Des Moines Area Community College

Common Data Definitions at DMACC - Updated 10/10/18 *Quick Search tip “Insert Cursor” in the Document “Control F” Type in the Term you are looking for.TermsDefinitionsAcademic ProgramInstructional program leading toward a certificate, diploma, or associate's degree, or resulting in credits that can be applied to one of these degrees.Academic YearThree semester time period including Fall Semester (August to December), Spring Semester (January to May) and Summer Term (May to August). (DMACC)?Data from 'fallterm-01', springterm-02, summerterm-03'. Ex. 2012 (Fall 2011, spring 2012, Summer 2012 Terms 201201, 201202, 201203 (DMACC)Academic TermThree terms in one academic year - Fall, Spring, and Summer. Ex: Data from 'fallterm-01', springterm-02, summerterm-03'. Ex. 2012 (Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Summer 2012 are terms 201201, 201202, 201203ACE (Accelerated Career Education) (260G)State sponsored agreements between DMACC and a specific company that help meet the company's anticipated workforce needs by diverting the companies state tax dollars to DMACC for specific training.Accepted Application?Status of an application for admission when a student has?met?all of?the checklist items in order to be accepted into the program, and there is an open seat for the student if it is a maximum capacity program.Accrediting agencies/bodiesExternal organizations that establish operating standards for educational or professional institutions and programs and publicly announce which the standards have been met. Ex. Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and SchoolsAccuplacerDiagnostic assessments that provide detailed analysis of a student’s strengths and weaknesses in order to enhance college preparedness and academic performance, designed for use at both high schools and postsecondary institutions. Decision Decision made in reference to a submitted applicationAdmissions Processing DepartmentDepartment?in the area of?Student Services?that processes applications for admissions, communicates to DMACC applicants?regarding their?admission status, and maintains?program?acceptance and waitlists.??Admit TypeBanner code that gives Admissions additional flexibility in identifying subpopulations Ex: New applicant, guest student, Quick AppAdmitted StudentApplicants granted an official offer to enroll in a postsecondary institution.Adult Basic Education (ABE)Non-Credit adult basic skills in one of the six-identifiers/subject areas (General, Math, English, Job-Seeking/Changing, Career Exploration/Awareness and Basic Computer).Adult Learner Undergraduate student age 25 or older.Aggregated DataNumerical or non-numerical information that is (1) collected from multiple sources and/or on multiple measures, variables, or individuals and (2) compiled into data summaries or summary reports, typically?for the purposes of public reporting or statistical analysis—i.e., examining trends, making comparisons,?or revealing information and insights that would not be observable when data elements are viewed in isolation.Aid YearFinancial aid year mirrors academic yearALEKS (Assessment and?Learning?in?Knowledge?Spaces)Web-based placement assessment that uses artificial intelligence to map a student strengths and weaknesses. Up to 30 questions and generally takes 60-90 minutes to complete. Following assessment, individualized Prep and Learning Module is available for students to refresh their knowledge on forgotten topics. Students then?have the opportunity to?reassess and improve their placement.?American IndianA person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment.Annual Academic Program EvaluationReview of CTE programs. Includes comparison of data, faculty training plan, program strengths, opportunities for improvement, and program goals for the upcoming year.ApplicantPerson who has submitted an application for admission. Application Date Date when original application material was submitted.Application StatusStatus of the admissions application. Ex: Incomplete, Accepted, Standby, WithdrawnApplication Status Date Date when the application was placed in the current status in Banner. Ex: Date student went into standby, etc.AppliedSee Applicant definitionApprenticeships (registered)Relationships designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship.?Area 11 SchoolsHigh school or school district located within the Area Education Agency 11 (AEA 11) boundaries. Includes both public and private schools. These are schools that DMACC coordinates programming. Each community college in Iowa collaborates with their own AEA service area. Articulation AgreementFormal Agreement between two or more colleges, universities and/or programs of study as to how coursework will transfer from one school to another. Institutions that agree to an articulation express a shared commitment to increasing opportunities for students’ access to, and success in, higher education by clarifying transfer policies and procedures.Arts & Sciences CoursesCredit courses in the Liberal/General Studies that are transferable to four-year institutions for completion of a baccalaureate degree and included in career/technical education curricula for employment.AwardCredential awarded to a student from DMACC. See Examples in Award Type (Credit) and Award Type (Non-Credit)Award Type (Credit)AA (Associate of Arts); AS (Associate of Science); AGS (Associate of General Studies); AAS (Associate of Applied Science); Diploma; Certificate; APS (Associate of Professional Studies)Award Type (Non-Credit)Adult high school diploma; Alternative High School diploma; GAP Tuition Assistance program completer; Industry credential recipient; Locally Recognized program completerAwarded AidDollar amounts offered to financial aid applicants.Award DateYear, month, and day that the award was granted. Use the ending date?of the term the award was granted, if appropriate.BannerAdministrative software application developed specifically for higher education institutions. Banner maintains student, finance, financial aid, and human resources data all within a single database software program.? It consists of five integrated system modules: Finance, Student, Financial Aid, Human Resources, and General.Banner IDGenerated number given to each student and employee at DMACC. Also known as DMACC ID, or 900#Budget YearFiscal year for which monies are appropriated by the general assembly. Often referred to as the school year beginning during the calendar year in which a budget is certified.Calendar YearTime period commencing on the first day of January and ending on the last day of DecemberCareer Academy Associate degree, or above, program which combines a minimum of two years of secondary education and at least two years of postsecondary education not taught at a high school. Operational policies should include such items as defined curriculum, credit provisions, sequence and locations of courses, enrollment procedures, etc.Career AdvantageHigh School students taking college courses at the high school taught by DMACC qualified high school instructors. Also known as concurrent enrollment, dual credit enrollment, joint enrollmentCareer MajorSequence of courses or field of study that prepares an individual for a specific career or related area within a career pathway. Ex. Ag Equipment Sales.Career PathwayNarrower grouping of occupations and broad industries within a career cluster. The curriculum allows for pursuing a full range of career opportunities within a pathway. Ex. Ag Mechanics – Sales and Service.Career and Technical Education (CTE)Provides students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. CTE prepares these learners for the world of work by reinforcing workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.Census CountOfficial Count of student enrollment - occurs on the 14th calendar day of the term beginning. (Spring term is not an official external reporting parameter and has the potential for variation of days).Census DataConsistent "snapshot" in time of enrollment and student credit hours (SCH) is taken.Census Date Date at which the "snapshot" of enrollment and student credit hours (SCH) is taken, generally the 14th day of the term. There is some variation for Spring term.?Also known as Count Date.CertificateFormal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program. CIP CodeSystem developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics to classify instructional programs and activities by a ten digit number (CIP Number). Occupational/program definitions are also provided. State Title - Each CIP number has it own state title that is used to identify, report, and analyze like courses, programs, services, and activities. Local Title - Title assigned to a program by each individual community college. The same local title is not to be used for two programs unless the curriculum content and type of entry-level positions are identical. The CIP is used at the program level in the credit world but in noncredit, the CIP is used at the course level.Citizenship StatusClassifies a student/employee according to legal citizenship status.Clinical ExperiencesWork-based learning activity hosted on-site at a healthcare facility, often required as part of a healthcare-related academic program's curriculum and supervised by a licensed healthcare practitionerCohortSpecific group of students established for tracking pleter (Program Completer)Student who has completed the entire sequence of courses (arts and science and/or career/technical) in the program, with or without fulfilling all of the necessary graduate requirements of the college. DMACC reviews completer data when the student completes the requirements, regardless of the length of time it takes to complete. Total completers can be reported in percentages of time to completion such as 150% & 200%.?CompletionsTotal number of formal programs completed. This could include certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees. This could include duplicated headcount. For example, a student who earns three certificates and an associate degree would count as four completions. Completion is not considered an award unless the student applies for graduation. Concurrent EnrollmentHigh school students taking college courses taught by DMACC qualified instructors. Terms used: concurrent enrollment, dual credit enrollment, Career Advantage, & dual enrollment/credit, joint enrollmentContact HourUnit of measure that represents an hour of scheduled instruction given to students. Also referred to as clock hour.Continuing Education Unit (CEU)Uniform unit of measurement awarded for non-credit