Mount Vernon City School District / Homepage

Graham School

421 East 5th St.

Mount Vernon, New York 10550



“Through a culture of learning, Graham School cultivates future leaders that produce

significant gains in student achievement”

September 4, 2019

Dear Graham Families,

This Parent & Student Handbook was designed to provide parents, guardians and students with a reference of information which is necessary to the understanding of the daily operations and events at Graham School. Additionally, this handbook provides information about Graham School’s policies and expectations. This handbook should be used to assist you in ensuring the happiness and success of your child at school. You should familiarize yourself with all the information in this handbook and review this document with your child. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Please send back the appendix forms at the end of the handbook to indicate that you are aware of all Graham School policies and procedures, as well as the school and districts’ code of conduct.

The Graham School staff looks forward to working with you and your child this school year!


Dr. Natasha Hunter-McGregor Mark Raimondi

Principal Assistant Principal

Graham School


( School ………………………………....... 914-358-2803/2809

( Principal………………...…….……..….. 914-358-2810

( Assistant Principal……………………. 914-358-2804

( Nurse…………………………………..… 914-358-2802

( Social Worker……………………..….... 914-358-2811

( Psychologist…………………………..... 914-358-2814

(District Website ……………………...….…

Graham School

At Graham School we set forth on a quest each and every day to increase the knowledge, emotional and physical well-being of all who cross our threshold.

We, at Graham School are a community of learners where people genuinely care about each other and respect the rights of each other. We respect the rules and guidelines that are in place for the betterment of this community that we share. This mutual respect includes the treatment of others as well as the treatment of all property. In order for us to be successful as a school community we must work together.

Graham School Vision

To become a nationally recognized, fully engaged professional learning community in good standing, which continues to produce well-rounded citizens that are responsible peace builder, respectful peace builders, and peace builders that are ready to learn today, tomorrow and in the future.

Graham School Mission

Graham School establishes a culture that provides a safe, respectful, and nurturing environment in which all students can achieve success. Our staff, in partnership with families, volunteers, and the community, is dedicated to ensure that every student has the opportunity and the right to learn in an atmosphere interconnecting academic rigor, social responsibility, and one’s emotional well-being.

Student Responsibilities

It is every student’s responsibility with the assistance of their parent/guardian to:

✓ Be punctual. Get to school on time

✓ Be prepared. Bring all materials that you need for your school day (paper, pencils, pens, notebooks, etc.)

✓ Be attentive. Follow instructions of all staff the first time they are given.

o Maintain a calm body

o Look at the speaker

o Participate in classes by asking and answering questions and sharing ideas.

✓ Be courteous. Show considerations to other students and staff

✓ Be respectful. Respect goes two ways ( we give and receive respect.

✓ Be proud. Our school is special and so are you. Take pride in every part of the buildings appearance. Students who destroy or vandalize school property will be required to pay for damages.

✓ Be neat. Keep your notebook and book bag organized and neat. Keep your desk and surroundings tidy and orderly.

✓ Be yourself. Don’t follow the crowd. Don’t do what is popular; do what is right. Each and every student – including you – are important to our school

✓ Be a good citizen. Use appropriate language at all times. Fighting is forbidden and will not be tolerated. Adults are here in the school to help you with all disputes.


We do not expect unfavorable behavior at Graham School. However, if unfavorable behavior should arise the consequences will include:

• Student Conference

• Contacting parent/guardian (written and/or by telephone)

• Parent/Guardian conference

• Reflection (lunch or after school)

• Denied of School Privileges (DSP)

Code of Conduct

Home of the Knights

The Mount Vernon Board of Education (“Board”) is committed to providing a safe, supportive and orderly school environment where students may receive and district personnel may deliver quality educational services without disruption or interference and creating an atmosphere that demonstrates, undertakes and promotes respect of the diverse cultures and linguistic groups that forms our schools and community.

