Planetizen: Leadership in Planning: Strategic ... - Idaho APA

AICP Exam Topics and Resources Compiled by Diane T Kushlan, AICPAPA Idaho Chapter Professional Development Officer2020 Fundamental Planning Knowledge Part 1 (25%) Study Guide Part 1History of planning, planning movements, and influences on planningCitizen’s Guide Chapter 1 legal principles and decisions (e.g., housing law, property rights, eminent domain) Study Guide pages 43-93Planning Magazine February 16 (Sign of the Times) Theories of and about planning (e.g., public interest, incrementalism , comprehensiveness, equity, advocacy planning, rational planning)CPC Study Guide pages 32-35Patterns of human settlement (e.g., growth and development of places over time, role of transportation in shaping urban form, cultural influences on the form of places) Planning Knowledge Part 2 basis of planning (e.g., relationship to national and state government, governance structure)Citizen’s Guide Chapter 2 through page 26General terminology, practices, and principles of related professions (e.g., public health, architecture, law, engineering, real estate, environmental restoration) Magazine June 2014 (Viewpoint)Planning Magazine December 2016 (Viewpoint) , social, and economic systems (e.g., political context, demographics, social trends, ecology, water, health, climate) March 13(Diversity and Aging in America) Planning May 14 (By the Numbers)Planning June 14(Suburban and Poor,and By the Numbers) (ecosystem services) Core values of planning (e.g., equity and social justice, public interest, sustainability, healthy and prosperous communities, diversity, democratic engagement, transparency) Making and Implementation Part 1 (30%) stack: Guide to Planning Chapter 3 Conducting research and acquiring knowledge (e.g., qualitative and quantitative research, research methods, precedents and examples, best practices, analysis and reporting, surveying)CPC Guide Part IV Quantitative Methods pgs. 141-156Types of data: , median, mode, range: Curve: Projections: ; and #553 Planners and the CensusShift-share: Quotient: , Samples: download Spatial analysis (e.g., GIS, mapping, interpretation) PAS # 585 Big Data (executive summary)Land Based Classification System: GeoDesign: and engagement (e.g., participation methods, social media, strategies and tools, advocacy, outreach)Community Engagement Guide (download)Charettes, PAS Quick Notes #11: Communication Guide: Participation Tools: download Plan Making and Implementation Part 2 Communication (e.g., clear and understandable visual, written, and spoken concepts; building relationships; conducting meetings; media relations)Planners Communication Guide: # 595 Guide to Meeting FacilitationArnstein Ladder: Preparing to plan (e.g., visioning, goal setting, identifying key issues, forecasting, legal context)Visioning PAS Quick Notes 15: Visioning: Forecasting: plans and policies (e.g., creating and evaluating alternatives, full range of impacts, plan presentation, policy analysis, building constituency, visualization techniques)Scenario Planning: Presentation: : Zoning Practice 3/12 Making and Implementation Part 3Plan implementation (e.g., codes and regulations, budgeting and finance, demonstration projects, decision making)Glossary of Planning Terms: DownloadCodes and Regulations: Citizen Guide to Planning, Chapter 5Government Financing in a Nutshell: download (Ignore the Idaho references) Taxing Systems: and assessment (e.g., measures of performance, outcome indicators)Performance Measures Resources: and community indicators: and PAS Report #517 Project or program management (e.g., RFPs, RFQs, grants, preparing budgets, managing contracts, scheduling, allocating staff)RFP/RFQ: PAS Quick Notes #37: : CPC Guide Part IV Chapter 15Participatory Budget: PAS Report #573: Social justice (e.g., planning for diverse or underserved communities, social empowerment)Social Justice: Report 593, Planning for Diverse Communities: of Practice (30%) Part 1Hazards, mitigation, and resiliency planning (e.g., flooding, earthquake, wildfires, spills, brownfields, anti-terrorism, disaster preparedness planning)Planning Magazine 9/19 Hazards Research Center. Click topic based resources : PAS Quick Notes 46: Brownfields: Quick Notes 20 : mitigation: PAS Quick Notes 32 Disaster Recover: APA Knowledge Center Environmental and natural resources planning (e.g., air quality, climate change, environmental impact analysis, aquatic planning, agriculture, forestry, extraction, habitat, shoreline planning, environmental justice)Environmentally Sensitive Areas: APA Knowledge Center Clean Air Act: Change: PAS Quick Notes , and Planning Magazine, 9/18 : : PAS Report 588, Planner and Water, and : Planning Magazine 1/16 and PAS Memo, 11-12/14: : Knowledge Center, : PAS Memo, 1-2/16 : PAS Report 470/471 and PAS Quick Notes 