Development of the Emergency Department Patient Survey …

Development of the Emergency Department Patient Survey 2015-16

Published November 2017


The Bureau of Health Information (BHI) undertakes reviews of all recurrent surveys before implementing these. The purpose of this review is to ensure the questionnaire is still appropriate for the NSW context and that all questions are working optimally. In April and May 2015, BHI undertook a review of the questionnaire used in the 2014-15 Emergency Department Patient Survey (EDPS) to prepare this for collection of experience data for patients attending ED from July 2015 to June 2016. This document summarises the changes to the EDPS questionnaire from the 2014-15 to 2015-16 survey years.


Analysis of historic EDPS data

An analysis of the first two quarters of 2014-15 EDPS survey data was undertaken to support the questionnaire review. This analysis determined the following for each question:


Response patterns for each question, including rates of item non-response (not answering a question when

they should have), invalid responses (selecting more than one answer to a single response question or

answering a question they should have skipped past) and non-specific responses, such as `don't know', `can't

remember' or `not applicable to me'


Ceiling and floor effects of response categories (responses where almost all patients are very positive or very

negative, with little variation between hospitals) using the scored mean, standard deviation and skewness of



Correlations between questions (using the most positive response category) to understand if any questions

appear to be duplicating the same aspect of care (using the Pearson method).

Approval of changes

A final version of the draft questionnaire was approved by the Director, Surveys, and the CEO, BHI. The questionnaire was transferred to design to layout for printing and scanning. Following review of the design file, the CEO gave final approval for the questionnaire to be used and the survey to begin. The questionnaire was then provided to the external contractor for printing and mailing.

Bureau of Health Information | Development of the Emergency Department Patient Survey 2015-16


Summary of changes to the Emergency Department Patient Survey

The following lists the changes. Rationale and evidence for changes can be found in the following section.

Q number Question (2014-15)



Were the reception staff you met on your arrival to

Changed `I didn't meet the reception staff' to `I

the ED polite and courteous?

didn't meet any reception staff'


Why did you leave the ED before receiving treatment? Multiple changes to the response categories ?

see details in following section


Were you able to get assistance or advice from an ED Changed question to `Were you able to get

health professional when you needed it?

assistance or advice from ED staff for your

personal needs (e.g. for eating, drinking, going to

the toilet, contacting family)?'


What was this assistance or advice required for?



Did an ED health professional discuss the purpose of Underlined `purpose'

these tests, X-rays or scans with you?


Were you given or prescribed medication to take at Added `any new' in front of `medication'



Did an ED health professional explain the purpose of Underlined `purpose'

this medication in a way you could understand?


Did an ED health professional tell you about

medication side effects to watch for?

Underlined `side effects'


What were the main reasons for delay?

Changed response category `I had to wait for an ambulance/transport' to `I had to wait for an ambulance or hospital transport'


Did you want to make a complaint about something Moved the last response category (`No, I did not

that happened in the ED?

want to make a complaint') to the first position


While in the Emergency Department (ED), did you

Changed to `While in the Emergency Department

receive, or see, any information about your rights as a (ED), did you receive or see any information

patient, including how to comment or complain?

about how to comment or complain about your


Note: a typographical error was discovered in the printed questionnaires, whereby `care' was replaced with `case'


In your opinion, were members of the hospital staff Added `Not applicable, as it happened after I left'

open with you about this complication or problem? to response set

Bureau of Health Information | Development of the Emergency Department Patient Survey 2015-16



What is the highest level of education you have

Added `Not yet started school' to the options.


Underlined `completed'


Did you feel involved in decisions about your discharge New addition

from hospital?


Did you feel involved in the decision to use this

medication in your ongoing treatment?

New addition


Were you ever treated unfairly for any of the reasons New addition



Changes to cover letter

Addition of new logo and extra sentence directing respondents to view results on Healthcare Observer. Use of BHI acronym. Reordering of some paragraphs.


Throughout where relevant

The first question on each page that references ED presents this as `Emergency Department (ED)', while subsequent questions only use `ED'. The exception to this is the overarching performance questions about overall rating of care and whether the patient would speak highly of their ED experience to their friends and family. These two questions retained the full wording of the term.

Bureau of Health Information | Development of the Emergency Department Patient Survey 2015-16


Details of changes

Question 8

Current question

Were the reception staff you met on your arrival to the ED polite and courteous? Yes, definitely Yes, to some extent No I didn't meet the reception staff Don't know/can't remember


Reworded `I didn't meet the reception staff' to `I didn't meet any reception staff'


This change was made to make the wording of the response category more clearly reference any reception staff rather than the whole reception team.

Question 15

Current question

Why did you leave the ED before receiving treatment? Please X all the boxes that apply to you I decided to go to my GP I did not feel comfortable waiting in the ED The waiting time was too long I decided my condition was not serious I decided my condition did not need immediate treatment Other (Please specify) Don't know/can't remember


The response categories were changed to: I decided to see a GP I decided to go to another hospital I did not feel comfortable waiting in the ED The waiting time was too long I decided I no longer needed emergency treatment for my condition Other Don't know/can't remember


An analysis of the data from the first 6 months of 2014 found that a large number of the `Other (please specify)' responses could be readily recoded to the existing response categories (with some minor tweaking) and fell broadly into a new category of going to another healthcare facility.

Bureau of Health Information | Development of the Emergency Department Patient Survey 2015-16


It was also seen that many respondents were inappropriately using the free text box as an opportunity to voice disapproval of the services received. The two free text boxes at the end of the survey are the appropriate place for this information. The free text box as part of the `Other' category was removed to address this issue.

The two response categories `I decided my condition was not serious' and `I decided my condition did not need immediate treatment' measured similar concepts and were thus combined into `I decided I no longer needed emergency treatment for my condition'.

Questions 33 and 34

Current questions

33. Were you able to get assistance or advice from an ED health professional when you needed it?

Yes, always Yes, sometimes No I didn't need assistance or advice

34. What was this assistance or advice required for? Please X all the boxes that apply to you

Going to the toilet Eating or drinking Taking medication Something else


Q33. Reworded to `Were you able to get assistance or advice from ED staff for your personal needs (e.g. for eating, drinking, going to the toilet, contacting family)?'

Q34. Deleted question.


Evidence from survey results, patient comments and question testing supports that Q33 (getting assistance/advice when needed) is not consistently measuring what it was intended to measure (i.e. receipt of assistance unrelated to the medical treatment sought). In the revision to the 2013-14 EDPS, attempts were made to make the question clearer and less about the medical help sought, by changing `attention' to `assistance'. To help assess how people were responding to the question, a follow-up question (Q34) was added in 2014-15 about what the assistance was sought for.

Based on the analysis of 2014-15 EDPS data, it seems many respondents were still answering Q33 based on assistance for their presenting condition. This is evidenced by (a) the fact that the results were correlated with overall care measures (>0.6), (b) that only 20% said they did not need any assistance or advice (it's unlikely 80% needed assistance outside of their treatment needs) and (c) for those who said they did need assistance, around half said they needed it for `something else' in Q34 (so not related to toileting, eating, taking medication).

Hence, Q33 was revised to be more specific to assistance or advice that does not relate to the medical assistance patients come to the ED seeking. Q34, having served its purpose in better understanding Q33, was deleted in the 2015-16 questionnaire.

Bureau of Health Information | Development of the Emergency Department Patient Survey 2015-16



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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