Advanced Honors Biology/AP Biology

Medical Terminology

2016-17 Syllabus

Clark Cooper, Instructor Room: 529

Required Materials:

Textbook: Medical Terminology A Short Course

Notebook: 2” 3-ring binder

Writing Utensil: Blue or black ink, pencil

Course Description:

This course will focus on the component parts of medical terms: prefixes, suffixes, and word roots. Students practice formation, analysis and reconstruction of terms. There is a major emphasis on spelling, definition, and pronunciation as well as an introduction to operative, diagnostic, therapeutic and symptomatic terminology of all body systems. This will also be inclusive of systemic and surgical terminology.

Calculation of Grades: Grading Scale:

40% Course Work 90-100 A

• Participation* 80-89 B 70-79 C

• In class assignments 69-65 D

• Note Cards 64-0 F

• Presentations

• Homework

60% Assessments

• Quizzes

• Tests

*Every science teacher will be awarding daily participation points. Students will earn 5 points per day by being present, being alert and being involved. These points may be earned via bell ringers, exit slips, or other measures of formative assessment.

Science Department Make-up/Late Work Policy:

School policy will be followed. Students will have 3 days to make up work with an excused absence or 3 days after parent contact. Otherwise, students may submit late work until the grade cutoff for each progress report or prior to the final exam for 65% of the original grade. The ability to turn in late work resets every 4 weeks; meaning if the work is not made up prior to the progress report or the final exam cut-off, a permanent zero is entered into the grade book

Cell Phone Usage:

Visible cell phones are not allowed in this room. If I see your phone, I will ask politely to put the phone away. If you comply with my request, no further action will be taken. If you don’t comply or if I see the phone again, I will ask for your phone. If you choose to argue, you will be sent out of the room and written up for defiance. Please initial below that you understand this directive.

I understand the cell phone policy and comply with this directive. ______________

Classroom Procedures, Policies and Behavioral Expectations:

All ACHS policies outlined in the student agenda book will be followed. However, a few are worth repeating.

1. One free tardy is awarded to each student by the office. I must turn in a tardy form with every tardy. You will receive the appropriate disciplinary action from the administrator assigned to your class.

2. Assignments are due on time. See the Science Department policy on late or make up work above.

3. The required daily materials are exactly that, required for every class meeting. I will not allow you to leave the room to get forgotten materials. If you do not have a writing utensil or paper, I have both of these items available. You are also welcome to borrow these materials from your friends.

4. You will start most days with an opening activity which will be posted on the board or screen. You are to begin immediately after the bell rings. In addition, our learning targets for the day will also be printed on the board so you know BEFORE asking what we will be doing that day.

5. On most days, we will end class with a summary of what we have covered and a brief introduction of what we plan to do the next day. On lab days, we will end class by cleaning up the work areas and answering any lingering questions.

6. I do allow students to leave class to go to the restroom, see the nurse, etc. You will be given six (6) passes. You must submit a pass, your agenda book, and cell phone each time you leave the room. You must leave your cell phone with me in order to use a pass. If you cannot abide by this policy, don’t ask to leave the room. Use the passes wisely because once you are out of passes, you are out of chances to leave the room.

7. You often will be working in groups to prepare materials for class. Any individual work assigned as a part of the group process must reflect your individual understanding of the work assigned. In other words, do not copy your answers from each other or from the book. I need to know your interpretation of the information, not the book’s or your best friend’s interpretation.

Classroom Rules:

1. Be attentive and alert!

2. Be respectful and courteous!

3. Be responsible for your own actions!

Failure to abide by the class rules could result in the following consequences:

1. Verbal Warning

2. Revised Seating Arrangement

3. Student/Teacher Conference

4. Parent/Guardian Contact

5. Discipline Referral

Biology Course Agreement Contract

Student Section:

I, ___________________________________________(print student name), agree that Mr. Cooper thoroughly covered this syllabus in class. In addition I have read this syllabus and reviewed it with my parents/guardians. I understand the requirements for Biology and I understand the consequences of not following the requirements of this class.

Student’s Signature Date

Parent Section:

I have read the above syllabus and my child has explained the policies and procedures for the class. I understand the requirements for the above described course and understand the consequences if my child does not following the requirements.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date Daytime Phone #

Parent E-mail address(es)


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