|Seven ways |Get your facts right! |What does it all mean? |Use it or lose it! |Breakdown |Creating new things |Judge and Jury |

|to be smart | | | | | | |

|I enjoy reading, writing & speaking |List all the fairy tales that |List all the words you can think |Create a crossword about fairy |Design a list of questions that you|Imagine you overheard a |Write a letter to a fairy tale|

| |you know. |of that are synonyms for ‘mean’ |tale characters and events. |would like to ask a fairy tale |conversation between 2 fairy tale|character telling them what |

| | |and ‘kind’. | |character of your choice. |characters. Record the |you thought about their |

| | | | | |conversation. |behaviour. |

|I enjoy working with numbers & |Classify all the fairy tales |Create a fairy tale and character|Create a set of questions about |Construct a graph to show S1P’s |Use BAR to improve an item of your choice from any fairy tale. |

|science |that you know. |matching activity. |fairy tales and fairy tale |favourite fairy tales. |Draw and label the improved item. |

| | | |characters that can be used on | | |

| | | |the TV show ‘It’s Academic’. | | |

|I enjoy doing |Retell a fairy tale to the class using puppets. |Design a board game about a fairy tale of your choice. |Create a slide show of your |Prepare a list of criteria to |

|hands-on activities | | |favourite fairy tale. |assess the slide shows. |

|I enjoy making |Find some music that matches a |Write a rap about a fairy tale character. |Write a jingle for Cinderella’s glass slipper; the giant’s golden |Prepare a list of criteria to |

|& listening to music |fairy tale or a scene from a | |goose OR the three bears’ porridge. |assess the jingles. |

| |fairy tale. | | | |

|I enjoy working with others |Choose a fairy tale book and read it to the class. Use your voice |Prepare a survey and interview friends, family or others about |Retell a fairy tale but change |You are defending the giant |

| |effectively to entertain your audience. |fairy tales OR choose a classmate to HOT SEAT a fairy tale |the roles of the ‘villain’ and |from ‘Jack and the beanstalk’.|

| | |character. |the ‘hero’. |Convince the class he was |

| | | | |innocent and that Jack should |

| | | | |be jailed. |

|I enjoy working by myself |Retell a favourite fairy tale onto tape or computer. |Explain which fairy tale |If you were the wolf, what plan |Write a sequel to a fairy tale of your choice. |

| | |character you would like to be |would you devise to catch Little | |

| | |and give 3 reasons why. |Red Riding Hood? | |

UNIT OF STUDY: Fairy Tales LEVEL: Stage 1

CHRISTMAS: “Blooming Smarts” Activity Matrix


|Remember |Tell how you feel when |In groups, gather pictures |Make a food collage. |Mime how you feel when: |Make a kitchen symphony |List foods at a party. |Group fruits and vegetables|

| |selecting food to eat. |of healthy / nutritious | |hungry |using utensils eg beaters, | | |

| | |foods. | |full. |spoons, tongs, pots, | |- graph the |

| | | | | |graters etc. | | |

| | | | | | | |favourites. |

|Understand |Compile a list of healthy |Talk to your partner about |Create a food ‘maze’. |Mime eating different foods |Sing ‘Ten Fat Sausages’ |Write a menu for a health |Conduct a survey on how |

| |junk food. |your favourite snack. | |- guess what |or ‘Mustard on a sandwich’.|shop. |much fruit is eaten at |

| | | | |they are | | |school each day. |

| | | | |eg pie, mango, apple, | | | |

| | | | |banana, soup | | | |

|Applying |Create a mind map on |Play ‘celebrity heads’ with|Design a poster for |Demonstrate some movement |Clap rhythm of words |Create a glossary of |Make a time-line or flow |

| |‘Keeping healthy’. |fruit / vegetables / meat /|‘keeping healthy’. |exercises for keeping fit. |associated with food eg |cooking terms |chart or checklist of |

| | |dairy etc. | | |sticky bananas, pineapple, |eg whisk |personal care habits in a |

| | | | | |watermelon. |steam |day. |

| | | | | | |knead | |

| | | | | | |stir-fry. | |

|Analysing |Express your feelings about|Interview a food |Develop a jigsaw puzzle of|Teach other students how to:|Develop and perform a |Write a recipe for a |Do a PMI on a food group. |

| |ads on T V about food. |eg potato, hamburger, |a food item. |* wash hands |‘jingle’ for food |‘healthy’ dish. | |

| | |pizza, lettuce. | |* peel an apple |advertising. | | |

| | | | |* clean teeth | | | |

| | | | |* play a game. | | | |

|Evaluating |Imagine how you would feel |Talk to someone about ideas|Collect food ads from |Develop a diet / fitness |Make a ‘food’ instrument |Complete a report on a food|Plan a healthy meal and |

| |if you avoided vegies and |for improving people’s |magazines. |program for yourself or |and evaluate its |including: origin, recipe,|gain costings for |

| |fruit? |diets. | |children. |effectiveness. |drawing its taste, when to |ingredients. |

| | | | | | |eat it etc. | |

| | | |Discuss. | | | | |

|Creating |Make a class book with |Design a morning tea menu |Design a wall mural |Make a fruit salad or soup |Perform a musical item. |Write a poem |Start with an answer and |

| |individual’s favourite |for school. (Healthy and |related to ‘keeping |or stir-fry vegies. |(Sing, move, food |eg food, fitness, |make up questions. |

| |recipes. (Must be healthy.)|reasonably priced.) |healthy’. | |instrument.) |cleanliness | |


| | | | | | |Verbal / Linguistic |Logical / Mathematical |

| |Intrapersonal |Interpersonal |Spacial |Kinesthetic |Musical | | |

|Remember |Tell how you feel when |In groups, gather pictures |Make a food collage. |Mime how you feel when: |Make a kitchen symphony |List foods at a party. |Group fruits and vegetables|

