Web Quest: Odyssey Online

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Web Quest: Odyssey Online

Navigate your way through the website to find all the answers to the questions below. Record your responses below.

I. Introduction

Name at least two ways that the Greeks influenced the modern world mentioned in the intro.



II. Death & Burial

Ancient Greeks died at a young age. Young men usually died from       and young women from      

Click on two images and answer the following questions both:

Image 1 is      and it was used for      

Image 2 is      and it was used for      

III. Victory & Conquest

In the ancient Greek world,      were      in training.

Victory was the only goal in both      and in      .

      were peacetime expressions of rivalries, and       conditioned men for      .

Ancient Athletics- the word “athletics” comes from the Greek word      

Click on an object and explain how it illustrates the life of an athlete in ancient Greece:

The object is      and it illustrates      

Battling for Victory-      was a natural part of life in ancient Greece.

Click on an object and explain how it illustrates the life of a soldier in ancient Greece:

The object is      and it illustrates      

IV. Gods, Goddesses & Heroes

1. What is a myth?


2. Who wrote the myths?


3. What were the gods like?


Mt. Olympus was      

Read the story of one god, goddess or hero and summarize it in no more than three sentences:


V. Animals Real & Imagined

The Greeks appreciated the      ,      ,       and      of many animals. Most importantly, animals served in      as precious      to the      

VI. Greek Democracy

Kratos (     ) + demos (     ) =       (     ).

Athens, today the capital of Greece, was in ancient times an independent city-state, known as a      .

VII. Architecture

Architecture is      that we       in. The ancient Greeks invented      and a vocabulary that we still use today      years later. List the three classical orders of architecture:

1-      2-      3-     

VIII. Geography

1. What are the two colors of the modern-day Greek flag, and what does each represent?


2. How long is Greece’s coastline, and about how many islands make up the country?


Click to view the map of ancient Greece.

Select Ithaca- Who was the king?      

Select Troy- What famous war was fought there?      

It was the topic for Homer’s epic poem called      .

IX. Living in Style

Wealthy men in the cities of Greece enjoyed      ,      and      .

Well-to-do women were expected to      .

High Style in Ancient Greece- Click on an object and explain what it was used for or why it was significant.

The object is      and it was used for     

X. American Cities/Greek Names

1. What is the name of the city in Texas that is named after ancient Greece, and who is it named after?


2. What is the name of the city in Washington State that is named after ancient Greece, and what is it named after?


3. What is the name of the city in Ohio that is named after an ancient Greek hero, and who is it named after?


XI. Epics & Actors

The word      is rooted in the Greek word      , meaning      . These “seeing places” were      theaters that were built into hillsides and seated      of citizens.

Stories traveled from person to person by      .

All of the actors were      , and the audience was all      too. No      were allowed!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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