January 11, 2011

Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Newberg School District 29J

714 East Sixth Street

Newberg, Oregon 97132





The Board of Directors of the Newberg School District 29J will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 in the Newberg School District Office, 714 East Sixth Street, Newberg, OR 97132 to discuss and take action on minutes and donations. Business items include: A student presentation by the King Cobras; Board Policy GBLA: Disclosure of Information, First Reading; Naming of Facilities; Preliminary 2011-12 School Calendar, Revised; Proclamation: Board Appreciation Month; State Standards Assurance Compliance; 2009-10 Audit Report and Accept the 2009-10 Audit. The Board will meet in executive session according to ORS 192.660 (1) (i) Evaluation of

Superintendent or Other Staff Member

Newberg School District is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Persons having questions about or requests for special needs and accommodations should contact the Special Education Director at the Newberg School District, 714 East Sixth Street, Newberg, Oregon


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Regular Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Newberg School District Office

714 East Sixth Street

Newberg, Oregon 97132


Regular Meeting, January 11, 2011, 7:00 p.m.

Newberg School District Board Room

NOTE: The Board encourages the attendance of citizens at its meetings. When a patron wishes to bring a particular matter to the attention of the Board, it is recommended that the matter first be discussed with the District Superintendent. The Superintendent will gather relevant information to assist the Board in addressing the issue.






Patrons may address the School Board. Board members may not be informed of a certain item until it is expressed at the Board meeting, therefore, the Board may not respond immediately to a patron’s request or question. A patron who expresses a concern is assured, however, that the concern will be heard and the Board will respond. The Board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. The Chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for Board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.


King Cobra Student Presentation Don Dorman, Director of Special Programs


A. Minutes

B. Donations


A. Superintendent’s Comments Dr. Paula A. Radich, Superintendent

B. Board Comments Board of Directors


A. Board Policy GBLA: Disclosure of Information, First Reading Mitsi Vondrachek, Director

B. Naming of Facilities Tim Burke, Athletic Director

C. Preliminary 2011-12 School Calendar, Revised Toni Wyss, Board Secretary


A. Proclamation: Board Appreciation Month Dr. Paula A. Radich, Superintendent

B. State Standards Assurance Compliance Dr. Paula A. Radich, Superintendent


2009-10 Audit Report Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations

Representatives from Pauly, Rogers Co. PC

XI. NEW BUSINESS (Continued)

Accept the 2009-10 Audit Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations



Directors may desire to enter executive session to discuss matters under authority of Oregon Revised Statutes 192.660(1) and 192.660(2)

a) Employment

b) Dismissal or Discipline of Employees or Public Officers

(d) Labor Negotiations

(e) Real Property Transactions

(f) Exempt Records

(h) Litigation or Litigation Likely to be Filed

* (i) Evaluation of Superintendent or Other Staff Member

NOTE: Purpose(s) of executive session, of one is to be held, is designated by an asterisk before the appropriate category.


The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Newberg School District is scheduled for Monday, January 24, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Newberg District Office, 714 East Sixth Street, Newberg, OR 97132.


AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: King Cobra Student Presentation Student Presentation: XXXX

Originator: Don Dorman, Director of Special Programs

Presenter: Lesley Carsley, Principal, Joan Austin Elementary School

Topic Summary: Student presentation - the King Cobras,

Background Information:

The King Cobras are a group of students from Joan Austin Elementary who meet every Friday with Mrs. Hyatt, their Learning Resource teacher, to build on social skills with friends. They’re here tonight to share some of the fun activities.

Michael Emerson

James Rightmire

Jack Copeland

Lewis von Delius

Kameron Mahaffey

Pacific Stensland

Jace Davis

Ryan Culp


AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: Consent Agenda Items Action: XXXX

Originator: Toni Wyss, Board Secretary


Consent Agenda Recommendations:

A. Minutes

Approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of December 13, 2010

B. Donations

1. Blue Ray surround sound system from David Irwin to Newberg High School

2. $2,160 Grant from OMSI to Edwards Elementary School

3. $1,000 from Scott and Michelle Springer to the Newberg High School Athletic Department

4. Conn Trumpet from Debbie Thoren to the Newberg School District Music Department

Superintendent’s Recommendation: Move that the Newberg School District Board of Directors approve the consent agenda as presented.


