Westgate Nursery

right1524000102870063500right1016000The Westgate Nursery CookbookWestgate Nursery CookbookWelcome to the Westgate Cookbook! We’ve put together a collection of recipes that our children love to eat – and cook! Many of the recipes are from Angie’s tried and tested menu, but others are inspired by stories, events, and goings on at nursery. Physical and emotional wellbeing are the cornerstones of our practice, and one of the best ways to support physical wellness in children is through nutrition. Young children are notoriously picky eaters, but we’ve found that by involving the children in cooking their food, they are much more likely to try and enjoy their meals!We have designed this cookbook with the children in mind. Each ingredients list has pictorial representations of the food items and quantities, so our non-readers can help to gather and measure out the ingredients. The recipes are written simply, so children who are beginning to read (or older siblings) can try to be independent. Of course, adult supervision and support will always be necessary when cooking with young children to avoid accidents with hot ovens and sharp knives, but you’d be surprised at just how independent our children are!Happy cooking!Team WestgateHow to Use This Cookbook. Our aim is for our parents to use this cookbook with their child; with that in mind we’ve italicised any ‘adult-jobs’. At nursery we have child appropriate cookery tools including plastic knives and a rotary grater so the children have a real sense of ownership of their cooking; however if these are not available to you please use your judgement as to whether you feel your child is safe to chop vegetables/grate/stir hot foods. You may notice that the recipes have relatively small ingredients lists; at Westgate our menu focuses predominantly on vegetable-based meals to encourage the children to develop a love of nutritional foods. We are also a nut, honey, and chocolate-free setting due to the risk of allergies, so those ingredients are not included in our recipes. However the recipes are flexible, so if you want to include something that isn’t listed, go ahead!In terms of dietary requirements, we aim to provide all children similar meals so nobody feels isolate. As such, the recipes should be flexible enough to adapt to any dietary requirement – the dairy-free version of our easy cheesy bread is hugely popular, for example!The recipes have been simplified to make them accessible to children. Where a cup is listed, we tend to use one of the children’s drinking cups, but most of the recipes will work fine with whatever you have available. Where more precise measurements are required you will find these listed next to the ingredientsContentsJanuary – Breakfast Morning Granola and Orchard Fruit CompoteFebruary – Bedtime Stories Biscuits and MilkMarch – Paddington’s Marmalade Muffins for World Book DayApril – Couscous and Chickpea Salad May – Rainbow Ratatouille June – Vegetable and Lentil DhansakJuly – Sports Day SmoothiesAugust – Teddy Bear’s Picnic FeastSeptember – Gruffalo CrumbleOctober – Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup and Easy Cheesy BreadNovember – Bonfire and Beans Veg Chilli and TortillasDecember – Post-Nativity Mince Pies!right0Preheat the oven to 150C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Put the oats, coconut, and cinnamon in a large bowl and mix. Mix the oil and syrup together in a separate bowl. Pour the oil mixture over the oats and stir until all of the dry ingredients are lightly coated.Spread on a baking tray.Bake for 30-40 minutes, until golden brown. When cool, stir through the dried fruits. Serve with natural yogurt and fruit compote. 00Preheat the oven to 150C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Put the oats, coconut, and cinnamon in a large bowl and mix. Mix the oil and syrup together in a separate bowl. Pour the oil mixture over the oats and stir until all of the dry ingredients are lightly coated.Spread on a baking tray.Bake for 30-40 minutes, until golden brown. When cool, stir through the dried fruits. Serve with natural yogurt and fruit compote. January – Breakfast Morning GranolaAfter Christmas we love to welcome in the New Year by inviting our families to join us for breakfast! The children love making the occasion feel really special with some luxurious food, and a firm favourite is our easy-peasy granola.9553821814140047107220354200left20419800 2 cups oats5156203858800left42998001/2 cup desiccated coconut22796529063500028052300 1 teaspoon cinnamon48895029718000318770298450001619252971800068506725790800left298059004 tablespoons oil (we use coconut oil or sunflower