Teacher Standards and Practices Commission


Delphian School, 20950 SW Rock Creek Road, Sheridan, OR 97378

Larson Hall Conference Room

WEDNESDAY, November 3, 2011

On Wednesday, November 3, 2010, the Executive Committee convened from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.at the Hotel Oregon, McMinnville.

Call to Order

On Thursday, November 3, the Commission convened in Public Session at Delphian School in Sheridan, OR from 8a.m. to 5 p.m. to consider Preliminary Business, Licensure, and Program Approval. On Friday, November 5, the Commission convened in Public Session to consider Professional Practices, Commission Business and Administrative Rules. Following lunch, the Commission convened in Executive Session [non-public] to consider the Executive Director’s Evaluation, Disciplinary Hearings and Investigation Reports. The Commission reconvened in Public Session for Professional Practice decisions and the Discipline Consent Agenda. The meeting adjourned at 4.00 p.m.

Commissioners present: Shirley Blanchard, Gordon Munck, Nancy Watt, Sam Stern, Shirley Madathil, Melissa Sass, Gary Humphries, Linda Brown, Cassandra Wilson, Kathleen Sundell, Milt Dennison, Robert Sconce, and Bill Beck.

Staff present: Victoria Chamberlain, Keith Menk, Lynn Beaton, Melody Hanson, Raul Ramirez,

Matt Garrett, Jeff Van Lannen, Paul Cimino, Christina Edgar, Tanya Figgat, Kathy Rogers

Guests present: Jim Howard, Bruce Weitzel, Jan Albrecht, Mark Siegel, Juanita Sinclair, Hilda Roselli, Sue Thompson, Margaret Mahoney, Sharon Chin, Barbara Shipperson, Scott Fletcher,

Chuck White, Linda Samek, Robert Hamm, Lisa Shogren, Teresa Ferrer, Mark Ankeny, Karyn Gomez, Shelly Smolnisky, Steven Bernhisel, Shelia Joshi, Joy Sanchez, Pam LaFreniere,

John Watzke, Bev Pratt, Colin Cameron, Sally Hood, Elly Arwood, Jim Carroll, Cheryl K Brown, Jennell Ives, Margie Abbott, Craig Hawkins, Annette Skoaron, Kris Olsen, Tricia Russo, Rui M Neves, Janine Allen, Deb Miller-Allen and others.

November 2011 Commission Actions


1.1 Introduction and Comments of Agency and Organization Representatives and Guests

Commissioners, staff and guests stated their name and affiliation for the record.

1.2 Discussion of Agenda Format and Acceptance of Agenda

Chair Sconce stated a minor change to the agenda will occur. When Heather Klesch from Pearson joins via Skype, both agenda items 4.1 and 4.3 will be discussed since they are related. Sconce asked that attendees use the designated sign-up cards with one agenda item per card when they wish to address the commission.

Acceptance and format of the agenda was approved as stated by Chair Sconce / Carried

Absent / Matsumoto, Greene, Wood, Beck, Wilson, Madathil

** 1.3 Approval of Minutes – Nov 4-5, 2010

Adopted as part of the Consent Agenda. Absent / Greene, Wood, Brown, Matsumoto, Stern

4. Chair Sconce’s Report

1) Sconce has been appointed to the Governor’s sub-committee on teacher effectiveness.

2) The State Board is close to adoption of the Social Studies standards.

3) The GED test has changed from paper and pencil to an online test administered by

Pearson at 40 sites around the state.

1.5 Executive Director Chamberlain’s Report

Chamberlain reported:

▪ TSPC had a successful office move thanks to Stan, Melody, and Matt.

▪ TSPC will have eight new commissioners once they are appointed.

▪ Several staff changes have occurred within the Professional Practices team.

▪ Mike Newton will return as a temporary worker.

▪ Chamberlain attended several meetings; Professional Practices, NASDTEC board meeting, Pearson and an NCATE conference.

1.6 Reports from Liaison Appointees:

State Board / Joint Boards of Education: Gary Humphries, Vickie Chamberlain

See agenda item 1.4 for this report.

1.7 Nominations for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Executive Committee

The nominating committee, consisting of Gary Humphries, Nancy Watt, and Shirley Madathil will

take nominations for Chair, Vice-Chair and Executive Committee. Elections will be conducted later in

the day under agenda items 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8.