Regular Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Newberg School District Board Room

December 13, 2010

A duly called and noticed Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of Newberg School District 29J was called to order by Board Chair Melinda Van Bossuyt at 7:03 p.m. on Monday, December 13, 2010 in the Newberg School District Board Room.

PRESENT Board Chair Melinda Van Bossuyt, Directors Mitsi Vondrachek, Mark Ankeny, Jim Chogyoji, Debbie Hawblitzel, Todd Thomas (present via teleconference, connected at 7:18 p.m.) and Deona Twenge (arrived at 7:06 p.m.).


Present, in addition to Board members, were Superintendent Paula A. Radich, Student Representative to the Board Zach Rierson, staff and Newberg Graphic reporter Laurent Bonczijk.

CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Van Bossuyt called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

FLAG SALUTE The Pledge of Allegiance was led student Ethan Harris.

REVIEW AGENDA There were no changes to the agenda.

STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Dundee Elementary School: Fourth Grade Teachers Rick Crocker and Jillian Risher introduced students Emerson Harris, Valeria Cosgrove and Sierra Sherland who presented their science fair projects to the Board. Board members learned that Bounty paper towels are the strongest; worms prefer dark to light habitation; and hands-down, regular Ranch dressing tastes better than fat-free dressing.

COMMENTS/QUESTIONS There were no comments.


CONSENT AGENDA MOTION: Director Hawblitzel moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors approve the consent agenda as presented; motion was seconded and approved unanimously. The Board approved the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of November 8, 2010, approved the temporary licensed contract for Jamie Hamilton, 1.0 LA/SS Teacher at Newberg High School, Green School; accepted the October 30, 2010 financial reports; and accepted donations of $1,200 from A-dec; $757.10 from Double “K” Ventures, McDonalds; $1,861.87 from Dundee Parent Club; Computer Equipment from Pacific University; a Bass Trombone from Patty Hansen; a ClearOne Max Conferencing Telephone from Hillsboro School District; a REDCAT System from Lightspeed Technologies, Inc., $21,857 from the Newberg Education Foundation; $1,800 from the Newberg Rotary Foundation; a Pianovelle PS 2500 Midi Electronic Piano from Debra Weldon; wigs, camera equipment and a musical instrument from Peggy and Rich Schaad and computer equipment from Walter Want.

COMMUNICATIONS, Superintendent Comments: Superintendent Radich reported to the Board that Julio

CORRESPONDENCE, Bautista, a senior in Yellow School, was selected to attend George Fox University as

INTRODUCTIONS part of an Act 6 scholarship program. Dr. Radich congratulated Jonathan Fost, ELL and Migrant Program Coordinator, and district English Language Learner (ELL) teachers for the increase number of Newberg students meeting state benchmarks. In the 2009-10 school year, only 23 districts met all Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives; Newberg was one of this group.

Board Member Comments: Directors Hawblitzel, Van Bossuyt and Chogyoji, and Dr. Radich, attended the high school production of Pirates of Penance. They all spoke of the excellence of the production. Director Van Bossuyt attended a Portland Community College (PCC) Advisory Committee meeting. Van Bossuyt reported that the construction of the Newberg PCC site is on schedule and also announced that PCC enrolled 317 Newberg students in local classes – 37 were English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students.

REPORTS Special Education Program Update: Don Dorman, Director of Student Services, presented a review of the current demographics and trend information pertaining to students being served through special education programs in the Newberg School District. The District identified 12 to 12.8% of its population of students as qualifying for special education services.

Dorman told the Board that there is a special needs parent advisory group being formed in Newberg. This group is looking at projects, like the Special Olympics, to support special education programs in the District.

NEW BUSINESS Award Copier Contract: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations, presented. The District received proposals from two vendors: Pacific Office Automation and Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA, Inc. MOTION: Director Chogyoji moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors award the five-year lease for copiers to Pacific Office Automation in the amount of $561,157; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS Approve Award of Architectural Engineering Services RFP: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations, presented. Five firms submitted proposals: BOORA Architects, Inc.; CONDUFF architecture/design, LLC; BLRB Architects, PS; Arbuckle Costic Architects Inc; and RSS Architects, LLC. MOTION: Director Hawblitzel moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors approve Architectural Engineering RFP award to BOORA Architects, Inc; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Qualified School Construction Bond: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations, presented. Part of the Federal Government American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 included specific funding to the Quality School Construction Bond (QSCB) program. The QSCB program offers School Districts and Municipalities the ability to borrow money at a near zero interest rate by offering large tax incentives to investors.

