Chapter 9 Part 1: Life in Ancient Rome

Chapter 9 Part 1: Life in Ancient Rome

I. Roman Culture

-The Romans copied ideas from the Greeks-changed them.

-Roman statues and art portrayed people with flaws.

-They used Greek ideas in architecture-columns and porches

Also used their own ideas-arches, domes, and vaults

-Two buildings that stand today-Colosseum and the Pantheon


-Horace-wrote satires and odes

-Ovid and Catullus-inspired by Greek writing and myths

-Livy-History of Rome

-Many modern European languages today are based on Latin

-Galen-brought Greek medical ideas to Rome

-Ptolemy-scientist-studied and mapped the stars

-advanced road system and aqueducts were created

II. Daily Life in Rome

-Rome-one of largest cities in ancient world

-Forum-center of Rome

-Government provided free grain and sporting shows.

-Wealthy-large, fine homes. Poor-apartment buildings of stone and wood

-Families-large-included young and married children, other relatives, and

enslaved servants

-Wealthy children-boys and girls- received education-tutors and some boys

went to school

-Boy-became a man between 14 and 16. Girls-became adults when


-Women had few rights. Wealthy women had more freedom than poorer

-Slaves were not uncommon

-Romans worshipped many gods and goddesses

Chapter 9 Part 2: The Fall of Rome

I. The Decline of Rome

-After Aurelius’s death, Commodus and the Severans ruled Rome

-Rome’s leadership grew weak after the Severans ended

-The economy worsened

-A plague spread and killed many people

-Invaders began pushing into the empire’s territory

-Diocletian-tried to establish reforms to improve political situation

-Constantine-moved capital to Byzantium, later known as Constantinople

II. Rome Falls

-Theodosius-split empire into two-Western and Eastern Roman Empires

-Visigoths rebelled against Rome and beat them at the Battle of


-Alaric-Visigoth leader-captured Rome and burned it

-Odoacer-Germanic leader-took control of Rome’s government and

marked the end of the Western Roman Empire

-Odoacer is killed

-Eastern Roman Empire becomes known as the Byzantine Empire and

continues to prosper

III. The Legacy of Rome

-The U.S. is influenced by laws and gov’t of the ancient Romans

-Western architecture uses styles of the Romans

-Christianity began in the Roman Empire

Chapter 9 Part 3: The Byzantine Empire

I. The Rise of the Byzantines

-The Byzantine Empire included Greeks, Egyptians, Arabs, Armenians

Jews, Persians, Slavs, and Turks

-Constantinople-capital of Byzantine Empire

-Eventually, the Byzantine Empire became more influenced by


-Some ideas from the Slavs, Egyptians, and Persians also mixed

with Greek influences

II. Emperor Justinian

-Justinian-emperor of the Byzantine Empire-A.D. 527-A.D. 565

-Empress Theodora-helped her husband rule

-Belisarius-general who helped lead the Byzantine army

-Tribonian-legal scholar-simplified the legal code

III. Byzantine Civilization

-The Empire lasted for about 1,000 years.

-They depended on trade. Center of trade between Europe and Asia

-Silk weaving was a major industry

-Hagia Sophia-religious center and great architectural accomplishment

-Most mosaics showed saints, or Christian holy people

-Marriage and family were an important part of life

-Women had some rights. They became educated, and some served as


-Government supported education. Boys went to school and girls were

taught at home.

-Most written literature was religious


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