Abnormal Psychology Project - Weebly

Abnormal Psychology Project

The purpose of this project is for you to teach what you have learned about your disorder in a PowerPoint presentation. This should be in-depth and be 5 – 7 minutes long. You can include discussion questions or short activities to get everyone else involved.

Please take note of the following:

1. Your PowerPoint presentation should be accurate and complete, without being too long. Limit yourself to no more than 10 slides. Use bullets, not long text. Explain from your notes and the bullets – we will take notes!

2. Slides should be attractive, creative, easy to read, and interesting. All text should be your own words, not copied and pasted.

3. Your presentation should answer the following questions:

a. What is the disorder? Is there a history that goes with it (may not have a history)?

b. What are the causes of the disorder?

c. What are the symptoms? What warning signs are obvious?

d. What is the treatment?

e. Is there anything interesting relating to this disorder (famous people with disorder, current theorists, weird treatments, etc.).

f. Is there anything new in the field?

4. This should be a scholarly pursuit of knowledge. You need at least three (3) sources other

than your book, and not Wikipedia. Multiple selections from one source is only once

source. Turn in your working papers and all notes on the day you present.

5. A reference page should be attached to your working papers. Use APA format; use the HelpSheet provided.

6. If you show a video clip it must be approved by me first, and have no objectionable scenes or language.

7. You will have class time on Thursday, Nov. 29th, Friday, Nov. 30th, Monday, Dec. 3rd, Tuesday, Dec. 4th and Wednesday, Dec. 5th to work on your project. We will begin presenting on Thursday, Dec. 6th and finish on Monday, Dec. 10th.

8. You will be evaluating each other’s presentations for a grade as well as presenting your own. Please be present to work on your project and to assess each other’s.

Finally, while we may have fun with these disorders, please remember that they are a form of personal suffering for those with the disorder and those who live with them and love them. Be respectful, and please do not do anything that may offend someone who has the disorder or knows someone who does.

PowerPoint and Presentation Rubric

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Time-Limit |Presentation is 5-7 |Presentation is 3-5 |Presentation is 8-10 |Presentation is less than |

| |minutes long. |minutes long. |minutes long. |3 minutes OR more than 10 |

|___/10 | | | |minutes. |

|Posture and Eye Contact |Stands up straight, looks |Stands up straight and |Sometimes stands up |Slouches and/or does not |

| |relaxed and confident. |establishes eye contact |straight and establishes |look at people during the |

|___/25 |Establishes eye contact |with everyone in the room |eye contact. |presentation. |

| |with everyone in the room |during the presentation. | | |

| |during the presentation. | | | |

|Stays on Topic |Stays on topic all (100%) |Stays on topic most |Stays on topic some |It was hard to tell what |

| |of the time. |(99-90%) of the time. |(89%-75%) of the time. |the topic |

|___/10 | | | | |

|Content - Accuracy |All content throughout the|Most of the content is |The content is generally |Content is typically |

| |presentation is accurate. |accurate but there is one |accurate, but one piece of|confusing or contains more|

|___/15 |There are no factual |piece of information that |information is clearly |than one factual error. |

| |errors. |might be inaccurate. |flawed or inaccurate. | |

|Effectiveness |Project includes all |Project includes most |Project is missing more |Project is lacking several|

| |material needed to gain a |material needed to gain a |than two key elements. It |key elements and has |

|___/15 |comfortable understanding |comfortable understanding |would make an incomplete |inaccuracies that make it |

| |of the topic. It is a |of the material but is |study guide. |a poor study guide. |

| |highly effective study |lacking one or two key | | |

| |guide. |elements. It is an | | |

| | |adequate study guide. | | |

Total ___/100


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