27 September 2002 - Community

-952510300COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIPCertified Community Action Professional (CCAP Executive Skills Portfolio (ESP) Requirements and GuidelinesFOR USE IN CCAP PROGRAM YEAR 2021-178661227588NOTICE: Candidates are advised that ESP Requirements and Guidelines are drawn up for use in a specific program year. A new CCAP program year begins after the examination day in June. There may be changes from year to year. Note the “program year” date on the heading of this document. (For example: If these Guidelines are dated “For Use in CCAP Program Year 2021” and the next [upcoming] CCAP exam is June, 2021, these Guidelines are current.)The deadline for ESP submission in the current CCAP Program Year is the 3rd Wednesday in February 00NOTICE: Candidates are advised that ESP Requirements and Guidelines are drawn up for use in a specific program year. A new CCAP program year begins after the examination day in June. There may be changes from year to year. Note the “program year” date on the heading of this document. (For example: If these Guidelines are dated “For Use in CCAP Program Year 2021” and the next [upcoming] CCAP exam is June, 2021, these Guidelines are current.)The deadline for ESP submission in the current CCAP Program Year is the 3rd Wednesday in February The Executive Skills Portfolio (ESP) combines a written sample of the CCAP candidate’s leadership work in Community Action with a series of four brief essays in which the candidate demonstrates the ability to apply management/leadership skills and Community Action Vision and Values. The ESP is scored by CCAP Commissioners and CCAPs who are trained to evaluate the candidate’s submission. The maximum score is 500 points. A candidate must score a minimum of 300 points to qualify to take the CCAP examination. Additionally, the candidate must achieve a minimum score of 700 points when totaling the scores on both the CDF and the ESP.CONTENTS OF THESE REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINESRequired Content and Format of ESPThe Work SampleThe Essay QuestionsInstructions for Methods of SubmissionESP Cross Reference Check Sheet for Essay Question 3REQUIRED CONTENT AND FORMAT OF ESPThe ESP contains three distinct sections. They must be assembled in the order listed below:Introductory Items: A description of the candidate’s role in producing the work.Evidence that the work was done within three years of the date of the candidate’s enrollment.The exact purpose or goals of the work.The budget for the work, if applicable.Documents coming from the work which show results, such as statistical reports, letters, newspaper articles and the like.The Work Sample. A work sample may be the relevant portion(s) of any kind of document. A work sample might be any of the following:A program report A grant proposal Organizational documents A policy or procedures manual A publication written by the candidate,Or similar items Whatever is chosen, the sample must demonstrate the candidate’s skills in management and leadership and it must manifest the candidate’s understanding, and application, of Community Action vision and values. Four Brief Essays: The questions posed in this section of the ESP are designed to give candidates the opportunity to show how the work sample demonstrates (#1) the use of management functions and (#2) leadership skills, (#3) an application of Community Action Vision and Values and (#4) an understanding of organizational excellence. Each essay is limited to 750 wordsTHE WORK SAMPLEThe sample must demonstrate and support the answers to the essays (see C on next page.) That document may be no longer than fifty (50) pages. The pages must be numbered in sequence. 7233341329These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolio.As you choose your work sample for submission, be sure that it describes a project or activity:Which is your own work in a leadership role. If the evaluators cannot determine your own leadership role on the project, program or task described in your ESP, it will be disqualified and not scored. Which was accomplished no more than three years before your enrollment as a CCAP candidate. If the evaluators cannot determine that the work was done no more than three years before your enrollment as a CCAP candidate, your ESP will be disqualified and not scored. [NOTE: “Accomplished” = date of candidate’s last involvement in the activity described in the work sample]Which demonstrates your (a) understanding of management functions and (b) their application in the following 4 areas: Planning Organizing Directing Evaluating.In which you took a leadership role, i.e. “influencing a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”In which you can show that you have contributed to carrying out the vision and values of community action.Which can be correlated in some way to The Partnership’s Standards of Excellence00These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolio.As you choose your work sample for submission, be sure that it describes a project or activity:Which is your own work in a leadership role. If the evaluators cannot determine your own leadership role on the project, program or task described in your ESP, it will be disqualified and not scored. Which was accomplished no more than three years before your enrollment as a CCAP candidate. If the evaluators cannot determine that the work was done no more than three years before your enrollment as a CCAP candidate, your ESP will be disqualified and not scored. [NOTE: “Accomplished” = date of candidate’s last involvement in the activity described in the work sample]Which demonstrates your (a) understanding of management functions and (b) their