Rome - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer. DO NOT write on this test!

Quarter 1 Review

1-Why were Sumerian Cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphics important?

A) They allowed people to keep records.

B) They led to the establishment of towns and cities.

C) They aided in the development of farming in the Near East.

D) They led to advanced technologies.

2-What type of government did people in Ancient Mesopotamia have?

A) Oligarchy

B) Monarchy

C) Democracy

D) Aristocracy

3-Why was the development of government necessary in early cities of Ur?

A) Performance of religious affairs and duties

B) Maintenance of order among soaring populations

C) Preservation of the caste system

D) All of the above

4-Hammurabi’s Code was an?

A) Early method of communication

B) Early written code of law

C) Effort to tax the Babylonians

D) Ethical code for waging war

5-Why did pharaohs have absolute power in Egypt?

A) Pharaohs ruled the country using terror.

B) Egyptians believed the pharaoh was a god in human form.

C) The kingdom was small enough for one man to exercise complete control.

D) Egyptians believed the pharaoh received instructions directly from the vizier.

6-During the Old Kingdom, Egypt was a ________ because religion and government were closely intertwined.

A) kingdom

B) dynasty

C) theocracy

D) bureaucracy

7-A(n) ____________________ is a highly-structured organization managed by officials.

A) theocracy

B) kingdom

C) dynasty

D) bureaucracy


9-All of the following were characteristics of Athens’ direct democracy EXCEPT

A) an executive branch

B) leaders chosen by the aristocracy

C) political power limited to citizens

D) laws directly proposed and voted on by citizens

Forms of Government

|Monarchy |Aristocracy |

|-State ruled by a king |-State ruled by nobility |

|-Rule is hereditary |-Rule is hereditary and based on land ownership |

|-Some rulers claim divine right |-Social status and wealth support rulers’ authority |

|-Form practiced in Mycenae (1450 BC) |-Form practiced in Athens (594 BC) |

|Oligarchy |Direct Democracy |

|-State ruled by a small group of citizens |-State ruled by its citizens |

|-Rule is based on wealth |-Rule is based on citizenship |

|-Ruling group controls the military |-Majority vote decides rule |

|-Ruling group controls the military |-Form practiced in Athens (461 BC) |

|-Form practiced in Sparta (800-600 BC) | |

10-In which form of government did social status play a role?

A) monarchy

B) aristocracy

C) oligarchy

D) direct democracy

11-Which form of government was ruled by all citizens?

A) monarchy

B) aristocracy

C) oligarchy

D) direct democracy

12-What caused the major difficulties in uniting ancient Greeks under a single government?

A) the size of the region

B) the geography of the region

C) the independent nature of the people

D) all of the above

13-Sparta civilization primarily focused on

A) religions

B) Trade

C) literature

D) military training

14-What was the motivation for the formation of the Delian League?

A) mutual defense against Persia

B) a sense of community

C) the Olympic Games

D) belief in Zoroastrianism

15-Within the Greek city-state, life centered around the marketplace, or

A) agora

B) acropolis

C) Parthenon

D) oracle

16-The Iliad and The Odyssey are two ___________, which are believed composed by the great Greek storyteller Homer.

A) myths

B) poems

C) legends

D) stories

17-In ancient Greece, a tyrant differed from other leaders in that he:

A) had authority over the military

B) shared power with nobility

C) seized power illegally

D) allowed slavery

18-Why is it important that Alexander the Great was a student of Aristotle?

A) He learned all that was known in the Greek world

B) He learned strategies of how to defeat the Persians

C) He learned the philosophy of stoicism

D) He learned how to fight the Greek way


19-Why did the Roman Republic come to an end?

A) The Gracchi started a civil war.

B) Social unrest and the ambitions of a few powerful men destroyed the republic.

C) Octavian gained the title Augustus.

D) Sulla, backed by his legions, refused to retire as dictator.

20-Why did Constantine build a new capital?