activities, courses, and/or programs. One continuing education unit (CEU) equals ten contact hours (based on a fifty minute classroom hour) of participation in an organized education experience.Count DateSee Census DateCourse enrollmentNumber of students enrolled in each course as of the census date for the semester.Course pass ratePercent of students who were enrolled on census date and received a passing grade at the end of term. Passing grade includes any grade that is a D- or better.Course retentionPercent of students enrolled on census date and were still enrolled at the end of the term.Course success ratePercent of students who enrolled on census date and received a passing grade at the end of term. Success rate includes any grade that is a C- or better.Credit Student EnrollmentCourses, programs, and activities offered for credit. The categories for MIS reporting are: Liberal/General Studies; College Parallel/Career/Option; Preparatory (Career/Technical); Corrections; Contract/Customized Business/Industry Training; Economic Development; and Recertification/Re-licensure Programs.Credit hourA unit of measure representing the equivalent of an hour of instruction per week over the entire term. It is applied toward the total number of credit hours needed for completing the requirements of a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award.Cross EnrolledFull-time students who wish to enroll in one class at Drake University, Iowa State University, or Grand View University while attending classes at DMACC.CRNCourse reference number; unique 5-digit code assigned to each section and/or course, specific to term.DegreeAn award conferred by a college, university, or other postsecondary education institution as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of studies.Degree-seeking studentsStudents enrolled in courses for credit and recognized by the institution as seeking a degree,?certificate, or other formal award. High school students also enrolled in postsecondary courses?for credit are not considered degree/certificate-seeking.Degree typeType of degree awarded; ex: ?AA, AS, AAS, AGSDevelopmental CourseCourses (credit and non-credit) designed to provide assistance (remedial instruction) to an individual so they can successfully complete the regular courses in their program of study. They are not designed to be college transferable and do not count toward graduation requirements. Courses with Course Number starting with zero.DiplomaA formal document certifying the successful completion of a prescribed program of studies.Disabilities representationStudents who self-report a disability; data entered in Banner (GOAMEDI), calculated by program and award type for each academic yearDisabilityThe ADA defines a person with a disability as a person who:1. has a (1)physical or mental impairment which (2)substantially limits one or more major life activities;2. has a record of such an impairment; or3. is regarded as having such impairment.Otherwise Qualified Applicant for Admission or Student with a Disability is a person who is qualified for receipt of educational opportunities, public adult educational services or other services, in that he or she satisfies, with or without reasonable accommodation, all of the academic and technical standards, essential eligibility requirements and other applicable educational related selection criteria.Distance LearningFormal learning activity where students and instructors are separated by geography, time, or both, for the majority of the instructional period. Examples: online, ICN, any class that does not have face-to-face contactDual creditSee Career AdvantageDual enrollmentSee Career AdvantageDuplicated HeadcountTotal class, activity, or campus (location) count. Students may be enrolled in more than one class, activity, or campus (location) and would therefore be counted in each. Students may be enrolled in more than one class, activity, or campus (location) and would therefore be counted in each event.Earned Credit HoursTotal credit hours posted to a student transcript at time of reporting, including transfer, test-out, tech prep, life experience, articulation, etc.Eligible Non-Credit CourseNon-credit offerings eligible for general state financial aid. The categories used for MIS reporting are: Adult Literacy Program (except Corrections); Adult High School Diploma; State/Federal Mandated, Recognized, Court Ordered/Referred; Enhance Employability/Academic Success (except Corrections); Economic Development (except 260E); Recertification/Re-licensure Programs; Community and Public Policy; and Family/Individual Development to Enhance Family Development.Employment RateEmployment information collected at or after graduationEnrollmentFull-time equivalent enrollment (FTEE) used for calculating the distribution of the proportional share of state general financial aid usually collected at census. EnrolledWhen a student is registered for a class.Faculty Instructional LoadTeaching faculty loads will be calculated using a weighted factor system. ?Using ECH’s (Equivalent Credit Hours) the following factors are to be multiplied by weekly contact hours to achieve an equivalent ECH toward load.?More information in the Faculty Handbook: ?(Free?Application for?Federal?Student?Aid)?Form students must submit annually to qualify?for "federal?student aid, such as federal grants,?work-study, and loans."