Chapter 6: Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Chapter 6: Ancient Rome and Early Christianity

Study Guide

Section 1

1. Republic

2. Patrician

3. Plebeian

4. Tribune

5. Consul

6. Senate

7. Dictator

8. Legion

9. Punic Wars

10. Hannibal

Section 2

1. Civil War

2. Julius Caesar

3. Triumvirate

4. Augustus

5. Pax Romana

Section 3

1. Jesus

2. Apostle

3. Paul

4. Diaspora

5. Constantine

6. Bishop

7. Peter

8. Pope

Section 4

1. Inflation

2. Mercenary

3. Diocletian

4. Constantinople

5. Attila

Section 5

1. Greco-Roman Culture

2. Pompeii

3. Virgil

4. Tacitus

5. Aqueduct

Extra Key Terms to Know

1. Etruscans

2. Greeks

3. Tarquin the Proud

4. Latins

5. Province

6. Scipio

7. Cicero

8. Octavian

9. Mark Antony

10. Cleopatra

11. Pompey

12. Absolute ruler

13. Gladiators

14. Paterfamilias

15. Classical

16. Aeneid

17. Annals and Histories

18. Twelve Tables

19. Augustus

Short Answer Questions:

1. Why were the Romans so often unable to peacefully transfer power from one emperor to the next, and what kinds of problems did this cause?

2. What do you think is the most significant difference between the Roman Republic and that of the United States today? Explain why this is an important difference.

3. Why did issues involving what was or was not heresy become a problem for the Christian Church in the first centuries A.D.?

4. What do you think was the most important factor in the decline of the Empire? Think about: political, social, economic and military causes.

5. How would you define what is meant by Greco-Roman culture, and what are some elements of this culture?

6. What Roman achievements have lasted in some form until the present day? Cite specific examples. Think about: architecture, engineering, technology, influences on languages and Roman law.

7. What contributed to the wide diffusion of early Christianity? Think about: the types of people who converted, Christian beliefs and Roman transportation?

8. How did government in Rome change from its earliest days to the time of Constantine? Think about: changing forms of government and how each took care of the people it ruled.


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