oil)490220307975001574803048000032512030607000left309196006687538548004 tablespoons golden or maple syrupleft20632700498133283454001 cup dried fruit (we like raisins, apricots and blueberries)right7620Chop the fruit into chunks (we get the children to do this, so it does not have to be neat!). Put the fruit in a saucepan with the water. Add the cinnamon and vanilla. Cook over a medium heat for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Use a blender to puree the fruit. Serve hot or cold. 00Chop the fruit into chunks (we get the children to do this, so it does not have to be neat!). Put the fruit in a saucepan with the water. Add the cinnamon and vanilla. Cook over a medium heat for about 20 minutes, or until soft. Use a blender to puree the fruit. Serve hot or cold. Orchard Fruit CompoteAngie often makes fresh fruit compote as an alternative dessert for children with dietary requirements. It’s proven so popular that many of our children enjoy it for breakfast when they have the opportunity too! We encourage the children to choose the fruits as they prepare the compote, so the taste changes each time. Try using different fruits to find your child’s favourite flavour combinations!1546860615950046355036830009982206159500-7620033655004 apples176784010604500115062092710005791209271000left90170004 pears23939512065000left113665001 teaspoon cinnamon169545635000left52705001 teaspoon vanilla extractright15240Preheat the oven to 180C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Beat the butter and syrup in a bowl until creamy. Add the flour, oats, cinnamon and dried apple. Spoon balls of the mixture onto the tray and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. 00Preheat the oven to 180C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Beat the butter and syrup in a bowl until creamy. Add the flour, oats, cinnamon and dried apple. Spoon balls of the mixture onto the tray and bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. February – Bed Time Stories Biscuits and MilkEvery February we host a bedtime story session, where the children to come to nursery in their pyjamas, and we invite families to join us in the evening for a calm, cosy, story time. The children prepare these biscuits to share with their families, which add to the cosy experience. To help with bedtime, these could be made with lavender or malt powder which are known for their soporific benefits. 5204885672700left21590001 cup (100g) butter553720144145003448051816100017018017907000left173990003 tablespoons maple/golden syrup484505698500left5715001 cup (125g) plain flour553085177800003321051644650016891016510000left169545003 tablespoons oats2101859652000left101600001 teaspoon cinnamon33591548260001720855334000left5365700641985111125003 tablespoons dried apple piecesright6350Preheat the oven to 180C and line a muffin tray with paper cases. Beat the butter and sugar until creamy.Add the eggs and marmalade and mix.Add the flour, baking powder, and orange zest and mix.Stir in the yogurt. Spoon into the cupcake cases and bake for 25-30 minutes. 00Preheat the oven to 180C and line a muffin tray with paper cases. Beat the butter and sugar until creamy.Add the eggs and marmalade and mix.Add the flour, baking powder, and orange zest and mix.Stir in the yogurt. Spoon into the cupcake cases and bake for 25-30 minutes. March - Paddington’s Marmalade CakePaddington is one of our favourite books to read at story time – we wereso excited when Angie unveiled her marmalade cake recipe for World Book Day!89382412703800676275444500505460508000341981444500172720444500-9387147005 tablespoons Butter561880131947003441701430360016827514224000left144780003 tablespoons sugar029304800389255291465002 eggs510540290830000288925001 cup (150g) marmalade4679952857500002946400010153655080002 cups (200g) self-raising flour3390907112000958851270000462280515620001 teaspoon baking powder0635000Zest from 2 oranges48387037528500left376555001 cup (125g) Yogurtright0Chop the peppers, onions and herbs. Boil the water, then pour over the couscous. Cover with clingfilm.When ready to serve, mix the vegetables, couscous, cumin, chickpeas and raisins in a bowl, then serve. 