297180011112500 Unit OverviewThe AP Human Geography course and Unit 1 of the course emphasize the importance of geography as a field of inquiry. The course introduces students to the importance of spatial organization —the location of places, people, and events; environmental relationships; and interconnections between places and across landscapes — in the understanding of human life on Earth. Geographic concepts emphasized throughout the course and this unit are location, space, place, scale, pattern, regionalization, and globalization. These concepts are basic to student understanding of spatial interaction and spatial behavior, the dynamics of human population growth and movement, patterns of culture, economic activities, political organization of space, social issues, and human settlement patterns, particularly urbanization. Students learn how to use and interpret maps. They also learn to apply mathematical formulas, interpret models, and analyze quantitative and qualitative geographic data.Key Geographic Skills/StandardsHow to use and think about maps and geospatial dataHow to understand and interpret the implications of associations among phenomena in placesHow to recognize and interpret at different scales the relationships among patterns and processesHow to define regions and evaluate the regionalization processHow to characterize and analyze changing interconnections among placesHow to use and interpret findings through the use of geospatial technologiesHow to interpret mapsIdentify major regions of the world and the United StatesEssential QuestionsWhat is Human Geography?How do geographers describe where things are?Why do geographers use maps and what do maps tell us?Why are geographers concerned with scale and connectedness?-What is the difference between large scale and small scale?What are the three types of regions?How does diffusion occur?How are different places similar?Formative AssessmentsStudent Designed Mental MapUnited States Map QuizSummative AssessmentsUnit 1 Vocabulary QuizUnit 1 TestEssential VocabularyAbsolute distanceAbsolute locationActivity spaceAdministrative regionAgglomerationAl-Idrisi (geographic contributions)AnthropogenicAristotle (geographic contributions)Azimuthal projection Carl SauerCartograms CartographyChoropleth maps ClusterCognitive maps /Mental mapsConcentrationConformal projectionConnectivity Contagious diffusionCoordinate systemCultural barrierCultural ecologyCultural landscape DensityDiffusionDispersedDistance decay Dot mapsEarth science traditionEnvironmental determinismEnvironmental geography Equal area projectionsEratosthenes (geographic contributions)Expansion diffusion Fertile Crescent Formal region/Thematic regionFriction of distance Fuller projectionFunctional regionGall Peters projectionGeographical Information Systems Geoid George Perkins Marsh (geographic contributions)Global Positioning SystemGravity model HeterogeneousHierarchical diffusion HomogeneousHuman GeographyIdiographic International Date Line Intervening opportunities Isoline mapIsothermsLambert ProjectionLarge scale LatitudeLaw of retail gravitation LinearLongitudeMap projectionsMercator projectionMeridians Models (spatial, urban, non-spatial)Natural Landscape Nomothetic Parallels PatternPerceptual region/vernacularPhysical geography PlacePossibilismPreference map Prime meridian Proportional symbols map Ptolemy (geographic contributions)Qualitative data Quantitative data Reference map Region Regional geographyRelative distanceRelative location Relocation diffusion Remote sensingResolution Robinson projection Scale Sense of place Sequent OccupancySinusoidalSite Situation Small scale SpaceSpace-time compressionSpatial diffusion Spatial perspectiveStimulus diffusion Thematic layers Thematic map Time-space convergenceTobler’s LawTopographic mapsTransferability VisualizationW.D. PattisonDateTopicActivitiesHomeworkThursday, Jan. 4Introduction to the Course1) Welcome, Introduction to Course, TRSS2) Syllabus, Unit Outline3) Student Info Sheet and Mapping Your World Activity4) Letter to Parents5) Mental Mapping Activity6) Unit 1 Vocabulary-Blog7) Parent Letter 8) Mental Mapping Activity-due Friday 1/69) Read What to Expect When No One is Expecting10) Mapping Your World ActivityFriday, Jan. 5Maps, Map Projections and CartographyTurn in Mental MapMaps that Tell a Story/Map ProjectionsHow to take notes in APHGBasics of Cartography4) Read and Analyze Pattison Article-Four Traditions…BLOG5) Unit 1 Vocabulary6) U.S. Map Quiz Prep7) Read What to Expect When No One is ExpectingMonday, Jan. 8Five Themes of Geography1) Review Four Traditions2) Lecture: Five Themes of Geography3) Lab: Five Themes of Geography Scavenger Hunt4) Unit 1 Vocabulary5) U.S. Map Quiz Prep6) Article: Five Themes in Turkey7) Read What to Expect When No One is ExpectingTuesday, Jan. 9 Scale1) Lecture: Scale, Scale Models and Skeletons2) Lab: Hands On Map and Scale Activity3) Article: Do Maps Create or Represent Reality?4) U.S. Map Quiz Prep 5) Read What to Expect When No One is Expecting6) Video: Power of Place (One Earth, Many Scales)7) Unit 1 VocabularyWednesday, Jan. 10RegionsTurn in Lab: Hands On Map and ScaleU.S. Map QuizIntro to Mapping Your World ActivityLecture: RegionsRegions of the U.S.Regions of the World6) Read What to Expect When No One is Expecting7) Unit 1 Vocabulary8) Activity: Using ArcGISThursday, Jan. 113Ds: Diffusion, Distribution and DensityTurn in Activity: Using ArcGIS LabLecture: Diffusion, Distribution and DensityIntroduction to STATE Game STATE Phase I/Rules of STATE DesignUnit 1 VocabularyRead What to Expect When No One is ExpectingKoppen Climate System-BlogFriday, Jan. 12STATE1) Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz2) STATE Design (Phase I)3) Issue Unit 1 TRS4) Read What to Expect When No One is Expecting5) Unit 1 TRSTuesday, Jan. 16FRQ and Test PrepSTATEWhat Makes a Good Free ResponseSample FRQsComplete STATE Design (Phase I)4) Unit 1 Test PrepWednesday, Jan. 17Unit 1 TestUnit 1 Test-FRQUnit 1 Test-MCQsRead What to Expect When No One is ExpectingUnit 2 Vocabulary-Blog ................

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