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Please note: our meeting on 12 December will now start at 8.00pm !!!

The meeting will start at the later time of 8.00pm in the Holmwood Hall at our usual venue of the United Reformed Church, Wallington.

December Meeting: Christmas Social

Just a reminder: we shall again be passing round a big sack of presents.  Please bring a wrapped present to the value of about £5 for this with a gift tag saying who it is from.

Carol Service

The United Reformed Church is having a Carol Service on 16th December at 4pm, with a nativity and followed by mince pies and coffee afterwards.  They have invited all of us if anyone would like to go.


January Meeting

Subscriptions will be due at the January meeting and are:

• £33 for members or

• £14.80 for dual members.

Last Month's Meeting

November's meeting featured our Annual General Meeting (AGM), followed by social chitchat and a Pizza Supper.

The AGM business comprised:

• Resolution to increase the Committee membership (passed).

• The Committee Members from 28 November 2012 are:

Wendy Biden; Jill Boorman; Sue Cornish; Lyn Harding; Jane Jeffery; Jo Jones; Maureen Lander; Angela Martin; Andres Miller; Joy Robinson; Heather Smiles; and Lynne Smithard.

• Helen Chan's decision to step down from the Committee was noted; and the President thanked her on behalf of the members for her contribution to the Committee's work.

• Financial Statement by Heather Smiles (Treasurer). This was circulated at the meeting with the agenda and approved without dissent.

• Committee's Annual Report by Angela Martin (Secretary), delivered in Angela's unavoidable absence by Maureen Lander, and approved without dissent. The text of the report is reproduced below.

• President's Address by Joy Robinson. The text of this is reproduced below.

• Election of President. Joy Robinson was elected unanimously as President.

• Vote of Thanks to Joy Robinson for her work as President

Other, post-AGM, business included:

• The introduction to members of "Zippy Nomad" , the pseudonym of a lady who is visiting WIs throughout Britain. Living away from home she planned to visit WIs to pass the evenings. She was then challenged to visit 100 and write a book about her experiences. Enjoying herself, she thought others should also, so she decided to raise money for the Associated Countrywomen of the World (ACWW) by rising to the challenge. You can read more about her and her book at

• Announcements of local interest:

o Entry on our WI in The Carshalton Beeches Directory, which can be seen online at

o Inaugural Carshalton Frost Fair on Saturday 1st December, organised by The Friends of Honeywood Museum and Ecolocal 

o Carshalton Methodist Church 1940s/1950s Music and Jive Night on Thursday 13th December (Tickets £10). 

What's On

"Pre-Christmas" Afternoon Tea

Thursday 20h December 2 to 4pm.  Hosted by Heather at 8 Upland Road, Sutton SM2 5JE. Tel: 0208 401 6069. 

Come and enjoy mince pies, stollen and mulled wine or a cup of tea. 


Book Club

The next Book Club meeting will be on Wednesday, January 30th for a New Year lunch at "The Racehorse" pub, West Street, Carshalton for 1.00 pm.

If you would like to come, please let Rosemary know as she will be making a booking for the pub.

As mentioned in the November newsletter, the books for the January meeting are:

• "Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress" by Dai Sijie and

• "Chowringhee " by Sankar


Secretary's Report: November 2012 AGM

I am pleased to report that 2012 has been yet another successful year for the Institute. Membership has increased considerably and we have had a record number of visitors at our last two meetings.

Our change of venue to the Woodcote Room at Wallington Halls proved to be rather unsuccessful, to say the least- many of you will remember decamping back to the URC on a couple of evenings! Fortunately the URC was able to offer us a larger meeting area than we previously had; and we now have plenty of room for our growing numbers.

During the year we have enjoyed speakers covering various topics, including: "The Day it Rained Crabs and Frogs"; "You The Jury"; and "Sarah Huggett and Uncle Day". Two of the most interesting and entertaining speakers were Meike Laurenson, who brought along her amazing collection of hats, and kept us spellbound with her life's recollections; and of course Malcolm Wells from Canine Partners.

Following Malcolm's entertaining presentation a coach party of 16 members visited the Canine Partners training centre in Midhurst: this was a truly wonderful experience. We have also had a fun evening planting seeds and making Lavender bath bags.

One very special occasion was the "Posh Frocks and Tiaras" lunch that Andrea kindly hosted to celebrate The Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The weather was kind to us and we spent a good three hours of fun and laughter in the sunshine, drinking fizzy wine, eating delicious finger foods and, of course, finishing off with strawberries and cream.