Responsible behavior by students, teachers, district personnel, parents and other visitors is essential to achieving this goal. These expectations are based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, character, tolerance, honesty and integrity. This code provides a legal and procedural framework for supporting a civil safe and positive school climate and guides decisions regarding inappropriate behavior. 

Student Conduct

The Board of Education expects all students to conduct themselves in an appropriate and civil manner, with mutual respect and dignity, and with proper regard to the rights and welfare of others students, district personnel and other members of the school community, and for the care of school behavior, as well as the consequences of their misbehavior.  The board recognizes the need to make its expectations of student conduct while on school property or engaged in a school function specific and clear. Off Campus conduct may be subject to school discipline should the District determine in its discretion that such conduce has a nexus to school activities.

There are four levels of Student Conduct governed by this Code of Conduct: The violations and consequences detailed below for each level provided a framework for the principal or his/her designee’s response to the violations of the Code of Conduct. Because no framework can account for all of the potential details or circumstances related to an instance of misconduct, the framework is meant to serve as a guide, and the principal or his/her designee shall use appropriate discretion to determine the appropriate consequences for a violation.

Character Pillars

Our students are full of school spirit and we will have fun at Grimes School! Our students will enjoy and celebrate the Pillars of Character:

** Respect ** Responsibility ** Caring

** Trust ** Fairness ** Citizenship

We are proud of how our students respect each other. Our boys and girls work together as a community. We want Graham to be as safe and fun as possible. When students make mistakes, our goal is to help them learn from the mistakes. We will do whatever we can to teach our students about good character and what it means to be a member of a strong community.



Graham School has a progressive Discipline Code. The purpose of this code is to ensure that all students are treated fairly. We want our students to understand that actions have consequences and we can learn from mistakes. Please ensure that you and your child have read and discussed the Code of Conduct and have reviewed it. Once you have done so, please sign and return the Code of Conduct.

District Discipline Code

Level I: Insubordinate/ Inappropriate Conduct

Level I infractions may occur anywhere in the school, including classrooms, cafeteria, library, hallways, auditorium, on school grounds or at any school function on or off school grounds. This conduct can be addressed by teachers and any other school personnel.  

Required Responses to Level I Conduct Violations

1. Verbal communication

2. Classroom management

3. Other appropriate actions designed by the school to address the infraction  

Level II: Disorderly/Disruptive Conduct

Level II infractions of a more serious nature or a continuance of Level I misconduct. This can include student acts that interfere with orderly educational process in the classroom or in the school. Can be addressed by teacher and any other school personnel.   

Required Responses to Level II Conduct Violations

1. Classroom management

2. Teacher removal of student from classroom

3. Written referral to administrator and student/teacher conference

4. Parent phone contact

5. Written notification within 24 hours

Level III: Conduct that Endangers the Morals, health and Welfare of Students and Staff

Infractions in Level III are very serious and substantially interfere with the educational environment. Addressing this conduct requires the cooperation of teacher and administration.  

Required responses to Level III Conduct Violations

1. Classroom management

2. Teacher removal of student from classroom

3. Written referral to administrator

4. Student/teacher conference

5. Parent phone contact

6. Written notification to parent within 24 hours

7. Required conference with administrator, student, parent and teacher

8. Suspension for 1-5 school days per occurrence

9. Superintendent’s hearing for repeat offenses 

Level IV: Violent/Dangerous Conduct 

Dangerous and/or violent infractions will not be tolerated and call for the most serious disciplinary procedures. This requires immediate removal from schools and notification to police. (Board Policy #3412) 

Required Responses to Level IV Conduct Violations

1. Suspension for 5 days

2. Superintendent Hearings

Discipline of Students with Disabilities 

The Board recognizes that it may be necessary to suspend, remove or otherwise discipline students with disabilities to address disruptive or problem behavior. The board is committed to ensuring that the procedures followed for suspending, removing or otherwise disciplining students with disabilities are consistent with the procedural safeguards required by applicable laws and regulations and the Committee on Special Education (CSE). The parents of a student with disabilities subject to a suspension of five consecutive school days or less shall be provided with the same opportunity for an informal conference available to parents of non-disabled students.  

