Blue Earth, Minnesota

Blue Earth Economic Development AuthorityRegular Board MeetingThursday, August 13, 2020 at 7:15 amOfficial ProceedingsMinutes: I. Call to OrderSecretary/Treasurer Lissia Laehn called the meeting to order at 7:17 a.m. in the Blue Earth City Council Chambers. II. Roll Call and Determination of a QuorumMembers present: Lissia Laehn – Secretary/Treasurer, John Huisman, Jamie Jones, Bill Rosenau and Rick Scholtes.Members absent: Ann Hanna and Peggy Olson. City staff: Mary Kennedy - City Administrator.CEDA staff: Amy Schaefer – Economic Development Specialist.Also presentEmily Lange – Community Workforce Coordinator, Lori Nauman and Chuck Hunt – Faribault County Register. A quorum was determined to be present.III. Approval of AgendaSchaefer requested amending the agenda by adding f) EDA Marketing Campaign under Old Business. Kennedy requested removing a) Ben Garvick Introduction and moving b) Century Farms magazine, Lori Nauman under New Business to the beginning of the meeting. Motion was made by Huisman, seconded by Scholtes to approve the agenda as adjusted. The motion was carried unanimously.* Agenda adjusted: V. V.New Businessb) Century Farms magazine, Lori NaumanLori Nauman, General Manager of the Faribault County Register was present to provide information on marketing the Golden Spike Business Park in the Century Farms Magazine. Nauman shared that 15,000 copies are distributed both locally and to seventeen counties outside the area. The cost of the shared center spread ad with the HRA is $650.00 each. Nauman provided a sample of the EDA’s past ad and noted that it can be updated up until October. After additional discussion, the request was moved to the EDA Marketing Campaign agenda item. IV.Consent ItemsKennedy discussed that the following items have been listed under the consent agenda to be approved in one motion rather than filing a motion on each item separately.Regular Meeting, July 9, 2020Bills and Financials July 2020Correspondence and Loan/Grant UpdatesExisting Loan/Grant UpdatesSBDC Funding RequestSchaefer addressed the Forgivable Loan Program and noted that number 3 under the qualifications states that the person purchasing the business is not directly related to the person selling the business. Schaefer shared that she has an interested party wanting to apply for the program but is not eligible due to being related to the business owner. Schaefer stated that because the succession planning is currently such a large focus she would like the board to consider removing this requirement from the qualifications to the program. Schaefer will bring the request to the September EDA Board meeting for additional discussion.Kennedy noted the request from the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for an appropriation of $1,000 for the calendar year of 2021. Motion was made by Scholtes, seconded by Huisman to approve the consent items. The motion was carried unanimously.V.New Businessc) Facebook ProposalSchaefer made a recommendation to the board that a Facebook page be set up and maintained by the Economic Development Specialist to have a presence on that platform and to provide a free marketing tool to promote the EDA programs. The board expressed their approval to Schaefer with moving forward on setting up this page.Where’s the EDA Today? Schaefer provided information on a business promotion she would like to implement called “Where is the EDA Today?” Schaefer discussed that it would be a way of increasing the EDA’s presence with the local businesses and get to know them better by visiting a different one on the first of each month. Schaefer would take aphoto during her visit somewhere on the premises and post it to Facebook givingthe public twenty-four hours to correctly guess where the photo was taken. Allcorrect guesses would go into a drawing for a $10 gift certificate from the EDA to be be used in that business. Schaefer added that it would put the EDA presence out into the community and promote and support local businesses. Kennedy shared that she liked that the promotion could coincide with the Business Spotlight of the Month. The board gave their approval to implement the business promotion. Business WinsSchaefer discussed an EDA sponsored event “Sell The Most, Buy The Most, Win The Most” that would draw shoppers to town. Schaefer discussed having the fire department create a splash pad, invite food truck vendors, and combine it with an activity to get people into town shopping. The EDA would sponsor a prize for whichever business sells the most in addition to having a drawing to award five $50 prizes to customers. Schaefer asked the board to review the program information for future discussions.Marketing Grant RequestSchaefer addressed the Transitional Business Marketing Program application submitted by Dr. Robert Bogan from the Makotah Veterinary Center requesting $528.79 to advertise the sale of his business in the AVMA Journals and online in iHireVeterinary. The ad will be for 45 days in print and 30 days online.Motion was made by Scholtes, seconded by Rosenau to approve the Transitional Business Marketing Program