?FeesIncidental fees collected from students, such as lab, graduation, transcript, and other similar type services.Financial aidGrants, loans, assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, tuition waivers, tuition discounts, veteran's benefits, employer aid (tuition reimbursement) and other monies (other than from relatives/friends) provided to students to meet expenses. This includes Title IV subsidized and unsubsidized loans made directly to students.Financial Aid PackageTotal financial awards offered to a student. Includes financial aid, loans, and scholarships.First-time College StudentStudent not previously enrolled for work creditable toward a bachelor or associate degree or certificate in any college,?university, or technical institute following graduation from high school, but who is now enrolled for work creditable toward such a degree. A first-time college student may be a full-time or part-time student. Fiscal Year (Federal)Year that commences on the first day of October and ends on the last?day of September the following calendar year.Fiscal Year (State/DMACC)Year that commences on the first day of July and ends on the last day of June of the following calendar year. Fiscal year shall be?used for purposes of making appropriations and financial reporting and shall be uniformly adopted by all departments and establishments of the government. (Admin. Rule 281-21.45(1) (IA Code 260C 18C)). The Department of Workforce Development may use the federal fiscal year or calendar year instead of the State fiscal year commencing on July 1. ?Five year program evaluationDepartment of Education requirement for CTE programs. Evaluation includes?student, employer, advisory committee, and graduate surveys; assessment results;?and summary of successes, opportunities for improvement, and goals for future.FTE - Fall Student Headcount[Full?Time Fall student headcount +(Part Time Fall student headcount * 0.335737)]FTE - instructional activity (credits) for Fiscal yearTotal Credits in a given Fiscal Year/30 ( allows for undergraduate credit hours of 30)FTE - instructional activity (credits) for a TermTotal Credits in a given term / 12 (full time credit load) (divided by 8 credits in Summer session)FTE of studentsThe full-time equivalent (FTE) of students is a single value providing a meaningful combination of full-time and part-time students. IPEDS data products currently have two calculations of FTE students, one using fall student headcounts and the other using 12-month instructional activity.FTE staffThe full-time-equivalent (FTE) of staff is calculated by summing the total number of full-time staff from the Employees by Assigned Position (EAP) component and adding one-third of the total number of part-time staff.FTEE - Full-Time Equivalent?EnrollmentThe students enrolled in courses eligible for general state aid as determined by one FTEE. One FTEE equals twenty-four credit hours for credit courses?or 600 contact hours for non-credit courses. (Admin. Rule 281-21.45(1))Full-Time/Part-Time Admit StatusFull-Time or Part-Time student status on the admissions application at the time of being admitted.Full aid yearFor the purposes of the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component, full aid year refers to either the academic year (for academic reporters) or the period between September 1 and August 31 (for program reporters).Full-time studentA student enrolled for twelve or more Fall or Spring semester (eighteen or more quarter) credits hours (or eight or more Summer hours), or its equivalent in the most recent regular term?of enrollment or twenty-four contact hours a week each term.GenderDesignation by the individual (male or female).GPAGrade Point Average. Hyperlink to catalog: (student)Student who has fulfilled all the requirements of a program and has earned an award.Graduate (by award)The number of awards earned vs. number of graduates. One individual graduate may earn multiple awards.?For example, one student/graduate may earn a certificate, diploma and an AA in the same program; this would count as three graduation awards even though it applies to only one student/graduate.Graduation DateDate a degree is officially conferred to a graduating student. Usually it is the last day of the semester.Graduation rateThe rate required for disclosure and/or reporting purposes under Student Right-to-Know Act. This rate is calculated as the total number of completers within 150% of normal time divided by the revised adjusted cohort. *NOTE: Different reports may calculate rate differently based on cohort, degree sought, and normal time.Graduation rate cohortFor IPEDS reporting, graduation rate cohort is determined by students in a Fall cohort completing their award within 150% of the nomal time to completion. Other academic programs may track this rate for semesters in addition to Fall.Guest StudentStudent who is enrolled at another college who takes a course or courses at DMACC as a non-degree seeking student.HeadcountActual number of students enrolled in a given instructional category or unit during a given period of time. Unduplicated headcount means that an enrollee is counted only once during the reporting period even though they may be enrolled in more than one curriculum or in more than