Sumer, the earliest civilization, existed between the ...

| |The "Epic of Gilgamesh" from Ancient Sumeria is perhaps the |

|Sumer, the earliest civilization, existed between the Tigris and |oldest known story in the world. It tells the story of the |

|Euphrates Rivers from 3200 BCE. It occupied the southern portion |legendary hero king from the Sumerian city-state of Uruk. |

|of Mesopotamia. The Sumerians were not an indigenous people (from|(2750-2500 BCE). Later Mesopotamian civilizations adopted this |

|the local area) but probably came from the Indus Valley. |myth as their own. At first it was part of an oral tradition, but|

|Sumer may very well be the first civilization in the world |was finally written down on clay tablets like this one in |

|(although there are sites which predate it). Sumerian |cuneiform writing. It was originally written on 12 clay tablets |

|civilization was a sophisticated urban culture. From its |in cunieform script. From the Royal Tombs of Ur |

|beginnings as a collection of farming villages around 5000 BCE, | |

|to the founding of Sumer at around 3200 BCE, through its conquest| |

|by Sargon of Agade around 2370 BCE and its final collapse under | |

|the Amorites around 2000 BCE, Sumer was influential on later | |

|civilizations. Sumerian cuneiform, the earliest written language,| |

|was borrowed by the Babylonians, who also took many of their | |

|religious beliefs. A striking similarity of the Sumerian flood | |

|myth can also be found in Genesis. | |

|They were skilled in developing irrigation systems, using canals | |

|and dikes to transform their frequently flooded lands. They also | |

|became fine metal artists as this headdress attests. | |

|The earliest known literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh came from | |

|Sumer. This work began in an oral tradition and was written | |

|finally on tablets in cuneiform | |

|The Code of Hammurabi was one of the first codifications of law, | |

|and is one of the significant achievements of Ancient Sumer. | |

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