For suspensions or removals up to 10 school days in a school year that do not constitute a disciplinary change in placement, student with disabilities must be provided with alternative instruction or services on the same basis as non-disabled students of the same age. If the suspension or removal from the current educational placement constitutes a disciplinary change in placement because it is for more than 10 consecutive schools days or constitutes a pattern because the suspensions or removals cumulate to more than 10 school days in a year, a manifestation determination must be made. (Board Policy #7313)

School personnel may consider any unique circumstances on a case by case basis when determining whether to order a change in placement for a student with a disability who violates the Code of Conduct.

Appeal of Superintendent’s Decision 

If the student and/or parents/guardians disagree(s) with the decision of the Superintendent, he/she (they) have the right to appeal the decision to the Board of Education. Such appeal must be writing and should include the reason(s) why he/she (they) believe the appeal should be granted.

The appeal must be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the Superintendent’s decision to: 

President, Board of Education c/o District Clerk

Mount Vernon City School District

165 North Columbus Ave

Mount Vernon, NY 10553 

The Board of Education will conduct a thorough review of the record to include:

The transcript (recording) of the  Superintendent’s Hearing;

The report and recommendations of the Superintendent or designated hearing officer and all exhibits submitted at the hearing;

The written request for appeal.

Dismissal Procedures

K-8 Students:

Students will be dismissed at 3:00pm. Please be sure you are prompt with picking up your child, as late pickups requires staff members to stay later than contractually allowed.

Late Pick-Ups During Dismissal

After 3:45 PM the proper authorities will be contacted for any child left behind, unless there is an emergency and the parent/guardian has contacted the school.


If you know you will be late picking up your child, please contact the school at 914-358-2803/2809.

Photo Identification

Any adult picking up a child, including parents/guardians, MUST provide photo identification and sign-in is required by all when entering the school building.

Early Pick-Up

All individuals picking up students MUST be documented on the “Emergency Contact Form.” Photo identification is required to sign out ANY student.

Emergency Form

Please make sure that an updated emergency card is on file for your child with the numbers of every possible emergency contact person. Email address will allow for you to receive email alerts from the school.

Contacting Staff

Parents/guardians will be able to call the main office number and leave a message for a staff member.

Do not expect to be able to speak with staff members right away, as they will likely be working with children. You may also contact a staff via email or by sending a note with your child.

To contact a staff member via e-mail, please note that the staff member’s e-mail address contains the staff member’s first initial and last name followed by @. All staff can be contacted via e-mail.

Example: School Principal = sprincipal@

Meetings with staff are by appointment only.  Please call 914-358-2803/2809 to schedule to an appointment to discuss your child’s progress.  All staff can also be contacted via e-mail.


Cellular Phones

The use of cellular phones by students is prohibited. All 6-8 students are required to turn their cell phones into security during morning entry and will receive them back at the end of the day. Cell phones that are on and/or being used will be confiscated. Students that bring cell phones to school should ensure they are off while in the building and given to their teacher to be stored in the classroom container. No cell phone calls can be made or received by students during the school day. Call the office to schedule an appointment to retrieve confiscated items. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen cellular phones. Additionally, the school will not take the responsibility of locating or replacing cell phones.

Telephone Use

Students may only use a school phone with teacher permission. Teachers will use their discretion when allowing students to make calls. Parents/Guardians will only be allowed to talk to students in emergency situations. Otherwise, a message will be taken and given to the child.

Policies for Visitors

For safety reasons, no visitors are allowed to go to any room other than main office at any time unless escorted by school personnel after signing in at the main office.


Teachers are available for meetings. However, appointments need to be made in advance. Appointments may be scheduled before or after school, on the teacher’s lunch or prep, whichever the teacher chooses. At no time is the teacher allowed to schedule an appointment during their instructional time. Parents/guardians providing disruption to the lesson will be asked to leave.

