AP Human Geography

AP Human Geography

Fall 2011 Final Exam Study Guide


1. List and describe the two major divisions of geography:



2. What are the five themes of geography?

3. Describe and give an example of each type of region:

a. Formal –

b. Functional –

c. Perceptual –

4. What is culture?

5. Define each:

a. culture hearth –

b. culture trait –

c. culture complex –

6. Expansion diffusion –

3 types:

a. contagious

b. hierarchical

c. stimulus

7. Relocation diffusion –

2 types:

a. acculturation

b. assimilation

8. Compare and contrast environmental determinism with possibilism.

9. Globalization –

10. Sequent Occupance –

11. What is location theory?

12. Types of Maps:

a. thematic

b. preference


13. Compare and contrast arithmetic population with physiologic population density.

14. Define TFR -

15. Name 3 limits on population growth:




16. What did Thomas Malthus theorize?

17. What conditions are necessary for demographic change?

18. List and describe the 4 stages of the demographic transition:

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Stage 4:

19. Describe each:

a. eugenic population policy –

b. expansion population policy –

c. restrictive population policy –

20. Describe each country’s population policies:

a. Japan –

b. India -

c. China –

d. Italy -

21. What has been the historical trends of population? When why did population increase, decrease, etc.?


22. What is a maquiladora?

23. What is the difference between immigration and emigration?

24. What are two specific examples of cyclic movement?

25. Give two examples of periodic movement

26. Give examples of National, Regional and Global Migration.

27. What is forced migration? Be familiar with the Atlantic Slave trade as well as other specific examples of forced migration.

28. What is Chain Migration? Step Migration? Intervening Opportunity?

29. List Ravenstein’s Laws of Migration:






30. Provide several pull factors for the United States.

31. What past events have created large numbers of refugees?

32. What are the three characteristics of most refugees?




33. Which decades witnessed mass immigration into the U.S. What was happening that caused these people to flee their homeland?

34. List several catalysts of migration.

35. What is forced migration. Give an example.

36. Discuss the different types of refugees.

37. What are some regions of dislocation and specific groups involved?


38. What are some culture traits of Hutterites?

39. What is the difference between folk and popular culture?

40. What is assimilation? Has this policy ever been forced upon a group of people?

41. Describe Little Sweden, U.S.A. Where is it? Why is it significant?

42. Give examples of two ethnic neighborhoods in the United States

43. What are the three Traditional American House Types and what are the characteristics of each?




44. What is commodification?

45. What is placelessness? What are the three dimensions on the cultural landscape?


46. What is the difference between race and ethnicity?

47. What cities have high levels of segregation for African Americans? Low?

48. What is a maquiladora?

49. What two Hispanic groups make up the greatest percentage in New York City?

50. Be familiar with the population of Mexicali. Why are there so many Chinese people living there today?

51. What is the queer theory?

52. Why are some jobs overlooked when calculating a country’s Gross National Income (GNI)? Which group of people are most often affected by this oversight?

53. What are dowry deaths?

54. What happened in Los Angeles on April 29-30, 1992? What area has many problems between Catholics and Protestants?

55. What region stands out as having the worst situation for women in the world?


56. Why is standard language a matter national concern in some places?

57. Understand Lingua Franca, Pidgin Language, Creole Language –

58. What is dialect? List the 4 things that make up dialect.

59.Describe each and provide an example:

a. language family -

b. language subfamily –

c. language groups -

60. What are the major language families of Europe? India? Africa?

61. Compare language divergence, convergence, and replacement. Provide examples of each.

62. Compare and contrast the Agriculture Theory with the Conquest Theory.

63. What are toponyms? List and describe 5 different types of place-names.






64. What are some multilingual states?


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