ESPAÑOL 3 - Realidades 3, Capítulo 3

|Español 1 – ¿Qué clase tienes? |

|ESSENTIAL LEARNINGS: |Reference: |Review: |

|Time |Text book pages |Numbers 1-31 |

|Numbers 1-60 |Biblia pages | |

|Ordinal # | | |

|comparatives | | |

| | | |

|THEMATIC VOCABULARY: class schedule | | |

|National Standards | |

| | |


|( 1.1 conversations about food preferences |3.1 reinforce and further other disciplines |

|( 1.2 interpretation of written and spoken language – basic conversation, |3.2 acquire info. and recognize different viewpoints |

|reading comprehension | |

|( 1.3 presentation to an audience (write and speak) |COMPARISONS |

| |( 4.1 comparisons of target language and English |

|CULTURES |( 4.2 comparisons of target culture and their own |

|( ( 2.1 relationship between practices and perspectives | |

|( 2.1 relationship between practices and products | |


|Students will be able to provide and obtain information about their class schedule. |

|Essential Question: How is time structured differently? |

|Technology: projector, document camera, |

|Cultura: |

|Texto 81 – connections with latin (ordinal #) |

|Texto 80 (fondo cultural) Studying English |

|Texto 81 (fondo cultural) Spanish words derived from latin. |

|Texto 91 (fondo cultural) – 24 hour clock |

|Vocabulario: |Grammar |Communication/collaboration |

|Texto/vocab list |Biblia |1. numbered heads |

|matamoscas |Texto |2. Dice game |

|lotería | |3. Comparisons |

|Communicative Activities | |4. Carousel (3 way interview) |

|Va pesca | |5. listening & writing activities |

|Sáquela | |6. “Help me” |

|Balón | |7. Everyone has a voice |

|Relay Bingo | |8. Tic-Tac-To/Battle ship |

|4- corners | |9. Verb race |

|Leer: |Escribir: |Escuchar: |

|Texto 78.4 – un horario |Describe schedule |Texto 75.2 (TR 4) – association |

|Texto 90-91 La escuela espanol vivo (see AP |Compare classes. |WAVA 31.5 (TR 6) – listening if students share the same |

|resource) | |class. |

|Interpret graphs | |WAVA 32.7 (TR 8) – listen for commonalities |

| | |Video historia |

|LUNES el 18 de noviembre ESPAÑOL 1 - Realidades 1 |

|OBJECTIVES: To describe provide and obtain information about class schedule. |National Standards |Skills |





|Essential Learning Targets: | | |

|Comparatives | | |

|Time / numbers 0-60 | | |

|Essential Question: How is time structured differently? |

|Vocabulary |ASSESSMENTS: |Informal: |

|Grammar |Formal: |Monitoring of class & pair/group work |

|Culture |( Quiz |Peer/self-monitoring |

|Review |( Test |Speaking & listening activities |

|( Other _____________ |( Graded wksht / written activity |Writing activities |

| |( Project |Other _______________ |

| |( Other _____________ | |

|Technology: Google Docs, LCD projector, CD player [pic] Completed |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Preguntas Diarias: Read about the 24 hour clock (T91 – Fondo Cultural) Write your even/odd day | |( Diarios |

| |schedule in the 24 hour clock. | |( Texto |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Objectives (p. 73) | |( bell |

| |Review numbers 0-31 | |[pic] Vocab. & Gram. Trans: |

| |Concentration | |( clocks |

| |Matemáticas | |[pic] Realidades Audio |

| |Core Instruction: Vocabulario y gramática en contexto (pp. 8-9). | |( car prints |

| |Profesora contra los estudiantes | | |

| |Clock manipulatives | |examenes |

| |Text Actividad 11 La Hora (p. 8) Track 3. | | |

| |¿A qué hora? Vs ¿Qué hora es? /A las vs son las | |Print |

| |P y A | |Tarjetas |

| |Comparisons | |coches |

| |Repaso – tarjetas???? | | |

| |En mi opinion | | |

| |Ordinal numbers | | |

| |¿Dónde está el coche? | | |

| |¿Cuál era el primer. . .? | | |

| |Read ¡Adelante! and answer questions. | | |

| |Finish speaking part of CH test | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP*: prepare a schedule of their classes like the one in the | | |

| |Presentation on p. 74. Ask students to write three sentences under their schedule: Mi clase | | |