one term during the reporting period. The enrollee is to be reported in the curriculum in which they were most recently enrolled. If the above criterion discriminates, then they are to be reported in the curriculum in which they received the most credits or contact hours of instruction. Duplicated headcount means that an enrollee is counted more than once during the reporting period.Hispanic (see race/ethnicity)Person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.Incomplete ApplicationStatus of an application for admission when a student has not yet met?all of?the checklist items in order to be accepted into the program.In Progress ApplicationApplication for admission that has been started, but not submitted.InternshipOne-time work service experiences related to the student's major or a participant's work goal. The internship plan generally involves participants working in professional settings under the supervision and mentoring or practicing professionals. Internships can be paid or unpaid and may or may not involve academic credit.InquiryPerson who has taken action to show interest in attending DMACC.IPEDS Collection YearThe academic year in which IPEDS data were collected. Most Institutional Characteristics, Human Resources, Fall Enrollment, and Admissions data are collected for the current year; Completions, 12-Month Enrollment, Student Financial Aid, Academic Libraries and Finance data collections cover the prior year. Graduation Rates and Outcome Measures cover cohorts from prior years that completed college by August 31 of the most recent fall.IPEDS The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual institution-level data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report data using a web-based data collection system.MajorDeclared program of studyMatriculateTo enroll as a student at DMACC.Non-degree-seeking studentA student enrolled in courses for credit who is not recognized by the institution as seeking a degree or formal award.Nontraditional representationPerkins nontraditional gender data - using end-of-year datasets, the percentage of nontraditional gender enrollment is calculated from the total enrollment count for each program and academic year using BannerOffice of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE)The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) provides decision support services to all units of the?College and to external bodies as necessary. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the collection, analysis,?and interpretation of institutional data and the provision of information to support planning and?decision making. Includes Institutional Research (VA, SAS, IRB), External Reporting, Accreditation,?Strategic Planning, Continuous Improvement, Program Evaluation, CurricuNet Meta, Course?Evaluations and other survey services.On Campus Course Options (OCCO)DMACC program previously called PSEO that allows qualified high school students to take an on-campus course(s) at DMACC during the Fall or Spring semesters. Students must be approved by their local school district before registration. Coordinated out the Registration Office in Students Services on the DMACC Ankeny Campus.Online Career Academy (OLCA)Program run out of the Program Development Department at DMACC where eligible high school students can enroll and take DMACC courses online.Online-only studentStudent enrolled 100% in online coursework.PACE Educational SupportsIncludes both financial and non-financial educational related supports provided to students through the PACE program and PACE Pathway Navigators.?Financial examples include but are not limited to: tuition, books, fees, testing, equipment, vaccinations, physicals required for training. Non-financial examples include but are not limited to: career advising, career counseling, career exploration activities including referrals to other agencies or resources, tutoring, study skills and test-taking strategies.PACE Career SupportsIncludes both financial and non-financial career related supports provided to students through the PACE program and PACE Pathway Navigators.?Financial examples include but are not limited to: work uniforms, interview clothing, professional licensure, soft skills training.?Non-financial examples include but are not limited to: referrals to other agencies for job search or job retention support (staffing agencies, apprenticeship programs, older worker programs, Iowa WORKS and their workshops), job coaching, interviewing skills, resume development/writing/critiquing, preparation for job/career fair events, application tips, job search strategies, networking activities, job referrals, job retention services, direct employer connections through Sector Boards or other groups and Resource sharing (federal bonding, tax credits, ticket to work).PACE Personal SupportsIncludes both financial and non-financial personal related supports provided to students through the PACE program and PACE Pathway Navigators. Financial examples include but are not limited to: food, clothing/shoes, shelter, utilities/phone, car insurance, transportation assistance, care repair, driver’s license fees, laundry, glasses, dental work, childcare, incentives and rewards. Non-financial examples include but are not limited to: referrals to other agencies for resources to meet needs