









______________________ Male or Female (circle one)

Date of Birth

Email address: _________________________________________________________________________

In case of emergency, please notify: _________________________________Phone__________________

To aid us in securing background information, please supply the following information:

Current Employer: _____________________________________ Phone: __________________________

How long have you worked for this employer? _______________ Position: ________________________

Please list a minimum of three references. Do NOT list relatives:

1. Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship: ____________________

Address: ____________________________________________ Phone: _________________________

2. Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship: ____________________

Address: ____________________________________________ Phone: _________________________

3. Name: ______________________________________________ Relationship: ____________________

Address: ____________________________________________ Phone: _________________________

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or released from prison within the last 10 years, or convicted of a misdemeanor within the past 5 years or are you currently undergoing court action of any kind?  Yes  No (If yes, provide name and date of offense, date of conviction, details of incident and location of court. (Attach separate sheet if necessary.)________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever been charged with neglect or abuse of a person, child, or animal  Yes No (If yes, explain in specific detail, including date and location of alleged offense(s). Attach separate sheet if necessary.)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Can you perform the job functions of a volunteer as shown, but not limited to, the tasks listed below with or without accommodations.  Yes No (If no please explain)


Dog walking / socializing Grounds Cleanup including Pooper Scooping

Cat socializing Laundry

Bathing/ brushing dogs or cats Restocking

Cleaning or setting up of dog/cat kennels Working with the public

Please list any volunteer experience you have: _____________________________________________________________________________________


Please tell us about your experience with animals: _____________________________________________



List any special skills/training you have that may be useful as well as any other additional information: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you willing to commit 2 hours/week for a minimum of 6 months? Yes No

Volunteer shifts are mornings and afternoons: Please specify which day/days you can work.

|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

| | | | | | | |

Why are you interested in volunteering at ARRF Animal Foster Care? _____________________________



How did you hear about our Volunteer Program? ______________________________________________

Notice to Volunteers

I understand that this application does not guarantee acceptance into the ARRF volunteer program.

Dress Code

While volunteering, we request that you wear attire with the ARRF Animal Foster Care logo. For your safety, you should wear closed toed & non slip shoes and should not wear dangling jewelry. Please accept that your clothing and shoes may become damaged and/or dirty while volunteering.


Injury & Illness

Working with animals may be dangerous and lead to serious injury, illness, or even death. As a volunteer you understand and agree to personally assume any and all of the liability and risk associated with volunteering for ARRF Animal Foster Care. Further, each volunteer agrees to hold harmless ARRF, its directors, officers, agents and other volunteers from any responsibility or liability for any and all illness, injuries, or death which may occur as direct or proximate result of their involvement with ARRF Animal Foster Care.


Print Name:__________________________________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________


Please read the following carefully. This form must be signed by the volunteer.

As a volunteer, I am expected to:

• Attend the volunteer orientation.

• Attend training classes when appropriate.

• Conduct myself in a professional manner at all times when involved in ARRF activities.

• Perform my tasks under the guidelines established within the job description for that task.

• Report any abusive behavior in the Rescue to the appropriate staff person.

• Adhere to all established policies and procedures

• Wear the ARRF Foster Care logo at all times when working at the shelter or other shelter activities.

As a volunteer, I understand and agree that:

• I am providing my services in a volunteer capacity without any expressed or implied promise of salary or employment benefits.

• Using or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited while volunteering.

• My volunteer involvement may be terminated if I do not meet my commitment in an appropriate manner, or otherwise fail to adhere to the guidelines outlined on this form.

As a volunteer working with the dogs, I am expected to:

• Treat the animals with respect and kindness

• Report animal injuries, illness or behavior concerns to a staff member.

• Never handle an animal that makes me feel uncomfortable. I will not put myself, the animal or others at risk.

• Follow all posted instructions in animal care areas.

• This includes not entering a restricted area, such as the quarantine room, without permission.

I understand that as a volunteer I am responsible for understanding and abiding by the information contained within this Volunteer Rules of Conduct form and any subsequent forms given to me by ARRF Animal Foster Care.


Print Name_____________________________________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________________________________





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