** 1.8 Information of Interest to Commissioners

Adopted as part of the Consent Agenda. Absent / Greene, Wood, Brown, Matsumoto, Stern


Director Chamberlain introduced Mark Siegel, the Headmaster of Delphian School, Executive Director for the Oregon Federation of Independent Schools, and a board member of the Council for American Private Education.

Headmaster Siegel gave a brief description of the school’s proficiency based curriculum at Delphian School which began in 1974. Siegel explained each student has their own individual program and they move at their own pace with a 100% mastery.

Meeting attendees broke into small groups and went on a student-led school tour. After the tour the group gathered for a question and answer period. Lunch was shared with students so attendees could learn more about the curriculum and the school.


3.1 Candidates Reviewed for Alternative Assessment

Documentation for seven candidates for Alternative Assessment was considered.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Wood, Greene, Matsumoto, Beck

3.2 Alternative Assessment

The Commission has allowed some form of “alternative assessment” for a number of years. Alternative Assessment is considered for first licensure and to add endorsements.

After a lengthy discussion the commission considered three choices,

• Dissolve Alternative Assessment,

• Maintain it as is, or

• Maintain with edits (recommendation letters).

The majority of the commission voted to maintain alternative assessment with edits. Licensure Chair suggested convening a committee to review the letters of recommendation and bring revisions back to the commission.

3.3 License of Conditional Assignment

The movement of the Conditional Assignment Permit to a more formalized License for Conditional Assignment has received two rule hearings and lengthy Commission discussion for the past several meetings. Following the August meeting, amendments requested by the Commission were added to the rule and resubmitted to hearing on September 15, 2011.

One suggested requirement is at least one-half of the SPED program requirements must be completed

to be eligible for the SPED LCA. The LCA fee has been set at $25.

MOTION, to amend the resolution to state some preparation is required for the SPED LCA / Carried

In favor / Blanchard, Brown, Dennison, Humphries, Sundell, Wilson, Sass, Sconce

Opposed / Madathil, Munck, Watt, Stern

Abstain / Beck

Absent / Matsumoto, Wood, Greene

The Executive Director suggested the new resolution to be voted on in agenda item 7.2:

An educator must have either completed at least some coursework for a SPED program in a special

education program or have had other significant experience related to SPED before becoming

eligible for an LCA in Special Education.

3.4 Late Fee Waivers (New Rules)

At the August 2011 hearing, the Commission agreed to consider a rule that would allow educators who are unable to find employment during the life of a license to waive late fees upon reinstatement of their license issued by TSPC.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Matsumoto, Brown, Wood

3.5 Continuing Professional Development

This proposal is to repeal the current rules for continuing professional development (CPD), and adopt new rules that are clearer and place the responsibility for obtaining the appropriate CPD with the educator.

After a lengthy discussion regarding CPD requirements for all educators including substitutes, the commission voted to move the Division 90 rules to hearing with the suggested revisions.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Matsumoto, Wood, Stern

3.6 Transitional Administrator License

When the commission approved amendments to other transitional licenses, the Transitional Administrator and Transitional Superintendent were overlooked. Attached are proposed amendments to bring these licenses in line with other licenses issued to out-of-state educators.

This proposal amends the timeline from 3 years to 18 months to complete the requirement to move to an Initial license. Applicants must possess an out-of- state license if they were prepared out-of-state when applying for the Oregon transitional licenses. The license is good for one year. Upon expiration they must qualify for the Initial.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Wood, Greene, Matsumoto, Stern

3.7 Licensure Authorization Realignment

This agenda item is a continuation of previous discussions regarding current authorizations and changes in the future. The first conversation is to be clear about the names of the license and the grades they can teach and eliminate the reference to buildings. Second is to be clear about what they can teach and what preparation is needed specifically in each area. Commissioners agreed a stakeholder meeting is needed to address the authorization realignment.

The Licensure Chair asked for a MOTION to remove the reference to building designations in rule 584-036-0015, file it as a temporary rule immediately and refer it to hearing for adoption at a future time.