00Chop the peppers, onions and herbs. Boil the water, then pour over the couscous. Cover with clingfilm.When ready to serve, mix the vegetables, couscous, cumin, chickpeas and raisins in a bowl, then serve. April - Couscous and Chickpea SaladIn April we transition to our Summer menu, which features lighter, more colourful meals. This couscous salad is tasty, and so simple to prepare that our children are able to make the meal in its entirety – talk about feeling proud! We love to serve this as a picnic tea in the garden (when the April showers allow)!4045856341000left56152002 peppers-970673660001 red onionleft5823800Fresh herbs487045139065left162560001 cup (165g) Couscousleft16510001990276259001 teaspoon cumin-635197485001 tin of chickpeas16764027114500left2711450040222752251002 tablespoons raisins50101500Preheat the oven to 190C.Chop the vegetables.Cook the aubergine and garlic over a medium heat for 10 minutes, or until the aubergine is soft. Pour the aubergine and garlic into an ovenproof dish. Top with the peppers, courgette, onion, tomatoes, and tomato puree. Mix well. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes.Sprinkle the grated cheese on top and serve. 00Preheat the oven to 190C.Chop the vegetables.Cook the aubergine and garlic over a medium heat for 10 minutes, or until the aubergine is soft. Pour the aubergine and garlic into an ovenproof dish. Top with the peppers, courgette, onion, tomatoes, and tomato puree. Mix well. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes.Sprinkle the grated cheese on top and serve. May – Rainbow RatatouilleAnother popular and versatile dish from our summer menu, this can be served as a side, as a sauce for pasta, or on its own with crusty bread for a light summery tea. We challenge the children to choose a rainbow of vegetables for the ratatouille, which prompts some interesting conversation as we prepare them… and helps to introduce new flavours to the children too!left7620001 red onion40640020870300left215265002 peppers069997001 courgette0172232001 aubergine445135256393000256393001 handful tomatoes026464800 1 clove garlic167005226842000225278004267204234002 tablespoons tomato pureeleft5290000457200204470001 handful of cheese, gratedright32839Chop the onions, garlic, pepper, potato and cauliflower. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan and add the curry powder. Cook for 2 minutes. Add all of the vegetables to the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Add the tinned tomatoes, coconut milk, lentils, and 150ml of water. Cook for 20-25 minutes, until the vegetables are soft. Serve with poppadoms and rice, or a homemade naan. 00Chop the onions, garlic, pepper, potato and cauliflower. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan and add the curry powder. Cook for 2 minutes. Add all of the vegetables to the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Add the tinned tomatoes, coconut milk, lentils, and 150ml of water. Cook for 20-25 minutes, until the vegetables are soft. Serve with poppadoms and rice, or a homemade naan. June – Vegetable and Lentil DhansakOur children love Angie’s curry, so imagine how exciting it is for them to make the meal by themselves! This curry is a fantastic way of encouraging children to eat more vegetables, and to experience spices.left17145001 red onionleft137795001 clove of garlic3606805016500-2540051435002 peppersleft170180001 potatoleft118292001 cauliflower1835158699500left29845001 teaspoon curry powderleft93980001 tin tomatoes323850131445001587501314450053340015113000left125730003 tablespoons coconut milk45593027241500294005273050006483352717800013144527178000-24765272415004 tablespoons red lentilsJuly – Sports Day SmoothiesEvery Summer we host Sports Day and are amazed by the turnout! We are so fortunate to have families that are willing to take part in nursery life – we love celebrating with you all! We use Sports Day to help the children understand how to take care of their physical health, by eating energising, nutritional foods, being active, and staying hydrated. These delicious smoothies tick all the boxes – they are filled with nutrients, and so quick and easy that our Caterpillars can make them! Here are some tasty combinations – just pop the ingredients into a blender and whizz!48414225445300023513200Blueberry Smoothie Ice Lollies1 cup of plain Yogurt456112204833000162016001 cup Blueberries5010151360720011430102961001 handful of spinach2667012264600Lemon juice, to tasteleft8245900Maple syrup, to tasteBlend the ingredients in the blender, then pour into ice lolly moulds and freeze for 4-6 hours.Tropical Fruit Smoothie45629344450025401815001 handful of spinach55753031051500left15693001 appleleft323215001 cup frozen tropical fruit5279574290800left10251001 cup of plain yogurtleft27268700Banana Berry Milkshake 1 banana557276014160500left163105001 cup frozen berries96837513462000556133019467300left195398002 cups milk (or dairy free alternative)August – Teddy Bear’s Picnic FeastIn August we host a Teddy Bear’s picnic to say goodbye to the children who are transitioning to ‘big school’. It is always a special occasion with the children sharing one last meal together, so we try to make the it memorable! The children from each room contribute one dish which they serve to each other (and their teddy bears!), which brings a wonderful sense of community and celebration to the occasion!Coleslaw Salad380184952500left9797002 carrots455930121376000130901002 apples4448632304100left104866001 handful of salad leaves16700511402800011049000426539202293002 tablespoons natural yogurtleft20193000Juice from 1 lemon Grate the carrots and apples and put them in a large bowl. Shred the salad leaves. Add the yogurt and lemon juice to the bowl, season, and mix all ingredients until combined. 