University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Dr. Molly Jones-LewisProfessional Interests:History of the 1st & 2nd Centuries CEInterculturality in AntiquityRoman LawAncient Science and Technology Ancient MedicineDigital and Experiential PedagogyEducation:Ph.D. - The Ohio State University, June 2009.M.A - The Ohio State University, 2006.ASCSA (American School of Classical Studies at Athens) Summer Session 1, 2006.B.A. with Honors - Swarthmore College, 2003.Academic Appointments:Lecturer, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2014 – present.Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Austin College, 2013 – 2014.Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Centre College, 2012 – 2013.Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, College of Charleston, 2011-2012.Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Binghamton University, SUNY, 2010 – 2011.Senior Lecturer in Greek and Latin, The Ohio State University, 2009 to 2010. Courses taught, 2003-2015:Original LanguageIntroductory GreekIntermediate Greek: Apology & Homeric Hymn to AphroditeAdvanced Greek: Homer’s Iliad and the Poetry of WarIntroductory LatinIntermediate LatinAuthors covered at this level have included Caesar, Cicero, Martial, Petronius, and Vergil.Advanced Latin course titlesRomanitas in the Roman Republic (Caesar, Sallust, Catullus)Subversive Voices in Roman Poetry (Catullus, Propertius, Ovid)Tacitus (Germania, Annales)Roman Epic: War and Political Memory in Vergil’s AeneidRoman Comedy: CurculioTopics in Translation100 LevelThe Ancient GreeksThe RomansAncient Greek LiteratureClassical Mythology 200 – 400 LevelWarfare in the Ancient WorldPagans, Christians, and Jews Gender in Antiquity Medicine and Society in AntiquityImperialism in the Ancient MediterraneanShort Intensive Courses (3-4 Weeks)Athenian TragedyRoman MedicineMagic in the Ancient WorldPublications:“Poison: Nature's Argument for the Roman Empire in Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia,” Classical World, vol. 106, no. 1 (2012) Pp. 55–80. Routledge Companion to Identity and the Environment, co-editor. Routledge UK, under contract and forthcoming in 2015.“Tribal Identity in the Roman World: The Case of the Psylloi,” in the Routledge Companion to Identity and the Environment. Forthcoming 2015.The Physician in Roman Law and Society, a monograph on the rights of physicians and control of medical practice in Rome. ?Under consideration for Brill's Studies in Ancient Medicine series.Book Reviews and Reference Articles:Book Review: “Budin, Stephanie Lynn.?Images of Woman and Child From the Bronze Age: Reconsidering Fertility, Maternity, and Gender in the Ancient World.” Classical Journal, May 17, 2012.Invited Book Review: “Harris, W.V., Mental Disorders in the Classical World.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, forthcoming. "Pharmacy" and “Physicians” chapters in Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Greek Science, Medicine, and Technology, 8K words plus annotated bibliography as an invited contributor, forthcoming 2015. “Poisoning” entry in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History, 1K words as an invited contributor, forthcoming 2015.Works in Progress:Specialized Eunuchs and the Slave Trade in Imperial Rome, an article length project.An annotated Germania geared towards intermediate undergraduate Latin students.A translation and edition of Nicander's Theriaka and Alexipharmaka with commentary.Conference papers:“Gender Wars and Snake-Lore in Nikander's Theriaka,” at the Classical Association of the Middle West and South conference in Waco, April 5, 2014. “In Search of the Psylloi: Poison Control and Non-Roman Identity in the Roman Empire,” Invited lecture for Ancients Week, Austin College, February 11, 2014. “Eunuchs and Male Infertility in the Roman Empire,” at the American Philological Association panel for the Society of Ancient Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, January 2012.“Tribal Identity in the Roman World: The Case of the Psylloi,” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Grand Rapids, MI, April 2011.“Pliny's Poisonous Provinces: Poison, Foreigners, and Imperium in the Naturalis Historia,” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Oklahoma City, OK, March 2010.“The Theory and Practice of Soranus’ Prenatal Regimen,” at the American Philological Association panel for the Society of Ancient Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, January 2009.“Fulvia and Octavia in Plutarch’s Antonius: Feminine Power in the Late Republic,” at the Classical Association of the Middle West and South conference in Cincinnati, March 2007.Conference Service:Presider, Roman History session, Classical Association of the Middle West and South conference in Waco, April 3, 2014. Participant in the Austin College Digital Pedagogy Workshop, November 16, 2013.Panel organizer and co-chair, “Theories of Ethnicity in the Ancient Scientific Writers,” Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Iowa City, Iowa, March 2013.Department Service, UMBC Curriculum Committee, 2014 – present. Outreach Committee, 2014 – present.Dissertation:“A Dangerous Art: Greek Physicians and Medical Risk in Imperial Rome,” directed by Duane W. Roller.Awards:United University Professions Individual Development Grant, 2011.National Science Foundation Travel Award, VIIIth Colloquium Hippocraticum in Austin, TX, August 2008.John Vaughn Travel Award for the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, 2006.Other Professional Activities:Translation consultant for Tempesta di Mare, a baroque orchestra in Philadelphia, 2000-present.Consultant for “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe?” Lexington Actors’ Guild, Oct. 2012.Translator and Consultant, Dead Gentlemen Productions, 2010. ................

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