Beginning January 3, 2011, the Oregon Department of Education will begin accepting applications for the remaining $60 million dollars. Allocations will be distributed in $15 million dollar increments on a first come, first serve basis. If the allocation is not fully utilized, the increments may increase to a maximum of $20 million dollars.

MOTION: Director Ankeny moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors approve the submission of an application for the Qualified School Construction Bond; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS Preliminary 2011-2012 School Calendar: Dr. Radich presented. MOTION: Director Chogyoji moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt the preliminary 2011-2012 school calendar as presented; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Superintendent Evaluation Timeline: Vice Chair Chogyoji presented. Annually the Board adopts the superintendent evaluation timeline. The document presented has been used for the past several years. MOTION: Director Hawblitzel moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt the timeline for the Superintendent evaluation as presented; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

2011-12 Budget Process and Calendar: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations, presented the Budget Calendar for the 2011-2012 budget process. MOTION: Director Hawblitzel moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors approve the Budget Calendar for 2010-11; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Revise Board Meeting Calendar: Board Chair Van Bossuyt presented. MOTION: Director Chogyoji moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors change the first Board meeting in January from January 10 to January 11, 2011; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Oregon School Boards Association Election: Board Position 13: Board Chair Van Bossuyt presented. Michael Blanchard is the only candidate running for Board Position 13. MOTION: Director Ankeny moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors vote for Michael Blanchard, Oregon School Boards Association Board Position 13; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

OSBA Resolution 1: Membership, Dues and Assessments: Board Chair Van Bossuyt presented. Resolution 1 would amend the OSBA Constitution to include language that may increase dues annually by the Urban CIP. MOTION: Director Hawblitzel moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt OSBA Resolution 1: Membership, Dues and Assessment, by title only; motion was seconded and failed by the following vote:

Ayes: Directors Thomas, Chogyoji and Vondrachek

No: Directors Twenge, Van Bossuyt, Hawblitzel and Ankeny

OSBA Resolution 2: Amend the OSBA Constitution: Board Chair Van Bossuyt presented. Resolution 2 amends the OSBA Constitution to align language with governance changes. MOTION: Director Hawblitzel moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt OSBA Resolution 2: Amend the OSBA Constitution, by title only; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

OSBA Resolution 3: Proposed 2011 OSBA Legislative Policies and Priorities: Board Chair Van Bossuyt presented. MOTION: Director Hawblitzel moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt OSBA Resolution 3: Proposed 2011 OSBA Legislative Policies and Priorities, by title only; motion was seconded and approved by the following vote:

Ayes: Directors Thomas, Chogyoji; Vondrachek; Van Bossuyt, Hawblitzel and Ankeny

No: Director Twenge

Board Policy GBLA: Disclosure of Information, First Reading: Director Vondrachek presented. The Board asked the Policy Committee to rework the last paragraph of this policy. No action was taken and this policy will be on a future agenda.

Board Policy and Administrative Regulation Revisions: Director Vondrachek presented three policies for revision. The Board asked that more work be done with Board Policy and Administrative Regulations for ING: Animals in District Facilities. No action was taken on ING and this policy and administrative regulation will be on a future agenda. Revisions to the other two policies were minor. MOTION: Director Chogyoji moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt on first reading revisions to Board Policy JHCA: Physical Examination of Students; first reading and Board Policy JHFF: Reporting Requirements Regarding Sexual Conduct with Students; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Director Ankeny left the room at 9:10 p.m. and didn’t vote on this agenda item.

Director Ankeny returned at 9:12 p.m.


( Superintendent Evaluation

EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board convened Executive Session at 9:23 p.m. according to ORS192.660(1)(d)(e) Labor Negotiations; Real Property Transactions.

ADJOURNMENT No further matters appearing to come before the Board, there was agreement for adjournment at 10:11 p.m.

Toni Wyss

Board Secretary


Superintendent-Clerk Board Chair


AGENDA – January 11, 2010

Item: Donation: Blu Ray Surround Sound System Consent Agenda: XXXX

Originator: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations

Topic Summary: Accept Donation of Blu-Ray Player.

Background Information:

Mr. David Irwin donated a Blu Ray Surround Sound System to Newberg High School.