542290219075001079527676900Mini Mediterranean Frittatas 1 cup tomatoes41783018641800137795186418002 Spring Onions027114500520065117475001 handful grated cheese481965257356005114199244838001 handful peas6320155258173005926455263797005532755265249005143500267245004 Eggs750570219075005677172300355005507990300990005339080287655005173073290195004 tablespoons MilkPreheat the oven to 180C and grease a muffin tin.Chop up the tomatoes and spring onions and add to a mixing bowl.Add the cheese and peas to the bowl.Beat the eggs and milk in a separate bowl. Season and then pour over the vegetables. Spoon the egg mixture into the muffin tins. Bake for 15-20 mins until golden brown. Serve hot or cold. Fruity FlapjacksThese fruity flapjacks are a firm favourite all year around, and are a great way of packing in fruity goodness! We let the children pick the ingredients, so feel free to add any flavours that you like – dried cherry and coconut is delicious!99060029400500502920762000left3175002 cups (200g) oats98615512128500471170444500left7620002 cups (150g) dried fruit (raisins, dates, apricots etc)left166370001 appleleft189230001 banana1643181987550036004521209000left197485002 tablespoons maple/golden syrup47126814942100left124167001 cup (100g) butterPreheat the oven to 180C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. 200560273306200Put all of the dried fruit in a mixing bowl and mash using a potato masher or forks. (The fruit needs to be sticky as it will help bind the flapjack together). Add the banana and mash that too. 236410535306000Grate the apple and add to the fruit mix. Pour in the oats and stir. Put the butter and syrup into a microwavable bowl and heat until melted. Stir the butter mixture into the oats and fruit until combined.Pour the mixture into the lined baking tray and flatten. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown. Leave to cool before serving.September – Gruffalo Crumble194818021633870014585952142432009899652148147004826002149475000215270800You didn’t think we could put together our children’s favourite recipes and not include Gruffalo crumble, did you? Not only does this feature in our all-time favourite storybook, but we are lucky enough to harvest our apple trees in the forest every Autumn. The children experience a true ‘seed to plate moment’, as they collect seeds from their snack time apples and plant them (we’ve never had success, but we live in hope!). They then work together to problem solve how to reach the apples, before coming together to create – and then eat – our crumble. All together now: ‘now my tummy’s beginning to rumble, my favourite food is Gruffalo crumble!’ 260985264218000261678005 apples1 teaspoon cinnamon331470933450063119099118001676989334500090228003 tablespoons (50g) oats52768522421300left218036001 cup (100g) flour491490263583003270252558470015869225590500-6352597730070658127017004 tablespoons butter528320628650031750052070001587505207000left52342003 tablespoons sugarPreheat the oven to 190C.Chop the apples and lay on the bottom of an ovenproof dish. Sprinkle with cinnamon.To make the crumble, put the flour, sugar and oats in a large bowl. Add the butter and use your fingers to rub the mixture, until it resembles sand. (This will take a long time for a child!)Sprinkle the crumble over the apples, then bake in the oven for 35 minutes. October – Sweet Potato and Lentil SoupWe introduce our Winter menu in October – these hearty, warming meals are just what you need after a busy morning in the cold garden! Of course, October also sees our Halloween celebration, which wouldn’t be complete without ‘spooky’ party food. The sweet potato in this soup can easily be swapped for pumpkin for a frighteningly tasty meal!left225425001 onion752475217805007620227330002 small sweet potatoes (150g)19494522606000left180340001 teaspoon cumin490220952500left9525001 cup coconut milk65405068522008323707816300484563647700032829564770001663706477000064770005 tablespoons dried red lentilsChop the onion and sweet potato into chunks. Fry the onion with the cumin