A) because the east was richer and better defended

B) to escape the authority of the pope

C) to commemorate the place where he experienced religious conversion

D) because he had a huge budget surplus

21-Electing tribunes and displaying the Law of the Twelve Tables

A) benefited tribunes.

B) showed the influence of the Etruscans.

C) protected plebeians against unjust treatment by patricians.

D) violated the constitution hammered out by patricians and plebeians.

22-Rome’s social class is formed by which of the following:

A) the Patricians

B) the Plebeians

C) both A and B

D) none of the above

23-Which of the following contributed to the fall of Rome?

A) economy

B) politics

C) military

D) all of the above

24-According to legend, who discovered the area where the future city of Rome would exist?

A) Remus and Ramus

B) Remus and Romulus

C) Romulus and Augustus

D) Anthony and Cleopatra

25-Roman law is the foundation of what type of law today?

A) civil

B) common

C) criminal

D) constitutional

26-After the fall of Rome, western Europe fell into a period of disease and warfare known as the ______________.

A) Dark Ages

B) Enlightenment

C) Classical Age

D) Romance Period

27-After the end of the monarchy, the king’s place was taken by two elected

A) tribunes

B) censors

C) consuls

D) praetors

Kingdoms and Christianity

28-Some Christians objected to the presence of icons in churches because they believed

A) icons gave iconoclasts too much power.

B) the use of icons was too close to the worship of idols.

C) icons would be used to teach illiterate people about Christianity.

D) icons had little artistic merit.

29-The schism of 1054

A) increased the power of the pope.

B) ended the golden age of Byzantine art and architecture.

C) created two distinct churches.

D) led to the beginning of Muslim invasions of the Byzantine Empire.

30-The Eastern Roman Empire

A) fell to Germanic tribes called the Vandals.

B) became known as the Byzantine Empire.

C) relocated the capital to Antioch.

D) rejected all forms of Christianity.

31-Through the work of missionaries, a Christian society formed that included most of western Europe. Historians call that society

A) the Roman Catholic Church.

B) monasticism.

C) Christendom

D) the City of God.

32-Which of the following problems lead to Rome’s ultimate collapse?

A) weak leaders

B) economic troubles

C) invasion

D) all of the above

33-Study the image titled “Byzantine Mosaic.” It is typical of Byzantine art because it

A) pictures one of the Olympian gods.

B) has a non-religious subject.

C) was painted in watercolors.

D) is a religious subject created with colored tiles.

34-Emperor Justinian compiled the constitutions in use since the time of Emperor Hadrian in a collection known as the

A) Hadrianic Code

B) Byzantine Constitution

C) Justinian Code

D) pentarchy

Early Middle Ages

35- Historians mark this event as the end of ancient history and the beginning of the Middle Ages.

A) Constantine’s move to Byzantium in 330 CE.

B) The death of Attila in 453.

C) The fall of Rome in 476.

D) The crowning of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor in 800.

36-Why did the pope name Charlemagne Emperor of the Roman People?

A) to ensure Charlemagne would not attack the Papal States

B) to thank Charlemagne for keeping him in power

C) to reward the Lombard’s of Italy for faithful service to the church

D) because Charlemagne refused to support the pope’s authority unless he was crowned emperor

37-Europe became a feudal society because

A) The rarity of cash required land to be used as a payment for services

B) Europeans needed to defend themselves against constant raids and invasions

C) Overpopulation required that a more efficient agricultural system be developed

D) Skilled craftspeople had emerged as farming techniques improved

38-Christians drove the Moors out of the Iberian Peninsula during the

A) First Crusade

B) Sagas

C) Reconquista

D) Battle of Hastings

39-The pope’s influence in the Middle Ages resulted from

A) The fact that nearly everyone in Europe was Christian

B) The economic influence of the Papal States

C) The powerful army he headed under General Charlemagne

D) His appointment by the Roman Emperor

40-What led to the split in the Christian Church in 1054?

A) The defeat of the Papal States by Otto the Great

B) The desire of Henry IV for a divorce from his wife

C) A pacifist group’s opposition to the Crusades

D) The refusal of the patriarch on Constantinople to recognize the pope’s authority

41-The feudal system had which of the following effects?