Various sub-groups have continued , including the Book Club, the Walking Group and the Craft Group. The Craft Group has completed one quilt for Project Linus, a volunteer organisation providing quilts and blankets to hospitals, neonatal units and shelters; and they are close to finishing a second quilt.

The lunch and supper clubs have visited a variety of restaurants over the year; and many of us attended a fund-raising event at an Indian restaurant for Heather's son who was going with his school to voluntary work in an Indian village. Also, several enjoyable coffee mornings and afternoon teas have been hosted by members throughout the year.

Some of us have even become minor TV stars this year, appearing twice in the audience in live broadcasts of "Loose Women"; and a few of our members have volunteered to get involved with "Let's Cook Local", a local food funded project which targets young disadvantaged parents across England and provides courses in practical cookery.

Once again we were asked to run the tea tent at the Environmental Fair in August. The selection and quality of cakes provided by members was wonderful. The income from the hard work of our group (which included several husbands) provided a significant boost to our funds.

Myself and Maureen Lander attended the Surrey Federation Meeting in Dorking Halls in April.

The Committee would like to thank everyone who has helped us make this another successful year. We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed attending our meetings and making new friends.

Angela Martin (Secretary)


The President's Address: November 2012 AGM

We've had a most interesting and enjoyable year. During most of it I've had the time to appreciate more of the activities that go on beyond the meetings: such as the walks, Jubilee Tea and afternoon teas all hosted and organised by members who give generously of their time and hospitality.

And, speaking of members, we have a lot more this year! We think we must be doing something right: a great comfort to your Committee! as we are attracting more ladies who want to be part of your WI and make it their WI too. All you new members are very welcome; and we encourage you to speak out, step forward, join in and enjoy belonging.

We have also- well, I say "we", but I fear I had nothing to do with it!- made a beautiful Lavender embroidery this year to be displayed at Surrey Federation HQ. It is a symbol of Wallington & Carshalton's identity and is a work made by a number of members of the Craft Group with skill, care, originality and creativity: and we should all be very proud of it.

I'm proud of everything that happens at WI: the theatre visits, the trips out-we do hope there will be more of those- the Craft Group, the Book Club, the Lunch and Supper Clubs, the Walks, and everything that we do. It's all about friendship and that is a great gift. It is vital to us all whether things are going well in our lives and perhaps especially when they are not.

I am also proud of the generosity shown by members in providing gifts to take up to the Belmont Prisons for inmates to give to their children. We may feel that things are tight for us nowadays, and they are: but for some children with parents inside this may be their only present this Christmas. Thank you for showing the spirit of Christmas and for providing these gifts: the parents may have various levels of blame for their incarceration; but their children should not have to suffer as they do.

It's part of our ethos of Making Friends and Making a Difference that is central to our whole, well, raison d'etre.

And I am very proud that so many gave up their August Bank Holiday to make cakes, brew tea, serve, take money, clear tables, wash up, dry up, carry water and help in the Tea Tent of the Environmental Fair. Never mind the Enviro- , it was more Mental at times! Some even provided family members to share the chores and make it easier for us all. Thanks to your efforts we can afford to do so much more as a WI.

It's easy for me: I just stand up and speak. But the real work is done by your Committee; not just attending meetings, which are usually rather good fun, but don't tell anyone! But there is a huge number of tasks that are done. By Maureen who organises our theatre trips and lunch and suppers. This can be like doing a jigsaw puzzle on drugs and is a very complex and time-consuming job. By Angie who has been a tireless secretary and who cannot be here tonight as she's had to fly north for a funeral. By Heather our extremely efficient and cheerful Treasurer who does everything so smoothly that you can't see the work that has gone into it. By Wendy who takes the notes at our meetings to share Angie's work. By Helen, by Lynn, by Andrea, all of whom have done countless tasks and without whom this WI could not function. And by Jane who has stepped forward to offer her help running our Newsletter. I'm not sure if she took more pity on me or us but we are very grateful. And for other members like Rosemary running the Book Club, Marion running the Craft Group and Judith organising walks. If anyone wants to run a Gardening Group or a Belly Dancing Set, do it! You have a lot of fun! All of you have done this despite heavy family commitments, house moves, jobs, and all manner of responsibility too. It's really true- if you want something done, ask a busy woman!