or reduce barriers (legal services, immigration services, food pantries, church resources, support groups, neighborhood associations, mentoring programs, professional organizations, disability services, mental health or counseling services, health services and free medical clinics). It may also include resource sharing (child care resources, emergency funding resources, food/nutrition, health, transportation, financial literacy).?Part of termDesignates what term course was taught; ex: Term 1, Term 2, Term Z. studentStudent enrolled for less than twelve semester (eighteen or more quarter) credit hours or its equivalent in the most recent regular term?of enrollment. Appropriate adjustments for length of summer term are to be used if the?student has not attended a regular term during the academic year.Pell grant program(Higher Education Act of 1965, Title IV, Part A, Subpart I, as amended.) Provides grant assistance to eligible undergraduate postsecondary students with demonstrated financial need to help meet education expenses.Perkins loan program(Higher Education Act of 1965, Title IV, Part E, as amended, Public Laws 89-329, 92-318, et al; 20 USC 1087aa-1087hh.). Formerly known as National Direct Student Loans (NDSL), the Perkins Loan program provides low interest loans to eligible postsecondary students (undergraduate, graduate, or professional students) with demonstrated financial need to help meet educational expenses.Placement dataEmployment data obtained by students who self-report on graduate survey. Each cohort includes graduates who applied for graduation and were approved to officially graduate by DMACC's Credentials Office. Report is organized by academic year (i.e. 2012 includes data from fallterm-01, springterm-02, & summerterm-03).Persistence RatePercentages based on a Fall cohort enrolled on the census or 14th date of class and the percent who were also enrolled for the next Spring term and next Fall term census counts. The percent continuing in Spring, or Fall-to-Spring persistence rate is labeled as F2S. The percent enrolled for the next Fall term, or Fall-to-Fall persistence rate is labeled as F2F.Persistence Rate - Fall to SpringPercentage of students who return to the same institution in the Spring semester following the Fall semester in the same academic year.Persistence Rate - Fall to FallPercentage of students from the previous Fall who are again enrolled in the current Fall. (i.e. Fall 2019 to Fall 2020)Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO)Eligible juniors and seniors taking part-time college courses at the high schools. There is a contractual agreement between DMACC and the school districts within the DMACC service area. Cost is negotiated between DMACC and the school district.Pre-apprenticeship programsSets of strategies designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship (as defined by the Department of Labor).Prospective?Student?Person considering attending a particular college or university but has not yet officially enrolled. Prospective students may take part in activities, such as open houses or campus tours, before deciding to enroll or not at the school.?Quick AppApplication that is used for high school students to create a DMACC record so that they can take the ALEKS Placement. This is only submitted if they do not have a previous record created in Banner.Race/ethnicityCategories developed in 1997 by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that are used to describe groups to which individuals belong, identify with, or belong in the eyes of the community. The categories do not denote scientific definitions of anthropological origins. The designations are used to categorize U.S. citizens, resident aliens, and other eligible non-citizens. Individuals are asked to first designate ethnicity as: - Hispanic or Latino or () - Not Hispanic or Latino Second, individuals are asked to indicate all races that apply among the following: - American Indian or Alaska Native () - Asian () - Black or African American () - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander () - White ()Real-Time DataData presented as it is acquired and passed along to the end?user as quickly as it is gathered.Registered Apprenticeship ProgramsCombines on-the-job training with related classroom instruction. Registered apprenticeships can last between 1 and 6 years but must entail at least 144 hours of related educational training and at least 2,000 hours of hands-on training.Registration StatusCode that describes the student status relative to a particular course section. (Ex. Enrolled, Dropped, Withdraw, Audit, Wait List.)Residency StatusColleges may require written documents, affidavits, or related evidence deemed necessary to determine residency status of a student. Determination of residency status is based on the reason a student is in the State of Iowa and the length of time they have resided in Iowa. A student who has been admitted to a community college shall be classified as a resident or as a non-resident for admission, tuition, and fee purposes. Resident - A student who has established a permanent domicile in Iowa for at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the term for which they are enrolling. Non-Resident - A student who is a: U.S. Citizen or a Legal Alien and a Non-Resident of Iowa and is