Moved by Sass / Second by Munck. Absent / Wood, Greene, Matsumoto, Stern

3.8 Autism Specialist on Special Education License

The Commission committed to work with the Commission on Autism to create a specialization indication on a special education license as it relates to ASD expertise. The educator must hold a Special Education endorsement to be eligible for the Autism Specialist acknowledgment but the intent is not to make this a requirement to work with Autistic children. Once the standards are established and there are guidelines for knowing when a specialization has been “achieved,” staff will be able to begin indicating ASD specialization on any teaching license with a special education endorsement.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Wood, Greene, Matsumoto, Stern

3.9 Restricted Transitional and Emergency School Social Worker Licenses

The newly approved School Social Worker License programs are moving forward. This agenda item proposes to create the Restricted Transitional School Social Worker and Emergency School Social Worker licenses as a pathway to licensure for candidates who are enrolled in a school social worker program but have not yet completed their program.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Wood, Greene, Matsumoto, Stern

3.10 Review of Licensure Rules to Adopt from September 2011 Hearing


584-060-00250 – License for Conditional Assignment


584-042-0008 – Five-Year Career and Technical Education Teaching License

584-042-0012 – Career and Technical Education Teaching License Renewal

584-042-0021 – Definitions

584-042-0031 – Career and Technical Education I Teaching License

584-042-0036 – Career and Technical Education II Teaching License

584-042-0044 – Career and Technical Education Endorsements

584-042-0051 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) Professional Development Plan

584-042-0081 – Career and Technical Education Restricted Substitute Teaching License

The Licensure Chair discussed the proposed changes to the Division 42 rules. The LCA discussion was covered under agenda item 3.3. Voting occurred in agenda item 7.2.


4.1 NES General Test Adoption

The Commission dropped the ETS Praxis General Science examination 0435 effective September 1, 2011. This examination was titled Integrated Science by Oregon to align with the name of the science endorsement that coincides with the test. The Commission agreed to adopt the NES General Science computer-based test as a replacement examination.

On August 9, 2011, Evaluation Systems conducted a score setting panel with licensed Oregon educators and the recommended passing score was 220. The national score setting panel also recommended a passing score of 220 for the examination.

Heather Klesch from Evaluation Systems Group of Pearson was available by Skype during the meeting to answer any questions the commissioners had.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Wood, Greene, Matsumoto, Stern

4.2 University of Portland Program Review Reports

The draft of the proposed amendments to Division 010 recommends the establishment of a State Program Review process. The University of Portland volunteered to be one of two institutions to pilot the program review process prior to rule adoption. This pilot process is an important part of the proposed accreditation process for the Oregon institutions seeking state and national accreditation through NCATE and later CAEP.

The University of Portland submitted program review reports for: Early Childhood/Elementary,

Middle Level, High School, ESOL, Reading, Special Education, and Administrator.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

4.3 ORELA Multiple Subjects Examination Alignment with Common Core State Standards

Heather Klesch from Evaluation Systems Group of Pearson explained the correlation table they created comparing the content of the ORELA MSE, Language Arts and Reading Instruction, against the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy. The same correlation table was created for math content in the OREALA MS against the Common Core State Standards for math.

The correlation tables can be viewed in the November, 2011 agenda under items 4.3a and 4.3b.

Resolutions adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

4.4 Proposed Rules for School District University Partnership Grants

The 2011 Legislature created a fund for Educator Preparation Improvement that requires TSPC to develop grant applications for university and school district partnerships. The directive for these grants is found within HB 3474 §(2). One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) was allocated to this fund. The proposed new rules can be found in agenda item 4.4a and a copy of HB 3474 is attached in agenda item 4.4b.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

4.5 COSA Preconditions for IAL and CAL Program Proposals

Division 010 establishes pre-conditions for program approval. COSA is seeking to establish an Initial and Continuing Administrator licensure (IAL and CAL respectively) program. COSA has submitted evidence to demonstrate the unit has met the preconditions for program approval.

Resolutions adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Matsumoto, Wood, Stern

4.6 Division 10, Division 17, and Division 18 Handbook Adoption

The rubrics for unit review are found in the TSPC Professional Standards Manual. The procedures for unit review and program review are found in the Site Visit Manual. Keith Menk, Director of Teacher Education, compiled these manuals relying primarily on the existing information used by NCATE.