application in the following 4 areas: Planning Organizing Directing Evaluating.In which you took a leadership role, i.e. “influencing a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”In which you can show that you have contributed to carrying out the vision and values of community action.Which can be correlated in some way to The Partnership’s Standards of Excellence]THE FOUR ESSAY QUESTIONSAnswer the following four questions in order of Topic Area as listed below. There is a 750 word limit for each essay3429005080These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe challenge in the portfolio is to be simultaneously very concise and informative. That takes careful preparation. ESPs are scored by the quality of the response to these essay questions. As you respond to these questions you must:Number each response in the same sequence as the questions appear below. Adhere to the “number of words” requirementRefer to specific pages in your work sample when you answer questions about it. Failure to include those references may significantly reduce your score. NOTE: Essay #3 requires the use of a specific form to record your citations of page numbers from your Work Sample. Failure to use the form may lead to a forfeiture of all points in those categoriesPresent a logical flow of ideas.Use appropriate grammar and punctuation.Clearly express yourself.Present an appealing and clearly understood portfolio. All parts of the work and essays must be easy to read, especially charts and copies of documentations00These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe challenge in the portfolio is to be simultaneously very concise and informative. That takes careful preparation. ESPs are scored by the quality of the response to these essay questions. As you respond to these questions you must:Number each response in the same sequence as the questions appear below. Adhere to the “number of words” requirementRefer to specific pages in your work sample when you answer questions about it. Failure to include those references may significantly reduce your score. NOTE: Essay #3 requires the use of a specific form to record your citations of page numbers from your Work Sample. Failure to use the form may lead to a forfeiture of all points in those categoriesPresent a logical flow of ideas.Use appropriate grammar and punctuation.Clearly express yourself.Present an appealing and clearly understood portfolio. All parts of the work and essays must be easy to read, especially charts and copies of documentationsFIRST TOPIC AREA: TRADITIONAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS.In 750 words or less, explain how the work sample shows that you understand, and can use, traditional management functions as applied to Community Action in each of the specific areas:PlanningOrganizingDirectingEvaluatingright248These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe evaluators want to see evidence that you understand the four traditional functions of management [Planning, Organizing, Directing and Evaluating] and that you were able to apply your understanding of those functions in your work sample. To assist you in your preparation of a work sample and your response to the questions in the Portfolio Guidelines, ask yourself:Do I know how the four functions apply to the project, program or task I am considering for submission?Will my work sample clearly show that I had a role in applying all four of those functions?Am I ready to show that I understand these four functions by what I write in my essay?Some Examples of ways to approach each function are listed belowFor all functions, ESP submissions may address programmatic processes and/or administrative processesPlanning. May include such items asDefining goals for future direction. Determining resources needed to achieve targets and establishing timelines.Using tools such as strategic planning, Community Action Plan, program plans, budgets, ROMA or other appropriate methods. Assessing lessons from historical evidence and research, analyzing potential barriers, anizing. May include such items as Working with board and/or staff and/or community stakeholders and partnersGathering resources. Clarifying authority and relationships. Generating support. Helping people and systems come together in productive ways. Directing. May include such items asInstructing, guiding and overseeing performance of the work and workers to achieve predetermined goals. Delegating, Decision making.Effective communication.Evaluating. May include such items asMeasuring performance in relationship to established goals through collecting quantitative and qualitative data, Performance Management (ROMA) and/or evaluation that goes beyond collection of data and engages in analyses and conclusions that serve to improve results 00These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe evaluators want to see evidence that you understand the four traditional functions of management [Planning, Organizing, Directing and Evaluating] and that you were able to apply your understanding of those functions in your work sample. To assist you in your preparation of a work sample and your response to the questions in the Portfolio Guidelines, ask yourself:Do I know how the four functions apply to the project, program or task I am considering for submission?Will my work sample clearly show that I had a role in applying all four of those functions?Am I ready to show that I understand these four functions by what I write in my essay?Some Examples of ways to approach each function are listed belowFor all functions, ESP submissions may address programmatic processes and/or administrative processesPlanning. May include such items asDefining goals for future