65 : Planning Magazine 6/15 and PAS 581 (chapter 1) Environmental Justice: PAS Quick Notes 26 development planning (e.g., community revitalization, economic analysis and forecasting, incentives, financing mechanisms, tourism, workforce development, business development, resiliency, shared economy, tax increment financing)Economic Development: PAS Memo 1-2/17 and PAS Memo 11-12/06 Revitalization: : Planning Magazine 8/18 Increment Financing: PAS Quick Notes 20: improvement Districts: PAS Quick Notes 48 design (e.g., place making, transit oriented development, walkability, mixed use, public realm, design guidelines, wayfinding, infill development)Placemaking: Placemaking: PAS Memo 11-12/16 : APA Knowledge Center : APA Knowledge Center: Mixed Use: APA Knowledge Center Art: PAS Quick Notes 77 Review: APA Knowledge Center Development: APA Knowledge Center Urbanism: APA Knowledge Center : planning (e.g., homelessness, affordability, market analysis, policy, finance, fair housing, manufactured housing, micro-housing, universal design, co-housing, accessory dwelling units)Homelessness: AWC Toolkit Housing Programs: APA Knowledge Center: Housing Act: PAS Quick Notes 66 and HUD Jobs Balance: Planning Magazine 10/18 Middle Housing: Planning Magazine 1/18 Options: NLC Dwelling Units: APA Knowledge Center and PAS Quick Notes 19 Design: PAS Quick Notes 28 , recreation, and open space (e.g., standards, incentives, greenways and trails, scenic resource, preservation, viewsheds, wildlife corridors, connectivity, conservation easements, transfer/purchase of development rights)PAS Reports 551 and 497/498 of Service Standards: PAS Memo 5/16 : APA Knowledge Center : Planning Magazine 8-9/11 View Protection: APA Knowledge Center Corridors: Planning Magazine 3/17 of Development Rights: PAS Quick Notes 74 easements: PAS Memo 3-4/19 Trusts: PAS Memo 7/14 of Practice Part 2. Historic and cultural resources planning (e.g., historic preservation, adaptive reuse, regulatory context, financing, cultural and heritage preservation, arts districts)Historic Preservation Regulations: Zoning Practice 4/17 Preservation and Sustainability: PAS Memo 09-10/12 and Culture: APA Knowledge Center Re-use: PAS Quick Notes 80 planning and siting (e.g., schools, universities/colleges, hospitals, jails and prisons, military bases, religious facilities)Campus Planning: PAS Memo 09-10/13 Site Design: Planning Magazine 10/14 (see also Resources listed in the article) Bases: Zoning Practice 05/11 : Zoning Practice 09/08 Service Uses: Knowledge Center planning (e.g., food security, access and justice, food production, food economies, food governance)Food Systems: Knowledge Center (look for Boise references) Food Assessments: PAS Memo 11/15 for Food Access: Knowledge Center Agriculture Preservation: PAS memo 3/11 planning (e.g., active living, aging in place, environmental justice, health districts and service distribution, health impact assessment)HIA: Knowledge Center and Planning for Health: Knowledge Center and PAS Memo 09/08 Living: Knowledge Center in Place: Knowledge Center Justice: Knowledge Center and Planning Magazine 10/19 Rural and small town planning (e.g., rural economic development, main streets, natural resource protection, tourism, multi-jurisdictional relations, rural character and scale)Economic Development: Planning Magazine July 19 (more resources at the end of article) Main Street Program: re-vitalization: : Protection: Planning Magazine 03/13 Design: Rural by Design, Randall ArendtTourism: PAS Memo 09-10/09 : Knowledge Center , ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 15%Leadership (e.g. influencing decision making in the public interest strategic decision making)Planning Magazine, 10/19 : Leadership in Planning: Strategic Decision-Making in the Public Interest (requires monthly subscription)Blog: the Workplace Conspiracy Against Change Managing external relationships (e.g. customer service; client interaction; representing and promoting organizations; relationships with partner/sister organizations decision makers and boards and commissions; transparency; freedom of information; confidentiality; privacy)Planning Magazine, 07/15 Blog: Tips for Engaging Partners organizational management (e.g. team building and staff training planning-office culture strategic planning organizational budgeting and financial management)Participatory Budgeting: Planning Commissioner 10/15 Planning Agency Management: PAS 582 and related applications (e.g. using technology and related information tools to advance planning smart cities technology planning)Technology: Planning Magazine 07/19Smart Cities: APA Knowledge Center Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct 10%Ethical Principles in Planning AICP Code of Ethics: ................

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