Consent Agenda


AGENDA – January 11, 2010

Item: Donation: $2,160 Grant from the Oregon Museum Consent Agenda: XXXX

of Science and Industry (OMSI)

Originator: Toni Wyss, Board Secretary

Topic Summary: Accept the $2,160 grant from OMSI to Edwards Elementary School.

Background Information:

Edwards Elementary School has received a $2,160 grant from for the OMSI Outdoor School program.

Consent Agenda


AGENDA – January 11, 2010

Item: Donation: $1000 to the Newberg High School Athletic Department Consent Agenda: XXXX

Originator: Toni Wyss, Board Secretary

Topic Summary: Accept the $1,000 donation.

Background Information:

Scott and Michelle Springer donated $1,000 to the Newberg High School Athletic Department.

Consent Agenda


AGENDA – January 11, 2010

Item: Donation: Conn Trumpet to the Newberg School District Consent Agenda: XXXX

Originator: Toni Wyss, Board Secretary

Topic Summary: Accept the donation of a Conn trumpet to the Newberg School District Music Department.

Background Information:

Debbie Thoren donated a Conn trumpet to the Newberg School District Music Department.

Consent Agenda


AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: Board Policy GBLA: Disclosure of Information, First Reading Action : XXXX

Originator: Toni Wyss, Board Secretary

Presenter: Mitsi Vondrachek, Director

Topic Summary: Adopt Board Policy GBLA: Disclosure of Information, First Reading.

Background Information:

This is an additional policy relating to the District’s hiring process.

Superintendent’s Recommendation: Move that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt for first reading Board Policy GBLA: Disclosure of Information.

Code: GBLA


Disclosure of Information

Authorized district officials may disclose information about a former employee’s job performance to a prospective employer. District officials are immune from civil liability for such disclosures under the following conditions:

1. The disclosure of information regarding the former employee’s job performance is upon request of the prospective employer or the former employee. This disclosure is presumed to be in good faith. Presumption of good faith is rebutted by showing the information disclosed was:

a. Knowingly false;

b. Deliberately misleading;

c. Rendered with malicious purpose; or

d. Violated civil rights.

2. The disclosure is of the disciplinary records1 of a district employee who has been convicted of a crime listed in ORS 342.143. These records are not exempt from disclosure under ORS 192.501 or ORS 192.502 and shall be released to any person upon request. Prior to the disclosure of a disciplinary record an education provider shall remove any personally identifiable information from the record that would disclose the identity of a child, a crime victim or a school employee who is not the subject of the disciplinary record.

3. The disclosure is the result of a request from a law enforcement agency, the Department of Human Services or the Teachers Standards and Practices Commission regarding the records of investigations of suspected child abuse by a district employee.

4. The disclosure is made by an education provider that who has or has had an employment relationship with the applicant. Not later than 20 days after receiving a request under ORS 339.374, the education provider shall disclose the information requested and any disciplinary records that must be disclosed as provided by ORS 339.388(7).


Legal Reference(s)

ORS 30.178

ORS 339.370 – 339.375

ORS 339.388(7)

ORS Chapter 659


AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: Preliminary 2011-2012 School Calendar, Revised Action: XXXX

Originator: Toni Wyss, Board Secretary

Presenter: Toni Wyss, Board Secretary

Topic Summary: There is a revision to the preliminary school calendar adopted at the December 13, 2010 Board meeting.

Background: The preliminary 2011-2012 school calendar was adopted at the December 13, 2010 board meeting. In keeping with the tradition of aligning the District’s calendar with the Oregon University System’s Academic Calendar, Spring Break should be the week of March 26-30, 2012, not March 19-23, 2012.

Superintendent’s Recommendation: Move that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt the revised preliminary 2011-2012 school calendar as presented.


AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: Naming of Facilities Action: XXXX

Originator: Tim Burke, Athletic Director and Kathy Brown, Retired Teacher

Presenter: Tim Burke, Athletic Director and Kathy Brown, Retired Teacher

Background Information: Retired Newberg teacher and long-time community member Kathy Brown, with the support of several past and recent Newberg High School graduates, propose that the Newberg School District Board of Directors name the basketball court in McGrath Gymnasium on the Newberg High School Campus the DeCrevel Court in honor of retired teacher and Cheerleading coach, Carolyn DeCrevel.

Carolyn DeCrevel retired after 44 years of teaching physical education at Newberg High School and is in her 51st year as the Head Cheerleading coach.

Although the reasons for considering this action are as numerous as the lives Carolyn has impacted over the past 50+ years, it can be summed up in two words: “Structural Integrity.”

