St. Timothy’s Church, 1207 Oldham Avenue, Manvel, NDCell-701-741-0198; Rectory-701-696-2202; Church- 696-2219 john.ejike@ sttimothys@ The Baptism of the LordSunday, January 10, 2021SAT Jan 9 *5:00 PM Mass; +Dwayne Braaten (26th Anniv. of Death) by Braaten familySUN Jan 10 *9:00 AM Mass; For the People of St. Timothy’s Parish *NO ROLLS / MEALS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICEright219710You are welcome to join Mass IN PERSON OR ONLINE ON SUNDAY.? If coming IN PERSON, please wear a mask; Practice social distancing. Use hand sanitizer. STAY SAFE! *CONFESSIONS are available after Daily Mass; before or after Mass on Weekend Masses. For Saturdays or Sundays you can approach Fr. John in the Sacristy/Office.00You are welcome to join Mass IN PERSON OR ONLINE ON SUNDAY.? If coming IN PERSON, please wear a mask; Practice social distancing. Use hand sanitizer. STAY SAFE! *CONFESSIONS are available after Daily Mass; before or after Mass on Weekend Masses. For Saturdays or Sundays you can approach Fr. John in the Sacristy/Office. In person, or Online – click on button at TUE Jan12 *7:30 AM-Mass; Intention of Sylvester & Florence Babinski by Aaron Babinski *6:00 PM-FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING *7:00 PM-PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGWED Jan 13 *Private Mass; +Duncan Ankeny by the Fruetel & Lund family *6:30 PM-R.E. Classes meet THU Jan 14 *7:30 AM Mass; +William Mondry by Gene & Mary Ellen BalekFRI Jan 15 *7:30 AM Mass; +Margie Bergum by Don & Rita DevineSAT Jan 16 *5:00 PM Mass; For the People of St. Timothy’s Parish?SUN Jan 17 *9:00 AM Mass; +Duane Beck by Elaine Beck *NO ROLLS / MEALS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE In person, or Online – click on button at Prayers: God Bless America! Pray for ALL who are affected by COVID-19 pandemic/ all medical; All serving in the armed forces.; Pray for families at this time; All School personnel & students.We pray for Anne Niece Fizsimmonds. May she return home. Prayers also for all the Niece family at this time. Pray for Jason Sanden; Susan Campbell; Rhonda Iverson; Gail Confer; Jeannette Lindsay.Randy Hobbs; Bill Bushaw battling health issues; Theresa Byzewski Moen.Remember the soul of Duncan Ankeny, husband of Nancy Lund Ankeny. Duncan passed away on Sat, Jan 2. His funeral will be Mon, Jan 11, Casper, WY. Nancy is sister of Vicki Fruetel & Mike, Dave, & Paul Lund, of our parish. Deepest sympathy to Nancy & all family. RIP, Duncan.READERS: Jan 9-Mike Lund Jan 10-George Niece Jan 16-Cec Ferry Jan 17-Tom Ferry Jan 23-Beth Davis Jan 24-Pat Callahan Jan 30-Mary Ellen Balek Jan 31-Dawn KoryntaAddress: If you’d like to send a sympathy card-- Nancy Ankeny, 215 Honeysuckle, Casper, WY 82604*2021 ADULT ENVELOPE BOXES are on pew in the gathering space. Please pick up your families box. Thanks!COLLECTION: Jan 3 , 2021: Jan 5, 2020: *Next Parish Council & Finance Meeting Adult Envelope $ 1,035.00 $ 2,840.00 7:00 PM, Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Online Giving 330.00 *Next Finance Committee Meeting Children Envelopes 47.00 6:00 PM, Tuesday, January 12, 2021Plate 10.00Sunday Rolls 103.00 Memorials 35.00 *Interested in ONLINE GIVING?Building Fund 125.00 293.00 Go to click onVigil lights 10.00 13.50 the online giving link to sign up * ONLINE Streaming of Mass is only available - Sunday 9 am Mass.*FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING-6:00 PM, Tuesday, January 12, social hall.*PARISH COUNCIL MEETING-7:00 PM, Tuesday, January 12, social hall.*There will be NO Holy Hour & Adoration until further notice. *6:30 PM-Wednesday, January 13-R.E. Classes meet.*Reconciliation with Fr. John is available before and after Mass or by appointment.*Parish Council Committee Chairpersons: Please submit a review of the Year 2020 activity for the Annual Parish Meeting, Sunday, January 17. Meeting will be in the social hall after 9 AM Mass.*Fr. Bernard Schneider-BIRTHDAY-Jan 9; Address- Aspen Park #205, 2450-27th Ave. S., Grand Forks, ND 58201*St. Tim’s FOOD/ Toiletries Drive/ School Supplies, etc.- Leave any items by the meeting room in the baskets. Thank you for your generosity!! We are distributing the donations locally.*Manvel School Part-time BUS DRIVER Needed; Must be 21 years of age, hold a Class B Commercial License with Bus Endorsement/clear driving record to obtain one. Call Dave Wheeler, Superintendent-701-696-2212*The MANVEL COMMUNITY CALENDAR is ready. Distribution starts Jan 4th @ $7 each. Thank you for your patience during this time. Call the school with any questions-696-2212. –Manvel School Student Council"Those who do not give thanks and those who do; those who take everything as if it is owed them, and those who welcome everything as a gift, as grace. The Catechism says: “every event and need can become an offering of thanksgiving”. The prayer of thanksgiving always begins here: to recognize that grace precedes us. We were thought of before we learned how to think; we were loved before we learned how to love; we were desired before our hearts conceived a desire. If we view life like this, then “thank you” becomes the driving force of our day. And how often we even forget to say “thank you”."Pope Francis"The word is used to communicate: people do not speak alone, people speak with someone. One always speaks with someone. When we are in the street and we see people who talk to themselves, we say, “This person, something has happened to them…” No, we always speak to someone. Now, the fact that Jesus was the Word from the very beginning means that from the beginning God wants to communicate with us, He wants to talk to us. The only-begotten Son of the Father wants to tell us about the beauty of being children of God; He is “the true light” and wants to remove the darkness of evil from us; He is “the life”, who knows our lives and wants to tell us that He has always loved them. He loves us all. Here is today’s wondrous message: Jesus is God’s Word, the eternal Word of God, who has always thought of us and wanted to communicate with us."Pope Francis"Brothers and sisters, let us seek to remain always in the joy of encountering Jesus. Let us cultivate joyfulness. The devil, instead, after having deluded us – with whatever temptation – always leaves us sad and alone. If we are in Christ, there is no sin and no threat that can ever prevent us from continuing joyfully on our way, together with many other companions on the road."Pope FrancisSenior Housing at St. Anne’sIt’s been quite the year, hasn’t it?But, one thing we’ve hopefully all gained is a greater appreciation?for the blessings we do have:?Family and friends, our health, and a place to call home.At St. Anne’s Living Center, we’re all kind of like family to each other, and there’s always a friend or two around to visit.?So, if you’re look for a caring living environment, a place to call home in your retirement years,?check out St. Anne’s!Visit us online at??or call 701-746-9401. ................

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