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MinutesHometown Revitalization Committee July 6, 2020A regular business meeting was held on July 6, 2020. 1st Item Roll Call - Members present were Nichol, Isbell, Hagar, Perkins, Ankeny, Godsey. Also in attendance was Town Manager, Jeff Schrier.2nd Item – Approval of May and June minutes were moved by Member Isbell, 2nd by Co-chair Hager. Voted in unanimously. 3rdth Item –Public Comment—No Public Comment.4th – Art Discussion. Area High School Student, Alyssa, has submitted 3 pieces of art that she would like to paint in a public area in Eaton. She first presented to the Town Board, who then asked us for the EHRC input. The town asked for citizen participation via a survey that was on the Town of Eaton website as well the towns Facebook page. The suvey resulted in the “Eaton Colorado” piece winning the survey with 57% of the vote. The committee decided that we would uphold the citizens most requested piece and decide the “Eaton” piece would be the painting to be voted on. There was discussion from most committee members as well as solicited advice from two town members Daniel who owns the Art Dealer shop in town as well as Nomie Ketterling from the library board. Secretary Perkins personally invited them and asked their opinions on the pieces. The 3 pieces of art are a direct reflection of her personality being a young 17 year old girl living through the difficult times of 2020 regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.5th Item –Events Discussion- Community Business Open House August 3rd at our regularly scheduled meeting from 6:00 – 8:00pm. Chair Marq presented the invitation that will go out as mailer as well as via email.. It was discussed and decided that we would allow 50 people at a time into the meeting. The invitation does include a RSVP to help insure the numbers that we would be allowed to gather in one place due to COVID-19 restrictions. It was suggested that we provide drink refreshments (no food) as well as a possible report from Baseline regarding the progress on 1st Street. It was also discussed that we would provide focus and lead questions to the group via an email link. The format of the meeting will not be round table discussion this time but more formatted towards Town Board style with podium speakers with a 3 minute time limit per participant. Possible SUMMER movie event. Hagar provided the numbers for the movie rental of screen and sound, cost was discussed but not decided upon. Dates were discussed and August 29th at 8:00pm was the set date. Price of the movie was presented by CoChair Hagar. The numbers are as follows $650 screen rental, $350 -$450 movie rental and $200 for the tech person. The Eaton Chamber has yet to get back to us regarding help with this event. Hagar is reaching out to Movie event people to see if they are providing this service at this time and if they have the availability to do it. If this materializes we will reserve and then move to choosing a movie to show. Discussions were had on movie suggestions but we are still waiting on movie event company to put this event on the calendar. We are still waiting at this point. Advertising will be on Facebook, website, waterbill mailer and possibly the newspaper if this event is a go. Farmers Market – Perkins discussed that Town Manager, Schrier has said that the Town has insurance coverage for a hobby market. Perkins has been in touch with some vendors from last year and they are interested in coming back to the market. Ankeny said that she has been in touch with “Dillards” in Galeton and they are interested in providing food truck for the event. The committee decided on advertisement in the newspaper, the town Facebook as well as website. The dates are every Saturday, September 12 through October 3rd. The times are from 8:00am to 12:00pm. It was discussed that if vendors sign up for all 4 weeks that they may receive a discount from the vendor fee and was left to Perkins discretion to decide that. Otherwise the booth fee was set at $10.00 per week. At this time a small recess was taken to decide on area for the artwork submitted by Alyssa. It was voted that the area that faces towards the Town Square park versus the east side of building that faces the parking lot. 6th Item –Subcommittee Formed for Baseline meetings regarding 1st Street renderings. Nichol said he would volunteer, as well as Isbell (pending that Heid may want to volunteer but was absent) Also, Perkins volunteered for sub-committee. Possible meeting set for the week of July 20th with Baseline. 7th Item – Committee Positions - Two positions are coming up for availability. Co-Chair is willing to retain his position on the committee. However, Ankeny said that should would respectfully decline the retention of her member position. Ankeny did express interest in event sub-committees in the future. The committee will now ask for letters of intent from area citizens. Once read, and decided upon, the committee with then pass off to the Town Board for approval. 7th Item – Budget 2020 – Co-Chair Hagar reported no changes to the EHRC Budget. 8th Item – Adjourn 9:00. ................

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