nobles and peasants of the time. |

| | |The students will write a paragraph in which they |

| | |explain why the time period following the Middle Ages|

| | |is called the Renaissance and why Martin Luther’s |

| | |protest movement against the Catholic Church is |

| | |called the Reformation. |




Core Text: History of Our World










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