AP Biology 2015-2016 - Home

10/2/2015Name:____________________________________Directions:Answers must be in essay form. Outline form is not acceptable. Labeled diagrams may be used to supplement the discussion, but in no case will a diagram alone suffice. It is important you read each question completely before you begin to write. Darwin is considered the “father of evolutionary biology.” Four of his contributions to the field of evolutionary biology are listed below. The nonconstancy of speciesBranching evolution, which implies the common descent of all speciesOccurrence of gradual changes in speciesNatural selection as the mechanism for evolutionFor EACH of the four contributions listed above, explain each concept and discuss one example of supporting evidence. (8 POINTS TOTAL)10/2/2105Name:____________________________________Directions:Answers must be in essay form. Outline form is not acceptable. Labeled diagrams may be used to supplement the discussion, but in no case will a diagram alone suffice. It is important you read each question completely before you begin to write. Darwin is considered the “father of evolutionary biology.” Four of his contributions to the field of evolutionary biology are listed below. The nonconstancy of speciesBranching evolution, which implies the common descent of all speciesOccurrence of gradual changes in speciesNatural selection as the mechanism for evolutionFor EACH of the four contributions listed above, explain each concept and discuss one example of supporting evidence.ANSWER:A) max 8 pts, 2 pts eachContributionsPossible examples of evidence-1ptExplanation/understanding of phrase-1ptThe nonconstancy*Must demonstrate variation*Individual variation within a species/of speciesex. Finches, horses, dogs, whales, etcpopulation (can be phenotypic or??genotypic)??*Change within species over time (not??change in an individual)??*Change in number of species over timeBranching evol.*Must demonstrate common ancestry*Shared or common ancestorwhich implies theex. Homology(embryological, structural,*Adaptive radiation concept (divergentcommon descent molecular processes)evolution, one species becomes 2/more)of all speciesex. Vestigial structures from common??ancestor??ex. Hominoids, finches, etc?Occurrence of*Must demonstrate change over time*Small changes over time/slow rate ofgradual changes (generations)change/incrementalin speciesex. Vestigial structures (pelvic bones,*Genes mutate -->selection occurs -->?appendix)population evolves?ex. Fossil sequence*Accumulation of genetic/phenotypic ?ex. Coat color changeschanges?ex. Giraffes neck??ex. Antibiotic/pesticide resistance?natural selection*must demonstrate an appropriate *Differential reproductive successas the mechanismnatural selection effect*Survivors pass genes to next genfor evolutionex. Antibiotics/pesticide resistance*No Lamarckian language (want, need..)?ex. Finches, moths, etc*No "survival of the fittest" alone?ex. Predator/prey relationships?NOTE: Examples in context may earn 2 ptsPossible examples are not limited to listings above.An example alone, without the context of the phrase = no points. ................

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