Middleton CE Primary

?-457200274320An unprecedented interruption to your child’s education is something we never anticipated at the beginning of the year. Whilst this is certainly inconvenient for everyone, we hope that providing work will help to minimise the impact of missed school time and help keep your children’s brains ticking over in the time between now and regular schooling being reinstated.We have tried to make the tasks as easy to understand as possible and have provided supporting material for these where necessary. Many of the activities involve online resources as we hope these are easily accessible from any location and have a minimal environmental impact when compared to photocopying packs of work for each child.We hope these activities are useful and are sure you’ll have many other ideas to occupy, have fun with, and promote your children’s learning. Any writing, reading, art, music or other areas of learning outside of the suggested tasks below are more than welcome in school upon return as we recognise that all children have different interests and we value each of these equally.020000An unprecedented interruption to your child’s education is something we never anticipated at the beginning of the year. Whilst this is certainly inconvenient for everyone, we hope that providing work will help to minimise the impact of missed school time and help keep your children’s brains ticking over in the time between now and regular schooling being reinstated.We have tried to make the tasks as easy to understand as possible and have provided supporting material for these where necessary. Many of the activities involve online resources as we hope these are easily accessible from any location and have a minimal environmental impact when compared to photocopying packs of work for each child.We hope these activities are useful and are sure you’ll have many other ideas to occupy, have fun with, and promote your children’s learning. Any writing, reading, art, music or other areas of learning outside of the suggested tasks below are more than welcome in school upon return as we recognise that all children have different interests and we value each of these equally.Year 6SubjectSummaryTaskEnglishThis week, my suggested activities are spelling and reading focused using our online resources.Practice the spellings set on Spelling Shed (they’re set to update each Monday).Read using Rising Stars and answer some of the online questions which are designed to be completed alongside the book. Please do email me for new books to be added if I don’t manage to spot when you’ve completed them – it's quite complicated to see who has read which books and there are 28 I’m trying to keep an eye on at the same time; I’m bound to miss one or two.MathsYear 6 were due to start the percentages unit of learning following the Maths No Problem syllabus. This is chapter 1 of textbook and workbook 2.Any number work (adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing) will help keep children’s brains ticking. Times Table Rockstars () and 10ticks () are very helpful for mental agility activities.One lesson of maths each day is a suggested amount. This begins with a work through the textbook question and task before completing the workbook. Begin, on day 1, with lesson 1 and worksheet 1.Daily lessons are available via the BBC Bitesize website () and are great.Continue to practise telling the time. Begin to ask ‘how much longer until’ and ‘how long did that take’ questions to encourage children to work using time. The blank table in the home learning section of the school website can be used to support this by building a ‘perfect day’ timetable and working out the duration of activities.ArtAncient Greek vases were incredibly interesting and helped to pass stories from one person to another.Have a look at the video about how Ancient Greek pottery was made: See if you can find a famous Ancient Greece story which could be re-told on the side of an Ancient Greek vase. Remember, if you’re using Google to research add ‘KS2’ on the end to bring up appropriate websites.Sketch the outline of a vase and add your version of an Ancient Greek story to the side.GeographyAs we’re looking at Ancient Greece, it’s important that the children understand what Greece is like. For those who have visited on holiday there’ll be a slight advantage here (although the recent weather isn’t drastically dissimilar!).Use the blank Europe map (available from the home learning section of the website) to identify:The nearby countries.The SeasMountains2. For interest, I have also uploaded two versions of an Ancient Greece map (one blank and one with place names) which will help to show the differences between modern day Greece and Ancient Greece. Have a look on Google Maps to see if any differences can be spotted.PEThe Joe Wicks workouts continue to be popular and are delivered live at 9am each morning via his YouTube channel: . Don’t worry if you miss them though, they can also be watched at a later date.Use the mini-olympics as inspiration to come up with your own olympic games (sheet on shared area).FrenchDuolingo (a free app available on the app store or at ) is a great app to keep learning French independently and continues to be putingLearn about selection using the Minecraft hour of code: computing (a brilliant teacher’s website which has now released home-learning activities) has a range of computing activities which can be completed for free. Some of them don’t actually involve a computer either. this tricky time, many educational websites are offering free online resources or access to help with home learning. Some recommended websites to help with additional tasks and activities are linked on our school website at: ................

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