Vocabulary Assignment for Unit 1: Scientific Investigation

Unit 2 Vocabulary AssignmentReactantProductAcidBasepHOrganic CompoundMonomerPolymerDehydration SynthesisHydrolysisCarbohydrateLipidProteinAmino AcidEnzymeCatalystActive SiteSubstrateDenatureNucleic AcidsNucleotideOrganic molecule made of nucleotides; used for information storageMolecules that are ‘used’ in a chemical reaction; on the left side of the equationFats and oils; used for long term energy storageOrganic compound that is the building block of organisms; made of amino acidsNumber (from 0-14) measuring the amount of hydrogen ions in a solutionMolecules made during chemical reactions; on the right side of the equationA chemical that releases hydrogen ions in a solutionChemicals centered around carbon, not including carbon dioxideA chain of small units, which forms a large compoundMonomer of Nucleic Acids; has different bases named with lettersReaction that breaks polymers apart using waterWhen a protein’s shape has been disturbed, causing it to no longer functionA special type of protein that catalyzes chemical reactionsSmall molecules that link to form very large onesThe monomer that makes up proteinsA chemical that releases hydroxide (-OH) ions in a solution Reaction that puts monomers together, releasing waterAny chemical that speeds up chemical reactions without being used upThe chemical that an enzyme modifiesPart of the enzyme that the substrate bonds to; specially shapedLarge sugars, used for quick energyUnit 2 Test Review – Biochemistry1. What are protons, neutrons and electrons? 2. What are the three main bond types? Describe them3. What is the pH scale? Draw it4. Which end is acid? Which is base? What is neutral?5. What are the characteristics of water that make it important to life?6. What does it mean that water is polar?7. Explain the bonding within and between water molecules.8. What is the difference in organic and inorganic molecules?9. What are the 4 organic molecules and the monomer (subunit) of each?10. What is the purpose of each of the macromolecules?11. What is the difference in a monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide?12. What are some examples of each of the 4 macromolecules?13. Define catalyst14. What are 2 things that can change the rate of enzyme reaction? 15. What is the difference in the active site and the substrate?16. What does the “lock and key” feature of enzymes indicate?17. What is the name of the reaction in which macromolecules are put together?18. What is the name of the reaction in which macromolecules are broken apart?19. Which reaction is represented by the formula: Sugar + sugar + sugar polysaccharide + water ................

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