You will have a chance to read just a few of the letters from individuals of all ages and all walks of life. Each one tells the story of how Mrs. DeCrevel was a large part of their lives. In some cases, that impact stretched over generations of families.

For over fifty years, Carolyn has provided the structural integrity to our youth, who struggle through high school, trying to build a foundation for the rest of their lives. The strength of that foundation is located in Carolyn’s structural integrity. It can be found in how she taught. It can be found in how she coaches. It can be found in how she lives.

In accordance with Newberg School District Board Policy 8320, Director Debbie Hawblitzel met with staff members Dan Malone and Tim Burke, as well as community member Kathy Brown.

The enclosed documents will address questions posed by the administrative regulations.

Superintendent’s Recommendation: Move that the Newberg School District Board of Directors approve naming the basketball court in the McGrath Gymnasium on the Newberg High School Campus – DeCrevel Court.

Newberg School District 29J

Committee Recommendation


Naming School District Facilities

1. Description of district facility to be named: Basketball Court, McGrath Gymnasium

2. Suggested Name: DeCrevel Court

3. If the name suggested is that of a person:

Why was the person noteworthy? What, specifically did he/she do of significance?

See Attached. Mrs. DeCrevel has been a teacher at Newberg High School for 44 years. She is currently in her 51st year as cheer coach.

Was this person unusually dedicated? In what ways?

Mrs. DeCrevel initiated athletics for females in the early 1960’s – prior to Title IX.

Did the person’s contribution extend over a relatively long period of time?

51 Years

Who will/did benefit from this person’s contributions?

See Attached: Thousands. Mrs. DeCrevel has developed young adults, who developed into successful leaders – both male and female.

Are there long-term benefits? If so, what are the benefits?

See Attached

4. If the name suggested is that of a geographic feature or Newberg educational terminology, practice or concept, why is it noteworthy enough to have a district facility named for it? NA

Date January 10, 2011

Names of those making initial suggestion:

Kathy Brown

Tim Burke

Dan Malone

Carol O’Halloran


AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: Proclamation: Board Appreciation Month Information: XXXX

Originator: Dr. Paula Radich, Superintendent

Presenter: Dr. Paula Radich


Topic Summary:

Proclaim January 2011 as School Board Recognition Month.


Background Information:

The Superintendent invites the community to join the staff and students of Newberg School District 29J in demonstrating our appreciation to the members of the Newberg School District Board of Directors by proclaiming the month of January 2011 as School Board Appreciation Month.







WHEREAS, school boards create a vision for what students should know and be able to do;

WHEREAS, school boards establish clear standards for student performance;

WHEREAS, school boards ensure that student assessments are tied to established standards;

WHEREAS, school boards are accountable to the community for operating schools that support student achievement;

WHEREAS, school boards align school district resources to ensure that students meet standards;

WHEREAS, school boards create a climate that supports the philosophy that all children can learn at high levels;

WHEREAS, school boards build collaborative relationships based on trust, teamwork and shared accountability; and

WHEREAS, school boards are committed to continuous education and training on issues related to student achievement;

NOW, THEREFORE, I hereby declare our appreciation to the members of the Newberg School District Board of Directors and proclaim the month of January to be School Board Recognition Month.

I urge all citizens to join me in recognizing the dedication and hard work of local school board members in preparing today's students for tomorrow's world.


Dr. Paula A. Radich, Superintendent

January 11, 2010


AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: State Standards Assurance Compliance Information: XXXX

Originator: Dr. Paula A. Radich, Superintendent

Presenter: Dr. Paula A. Radich

Topic Summary:

By January 15 of each year, school district superintendents are required to report to their communities the district’s standing with respect to the Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools as set forth in OAR Chapter 581, Division 22.

Following that report, districts are required to complete and return the Elementary and Secondary Schools 2010-11 Assurance form to the Oregon Department of Education by February 15, 2011. The form acknowledges the district’s compliance with Oregon Administrative Rules and identifies areas needing correction.

Background Information:

The Superintendent’s Cabinet is charged with the responsibility of examining each standard, documenting compliance and identifying areas for improvement. The district is in compliance with all Division 22 Standards with the exception of the following Oregon Administrative Rules:

OAR 581-022-0413 Prevention Education Programs in Drugs and Alcohol

(1) (a) "In addition, at least annually, all high school students, grades 9-12 shall receive age-appropriate instruction about drug and alcohol prevention."  Our current curriculum only instructs students in health class not in each grade.

