2nd Semester World History Project:

2nd Semester AP World History Project:

Snapshot Charts

Due Date:_________________ at the tardy bell

5 Point Bonus Early Due Date: __________________ at the tardy bell

Assignment: Read this direction sheet several times before you begin working on your project.

*For each of the 5 time periods listed on your charts, you will identify any 4 of the civilizations that existed during the specified time period, (except the United States) and compare them using the SPEC acronym (social, political, economic and cultural). Provide main ideas in bullet form. ALL TEXT MUST BE HANDWRITTEN on the front side of the page. Your name and class period go on the top right side of the first page. If you are going to be absent on the due date, turn it in early or have someone turn it in for you or it will be counted as late.

*Color each society/civilization a different color on the map and draw a line with your colored pencil from the map to the text box.

*At the top of each text box, place the name and dates of the society/civilization.

* On the back of your chart write one comprehensive sentence comparing the similarities of two or more of the societies and one sentence contrasting two or more of the societies. This is the only writing that will be on the back of the pages.

*NEATNESS DOES COUNT, I must be able to read your information.


This assignment counts as a major test grade.

Content: 85 points

Maps: 5 points

Compare and Contrast Sentences: 10 points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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