not planning on becoming an Iowa resident; or is not planning on staying in Iowa; or is not planning to work in Iowa. Foreign and International Students with Student Visa.Retention rate At DMACC, persistence is semester to semester retention, and course retention is when a student is retained within a course. See Persistence Rate and Course Retention for detailed definitions.Returning studentStudents who have taken prior DMACC credit as a college-level student (non-Career Advantage)Reverse Credit TransferPartnership developed by the Board of Regents and Iowa's public universities in close collaboration with Iowa's community colleges to facilitate the transfer of credits back to one of Iowa's community colleges for the purpose of providing an opportunity for students to attain a degree, diploma, or certification.SAS See Visual Analytics.Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?Maintaining a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least a 2.0?AND?successful completion of at least 67% of attempted credits.?SemesterCalendar system that consists of two sessions called semesters during the academic year with about 16 weeks for each semester of instruction. There may be an additional summer session.SophomoreClassification of a student who has earned 32 or more credits.Special StartInstitutional procedure that allows students to be admitted to a vocational-technical program at some point other than the first term of the prescribed sequence or courses.Stafford loans(Higher Education Act of 1965, Title IV-B, as amended, Public Law 89-329; 20 USC 1071.) Provides guaranteed loans for educational expenses from eligible lenders to vocational or academic undergraduate, graduate, and first-professional students at eligible postsecondary institutions.Student credit hours - course Total student credit hours for all students enrolled in an individual course; may also be referred to as Student Credit Hours (course). Also called "generated credits."Student credit Hours - student Enrolled credit hours of student for term of enrollment; may also be referred to as Student Credit Hours (student). Also called "registered hours."Student typeStudent's status for select term of enrollment; ex: ?New Applicant, Guest, Non-Degree Seeking, Transfer, Readmit,?Returning.TermTerm of enrollment; ex: Fall 2018 (201901)Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)Standardized test designed to determine an applicant's ability to benefit from instruction in English.Third Party CredentialsCredential awarded after official testing upon the completion of a DMACC conducted training/certificate/diploma/degree. ?Testing can occur at the college or at a separate entity but certification must be issued/mailed/emailed/distributed by the third party entity to qualify. ? ?Title IV AidIncludes financial aid awards such as federal student loans, federal grants, federal work study, Teach grant, etc.TranscriptOfficial copy of a student’s educational record that is created at the time of enrollment and updated as the status and progress of the individual changes.Transfer-in student (IPEDS)Student entering the reporting institution for the first time but known to have previously attended a postsecondary institution at the same level (e.g., undergraduate, graduate). This includes new students enrolled in the fall term who transferred into the institution the prior summer term. The student may transfer with or without credit.Transfer-in student (DMACC)Student who last attended another institution from which credit is acceptable toward the degree or certificate in progress by the?student.Transfer-out studentStudent who transfers to another institution after attending DMACC.UndergraduateStudent enrolled in a four or five year bachelor’s degree program, an associate degree program, or a vocational or technical program below the baccalaureate.Unduplicated count (see headcount)Sum of students enrolled for credit with each student counted only once during the reporting period, regardless of when the student enrolled.Unknown race and ethnicity (see race/ethnicity)Category used to report students or employees whose race and ethnicity are not known.Veteran StatusStudent veteran calculated from these six separate elements, in hierarchical order: (1) Veteran’s Bursar/Financial?Aid (2) Veteran’s Benefits (3) Veteran’s Residency (4) Federal Student Financial Aid application (5) Student Application (6) PLA?Military Credit. If one of the fields (reviewed in the hierarchy listed above) indicates the active duty or veteran’s status, the student is coded as a veteran.Visual Analytics (SAS)Interactive, self-service tool that allows users of all skill levels to visually?explore data on their own. VA is a complete platform for analytics visualization, enabling users to?identify patterns and relationships in data that weren’t initially evident.White Card Paper or electronic version available for prospective students that would like more information about DMACC and who do not previously have a record in Banner.Work-based learningStructured learning opportunities and authentic work experiences that include, but not exclusive to, mentoring, internships, externships, quality pre-apprenticeship programs, and registered apprenticeship programs.? ................

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