When the new accrediting body Council for the Accreditation of Educator Programs (CAEP) is fully formed and operating, TSPC can adapt the manuals to align with the new standards and procedures.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Wood, Matsumoto, Greene, Stern

4.7 Report on Teacher Performance Assessment Consortium Opportunity

TSPC has agreed to participate in the field testing of the Teacher Performance Assessment. Dr. Ray Pecheone, Stanford University, indicated that Oregon would sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that indicates that the state is committed to the “work.” The “work” means the state and volunteer institutions of higher education (IHEs) would participate in the pilot/field test. Institutions that volunteered at this time for the field testing are University of Portland, Concordia, Multnomah, University of Oregon and Portland State is training some individuals to be scorers of the assessments.

4.8 School Counselor Standards for Initial and Continuing School Counselor License

A committee of stakeholders reviewed the current school counselor standards for the Initial and Continuing licensure based on feedback they received from district representatives and mentor school counselors. The proposed amendments have been reviewed and incorporated in addition to other changes that are consistent with the format for our other licensure standards. Nearly 100% of the suggested changes have been incorporated into the previous rules.

The Commission agreed to move the new proposed School Counselor Standards, 584-018-0305 and 584-018-0310, to administrative rule hearing.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Brown, Wood, Greene, Matsumoto, Stern

** 4.9 NCATE Blue Ribbon Panel Alliance

Adopted as part of the Consent Agenda. Absent / Greene, Brown, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

4.10 Annual Reports

Stakeholders requested TSPC discontinue publishing annual reports on the web but make them available to Higher Ed through a secure server.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Brown, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

4.11 Update on Candidate and Employer Survey

Menk gave an update on the survey. The return rate was about 26% overall. Menk asked for

recommendations on how to improve the response rate and if the commission wants to

continue to administer the survey and commit the necessary resources to continue?

After stakeholder and commissioner input, the commission voted to continue administering the

survey on an annual basis.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Brown, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

4.12 Updated Administrator Preparation Standards

The current administrator licensure standards can be found at OAR 584-017-0251 and 584-017-0261. The Commission considered moving these standards to the newly created Division 018 at the July 2011 Commission meeting.

The commission agreed to adopt the Interstate School Leader Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) standards and incorporate them into the current Administrator Educational Leadership licensure standards. The proposed new rules were referred to hearing for adoption at a future meeting.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Brown, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

** 4.13 Site Visit Schedule

Motion to pull this from the Consent Agenda by Beck / Second by Sconce / Carried

Absent / Greene, Brown, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

The issue is the Division 10 proposed rules. Previously the commission has required a targeted site visit within two years after a new program is approved. The commission can decide what the appropriate amount of time is for the follow up site visit. Director Chamberlain stated staff would bring this issue back to the February meeting for consideration.

4.14 Review of Program Approval Rules to adopt from September 2011 Hearing

Director Chamberlain explained the changes and updates to Divisions 10, 17 and 18. The proposed adoptions are as follows:

Adopt: OAR 584-017-1005 through 584-017-1055 excluding 584-017-0128 Selection and Recruitment. (Agenda Item 7.4a)

Adopt: OAR 584-018-100 through 584-018-0515 excluding 584-018-0205 Standards for Administrator Licensure; 584-018-0305 Initial School Counselor Standards; 584-018-0310 Continuing School Counselor Standards. (Agenda Item 7.4b)

Repeal: OAR 584-010-0140 Three Year and Six Year Reports effective immediately and OAR 584-017-0005 through 584-017-0580 entire current Program Approval Division effective July 1, 2012.

Resolution adopted as amended. Absent / Greene, Brown, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern


Professional Practices

** 5.1 Report On NASDTEC Professional Practices Institute

Adopted as part of the Consent Agenda. Absent / Greene, Wood, Brown, Matsumoto, Stern

** 5.2 Professional Practices Backlog Report

Total discipline cases under consideration at the November meeting: 116.

Cases pending an investigation: 195.

Cases pending a hearing: 88.

Adopted as part of the Consent Agenda. Absent / Brown, Wood, Greene, Matsumoto, Stern


6.1 Budget Issues

Director Chamberlain explained the TSPC Budget. Chamberlain stated in 2007-2009 TSPC

Budget was $5M, in 2009-2011, $5.3M and we are projected to spend $5.4M in 2011-2013.