| |favorita es (subject); (Subject) es difícil; (Subject) es fácil. | | |

| |STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES: write new words into the vocabulary section of their | | |

| |notebooks. Have them look at El horario de Alicia on p. 74 while they listen in Actividades 1 and| | |

| |2. | | |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |1. Homework: Practice Workbook 2A-1, 2A-2 | |[pic] Práctica: 2A-1 & 2A-2 |

|MARTES/MIERCOLES el 19/20 de noviembre |

|OBJECTIVES: To describe provide and obtain information about class schedule. |National Standards |Skills |





|Essential Learning Targets: | | |

|Comparatives | | |

|Time / numbers 0-60 | | |

|Essential Question: How is time structured differently? |

|Vocabulary |ASSESSMENTS: |Informal: |

|Grammar |Formal: |Monitoring of class & pair/group work |

|Culture |( Quiz |Peer/self-monitoring |

|Review |( Test |Speaking & listening activities |

|( Other _____________ |( Graded wksht / written activity |Writing activities |

| |( Project |Other _______________ |

| |( Other _____________ | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player [pic] Completed |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Preguntas Diarias: Preguntas/time | | |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Objectives (p. 73) | |[pic] Vocab. & Gram. Trans: |

| |Time | |Transparency 12,13, 15,18, 48, 49 |

| |Concentration | |[pic] Vocabulary, Cap. 2A |

| |Matemáticas | |[pic] Act. 1, Act. 2 Audio, Cap. 2A |

| |Core Instruction: Vocabulario y gramática en contexto (pp. 8-9).| |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 2A, Act. 1 & 2 Answers |

| | | |[pic] WAVA Cap. 2A, Video Activity 2 - 4 |

| |Profesora contra los estudiantes | |TPR Stories: Tema 2 |

| |Clock manipulatives | | |

| |Text Actividad 11 La Hora (p. 8) Track 3. | |Preterite vs imperfect (practice in context) |

| |¿A qué hora? Vs ¿Qué hora es? /A las vs son las | | |

| |P y A | | |

| |Comparisons | | |

| |Repaso – tarjetas???? | | |

| |En mi opinion | | |

| |Ordinal numbers | | |

| |¿Dónde está el coche? | | |

| |¿Cuál era el primer. . .? | | |

| |Read ¡Adelante! and answer questions. | | |

| |Finish speaking part of CH test | | |

| | | | |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |1. Homework: Practice Workbook 2A-1, 2A-2 | |[pic] Práctica: 2A-1 & 2A-2 |

| | | |[pic] Practice Workbook Answers |


|JUEVES/VIERNES el 21/22 de noviembre |

|OBJECTIVES: To describe provide and obtain information about class schedule. |National Standards |Skills |





|Essential Learning Targets: | | |

|Comparatives | | |

|Time / numbers 0-60 | | |

|Essential Question: How is time structured differently? |

|Vocabulary |ASSESSMENTS: |Informal: |

|Grammar |Formal: |Monitoring of class & pair/group work |

|Culture |( Quiz |Peer/self-monitoring |

|Review |( Test |( Speaking & listening activities |

|( Other _____________ |( Graded wksht / written activity |Writing activities |

| |( Project |Reading activities |

| |( Other _____________ |Other _______________ |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player [pic] Completed |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |1. Preguntas Diarias: Top 3 list: Top 3 things to remember about making comparatives | | |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Objectives (p. 73) | |[pic] Gráfica Power Point |

| |Comparatives: | | |

| |Preguntas:Sí/No | |[pic] Act. 1, Act. 2 Audio, Cap. 2A |

| |Gráficas | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 2A, |

| |En mi opinión | |Act. 1 & 2 Answers |

| |Conversation Cards | |[pic] WAVA Cap. 2A, Video Activity 2 - 4 |

| | | |TPR Stories: Tema 2 |

| |Lectura: Texto 90-91 | | |

| |Pre-reading (as a class) | |Print |

| |Establish back ground knowledge: brochure from a Spanish language school in Costa Rica. | |1. Conversation Cards |

| |Contextual clues: predict topic using photos and cues. | |2. Vocabulary grid |

| |During Reading: | | |

| |Individual reading: coding the text & vocabulary grid | | |

| |Written conversation | | |

| |Paired reading for comprehension (write all unknown vocabulary on the board) | | |

