World History End of the Year Project

Pre AP Ancient World History

6th Grade Social Studies Final Project


1) You will be working with a partner in order to execute your End of the Year Final Project. Choose your partner WISELY! Members must be from your class!

2) Research a major event, a group, an empire, philosopher/s, architecture, or a particular time period/era in history that you find fascinating. The mission is to tell the story of that particular time period using facts, visuals, and creativity.

Ex. Title, Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, Social Structures, and Bibliography/Resources

3) Topics will be submitted to your instructor for approval. Once your topic has been approved, you will be required to bring in research and ideas to class. Classroom time will give you and your partner the opportunity to exchange ideas and/or findings on your topic, as well as, select a method of presentation.

4) The End of the Year Final Project will be completed outside of class. Points will be taken from those individuals who fail to complete his/her corresponding portion of the project! DO NOT Procrastinate!

Presentation Ideas: Powerpoint (10 slides minimum) is mandatory

In addition to:

a. Song

b. Skit

c. Video

d. Animation on Computer

e. Children’s Book

f. Poetry w/ other components

g. Any other creative method for presentation you can think of:

Ex. Replicate a 3D model of a particular structure

5) You and your partner will be evaluated based on a scoring rubric.

a. Presentation ______ 175 points

b. INDIVIDUAL Participation ______ 25 points

c. Total points ______ 200 Points

*Length of presentation will be timed.

6) Due Dates:

Presentations will begin May 18th – May 22nd

*A sign-up sheet will be available two weeks prior to presentations. You will be held responsible for presenting on the scheduled date stated on the sign-up sheet. A deduction of points will be applied if team members are not ready to present on that day.

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|Ancient World History |

|Oral Presentation Rubric |

|[pic] |

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|Teacher Name: Ms. Cardenas Date: ___________________ |

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|Student Names:     __________________________________________________________ |

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|CATEGORY |Exceptional 25pts |Admirable 20pts |Satisfactory 15pts |Unsatisfactory 10pts |

|Accuracy of content |Factual information |  |  |No factual information |

| |(Information is easy to follow) | | |(Information is difficult to follow) |

|Creativity |Wow! |  |  |No creativity used |

|Used gestures, |Clear voice, full of energy |  |  |No energy, weak voice (Information is |

|visual contact, and |(Information is easy to follow) | | |difficult to follow) |

|demonstrated | | | | |

|enthusiasm | | | | |

|Presented clear |Excellent visuals |  |  |No visuals |

|visuals to assist in| | | | |

|presentation of | | | | |

|materials | | | | |

|Length of |8 - 10 minutes |6-7 minutes |4-5 minutes |1-3 minutes |

|presentation | | | | |

| | | | | |

|10 mins max | | | | |

|Overall Presentation|Excelled in all areas |  |  |Unprepared |

|Total Points: |Total: |Total: |Total: |Total: |

Presentation Points + (Individual Participation: 25 points)

200-165 Points: A Presentation Points: _________________

164-130 Points: B

129-95 Points: C

94-59 Points: D

58 or below Points: F

Team Member 1: _________________________________________ INDV. Participation Points: __________

Final Grade: __________

Team Member 2: _________________________________________ INDV. Participation Points: __________

Final Grade: __________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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