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AP Psychology Practice QuestionsChapter 5 Sensation; Chapter 6 PerceptionPLEASE READ THE DIRECTIONS BELOW CAREFULLY:Directions: Please print these questions out and write the letter of the correct response the left of each question. You will be handing these questions in for grading. To make the best use of these practice questions, use your notes, text, PP, and Internet to find answers you may not know. Do NOT ask your classmate for answers – that defeats the purpose of these questions and does NOT help you in process of learning this material!1. In bright light, the iris ______ and the pupil______ to control the amount of light entering the eye. A. expands; constricts B. constricts; expands C. focuses; constricts D. constricts; focuses2. Intensity is to brightness as wavelength is to: A. frequency B. hue C. tone D. amplitude E. accommodation 3. You are in an unfamiliar setting and your eyes are closed. Which of the following sounds would be hardest for your to locate correctly? A. music from a loudspeaker 15 feet to your left B. a bell ringing 6 feet directly in front of you] C. a pen hitting the top of a table beside you D. a crying child standing 5 feet off to your right E. your right foot tapping while you are sitting on a chair4. When you look at a vertical line, you are probably activating different ________ than when you look at a horizontal line A. sensory thresholds B. tranductions C. feature detectors D. hair cells E. opponent processes5. What sensory organs responsible for balance are also related to motion sickness? A. ciliary muscles B. the cochlea C. the eardrum D. the olfactory bulb E. the semicircular canals6. A visual defect known as astigmatism is the result of A. an eyeball that is too short B. an eyeball that is too long C. an abnormal distribution of visual receptors in the retina D. a misshapen cornea or lens7. The minimum amount of energy needed for a sensation to occur is called A. the absolute threshold B. a transducer C. data reduction D. minimal level 8. Kinesthetic sensation results from A. receptors in the inner ear that signal balance B. receptors in the skin C. mechanical distortion of the semi-circular canals D. receptors in the muscles and joints responding to movement9. When a psychologist says a stimulus is subliminal they mean it A. has no observable effect on behavior B. is the result of an optical illusion C. cannot be reported by the subject D. is below the difference threshold E. is above the absolute threshold10. Bryan reads the newspaper to his grandmother because the muscles in her eyes can no longer change the shape of her inflexible lenses.? This problem with _____________ keeps her from focusing small print on her retina. A. assimilation B. convergence C. accommodation D. fovea strength11. When Judy reads a book, the images of the printed words come into sharpest focus at a point behind her retina. This indicates that she: A. has a low concentration of cones in her fovea B. is nearsighted C. is farsighted D. usually has good visual activity E. has a larger-than-normal blind spot?12. The simultaneous stimulation of adjacent cold and warmth spots on the skin produces the sensation of A. hot B. wetness C. cold D. pressure E. numbness 13. According to the Young-Helmholtz theory, when red-, green-, and blue-sensitive cones are all stimulated simultaneously, a person should see: A. black B. white C. a full spectrum of colors D. yellow E. red and blue only14. If Brandon carefully watches Stephanie as she runs directly toward him, he will experience a(n): A. increase in retinal disparity and a decrease in convergence B. decrease in retinal disparity and an increase in convergence C. increase in retinal disparity and an increase in convergence D. decrease in retinal disparity and a decrease in convergence E. no change in retinal disparity and no change in convergence15. If two objects cast retinal images of the same size, the object that appears to be closer is perceived as _____ the object that appears to be more distant A. smaller than B. overlapping C. the same size as D. clearer than E. larger than16. Lightness constancy refers to the fact that: A. objects are perceived to have consistent lightness even if the amount of light they reflect changes B. the perceived whiteness of an object has a constant relation to its lightness C. light waves always have the same wavelength and wave amplitude D. the frequency of light waves has a fixed relationship to the brightness of the light E. light waves reflected by an object remain constant despite changes in illumination levels 17. Stereotypes are mental conceptions that can strongly influence the way we interpret the behaviors of individuals belonging to specific racial or ethnic groups. A stereotype is most similar to a: A. feature detector B. perceptual set C. texture gradient D. stereogram E. perceptual adaptation18. When Jason briefly turned to summon the waiter, his wife quickly switched her glass of red wine with his glass of white wine. Jason's failure to notice that his chosen wine had been replaced best illustrates: A. interposition B. selective attention C. change blindness D. visual capture E. perceptual set19. Experiments with the visual cliff