| |Post Reading | | |

| |¿Comprendes? | | |

| | – una escuela biligue | | |

| | | | |

| |Video historia | | |

| |Complete WAVA guide | | |

| | | | |

| |Time | | |

| |Concentration | | |

| |Matemáticas | | |

| |Clock manipulatives | | |

| |Text Actividad 11 La Hora (p. 8) Track 3. | | |

| |¿A qué hora? Vs ¿Qué hora es? /A las vs son las | | |

| |P y A | | |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |1. Homework: Write an email, in Spanish, to a student in this school. Describe your school | |[pic] |

| |and make comparisons. jcd-0201 (vocabulary) | | |


|Tema 2, Capítulo 2A | |

| | |

| | |

|Day 3 – el 4 de noviembre | |

| | |

| | |


|Conjugating ar verbs | |

|Grammar terms | |

|Subject pronouns | |

| | |


|- school schedule and classes, verbs learned previously | |

|National Standards | |






|1.2, 1.3 | |

|State Standards | |






|1.1, 1.3, 1.4 | |

| | |


|Use vocabulary in context to discuss school supplies and schedule | |

|Learn the subject pronouns | |

|Listen and respond to questions about classes and supplies | |

| | |

|( Vocabulary | |

|( Grammar | |

|( Culture | |

|( Review | |

|( Other _____________ | |


|Formal: | |

|( Quiz | |

|(( Test | |

|(( Graded wksht / written activity | |

|( Project | |

|(( Other _____________ | |

| | |

|(Informal: | |

|Monitoring of class & pair/group work | |

|Peer/self monitoring | |

|Speaking & listening activities | |

|Writing activities | |

|Other _______________ | |

| | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player | |

| | |

| | |

|1. | 1. WARM-UP/ASSESS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Preguntas Diaras: | |[pic] Práctica: 2A-2 |

| |Check 2A-2 | |[pic] Práctica: Answers |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Vocabulary | |[pic] Vocabulary, Cap. 2A |

| |repetir | |[pic] Vocab & Gram. Trans.: |

| |sáquela | |[pic] GP power point |

| |Communicative Activity | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Vocabulary |

| |Prueba de vocabulario (recognition) | |Strategies |

| |Ordinal numbers: transparency – contextual questions | |[pic] Prueba 2A-1, Vocabulary recognition |

| | | |[pic] Video |

| |Grammar: Subject pronouns | |[pic] Matamoscas |

| |Video | |[pic] Pizarritas |

| |Señalen | | |

| |Matamoscas en parrejas | | |

| |pizarritas | | |

| |GP Activities | | |

| |text activities | | |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Homework: Práctica _________ | |[pic] Práctica: 2A-3 & 2A-4 |

| |Prueba 2A-1: Vocabulary recognition | |[pic] Práctica: Answers |

| | | |[pic] Prueba 2A-1, Vocabulary recognition |

| |Remind students to prepare for Prueba 2A-1, which will be administered during the next class | | |

| |period, and ask if they have any questions about the material to be covered. | | |

| | |

| | |

|Tema 2, Capítulo 2A | |

| | |

| | |

|Day 4 – el 7 de noviembre | |

| | |

| | |


|National Standards | |






| | |

|State Standards | |






| | |


|Associate the subject pronouns with their English equivalent | |

|Categorize subjects under subject pronouns | |

|Listen to and understand contextualized vocabulary about the school schedule | |

| | |

|( Vocabulary | |

|( Grammar | |

|( Culture | |

|( Review | |

|( Other _____________ | |


|Formal: | |

|( Quiz | |

|(( Test | |

|(( Graded wksht / written activity | |

|( Project | |

|(( Other _____________ | |

| | |

|(Informal: | |

|Monitoring of class & pair/group work | |

|Peer/self monitoring | |

|Speaking & listening activities | |

|Writing activities | |

|Other _______________ | |

| | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player | |

| | |

| | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Preguntas Diarias: | |[pic] Prueba de pronombres |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Objectives: categorize subject pronouns | |[pic] Vocab. & Gram. Trans: |

| |Present Chart for review- discuss ”persons” | | |

| |Do example in English | | |

| |Model categorization with names on Board | | |

| |Students complete their own chart in pairs | | |

| | | | |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |1. Homework: Practice Workbook | |[pic] Práctica: |

| | | |[pic] Practice Workbook Answers |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: | | |

| |Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check. | | |



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