(3) "Staff development in the district shall:  (a) Inform all staff of the district plan and their responsibilities within that plan; and, (b) Provide alcohol and drug abuse prevention education to all staff." 

The Director of Teaching and Learning has suggested that prevention programs be taught through Newberg High School’s advisory program as students are required to attend advisory each year of their four years of high school.


Information Only:

January 25, 2011

Stephanie Parks, Office Specialist

Oregon Department of Education

Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation

255 Capitol Street NE

Salem, Oregon 97310-0203

Re: Division 22, Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

2010-2011 Assurance Form

Dear Ms. Parks:

Enclosed, please find a copy of the Standards Assurance Form for Newberg School District 29J. The Assurance Form and accompanying standards were discussed with our Board of Directors at their January 24, 2011 meeting.

The following standards are identified as needing improvement:

OAR 581-022-0413 (1a/3) Prevention Education Programs in Drugs/Alcohol

OAR 581-022-0413 Prevention Education Programs in Drugs and Alcohol

(1) (a) "In addition, at least annually, all high school students, grades 9-12 shall receive age-appropriate instruction about drug and alcohol prevention."  Our current curriculum only instructs students in health class not in each grade.

(3) "Staff development in the district shall:  (a) Inform all staff of the district plan and their responsibilities within that plan; and, (b) Provide alcohol and drug abuse prevention education to all staff." 

Corrective Action: The Director of Teaching and Learning worked with administrators at Newberg High School to discuss implementing prevention education programs in student advisories. Students are required to attend advisory daily for four years of their high school experience. Given the current course configurations, one year of health and one year of physical education, it is difficult to make certain 100% of high school students receive instruction annually.

Please contact me if you require clarification or if you desire additional information. Thank you.


Paula A. Radich, Ed.D.


Enclosures: Division 22 Assurance Form

Minutes of January 24, 2011 Meeting of the Board of Directors

2010 Annual Report to the Community

Division 22

Standards for Public

Elementary and Secondary Schools

2010–2011 Assurances

Instructions for Completing Form

1. Determine your district’s compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) located in Chapter 581, Division 22. The OARs are available for review in ODE’s 2011 Quick Reference guide or on the Secretary of State’s webpage at .

2. Certify that your district’s annual report was presented to the community, as required by the Department of Education. Please include evidence (such as school board minutes or a newspaper article) with the completed assurance form. This evidence should document that the report was made to the community.

3. Identify any areas of non-compliance.

4. Create a plan that details how your district will correct the identified areas of non-compliance. Attach this plan to your assurance form.

5. Obtain your District Superintendent’s signature on the Assurance Form.

6. Mail the completed (and signed) Assurance Form with attachments by February 15, 2011 to:

Stephanie Parks, Office Specialist

Oregon Department of Education

Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation

255 Capitol Street NE

Salem, OR 97310-0203

If you have questions or need further assistance, please email Stephanie at or call (503) 947-5621.




I hereby certify that Newberg School District has completed and presented its annual report to the community and is in compliance with and implementing as required, all of the Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools as set out in OAR Chapter 581, Division 22, including new or revised rules adopted by the State Board of Education in 2010 (identified in the table below).

|581-022-0421 |Safety of School Sports - Concussions |

|581-022-0610 |Administration of State Assessments |

|581-022-0620 |Test Developments |

I certify that any Division 22 rules with which the district does not yet comply are noted below. An explanation of why the district is not in compliance and a plan for correcting the deficiency (or deficiencies) is attached.

I further certify that all representations in this Assurance Form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

|Dr. Paula A. Radich | | |

|Name of District Superintendent | |Signature |

|Dr. Paula A. Radich | |January 25, 2011 |

|Name of person completing form | |Date |

Please list any Division 22 rule(s), including the OAR number and title, with which the district is not in compliance and attach documents detailing plans to correct. Expand table as needed.

|1. |OAR 581-022-0413 Prevention Education Programs in Drugs and Alcohol |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|4. | |

|5. | |

Please return the 2010-2011 Assurance Form by February 15, 2011 to:

Stephanie Parks, Office Specialist

Oregon Department of Education

255 Capitol Street NE

Salem, OR 97310-0203


AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: Audit Report Information: XXXX

Originator: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations

Presenter: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations

Representatives from Pauly, Rogers Co. PC

Topic Summary: Auditors will be present to present the Audit Report for 2010 Fiscal Year.

