Cell Analogy

PAP Cell Analogy Poster – 100 pt. Project

(You can receive 10 bonus pts. for a 3-D Project)

DUE Wednesday Oct 5th

NAMES:________________________________________________________________ PER: __________

To gain better understanding of the functions of each cell part and process, you will be constructing a cell analogy poster. In this poster you will relate the ANIMAL or PLANT CELL to another system we see in everyday life. Examples would be a school, castle, factory, ocean, amusement park, club, restaurant, town etc. Each structure within the cell will also have to relate to something within the system chosen.

If the ANIMAL or PLANT CELL was like a KINGDOM then…

|the… |would be… |because… |

|Nucleus |The castle |The nucleus controls the cell’s functions and contains DNA. The castle controls the kingdom and contains the|

| | |queen. |

|DNA |The Queen |DNA contains the instructions for making proteins and enzymes, which repair the cell and drive cell |

| | |processes. The queen’s brain contains all the information needed to make decisions to run the kingdom. |

|Ribosomes |The artisans |The artisans make and build items such as carts, houses, and bread that are necessary for the kingdom to |

| | |function. In the same way, ribosomes in the cell make molecules to repair the cell and enzymes to control |

| | |cellular reactions. |

This text will then need to be made in to a poster illustrating the kingdom with a castle, a queen, and artisans.

What does a quality analogy look like? To get full credit for each analogy, think about this:

• Does the analogy for this structure/process make sense? Are the two things truly comparable?

• Does the illustration reflect my explanation?

Please choose ONE type of cell (plant or animal), and check off each organelle as you add it in your chart:

Plant Cell Animal Cell

Cell Analogy Project Rubric

| |Poor |Fair |OK |Good |Excellent |

|Drawing: Cell and |Cell drawing missing |Missing labels on |Missing 2-3 organelles|Missing one organelle |All organelles |

|organelles correctly | |most or all | | |included and |

|drawn, colored and | |organelles. | | |spelled correctly |

|labeled. | | | | | |

| | | | | |(20 points) |

| |(4 points) |(8 points) |(12 points) |(16 points) | |

| |No analogy |Few analogy |Some analogy |Most analogy |All cell analogy |

|Cell Analogies |relationships are |relationships are |relationships are |relationships are |relationships are |

| |strong and well |strong and well |strong and well |strong and well |strong, relevant, |

| |stated. Analogies |stated, or most |stated, and/or some |stated, or one |and well stated. |

| |show lack of |analogies are |analogies are somewhat|missing, or few | |

| |understanding of |somewhat off, |off, logically, or |analogies could be | |

| |organelle functions, |logically, or |some analogies are |stronger. | |

| |or are all missing. |multiple analogies |missing. | | |

| | |are missing. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |(20 points) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |(10 points) | |(25 points) | | |

| | | | |(30 points) |(40 points) |

|Cell Analogy Pictures |1-2 are present, |3-4 are present, |5 – 7 are present, |8-10 are present, |All 11 are present,|

|or Drawings |relevant and created |relevant and |relevant and created |relevant and created |relevant, and |

| |with care, |created with care, |with care, |with care, |created with care. |

| | | | | | |

| |Or some are present |or some are present|or most are present |or all are present and| |

| |and relevant, but need|and relevant, but |and relevant, but need|relevant but need more| |

| |more polish, color, |need more polish, |more polish, color, |polish, color, etc. | |

| |etc. |color, etc. |etc. | | |

| | | | |(16 points) | |

| |(4 points) |(8 points) |(12 points) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |(20 points) |

|Overall Neatness, |Directions not |Neatness has |Somewhat neat. More |Neat. |Very neat and |

|quality and |followed. |affected quality of|effort could have been|Labels typed |exhibits high |

|organization | |your work. |made. | |quality work. |

| |Neatness has affected | |Straight edge not used| | |

| |quality of your work. | |or | | |

| | | |writing somewhat | | |

| | | |sloppy. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |(6 points) | | |

| |(2 points) | | | | |

| | |(4 points) | | |(10 points) |

| | | | |(8 points) | |

|Spelling/ Grammar |>6 errors in grammar |5-6 errors in |4-3 errors in grammar |1-2 errors in grammar |No errors in |

| |and/or mechanics. |grammar and/or |and/or mechanics. |and/or mechanics. |grammar and/or |

| | |mechanics. | | |mechanics. |

| |(2 points) | |(6 points) |(8 points) | |

| | |(4 points) | | |(10 points) |


o Nucleus

o Cell Wall

o Chloroplast

o Golgi Body

o Cytoplasm

o Lysosomes

o Cell Membrane

o Ribosomes

o Cytoskeleton

o Vacuole (small)


o Mitochondrion

o Cell Membrane

o Ribosomes

o ER


o Vacuole (large)

o Nucleus

o ER

o Mitochondrion

o Golgi Body

o Cytoplasm

o Lysosomes


Overall Total:


Grade: ________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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