direction. Determining resources needed to achieve targets and establishing timelines.Using tools such as strategic planning, Community Action Plan, program plans, budgets, ROMA or other appropriate methods. Assessing lessons from historical evidence and research, analyzing potential barriers, anizing. May include such items as Working with board and/or staff and/or community stakeholders and partnersGathering resources. Clarifying authority and relationships. Generating support. Helping people and systems come together in productive ways. Directing. May include such items asInstructing, guiding and overseeing performance of the work and workers to achieve predetermined goals. Delegating, Decision making.Effective communication.Evaluating. May include such items asMeasuring performance in relationship to established goals through collecting quantitative and qualitative data, Performance Management (ROMA) and/or evaluation that goes beyond collection of data and engages in analyses and conclusions that serve to improve results SECOND TOPIC AREA: COMMUNITY ACTION POSITIVE LEADERSHIP SKILLS.“Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal” [Northouse, Peter J. (2019) Leadership: Theory and Practice. (8th ed.) Los Angeles: SAGE]. Candidates are expected to be familiar with chapter 3 and/or chapter 5 of the Northouse text. 5116927755632In the current program year, the ESP evaluation teams will reference the chapters on "Skills Approach" and "Situational Approach" from the 8th edition (2019) of Peter Northouse’s Leadership: Theory and Practice. It is important to be aware that the evaluation teams may use more recent editions in future CCAP program years if changes in the new edition require it. Should that occur candidates will be informed in the version of the ESP Guidelines published for that program year00In the current program year, the ESP evaluation teams will reference the chapters on "Skills Approach" and "Situational Approach" from the 8th edition (2019) of Peter Northouse’s Leadership: Theory and Practice. It is important to be aware that the evaluation teams may use more recent editions in future CCAP program years if changes in the new edition require it. Should that occur candidates will be informed in the version of the ESP Guidelines published for that program yearleft27662505NOTICE: In the current program year, the ESP evaluation teams will reference the chapters on "Skills Approach" and "Situational Approach" from the 8th edition (2019) of Peter Northouse, Leadership: Theory and Practice. It is important to be aware that the evaluation teams may use new editions in future CCAP program years if changes in any new edition require it. Should that occur, candidates will be informed in the version of the ESP Guidelines published for that, and subsequent, program year(s).00NOTICE: In the current program year, the ESP evaluation teams will reference the chapters on "Skills Approach" and "Situational Approach" from the 8th edition (2019) of Peter Northouse, Leadership: Theory and Practice. It is important to be aware that the evaluation teams may use new editions in future CCAP program years if changes in any new edition require it. Should that occur, candidates will be informed in the version of the ESP Guidelines published for that, and subsequent, program year(s).By referencing specific pages in your work sample, you are asked to articulate how your work on that project, program or task has in some way “influenced a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.” There are three parts to this essay. Answer all sections of this question in a total of no more than 750 words. FIRST: Clearly basing your response either on a “skills” focused approach (Northouse Ch.3 ) and/or a “situational” focused approach (Northouse Ch.5 ), explain why your involvement in that project, program or task described in your work sample should be considered a demonstration of your leadership. [NOTE: It must be clear that you are using one, or both approaches as the basis of your response or it will be disqualified. i.e. either a skills approach and/or a situational approach to leadership]AND to explicitly correlate your leadership specifically to Community ActionSECOND: Choose ONE item out of the 9 items listed under Body of Knowledge Outline D2 OR D3 that best correlates to your leadership role in the project, program or task that comprises your work sample. (See Body Of Knowledge Outline below)Explain why you made that specific choice from the Body of Knowledge outline to showcase your leadership in the project, program or task that comprises your work sample. Cite the pages in your work sample that illustrate your explanation for choosing that one item COMMUNITY ACTION BODY OF KNOWLEDGE OUTLINE SECTION D2 Fundamental Practices of Exemplary Leadership Thinking strategicallyCreating a shared visionBuilding capacityBeing agents of changeCOMMUNITY ACTION BODY OF KNOWLEDGE OUTLINE SECTION D3Forward Thinking Leadership Skill Sets InnovationSuccession municationEmotional intelligence ANDTHIRD: Choose ONE item out of the 14 items listed under Body of Knowledge Outline D4 OR D5 that best correlates to your leadership role in the project, program or task that comprises your work sample. (See Body Of Knowledge Outline below)Explain why you made that specific choice from the Body of Knowledge outline to showcase your leadership in the project, program or task that comprises your work sample. Cite the pages in your work sample that illustrate your explanation for choosing that one item. COMMUNITY ACTION BODY OF KNOWLEDGE OUTLINE SECTION D4Ethical Considerations for Community Action Leadership Service to mission over service to selfCommitment to excellence in life-long