Thank you to everyone on the Committee and those who help to run this Group. We couldn't manage without you. You make this group and I hope you get something out of it too- I know I do. Thank you for all your hard work, the cheerful and willing way you all offer to do the many, many things that need to be done to keep us running and for all the extra enjoyable activities that need to be organized. They may appear to just happen, but that is because you do it all so well. You make the Wallington and Carshalton WI . Ladies, please join me in showing our appreciation.

Joy Robinson (President)


Christmas Meal at Gusto's on 30 November

Thanks to Maureen's endeavours a most enjoyable Christmas meal took place at Gusto's in Carshalton on 30 November. We were edified to discover that the menu included mushrooms "stuffed by elves", although the elves themselves were not actually present. Liz Tumath took some photos of the occasion, one of which is reproduced here.


You can find out more about Gusto's on their website, at


A CHRISTMAS QUIZ (Answers below)

1. What date is St Stephen's Day? 

2. In Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol, who was Scrooge's dead business partner? 

3. The song White Christmas was first performed in which 1942 film? 

4. London's Trafalgar Square Christmas tree is traditionally given by which country? 

5. In the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, "my true love brought to me nine"....what? 

6. Name the original eight reindeer from the poem usually known as Twas the night Before Christmas (alternatively titled A Visit from St Nicholas). 

7. Which Christmas carol includes the words ...To save us all from Satan's power, when we were gone astray.? 

8. The character Jack Skellington appears in which 1993 Tim Burton film? 

9. What colour are the berries of the mistletoe plant? 

10. In the 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life, what's the name of George Bailey's guardian angel? 

11. What are the names of the three wise men said to have brought gifts to the baby Jesus? 

12. What is New Year's Eve called in Scotland? 

13. What Christmas item was invented by London baker and wedding-cake specialist Tom Smith in 1847? 

14. In what year was Band-Aid's Do They Know It's Christmas the UK Christmas chart-topping record? 

15. In which modern country is St Nicholas's birthplace and hometown? 

16. Who wrote How the Grinch Stole Christmas? 

17. From which country does the poinsettia plant originate? 

18. Who wrote Auld Lange Syne? 

19. How many points does a snowflake have? 

20. What is the name of the cake traditionally eaten in Italy at Christmas? 


Recipe: Christmas mini-muffins

Makes 24


200g/7oz self-raising flour, sifted

100g/3½oz golden caster sugar

100ml/3½fl oz sunflower oil

75ml/2½fl oz milk

1 large egg

50g/1¾oz qood quality dark chocolate, chopped

1 heaped tbsp high quality mincemeat

50g/1 ¾oz good quality white chocolate, chopped

50g/1¾oz dried (or fresh) cranberries


Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5 and put 24 mini-muffin cases inside a mini-muffin tin.

Mix the flour and sugar in a bowl, then make a well in the centre.

Whisk together the oil, milk and egg and slowly pour into the bowl, stirring gently. Divide this mixture between two bowls. In one bowl add the dark chocolate and mincemeat. Add the white chocolate and cranberries to the other bowl. Stir very gently.

Divide the two mixtures among the 24 muffin cases and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown and risen.

Remove the muffins to a wire rack and eat warm.



1. 26th December

2. Jacob Marley

3. Holiday Inn

4. Norway

5. Ladies dancing

6. Comet, Cupid, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Donner, Blitzen (or Dunder and Blixem)

The poem was first published anonymously in 1823 and is commonly attributed to Clement Clarke Moore, although some believe Henry Livingston was the true author. Rudolph was created later in 1939 by copywriter Robert May for the Montgomery Ward department store chain, as the main character in a free Christmas promotional story, which extended the 1823 poem, and was subsequently turned into the popular song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

7. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

8. The Nightmare before Christmas

9. White

10. Clarence (Oddbody)

11. Balthasar, Melchior, Caspar (or Gaspar). NB: the Bible does not state their names, nor even the number of wise men: "...there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem... and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh..." from Matthew 2:1 and 2:11.

12. Hogmanay

13. Christmas cracker

14. 1984

15. Turkey 

St Nicholas, bishop 'Nikolaos of Myra', 270-343AD, was born a Greek, i.e., of Greek parents in Patara, Lycia. He lived in and was bishop of Myra, Lycia.

Patara and nearby Myra, in Lycia, or fully Lycia et Pamphylia, were then technically provincial territory of the Roman Empire with no specific country name. Patara became ruins centuries ago. Where the ancient town of Myra stood, now stands the Turkish town/district of Demre, Antalya Province, Turkey)

16. Dr Seuss

17. Mexico

18. Robert Burns

19. Six

20. Panettone

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