AP BIO Unit 2: ECOLOGYThis unit will focus on ecosystems and all of the biotic and abiotic factors that influence how they function. The general message of this unit refers to the AP Biology “Big Idea” of biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.Chapter 56 -Ecology of Individuals and PopulationsRead Chapter 56.Quiz on vocabulary ___Chapter 57 -Community EcologyRead Chapter 57Homework- 1) Define, then give and explain an example for each of the following terms: Warning Coloration; Cryptic Coloration; Batesian Mimicry; Muellerian Mimicry2) Symbiotic relationships- list all of the types, distinguish between them, and clearly explain one example of each.Quiz on Chapter - ______Predator/Prey LabChapter 55 – Behavioral BiologyRead 55.4 through 55.8Animal Behavior LabChapter 58 -Dynamics of EcosystemsRead the chapterHomework - Sketch the Carbon Cycle and Nitrogen Cycle. Be sure to include text that explains the transitions from one arrow to the next.You should be able to answer the questions p1228-1229Chapter 59 -The BiosphereSkim the chapter so that you canmake a chart of the “7 Major Biomes” with the following headings and then fill it in.Geographic region Annual precipitation Characteristic flora Characteristic faunaHomework - Aquatic Biomes - Define the following: neritic zonephotic zone pelagic zoneeutrophic benthic zoneoligotrophic abyssal zoneAP Lab #12 Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic Primary ProductivityTEST ON- _________Preparing for the Ecology Test. For this test, you will need to create a series of outlines breaking down the chapters and emphasizing the important parts. Key vocabulary is on the back.Population EcologyPopulationDispersal patternsMetapopulationsSource-sink populationsDemography- factors affecting (fecundity, mortality, generation time)Survivorship curveSemelparityIteroparityPopulation growthExponential growth modelCarrying capacity (K)Logistic growth modelSustainable yieldSigmoid growth curveDensity-dependent factorsDensity- independent factorsK-selected speciesr- selected speciesCommunity EcologyInteractions among competing speciesCommunityNicheInter/intraspecific competitionFundamental/realized nicheResource partitioningCompetitive exclusionSympatric species and Character DisplacementPredator/prey cycleThe Different Defenses against predatorsSymbiosisCommensalismMutualismParasitism (different types of)CoevolutionDominant Species vs. Keystone SpeciesAnimal BehaviorLearning and the types of conditioningImprintingBehavioral RhythmsCommunication and how it affects courtshipOrientation and MigrationTaxis and KinesisDynamics of EcosystemsAll chemical cycles except Phosphorous (water, carbon, nitrogen)Understand trophic level relationships (autotrophs, heterotrophs, primary consumers, etc.)The types of ecological succession and the effects on species richnessPrimary productivityGross/net productivityBiosphereGeneral characteristics of the different major biomesVocabulary associated with the different aquatic zones ................

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