6.2 SB 250ESD Superintendent Certification Work Group

Senate Bill 250 requires the Commission to create a certificate of “higher competency” for Education Service District (ESD) superintendents. Director Chamberlain explained the Executive Director has authority to appoint a work group to design the requirements for the mandatory certification required for all ESD superintendents but that her intention is to have the commission approve the stakeholder workgroup.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Brown, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

6.3 NCTQ Report for January 2012

The National Council for Teacher Quality (NCTQ) develops a State Teacher Quality Yearbook. The criteria evaluated are adopted by the NCTQ and applied to each state. Prior to contacting the states, the NCTQ conducts research with regard to their findings for each state’s “compliance” with their proposed state goals for teacher quality. In the past, Oregon has not fared well on this review. The portions of the attached lengthy document that are on the white portions of the pages contain the NCTQ goals and their analysis of how the state measures up to the goals.

See agenda items 6.3a and 6.3b for additional detail.

6.4 Approval of Possible 2012 Handbook Legislative Proposal

In 2009, the Legislature passed SB 119 authorizing the Commission to issue Letters of Reproval

to educators when “the commission determines that the person has engaged in conduct that

affects the person’s ability to be professionally effective and the commission agrees not to pursue

disciplinary action against the person under ORS 342.175 and the person agrees to the

terms of the letter of informal reproval, including a monitoring period.

The original legislation is set to sunset on June 30, 2012. Without action by the Legislature in

February 2012, the Commission will be required to discontinue the issuance of these letters effective June 30, 2012.

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Brown, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern

6.5 Final Version of 2012 Handbook for Commissioners

Proposed changes and revisions to the Handbook were presented for consideration at the July 2011 Commission meeting. At that meeting, the Commission adopted changes to the Handbook and instructed staff to incorporate these changes into the 2012 edition of the Handbook for Commissioners.

Chair Sconce stated because of the upcoming number of commissioner name changes the official handbook will be postponed. Copies will be distributed once the changes are made.

6.6 Election of Chairperson

Bob Sconce was re- elected Chair.

6.7 Election of Vice-Chairperson

Milt Dennison was re-elected Vice-Chair.

6.8 Election of 2021 Executive Committee

Shirley Madathil, Bill Beck and Kathleen Sundell were elected to the Executive Committee.

6.9 Preference for Committee Assignments in 2011

As delineated in the Commissioners’ Handbook, one of the duties of the Chairperson is to appoint members to the Commission’s Standing Committees after consulting with the Executive Committee. The commission has three committees, Program Approval, Licensure and Professional Practices.

6.10 Meeting Calendar for 2012-2013

Below are the meeting dates established by Commission action last year for the 2010-2011 school year:

• November 3-4, 2011

• February 2-3, 2012 at TBD

• April 26-27, 2012 at TBD

• July 18-20, 2012 at Southern Oregon University, Ashland

New proposed meeting dates for 2012-2013:

• November 1-2, 2012 at TBD

• February 7-8, 2013 at TBD

• April 25-26, 2013 at TBD

• July 17-19 24-26, 2013 at TBD

Resolution adopted as stated by Chair Sconce with the July 2013 date change.

Absent / Greene, Alba, Matsumoto, Brown, Stern

** 6.11 TSPC Work Plan

Adopted as part of the Consent Agenda. Absent / Greene, Wood, Brown, Matsumoto, Stern

** 6.12 TSPC Data Report

Adopted as part of the Consent Agenda. Absent / Greene, Wood, Brown, Matsumoto, Stern

** 6.13 Expenditure Report for the Month of September

Adopted as part of the Consent Agenda. Absent / Greene, Wood, Brown, Matsumoto, Stern


7.1 Licensure Rules to Hearing


584-036-0010 – Personnel Required to Hold Licenses, Certificates or Charter School Registrations

584-060-0002 – Definitions for Division 060

584-070-0112 – Restricted Transitional School Counselor License

584-070-0132 – Emergency School Counselor License

584-070-0271 – Transitional School Psychologist License for First Time Out-of-State Applicants

584-070-0431 – Transitional School Social Worker License for First Time Out-of-State Applicants