The principal is available for parent meetings and encourages the opportunity to meet with parents/guardians. However, we ask that an appointment be made in advance. An appointment can be scheduled with the administrative assistant. Please call 914-358-2803.

The assistant principal is also available for appointments; please call 914-358-2809.

Dress Code

Students are expected to wear school uniforms each day. They must dress in a manner that does not distract from instruction and learning.

Headwear, make up, high heeled or open-toed shoes and large jewelry/beads are not allowed.

Student Absence

Parents/guardians should alert the school if your child will be absent. If students are absent, the student must bring a note from home when the student returns to school. The note must be signed by a parent/guardian with the date and reason for absence. The student is responsible to make up any missed class work.

Student Lateness

Lateness should be avoided because valuable instructional and learning time is missed. 6-8 School students must be at school by 8:26 am and ready to learn.  K-5 students must be at school by 8:30am.

Parents/guardians should alert the school if your child will be late. If students are late, the student must bring a note from home. The note must be signed by a parent/guardian with the date and reason for lateness. The student is responsible to make up missed work.

Lost and Found

If you believe your child has lost an article of clothing at school, please come in to check for it as soon as possible.

Due to an overwhelming amount of clothing items in our lost and found that never get claimed and that we simply cannot store, we will donate all lost and found items to charity at the end of December and the end of June.

Please seek assistance from school personnel when trying to retrieve lost items.

Field Trips

Students will be taking many field trips this year. In order to be able to attend trips, students must be able to follow the directions of all adults who work at the school at all times, as any one of us may be responsible for their safety. If we do not feel that your child does/can do this, he/she will not be permitted to attend trips.


If you are a trip chaperone, please understand that your child/group must meet the same behavioral and work expectations on the trip as all students, and should not have special privileges, including trips to gift shops, food vendors, etc.

Written, signed (By parent/guardian) permission slips are needed for ALL field trips.


School Closings and Delays

Graham School will follow all Mount Vernon School District decisions on school closings and delays unless otherwise notified. Please monitor local media outlets for school closings/delays information, as well as please make sure that we have a current telephone number for K-12 telephone alerts. In addition to providing you with Mount Vernon School District yearly school calendar, reminders will be sent home when upcoming off-days for students are nearing.

Personal Items

Games, musical devices (CD or DVD players, iPods, etc.), video games, cameras, and cellular phones are a distraction in a learning environment and should not be brought to school. The school will not be responsible if these items are lost or stolen.


Textbooks and library books should be kept in good condition. Library books should be returned when completed or due. Students who do not return their books will not receive their report cards. Parents/guardians will receive a bill for any lost and/or damaged textbooks. Sixth grade students will not be able to participate in any promotional activities if all books are not returned.



Students should report immediately any injuries while participating in any school activity to their classroom teacher. The teacher will send the student to the nurse’s office. Any first aid which is necessary to meet the immediate emergency will be done. After this has been done, parent/guardian will be contacted in regard to further medical treatment. The school is not liable for doctor and hospital bills resulting from accidents of any kind.


No Medication of any kind can be dispensed by the office staff, classroom teacher or other school staff other than the school nurse. Medication should be brought to the school in its original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician with the name of the student, medication dosage, and the time to be administered. Written permission must be provided by the parent/guardian requesting the school nurse as well as a physician’s order regarding the administration of the medication. Only prescription medication as indicated above will be given at school.

Fire Drills

When the alarm sounds, students are to follow the instructions of the teacher(s) and exit the building in a quiet and orderly manner. If the student is not with his/her teacher when the alarm sounds the student is to exit the building with the closest adult or class. Under no circumstances is anyone to re-enter the building without clearance from an administrator or a fire official. Any person in the school building at the time of a fire alarm must exit the building immediately.

Report Cards and Progress Reports

Report cards and five week reports are issued four times a year. Individual Parent/Teacher Conferences can be scheduled by parent or the teacher.