application submitted by Dr. Robert Bogan for the Makotah Veterinary Center in the amount of $528.79. The motion was carried mercial Improvement Grant RequestSchaefer addressed the Commercial Business Improvement Forgivable Loan application submitted by John Koestler from Circle K Auto Repair requesting $604.63 to replace the existing sign at his recently purchased business with a new one. Koestler received a total bid of $1,209.25 from Precision Signs for the material and installation of the sign.Motion was made by Rosenau, seconded by Huisman approving the Commercial Business Improvement Forgivable Loan in the amount of $604.63 for John Koestler for a new Circle K Auto Repair business sign. The motion was carried unanimously. VI.Old Businessa) Rural Renaissance Project UpdateKennedy reported that a letter was sent to Janie Hanson’s office last month requesting attendance to the August EDA meeting to provide an update to the board and shared that she did not receive a response from Hanson. Kennedy noted that the Rural Renaissance Project has the deadline of November 10, 2020 to complete the installation of the HVAC system in the buildings and make improvements to the south exterior wall.Huisman discussed that SMIF recently sent an inquiry to RRP about the use of the $10,000 they were awarded from the Huisman Family Fund. Huisman shared that Brian Conzemius, Vice President CFO of SMIF received a response from Beth Kalis stating that they need an extension to complete the marking plan. Huisman noted that the designated use of the funds was for outreach into the community to get more people informed and involved in the project. b)Covid-19 Updates – Small Business GrantKennedy discussed that the City of Blue Earth received $241,390.00 through the CARES Act and shared that the council has allocated $100,000 in CARES Act Funds for small business grants. Kennedy addressed the Small Business Grant Dollars Application that was included in the packet and noted that it will be easily understood by the businesses and easy to process by staff to get money distributed quickly to the owners. Kennedy shared that the grants are set at $500 and can be used for eligible expenses that have been incurred beginning on March 17th and ending on November 15, 2020. The business owner will be required to submit receipts showing purchases made for the eligible expenses. The first round will open on Monday, August 17, 2020 and remain open for two weeks for applications to be submitted. Kennedy asked for approval from the board to allow staff to process the applications to get the funds distributed to the businesses applying for the grant. Kennedy shared that the funds would come from the EDA’s revolving loan fund until the end of the year and noted at that time the deputy clerk will reimburse the fund with the $100,000 in CARES Act Funds. Kennedy discussed that the grant amount could be adjusted for the second round of the program. Kennedy reported that the grant program has been advertised in the Faribault County Register, Fairmont Sentinel, a story was televised on KEYC TV and it will be posted on Facebook. The application will also be taken to businesses encouraging them to apply for the funds. Kennedy shared that the funds that are not distributed by November 15, 2020 will be returned to Faribault County to be reallocated before it goes back to the federal government. Laehn shared that she was questioned by a business owner why the grant is being used to reimburse the City and hospital for expenses incurred. Kennedy responded that the grant was given to the City to reimburse expenses incurred to the City between March 1, 2020 through November 15, 2020 for necessary expenditures that were not budgeted for. Kennedy shared that the City had a lot of expenses for supplies and quarantining staff, so the City Council allocated a certain amount of money to reimburse those expenses. Kennedy added that it was the council’s choice to set up a small business grant program and it was not mandated by the federal government. Kennedy discussed that the proposal for the hospital and school district has not been approved by the council yet. The guidance from the Treasury states that public health and education are also where the funds should go. Motion was made by Scholtes, seconded by Rosenau authorizing staff to approve the Small Business Grant Dollars applications prior to the City Council’s approval. The motion was carried unanimously. c)Makotah Veterinary Center UpdateSchaefer reported that 63 marketing packets were mailed two weeks ago for theMakotah Veterinary Center. Schaefer shared that she will be waiting another week prior to making follow up calls to those receiving the packets. Schaefer stated thatshe also reached out to KARE 11 reporter Boyd Huppert who features Land of 10,000 Stories each week to do an interest story on Dr. Bogan and his veterinary practice. Rebound EnterpriseScholtes discussed that Rebound Enterprise is an investment and management firm that looks for communities to do revitalization projects by creating a community real estate fund of five million dollars. Scholtes shared that