584-080-0151 – Transitional Administrator License First Time Out-of-State Applicants

584-080-0152 – Transitional Superintendent License for First Time Out-of-State Applicants

585-100-0011 – Highly Qualified Elementary Teacher New to the Profession

584-100-0016 – Highly Qualified Elementary Teacher Not New to the Profession

584-100-0021 – Highly Qualified Middle Level Teacher New to the Profession

584-100-0026 – Highly Qualified Middle Level Teacher Not New to the Profession

584-100-0031 – Highly Qualified Secondary Teacher New to the Profession

584-100-0038 – HOUSSE for Middle-Level and High School Teachers

Proposed rule amendments in agenda item 7.2a.

Resolution adopted as printed. Absent / Greene, Wood, Matsumoto, Stern, Brown

7.2 Licensure Rules to Adopt from September 2011 Hearing


584-060-0250 – License for Conditional Assignment


584-042-0008 – Five-Year Career and Technical Education Teaching License

584-042-0012–Career and Technical Education Teaching License Renewal

584-042-0021 – Definitions

584-042-0031 – Career and Technical Education I Teaching License

584-042-0036 – Career and Technical Education II Teaching License

584-042-0044 – Career and Technical Education Endorsements

584-042-0051 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) Professional Development Plan

584-042-0081 – Career and Technical Education Restricted Substitute Teaching License

Resolution adopted as written for the Division 42 rules.

Amended resolution for rule 584-060-0250, LCA adopted as stated in agenda item 3.3.

Absent / Greene, Matsumoto, Brown, Wood, Stern

7.3 Program Approval Rules to Hearing


584-018-0205 –Administrator Licensure Standards (See Agenda Item 4.12 )

584-018-0305 – Initial School Counselor Standards (See Agenda Item 4.8 )

584-018-0310 – Continuing School Counselor Standards (Agenda Item 4.8 )

584-025-0005 through 584-025-0030 Educator Preparation Improvement Fund Grant

(See Agenda Item 4.4)

Resolution adopted as written. Absent / Greene, Wood, Matsumoto, Brown, Stern

7.4 Program Approval Rules to Adopt from September 2011 Hearing


OAR 584-017-1005 through 584-017-1055 (Agenda Item 7.4a)

OAR 584-018-100 through 584-018-0515 (Agenda Item 7.4b) (excluding 584-018-0205 Standards for Administrator Licensure; 584-018-0305 Initial School Counselor Standards; 584-018-0310 Continuing School Counselor Standards) – See Agenda Item 7.3


OAR 584-010-0001 through 584-010-0100 except rule 584-010-0128 (Agenda Item 7.4c)


OAR 584-010-0140 Three Year and Six Year Reports effective immediately upon filing

OAR 584-017-0005 through 584-017-0580 entire current Program Approval Division effective July 1, 2012.

Above rules adopted in agenda item 4.14.


The policy procedures for the Consent Agenda are established by Policy 3522. The Executive Director recommends adoption by single consent motion the following listed items which are identified on the agenda by a double asterisk: 1.3, 1.9, 4.13 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, and 5.13. Any of these items may be removed from the Consent Agenda upon the request of any Commissioner. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be considered in the order they are listed on the agenda.

MOTION, to adopt the Consent Agenda with the removal of agenda item 4.13 / Carried

Absent / Greene, Matsumoto, Alba, Brown, Stern


(EXECUTIVE SESSION) Bill Beck, Professional Practices Chair

The Commission held an executive (non-public) session per ORS 192.660(2)(h) and (f) on the following matters: 1) receiving and discussing preliminary investigation reports on complaints and charges against licensed educators; 2) taking action to dismiss the complaint or to charge the educator; 3) deliberating the hearing record in disciplinary proceedings; 4) consulting with counsel regarding litigation likely to be filed under ORS 192.660(2)(h) and regarding privileged consultation regarding other legal matters under ORS 192.660(2)(f); and 5) 60-day resignation notice hearing pursuant to ORS 342.553. Adoption of an order resulting from a hearing must be done in public session. See ORS 192.660(2)(b) and ORS 342.175 to 342.190.