Background Information:

The District received an Audit Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. The firm of Pauly, Rogers and Co., P.C, performed the audit. Representatives from Pauly, Rogers and Co., PC will be in attendance to present results of the audit and answer questions.



AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: Accept 2010 Audit Report Action: XXXX

Originator: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations

Presenter: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations

Topic Summary: Accept the Newberg School District 29J Audit Report for 2010 Fiscal Year.

Background Information:

The District received an Audit Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. Pauly, Rogers Co., P.C, performed the audit.

Superintendent’s Recommendation: Move that the Newberg School District Board of Directors accept the Audit Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010 as submitted.


AGENDA – January 11, 2011

Item: Items for Future Agendas Information: XXXX

Presenter: Board Chair


Topic Summary: Attached is the calendar for future Board agenda items.

|January 24, 2011 Regular Meeting and Budget Workshop |February 7, 2011 – Workshop |

| | |

|( Board Appreciation |( Public Affairs Council – Mark Nelson and Melissa Martin |

|( Recognition - Crater | |

|( Quarterly Financial Report | |

| | |

| | |

|7:30 Budget Workshop | |

|( Budget Process | |

|( Legislative Update | |

|( Budget Assumptions and Parameters | |

|( State School Fund Formula | |

|( District Goals | |

|( Enrollment Projections and adjustments – 2011-12 | |

| | |

|Executive Session | |

|February 14, 2011 – Regular Board Meeting |February 28, 2011 – Regular Board Meeting |

| | |

|( Appropriation Transfer - Resolution |6:30 Executive Session – Exempt Records |

|( Essential Skills | |

| |( Student Recognition - NHS |

| |( Monthly Financial Report – Consent Agenda |

| |( Licensed Teacher Contract Renewal |

| |( Temporary Teacher Contracts |

| |( Administrator Contract Renewal |

| |( Superintendent Evaluation |

| |( Superintendent Contract Renewal |

| |( Proclamation-Classified Employee Appreciation Week |

| |(March 7-10) |

| |ESD Service Plan – Pat or Dave to present |

| |Proposal to add LaCrosse to NHS |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Executive Session |

| | |

|March 14, 2011 - Regular Board Meeting |March 28 , 2011 - Regular Board Meeting |

| | |

|( Student Recognition - EY |( Monthly Financial Report – Consent Agenda |

|( |( Student Recognition – Austin |

|( |( |

| | |

|Executive Session |Executive Session |

|April 4, 2011 – First Budget Committee Meeting 7:00 |April 11, 2011 – Regular Board Meeting 7:00 |

|( Elect Officers | |

|( Budget Message | |

|Proposed Budget | |

|Subcommittee Process and Assignments | |

| | |

| |Executive Session |

| | |

|April 25, 2011 | |

|Student Recognition - CV | |

|( Proclamation-Teacher Appreciation Week | |

|( Quarterly Financial Report | |

|( Rights and Responsibilities Handbook | |

| | |

| | |

|Executive Session | |

|May 09, 2011 |May 23, 2011 – Regular Board Meeting/ Budget Meeting |

|Establish Meal Prices 2011-12 |( Student Recognition – Mabel Rush |

|Establish District Fees 2011-12 |( Monthly Financial Report – Consent Agenda |

|Establish Board Calendar 2011-12 |( District Fees |

|WESD Board Election |( Final 2011-12 School Calendar |

|Appoint Student Representatives to the Board | |

|Appropriation Transfer – Resolution |7:30 Budget Meeting |

| | |

|Executive Session |( Budget Subcommittee Reports |

| |( Update Revenue Projections |

| |( Approve Budget and Set Tax Levies |

| |Claudia Stewart, Communications Specialist |

| |Executive Session |

|June 13, 2011 |June 27, 2011 |

| | |

|Resolution 2011- Adopting the Budget, Making Appropriations and Imposing |( Monthly Financial Report – Consent Agenda |

|and Categorizing Taxes |( Appropriation Transfer |

|Establish Substitute Teacher Pay Rate 2011-12 | |

|Budget Hearing | |

|Adopt Budget | |

|Approve Appropriation and Tax Levies |Executive Session |

| | |

|Executive Session | |

1Disciplinary records is defined as records related to a personnel discipline action or materials or documents supporting that action.




|Newberg School District 29J |

|School District |

| |

|Yamhill |

|County |

Newberg School District 29J


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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