learningProfessional CompetenceRespect for Board and CommunityHonest communicationPersonal integrity that inspires trust and confidenceAvoidance of conflict of interest and undue personal gainRespect for confidentialityPromotion of the professional development of colleaguesCOMMUNITY ACTION BODY OF KNOWLEDGE OUTLINE SECTION D5Community Action Values Become Real Through Responsible Leadership To: Empower individuals and familiesFacilitate the revitalization of communitiesAssure maximum feasible participate of the poorUtilize appropriate, effective advocacyInform the entire communityleft4128824These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe evaluators will be focusing on whether you have clearly identified either a “skills’ approach and/or a “situational approach” to leadership as a basis for your response. Be explicit. Use either Chapter 3 and/or Chapter 5 in the Northouse text as your guide [Northouse, Peter J. (2019) Leadership: Theory and Practice. (8th ed.) Los Angeles: SAGE]If your work sample presents a project done by a group of which you were a part, your essay should differentiate between what you did and what others did. It should make clear that in your role on the project, program or task in your work sample, you have somehow “influenced a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.” Be clear and specific in identifying the items from the Body of Knowledge Outline (one each from sections D2/D3 and D4/D5) that you are referencing in your essay.Remember that failure to cite the pages from your work sample that specifically support the Body of Knowledge Outline items you have chosen to address in your essay will lead to a significant reduction in your score00These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe evaluators will be focusing on whether you have clearly identified either a “skills’ approach and/or a “situational approach” to leadership as a basis for your response. Be explicit. Use either Chapter 3 and/or Chapter 5 in the Northouse text as your guide [Northouse, Peter J. (2019) Leadership: Theory and Practice. (8th ed.) Los Angeles: SAGE]If your work sample presents a project done by a group of which you were a part, your essay should differentiate between what you did and what others did. It should make clear that in your role on the project, program or task in your work sample, you have somehow “influenced a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.” Be clear and specific in identifying the items from the Body of Knowledge Outline (one each from sections D2/D3 and D4/D5) that you are referencing in your essay.Remember that failure to cite the pages from your work sample that specifically support the Body of Knowledge Outline items you have chosen to address in your essay will lead to a significant reduction in your scoreTHIRD TOPIC AREA: THE VISION AND VALUES OF COMMUNITY ACTIONIn 750 words or less, explain how the work sample shows that you understand and have used the vision and values of Community Action. SEE COMMUNITY ACTION VISION AND VALUES CROSS REFERENCE CHECK SHEET ON THE LAST PAGE OF THESE GUIDELINES AND INCLUDE WITH ESP SUBMISSION. FAILURE TO USE AND SUBMIT THE WORKSHEET WILL RESULT IN A LOSS OF POINTS, INCLUDING POSSIBLE FORFEITURE OF ALL POINTS FOR THIS SECTION.433490309891These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe evaluators will be looking for ways in which your work sample carries out the vision and values of Community Action. The Community Action Body of Knowledge Outline lists the components of Community Action Vision and Values in section B. Study that outline before you write. Then, relate your answer directly to the topics listed in that outline. The evaluators will be looking for indications that you have made those connectionsWhen completing the Cross Reference Check Sheet, be especially careful not to over-reach by claiming more values than your work sample clearly supports and your essay clearly addresses.00These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe evaluators will be looking for ways in which your work sample carries out the vision and values of Community Action. The Community Action Body of Knowledge Outline lists the components of Community Action Vision and Values in section B. Study that outline before you write. Then, relate your answer directly to the topics listed in that outline. The evaluators will be looking for indications that you have made those connectionsWhen completing the Cross Reference Check Sheet, be especially careful not to over-reach by claiming more values than your work sample clearly supports and your essay clearly addresses.FOURTH TOPIC AREA: COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCEIn 750 words or less, demonstrate either:How your work sample contributes to your agency’s attainment, or enhancement, of the Partnership’s Standards of Excellence, ORHow it has the capacity to contribute to that standard. Specifically, identify both the ONE category (among the 7) and the ONE specific standard (within that one category) from the current Standards of Excellence document found on the Community Action Partnership’s website. There are 7 categories and 35 standards distributed across those categories. 