Parent Volunteers

At Graham School parent/guardian involvement is very important to us. We believe at Graham School that all parents/guardians and families want the best for their children and acknowledge research showing that children do best when parents/guardians are enabled to play four key roles in their children’s learning:

1. Teachers - Helping children at home

2. Supporters - Contributing their skills to the school

3. Advocates - Helping children receive fair treatment

4. Decision-makers - Participating in joint problem-solving with the school at every level

We recognize parents/guardians are full partners with educators and administrators to achieve the best possible learning experience for each child. A strong program of communication between home and school must be encouraged, continually evaluated and maintained so the school and community are connected in meaningful and productive ways.

Complete and return the Volunteer Form Stop to be a ‘Parent Volunteer’.

We need your assistance in the:

( School

( Classrooms

( Cafeteria

( Media Center

( Playground

( Concert Nights


School Supplies

Students are required to bring all materials needed for school every day. Please see the school website for your child’s supply list.

Homework Policy

• Homework is given daily

• 7 days a week

• Independent reading daily (7 days a week) for 20-30 minutes.

• Independent practice of previously mastered skills

Homework is a term applied to teacher assigned educational after-school activities. Parents/guardians and/or students are responsible for getting missed assignments when students are absent and have 48 hours to submit completed assignments upon return to school. Parents/guardians and/or students are also responsible for getting help from teacher or other families when questions occur. Parents/guardians are expected to thoroughly check homework before students turn assignments in.

Assignments may be in various forms according to the nature of the subject area, the age and grade of the child, the capacity of the student and the objectives to be attained.

← Homework should be meaningful to the child and should be corrected daily. It should be incrementally more challenging as pupils’ progress through the grades.

← Parents/guardians should oversee the child’s homework. A special place and time should be set aside where the homework is completed. Parents/guardians may assist the child in the completion of the assignment and should review completed work. In addition, parents/guardians should sign all information sent to them from the teacher, which may include homework, tests, quizzes, and other communications.

Homework activities may include:

← Drills in word recognition, mathematics facts and spelling words

← Recreational reading

← Supplementary reading

← Collections of subject areas: language arts, science, mathematics, social studies, citizenship education, health, music and/or art

← Construction of materials for subject area units

← Science experiments

← Creative writing


| |

Graham School

Parent/Guardian Volunteer Form

At Graham School parent/guardian involvement is very important to us. Please complete if you are able to spend some of your time in our school.

Please return this form to your child’s homeroom teacher.

Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________

Grade: ______________ Class: _____________ Teacher’s Name: __________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Name: __________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________

Telephone (p) __________________________________________________

(c) __________________________________________________

I would like to volunteer:

□ In the classroom

□ In the cafeteria

□ For lunchtime activities

□ _____________________________

I am available ([pic]) on:

|Mondays |Tuesdays |Wednesdays |Thursdays |Fridays |

AM | |PM | |AM | |PM | |AM | |PM | |AM | |PM | |AM | |PM | | |

Thank you for volunteering!

Graham School

Family Handbook Signature Form

Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________

Grade: _________ Class: __________

Parent/Guardian’s Name: _________________________________________________

I, ____________________________, the parent of ____________________________________

(please print) (please print)

have reviewed the 2019-2020 Graham School Handbook with my child. Both my child and I are aware of the policies, procedures, and expectations of Graham School, including the Graham School and the Mount Vernon School District’s Code of Conduct. I will address any and all questions with the school’s administrators.

_____________________________________ _______________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date

_____________________________________ _______________

Student’s Signature Class

Please return this form to your child’s teacher.

← Did you return your Parent/Guardian Volunteer form?

← Did you and your child review the Graham Family Handbook?

← Did you return your Graham ‘Family Handbook’ form?

← Did you update your address and your telephone numbers?

← Did you give us all of your telephone numbers (in case of an emergency)?

← Did you return your child’s emergency form?

• Did you include every possible person and number to your child’s emergency card?

• Did you remind any adult who picks up your child(ren) that they need to show (photo) identification?




2019 -2020 2014







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