Timeline Grading Rubric - DVUSD

History of Life on Earth Timeline Rubric

Instructions: The way we think about time has changed over time! Your assignment is to generate an accurate timeline of the History of Life on Earth. Included in the Origin of Earth notes on the AP Biology website you will find 9 significant events described. These need to be documented on your timeline. In addition to your research of those 9 events please research 9 more events that support the Origin/History of Life on Earth. See rubric below. You will submit your final Timeline to Canvas by Jan 27th. This can either be a link to electronic version or a picture of your paper/pencil version. Please bring in your paper copy if you have one.

| |Excellent |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |Poor |

| |10 |7 |4 |1 |

| |The timeline contains 18 |The timeline contains at least |The timeline contains at least |The timeline contains less than |

|Documentation of Events |significant events. This |15-17 significant events. This |8-14 significant events. This |8 significant events. This |

| |includes date and description in|includes date and description in|includes date and description. |includes date and description. |

| |own words. |own words. |(8 points) |(2 points) |

| |(20 points) |(14 points) | | |

| |Facts were accurate and detailed|Facts were accurate and detailed|Facts were accurate for most |Facts were often inaccurate for |

|Content/Facts |for all events reported on the |for almost all events reported |(~65%) of the events reported on|the events that were reported on|

| |timeline. |on the timeline. |the timeline. |the timeline. |

|Accuracy |All dates indicated on timeline |At least 15-17 of the dates are |At least 8-14 of the dates are |Less than 8 of the dates are |

| |are correct and are sequenced in|accurate or sequences are in the|accurate or sequences are in the|accurate or sequences are in the|

| |the proper order. |proper order. |proper order. |proper order. |

| |Events are clearly described |Events are described well, but |Events are not described well |Events are described using vague|

|Sentence Fluency |using accurate, vivid and |language is sometimes vague or |and language is often vague or |language or inaccurate |

| |original language |inaccurate. |inaccurate. |information. |

|Legibility |Legible handwriting, typing, or |Marginally legible handwriting, |Writing is not legible in |Writing is not legible. |

| |printing. |typing, or printing. |places. | |

|Style & |The timeline was set up to cover|The timeline was set up to cover|The timeline was set up to cover|The time period covered was in |

|Organization |the relevant time period. It |the relevant time period. It |most of the relevant time |appropriate. Yearly divisions |

| |contains appropriate yearly |contains yearly gradations, but |period. It contains appropriate |were not uniform. |

| |gradations of set intervals |not at set intervals. |yearly gradations. | |


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