the fund structure consists of General Partners and Limited Partners with a fund duration of seven years. The investment return is as follows:Limited Partner – capital returned.Limited Partner – First 6% preferred returned.General Partner – 1.5% catch-up.Any profits above these returns are split – LP 80%/GP 20%.Scholtes suggested scheduling a presentation with Rebound Enterprise for the HRA and EDA Boards to consider investing funds as General Partners into the community real estate fund.Huisman recommended including BEISCO as a potential partner in the fund. Huisman shared that Rebound Enterprise has a great presentation and added that they are a committed and enthusiastic group.The board recommended that Kennedy move forward with scheduling a presentation with Rebound Enterprise and find a date that works for both boards. VistaEmily Lange, Community Workforce Coordinator, was present to provide an update onthe VISTA member that she has been working on bringing to Blue Earth. Lange shared that they have been approved to be a VISTA site host and are currently waiting to hear from their regional office in Kansas City through SMIF. Lange discussed that due to our partnership with the BE Area School they have agreed to provide a Chromebook in addition to setting up a school email address for the VISTA. Lange is looking at having the VISTA placed towards the end of October to allow additional time for SMIF to advertise for the position and conduct interviews. Lange shared that the VISTA is paid approximately $1,000 per month to cover their living expenses and rent. Lange is looking into the possibility of finding a family willing to host the VISTA and asked for recommendations from the board. Lange noted that the VISTA is a yearlong commitment with an option of going up to three years. Huisman questioned if the school district would be providing the VISTA with office space at the school. Lange responded that with COVID-19 restrictions at the school they will be looking at space in the EDA office at the Ag Center. EDA Marketing CampaignSchaefer requested an additional $275.00 for the EDA Marketing Campaign noting that the board previously approved $1,000.00 for advertising the programs. Schaefer provided a breakdown of the marketing proposal.Week 1 – ? page ad in the Faribault County Register - $570 10 ads throughout the day on KBEW - $100Week 2 - Insert in Faribault County Register - $505 10 ads throughout the day on KBEW - $100 KBEW will throw in 5 ads at no cost on 1560 AM Schaefer shared that the 2020 advertising budget was set at $10,000 with $775.00 in expenditures to date. The balance of the fund after subtracting $1,275.00 for the marketing campaign and $650.00 for the proposed ad in the Century Farms Magazine would be $7,300.00 for the remainder of the year. Motion was made by Scholtes, seconded by Jones approving the additional $275.00 for the EDA Marketing Campaign. The motion was carried unanimously. Motion was made by Scholtes, seconded by Huisman approving the Golden Spike Business Park center spread color ad in the Faribault County Register’s Century Farm Magazine for the cost of $650.00. The motion was carried unanimously.IX.Other BusinessConferenceSchaefer provided information on the 2020 Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference to be held online on September 10, 2020 for a cost of $20 and asked for board approval to participate in the conference.Motion was made by Scholtes, seconded by Rosenau approving Schaefer’s online participation in the 2020 Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference for a cost of $20.00. The motion was carried unanimously. X.Staff Reportsa) City Administrator UpdateCity Administrator Mary Kennedy included a report in the packet for the board to review. b) CEDA Representative UpdateEconomic Development Specialist Amy Schaefer provided a CEDA update.c) Chamber of Commerce UpdateChamber of Commerce Executive Director Shellie Poetter provided a Chamber of Commerce update.Laehn and Scholtes discussed the increase in traffic at the Giant Welcome Center and recommended locating additional picnic tables in the area. Kennedy brought up another topic for discussion about the Ag Center and the increase in necessary repairs to the facility. Kennedy addressed the EDA Board’s decision to continue owning the facility and recommended putting a 5-year/10-year CIP in place for maintaining the buildings. Kennedy shared that Schaefer has been working with a lock company and should have quotes for the board to review in September. Schaefer shared that they are in the process of locating a third fire panel in the basement of the Ag Center. Scholtes discussed the upgrade to LED lighting and the replacement of HVAC units at the Ag Center through an energy conservation program with BE L&W and Energy Insights. XI.AdjournmentMotion was made by Scholtes, seconded by Huisman to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 a.m. The motion was approved unanimously. Next regular meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2020 at 7:15 a.m. ................

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