Ag Sales & Marketing- 3rd Trimester -

Ag Sales & Marketing- 2nd Trimester Randy Adams

Week 1

|Date |Learning Targets: I can… |Activities |Assessment |

|11-10 |1. Describe class expectations for behavior and work ethic |- Icebreaker |Return syllabus agreement |

| |2. Understand class activities and competencies to be gained |- Overview of the Syllabus and Competencies (post it notes and | |

| |3. Identify opportunities to get involved in FFA |then posters over units) | |

| | |- Class Materials needed | |

| | |- Classroom Expectations | |

|11-11 |1. Create a classroom notebook |- Develop a table of contents for notebook |Notebook Checks four times per semester |

| |2. Develop a SAE Project and keep records |- SAE Calendar Pages | |

|11-12 |Unit: Sales Basics |Exam |Product Research |

| |I can sale an agricultural product to meet a customers needs | | |

|11-13 |I can sale an agricultural product to meet a customers needs |Tommy Boy Review |Product Research |

|11/14 |I can sale an agricultural product to meet a customers needs |Computer Lab (Product Summary Sheet) |PSS |

Week 2

|Date |Learning Targets: I can… |Activities |Assessment |

|11/17 | | | |

|11/18 | | | |

|11/19 | | | |

|11/20 | | | |

|11/21 | | | |


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