9.1 Proposed Orders/Actions

Eleven stipulated orders, twenty default orders and two final orders were considered in non-public session and referred to public session for adoption. One of the stipulated orders (10.5) was adopted contingent upon receiving a signed order from the educator, but it never received. Another stipulated order (10.31) dealt with a college’s compliance with program approval standards.

9.2 Letters of Informal Reproval

The 2009 legislative session passed SB 119 that authorized TSPC to issue a letter of informal reproval under certain circumstances. The Commission considered and adopted five letters of reproval in non-public session.

9.3 Preliminary Investigation Reports Recommending Action to Dismiss

Following discussion and deliberation on 18 preliminary investigation reports in non-public session, the Commission directed the Executive Director to dismiss all of these complaints received from patrons or internal referrals.

9.4 Reports Requiring No Further Action Under OAR 584-020-0041(2)

Following discussion and deliberation on 28 preliminary investigation reports in non-public session, the Commission directed the Executive Director to take no further action on 27 of these reports received from school districts and to charge one educator with misconduct.

9.5 Preliminary Investigation Reports and Action to Charge

The Commission considered 30 preliminary investigation reports in non-public session and directed the Executive Director to charge all with violation of the Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Educators.

9.6 Consideration of Amended Notices to Charge

No amended notices were considered.

9.7 Applications for Reinstatement (OAR 584-050-0018)

One application for reinstatement of a revoked licensure was considered. The Commission denied the reinstatement of licensure for this educator.

9.8 Consideration of Other Discipline Issues

The Commission considered three discipline cases in non-public session and advised the Executive Director on how to proceed in these matters.

9.9 Report of Cases Pending an Investigation Before the Commission

The Professional Practices Chair reported in non-public session that there are 148 cases pending an investigation. Of those, three are pending disposition in another venue.

9.10 Report of Cases Charged or Pending a Hearing

The Professional Practices Chair reported in non-public session that there are 86 cases pending the hearing process. Of those, 17 are either awaiting a response from the educator in which to request a hearing or the notice of opportunity for hearing is being drafted.

9.11 New Cases Received Since Last Meeting

The Professional Practices Chair reported in non-public session that the Commission received new complaints or internal referrals on 33 educators. District Superintendents, under OAR 584-020-0041, submitted 28 reports of alleged misconduct by educators.


(PUBLIC SESSION) Bill Beck, Professional Practices Chair

The Following Orders were Adopted by the Commission

To view the orders go to

^ 10.1 Stipulated Order—Joanis, Phillip Raymond (North Clackamas SD)

Case #2009-05-0006

Sanction-Public Reprimand

^ 10.2 Stipulated Order—Kuhn, George Peter (Phoenix-Talent SD)

Case #2009-08-0008

Sanction- Surrender and Revocation of Licensure

10.3 Stipulated Order—Pocklington, Robert Arthur (n/a)

Case #2011-04-0010

Sanction-Four Years Probation

^ 10.4 Final Order—Edwards, Khalil Tamir (n/a)

Case #2010-09-0007

Sanction- Revocation of Licensure and Right to Apply for Licensure

10.5 Removed From Consideration

^ 10.6 Final Order—Hites-Clabaugh, Lucinda (Woodburn SD)

Case #2008-05-0022

Sanction- Revocation of Licensure and Right to Apply for Licensure

^ 10.7 Stipulated Order—Hofer, Robert James (Canby SD)

Case #2011-05-0024

Sanction- Four Years Probation

^ 10.8 Stipulated Order—Van Beurden, Paula Marie (Sheridan SD)

Case #2011-05-0006

Sanction- Public Reprimand and Four Years Probation

^ 10.9 Stipulated Order—York, Julie Ann (Medford SD)

Case #2009-12-0003

Sanction-Public Reprimand

^ 10.10 Default Order—Bear, Edward Ventura (Portland Public SD)

Case #2010-07-0007

Sanction-Public Reprimand

^ 10.11 Default Order—Bliesner, Benjamin Ralph (Colton SD)

Case #2009-12-0015

Sanction- Revocation of Licensure

^ 10.12 Default Order—Bousley, Gina Rae (Reynolds SD)

Case #2009-05-0021

Sanction-Public Reprimand

^ 10.13 Default Order—Dahl, Thomas Richard (Lincoln County SD)