301625256540These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe work sample you have chosen to submit is expected either to have impacted your agency in some way in relation to one of the 7 categories of management/leadership identified in the Community Action Partnership’s Standards of Excellence or to have the potential to make an impact in one of those categories. Clearly demonstrate how that is the case in this essay.REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE ASKED TO CHECK ONLY ONE STANDARD UNDER ONLY ONE CATEGORY. There is no opportunity to increase your score by adding more than one. In fact, adding other standards and categories may be evaluated as an over-reach and lead to a lower score. Choose the ONE that is most fitting in relation to your work sample and your essay and be clear and thorough in your reasoning.00These guidelines are based on the criteria given to readers who will evaluate your portfolioThe work sample you have chosen to submit is expected either to have impacted your agency in some way in relation to one of the 7 categories of management/leadership identified in the Community Action Partnership’s Standards of Excellence or to have the potential to make an impact in one of those categories. Clearly demonstrate how that is the case in this essay.REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE ASKED TO CHECK ONLY ONE STANDARD UNDER ONLY ONE CATEGORY. There is no opportunity to increase your score by adding more than one. In fact, adding other standards and categories may be evaluated as an over-reach and lead to a lower score. Choose the ONE that is most fitting in relation to your work sample and your essay and be clear and thorough in your reasoning.INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF THE ESPThe Portfolio (including all supporting documents) is to be sent by the published due date to CCAPContact@. The only acceptable formats are (1) MSWord, (2) MSExcel, (3) JPG and/or (4) PDF. If the Work Sample is in Powerpoint format, it must be converted to PDF for submission. The transmission must be complete on the date that ESP is due at the Partnership Office.All ESPs sent in this way will be acknowledged by return e-mail from CCAPContact@ within 7 days of its receipt at that e-mail address.Note the page(s) from work sample I VISIONARY CONCEPTSPoverty can be eliminated by creating an environment that encourages opportunities for munity Action is development of these opportunities.Serving the best interests of the poor is in the best interest of all people.Systems and people have the potential for munity Action’s success is dependent upon the collective efforts of the entire communityNote the page(s) from work sampleII VALUES AND BELIEFS – a. The Misery of Poverty Must Be AddressedPoverty is unacceptable, painful, and far-reaching.Easing the misery of poverty is good, right, and essential in an affluent munity Action identifies and addresses the causes of munity Action removes obstacles, fills gaps, and confronts the causes/conditions of poverty.Note the page(s) from work sampleII VALUES AND BELIEFS – b. Despair Can Be Replaced by opportunity and Hope Through Community ActionEmpowerment of the poor for economic and social self-sufficiency through a variety of means.Local flexibility/control creating a program mix: responsive to customers and community’s needs.Anti-poverty initiatives must be related to assessed community needs.Note the page(s) from work sampleII VALUES AND BELIEFS – c. The Plight of the Poor Must Be Made KnownCommunity Action is the voice for the poor.Use of full range of public relations techniques.Note the page(s) from work sampleII VALUES AND BELIEFS – d. Attainment of Self Sufficiency and IndependenceAgencies move to shift focus from self-serving to selfless endeavors.Agencies move from abstract ideas to achievement of self-sufficiency on and individual/family basisListen to the poor/interact one on one in partnershipEncourage, assist and strengthen the abilities of the poor to play major role in programs, services and systemsAccept the presence of the positive in people, work from an individual, asset-based modelNote the page(s) from work sampleII VALUES AND BELIEFS – e. A Coordinated Response to Poverty Causes/Conditions Facilitated by the CAAs = Effective Approach to Moving People Out of PovertyEffective use of CAA Board structureDevelopment of networks, coalitions and/or task forcesMobilization of resources internally and externallyInitiation of grassroots activitiesCommunity capacity building and developmentVALUES AND BELIEFS: The vision and values of Community Action must be modeled internally and projected externally 9075761025383003209925834389left30480COMMUNITY ACTION VISION AND VALUES – ESP CROSS REFERENCE CHECK SHEET(This page MUST be attached to the text of essay 3 in your ESP)In essay # 3, you are required to explain how your work sample shows that you understand and have used the Vision and Values of Community Action. Consider which of the 22 items from the outline below are referenced in your essay. Mark the page(s) where your evaluator will find illustrations of each item you address in your essay. Generally, the more items on the outline you can address, the better your score will be. But be careful not to check more items than can be well justified by what the evaluator will see in your work sample. An over-reach can lead to a significantly lowered score.00COMMUNITY ACTION VISION AND VALUES – ESP CROSS REFERENCE CHECK SHEET(This page MUST be attached to the text of essay 3 in your ESP)In essay # 3, you are required to explain how your work sample shows that you understand and have used the Vision and Values of Community Action. Consider which of the 22 items from the outline below are referenced in your essay. Mark the page(s) where your evaluator will find illustrations of each item you address in your essay. Generally, the more items on the outline you can address, the better your score will be. But be careful not to check more items than can be well justified by what the evaluator will see in your work sample. An over-reach can lead to a significantly lowered score. ................

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