A) It centralized government

B) It diminished the power of kings

C) It increased the pope’s power

D) It freed most Europeans from work obligations

42-After Charlemagne’s death, which of the following occurred?

A) France divided into small states

B) Germany divided into several small states

C) The Papal States became an independent kingdom

D) Western Europe was split into five parts

43-The church’s influence increased around 1000 because at the time

A) The Moors were finally driven completely off the Iberian Peninsula

B) The feudal system emerged

C) There was an upsurge of religious devotion across Europe

D) Charlemagne was crowned emperor by the Pope

44-In medieval Europe the system that governed economics was called the _________________________ system.

A) feudal system

B) manorial system

C) papal system

D) fief system

45-Unlike the East, the West evolved into separate ruling nations due to which of the following factors:

A) power of the King

B) power of the Pope

C) power of the Emperor

D) power of the Filial Piety

46-Feudalism was a response to

A) Unemployed knights pillaging the countryside.

B) The need for vassals to provide fealty to lords.

C) Attempts to improve the manorial system.

D) The inability of kings to defend their lands from attack

47-During the Middle Ages, popes were able to exercise power over nobles because of

A) The fealty oath.

B) The Benedictine Code.

C) The threat of excommunication.

D) The ability to choose bishops.

48-The growth of trade in Europe was

A) Controlled by merchants from northern Europe and Italy.

B) Set back by the Crusades.

C) Controlled by the Hanseatic League.

D) Hindered by guilds that prohibited the use of credit.

49-What was the Domesday Book?

A) The holy book of Viking warriors.

B) A thorough survey of the taxable capacity of England.

C) The battle plan used by Charles Martel to defeat the Moors.

D) A list of the victims of the Bubonic Plague.

50-During which battle did William become known as William the Conqueror and become the king of England?

A) Battle of Yorktown

B) Battle of Orleans

C) Battle of Hastings

D) Battle of Thames

High Middle Ages

51-The goal of the First Crusade was to

A) convert Muslims to Christianity.

B) take Jerusalem and the Holy Land away from the Byzantines.

C) take Jerusalem and the Holy Land away from the Muslims.

D) conquer Constantinople.

52-Which of the following was an effect of the Crusades?

A) Roman Catholics became more tolerant of Eastern Orthodoxy and Judaism.

B) Knights gained political power.

C) Important trade routes were destroyed.

D) European kings gained more political power.

53-The conflict between the Lancasters and the Yorks over the English throne became known as the

A) Hundred Years’ War

B) War of the Roses

C) Glorious Revolution

D) War of the Tulips

54-The Black Death led to

A) massive witch hunts throughout Europe.

B) the collapse of the medieval manor system.

C) greater religious tolerance in Western Europe.

D) the end of the Hundred Years’ War.

55-People had varying responses to the Plague. Peoples’ most common reaction was to do which of the following?

A) beating themselves or harming themselves

B) began practicing witchcraft

C) blamed the Jews and started killing them

D) all of the above

56-Which of the following was one effect of the Crusades?

A) Relations between religious groups became more strained.

B) Jews moved to Jerusalem.

C) Trade decreased.

D) The feudal system strengthened.

57-What was the Hanseatic League?

A) a group of Italian cities and towns that worked together to promote and protect trade

B) speakers of the vernacular

C) a group of northern German cities and towns that worked together to promote and

protect trade

D) a guild of troubadours that allowed women to join

58-It was difficult for journeymen to become masters

A) because they often had to return home to run family farms when their fathers died.

B) because adequate training was unavailable.

C) due to some of the guild restrictions.

D) because few could afford to buy from craftspeople.

59-Many artists in the Middle Ages created works of art

A) that were displayed in churches and cathedrals.

B) to raise funds for the Crusaders.

C) to satisfy debts to feudal lords.

D) in order to create a secular common culture.

60-Who won the Hundred Years’ War?

A) the French

B) the English

C) the Lancasters

D) the Muslims[pic]


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