Case #2010-10-0015

Sanction- Public Reprimand and Four Years Probation

^ 10.14 Final Order by Default—Dalrymple, Erin Michelle (Athena-Weston SD)

Case #2010-09-0001

Sanction- Suspension of Right to Apply for Licensure for One Year

^ 10.15 Default Order—Gordon, Laurie A. (Clackamas ESD)

Case #2011-05-0021

Sanction- Suspension of License for One Year

^ 10.16 Default Order—Murphy, Molly Ana (Bend-LaPine SD)

Case #2010-11-0023

Sanction- Suspension of Right to Apply for Licensure for 60 Days

^ 10.17 Default Order—Case #2011-01-0011

Sanction-Suspended pursuant to ORS 25.750 to 25.783

^ 10.18 Default Order—Reis, Dana Lynn (Seaside SD)

Case #2009-07-0008

Sanction- Suspension of Right to Apply for Licensure for One Year

^ 10.19 Default Order—Salkind, Hugh Aaron (n/a)

Case #2010-12-0001

Sanction-Public Reprimand

^ 10.20 Default Order—Sanchez, Yesenia (n/a)

Case #2010-05-0026

Sanction-Public Reprimand

^ 10.21 Default Order—Shawhan, Jerry Xerxes (n/a)

Case #2010-07-0017

Sanction- Four Years Probation

^ 10.22 Default Order—Silvers, Shadow Marque (n/a)

Case #2010-10-0009

Sanction-Public Reprimand

^ 10.23 Final Order by Default—Todd, Michael Phillip (Portland Public SD)

Case #2009-04-0006

Sanction- Revocation of Right to Apply for Licensure

^ 10.24 Default Order—Toliver, Daniel Dale (Centennial SD)

Case #2009-06-0022

Sanction- Revocation of Licensure

^ 10.25 Default Order—Uffelman, Jonathan Allan (Newberg SD)

Case #2011-04-0002

Sanction- Revocation of Right to Apply for Licensure

^ 10.26 Default Order—Wagenblast, Becky Ann (Ione SD)

Case #2010-12-0006

Sanction-Public Reprimand

^ 10.27 Default Order—Williams, Lenny Nelson (Union-Baker ESD)

Case #2004-09-0001

Sanction- Suspension of Right to Apply for Licensure for One Year

^ 10.28 Default Order—Woolley, Brett A. (Willamina SD)

Case #2009-06-0008

Sanction- Suspension of Licensure for 60 Days

^ 10.29 Default Order—Case # 2009-07-0017

Sanction- Suspended pursuant to ORS 25.750 to 25.783

^ 10.30 Stipulated Order—Massinger, Jordan Kyle (Arthur Academy)

Case # 2009-06-0011

Sanction- Suspension of Licensure for 30 Days

^ 10.31 Stipulated Order—College

Dealt with a college’s compliance with program approval standards.

^ 10.32 Stipulated Order—Hargas, Terrilynn (Jefferson Co SD/High Desert ESD)

Case # 2008-12-0011

Sanction- Suspension of License for Six Months and Four Years Probation

^ 10.33 Stipulated Order—Propst, Edwin Cam (Central SD)

Case # 2009-05-0039

Sanction-Public Reprimand

Professional Practices CONSENT AGENDA

The Executive Director recommends adoption by single consent motion the following listed items which

are identified on the agenda by a tilde “^”: 10.1 through 10.3 10.4 and 10.6 through 10.28 33.

Any of these items may be removed from the Consent Agenda upon the request of any Commissioner.

Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be considered in the order they are listed on the agenda.

Discipline Consent Agenda adopted as amended.

Absent / Munck, Matsumoto, Greene, Stern, Alba


Chuck White acknowledged the joint efforts of TSPC, ODE and OSPA in the successful facilitation of the second annual conference.


The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Kathleen Rogers, Commission Assistant



Robert Sconce, Chairperson

Future Meetings:

1) February 2-3, 2012

2) April 26-27, 2012

3) July 18-20, 2012

4) November 1-2, 2012

*In action items, names are recorded for those Commissioners voting against the motion and for those absent or abstaining from voting. Those members not recorded as absent, opposed, or abstaining voted in favor of the respective motion.

**These minutes may not follow the actual time sequence in order of business, but follow the numerical order of the agenda for easy reference.[pic][pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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