Interpreting Graphics – Taxonomy – Use the diagram of the ...

Name: ___________________________________ Period: _________

Interpreting Graphics – Taxonomy – Use the diagram of the Kingdom Animalia to answer the following questions.

Answer true or false to the following statements.

______ 1. Dogs belong to the order Felidae.

______ 2. A fox belongs to the phylum Arthropoda.

______ 3. Snakes belong to the class reptilia.

______ 4. Lions belong to the class mammalian

______ 5. All arthropods belong to the class Insecta

______ 6. All rodents belong to the phylum chordata.

______ 7. All amphibians belong to the genus canis.

______ 8. All primates are mammals.

______ 9. The class mammalia includes dogs, cats and rodents.

______ 10. A lion belongs to the genus Felis.

______ 11. All mammals are primates.

______ 12. Insects and lobsters are arthropods.

In each set, circle the pair that is the most closely related.

13. snakes & crocodiles or snakes & frogs

14. rodents & cats or cats & dogs

15. insects & lobsters or insects & birds

16. lions & tigers or lions & cougars

17. foxes & rats or foxes & dogs

18. cats & dogs or cats & lions

Short Answer:

17. List the two genuses that belong in the Felidae family. ______________ _______________

18. List all the species (scientific name) that belong to the Canis genus.

______________________ ______________________

19. What two classes does the phylum Arthropoda include? ___________ __________________

20. What class do snakes and crocodiles belong to? __________________________________

21. What animal belongs to the Genus Vulpes? _________________________

22. What is the closest relative to the common house cat? _________________________

Cladogram Questions: Use the cladogram to answer the questions

23. What 3 derived characteristics do amphibians and primates have in common?

__________________ __________________ ____________________

24. Who is more closely related to crocodiles: rodents or dinosaurs? _________________

25. What characteristic do only primates and rodents/rabbits share? ______________

26. What four clades share the derived characteristic of an amniotic egg?

_______________ _______________ _______________ _________________

27. What clades share the pre-orbital fenestra? ________________ ________________

28. What derived characteristic do all the clades have in common? ______________________

29. What derived characteristics do fish have that sharks do not? __________________________

30. What does a vertebrate have than an invertebrate does not have? _______________________

31. Which 2 clades are more closely related: rodents and primates or sharks and ray-finned fish?



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