suggest that: A. an infant’s cones are not fully developed B. unlike other animals, humans do not perceive depth until about 8 months of age C. the ability to perceive depth is at least partially innate D. humans must learn to recognize depth E. binocular cues are more important than monocular ones20. Schemas are best described as: A. Networks of interconnected brain cells B. concepts that organize sensory input C. visual receptor cells located in the eye D. monocular cues for depth perception E. combinations of inputs from the various senses21. Parapsychology refers to the: A. direct transmission of thoughts from one mind to another B. study of the phi phenomenon C. ability to perceive future events D. study of phenomena such as ESP and psychokinesis E. study of perceptual illusions22. When little Olivia quickly flipped the pages of her new "flip" book, Sniffy the rat appeared to run around, eat cheese, and scratch himself. Olivia's perception of Sniffy's movements is due to A. the Gestalt principle B. looming C. motion parallax D. optical flow E. stroboscopic motion23. Dominik claims that his special psychic powers enable him to perceive exactly where the body of a recent murder victim is secretly buried. Dominik is claiming to possess the power of: A. psychokinesis B. telepathy C. clairvoyance D. precognition E. parapsychology?24. Cars are typically perceived as ________ if they have bright rather than dim headlights. Cars are typically perceived as ________ if they are higher rather than lower in our field of vision. A. closer; farther away B. farther away, farther away C. closer, closer D. farther away, closer 25. Who would be most involved in designing user-friendly programming controls for TVs, cell phones, and DVD players? A. Gestalt psychologists B. parapsychologists C. evolutionary psychologists D. psychodynamic psychologists E. human factor psychologists26. When Monet paints haystacks, he depicts the haystacks that are closer to him with a lot of detail but the ones farther away with less detail.? He also paints a barn that is in the distance as partially blocked by one of the haystacks.? Monet is using the depth cue of ______ to depict the haystacks and ______ to depict the position of the barn. A. relative size; texture gradient B. linear perspective; interposition C. interposition; height in the visual field D. texture gradient; relative size E. texture gradient, interposition27. The moon just above the horizon typically appears to be unusually: A. large because we perceive it as unusually close to ourselves B. large because we perceive it as unusually far away from ourselves C. bright because we perceive it as unusually close to ourselves D. colorful because we perceive it as unusually far away from ourselves E. bright because we perceive it as unusually far away from ourselves28. While waiting at the end of a long line, Ben notices that he can't determine the hair color or facial features of the people at the front of the line, but he can do so with people near him.?Ben would perceive people at the front of the line to be farther away due to what depth perception cue? A. linear perspective B. Interposition C. binocular disparity E. convergence29. Gestalt psychologists emphasized that: A. perception is independent of sensation. B. we learn to perceive the world through experience. C. depth perception is only due to monocular cues. D. the whole is equal to the sum of its parts. E. we organize sensations into meaningful patterns30. A brochure displays a long stretch of road. The lines that make up the road are drawn so that they converge at the horizon. The result is that the picture creates a sense of distance. This is based on an environmental depth cue called A. relative size B. linear perspective C. texture gradient D. convergence E. closure31. If you stand in the middle of a cobblestone street, the street will look coarse near your feet and finer if you look into the distance. This is called A. texture gradient B. linear perspective C. relative size D. relative height E. relative motion32. You are sitting in the pit area at the Indianapolis 500. You closely watch one of the cars whiz around on the track in front of the seething mass of humanity crammed into the stands. You have organized this visual scene such that the race car is __________ and the people and the stands are __________: A. figure; ground B. ground; figure C. figure; common ground D. common region; camouflage33. A cheetah scrambling up a rocky slope in Montana is likely to be perceived as a mountain lion because A. perception is guided by expectations B. figure and ground has been confused C. contiguity is a powerful influence on perception D. the setting provides an ideal camouflage34. The stimuli below are seen as one group of circles and one group of square due to the organization principle of? A. similarity B. nearness C. closure D. continuity E. relative size35. Illusions differ from hallucinations in that A. illusions are based on perceptions that have no external reality B. hallucinations are simply misjudgments of sensory information C. illusions are based on perceptual learning D. hallucinations are the result of past experience ? ................

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