| |selecting food to eat. |of healthy / nutritious | |hungry |using utensils eg beaters, | | |

| | |foods. | |full. |spoons, tongs, pots, | |- graph the |

| | | | | |graters etc. | | |

| | | | | | | |favourites. |

|Understand |Compile a list of healthy |Talk to your partner about |Create a food ‘maze’. |Mime eating different foods |Sing ‘Ten Fat Sausages’ |Write a menu for a health |Conduct a survey on how |

| |junk food. |your favourite snack. | |- guess what |or ‘Mustard on a sandwich’.|shop. |much fruit is eaten at |

| | | | |they are | | |school each day. |

| | | | |eg pie, mango, apple, | | | |

| | | | |banana, soup | | | |

|Applying |Create a mind map on |Play ‘celebrity heads’ with|Design a poster for |Demonstrate some movement |Clap rhythm of words |Create a glossary of |Make a time-line or flow |

| |‘Keeping healthy’. |fruit / vegetables / meat /|‘keeping healthy’. |exercises for keeping fit. |associated with food eg |cooking terms |chart or checklist of |

| | |dairy etc. | | |sticky bananas, pineapple, |eg whisk |personal care habits in a |

| | | | | |watermelon. |steam |day. |

| | | | | | |knead | |

| | | | | | |stir-fry. | |

|Analysing |Express your feelings about|Interview a food |Develop a jigsaw puzzle of|Teach other students how to:|Develop and perform a |Write a recipe for a |Do a PMI on a food group. |

| |ads on T V about food. |eg potato, hamburger, |a food item. |* wash hands |‘jingle’ for food |‘healthy’ dish. | |

| | |pizza, lettuce. | |* peel an apple |advertising. | | |

| | | | |* clean teeth | | | |

| | | | |* play a game. | | | |

|Evaluating |Imagine how you would feel |Talk to someone about ideas|Collect food ads from |Develop a diet / fitness |Make a ‘food’ instrument |Complete a report on a food|Plan a healthy meal and |

| |if you avoided vegies and |for improving people’s |magazines. |program for yourself or |and evaluate its |including: origin, recipe,|gain costings for |

| |fruit? |diets. | |children. |effectiveness. |drawing its taste, when to |ingredients. |

| | | | | | |eat it etc. | |

| | | |Discuss. | | | | |

|Creating |Make a class book with |Design a morning tea menu |Design a wall mural |Make a fruit salad or soup |Perform a musical item. |Write a poem |Start with an answer and |

| |individual’s favourite |for school. (Healthy and |related to ‘keeping |or stir-fry vegies. |(Sing, move, food |eg food, fitness, |make up questions. |

| |recipes. (Must be healthy.)|reasonably priced.) |healthy’. | |instrument.) |cleanliness | |



UNIT OF STUDY: Celebrations YEAR LEVEL: Stage 1

|Multiple |Bloom’s Taxonomy: Six Thinking Levels |

|Intelligences | |

| |Knowing |Understanding |Applying |Analysing |Creating |Evaluating |

|Verbal |List the things we celebrate |Prepare a talk on your |Design an invitation to your |Why do you prefer one |Plan an end of term celebration |Discuss which celebration the |

|I enjoy reading, writing & | |favourite celebration |celebration |celebration over another |as a class |class likes the most |

|speaking | | | | | | |

|Mathematical |Make a calendar of |Make a picture graph of events |Classify celebrations into family|Carry out a PMI on your chosen |Make up the customs and symbols |Discuss if everyone feels the |

|I enjoy working with numbers & |celebrations involving class |children in the class celebrate|and community categories |celebration |for your celebration |same about special days and |

|science |members and collect a media | | | | |events |

| |file including photos | | | | | |

|Visual |Decorate the room for your |Draw images of different |Categorise the pictures and add |Compare three celebrations |Make a collage of pictures of |Has everyone illustrated their |

|I enjoy painting drawing & |special celebration |celebrations that are important|them to the wall display |using a Venn diagram |celebrations from around the |celebrations in exactly the same |

|visualising | |to you and your family | | |world |way? Why? |

|Kinaesthetic |Dress up for a special |Practise the customs you will be using at your celebration role |Make the food for your |Make the decorations for your |Hold your celebration |

|I enjoy doing hands-on activities|celebration |play |celebration |celebration | |

|Musical |Learn the song “Celebration” |Listen to different celebration|Create some dance movements to |Do all celebrations have |Create your own celebration song |Perform your song with movement |

|I enjoy making & listening to | |songs eg Christmas carols, |enhance the performance of |special songs? |or rhyme |at assembly |

|music | |Easter |‘Celebration | | | |

| | |Birthday | | | | |

|Interpersonal |In your group list the things|As a class discuss common |Report, with your group, the |With your group investigate |Work with your group to make a |Prioritise the celebrations you |

|I enjoy working with others |that are special about the |things and differences in the |celebrations you investigated. |three different kinds of |planning checklist. |investigated in your groups |

| |celebration in the picture |celebrations in the pictures |Record details on a class chart |celebrations eg religious, | | |

| | | | |cultural, national, community | | |

| | | | |or family | | |

|Intrapersonal |Find out about a celebration |Write about your feelings for |Tell us about a celebration from |What would you change about |Complete an X chart on |Write a report on your favourite |

|I enjoy working by myself |from another country |the celebrations that are |another country that you found |your favourite celebration |celebrations |celebration |

| | |important to you |interesting | | | |


Nutrition / Food / Keeping Healthy

Nutrition / Food / Keeping Healthy


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