in a teaspoon of oil until it softens. Add the sweet potato and coconut milk and simmer for 20 minutes. In a separate pan, cook the lentils according to the packet instructions. Using a potato masher or stick blender, whizz up the softened sweet potato, oil, and coconut milk until smooth. Stir through the red lentils. Serve hot, with easy cheesy bread. Easy Cheesy BreadAmy Lou discovered this quick, no yeast bread, and it has been a massive hit with the children! We often use dairy free ingredients so children with dietary requirements are able to enjoy it too. We grow chives in our sensory garden, which the children love to pick, but any fresh or dried Mediterranean herb would be delicious!96774080010004622804445000left50165002 cups (225g) self-raising flour21209011366500left67945001 teaspoon salt-91440225425004267207620001 cup cheese, grated3435352463800017018025717500left257175002 tablespoons chivesleft22225001 egg03124200016637044450036957060960002 tablespoons butter4724402349500left197485001 cup (150ml) milkPreheat the oven to 190C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Chop the chives using a knife or scissors.Mix the flour, salt, chives and half of the grated cheese together in a mixing bowl. Beat the egg and melt the butter. Add the egg, butter and milk to the flour mixture. Mix well to combine. Pour the mixture onto the baking tray and sprinkle over the remaining grated cheese. Bake for 30 minutes. When cooled, slice and serve with soup. November – Bonfire and Beans Chilli Our Bonfire and Beans celebration is one of our favourite nights of the year. We love seeing all of our families, and it’s wonderful to provide an experience that all of our children can join in with. While a fire pit and sparklers provide no end of fun, we do try to keep warm with Angie’s famous bean chilli, which is delicious for adults and children alike!left97790001 onion42735563500left508000left227330002 cloves of garlic15113022923500-19050222250001 red pepper1/2 teaspoon chilli powder16764045085003556007747000042545002 teaspoons tomato pureeleft166370001 tin chopped tomatoes25400256540001 tin mixed beans 46482025019000left-46990001 handful frozen sweetcornChop the onion, garlic and pepper. Heat a little oil in a pan and cook the onions and garlic until soft.Add the chilli powder and mix. Remove the pan from the heat. Pour in the tomato puree, chopped tomatoes, beans and sweetcorn. Simmer on a low heat until everything is cooked. Serve with rice and homemade tortilla chips. Homemade Tortilla ChipsThese are a delicious, easy, and healthier alternative to crisps, and are fun (and educational) to make! The children are able to explore the flavours of herbs and spices, and communicate their own preferences. We examine shapes as the children cut up the tortillas, and get to practice scissor or knife control at the same time!left17780001 packet of tortilla wraps60769519875500326390444500165735825500left6350003 tablespoons oilleft120650023829811430001 teaspoon paprika2038358243400074988001 teaspoon cumin22669519852400left184958001 teaspoon dried herbs20955022582900left159847001 teaspoon saltPreheat the oven to 180C and line two or three trays with baking paper. Measure the oil into three separate pots. Add the paprika to one, the cumin to another, and the dried herbs to a third. Using a pastry brush, paint the flavoured oils over the tortillas.Cut the tortillas into shapes using scissors or a knife. Place the tortilla shapes on the baking trays. Try to arrange them so they do not overlap. Sprinkle with salt.Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until crisp. December – Post-Nativity Mince PiesFinally, a quick little recipe to round off the year. We usually make these with the children to serve to the families after our Butterflies Christmas Concert… and of course, the children have one as well to thank them for their fantastic performances! For ease at this hectic time of year we use ready made mincemeat and pastry, but you could of course make your own!left19050001 roll of shortcrust pastryleft1407581 jar of mince meatleft16722001 eggPreheat the oven to 160C and grease a muffin tin. Roll out the pastry and use a cookie cutter (or cup) to cut into circles. Push the pastry circles into the holes in the muffin tin.Add 1-2 spoons of mincemeat to the pastry to fill the pies. Roll out the remaining pastry and cut smaller circles or stars for lids. Place a lid on top of each pie. Beat the egg, then brush over the pies.Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes (see the pastry packaging as timing varies) until golden brown. ................

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